Download our Membership Application. The J - St. Louis. . For our families with children under the age of 10 participating in youth programs, you will receive communication directly from the director of the program regarding travel policy. Springfield Fire Captain Drew . WE ARE REOPENING PING PONG at the beginning of May, AND we are about to begin the PROCESS OF repairing SOME OF THE TENNIS COURTS and converting THEM INTO PICKLE BALL COURTS. What happens on June 20? Our vaccine mandate went into effect on October 8th, and our staff will remain masked in common areas of the building. Financial assistance awards help families offset a portion of summer camp costs and are based on financial need. Although we have strong ties to the Jewish community, our organization is inclusive of people of all ages, lifestyles, ethnicities, and religions. Full Day Childcare Why have there been several leadership-level staffing changes? Additionally, we do not have sufficient fitness floor attendants, which burdens our current hardworking staff, so this will provide relief on the Health & Wellness/Aquatics side of the building. We narrowed the options down to two the first was closing 2 full classrooms, displacing 25 families at the ELC OR adjusting our hours so we could still accommodate our Health and Wellness members while keeping these 2 classrooms open. All of our private swim instructors are USA Swim certified and are so ready to welcome back their clients to the pool! Financial aid is not renewed automatically. Your JCC membership includes access to the Phil Sokolof Fitness Center, over 70 FREE Group exercise classes per week (including Yoga) and the opportunity to partake in all youth and adult programs. If you have an employee who consistently violates dress code and their outfit prohibits them from doing their job, you would then write them up. As always, please feel free to reach out, schedule a meeting and let us know your feedback. SPRINGFIELD JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER insights Based on 9 survey responses Areas for improvement Inclusive work environment Support from manager Trust in colleagues N/a Camp Counselor (Seasonal) (Former Employee) - Springfield, MA - June 5, 2020 Great summer job, if you like working with kids! Can you talk about the JCCs efforts to increase staffing and programming for children? In accepting your camp registration, the Springfield JCC hires staff according to registrations and deposits paid. Our priority is to first schedule those whose services were interrupted when private lessons were paused in April. Much of our staff in the Health & Wellness Center have experience in youth programs and can easily support the preschool and afterschool efforts. Other staff will be deployed to provide coverage in youth programs. Located on the Longmeadow/Springfield line, Camp JCC is easily accessible for CT and MA residents. Okay, so you know Im vaccinated. Contact Zach Verriden. Why did you have to adjust the pool and fitness center hours? AUTOMATIC PAYMENT PLAN While our entire community works to navigate this new phase, we want you to rest assured that we have leaned heavily on our Medical Advisory Committee to help us craft new policies. Since April 2021, we have hired 33 full and part-time staff members, excluding seasonal staff such as camp counselors. These financial statements have been audited by Armanino LLP. We know it isnt perfect but through this we are supporting our teachers and families which is something that hasnt happened since before the pandemic. This condensed financial information has been derived from the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco's financial statements for the year ending June 30, 2020. Full Time position. The Tucson Jewish Community Center (Tucson JCC) is a community space located in central Tucson at the base of the beautiful Catalina Foothills. Clickhere for a list of our current Kehillah youth programs. Should the issue of maintaining maximum capacity present itself the JCC will return to a reservation system. People of EVERY mental and physical ability level love camp together. The Chai Society is an unrestricted fund and we are grateful for contributions. Please remember, this is temporary. The state of early childhood education in this country is challenging, at best, and in a crisis, at worst. Digital Marketing, Marketing Communications, Marketing Manager, Communication. If you have additional questions about the financial assistance process, please email The Js Early Learning Center, and our after-school programming for students in Longmeadow, East Longmeadow, and Springfield are currently accepting applications for school year. Recreation to Education for adults in the Greater Springfield area. Questions? Cost: $95 JCC members, $115 general public | Pre-registration is required. As of last week, 6 million people were unemployed. Effective May 18th, we will now only be closed from 12 3:00 PM, and hope to be able to further close the gap in the near future. To better support our members who have been impacted the most by this change, we have decided the following: We understand that many of you are concerned about the health of the JCCs membership. Just as members, staff who desire to go maskless are required to submit proof of vaccination. My hope was to work with the team that was already established so we could begin innovating. We had an overwhelming response to our survey, which provided us with helpful insight into your excitement and reservations. In order to be in compliance with regulatory agencies, the JCC must complete background checks on every employee and in our youth programs, staff must meet certain experience and education requirements. Additionally, we ask that in the pool, members utilize the bags provided, and members only remove your mask when you enter the pool. Please note: swim lessons may be canceled for a variety of reasons. Tel: (413) 739-4715 | Fax: (413) 739-4747. If you have any questions or concerns, email our Membership Director, Cari Kaeding, and she will respond as soon as possible. Right now, there are 52 job openings for lifeguards just in this area alone. The JCCs senior leadership team, along with a small group of lay leaders, worked together to come up with a creative solution to address the issues at hand. Our unprecedented level of inclusiveness embraces the true diversity of our community. We will be reinstituting Sign Up Genius to manage usage of the pool beginning Wednesday, May 18. If you participate in the Seven Hills (formerly New England Farm Workers Council) assistance program, please register your child(ren) for camp, then select VOUCHER on the Coupon screen in CampDoc. CAN CHILDREN USE THE WELLNESS, FITNESS & SPORTS FACILITY? The JCC feels confident in our approach, which is in line with CDC and state guidelines, and we will continue to evaluate and assess protocols as we move through this next and final reopening phase together. While the fence is being built, the playground is not available for use. School. In addition to offering competitive compensation, we are providing sign on bonuses, referral bonuses, retention bonuses, and offering to provide training and certification to ensure staff meet the appropriate standards. Please understand that circumstances vary and approach masked members with kindness. Campers receive lessons from certified instructors and enjoy free swim time after the lesson. Our charitable contributions have increased by 1.5x from 2020 to 2021, and our membership is up by 226 membership units from December 2020, putting us at 70% of our membership pre-pandemic. The JCC is proud to offer membership packages and rates specific to individual adults, families, and seniors. With any new leader comes a new style of management, new standards, and a new vision for the future. Additionally, the JCC is putting a new fence around our front playground area. We feel confident in our approach, which is detailed below. In some cases, we have had staff that dont meet our professional and ethical standards, and in some cases, despite our efforts to support professional growth, it is clear the behavior wont change. While I understand the frustration, safety comes first, and we will resume when we are staffed properly. The Early Learning Center at the Springfield JCC is now hiring full-time lead teachers in our infant, toddler, and preschool programs. Our outdoor facilities include basketball and tennis courts, playgrounds, athletic fields, trails, high- and low-challenge ropes course, and a zip line. If you cancel between May 1 and May 31, 2022, you will receive a 50% refund less yourdeposit. The Springfield JCC is proud to be a constituent agency of the Jewish Federation of Western MA. Priority registration for programming from summer camp, adult education and more. Questions? The Jewish Community Center (JCC) of Northern Virginia offers programs and classes for all ages and denominations in Fairfax and Alexandria, VA including infant/toddler care, preschools, before-school and after-school programs for elementary-aged children as well as exercise classes, sports leagues, swim teams and personal training. A maximum capacity of 45 has been set and this number will be closely monitored. Let us know how we can help you or if you have program ideas. If you cancel before May 1, 2022, you will receive a full refund less your deposit. Furthermore, we hope that working with community partners will allow us to increase our offerings so we can provide services for more families. Dave & Mary Alper JCC, Miami, FL. 402-334-6426 Membership Our JCC is truly unique in that it has something for everyone. I want to be clear that neither of these options are GOOD options, but, unfortunately, they are our reality now. Our financial assistance program is funded through the generosity of JCC member donations, grants, and private foundations. Stay Connected with Important Updates Wellness and Recreation Updates Are exit interviews being done consistently with employees that have given their notice? JCCs and YMCAs across the country are at an average of 65% of their membership pre-pandemic. During the camp season, we have drop off and pick up in the morning and afternoon respectively. Will we have to wait until 3:30 in the afternoon to swim? Offering more than 1,200 programs every season, our spectacular 14-story complex creates a community where people, across all backgrounds and generations, can learn, play, and connect. The pool, which will be in much higher demand in camp, requires all of us to be respectful of our individual usage. These are not decisions we want to have to make. We know that you being a part of our community means you understand compromise is sometimes necessary when it comes to the wellbeing of the entire community. The Springfield JCC is committed to making summer camp as accessible as possible. However, to answer this question directly, we currently have 9 group fitness instructors who teach a variety of classes. In addition to being welcomed by a community unlike any other, a membership at The Stamford JCC provides you instant access to JCC facilities, a performance-driven fitness center, and modernized locker room and amenities, along with discounted access to highly acclaimed early learning and childhood programming, enrichment classes, and so much more! I can assure you that our highest priority is to ensure that the JCC can meet your needs in a way that demonstrates our commitment to quality, safety, and engagement. The JCC will be closely monitoring this policy through the implementation of JCC Safety Ambassadors, whose sole job is to ensure compliance. We will keep our weekend hours (7:00 AM 3:00 PM) the same for now. Local discounts around San Francisco. The labor market is at a major crossroads and has yet to recover from the initial layoffs experienced in March 2020. We continue to work on staffing up, partnering with Springfield College, Bay Path and HCC to provide internships and jobs for their students. Memberships are on-going but after one year, they can be cancelled with 30 days written notice. jcc springfield membership. When do you envision being able to reopen from 11am-3 pm? The availability should be more frequent for both cardio and weight training. Walk-ins welcome for to use our fitness equipment. Will you open the machines that were taken off line during Covid? We will have the schedule finalized as early as next Monday. SPRINGFIELD, Mass. For a complete copy of the 2019 - 2020 financial statement and annual report, please contact Chelsea Cooke . Neal Webber Building Im asking you for the long-term future of the JCC to hang in there with us for a bit longer and I promise it will be worth the sacrifice now. We have hired 10 people since we changed our operational hours and we are pushing as hard as ever on recruitment and retention. Invite Friends (list e-mail addresses) Unlike CVS, however, In our youth programs, we cannot close the classroom for lunch breaks so staff must be present to ensure safety and compliance with state regulations. ArtsWorcester Membership No. If you are finding limited availability, consistently, of a machine youd like to use please bring it to the attention of Cassidy or a trainer. More than $500,000 has been awarded in scholarships at J Camp. Neal Webber Building Rich Goldstein, President, Board of Directors, Springfield JCC. Please see below for more details. Decorate hearts and place them in your window. Below you will find links to important updates on programs and services. Safety is a top priority, and we need your help ensuring that the J will remain a safe community center as we navigate the pandemic. You will all become very familiar with her as our health and wellness programming gets underway. Will we have to wait until 3:30 in the afternoon to swim? We will continue to keep in touch with updates, and we appreciate your patience. Springfield, MA (December 1, 2020) The Springfield Jewish Community Center has announced Samantha Dubrinksy will be the organization's new Chief Executive Officer, effective February 1, 2021. The machines have been reopened, with the exception of one, which is in need of repair. (Kochavim, etc). Furthermore, its important to understand the staff we do have is valuable and working very hard to accommodate you the best they can. Though you may begin providing proof of vaccination on June 8, the ability to go maskless will not begin until June 20. While vaccination provides significant protection against the virus, those who are unvaccinated including those who are ineligible for vaccination currently such as many of our campers and all of our Early Learning Center students are at risk for contracting the Delta variant of the virus, which is much more contagious. Now accredited by the American Camp Association, the Springfield JCC Summer Camp is one of the only fully inclusive camps in New England and our campers love meeting people of all backgrounds! FAQs from our Town Hall | April 26, 2022. Also, what will the lap time look like when camp starts? We have provided plastic bags so that you can store your mask safely outside of the sauna, steam room, or hot tub. Each Friday, campers will participate in a Shabbat celebration and bake challah bread to take home. Additionally, we recognize that our communication around youth recreation program offerings hasnt been delivered comprehensively. Member pricing & priority access for JCCSF events and classes (including summer camp) Earn points for perks & rewards. We are excited to announce we will be fully reopening the Fitness Center, gym, pool, and locker rooms on Tuesday, July 5. This example has NOT taken place, but I hope it will help explain the situations weve faced. Children and adults of all ages can "experience it all." From our state-of-the-art fitness center to sports and enrichment programs for all ages, the JCC has something for everyone. Home Projects Ideas to Support Front Line Workers: Neal Webber Building We are looking forward to Sunday, June 20 when we begin to relax our COVID-19 policies! , the JCCs online registration system. Discounted on-site parking. 1391 Martine Avenue Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 P: 908-889-8800 F: 908-889-4070 Email Us Contact Hours Join Author Lynda Cohen-Loigman Friday, March 17 11:00 am Partner Personal Training Special Needs Resource Fair February 26 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Events Calendar 28 Truths with Educator Tamar Arnowitz Part III February 28, 2023 For security and safety purposes, you must check in with our Welcome Desk when you enter the JCC. Were currently offering hybrid in-person and virtual programs in order to accommodate everyones needs. Contact Kim ONeill. RALEIGH-CARY JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER | DAVID R. KAHN COMMUNITY CAMPUS. Our Summer Camp is open from Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM 4:00 PM for children in grades K 10. We had to make an adjustment because we are lacking staff in the ELC and Kids Space right now, preventing educators from taking breaks. Family membership is for 2 adults plus one or more children. Rosen JCC, Orlando, FL. The revenue from our youth programs represents 80% of the JCCs revenue. Pausing ELC swim lessons and making morning hours in the pool more available to members starting Monday, May 2, We have already restarted aqua aerobics classes. Wearing this single-use wristband alerts our Safety Ambassadors to your ability to go maskless! We hope to be able to provide more opportunities for care as our staffing challenges improve. Between STEM education, sports, and the arts, our counselors have premium qualifications. 6.7 million were hired in February, but there are almost twice as many available jobs (11.3 million available). Our Kehillah program that offers children with special needs and learning differences the opportunity to fully enjoy the JCamp experience. For those who prefer to keep their masks on, we are preparing our middle squash court to serve as a masked fitness area for those who are not yet comfortable removing their masks. From this, I hope you understand, staffing challenges are being experienced across the country, especially with lifeguards and early childhood educators. 1160 Dickinson Street Springfield, MA 01108 We can never have enough staff. We are pleased to announce thatwe will be keeping the J open until 12 pm (as opposed to 11:00 AM)! Unlimited access to 90+ weekly Group Fitness Classes. Contact Cari Kaeding Membership Director (413) 739-4715 Join the J We aim to educate the WHOLE child. Springfield, MA 01108 Health & Wellness Protocols and Registrations, My Coronavirus Story Flipbook by Illinois Autism Partnershi. These funds are used for equipment purchases and facility renovations. The JCC has something to offer everyone. We understand that each member has unique circumstances that may affect their feelings about the new guidelines. Young and old, individuals and families, Jews and non-Jews, are all greeted with a warm welcome at the JCC. You spoke and we listened! Hamburger? At the end of February, 6.4 million jobs were filled and 11.3 jobs remained open. Every agency that provides childcare is struggling. Like many other local businesses and organizations who have reinstated masking, we hope we wont be wearing masks for much longer. Swimming Lessons If you are experiencing a medical hardship or COVID-related issue, please let us know so that we can help. JCC Fitness Member. 9111 Tree Haven Drive Charlotte, NC 28270 Phone: 7043337195 2225 Coronation Blvd You will all become very familiar with her as our health and wellness programming gets underway. Member pricing for personal training, private swim lessons and more! Camp JCC is located on 20 acres of beautiful grounds with basketball and tennis courts, a playground, athletic fields, woods, a high and low ropes course, a zip line, a picnic grove, a pavilion, and more. Is there a plan to reopen the classrooms in the ELC that have been closed? Please be patient with our Welcome Desk staff as they navigate this operational transition and take extra care to confirm vaccination status. 25-yard, 5-lane lap pool and Family Swim Time. Campdeposits are non-refundable ($10 per week of camp reserved). Our son loves going to school, and has just blossomed as a tiny human. The JCCs recruitment efforts will be accelerated and several of our staff members will be laser focused on recruitment. For over 60 years, the Tucson Jewish Community Center has been a home away from home for Tucsonans of all ages, abilities, faiths, and identities. Call Today! Vaccinated members will be allowed to take off their masks in designated areas, after showing proof of vaccination. Before applying for financial assistance, please register your child(ren) for all desired camp sessions in. Our new operating hours are 5:30 AM 8:00 PM (Monday Thursday) and 5:30 AM 5:30 PM (Friday). No thanks! Join - Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh Tour our Facilities Join us at the JCC in Squirrel Hill or South Hills Interested in Joining? Depending on the needs of the camper, they can be paired with aides and infused right into camp. As with any change that is made from an HR perspective, I cant share with you specifics, but I can provide you with a theoretical situation to help provide context to the situation. NO CONTRACT, NO INITIATION FEE, AFFORDABLE RATE The JCC respects and appreciates your commitment to these values, especially during this time. Manage the Springfield JCCs social media channels; implement tactics to . Become a J Member and Save. What are the positives from this situation? These are not decisions we want to have to make. The JCC will support you in working towards that certification. Why is it so hard to find a director for the ELC? How will the JCC make this right for members? Springfield, MA 01108 Tel: (413) 739-4715 | Fax: (413) 739-4747. I really like this question. If you see someone inside the JCC with a mask on, that does not mean they are unvaccinated. 1160 Dickinson Street We feel confident in our approach, which is detailed below. Our hope is that well be able to extend our operating hours beyond 8:00 PM once we have more staff hired and appropriately onboarded. Yes, all employees who resign are given an exit interview. You will also be entitled to discount rates for JCC Summer Camps, as well as various adult, teen and youth programs. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for processing once your application is submitted. Rose R. 20:55 07 Nov 22. I am proud to share that only one full-time administrative employee has resigned, due to a better opportunity, and she is delaying the start of her new job for two months so she can support the JCC through the transition thats how dedicated our team is. We know it isnt perfect but through this we are supporting our teachers and families which is something that hasnt happened since before the pandemic. The JCC has been advised by our Medical Advisory Committee to closely monitor the 14-day average infection rate. 1-year commitment required. Thank you again! To illustrate how difficult the hiring environment is, last Monday, for example, we had seven interviews scheduled and only two showed up. Since April 2021, we have hired 33 full and part-time staff members, excluding seasonal staff such as camp counselors. As of the end of February, weve deployed Sr. Director of Youth & Family Services Zach Verridan, a former superintendent with a masters in education policy from Harvard, to oversee the ELC and his experience paired with the dedicated staff has fostered a new sense of community. You are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after a single-dose vaccine or two weeks after a two-dose vaccination. 1. When it came down to this decision, we considered all of our options. 1160 Dickinson Street JCC MetroWest has been a pillar of the community for over 140 years. Additionally, we are pleased to announce that our aquatics staff will be reaching out next week to begin scheduling private swim lessons. The Springfield JCC allows for memberships to be frozen for $25 monthly.
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