Its ridiculous and phone service we drop calls. Apple Store said that my iPhone 13 is not compatible with the Sims card how funny huh then they did this Esims its where you dont have to have a Sims card in your phone if nobodys aware of this and lets just say this I havent had connection to the Internet since I got this phone in March so Ive gone without service on my phone March April, May, June, July, August, September, almost October, I fractured my foot in four spots and broke my leg and couldnt even dial 911. Please add me as well. It sits on a table. I never received the $200 credit for upgrade promised in store due to customer service error. It costs nothing to sign up. Hackers initially told the media in late August that they had obtained the personal information of over 100 million people from T-Mobiles servers, but the company itself has so far reported that the data breach, officially announced on August 16, has affected almost 50 million former, current and prospective customers. I was about to sue T-MOBILE in small clai.s but, maybe Ill talk with this guy instead. Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), a consumer may bring a civil claim for damages if they were victims of a data breach. 5th Floor T-mobile customer for over 15 years, It dont seem that i can get caught up with my bill since last. We are both retired and have no guarantee of a signal in case of emergency. Only had plan for 3 days and it didnt work. I have trouble Day one. Is this even legal? Legal information is not the same as legal advice, which is the application of the law to a particular situation. I have screen shots of my speed test iver the last 2 months Want to stay in the loop on class actions that matter to you? I am so frustrated with Sprint/Tmobile after this merger and the new service switch. Myself and 20 others were without service.. please send information to join suit.. Sign me up. Other information compromised in the attack includes: The disclosure of this sensitive information puts T-Mobile customers at substantial risk of identity theft and devastating financial fraud. no 5g and i was told by two of T mobile tech in Idaho there was no service and was in a dead zone. T-mobile sucks and sprint should have never joined with them. As we are in a rural and terrain subject area so all comunications including wifi hot spot and 911 were cut off and went from 3 to 0 bars. Because Im a Sprint customer and they and T-Mobile sent me emails briefing me on the details. I have been speaking to T-Mobile almost everyday for a month, I used to have Tmobile service with their phones and so Ive been with them a little but not very long while trying to cut the phone bill by paying like half the price of my phone bills and then they start raising the cost from like 50 or 60 or 75$ and then raise the price up around like up to 120$ on my billing statements after taxes. Once the merger happened I had 3 phones that couldnt be used and was charged for them for over a year. 310-740-3401, Please add me. T-Mobile US is trying to force customers into arbitration in order to avoid a class-action lawsuit that accuses the phone carrier of violating federal law by selling its customers' real-time . People need to know someone is out there to help! upgraded S22+. Another group of lawyers filed a class action lawsuit against T-Mobile for the data breach. A class action settlement has been proposed in a case against T-Mobile US, Inc. and T-Mobile USA, Inc. relating to a data breach that T-Mobile announced on August 16, 2021. August 2, 2022 - Investigation Closed Thank you to everyone who reached out to us in regard to the T-Mobile data breach. In my area I have to use my wifi just to make calls. Plus very rude! Add me to the list. Because this is just half of whats I have been going through the last 5 years. Were so sure that youll be happy with FairShakes services, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You will file your case yourself, may be able to represent yourself. Our service has been limited in function for two months. I was talked into upgrading devices and trading in devices that were paid off. With none in my home or job, Im in the middle of the city and have internet go out all the time. All of arbitration claims made through FairShake are administered by the the American Arbitration Association (AAA). Need help i get sick every month when i have to talk to a representative from Tmobile. TMobile ruined my life with their 5G network upgrade extortion and blackmail scam! Hmm..feel that should have been disclosed during the sale. Add me i hate to mobil and their customer service sucks BALLS!!! T-Mobile says that the information stolen from the additional customers did not include social security numbers and driver's license information. Sprint before they moved to tmobil (or tmobil were not were not sure at this point.) Legal information is not the same as legal advice, which is the application of the law to a persons unique situation. Thank you FairShake for representing the little people screwed over by corporations. Tmobile says that there is a grace period but all lies. Over the last couple of years, FDA safety alerts have warned that Xeljanz may increase the risk of blood clots, heart problems, cancer, and even death. NOW WATCH: Customers expect CEOs to take action against climate change now more than ever, Unilever executive says. Since the?change, my phone freezes up constantly. I never had this problem when I was with sprint. All posts or writings on by staff or others should be regarded as personal opinion only, not legal advice. Contact Shamis & Gentile, P.A. Id rather go back to communicating via Pigeon Carrier if T-mobile is the only cell phone communication option for me. It was explained as an error that they had no resolution for & gave me a $10 credit for my inconvenience! Now my bill is 100$ more than what I agreed on. as well as other partner offers and accept our. Now Im paying for a $900 5G capable phone that SUCKS! But yes my wife and I she had a Samsung 10 and I have an old Samsung 8 I put the chip in the eight like instructed to do by T-Mobile and my service has been so slow its worse than 10 years ago with a CDMA service. My brother Cordel McGraw is having the same issues and wants to know P (619) 762-1910 Much static even when speaking with T-Mobile .T mobile is covering up. Oneplus 5g device. Since the breach, attorneys have been working to help make sure T-Mobile is held accountable for failing to properly protect the private information of millions, who are now at a heightened risk for fraud and identity theft. 5 months into a 2 year T mobile contract with 3 phones and a balance due we lost service due to an arbitrary and unannounced shutdown of a shared sprint tower. I am not a lawyer and cannot answer this question."}}]}. 5G was forced on everyone and current phone is not compatible, so now what? The article does not contain contact information. Customer service is uncoporative at this time. At A Glance. Im pretty sure its only on one and not for long at all. Ive been woth Tmobile for 10yrs. Contact our consumer protection attorneys to see if you may be eligible for a claim under your states laws. Types of Data that may be at risk include: If you believe your data was breached, please fill out the form below and an attorney will further review your case. Oh and I was called a liar too. Please add me. Add me to this lawsuit as well. Please Add me to the Lawsuit. Add me. Was not recompence for security breach. California residents may receive $100 (though the actual amount will likely be significantly less), unless they can provide documentation showing other losses. Weve designed our services to be inexpensive, and for you not to spend out-of-pocket. It is nerve wracking. Mass arbitration is different than traditional litigation, which involves filing a formal lawsuit with the court and potentially going to trial. So if I get hurt again and I cant dial 911. If you received direct notice from T-Mobile, letting you know that you were affected, contact our law firm for a free, confidential evaluation of your claims. That means that we represent each individual in their own proceeding, and we can seek to resolve their claim individually. Please add me. I took my card off. If you qualify, Top Class Actions lawyers will contact you after you fill out the form to determine if you should file an individual lawsuit or a class action case. Was sold entire internet package and for the last year have had nothing but trouble. Terms and Conditions. Mine goes only to 4 g. Add me please and thank you. Privacy Policy | Suite 603 I have been a customer with sprint now T-Mobile for more than 6 yrs. If we dont recover money for you, you wont owe us anything. Box 7635 I bought a brand new upgraded phone & was given a new T-mobile SIM card & never had any service whatsoever (cant make a phone call, send a text, absolutely no data, etc). Many of the Class Devices have or will become wholly unusable as the non-Network older Sprint and T-Mobile networks with which they are compatible, including Sprints 3G, 5G, and LTE networks as well as T- Mobiles 3G UMTS network, get shutdown, the lawsuit states. Additionally, anyone who has or believes they have suffered identity theft should also visitIdentityTheft.govto report it. When will it end, I was told until its paid off completely, Also having many issues with phone my contacts list somehow got erase, Please add me , this happened to me I have no service, when I walk out of room where router is I lose connection, Please add me. What do you think of the allegations against T-Mobile? I was also only getting 3G. "We have sent communications to millions of customers and other affected individuals and are providing support in various ways.". Ive got bad service on 5g Note 20 Sprint phone and they wont help. Please add me. This is still going on in places a year and a half later!! Lived in the same location for 7 years. v. T-Mobile USA Inc., Case No. My IPhone 7 became unusable. Every month it goes up. I lose service all the time. Our connection to the industry is what sets us apart: we cover lawsuits and investigations . People try and call and my service says that my phone is not in service, which it is in service and my bill is not what I signed up for., The customer says some devices will become unusable after the telecommunications company launches its 5G network. Any information you provide to Top Class Actions does not establish an attorney-client relationship, and it may or may not be protected by attorney-client privilege. Even with the right attorney, your chances of getting to court, much less winning or even getting a settlement, are slim. I told you this I filled out Start A Class Action Lawsuit back in 2021 and never heard back from anyone. While a class action lawsuit against T-Mobile is not allowed per T-Mobile's terms and conditions, many consumer claims can be resolved through consumer arbitration. Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Amount (s): $14,000,000 = $4,500,000 in attorney fees + $7,000,000 to Claimants +$2,500,000 in non cash benefits (free minutes, text messages and HotSpot usage) - settlement administrator expenses (identifying and paying the class) - $1,000 to the lead plaintiff. They even cut down on 4G make both of my phone uselsss. An arbitration hearing brings in someone to be an impartial third party in place of the judge to listen to both sides and decide how to resolve the dispute. Switch back to Verizon. We complied and reception is still terrible if not worse. Add me to this class action lawsuit please Ive been with T-Mobile for ten plus years and in my area is a dead zone for 3g, 4g, 5g service. T-Mobile launched a 5G network without telling customers that it planned to shut down older networks, and didnt address network incompatibilities for certain phones, a new class action lawsuit alleges. They refused to compensate us for having inoperable phones & service. I had a perfectly working paid off phone. According to the lawsuit Espanoza v. T-Mobile USA Inc., the plaintiffs and the class action members contend their identities are at risk because of neglect on the part of T-Mobile. Needless to say att is my carrier now leaving t-mobile after 7yrs of service this merger has been nothing but trouble and a cash machine from its customers. I totally agree with this. Boost mobile has done this as well. Recently, T-Mobile settled a class action lawsuit to resolve claims made against it for the August 2021 data breach that affected approximately 76.6 million US Citizens. Unfortunately, T-Mobile did not provide direct notice to all former customers who were affected and instead elected to use substitute notice by posting a webpage with the message assume you are affected. If you are a former T-Mobile customer who did not receive notice, our law firm may be able to conduct an independent investigation for you to confirm if you were affected. For former customers, other carriers also have similar account takeover protection services available. We'll ask for 15% commission out of your settlement from your T-Mobile legal action when you receive it, subject to our 100% satisfaction guarantee. I have two LG tablets and an iPad that no longer have service and I still have to pay the monthly lease. Service absolutely is beyond awful and ive been in the store over 20 times, bought a new phone even though mine was just 1 year old. I lost my service since I didnt wanna upgrade to a iPhone 13 and after paying all my accounts off theyre still charging me for full service, Please add me I have been a Sprint customer since 2010 and since the merge my bill has went up and the service has been horrible. What dates did you have service or apply for service with T-Mobile? Why: Class action lawsuits and settlements involving T-Mobile and Verizon have collectively revolved around claims related to accessibility, service and billing. I have had Tmobile for years and lately it has been terrible. I just use this phone for the internet. I pay for a service that I cannot use whenever I choose. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":" So I was hack before. They gave us pennies for them when they were both in excellent condition! The T-Mobile class action lawsuit is Jose Moreno, et al. My family has has had sprint for years I live in West Virginia, when the companies merged they sent us new Sims cards for are phones, they didnt take into consideration that were we live doesnt have 5g now we have Sims for 5g but only have 4g at best, this has left us with bad service, dropped calls, missed important calls from Drs, many more important calls my mother and myself are cancer patients, have telemedicine appointments that cut out or dobt happen, so much problems, even though we have horrible service are bill has only went up. By submitting your comment and contact information, you agree to receive marketing emails from Top Class Actions regarding this and/or similar lawsuits or settlements, and/or to be contacted by an attorney or law firm to discuss the details of your potential case at no charge to you if you qualify. How you join please , we have been going thru hell for month with T-Mobile and the CEO has blocked him on all social media after he reached out to him , Mike Sievert, As of today I am a former T-Mobile customer and my service began February 10th 2022 not even a week after service began I started having issues with dropped calls and lost text messages when filing a client I was told there was no issue but they would look into it I have called back multiple times every month since then trying to get a solution or something when I was fed up enough and requested service to be cut off they denied my request ignored me even hung up on me I have been threatened by their supervisors and nobody in the company will give a statement or anything about what is being done, As the result of not changing to 5g my/our phones are working BUT glitches all the time my 7 yo granddaughter phone went completely out for 24 or more hours then came back on, its ridiculous how much were required to pay AND its crap services, As of today , my 5g service constantly messes up . Another, in March 2020, which exposed T-Mobile customers financial information, Social Security number, and other account information. I was a 20yr sprint customer forced into Tmobiles fraudulent practices. Sounds like a scam to me. Plus it was on all tech websites. Contact us now for a confidential evaluation of your potential claims. It appears the problem gets worse, with each update. Please add me I have had this happen with T-Mobile just recently, Your email address will not be published. Rather than offer owners of these phones free upgrades, customers would have to switch their phone and phone plan to a new offering from T-Mobile, the plaintiff alleges.
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