I wouldnt put it past you to keep an injury or an illness from us until it became too much., He crossed his arms, his defensiveness dying on his tongue when she sent him a look. Hiccups?, Yes, hiccups. Peter P 3 Marvel Studios. I will try my best on them PART TWO OF "Starmora: Decimation" It's been a few weeks since you've gotten back from Asgard. What noises?. For one, she was the one who had to grab his hand when he was being ripped apart by the Power Stone and also had to . Rated #2 starmora. For one, she was the one who had to grab his hand when he was being ripped apart by the. Blame Game, a guardians of the galaxy fanfic | FanFiction You mean this? It'll take more than winning to get there though. Sorry. Peter's Little Girl 2 Chapter 2, a guardians of the galaxy fanfic 3 is due to land in cinemas on May 5, 2023. cr how do you bid farewell to the heartaches that swim in your veins? Chapter 361 - Knowhere . Olivia Stark did not expect or want to fall for the Mad Titan but you can't choose who you love ! Peter leaned back in his chair. 3 thanks to the events of Avengers: Endgame. "So all he has to do is click his fingers and half the universe dies?" Gamora. Pietro 1- Come and Get Your Love (by Redbone)The Milano flies through space to meet up with the Freedom Fighters and their spaceship, the Blue Typhoon. He whispered, stroking Gamora's sweaty face and kissing her softly on the lips. -explain what the hell is going on? (Spoiler: It's because he's in love with Quill). -', Both weaponization and confrontation ensue. Part of the Journey Isn't the End, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction But as Gamora reached out and grasped his hand, he realised that he was quickly getting hooked on this feeling. Whats wrong?, Youre making weird noises in your sleep. ! Rocket bellowed back, and Peter caught sight of him as he all but threw himself toward what they had temporarily named the medicine cabinet, which was really a very messy box in the corner. After all, the tree humanoid loved drinking from fountains and could only say three words of English but according to Rocket he was actually a genius of his own kind and had many skills other than his strength and regenerative powers. Rocket has been venomized, and Peter is worried he'll never see his best friend (who he is in love with) again. left kudos on this work! sequel to Bombs. En route to the starship, Star-Lord plays one of his favorite songs called Come and Get Your Love for the entire crew to listen.He's enjoying the music and lip-syncs to it . Are we reaching for an area on your body that is more vulnerable than the rest?. She said, her hands folded elegantly in her lap. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Wanda Peter chuckled and petted Rocket's head, knowing just how much he secretly enjoyed the sign of affection. Drax stomps away, and Peter states his excitement for getting the money. Gamora was safe with Groot. Boyfriend and Girlfriend; Teammates and Former Allies/Best Friends; Like Family, often rescue each other; Peter is more of their romantic relationship than Gamora is; in love with each other; share a love of music and dance; protective of one another; engaged in a romantic relationship together. With no clue where it came from, they decide to investigate it and put a stop to whoever made it. Post Infinity War AU Work Search: He shook his head. How are we supposed to know when what youre doing is mundane and when youre actually sick? Gamora asked, and Peter met her gaze again. With his free hand Peter reached out and gently pushed back the blanket to finally reveal the perfect little form of his newborn daughter. This is the story in which little Meredith Camaria Quill comes into the galaxy and completes the family of space explorers. Peter nodded in agreement. These imagines were written by me, on my main Tumblr blog. How could I? Not funny., Peter laughed again. After the dance-off to save Oooh boy. Set a year after endgame. He slid his arm around his wife's waist. This should be exciting. Peter woke up with a start. "We are Groot." He shifted his body a little bit so he could more comfortable. Wave a magic wand and make something better appear out of thin air?. What should I do?!" Peter states clearly to Gamora that he doesnt care whether she lives or dies following her near-death experience. Stephen Strange Here is an overview of marvel ships. I don't think I went too explicit, but better safe than sorry. Gamora could be afraid of forming a close bond with Quill because Thanos could try and hurt Gamora's loved ones. Stories about MCU characters. And what happens next? Half an hour later, the new parents called the rest of the gang in to introduce them to their new addition. Peter Quill/Rocket Raccoon - Works | Archive of Our Own With Gamora in real danger, Peter intervenes. Here, Peter uses this opportunity to break her warrior facade by saying he is an ally to her and deserves to be trusted. He crooned, rocking Meredith in his arms as he looked around the room at each of his friends. Something that was familiar and rare at the s 18+ CONTENT They all just stared blankly at him, and he realized that neither of them knew what the hell he was talking about. You were abducted from the playground of your school after you ran away from your temporary home. He doesnt trust that Gamora and his other allies will wait for him, therefore needing leverage. You are a Terran and were taken from Earth the same year Peter Quill was. Peter had a hard time replying, because in the midst of all their questions they had surrounded him and were now touching him wherever they could reach, and some spots Peter could handle better than others. ghostbusters villains wiki; what is the new name of eisenhower expressway? Drax asks what he was retrieving, and Peter simply holds up his music player. 3 thanks to the events of Avengers: Endgame. A story of Peter and Gamora as a couple as they go through their junior year of high school together. Chapter 351 - Guardians of the Galaxy. Shipping, ships; a part of today's society. as well as Blame Game, a guardians of the galaxy fanfic | FanFiction "Peter, Peter, wake up," is the first thing he hears when brought out of a downright blissful sleep. He doesnt hesitate to unburden himself from his sleep subconsciously clingy sleep mates and follow Gamora and the prisoners to the showers. Starmora Stories - Wattpad Groot came in first, a wide smile plastered on his face as he beheld the picture that the new family made. This story is complete. He is nervous and unable to connect his witty gestures well with literal Drax, but he makes a compelling argument to keep Gamora alive. Chapter 357 - The Kyln. She hesitates before spilling that it costs 4 billion units. But with her being of the grid and not knowing who he actually is, will they ever even find eachother A few months after the battle with Ronan, the Guardians are sent on a mission to retrieve a powerful weapon from the hands of a group of Sakaarans. ' She explains she is not family to Ronan or even Thanos, but shes the only way to end them. Peter provokes real conversation toward Gamora about the orb, explaining how it seems to him in earthly pop culture references which none of the others catch onto. He bent down and placed a gentle kiss on his daughter's wrinkled forehead and chuckled when her small hands reached up to tug at his cherry red leather coat. Gamora is alive in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. Drax the. [a innocent angel meets a flustered spiderboy] One shots with a marvel lady. What happens when they start to develop feelings? Now stohop it, I cant give a crash course like thihis!. They grew up under their "fathers" rules and believing their fathers never loved them, however, Yondu and Thanos both love them as if they were their own children. **All oth My name is Jade. Please consider turning it on! 116 guests Boyfriend and Girlfriend; Teammates and Former Allies/Best Friends; Like Family, often rescue each other; Peter is more of their romantic relationship than Gamora is; in love with each other; share a love of music and dance; protective of one another; engaged in a romantic relationship together. He warns the guard that its his property and to put it down. Anyways, Ive been wanting to do this for a while and this is all just for fun. Will she help them defeat Loki and the Chitauri? n.b. When she starts her adventures with Peter and the other Guardians with the Orb, which contains the Power Stone, she refuses to let them know just how much power is in Peter's hands during their journey across the galaxy, despite his warning her that . He could hear the soothing tones of Groot's grunting phrase, 'I am Groot' which Rocket translated to 'Everything is going well, just breathe.". I am aware that in the comics Drax' daughter is called Heather but this is a movie!verse fic so I used the name given in the film. When the group pauses their walk, Peter is distracted as he sees a guard mess with his beloved music player. Please consider turning it on! Considering that Gamora is the adopted daughter of Thanos, who literally wants to kill every living thing in the universe to gain the love of Death herself, the idea that Gamora's killed lots of people is probably true. It's the middle of the night. Portrayed by I wasnt sure if you were choking to death or something., Its all right. They just observe in bored fascination. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Peter and the gang set up a surprise birthday party for Rocket. Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Scarlet Witch (Comic), Captain America (Movies), Thor (Movies) Explicit Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings You have reached the end of "Peter and Gamora's First Time". Relationship information Over time, Peter and Gamora grow closer. T Imagines based on the TV show Euphoria 01. Guardians Of The Galaxy Stories | Quotev "Thank you for bringing her into this world.". 400 guests ChocolateMallowmelt, Tina_thebestboi, CrimsonAmaryllis, music_is_the_cure, Cheruphim, Koyregei81, HouseOfBlues, Home_Depot, OtakuSam, TheTentDweller, Queen_Goose, Im_A_Gummybear_Of_Hell444, phyiari13, Dragon_Halfblood7722, JustMe2004, teadaddy, Imaslutforhim, Thenumbers48, Aku_the_second, A___reader_a, Manerva, acegrace72, Hoseki13, TheArchivist, Fujoshi_Kween, 0Sssrinmyheard0, KarmaMayOrMayNotBeOkay, Bookworm55556, millerevils, wraven881, Salixjacop14, NoirElizabeth, Tottalyinsane123, Erichan24, TheRainbowConnection, MaferNajar23, NicoTheGhostKing, Skyler69, Iron_America_Stony, LemonWolf, ThoseFiveChicks, Fangirling101B, Kurara, Toriwayne, RosyKat23, AkiraKiyamura, 8Xanadu8, Delighted_to_Read_You, Kos926, Vestrais, and 381 more users Scott Without another second, Gamora physically overpowers the prisoners holding her and digs acquired knives to each neck in her proximity. Last but not least Drax entered the room, looking happy but with a hint of sadness at the memories that such a scene evoked. 2, Probably Not Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. They all looked doubtful, but they let it pass for now. As fans will no doubt remember, Gamora was dramatically murdered by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War as he sacrificed her in order to obtain the Soul Stone. (See the end of the work for more notes.). Request are open. Lapis_stella, petitgremlin, lumos_solemn, Kalifa100, vanigry, Darkrai_Pika, sassyprep87, RobosexualCat, anonymous_kudos, Amani2002, beaubcxton, Kitkatqueen1, Lbely, Studycutter, Catherine256, lilyflower1171, idcjustlove, MxMultiverse, Never_Give_In, selinakyleer, Glarinetta, Cereal_Overlord, KoreaBoo670, sharkinterviewee, Smithkia, HarlleyqQueen, TardisPunkie, Mightytrivia, Mrs_Harry_Holmes, TheoMiller, Charlinne, Luna_Hallows, BeluKertasOrang, TinyTaser, asxrum, Poly_Is_My_OTP, joohoneybeee, pinkgrapefruit, mchan134, Myseashellcat, kitsxnes, Skyshin, AmayaYoura, sasunaru_209, But_I_Digress, FireChildSlytherin5, Thecoolshelby, Lost_Heaven, Medium_Range_Trash, magicjedigirl, and 32 more users styled components as prop typescript; indie bands from austin, texas; dr pepper marketing strategy; barking and dagenham hmo register; famous belgian chocolate brands Gamora and Peter have a baby together. [Naruto/Avengers Crossover][Various!Naruto x Reader] After the Endgame, (Y/n) (L/n) unintentionally became the possessor and user of the Mind Stone. Finally prepped for the prison area, Peter, Gamora, Rocket, and Groot enter the Kyln cafe area. "Gamora is having your kid and when it is all over it will be worth it." The first trailer for Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. Rocket then suggests they leave, asking if Gamora had the orb. Were losing him! Gamora called in panic, to which Drax retorted, He is right there. Groot was doing some sort of helpless dance in the middle of the room, shrieking, I am Groot! in a less than cheerful manner. Summary: On vacation, Gamora gives Peter Quill an unexpected surprise. Gamoras absence in both Thor and the Holiday Special is particularly hard on Peter Quill as he has been left out of sorts since she disappeared. For each challenge, this "mixtape" will have an A SIDE - a more conventional fanfic style, and B SIDE - my take on it. Youre stubborn. How does she fit into the MCU timeline?Follow Anya on her journey of discovery and acceptance, where there are many twists and bumps in the road but will her relationships stay strong?Not posting anymore. Gamora makes her entrance in the light argument between Peter and Rocket. I mean, are the others asleep?, Not yet. Drax had taken Mantis to see the legendary singing gardens. peter quill can suck his own dick it's true i saw it, nsfw fics ive written anonymously bc im a blushing damsel, The Rise and Fall of Rocket Raccoon and the Dumbass from Earth, Rocket Raccoon & Guardians of the Galaxy Team, but more action and less romance until the very end. And he doesn't entirely wake up without fur, paws, or even a snout. random funny sentences that make no sense; . Gamora Peter fanfiction on GOTG-Starmora - DeviantArt Well, Thanos did just that with Gamora. Gamora's fatigued eyes landed on Peter and despite her utter exhaustion she smiled. hell, she isn't even human. Book two of Written in the stars! Rocket was right. When they see its there, Gamora tells Peter they need to go. They involve Peter Quill who you don't want to trick, (Name) Quill who will break you're arm you look at funny, Gamora that will stab you if you get on her bad side, Drax that doesn't . Gamora Chapter 353 - Peter Quill. When he says theyre all partners, Gamora denies this, saying they only have an agreement, not a working relationship. I think it would be a little obvious if I was in pain or whatnot., Its not always, she protested. Any trade marks that appear on the site are used without permission and guardians of the galaxy fanfiction peter and gamora pregnant costco crushed tomatoes. Why are you cutting off pieces of yourself? Rocket demanded, looking genuinely concerned for his sanity. Peter quickly threw himself forward, jumping down the steps and skipping over to the green figure of Gamora where she lay on the bed with a tiny bundle in her arms. The ship will be in the chapter name, fyi Chapter 354 - Theft of the Orb. manure spreader lancaster pa. babe ruth's grandchildren. Keep dreaming, Quill. But she was smiling, so Peter didnt take her seriously. In which two very distant individuals learn to dream, forming an intense connection transcending temporal boundaries. A story on the struggles of Peter Quill and Gamora when they find out 50% of the universe is stuck in a realm where they a Peter liked Gamora ever since he laid eyes on her. Guardians of the Galaxy - Peter and Gamora dance - YouTube To evade Ronan, Quill and (y/n) are forced into an uneasy truce with four disparate misfits: gun-toting Rocket Raccoon, treelike-h. Gamora X Peter Fanfiction Stories - quotev.com She elaborates that shed never partner with Peter stemming from her moral prejudices of lowlife thievery. Status Rocket grinned and tried to hide his tears by yelling, "Oh crap, I got some dust in my eye.". Gamora shoots her gaze from Peter to Drax, unsure of Peters success while she is in a chokehold. That sums it up right? She replies yes but doesnt see it in the bag as she throws Peters things out of it. I wouldnt put it past me either. Peter refuses to leave seeing his music player is missing from his bag. Very slow updates. Gamora is having some weird dreams lately. Chapter 360 - Escaping the Kyln. Guardians of the Galaxy | Reader | Fanfiction Rocket Xreader Two legendary outlaw know as Star Lord & Star Dust are The leaders of The Guardians Of The Galaxy. Eventually, fellow prisoner Drax steps in to end Gamora's life for his personal vendetta against Ronan. The book that i swear to update every week! When the little child opened her eyes Peter gasped at the sight of her perfect blue eyes, so like his own mother, Meredith's eyes had been, that he choked on a sob as the little girl stared up at him curiously. Gamora while still finding Peter insufferable, grows protective of him. I would appreciate it if you wouldnt observe me when I was doing mundane tasks. Why would we do that? Rocket continued, throwing his hands up as if offended by the thought. The Nova Corp send the Guardians of the Galaxy to stop a new and dangerous drug cartel forming in the deepest of Xandar's black markets. Ill let you choke on your snores next time., He didnt expect her hand to find his side, but it did, and he jerked away with a laugh when it squeezed. When the raccoon takes it the wrong way, Peter has to have a serious talk with his best friend. Do we even have a first aid kit? Rocket considers himself somewhat rational. "Drax is right, man." He recovers by saying hed trust her much more if she told him what the orb really was. Super United Heroes: Galaxy Quest Chapter 5: Act 3 - FanFiction.Net A story where the Guardians of the Galaxy, in an action of altruism, entangle themselves in a civilization-threatening conspiracy. Rocket said, his furry face peering up at him. Peter merely tells her to keep the Milano, his ship, close by. Intimacy Level Drax has a literal mindset, and is not a character who sees nuance in things. )Usually, he'd be rational, maybe he drank too much. - Avengers + Bucky and Loki Please consider turning it on! There are some things you should know about me Long ago the officers of the Nova Corps were respected. Act 3: Road to Knowhere. Guardians of the Galaxy, Gamora, and the "W" Word I would almost suspect you guys like me.. uses his strength to push Gamora back to the wall and says her words mean nothing. That night, Peter catches a group of prisoners leading Gamora with a knife and physical restraints passing his sleep area. Izuku x Rias from high school dxd. Clint If I threw a fit each time someone did something unusual in my eyes I wouldve died of a goddamn heart attack a long time ago., Were trying topreventyou from dying, Quill., Yes, Gamora, I know. (How in the fuck his eyes are blue now? Loki guardians of the galaxy fanfiction peter and gamora pregnant Posted on June 7, 2022 . Starmora is the main romantic pairing between Peter Quill, the Leader of the Guardians and Gamora, the adoptive daughter of Thanos. Guardians of the Galaxy (Peter Quill x Reader) - Wattpad Rocket and Drax rush out with their stuff while Peter rifles through his belongings, Gamora behind him, to ensure he still has the orb. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (85), Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (Video Game 2021) (4), Peter Quill & Guardians of the Galaxy Team (8), Rocket Raccoon & Guardians of the Galaxy Team (5), Drax the Destroyer/Gamora/Groot/Peter Quill/Rocket Raccoon (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Includes characters that are (at the moment) exclusive to the comics, Also maybe the Speed Racer movie a little, Peter Quill & Guardians of the Galaxy Team, Drax the Destroyer & Gamora & Groot & Mantis & Nebula & Peter Quill & Rocket Raccoon, I Wrote This While Listening to Florence + the Machine, Post-Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. One night, Peter tells her a tale of how he used to go around and telling all the other children of how his father was David Hasslehoff. Peter turns to Gamora and asks how much the orb is worth to her buyer. He said, which Peter took to mean 'You may come in now.'. BGM-Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. Peter Q Turns out their little baby was capable of inflicting as much pain on its mother as she did on the numerous men she had killed. Sorry, but the page you are looking for doesn't exist. Gamora waved her hands around where she was sitting next to him on the couch. Youre choking on something, Gamora continued. They were both adopted by someone outside of their species. set durin "I am bored! The day his balls dropped was more terrifying then either of the times he helped save the universe. But a job that the Guardians thought they'd complete with ease turns into a job that uncovers not just Xandar's grittiest conspiracies, but also, worst of all, the Guardians' FEELINGS. , Peter is thinking a lot since he met his fluffy partner. (s)he's on top of me and it is hot, hot, hot! ' . He rubbed his thumb against it, felling a spark of life growing inside. Guardians of the Galaxy Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. "Quill, she's in good hands - I mean branches" Rocket said, laughing hysterically at his own joke. New villains in the form of Adam Warlock, who was teased in Guardians Vol. Gamora, having been raised by Thanos, is well-versed in the abilities of the Infinity Stones. Cant you tell?, That? Oh, everything made sense now and Peter didnt know if he should laugh or cry. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The guard abuses Star-Lord with his taser while Gamora and the others watch the guard work with no protest. Completed peterquill gamora fanfic +3 more # 5 CLOSER gotg star wars by marie spector 1.4K 92 20 Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. Rocket followed looking awkward and uncomfortable - he never had been any good with children. Thing is, nobody told him life as a human doesn't make shit easier, even less when you've been dead on convinced being human would fix everything in your life. After escaping the main prison quarters of the Kyln through the collective efforts of the unofficial "Guardians" team, the group gathers their things in the item detainment area. You cant deny that. But its getting a little old, and quite frankly, stressful., So give us a crash course on Terran physiology. Shed sounded so genuinely enthusiastic when shed said it that Peter didnt have it in him to protest, which had been his initial reaction. Groot provides no explanation in terms that Peter can understand. TtH Story Peter and Gamora's First Time - tthfanfic.org That way we can make sure you dont die, but wont focus on the wrong things., Peter crossed his arms. {she was, in fact, a child of the moons. He let himself smile. 3, she has been missing from their recent exploits. Peter turns the conversation to his map, asking for the buyers coordinates. i look for wanted people with a talking, kind tree named Groot, and with a talking raccoon named Rocket. Peter appears to have a mix of annoyance and disappointment from Gamoras comment, but she takes no notice as she tells them shes going to contact the buyer. However, his reckless, womanising, music-loving attitude is not the best about him. Sam This feeling of belonging to a family and the love he felt for them was so alien to him, a feeling he hadn't felt in so long, not since his mom died. She elaborates her priorities are with the orb. With an ever-growing universe that currently features a whopping 30 films and eight TV series, it can be hard to keep track of everyones whereabouts in the MCU. as well as Includes: peter quill can suck his own dick and i attempted to smush some vague plot in there. teams up with a rag-tag team of They were alone in there, and the last thing Peter remembered doing before passing out was trying to pick a song on his walkman, which was now resting neatly on the table. I have nothing to do! Just got back from watching GOTG for the second time and I was in some serious need of family feels among the gang with a beautiful little green child of Gamora and Peter's but alas I could find none so I had to write it myself! Serena isn't a normal girl, who loves normal people. Starmora is the main romantic pairing between Peter Quill, the Leader of the Guardians and Gamora, the adoptive daughter of Thanos. Gamora tilted her head, her dark eyes boring in Peter's. Brash space adventurer Peter Quill and his best friend, (y/n) (l/n), find themselves in the quarry of relentless bounty hunters after they steal an orb coveted by Ronan. " Good ol' Star Lord. At the mention of Camaria, Drax' eyes filled with tears and he smiled at the little bundle fondly. guardians of the galaxy fanfiction peter and gamora pregnant Its a normal Terran thing to get.. He sighed and placed his nail clippers on the table before him. . These- She made a sound that wouldve been hilarious had Peter been more awake, but in his still half asleep state he couldnt find the energy to laugh. Strona Gwna; Szkoa. gamora groot peterquill guardiansofthegalaxy drax starlord marvel rocket rocketraccoon avengers nebula thor thanos tonystark mantis ironman loki gotg captainamerica peterparker 1.1K Stories Sort by: Hot # 1 elite | peter parker by <3 220K 5K 12 The story of which when youngest Guardian and the youngest Avenger met while the universe is on fire.
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