Printed from on March 04, 2023 16:32, Sarah Adams made this Freedom of Information request to Epping Forest District Council. 0
hesitate to contact me. Email Planning and building What is the average waiting time for a semi rural property on each band ? I cant drill down to specific areas and even if I Epping Forest could drop Biffa over missed bin collections Epping Forest DC (@eppingforestdc) / Twitter Please quote the reference number above in any [texts-excerpt] penalty for cutting mangroves in floridaFREE EstimateFREE Estimate Council tax in Epping Forest district will be rising by 4.69 from April - but the local council will be making redundancies in a bid to close its 4m budget gap. A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. Link to this Report. Also what is the average waiting times for each band for both bidding on houses and flats. The seven-year rule for unacceptable behaviour, which denies access to the housing register to those guilty of such behaviour or rent arrears during the past seven years, will be scrapped and replaced with a more risk-based approach. Discover houses and apartments for rent in Epping Forest, Jacksonville, FL by location, price, and more search filters when you visit for your apartment search. Finance Portfolio Holder John Philip emphasised the importance of balancing the budget. The cabinet agreed five "major" changes to the scheme at a meeting last night (March 7), of which this is one. EFDC Local Plan - Planning our future If you have been accepted onto our housing register, you will need to actively search for available council properties on the HomeOption website. We provide commercial Charley. Refurbishment &Extensions, St Johns Road Design and Development Brief, Debden Town Centre and Broadway Development Options, North Weald Bassett Masterplanning Study Part A, North Weald Bassett Masterplanning Study Part B, Chapter 4 Key Findings from Visitor Surveys, Regulation 16 Draft Chigwell Neighbourhood Plan, Policy Response to North Weald Golf Club Planning Application, Highways England Response to North Weald Golf Club Planning Application, Epping Forest District Council: Infrastructure Delivery Topic Paper, Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan and schedule, Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Part A Report, Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Part B Report, Aligning Epping Forest District and Harlow IDPs, EFDC IDP Topic Paper Addendum - Education and Highways, IDP Topic Paper Apportionment Appendix A Highways, IDP Topic Paper Apportionment Appendix B Education, Commissioning School Places in Essex 2015-20, Epping Forest District Council Local Plan Developer Forum Terms of Reference, Essex County Councils Developers Guide to Infrastructure Contributions, Thames Water Greater Harlow Position Statement, Harlow and Gilston Town Water Cycle Study Update, Essex County Council Site Suitability Criteria Checklist, Epping Forest District Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2028, Essex Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2018-2022, EFDC IDP Topic Paper - Sports Infrastructure Addendum, EFDC Consolidated and Updated Viability Evidence (Also an Examination Document ref ED117), EFDC Infrastructure Delivery Plan: Part B Infrastructure Delivery Schedule 2020 Update (Also an Examination Document ref ED117), Infrastructure Funding Statement 2019/2020, Memorandum of Understanding Managing the Impacts of Growth within the West Essex / East Hertfordshire HMA on Epping Forest SAC, Memorandum of Understanding on Highways & Transportation Infrastructure for the West Essex / East Hertfordshire Housing Market Area, Memorandum of Understanding on Distribution of Objectively Assessed Housing Need across the West Essex / East Hertfordshire Housing Market Area, Memorandum of Understanding The Distribution of Objectively Assessed Employment Need across the West Essex-East Hertfordshire Functional Economic Market Area, Harlow & Gilston Garden Town Expression of Interest, Garden Town Funding 2017/18 - Bidding Pro Forma, Harlow and Gilston Town Board Terms or Reference, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Design Guide, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Sustainable Corridor Study - Summary Report, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Sustainable Corridor Study - Full Report, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Draft Transport Strategy, West Essex and East Hertfordshire Local Plan Modelling Technical Note 1: Forecast Methodology, West Essex and East Hertfordshire Local Plan Modelling Technical Note 2: Spatial Options A-E, West Essex and East Hertfordshire Local Plan Modelling Technical Note 3: Stort Crossing / Northern Bypass Initial Testing, West Essex and East Hertfordshire Local Plan Modelling Technical Note 4: WEEH Emerging Option, West Essex and East Hertfordshire Local Plan Modelling Technical Note 5: East Harlow VISSIM Study, West Essex and East Hertfordshire Local Plan Modelling Technical Note 6: South and West Harlow Study, West Essex and East Hertfordshire Local Plan Modelling Technical Note 7: Sustainable Transport Modelling, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Guidance Note, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Strategic Viability Assessment, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Strategic Viability Assessment Appendices, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Infrastructure and Delivery Plan, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Infrastructure and Delivery Plan Appendix A Final, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Annual Review, Harlow and Gilston Garden Town Latton Priory Access Strategy Assessment Report (Also in the examination documents ref ED121A), Appendix A: T2 Technical Review to T6 Option Appraisal (Also in the examination documents ref ED121B), Appendix B: Access Strategy Traffic Modelling Report (Also in the examination documents ref ED121C), South Epping Masterplan Area Capacity Analysis (Sites EPP.R1 and EPP.R2) (Also in the examination documents ref ED120), Approved Judgement - CK Properties v Epping Forest District Council, London Stansted Cambridge Consortium: agenda for jobs, growth and improved liveability, Area 5 proposals for The Waterlands: King George V Reservoir to Rammey Marsh, East Herts District Plan Inspectors Report, Epping Forest Local Plan - Regulation 18 and 19 - Withdrawing Objections, Epping Forest District Council and Essex County Council Summary Update to Statement of Common Ground, Epping Forest District Council and Essex County Council Summary Update to Statement of Common Ground Appendix, Garden Town Member Board Terms of Reference, Proposals Map - Loughton, Buckhurst Hill, Chigwell, Proposals Map - Loughton Broadway Town Centre, Proposals Map - Buckhurst Hill Town Centre, Proposals Map -Chipping Ongar Town Centre, Proposals Map - North Weald and Thornwood, Proposals Map -Chigwell Row - Stapleford Abbotts, Local Plan Alterations - Map changes Expln Note (2006), Local Plan Alterations - Map changes Key (2006), Local Plan Alterations - Map changes East (2006), Local Plan Alterations - Map changes North (2006), Local Plan Alterations - Map changes West (2006), Epping Forest District Housing Action Plan 2021, Open Space and Standards Background Paper, Green Belt & District Open land Background Paper, Economy and Town Centres Background Paper, Green Belt and District Open Land Background Paper, Reading Agricultural Consultants, in association with Gerry Hayman and Hennock Industries, Local Wildlife Sites (LoWS) (also known as Habitats Assessment) Review, Appendix B1.4.2 Results of Stage 2 Assessment, Epping Forest District Council Town Centres Study - Volume 1, Epping Forest District Council Town Centres Study - Volume 2, Epping Forest District Council Town Centres Study Volume 3, Epping Forest District Council Town Centres Study - Volume 4, Epping Forest, East Herts & Harlow District Councils, Weightmans LLP, HDH Planning & Development Ltd, BPS Chartered Surveyors and East Herts, Enfield, Essex and Hertfordshire Border Liaison Group. An Essex council will spend hundreds of millions of pounds building new and improving existing council houses, but was criticised for pledging to upgrade its chamber while also increasing council tax. Business 0000013020 00000 n
Available homes will be offered to the home seekers who have the highest priority banding and have been waiting longest. Epping Forest District Council 'mishandled' womans complaint about overpaying council tax, Next launches bid to overturn Waltham Abbey distribution centre and multi-storey car park refusal, RAF jets scramble to 'escort' aircraft to Stansted Airport after 'huge bang' heard, It is thought the aircraft, which was headed to London, "experienced radio failure" and a "huge bang" was heard as RAF Typhoon jets from RAF Coningsby scrambled to assist, Victim left with 'bleed on the brain' after 'unprovoked' Essex assault, Police want to speak to three people in connection with the incident, The tranquil Essex walk that winds along a riverbank and ends in a castle, thought begins in Wivenhoe and ends in Colchester's Castle Park, Stephen Bear's fiance shares tearful Instagram video to 'sweetest boy' after 'revenge porn' sentencing, Jessica Smith said only her and Stephen's family truly knew the convicted offender as he was sent to prison, Essex crime: The faces of the criminals jailed in the county in February 2023, Sentences have ranged from a year to multiple years this month, The Only Way Is Essex star Lydia Bright's life since leaving show as she buys new 'forever fairytale home', She told her followers she's been searching for two years for the perfect home, The Essex town Charles Dickens once described as the greatest place in the world, It is believed that a pub in one of his novels is based off a pub in the town, What all of Brentwood's shops owned by former The Only Way Is Essex stars are today -from boutique to window store, The Essex pond that's said to be haunted by infamous Witchhunter General Matthew Hopkins, Matthew Hopkins is said to appear at the pond, Stephen Bear will spend up to 21 months in prison - but revenge porn victims will remember the shame for the rest of their life, Georgia bravely waived her right to anonymity and the power of that is huge, Firefighters called to tackle Braintree barn blaze, Essex County Fire and Rescue Service has moved to reassure residents crews are at the scene after receiving numerous reports of smoke, I tried Colchester's quirky coffee shop's takeaway window and it is perfect for high quality on the go, Every inch of the coffee shop is a work of art, Missing couple's baby found 'in a plastic bag and under nappies in a shed', court hears, Constance Marten and Mark Gordon's disappearance with their newborn baby sparked a nationwide search, Stephen Bear sent to prison for posting 'revenge porn' video, The judge said it was the "only appropriate" punishment for his actions", Recap as Stephen Bear goes to prison for uploading revenge porn of ex Georgia Harrison, Bear, from Loughton, uploaded a sex video of himself and Georgia Harrison without her consent, Cold weather alert issued as possible snow showers predicted for Essex, The UKHSA has issued a cold weather alert ahead of next week's change in temperatures, EssexLive readers have their say as Stephen Bear jailed in revenge porn trial. hmk9^FP~Mz){5H%48z0F3]%qbRCh=a ,#a!F
gVc8VB Epping Forest District Council Signing up to the newsletter is simple. Download a zip file of all correspondence, Number of households presenting as homeless that claim Universal Credit, Street lights still not working on Spareleaze Hill, Epping Forest Council Byelaws with regards to UAV's. All you have to do is to click here and type in your email address. Housing list numbers in 2022 - a Freedom of Information request to Council Tax, Crime and safety 0000002069 00000 n
0000069781 00000 n
If you believe you qualify, please check you are able to provide all the information we need before you complete the form. Minor Developments, EFDC Sustainability Guidance Volume 3. The reality star was handed his sentence in court today (March 3) - but should it have been tougher? We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. You have rejected additional cookies. 0000029539 00000 n
Housing Epping Forest District Council met . housing officer epping forest council - If you're looking for a way to stay up-to-date with the latest breaking news from around Essex, the EssexLive newsletter is a good place to start. 0000082884 00000 n
mySociety Band 1 Applicants accepted by Epping Forest District Council as homeless, eligible for housing assistance, in priority need and not intentionally homeless, in supervised accommodation secured by the Council but excluding those referred to another local housing authority under S.198 of the Housing Act 1996, provided that, Epping Forest District Council Civic Offices, High Street, Epping, Essex, CM16 4BZ (01992) 564000 Link to this Report We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not - if you are Charley please sign in and let everyone know. To be considered for council or housing association properties you need to be on our housing register. There are a lot of small voluntary organisations in the district which do an awful lot of very valuable work. Four are priority bands and one is a general needs band. 407 0 obj
Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. since 1/1/2023 could you please tell me the following, How many people are there on each band A,B and C waiting for a 2 bedroom Councillor Stephen Murray (Ind, Loughton Roding) said while he supported the budget overall, Epping needs a new cafe like it needs a hole in the head and that upgrading the council chamber seems a gold-plated version.. 0000001176 00000 n
Dear Epping Forest District Council, Could you please tell me the number of people on the housing waiting list in August 2022 that was waiting for a 2 bedroom property and what bands they was in please. We are anticipating a long meeting. Essex, CM16 4BZ. PDF EPPING FOREST DISTRICT - EFDC Local Plan 0000059409 00000 n
Help. To download a video file, click the download button on the bottom right of the webcast player. slight delay in response which was due to an oversight during Are you the owner of any commercial copyright on this page? Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. endstream
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You are free to use it for your own purposes, including for private study How many applicants applied before 9th June 2018 are still on this list How many applicants applied before 9th June 2018 are still on this list from band C? If you are not satisfied with the outcome of an internal review, you have A 150 non-repayable rebate for households in England in council tax bands A to D, known as the Council Tax Rebate. 0000006948 00000 n
According to the report, the seven-year rule was counterproductive and does not take account of the cause of the arrears or behaviour.. You can contact the VOA at This is going to be a very tough time. 0000010408 00000 n
0000011992 00000 n
185million will be spent on council house repairs, regeneration and building in the district, 75m of which will go towards building 212 new properties and acquiring 89. 0000012641 00000 n
The information supplied to you continues to be protected by copyright. xref
There is a severe shortage of social housing in the Epping Forest district. 323 High Street 0000012469 00000 n
This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Established in 2008. Essex, CM16 4BZ. About Us. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. We will be unable to process your application unless you provide all the information we need. Your donations keep this site and others like it running. Council tax will rise by 5 to 157.46 for a Band D property, Get the latest on all the biggest court and crime news in Essex direct from our expert court reporter. 0000003620 00000 n
connection with the Councils handling of your request. Council Tax bands are worked out by the HM Revenue and Customs. Your request is being dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of Select your address from the list by entering your address or post code in the search box to find your Council Tax charge for 2022-2023. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. 0000016113 00000 n
438 0 obj
Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Help from your council if youre homeless or at risk of homelessness, Swap your council or housing association home. of this response to your request and should be addressed to: Freedom of 0000047794 00000 n
Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Some very tough choices are being made. reporting. The twice-daily update will deliver the top news and features to your inbox every morning and evening. Internal review If you're looking for a way to stay up-to-date with the latest breaking news from around Essex, the EssexLive newsletter is a good place to start. Other organisations have also set their Council Tax amounts, and the total bill, for an average Band D property in the . Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Recycling and rubbish This request has been closed to new correspondence. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. 0000077204 00000 n
Your request is being dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of However, the council continues to fund additional services such as the highway rangers and extra police officers as well as capital funding to build more council houses whilst maintaining and enhancing the existing housing stock. Business rates Epping Forest District Council agreed to update its housing allocation scheme, and to classify those whose current housing conditions are seriously affecting their health as having an urgent medical need. High Street, Parking and travel Charley made this Freedom of Information request to Epping Forest District Council Although the total 2023/4 Council Tax for a Band D property will be 2,002.25, Epping Forest District Council only retains 162.15 for its own services. At 2.98%, its Council Tax increase adds only 9p to the weekly cost of an average Band D property. 199 0 obj
People with long term illnesses will be given higher priority, For daily updates and all the latest breaking news sent straight to your inbox sign up to our daily newsletter. Civic Offices, Epping, Essex, CM16 4BZ. Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioners Office, Toffoli Investments and Landsea Homes will be constructing a 139-unit residential townhome development called "Hudson." Hudson will be located at 443 S. Van Buren Street and will consist of 22 separate three-story buildings. Information Act 2000 and will be responded to within twenty working days and a limited company (03277032). The Local Plan has been a long time in the preparation. Your council, Epping Forest District Council Support services Specialist jobs in Epping | Guardian Jobs Chair of Board of Trustees at CanalAbility in Harlow & Community Music Projects Manager at Voluntary Action Epping Forest Stevenage, England, United Kingdom. Full list of evidence base documents that support the Epping Forest District Local Plan. 0000002024 00000 n
waste collection, street cleansing and parks. Local lettings plans, which allocate accommodation to certain people such as emergency services staff or those vulnerable to being targeted by drug dealers, and can differ from the local plan, can be introduced by the council in exceptional circumstances. Download Community 323 High Street The form provides details of a homeseekers income, savings and investments and enables the Rehousing Team to make a full assessment of their eligibility for the housing register. require the permission of the copyright holder. 0
0000085937 00000 n
also used in the UK without requiring permission for the purposes of news We've matched the postcode to Epping Forest District Council. At 2.98%, its Council Tax increase adds only 9p to the weekly cost of an average Band D property. hb```zA6Ad`0pl rlblH_@=ASC#G1a}f` Read more: Latest news about Epping Forest. 0000010644 00000 n
Signing up to the newsletter is simple. Environment Environment and non-commercial research, and for any other purpose authorised by an exception in current copyright law. EFDCLP Evidence Base List July 2021 Evidence Base Click on the headings to expand the section and view the documents. and non-commercial research, and for any other purpose authorised by an Submission of the Epping Forest Local Plan (2011-2033) and information on the appointed Inspector and Programme Officer Representations to further Main Modifications Consultation Representations received as part of the consultation on further Main Modifications to the Local Plan Submission Version Local Plan further Main Modifications Consultation The 5.63 a year increase is a 2.99% rise on the 2022/23 Council Tax. Epping Forest District Council will spend 185m on massive housing plan but hike council tax from April Essex to become 'low tax zone' in Government's latest cost of living announcement Epping Forest residents face 150 council tax rebate delay until September Ex-Essex Police officer accused of calling in sick then partying with her boyfriend Council Tax bands are worked out by the HM Revenue and Customs Valuation Office. Business rates houses and flats. Epping Forest District Council 15 February 2023 2 Attachments attachment.jpg 31K Download FOI Info.pdf 57K Download View as HTML Dear Sarah Adams, Freedom of Information Request Ref: 2617 I refer to your recent request for information about people on band A, B & C waiting for a two bedroom property. We couldnt load the mail server logs for this message. Dear Epping Forest District Council, Home many people are currently on the waiting list for a 3 bedroom property in Temporary accommodation. Properties in England are split into 8 bands from A to H, depending on the price they would have sold for in April 1991. The Housing Register 3.1 The Council is not legally obliged to maintain a Housing Register but has chosen to do so. %PDF-1.7
is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) In addition to reducing spending on voluntary organisations from 90,590 to 41,820, contributions to animal welfare will be cut from 27,750 to 4,530, and food inspections from 3,640 to 3,320. If you are unable to use the online service you can also contact the VOA on, Accessibility Cookies Freedom of information Open data Privacy Site map, Activities and events CM16 4BZ, Housing allocations scheme 2022-2027 (pdf 581KB), Social Housing Annual Lettings Report 2021 to 2022 (pdf 325KB), Social housing lettings annual report 2020 to 2021 (pdf 342KB), LEASE Free information and guidance about residential leasehold and park homes law, Information on disruption to bin collections. The reality star was handed his sentence in court today (March 3) - but should it have been tougher? Council housing list - a Freedom of Information request to Epping The Epping Forest District The Epping Forest District covers urban and rural areas of 131 square miles, including 3. 3.2 The Housing Register will be maintained by Housing at the Civic Offices in Epping. The twice-daily update will deliver the top news and features to your inbox every morning and evening. SocietyWorks Ltd 0000005724 00000 n
Priority within the scheme may be awarded to those households whose circumstances are such that they have urgent need for housing. A managed reduction in staff levels will include the removal of vacant posts and a small number of redundancies. of the date of its receipt by the Council. Local Plan Examination Nine . 3.3 The Housing Register will be open to all categories of person except those who are ineligible as defined at Paragraph 5. How many people are bidding on a 3 bedroom property in band A/1 in temp of the date of its receipt by the Council. We provide commercial The result of the 2020 Housing Delivery Test for Epping Forest District Council is presented in Table 1 below. 0000010887 00000 n
We really need Ensured all activities of the team met key stakeholder . The major changes to how Epping Forest council houses will be handed The valuation band ranges for England are: You can find out more about when you can challenge your band and what you need to do at What is a priority? PDF HOUSING Strategy 2017 - 2022 - Epping Forest District We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not if you are, Download a zip file of all correspondence, How many people are bidding on a 3 bedroom property in band A/1 in temp accommodation. of this response to your request and should be addressed to: Nathalie Internal review Council Tax, Crime and safety Defending the decision, Finance, Qualis Client & Economic Development Portfolio Holder Councillor John Philip (Con, Theydon Bois) said: Almost everything in this chamber is listed, even the things you think probably shouldnt be, quite a lot of the things you think probably shouldnt be, and that makes making any changes to it much more costly than they might otherwise be. We would therefore strongly suggest that you consider other housing options such as privately renting before applying to go on the housing register. request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Follow 1 follower We work to defend the right to FOI for everyone 0000002563 00000 n
Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. The information supplied to you continues to be protected by copyright. Feb 23 Pop along to a #RideLondon engagement event, and have your chance to ask questions, get advice or voice concerns to the event team TODAY (23/2) - Epping, 5pm - 8pm Epping Hall TOMORROW (24/2) - North Weald, 6pm - 9pm North Weald Village Hall Read more at ALT Epping Forest DC Do they really want average waiting time since 1/1/23? 0000009692 00000 n
Housing register. 199 44
0000000016 00000 n
0000010121 00000 n
I refer to your recent request for information about Housing waiting Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. Although the total 2023/4 Council Tax for a Band D property will be 2,002.25, Epping Forest District Council only retains 162.15 for its own services.
Created and developed the team supporting the business systems of the various Housing functions of the Council.
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