Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Regardless if they were Guardians or Not. [quote]Just watched the latest fireteam chat episode and Bungie confirmed that Saladin does have a Ghost. However, with the help of the Guardian, he was able to make peace with what had happened and relieve centuries of burden. With the Light returned to her, Efrideet began to cry with joy at the sight of the Traveler awakened. So, he had a Ghost, and he existed as a Risen. She briefly returned to Earth and assumed Lord Saladin Forge's responsibility of serving as the handler of the Iron Banner until the Red War. As they stood on his balcony, she revealed to him that she wished to leave Earth and that he could not change her mind. One of the last members of the Iron Lords. Individuals who were raised by the ghosts before the city existed were known as the Risen, Lord Saladin and the other Iron Lords/Iron Wolves were Risen who decided to follow the knights code of chivalry and protect the innocent. Saladin ordered the Young Wolf to stop this plot and prevent the Cabal from creating an army of Exo-Legionaries. [25], Crow soon reported that the Psion Ixel, the Far-Reaching was leading incursions into Vex territory on Nessus seeking to use their prediction engines to gain knowledge of the future and offer it to Caiatl for a spot on the War Council. This occurred after his defeat of Guhrn Or'ohk, Valus in ritual combat, who challenged Saladin's right to exist on an even footing with the Cabal in their Empire. However, most of his comrades perished in a battle to contain SIVA, causing Saladin to dedicate his life to maintaining a watch on the Plaguelands to ensure SIVA never emerged again while also fighting to protect The Last City from threats. Saladin felt strangely at peace for that moment, but it faded as the Psion plunged to their death below. With newfound respect for Efrideet, Saladin admitted that someone with her skills and moral compass would be welcome in the Iron Lords. Shax has one, but it's different from everyone else's. He remembers staring out the window at flurries of snow for what felt like a very long time but could only have been a few minutes. Lord Saladin has no ghost > Destiny | Forums | However, Shaxx did not acknowledge the fallback order and instead advanced with his fireteams. Upon hearing that Saladin Forge and several other Lightbearers were banding together in a new organization dedicated to stopping the fighting between Risen Warlords, Efrideet sought out Saladin to request permission to join them. He encouraged him to respond in kind and show the Cabal there were consequences for such acts and to remind their people why they should have faith in the Guardians. Thanks to a report from Crow, Saladin had their next target lined up: Basilius the Golem, who was seeking Golden Age relics on Europa to offer to Caiatl in hopes of augmenting Cabal forces with cybernetic and Exo tech. After returning to Felwinter Peak, Efrideet listened as Felwinter revealed his true reason for wanting to secure Shaxx's stronghold: a Seraph Bunker beneath the fortress that contained clues to where the Warmind Rasputin was hiding valuable Golden Age technology. Iron Lords - Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki Saladin would even get into a heated conversation with Caiatl's father, Calus, who commends his daughter forging an alliance with the Guardians, recognizing their kinds potential, just as he did. [18] After destroying the remnants and the chamber, the Guardian returns to Felwinter Peak, where Saladin gifts them a newly forged sword and names them the first of a new generation of Iron Lords. His former pupil reminded him this was not an easy decision, but Osiris noted it might be an inevitable one due to the proud nature of the Cabal and that further escalation could put the City at risk. However, before her death, Lakshmi mentioned that she received aid from Osiris, explaining how she got her hands on Vex technology, leading the Vanguard to conduct an investigation into Osiris, who fled after the coup had failed. Saladin befriended three other Risen who did not follow the Warlord's path; Radegast, Jolder, and Perun. It doesn't have to do with having a Ghost. Can confirm he has one, one of the last cut scenes it highlights stone carvings within the Iron Temple. Things come to a head during the assault on the Moon when Crow, instead of showing up to help, goes to the H.E.L.M. While he maintains a friendship with Zavala, Saladin has a shaky relationship with Shaxx at best for both refuse to make amends over the Battle of the Twilight Gap. He threatened to kill the Young Wolf himself if they ever became corrupted by their use of it. does lord saladin have a ghost. [8], Amongst the Risen who joined the ranks of the Iron Lords was Silimar, an old friend of Saladin. He dodged her question about why he did not trust her and rebuffed her interest in joining the Iron Lords by declaring that he was searching for more than just Lightbearers who could shoot. He is bad enough to be a guardian:) that war axe <3 truly a beautiful weapon. 3 4 4 comments Best Add a Comment [2], As the Iron Lords began to recruit, Saladin left to defend the village of Patch Run from a Fallen House that frequently assaulted it. Keith Ferguson (voice actor) - Wikipedia She then listened to her old friend's concerns about the Guardians being blinded by the awakening of the Traveler and forgetting the lessons they learned from the loss of their Light.[16]. He was using a torch in the trailer instead of his ghost and never has a ghost next to him when he is on the tower, where as all the vanguard guys/gal and Shaxx(crucible) have their ghosts next to them. While searching for a pig that was stolen from the village Saladin reached an antenna base that was used to spy on the villagers, there he finds the stolen pig as well as its thief. Their demise and Efrideet's disappearance caused many in the Last City to assume she had perished as well. Crow was working to discover the Psion's plans for the Vex prediction engines but needed help to remain undetected, so Saladin ordered the Young Wolf to serve as a distraction by disrupting more rites conducted by the Cabal to ensure Crow remained undiscovered. He told the Young Wolf that if it were up to him, the Vanguard would destroy the warmind. As his prisoner struggled, Saladin demanded to know more about the data they stole, how they had crafted the Light-dampening tech, and where the rest of the Psion cell was. SALADIN: Lord Guardian. Worse however, they find that Savathn revealed herself and to the Guardian's horror, the Witch Queen gained control over the Light along with her forces, the Lucent Brood, even having their own Ghosts. Saladin entered the building and found Fera, now a grown woman and a packmaster. Throughout the operation, Saladin is tasked by Zavala with offering guidance to Crow, who is still grappling with the truth of his past self's crimes. In the wake of the Six Fronts and the chaos of the Faction Wars, Efrideet visited the Speaker in his city apartment following his ascension to leadership of the Consensus. He was one of the founders of the Iron Lords and helped end the Dark Age of Risen Warlords to establish the City Age. He turned towards the town and informed her that it had forty-three inhabitants, only half of whom were capable of fighting. As they spoke, a Fallen Skiff roared by and dropped a Walker into the field between the village and bunker. Post, Download on the AppStore [/quote] Since the original Iron Lords were not Guardians. Saladin gave Fera a wolf talisman and asked her to protect the villagers and others she found. Saladin admitted he did not and questioned why Felwinter was still tolerated. Destiny: Ranking The Top 10 Funniest Lore Entries - TheGamer Take a minute to review our Code of Conduct before submitting your post. Not to mention he would be taking a very fucking big risk being in the field in COMBAT without a Ghost to revive him. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the updated policies documented at, {{client.users[message.memberFromId].displayName}}. You are now truly an Iron Lord. As she spoke, Efrideet tried to hide how much she wanted them to join and stated that the City was a collaborative venture between the Risen and non-Risen which she hoped would teach each group more about the other and how they could all survive together. They quickly developed a reputation as defenders of humanity and several Warlords joined their cause, including Felwinter, who donated his stronghold on Felwinter Peak to be their headquarters. Osiris reported all fireteams were accounted for, and Saint credited the Titan Elriq for helping him save eight Guardians during dozens of charges against the Fallen. Destiny 2's Seasonal Storyline Ends With A Major Change To - TheGamer Saladin briefed the Young Wolf on the situation and was concerned that Ixel could give the Cabal the advantage over them or possibly unleash destruction on everyone by messing with Vex technology. [10], The trio travelled to Shaxx's fortress, discovering his people were seemingly well-fed and had winter clothing. Specifically in the fight to turn over his territory to the Iron Lords. Despite the ritual succeeding and Osiris was indeed returned, Savathn managed to escape. Get it on Google play. Efrideet carefully kept her face neutral and ignored Saladin looking at her in shock, keeping ready to draw her hand cannon in case things turned violent. Saladin angrily demanded that Shaxx fall back with the rest of the fireteams and told him that the battlefield was not his stage to win glory upon, but his student cut off their comms feed. His duties was taken over by Lady Efrideet, and the Iron Banner was at the Iron Temple on Felwinter Peak. [18], After the Red War, Lord Saladin would return to the new Tower to once again host the Iron Banner tournament, having previously tasked Efrideet to do so during the SIVA Crisis. Suspicious, she reminded Wu Ming that Felwinter never left the peak unless for Iron Lord duties and questioned why he wanted him. Saladin sent a message to his former pupil in the aftermath berating him for allowing the Cabal to continue living so that they could carry out attacks like that within their wall, warning him that the Cabal were like the Warlords and could be given no quarter. When the Cabal Empress Caiatl arrived and sought to subjugate humanity, Saladin was tasked by Zavala with leading a strike force to keep her from rallying her forces. He told Efrideet to meet them at Dwindler's Ridge and when she questioned how many of them there were he smirked and answered "a few". Saladin confronts Fera about the massacre and is disgusted to discover that she has become the area's warlord and has bled the village dry. The lore tabs for this season IB armor seem to be written - reddit [9], After decades of conflict, Efrideet joined Saladin Forge and Felwinter within a Warlock meditation chamber within Felwinter Peak to plan how to deal with the legendary Warlord Shaxx's mountain fortress. Iron Lords do have ghosts (you see Saladin's ghost in the cutscenes) and are brought back from the dead by what Saladin calls the travellers gift. She pointed out there was no dignity in letting the village die either. Keith Ferguson (born February 26, 1972) is an American voice actor. Saladin and the rest of the Iron Lords were confused by Silimar's constant building of a tower that he rebuilt every time it was assaulted by the Fallen and Warlords. Lord Saladin Forge is a Titan Guardian partnered with the Ghost Isirah and one of two known survivors of the original Iron Lords. The relationship between Saladin and the Young Wolf became strained when his pupil began utilizing Stasis, as Saladin was adamantly opposed to any wielding of the Darkness. Saladin however, while about as unnerved with keeping the Hive in such a state, the Iron Lord believes the Hive don't deserve their sympathy. This sub is for discussing the lore of Bungie's game Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. The young Hunter is against keeping Hive prisoners, arguing repeatedly with Saladin over the ethics of their actions. She refused to believe that their commander truly intended to go through with the assault, but Saladin noted that Radegast was tired of fighting, but Efrideet did not believe that was a good excuse. The Iron Lord even regales Crow with one of his stories, of how he once showed mercy to a foe, but it ultimately led to more victims being made. She died sometime after escaping the Reef and, before the Traveler, was granted the Light like a Guardian would be, becoming the first Hive to wield the Light. Alongside Radegast and Perun, he travelled to a village ruled by Warlord Segoth. [4] Efrideet's aim proved true and Saladin destroyed the Walker, saving Patch Run. and our However, despite proving himself and having the Empress's support, many would still object to having the Iron Lord a member of Caiatl's War Council, leading an entire Cruiser to defect from the Empress's fleet. Without ammo, Saladin was at a loss of what to do, with the Walker being out of range of his Light powers and the time it would take to climb down surely dooming the village. and deactivates the machine keeping the captive Hive alive, unintentionally killing the Psion operating it. Destiny 2: Iron Banner Guide - Bungie Help Their relationship became strained, although Saladin continued to remain on good terms with Zavala. Maybe when the other iron lords fell he survived but his ghost did not. Appears In: Destiny 2 . Saladin was outraged at this underhanded tactic and ordered their efforts redoubled against the Cabal in revenge. The in-game lore is just the tip of the iceberg. lord saladins age > Destiny | Forums | Lady Efrideet is a female Hunter, and the youngest of the Iron Lords. He was using a torch in the trailer instead of his ghost and never has a ghost next to him when he is on the tower, where as all the vanguard guys/gal and Shaxx (crucible) have their ghosts next to them. Iron Lords were the first guardians before there were Guardians. Create Fireteam The fourth was the poor Ghost having a borderline mental breakdown because of all the psychic fuckery. Unlike the rest of her compatriots, she did not . In the scene, Saladin spotted a wolflike sigil which filled him with rage. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Efrideet noted that the local Warlords would respect that, although they were all needed to join a concentrated strike against the House of Devils in the Cosmodrome. Lord Saladin has a Ghost. Both Lightbearers began channeling Arc energy, and as Saladin warned her not to miss she grabbed him by the collar of his armor and hoisted him over her head and their Arc energies combined into a swirling storm. The Iron Lords would have Ghosts. Felwinter attempted to convince Shaxx to join, but the Warlord questioned if he had given Citan the same speech before killing him. This convinced the village leaders to join the Last City, and marked the beginning of Efrideet's friendship with the Speaker. Briefing the Young Wolf, Saladin ordered them to eliminate Ma'rag before he could achieve his objective and earn a place on Caiatl's War Council. Not long after the conflict in the Reef, Mars would mysteriously return, leading Ikora to have her Hidden conduct an investigation on the planet's condition as it appeared to be afflicted by some temporal distortion. Destiny: 17 Strongest Guardians, Ranked From Weakest To Most Powerful Her enclave then contacted her, as they felt the return of the Light as well. Saladin noted that without their home system to resupply them, the Cabal could no longer wage war as effectively and continue resistance against humanity. Declaring that he was still an Iron Lord, Saladin promised to be in the fray himself to exact retribution and hoped to see the Young Wolf on the battlefield doing the same. Fera sits on her throne while flanked by her men. He ordered them to hit the Cabal hard to ensure they never attempted to steal from the Vex again. However, the two great Titans have differing personalities and philosophies- Saladin's brutal pragmatism, ruthless self-reliance, and deep-seated trauma from the loss of his fellow Iron Lords often lead him to be mistrustful and cold, and he views sacrifice and death as a necessary part of any protracted conflict. Efrideet questioned who had won their duels, and Felwinter freely admitted that Shaxx had as the two then began making preparations for the evacuation. Interesting, since you become a Guardian by . So how can he be an Iron Lord? Lord Saladin and Commander Zavala are longtime friends and comrades and are brothers-in-arms from numerous campaigns, including the notorious battles of Twilight Gap and Six Fronts. Efrideet then threw Saladin like a javelin towards the advancing Walker. However, since the Battle at Site 6 that nearly destroyed the old order, Efrideet pursued her own path in finding ways to use the Light non-violently, showing a commitment to pacifism. Vanguard. "Saladin," his Ghost had said, sounding like it spoke from the end of a very long, very wide tunnel. Saladin listened in despair as Osiris convinced Zavala to go through with the plan by placing their faith in the Young Wolf and their fireteam. Saladin agreed and followed Kepre to his village. Efrideet softly said that it was hardly even a village, but Saladin retorted that they lived a noble life. Zavala and Caiatl signed an armistice ending hostilities between the Vanguard and Cabal Empire, with any Cabal who continued to fight humanity becoming outlaws in the eyes of the Empire. However, Osiris proposed that they use Caiatl's reliance on old traditions against her once more by challenging her to a final Rite of Proving between her champion and theirs, with the winner dictating terms. When an alliance of the Fallen Houses threatened the safety of the Last City, Saladin was selected to lead the City's defence during the upcoming battle alongside his students Lord Shaxx and Commander Zavala. Grinning under his helmet, he shouted back that they were knights and he wanted to be a dragon slayer. With the Faction's coup exposed, New Monarchy and Dead Orbit gathered what supplies and supporters they had left and fled the Last City upon Dead Orbits fleet, while the Future War Cult was disbanded, some of its members defecting to join the Vanguard. However, she only agreed to join if he promised she could throw him again if they ran out of ammo once more. Be sure to read the sidebar rules and check our FAQ for your question before posting. Alongside his fellow Iron Lords, Saladin travelled to defend the Last City alongside its Guardians. [6], With their recruits gathered, Saladin and his comrades began their campaign against the Warlords. She then searched the crater where Saladin had created for his body and returned his Ghost to him so he could be resurrected. Also where would a non-light filled human acquire the ability to wield light without one? Briefing the Young Wolf, he ordered them to continue disrupting Cabal operations after the offer was transmitted to Caiatl, who had yet to respond. Since the original Iron Lords were not Guardians. He used to be found in the Traveler's Walk area of the Tower, and sold gear in exchange for Glimmer and Iron Banner Reputation. Well Bungie added a nice little tid bit, saying that he might have since become a Guardian. Others in the Tower tried to get Saladin, Shaxx, and Zavala to sit down and talk about the events of Twilight Gap to repair their friendship, but none of those efforts worked due to their stubbornness. After reaching an accord with the Cabal Empire, the Last City became plagued by a Vex simulated Endless Night that was draining the cities power, leading to fear and paranoia to spread amongst it's citizens. Edit He noted that the remnants of the Red Legion sought to earn Caiatl's favour through the Rite and that that would exploit that by challenging every contender for the Empress's War Council and prevent any seats from being filled, preventing the Cabal from reorganizing and starting another full-scale war. Felwinter explained it was a Warlord's Ghost and had proven useful, but Efrideet was backed up by Saladin. and something else for Crow, stating if he is half as smart as he think he is, he will find it. Your role as a moderator enables you immediately ban this user from messaging (bypassing the report queue) if you select a punishment. When the House of Devils uncovered SIVA and unleashed it upon the Cosmodrome, Saladin worked with The Young Wolf to end the threat of SIVA for good and begin a new generation of Iron Lords. Saladin agreed with the plan but declared that he expected that all Felwinter would do is buy them time to deal with the Fallen and then return in force. Unable to destroy the techno-virus, the Iron Lords sealed it beneath the earth. I don't know if Lord Saladin's grimoire entry was written before the rest of the Iron Lords story was written but apparently Lord Saladin trained both Shaxx and Zavala.. A hero to the City and a legend in his own right, Saladin Forge led the City's defense during the Battle for the . I think he was referring to the old trailer that we've had for a while. Confronting the Young Wolf, Saladin criticized them for being among those using Stasis and Zavala for not punishing those who did. In addition, to the Empress's recommendation, Saladin organized a tournament similar to the Iron Banner for the Cabal, even calling the contestants his "Iron War Beasts", which quickly became popular amongst the cabal.
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