Jor-El's delinquent neighbor, Dev-Em believed his warnings enough to build a shelter that survived the destruction of Krypton and was propelled through space. With Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman not only got a re-imagined origin, but Kryptonian's got a new written language too. It's really fun not having to look at the subtitles or wonder what's being said and just being able to read the kryptonian text. I wonder if the correspondence would have been the same in Red Son. Doyle Kryptonians short phrase refers to a good dream because he does not have a word for sweet. For now you can see her work-in-progress on this Google Doc. The two symbols found in the story of Kryptonian are glyphs and syllabic writing systems. Superman reveals there is still a place for her and that he is creating an army using beings freed from Brainiac's collection. In subsequent films, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) and Justice League (2017), the writing can be seen on several places on Superman's suit, most prominently on the "S"/"hope" symbol on his chest. Characters, character names, logos, and related indicia are of and DC Comics. I left my 'comfortable' job on Facebook to fulfill my dream - educating people worldwide. Settling of noble disputes by private duels is fully legal (although highly uncommon) and apparently gives advantages in terms of reputation. This research focused on how languages are embedded in landscape and how people can learn about language in tandem with reclaiming knowledge of the land. However, given that Krypton is an advanced civilization, it is likely that they did indeed have their own language, and that English was not spoken on the planet. Right? How To Learn Grammar For A Foreign Language, Why People Want To Learn A Second Language, Is Learning A Programming Language Like Learning A Language. Why Man Of Steel's Kryptonian Language Was A Bad Idea I mean Honestly sometimes I believe writers have lost a lot of creative capacity. In the Super Friends Kandor appears inside Superman's Fortress of Solitude in one episode and several of its miniaturized (yet still super-powered) inhabitants provide aid to the titular group of heroes. What will happen now that Superman is dead? However, after Brainiac's defeat, Superman and Batman argue over Brainiac's fate, leading to an end to their truce. Vaslovik 5 yr. ago Kara and Clark both grew up on earth, in America. "Truth" of the Girod is the beginning of beginnings. It is not a God, but a descendant of one. The term originated from the stories of DC Comics superhero, Superman. But it's a lot further from completion than the other versions since it was barely used or seen. Schreyer began her journey quite young she has wanted to be an anthropologist since she was twelve. She was recently the language creator for the Power Rangers movie, and was on-set during the filming of the very first scene where Brian Cranston and Elizabeth Banks speak Eltarian. In Batman/Superman #2, the Dark Knight surprises Superman by revealing that he can speak the language of his alien homeworld. 2023 I love Languages. var _gaq = _gaq || []; A plane would fly Perry White into the sky, just as it would fly Superman into space. In Young Justice, it was believed Superman (Kal-El) was the sole survivor of Kryptons destruction by its exploding star Rao with exceptions being his half-Kryptonian, half-human clone Superboy and his son with Lois Lane Jonathan. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Eradicator, a robot built by the Kryptonian council, departed the planet with a group of colonists, survived their decimation, and would later encounter Superman. In Season 8, it is revealed that Zod's wife Faora, also a disembodied wraith, was sent into the Phantom Zone with her husband, but not before they genetically engineered their son, fusing genetic material taken from the most violent Kryptonian life-forms with their own. Hawaiian | For the beginning of the truth is the beginning of the Girod. Male Kryptonians are identified by hyphenated names, which identify both them and their houses, such as "Jor-El" and "Kal-El" (of the House of El). The Man of Steel. Only when youre telling someone you love them or when youre talking about something with them can you use /:zhaoodh khuhp w rraop/. All Kryptonians are capable of long range telepathic communication. Many developments on a theatrical film adaptation of the 'Barsoom' series emerged in the 20th century. DC Reveals Batman Speaks Kryptonian - Also, in both Silver Age and Modern Age continuity, Kryptonians have more than one ethnic group, such as dark-skinned Kryptonians from Krypton's Vathlo Island that resemble Earth humans of Sub-Saharan African, Negrito, Melanesian, and Indigenous Australian descent reminiscent of Earth peoples of the Negroid, Capoid, and Australoid races and a group from the continent of Twenx that resemble Earth humans of North African, Middle Eastern, Asian, Micronesian, Polynesian, Native American, and Latino descent reminiscent of Earth peoples of the non-European Caucasoid and Mongoloid races. Almost all Kryptonians were killed when the planet exploded shortly after the infant Kal-El was sent to Earth. 1 A-Z index | If you like this site and find it useful, you can support it by making a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or by contributing in other ways. However, there are a few Kryptonian words that have become popular in popular culture. I never realized this before, but Superman is an L2 speaker of Kryptonian! Kryptonian survivors of alternate worlds, such as Power Girl (Kara Zor-L), the dog Krypto the Superdog, and the monkey Beppo the Super-Monkey, also reside on Earth. Copyright 19982023 Simon Ager | Email: | Hosted by Kualo,, Constructed scripts for constructed languages. I do wish the Kryptonian was a little less directly translated over. Supergirl tries to reason with her cousin by telling him of how his father opposed General Zod, only for Superman to reveal he agrees with Zod's methods, believing that if Jor-El had been more like Zod, then he would have been able to save Krypton. She suggested using the Cree Syllabics writing. Answer (1 of 8): Because kryptonian language in comics is shown as this And so far no one has ever had the initiative to simply create a language that would represent the symbols. Supermans death has left many people, including the Justice League, in a state of shock. In Smallville, Clark Kent initially believes himself to be the last survivor of Krypton. In its most basic form, the polite imperative form of please do is spelled out in the comic book world of Kryptonian. Vietnamese | I know it so much that I was recognizing some of the typos in the books from a few months back. Fictional alphabets | Kryptonese is the official language of Krypton . The third season reveals that Alura and the populace of Argo City survived Krypton's destruction due to Alura's husband Zor-El's energy shield. For Clark, it's even his native language, no so much for Kara. I love Languages are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. The language of the fictional planet of Supermans birth, Kryptonese, is spoken. [5] Kryptonians are evolutionarily related to the also-severely xenophobic Daxamites. Tolkien created not only. Taino | Thank you so much for your comment, I'm a huge fan of your work! Then during the _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-16097713-1']); Tactile scripts | Later, it is revealed that another Kryptonian, the scientist Dax-Ur, has been living on Earth for over a hundred years, using blue kryptonite to render himself powerless, and has even fathered a son with his human wife. How To Translate Kryptonian. - Superman - Comic Vine In the process, an increasing amount of logographic components have been added with symbols that have been explained to represent words, ideas, or names. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); The top 10 languages Superman would know | Diverse Tech Geek Jor-El launched the Phantom Zone projector into space on 30 Ogtal 10000. The simple way to explain it is that they are speaking a language, but from our perspective, English is their preferred language. Spanish | Is it true that humans can communicate with all other planets, and they do not speak English? It's because it's just a letter-substitution font used to give the impression of an alien language without actually having to go through the trouble of creating an alien language and then translating into that alien language. The child was attached to Clark's ship in the form of a cocoon; on Earth it assumed a human form and became known as Davis Bloome, but would periodically assume its true form: the monster Doomsday. Sometimes it is to explain why or how something works or came to be. It's best they learn the 2nd most used language here. Posted on February 14, 2018 by Joe McVeigh. Zack Snyder's original plan to introduce a spoken Kryptonian language in Man of Steel actually would have made the film's problems much worse. In Batman's story mode ending, Superman is defeated by Batman after Kara leads him to the Batcave. six loraxo (Kryptonian months) per amzet (Kryptonian year). In the Arrowverse TV series Supergirl, another Kryptonian House was revealed, this one led by Alura Zor-El's twin sister, General Astra. Schreyers background in reviving and protecting endangered languages made her the perfect candidate to create an imaginary language with one big difference. I would like to hear more Kryptonian spoken (so far it's only on Supergirl a few lines and maybe somewhere else I'm not sure). In Legion of Super Heroes, the citizens of Kandor, Superman and his clone Superman-X, might all be considered surviving Kryptonians. However, Zod and his lieutenants only survived because they were at that time incarcerated within the Phantom Zone and were not in fact on Krypton at the time of its destruction. General Zod, Faora, and Quex-Ul are implied to be the only three prisoners of the Phantom Zone. The Religious, Artist, Military and Science castes had representation on the ruling council, while the Worker caste did not. He was also devoid of any Kryptonian minerals, because any such minerals would turn to kryptonite upon leaving Krypton's atmosphere. "The Kryptonese Alphabet: A Real-World Historical Tale", in Eury, Michael. Note: all links on this site to, and are affiliate links. All Rights Reserved. Translating "Superman" - in a spirit of brotherhood. Kal-El is raised on Earth as Clark Kent and becomes Superman. Persian | Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In Superman: Man of Tomorrow the bounty hunter Lobo claims that Superman is the only survivor of Krypton's destruction. Man of Steel's Kryptonians Almost Spoke Their Own Language - ScreenRant Superman murders the Joker and establishes a tyrannical government called the One Earth Regime. In Superman Returns, it is revealed that Clark is father to the half-Kryptonian child Jason White. Contact me (Darren Doyle) through any of the social media channels above or email. Just because DC has moved on to Aqua Man doesnt mean that Schreyer is far from films. All such writing appearing in the comic books is actually just the language of publication (English in the US and UK, French in France, etc.) They also started referring to the language as 'Kryptonian'. For most of Superman's published history, Kryptonian writing was represented by random, alien-looking squiggles. In some continuities, he is the planet's only survivor. Krypton, birthplace of Superman. The goal of the language project was to create a working Kryptonian language accommodating and reconciling as much of the Superman canon as possible. Kryptonian or Kryptonese is language or the fictional planet Why Man Of Steel's Kryptonian Language Was A Bad Idea - ScreenRant Zack Snyder has revealed that Kryptonians were originally not going to speak English but have their own language in Man of Steel. 27. It is written as a different language than English and is spoken as a second language. Considering that the creative team behind MOS came up with an actual Kryptonian language, I think the idea is for audiences to suspend their belief and imagine that, amongst themselves, the. As a random squiggle, the language appears in the Superman comics at first. Visit Dr. Schreyer's own Kryptonian page for links to more interviews and information. A multi-dimensional defeat. Rereading this, the text is pretty lame but it was for an electronic comp class in college. Supergirl saves Harley's life and confronts her cousin at the Fortress of Solitude. There are brackets with strange characters known as ipa, or international phonetic alphabets. It is with great deference to the creativity already poured into the Kryptonian mythos that I offer these creations, improvisations, and interpretations of my own. The writing can be seen in several places on Superman's suit in the subsequent films Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) and Justice League (2017). The Canadian Mint even asked her to do some work for commemorative Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman coins they had produced. It's a fun badge of honor to show off my geek cred, and it comes in handy when there's Kryptonian dialogue in the comics (like the recent Superman annual with Swamp Thing). Unlike in the comics, the main clothing color seen is black. The Kryptonian Language Project - Reddit Pretty cool! The cellular structure of Kryptonians allows for solar energy to be absorbed at extremely high levels. In Sub-Zero's ending, Superman joins forces with Kryptonian criminals General Zod, Ursa and Non after escaping the Phantom Zone through a portal accidentally created by the Batman's Justice League while trying to create a portal to Earthrealm. Twitter user @Rachelyoubish has been doing some amazing breakdowns of the Kryptonian writing seen in Man of Steel. 73 zetyaro (Kryptonian days) per lorax (Kryptonian month). With this method, Kryptonians are designated pre-determined roles in society at their conception for example, Jor-El is a Scientist, whereas General Zod is a Warrior. You can build on the knowledge and wisdom that it provides. Kal-El. If real endangered languages like Kala or Southern Haida became as cool to learn as Kryptonian, teaching them would be a lot easier. There is only a website where you can type it up and you can screenshot it, so it types it up for you (you can do the same in a word doc with the ttf file), but as far as directly sending it, I don't think so. :), nahn tiv girod i shokh w iazhrrimo i tiv iazhrrim, kypzhrrig rraopo w tiv raozh chao tiv zhrrig ran zuchadodh, kaoazhuhmodh rraopo w ki ,Kal,Ik, zw ugirahz w tiv shokh ju zhehdiv ehrosh, nahpaiuhsh zhehdiv threv nvadh ,Jazh,Ur, zhehdiv mehl kuhs, kaoazhuhmodh rraop w ki ,Jazh,Ur, zw ugirahzh w zhehdiv threv ju tiv shokh. He fell [greatly] by not heeding the truth that Kal-Ik spoke. The language of Krypton, known as Kryptonian, isnt a full language system like Klingon, but its symbol-based system can be translated to the language of the publication. Chinese languages | Russian | Ben Dane. It is hoped that a decision by Warner Brothers will be made to release a Man of Steel Kryptonian primer. The two symbols found in the story of Kryptonian are glyphs and syllabic writing systems. Batman confronts the grieving Supergirl and reveals that Superman was once his friend. Characters, character names, logos, and related indicia are of and DC Comics. They are artificially grown in "genesis chambers" using information from the Codex, a skull containing the entire genetic code of the Kryptonian race. On Earth-Two, the Kryptonian Val-Zod (Superman) survive Krypton, along with Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr (Supergirl). 13 Alien Languages You Can Actually Read - Gizmodo 13. Supergirl is horrified to learn her cousin approves of Wonder Woman's actions, though he believes it would be best to deal with Harley after Brainiac is dealt with. Members. In Supergirl, some of the elements, like their black clothing and telepathy, was retained except that the shields featured a different letter, indicating a different House other than Zor-El's. A universal translator on Star Trek would translate the spoken word enlish rather than making it appear that the speaker was speaking English. No one can answer all of these questions. For the 2013 film, Man of Steel, linguistic anthropologist Christine Schreyer was brought in to develop a new and unique writing system and spoken language for Krypton, unrelated to any previous depictions of Kryptonian. The Fortress of Solitude is often portrayed as a recreation of Krypton's surface and a storehouse for all the knowledge that the Kryptonian race had obtained. Unsurprisingly, they both learned English. J.R.R. Although the language was never spoken in the film, the writing was featured prominently in most scenes set on Krypton. Welsh | Kal-El (Superman) was born to Jor-El and Lara on 35 Eorx 9998. The severe xenophobia of Kryptonian society conveniently explains Kal-El's being the first Kryptonian to leave the planet. In the animated film Superman: Unbound Brainiac abducted and shrunk the people of both Kandor and Argo City from Krypton. How to submit a constructed script. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Please be thankful for your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Jax-Ur was the Kryptonian tyrant who blew up Krypton's moon, Wegthor kind of the Kryptonian Hitler, if you will. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? They just used this alphabet to Ochen horoshaw! Valyrian to Klingon: Study Shows Top Fictional Languages - Newsweek This fall, Schreyer will be teaching the first-ever cross campus social science course between UBC-O and UBC Vancouver. Batman and Supergirl manage to infiltrate the ship, but Supergirl is captured, though Batman discovers that Superman is still alive and the two join forces to defeat Brainiac and free Supergirl. Despite Brainiac being responsible for Krypton's destruction, Supergirl sides with Batman and choose to spare Brainiac so he can help them restore the worlds and cities he has collected. Schreyer created two parts to Kryptonian: the written and oral components. The world of Krypton was so well-imagined theres so much in there I feel that is not on-screen, said Schreyer. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) If you've heard about how his suit was a little different in BvS, with a Joseph Campbell quote* sewn in, it's in this new alphabet and language. Towards the end of the season, after Dru and Ursas son from the future Lor-Zod frees them from the zone, they try to conquer Earth with their Kryptonian allies but fail and most are sent back to the Phantom Zone except Ursa who was saved by the Eye of Ekron and taken to Daxam and Lor-Zod who was killed. Fans (including Schreyer) were holding out for a fully-developed Kryptonian dictionary that Warner Brothers had hinted at making possible, but the DC Universe has since moved on. In "Hostile Takeover" more Kryptonians, led by Astra's husband Non, surfaced on Earth preparing for take over of the planet, and came prepared to counter the kryptonite weapons with anti-kryptonite body armor. In Justice League Action Superman, Krypto, the Phantom Zone prisoners, Supergirl (whether she came to Earth in Kandor, directly from Krypton, or from Ago City is never revealed), the people of Kandor, and Streaky the Supercat at all survivors of Krypton. Omniglot is how I make my living. [3], In some continuities, mating between Kryptonians and other species is difficult because Kryptonian DNA is so complex as to be nearly incompatible with that of other species. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. The Phantom Zone also makes an appearance, implying that prisoners inside it survived Krypton's destruction like in so many other continuities. When exposed to a young yellow star like Earth's Sun, which is much smaller than their own sun and with a vastly higher energy output, their bodies are able to absorb and process so much energy that it manifests as vast superhuman powers (such as superhuman strength, superhuman speed, invulnerability, flight, x-ray vision, heat vision and superhuman senses). The New 52 introduces a survivor named H'El, a Kryptonian clone who piloted a prototype of the rocket Jor-El uses to save his son and departed Krypton with the planet's historical records. Click over to the Man of Steel Kryptonian Writing page for a detailed breakdown of the writing including a downloadable chart, as well as the phonology of the language. Kryptonian is a little like Japanese, with both an older system of symbols or glyphs akin to kanji, as well as a syllabic writing system similar to hiragana and katakana. The light of dwarf stars, pulsars, and quasars also grants Kryptonians different abilities. The Ubyssey regrets this error. Kryptonian culture and its language (well, its writing, at least) have appeared in many different forms and places over the 75 years of Superman's history. Needless to say, finding all of the relevant material, let alone getting a coherent grasp of it, is a difficult and daunting task. They are also vulnerable to physical attacks from beings native to Krypton essentially in proportion to their vulnerability in non-powered situations. In general, Superman will want to learn a minimum of 15 extra languages, in addition to English, Interlac, and Kryptonese/Kryptonian. The only notable exception is represented by the original native Daxamite population (the race that bore that name before intermingling with the Kryptonian explorers, who later adapted the name for themselves). Does the Mint really want to make coins? said Schreyer. Unless the producer/director is concerned about the actors accent, it is his or her prerogative to choose one. Kara also mentions a rumor that Kandor survived the destruction of their home planet but it is never revealed whether this is true. Geminis scene, for example, only barely audibles as a result. Doyle is credited in Through the Valley of Death, but no Kryptonian was used. The style of these depictions has since evolved over the life of the series from decipherable transliterated writing to a more stylized (and indiscernible) form. It is a very difficult language to learn, but it is possible for humans to learn it. In the future, the citizens of Krypton are humans. In addition to the block font, I had a handwriting font for a long time, but I haven't maintained itI should probably update that! The shape of the script itself reflects the connection of land and language so prevalent in Schreyers research. Kryptonian alphabet appears on the TV show Smallville. Like in Smallville, a number of criminals imprisoned by the Kryptonians in the Phantom Zone are from other planets and have different powers from those of either Superman or Supergirl. Add to that the many revisions and inconsistencies between the various comic incarnations (some of which are huge) and then throw in radio, television, film, and books, which all seem to do their own thing, and the idea of combining all that has been published about Krypton into something consistent is downright impossible.
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