BOB STRONG/AFP/Getty Images Trending News At this time he became increasingly obsessed with violence, murder, and prostitution. At the time, there was no more thought than stomping on a bug or a cockroach. Get the best of Fox News' entertainment coverage, right in your inbox. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. It's like my own little nightmare scenarios.". Joels poor grades embarrassed his father, a member of the East Meadow School Board. The crowd stops cheering and squirm, while Elaine does damage control. Joel Rifkin was someone who was used to being invisible. Michael Newton - An Encyclopedia of Modern Serial Killers - Hunting Humans. And she had fake nails and those were ripped off when she fought him.. These are not the kind of tiny paperback novels that you are accustomed to. He was very interested in horticulture and interned at the Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park. The killing game was over, but the quest for justice had only begun. ", First published on March 27, 2013 / 3:17 PM. Maryann Holloman, age 39, was retrieved from Coney Island Creek in her oil drum on July 9, two days before passers-by found the skeletal remains of Lorraine Orvieto nearby. He complained to his landlord, I keep losing all my customers, and by summer he was falling behind on his rent. The only thing that makes me feel a little better is to think that perhaps she didnt die in pain.. Its like my own little nightmare scenarios, he said. Rifkin was transferred at once to the Nassau County Correctional Facility in East Meadow. Troopers detected an odor from the back of the truck. She vowed at the time to be present in the courtroom to let Rifkin and others know that the victims had been more than sex workers. Joel David Rifkin (born January 20, 1959) is an American serial killer who was sentenced to 203 years in prison for the murders of nine women between 1989 and 1993, though he is believed to have killed up to 17 victims in all. Actually, he later said, I thought I liked her.. So if a body was found in The Bronx, detectives in Brooklyn might not hear about that for weeks, days, even months sometimes never. It also left Rifkin with a new problem. Rifkin admitted to the 17 slayings after his May 1994 murder conviction in Nassau County. She was found by a fisherman on July 11, 1992, two months before her family filed a missing persons report. Would. Seven years after he was sentenced to life in prison, an old college friend of Rifkin, unable to understand how a decent-seeming person hid such a twisted side,went to visit him at Attica Correctional Facility. Rifkin had no time to move the corpse, but his mother never knew. Lorraine Orvieto: Orvieto, 28, disappeared in Dec. 1991. The Rifkins also adopted a daughter, Jan, in 1962. Except for his grades, Joel was the stereotypical nerd, in glasses and high-water pants with white socks. "We were trying to catch up from the previous 20 years. A cemetery posted a personal ad for a goose whose mate died. This guy seems like the real deal.". Michael Ahearn, then the chief of the Suffolk district attorneys Homicide Bureau, recalled how Rifkin continually corrected him during cross-examination. Rifkin committed his first murder in 1989, killing a prostitute, dismembering her body and tossing it into the East River. That left him absolutely devastated, in his mothers words, but there were other compensations. If he were to receive any money, it would be subject to state laws that earmark most of the award for the families of his victims. His fantasies about strangling women became more frequent. assessed at 128, but struggled academically in school due to severe dyslexia. Her torso surfaced in the Hudson River, wrapped in black plastic, while her arms and legs were found in a discarded suitcase. In early 1994, it was reported that Rifkin had engaged in a jailhouse scuffle with mass murderer Colin Ferguson. Joel David Rifkin (born January 20, 1959) is an American serial killer convicted of the murder of 9 women (although it is believed he killed as many as 17), mostly drug addicted prostitutes, between 1989 and 1993 in New York City. Over the next four years, he killed 16 more prostitutes. WebJoel David Rifkin (born January 20, 1959) is an American serial killer, who was sentenced to 203 years in prison for the murders of nine women between 1989 and 1993, though it is believed he had up to 17 victims. It did change me personally, he said. They called him The Turtle, mimicking his slouched posture and slow footsteps, seldom missing a chance to make him the butt of cruel jokes. Williams would fill another nameless paupers grave until Rifkin confessed to her murder, six months after she was found. Please, it would be so great!. Crack addict Mary Ellen DeLuca, a 22-year-old Long Island native, was last seen alive at 11:00 p.m. on September 1, 1991, when she left a group of friends to earn the price of her next fix. Thanks to its ruling planet Mars and the fact it belongs to the element of Fire (just like Leo and Sagittarius), Aries is one of the most active zodiac signs. Credit: Newsday/Alejandra Villa. Hes not the murderer, she reassures. He killed mostly prostitutes and drug addicts; he was convicted of nine murders, although he is believed to have killed many more. In every high school, theres a kid that doesnt get girls,but they dont go ahead and murder 17 women.". Winded from the battle, Rifkin claimed her bra and panties, earrings, ID cards and drug syringe as trophies for his cache. Something about Joel Rifkin set him apart, an undefined quality that made him an immediate outsider, natural prey to all manner of bullies. Oh please, please, please change your name to O.J.! And I didnt want to infringe on the investigation. I saw him as artistically inclined. Orval was killed by John Rambo after he went into the mountains with his bloodhounds, which he went to use to hunt Rambo down. Tiffany Bresciani: Rifkins final victim, Tiffany Bresciani, 22, hadmoved to New York from her home in Louisiana to pursue her dream of becoming an actress or singer. All of our Serial Killer Magazines and books are massive, perfect bound editions. The confession and the evidence collected from Rifkins bedroom left him boxed in as his first trial approached in Nassau. She woke up fighting for her life, kicking the gear-shift hard enough to snap it off before Joel smothered her. The site he chose was an illegal dump, 200 feet off Rockaway Boulevard, within sight of JFK International Airport. WebRifkin was found guilty of nine murders in 1994 and sentenced to 203 years to life. MADHATTERDESIGN@GMAIL.COM, Like old school VHS Covers? Some he hid in oil drums, others in blocks of concrete. The Seinfeld team wasted no time trying to churn laughs out of one of New Yorks most horrible mass murderers Rifkin is believed to have killed up to 17 women and is the subject of Oxygens upcoming special Rifkin on Rifkin: Private Confessions of a Serial Killer, airingSaturday, April 10 at 7/6c on Oxygen. Before Rifkin left for college, hedrove to New York City and picked up a sex workerfor the first time. Next to him is his attorney, John Lawrence of Mineola. Rifkin's prison life In early 1994, it was reported that Rifkin had engaged in a jailhouse scuffle with mass murderer Colin Ferguson. She loved the clubs. Portions of her remains were later discovered inside an oil drum in New Creek in Brooklyn, according to ThoughtCo. Family members of his victims either could not be reached or declined to comment. He was easy to make fun of.. WebLearn about Joel Rifkin Net Worth, Biography, Age, Birthday, Height, Early Life, Family, Dating, Partner, Wiki and Facts. At age 33, Anna Lopez had three children by three different fathers, but she worked the streets primarily to feed her own cocaine addiction. Her body was discovered in Cornwall in October 1991, a month after she had been reported missing by her family, The New York Timessaidin 1993. The Associated Press contributed to this report. He was on his way to dump the corpse near Melvilles Republic Airport, some 15 miles north of his house, when Troopers Ruane and Spaargaren noted his lack of a rear license plate. With Joels confession in hand, police descended on Jeanne Rifkins home, scouring the premises for evidence. Dave Insurgent, a member of the 1980s punk band Reagan Youth), and his final victim. Jane Doe #2: A second unidentified woman was killed some time during 1991. The body of Evans, a 28-year-old mother of two, was discovered in May 1992 by a family hunting for dandelions off County Road 51 in Southampton, according to Newsday. In Joels room, they struck pay dirt, recovering dozens of ID cards, drivers licenses and credit cards, photographs, articles of jewelry, and piles of womens clothing taken from his victims. He maintained his interest in photography and horticulture, but failed to make either a paying proposition. Police learned their mistake a year later, when Rifkin confessed to her slaying, but number nine remains anonymous, the last Jane Doe. Their recorded conversations are the focus of a new true-crime documentary titled "Rifkin on Rifkin: Private Confessions of a Serial Killer," which is part of Oxygen channels "Serial Killer Week.". He rolled Soto into the Harlem River, near the spot where Yun Lee had been found 14 months earlier. EXCLUSIVE: In late 1998, Robert Mladinich wrote to his "old college pal" Joel Rifkin New Yorks most prolific serial killer. Stephen Urbanski says Balch worked as a prostitute in New York City and used numerous aliases. According to the special, he killed 16 more sex workers. The Disturbing Truth Of Serial Killer Joel Rifkin YouTube By Tyler MacDonald / April 1, 2021 10:52 am EST For a span of four years in the early 1990s, serial killer Joel Rifkin left a string of terror across New York City as he satisfied his fixation on strangling sex workers to death. He specifically killed women who were less visible insociety. They were probably alone on the streets, but not in the world.. disposed of the bodies all over New York state, from a Brooklyn creek to an Orange County town. Tune in on Oxygen April 10 to April 18. June 29, 1993. [2] Early life [ edit] Rifkin's birth parents were both young college students and his biological father was an Army veteran. They drove to a point near the Manhattan Bridge, Rifkin clutching at her throat without the usual preliminaries. New York: St. Martins Press, 1993. Joel Rifkin was one of the worst serial killers in New York's history, suspected of killing as many as 17 women between 1989 and 1993. Fending off pleas from her sister and husband to move on with her life, not to mention a marriage proposal from a determined suitor, Rory holds fast to what she knows in her heartDawson is still alive. JODI ARIAS APPEARED FRIENDLY AFTER TRAVIS ALEXANDERS BRUTAL MURDER, EXPRESSED REMORSE FOR HIS DEATH: DOC, Serial killer Joel Rifkin led cops to the skeleton of one victim at the outskirts of New York City's Kennedy International Airport. The pickup truck Joel Rifkin was driving when he was caught sits at New York State Police Headquarters in Farmingdale on June 28, 1993. Credit: Newsday/Jim Peppler. Although never housed in the prisons general population, Rifkin created enough disruption by his mere presence that administrators moved him into IPC--involuntary protective custody--where prisoners spend 23 hours a day confined to their Spartan cells. (Photo by Andrew Savulich/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images). Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. A 9 a.m. media report cleared up the mystery, and Jeanne phoned her lawyer, who referred her to criminal attorney Robert Sale. WebJoel Rifkin, best known for being a Criminal, was born in New York, United States on Tuesday, January 20, 1959. He was only caught because of a small mistake, and he would have kept killing, he admits. June 27, 1993. But other times, Lawrence said his client made him uncomfortable. Oh! He said he told Rifkin, This is someone who is not trying to work with you and help you. New York: Pocket Books, 2001. "And he kept saying things like, 'I killed that one. A telephone call from police told 71-year-old Jeanne Rifkin that her son had been detained after a traffic accident. State troopers Deborah Spaargaren and Sean Ruane were working the graveyard shift in East Meadow, Long Island, when they spotted a pickup truck with no license plate ahead of them, at 3:15 A.M. Revenge, jealousy usually theres some human connection [in a murder]. With Rifkins detailed confession, investigators got to work. She was identified through DNA testing on August 20, 1993. Some were left abandoned in fields. Each giant issue is perfect bound and chock full of true crime articles, artwork, letters, documents and more. As the hearing dragged on, Rifkins lawyers alienated Judge Wexner by Soshnick repeatedly arriving late for court and unprepared and Lawrence missing whole days. I think its a wake-up call that there could be lots of Joel Rifkin'swalking around.". They trade suggestions for a possible new name, and of course, they cant come close to agreeing. Evens had been the daughter of a civil court judge and had once attended Sarah Lawrence College. He will be eligible for parole in 2197. They also sought to suppress his initial admission of Brescianis murder, made at the time of his arrest, while claiming that police had lacked sufficient probable cause for a legal search of Rifkins truck. While Jan and Jeanne stayed mostly silent during the court proceedings, even as reporters staked out their now-infamous home, his sister did speak to New York Post reporter Andrea Peyser. The night he was arrested, Rifkin told troopers where he had picked up the woman found in his truck, Tiffany Bresciani, 22, of Louisiana, and how he had killed her, but troopers wondered if hed done this before, Corcoran said. Mary Ellen DeLuca: DeLuca, 22, lost her life on Sept. 1, 1991 after she allegedly complained about having sex with Rifkin after he had bought her cocaine, according to ThoughtCo. Copyright 2023 Newsday. Joel Rifkin, New York's most prolific serial killer, is the subject of a new true-crime documentary on Oxygen. "Rifkin on Rifkin: Private Confessions of a Serial Killer,". His reign of terror came to an end on June 28, 1993 after he was pulled overfor a routine traffic stop by New York State Police, who discovered the decomposingbody of 22-year-old Tiffany Bresciani in the back of his pickup truck. Rambo earned his Airborne Ranger Wings in May of 1966. He picked Sanchez up in broad daylight, driving her to a Manhattan housing project down by where Macys has the fireworks. After strangling Sanchez during sex, he drove her corpse across the Brooklyn Bridge, seeking a drop-off point. There was none of that. In case there is such a thing as reincarnation, I want you to spend your second life in prison.. Wiles Stabile. Rifkin just didn't excel in academia or sports, and so he struggled with feeling like a disappointment to his dad. Is there more than one? Instead, he picked up a souvenir howitzer shell and beat her furiously. It was, as Joel Rifkinsaid later, a 25-cent part that brought him down, but it caught the eye of two troopers patrolling the Southern State Parkway. With 25-year-old Iris Sanchez, strangled in April 1992, he simply drove to JFK Airport and left her body in a vacant lot, beneath a mattress. Rifkin didn't display the typical signs of a budding murderer. "Certain things are very hard to stop," Rifkin said. All of our Serial Killer books are massive, 8.5" x 11" perfect bound editions. Though Rambo didnt kill anyone in 1982s First Blood, he was basically a psychopath by the end of the James Cameron-scripted sequel; Stallone directed 2008s Rambo with an understanding that the formula works best when distilled to its gun-blazing essence. If you smell anything decaying in the trunk of his car . Joel Rifkin is currently serving a life sentence. The Orvieto family sued him first, on a civil count for Lorraines wrongful death, and Rifkin responded with a snide handwritten brief, branding his victim an AIDS carrier who may be responsible for the eventual deaths of numerous individuals, crediting her relatives for shared responsibility in what might have been. Next, in November 1997, it was Rifkins turn to sue prison officials and the New York Daily News for branding him HIV-positive. The Joel Rifkin reference certainly grounds Seinfeld 's episode in its own time, but its the idea that O.J. Rifkin was dispassionate, referring to the murders as events or incidents, listing his victims by number. "They would suspect a serial killer was on the loose and his car would have easily been spotted by cameras.". When asked about the body, Rifkin said, She was a prostitute. The Terminator could easily take out John Wick and he wouldnt even see it coming. Police just noticed him because his vehicle was missing a license plate. On July 14 of that year, 31-year-old Barbara Jacobs was found, strangled and rotting, in the Hudson River; her body had been wedged inside a plastic bag, then forced into a cardboard box. "There were no cameras on every block. After wrestling her body into a plastic trash bag, Rifkin cleaned up the blood and signs of combat in his living room, then lay down and slept for several hours as if nothing had happened. Her mother, Florence Orvieto,told The New York Times that she had been saving her Christmas presents for two years until she learned in 1993 that her daughters body had been discovered in a 55-gallon oil drum in Coney Island Creek in Brooklyn. Determined not to bungle the disposal this time, Rifkin went out to purchase cement and a large mortar pan. Theyre intelligent, always seeking more knowledge, and exclusive. Very few people start out life thinking, 'Oh gee, my goal in life is to wind up in Attica. Rifkin arrived at Attica state prison in February 1996, sporting a black eye from his first assault by fellow inmates while confined on Rikers Island. Abandoned by the father of her two children, Evens found solace in drugs and worked the streets to keep herself well. Rifkin found her tricking on February 27, 1993, stopping for sex in an abandoned parking lot. During questioning, Rifkin described her death in clinical detail, but his emotional detachment was not the worst part of the confession. Serial killer Joel Rifkin led cops to the skeleton of one victim at the outskirts of New York City's Kennedy International Airport. Still, it would take years for authorities to formally identify her, as "Susie" wasn't her real name. They let him go with a warning. His rage and self-loathing only grew, according to the special. Create your free profile and get access to exclusive content. "Joel was a bit of an eccentric," said Mladinich. Barbara Jacobs: Jacobs was killed on July 14, 1991. My daughter was a very beautiful girl, Victoria ONeill said. New York State's most prolific serial killer might not have been discovered on a hot summer night 25 years ago if the license plate on his pickup truck had not fallen off, authorities say. Rifkins selection process was erratic, sparing most of the hookers he patronized on a near nightly basis, prompting him to kill others on a whim. Following a traffic stop that led to a car chase by police, authorities noticed a rank odor coming from Rifkins car. Rifkin was booked at Hempstead, where homicide detectives launched a marathon interrogation. A failure in athletics, Rifkin joined the yearbook staff, and promptly had his camera stolen. Rifkin was AWOL from his part-time job at an East Meadow liquor store, looking for trouble. Mary Catherine Williams was number 13, Joels omission of her name confusing police and some reporters into citing Williams as an 18th victim. On August 22, 1987, Rifkin was arrested in Hempstead, Long Island, for soliciting a prostitute. "RifkinonRifkin: Private Confessions of a Serial Killer". Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? By the time Rifkin found her, in the predawn hours of June 24, 1993, she was his second hooker of the night--his fourth within two days. Susie was still alive, however, and she fought back when he tried to move her, biting one of Rifkins fingers deeply before he strangled her to death. In 2000, a state appellate court determined that prison officials had not violated Rifkin's constitutional rights by housing him in isolation. Joel left his parents several times, renting small apartments, but he was never gone long, always moving home again when his latest job fell through. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he did it.. We used him, to be blunt about it, one of them recalled, years later. Some were on land. Sale called the state police at 3:30 p.m. and ordered them to cease interrogation of his client, but the questioning continued in Sales absence for at least another hour, until Rifkin completed his grim recital of death. He was later acquitted. Simpson. Jenny Soto was the last victim of 1992, a 23-year-old addict whose many trips to detox never turned her life around. . In Rifkins cluttered garage, detectives followed their noses to a reeking wheelbarrow, extracting three ounces of human blood. Excluded from team sports and neighborhood games, Joel was the butt of every prank and sadistic joke: bullies assaulted him in school and pulled his pants down, stole his lunch and books, and harassed him constantly. Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, breaking news, sweepstakes, and more! "Leah was not a throwaway," Evans' friend tearfully says in the special. It was the smell of death, and it would linger long after the source had been removed. Rifkins bedroom reading material included a book on the unidentified Green River Killer and news clippings about the case of New York serial slayer Arthur Shawcross. He spent more than four years in solitary confinement I dont care what someone did. Rifkin was bullied throughout his school years, an experience that left him feeling angry and isolated. WebJoel David Rifkin (born January 20, 1959) is an American serial killer who was sentenced to 203 years in prison for the murders of nine women between 1989 and 1993, though he is believed to have killed up to 17 victims in all. You dont even use a name, its just initials. Her body was never recovered. They wound up at a cheap motel, DeLuca first balking at sex and demanding more dope, then rushing through the act, complaining all the while. Oxygens Serial Killer Week brings viewers inside the minds of the most notorious criminals of all time. He was vague on dates, different reports placing the crime 14 months after Susies murder, or late in 1990. As before, Joel cut most of his classes, focused for the most part on repairing his truck, renting video porn and trolling for prey. Arraigned for the Bresciani homicide on July 15, 1993, Rifkin repeated his plea of not guilty. New York State Police escort Joel Rifkin, 34, a landscaper from East Meadow, to a holding cell after charging him with second-degree murder in East Farmingdale, L.I. The experience soon explodedinto a full-on addiction, as he blew through all his money picking up hundreds of sex workers. Corrections officials say that Rifkin is now imprisoned with more than 200 other inmates at Clinton who are not allowed into the general prison population. According to astrologers, the presence of Aries always marks the beginning of something energetic and turbulent. At the police station, Rifkin was asked if he had killed anybody else. Her body was later found in an oil drum in Coney Island Creek, according to ThoughtCo. Her body was discovered in Cornwall in October 1991, a month after she had been reported missing by her family. Simpson wouldnt be associated with murder that truly makes it one of the worst aged jokes in sitcom history. Because Kramer has no ID on him, the box office employee has to use the public address system. WebSusie was still alive, however, and she fought back when he tried to move her, biting one of Rifkins fingers deeply before he strangled her to death. Besides a broken neck, Marquez had fractured ribs, though Rifkin claimed he could not remember hitting her. He researched past crimes for details. Oxygen Insider is your all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! Rifkin wedged the body underneath a rotting mattress, first relieving Sanchez of her watch and other jewelry. Rifkin was found guilty of nine murders in 1994 and sentenced to 203 years to life. (Oxygen). Three months later, he killed Leah Evens and left her in rural Northampton, where her skeleton was found on Mothers Day. Joel Rifkin is a serial killer who went on a string of murders in New York in the 1990s. Family: He was living with his mother and sister at the time of his arrest. Despite a tested IQ of 128, Joel did poorly in school, at least part of his problem traceable to the merciless teasing of class-mates. State Troopers who chased down his pickup truck for a routine traffic violation said they found a woman's decomposing body in the back and a driver who confessed to killing 17 women. Most of Rifkins 20 paintings and sketches depicted wildlife or flowers, but one--titled Guardians Failure--showed a bare foot with a coroners toe tag and an angel weeping in the corner. Crossing the Line. Police finally caught up to Rifkin in June 1993, when state troopers spotted his pickup truck without license plates on the Southern State Parkway. Fred Klein, shown in his office at Hofstra Universityon June 13, was the lead Nassau County prosecutor in the Joel Rifkincase. Rifkin dumped her body in the Suffolk County pine barrens, where she lay undiscovered until his arrest. And if he hadn't been caught, he likely wouldn't have stopped, he admits in Oxygen's new special, "Rifkin on Rifkin: Private Confessions of a Serial Killer," airing Saturday, April 10 at 7/6c on Oxygen. Joel Rifkin, 34, is transferred to District Court 29 June, 1993 in Farmingdale, NY after police said he confessed to killing as many as 17 women. He was confined to his cell at the Attica Correctional Facility for 23 hours per day. Strangled in Joels pickup after sex, she proved the toughest one to kill, he said, breaking all 10 fingernails as she clawed Rifkins face and neck. Rifkin was also able to hide in plain sight by switching up his modus operandi: Hedisposed of the bodies all over New York state, from a Brooklyn creek to an Orange County town, the New York Times reported in 1993. Jenny Soto: Jenny Soto'sbody later washed up along the rocks of the Harlem River in November of 1992. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2a73bfae92a8aa Despite finding that Wexner should have excluded Rifkins confession to the Bresciani murder--an argument pursued in vain for five years--the appellate court found overwhelming evidence establishing his guilt and refused to overturn any part of his sentence. A pair of womens panties lay on the floor, near a stockpile of rope and tarp. There was really no coordination between police precincts. An addiction to drugs would derail that dreamand influence herto enter the world of sex workand begin topless dancing, according to Newsday. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Rifkin went back to school in spring of 1992, taking uncredited classes at SUNY Farmingdale. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. This huge, perfect bound copy of SERIAL KILLER MAGAZINE is chock full of artwork, rare documents, trivia and in depth articles regarding serial murder. Five months later, Seinfeld mined his crimes for material. If theres a serial killer loose in your neighborhood, it seems like the safest thing is to be the neighbor, he says. ", JOHN WAYNE GACY LIKED THE POWER OF DEATH, RETIRED DETECTIVE REVEALS IN DOC: IT MADE HIM FEEL LIKE A GOD, Oxygen's new documentary on Joel Rifkin is part of their 'Serial Killer Week" line-up. Out in the garage, they found a wheelbarrow and a chainsaw stained with human gore. WebJoel Rifkin murdered 17 women, making him New York's deadliest serial killer. After strangling Lopez in his car, Rifkin drove through the night to Brewster, in Putnam County, and dumped her corpse along I-84. ", JOHN WALSHS SON CALLAHAN EXPLAINS HOW HIS BROTHER ADAM'S MURDER MADE HIM DETERMINED TO CATCH BAD GUYS, Jenny Soto, a victim of serial killer Joel Rifkin. Married to a pro football player in 1986 and divorced the following year, she had come to New York in search of an acting career, but wound up doing drugs and living on the streets. In 1989, he killed his first woman. Hopewell Police Chief George Meyer tells The Times of Trenton that New York authorities have no interest in prosecuting the case because Rifkin is already behind bars. Jenny Soto is one of Joel Rifkin's victims. Joel picked her up on July 13, 1991, and took her home to East Meadow for sex. Life could only get better, he reasoned. He was subtly obnoxious, like his presence annoyed you. Rifkin joined the track team, in an effort to fit in, and was rewarded with the nickname lard ass. Teammates hid his clothes and shoved his head into a toilet bowl.
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