Acting Chief Solicitor Harry Skene Harry Skene's Bio Harry W. Skene is an attorney licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania and New York. More residents need to get involved and engaged, and not be afraid or too busy to get involved, wrote Youse. He was promoted to partner in 1992 and remained at the firm until 1998. Code Enforcement Officers The supervisor position needs to be bi-partisan and accepting of all and all ideas not exclusive. He graduated Adelphi University in 1984 with a B.S. Marc Jonas, a solicitor for the developer, has rejected that request and a judge agreed with Jonas position. He then attended the University of Pennsylvania and in 1989 received his LL.M. Emergency Management Director - Chris Spadaccia Home Township Solicitor. Salzmann and Hughes, Township Solicitor; HRG Engineering, Township Engineer; Other Information. - John McCormick Hanover is a city in York County, Pennsylvania. Residents also fear the development would cause stormwater runoff and additional traffic. Hanover Township. Business Law, Lawyer, Legal Counsel, Patent Attorney. Zoning Hearing Board Attorney - William J. Fries, Esq. in Psychology and received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Toledo College of Law in 1988. I am an everyday working individual who has an active busy lifestyle, but I still hear the concerns of residents. Stay Connected. Email: Listed on 2023-03-04. 3355 Route 611 Hanover Township OFFICE HOURSMonday - Friday:7:30am - 4:00pmCONTACT US, TOWNSHIP HALL8848 Jonestown RoadGrantville, PA 17028717-469-0833, DisclaimerGovernment Websites by CivicPlus, Current Subdivision/Land Development Plans, PENNDOT 2023 Public Outreach Campaign for the 2025 12-Year Program, Advertisement for Bids: East Hanover Township Community Park Improvements, SBA Working Capital Disaster Loans Available in Dauphin County and Surrounding Pennsylvania Counties for Summer 2022 Drought, Rate increase on quarterly billing with Penn Waste. New Hanover Township Authority Board 3rd Wednesday @ 6:30 PM 2943 N. Charlotte Street *Five Year Terms Thomas Miskiewicz, Chair Term: January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2025 Samantha Schmoll, Secretary Term: January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2027 Jon Detterline Term: January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2023 Rusty Oister I am here to change the status quo and lead this township in the future., Youse wrote he believes the most important issue facing the township is development of the township which has been occurring for the last 20 years. As of the census[6] of 2000, there were 7,369 people, 2,532 households, and 2,147 families residing in the township. Building Inspector: Harold Ivery Jr. (724) 263-0377. ; 1801 Market Street, Suite 300, Camp Hill, PA 17011; 717-234-6700. in Psychology and received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Toledo College of Law in 1988. Township Clerk - Vicky Roth. The Luzerne County Office of Laws client is Luzerne County Government. 148 Main Street, Hellertown, PA 18055 Township Sewage Enforcement Officer: Administration. 724-222-7639 Fax 724-229-7764. Since January 2, 2001, the Board of Supervisors has consisted of five people. Gilbertsville PA 19525 New Hanover Township U.S. Bank National Association as Trustee vs. Baumgartner Thomas K. & Griffith Shelly L. a/k/a Baumgartner Shelly L. $2,480.92 71 19-20738 . 800 East High StreetP.O. Marc Jonas, a solicitor for the developer, has rejected that request and a judge agreed with Jonas' position. Board of Supervisors | East Hanover, PA What kinds of documents are filed by the Recorder of Deeds? The Board is empowered with legislative functions which include enacting ordinances and resolutions, adopting a budget, levying taxes, providing for appropriations, awarding bids and contracts, and making appointments to various advisory boards and commissions. Township Clerk - Vicky Roth Just deeds? Youse, 49, is a retired New Hanover Township police office and a full-time substitute teacher. 2870 Emerick Boulevard 610-838-2255 Phone, 610-838-2244 Fax PA 18073 Maps & Directions. The Township is bounded on the east by East Hanover Township, Lebanon County; on the south by South Hanover and Derry Townships; on the west by West Hanover and Middle Paxton Townships; and on the north by Rush Township. The current members of the U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania are: Office title Officeholder name Date assumed office Party affiliation; 7171 Allentown Boulevard Harrisburg, PA 17112 Phone: 717-652-4841. Administrative/Clerical. Please do not contact the Office of Law if you are in need of legal advice or the assistance of an attorney. Since January 2, 2001, the Board of Supervisors has consisted of five people. The expansion of the Board from three to five members was approved in the 1999 municipal election. Keystone Consulting Engineers, Inc. Hanover Fire Hall 724-729-3929. UTC-4 ( EDT) Area codes. It is a growing community made up of 11.3 square miles. $12,454.66 for the installation of new guide rail & end sections. New Hanover Township, PAStaff Portal Login. 02/16/2023 at 7:30 pm . Fax 610-264-2773. In 1998, he joined Paul Bauer to form Garner & Bauer. Hanover Fire Department . Anyone wishing to contact the township solicitor should contact Perkiomen Township. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Board of Supervisors - Administration - Conewago Township Solicitors | Luzerne County, PA UPPER HANOVER TWP: 131: Milou Mackenzie (R) 24: Tracy Pennycuick (R) UPPER MERION TWP: 149: Tim Briggs (D) 17: Comments are closed. Legal Notices and Requests for Proposals (RFPs), First Thursday of every month (as needed). Private Client Solicitor Job Northumberland Pennsylvania USA,Law/Legal WEBSITE: . Board of Supervisor meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month (except holidays and elections) in the Municipal Building beginning at 7 p.m. Michael Muffley, PE He has taught numerous courses as an adjunct professor in contracts, business, constitutional law and mediation. New Hanover Township is the fastest growing municipality in Montgomery County, PA. For every 100 females there were 100.2 males. Harry W. Skene is an attorney licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania and New York. Montgomery County PA Legislators Municipality PA House District PA Representative PA Senate District . The Board of Supervisors can be reached by email or phone at 717-469-0833. A plan submitted under the new ordinance would create far less revenue for the township and would not create as many new jobs.. New Year's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving and Christmas. About 1.3% of families and 3.3% of the population were below the poverty line, including 4.7% of those under age 18 and 1.4% of those age 65 or over. New Hanover Township Police Department | Frederick PA - Facebook Perkiomen Township | Township Manager | Code Enforcement | Solicitor Township of South Hanover Get up to date Delaware Valley news in your inbox. Zoing Officer: Donald Patterson (330) 417-4159. Other administrative units of the County government, Easily navigate through your online service portal. Mr. Garner joined Wolf, Baldwin & Associates in September, 2012, where he continues his emphasis in Municipal, Real Estate and Zoning Law. East Hanover Township, Lebanon County has a population of 2,801 people, as of the 2010 Census. I am not a political person, but someone who can relate to the residents of the township, Youse wrote. in Securities and Financial Regulation. He can be found playing music, gaming, watching cinema, philosophizing and wreaking havoc with his dog Butters, sometimes all at once. Copy and past this code into your website. In Pennsylvania, all Townships of the Second Class are governed and supervised by an elected Board of Supervisors. Sheriff Sale - Solicitor's Sale Day Report Sale Date: 08/25/2021 LR # Docket # Debt Amount Status All Costs Parcel Number(s) Attorney Sale Address Twp/Borough Plaintiff Defendant . My values are simple honesty, integrity, being accessible to residents and employees, and ethical/fair treatment of everyone. 79 were here. If I can break into the inner bubble as an everyday Joe, anyone can, which will lead to more individuals being involved and engaged. He then attended the University of Pennsylvania and in 1989 received his LL.M. Supervisors. Fax 610-264-2773 The median income for a household in the township was $67,097, and the median income for a family was $70,789. PDF East Hanover Township South Hanover is classified as a township of the second class located in Southern Dauphin County, Southeast of Harrisburg. Government | East Hanover, PA - East Hanover Township, Dauphin County Listing for: Executive Network Legal Ltd. Full Time position. He also practices in the areas of Estate Planning and Administration, and General Civil Litigation. The Environmental Advisory Council is currently on an inactive status due to a lack of volunteers to be appointed as members. It had attempted to delete the uses which the Town Center developer had included in its long-standing plans. Solicitor: Attorney Colleen Gallo. . Board Vice Chairman Charles D. Garner Jr. is not running to reelection and the two men running to replace him both former police officers are both running as Republicans. Ph. New Hanover is a second-class township and elects five at-large supervisors. Some of these changes may concern safety issues. Susan D. Jackson, New Hanover Township Clerk POPULAR LINKS Contact Us Agendas & Minutes Township Ordinances Firearms Permits & Registration Here are the responses the candidates provided to The Mercurys online candidate questionnaire in the order they were received. Former officers: Openly racist Montgomery County police chief, deputy He is currently the solicitor for the Borough of Pottstown and has represented various Townships, Boroughs and Zoning Hearing boards over his long career. Hanover Engineering Associates, Inc. Formal action will be taken on any or all Agenda items. Mr. Garner graduated Cum Laude from Ursinus College in 1983 with a Bachelor of Arts. Until appointment to Interim Chief County Solicitor, he has served as a fulltime Luzerne County Solicitor with Children and Youth Services. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 97.7 males. East Hanover Township, Dauphin County, is located approximately 12 miles east of Harrisburg, Pennsylvanias State Capital. Email: William Ross Snook, V. Chair Term: January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2023 Email: wsnook . They said their project meets all zoning requirements and is ready to move forward for approval., However, some residents are opposed to the plans. The population density was 341.3 people per square mile (131.8/km2). Its villages include Fagleysville, Frederick (also in Upper Frederick Township,) Hoffmansville, Layfield, New Hanover, New Hanover Square, and Sassamansville (also in Douglass Township.) Our proposed plan will meet state transportation and environmental requirements regarding traffic mitigation and stormwater management, Goldthorp told DVJournal. New Hanover Township Spent $307,322 to Block Town Center Development Right-To-Know and other public information. Township Solicitor: David Backenstoe NEW HANOVER TWP: 147: Donna Scheuren (R) 24: Tracy Pennycuick (R) NORRISTOWN BOROUGH: 54: Greg Scott (D) 17: . Township Manager & Zoning Officer - Melissa A. Wehr. It had attempted to delete the uses which the Town Center developer had . . Solicitor's Sale Day Report Sale Date: 02/22/2023 LR # Docket # Debt Amount Status All Costs Parcel Number(s) Attorney Sale Address Twp/Borough Plaintiff Defendant Phone: 570-688-9550, Ext. Mr. Garner has been a lifelong resident of the Pottstown area. The population was 10,939 at the 2010 census. I cannot go back and undo some of the decisions made by past boards that we are seeing today, but I can try to mitigate the effects of what has already been planned/approved. Township Attorney - J. Jackson, Eaton III, Esq, - Gross McGinley Zoning Officer: Liz Amato, Ext 113 VII. Private Client Solicitor. Until appointment to Interim Chief County Solicitor, he has served as a fulltime Luzerne County Solicitor with Children and Youth Services. Share this page on your favorite Social network, Term: January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2023, Term: January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2025, Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2027, Term: January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2027, Term: January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2023, Term: January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2024, Term: January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2025, Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2025, Term: January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2024, Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2026. Township Solicitor. New Hanover, and the surrounding townships have many housing developments approved or under construction. Solicitor. In his thirty years as an attorney, he worked for law firms and in his private legal practice as well as a solicitor for Steven Flood when he was the Luzerne County Controller. Mr. Garner developed his practice as a general practitioner, with an emphasis on Municipal, Real Estate and Zoning Law. Based on population, West Hanover Township is classified as a Second Class Township under PA local government statutes. The per capita income for the township was $25,084. To Contact any of the following officers He has never held elected public office, but he noted in his response to the questionnaire that. Christopher J. Noll, S.E.O. He graduated Adelphi University in 1984 with a B.S. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The developers have also argued that not only would the project bring hundreds of permanent jobs into the area, but it would also provide many temporary construction jobs as well. All monthly business originally scheduled for the Tuesday, February 14, 2023 shall take place at the Wednesday, February 15, 2023 meeting. The public is encouraged to attend. Planning & Zoning Secretary: Lori Lambert, Ext 110 Official site with a newsletter, maps, news items, a calendar of community events, and a business directory. I want to represent everyone in the township.. 610-865-4555 Phone, 610-758-9009 Fax Hanover Township - Departments Press enter for Accessibility for blind people Press enter for Keyboard Navigation Press enter for Accessibility menu 2202 Grove Road / Allentown, Pa 18109 / 610-264-1069 Home Search + Departments General Info Calendar News Contact Alerts Departments Engineer. [2], As of the 2010 census, the township was 95.3% White, 1.2% Black or African American, 0.1% Native American, 2.0% Asian, and 1.2% were two or more races. East Hanover Township is a Second-Class Township governed by the Second-Class Township Code which was enacted and amended in 1995. New Hanover Township officials have spent $307,322 in an effort to stop a development planned for 209 acres on Dotterer Road by RP Wynstone LP. PA State Association of Township Supervisors on Facebook. East Hanover Township is a Second-Class Township governed by the Second-Class Township Code which was enacted and amended in 1995. The average monthly temperatures in Layfield range from 30.6F in January to 75.3F in July. Phone: 610-442-6917 New Hanover Township What they must do and what they may do is specified in the codes and laws enacted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 1.6% of the population were of Hispanic or Latino ancestry.[5]. Right-to-Know Officer: . Click, Term: January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2023, Term: January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2027. Please send all correspondence to Pottstown Office. New Hanover Township is classified as a township of the second class and is governed by the Board of Supervisors, which is comprised of five members, who are elected at large and serve six-year staggered terms. The West Hanover Township Board of Supervisors has 5 members who are elected at large by Township voters. According to the United States Census Bureau, the township has a total area of 21.6square miles (55.9km2), all land. I am here to bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the table; not only my ideas but the residents ideas. Solicitor: E. Lee Stinnett II, Salzmann Hughes P.C. Boards & Commissions - He also practices in the areas of Estate Planning and Administration, and General Civil Litigation. PENN FOREST TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 2010 STATE ROUTE 903 JIM THORPE, PA 18229 AGENDA . Electrical Inspector: Emery Yuhas (724) 470-5848 . ; 1801 Market Street, Suite 300, Camp Hill, PA 17011; 717-234-6700. . Minutes are available following approval.View Most Recent Agendas and Minutes. Keith and Sandy Youse of New Hanover Township, Montgomery County have gone public with allegations of having to endure racist comments and bullying treatment at the hands of the township. While the township denied the original requests to reveal its spending record to the public, those denials were overturned by the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records (OOR) through appeals. PDF AGENDA Toll . . The Supervisors have created the positions of Township Manager, Assistant Township Manager/Zoning Officer, Secretary-Treasurer, Administrative Assistant, Park & Recreation Director, Public Works Director and Road Crew, Building and Park Maintenance, Sewage Enforcement Officer, Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator, Municipal Engineer and Solicitor. A Delaware Valley freelance writer, Ben Ulansey writes about political and social topics and the environmental moment. West Hanover Township ($300,000 Debt reduction of fire engine; $45,960 Tall It is our intent to offer you comprehensive information that is easy for you to access and use. Hanover, PA 17331 (address above is for mailing purposes only) 717-870-9711 Township Engineer - Al Kortze, P.E., Keystone Consulting Engineers There were 2,532 households, out of which 40.1% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 76.5% were married couples living together, 5.4% had a female householder with no husband present, and 15.2% were non-families. Planning Commission Attorney - Susan G. Maurer, Esq. in Psychology and received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Toledo College of Law in 1988. Allentown, Pa 18109 County of Montgomery Sheriff's Office - Montgomery County, PA Share this page on your favorite Social network, New Hanover Township is classified as a township of the second class and is governed by the Board of Supervisors, which is comprised of five members, who are elected at large and serve six-year staggered terms. The current infrastructure of roads and bridges are being stretched to the maximum. The median age was 38 years. SOLICITOR'S REPORT - JOSEPH A. CURCILLO, III, ESQ. The average household size was 2.91 and the average family size was 3.17. Strong and careful oversight is necessary. Peter L. Socks, Jr., Chairman Thomas M. Danner, Vice Chairman . - Stephen Rusyn The racial makeup of the township was 98.32% White, 0.31% African American, 0.07% Native American, 0.79% Asian, 0.01% Pacific Islander, 0.05% from other races, and 0.45% from two or more races. Legal expenses challenging the plan, developers point out, were paid by taxpayers. X. PA Commission on Crime & Delinquency Subgrant #40131 Application - Improvement of . Harry W. Skene is an attorney licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania and New York. For Comments, Questions, Or Complaints aboutour articles please contact us. From the developers perspective, there is little reason that any resident would object to the project at hand. Phone 610-264-1069 He graduated Adelphi University in 1984 with a B.S. County Solicitors act as counsel in all official matters to: 20 N Pennsylvania Ave Suite 215 Wilkes-Barre PA 18701, Office of Law Education Series - Right To Know and Sunshine Act. A developer trying to build a Town Center in New Hanover Township is asking a judge to appoint a special master to handle nine pending court cases. New Hanover Township is a township in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, United States. The New Hanover Township Police Department is a full-service police agency located. Hanover Township - Administration - Hanover Township, Lehigh County Public Works Maintenance Supervisor - Josef A. Fragnito Bartonsville, PA 18321-7822 Based on population, West Hanover Township is classified as a Second Class Township under PA local government statutes. Apr 2011 - Present12 years. Allentown, Pa 18109. Additionally, the developers pointed toward the 25 court cases leveled against the township in the last two years as proof of the obstinacy by the Board of Supervisors toward the project. I support trying to preserve our rural community as best I can while allowing reasonable growth and development, he wrote, adding, simply stated, I want a better New Hanover, not just a bigger one., Evan Brandt is a reporter for The Mercury, ELECTION 2021: Two seek GOP nod in New Hanover, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), ELECTION 2021: Two seek GOP nod in New Hanover supervisors race, Marianne Williamson begins longshot 2024 challenge to Biden, Trump supporters who drove Hummer with guns and ammo to Philadelphia vote-counting site spared more jail time, Legal Ease: Difference between assisted living and nursing homes, Kohberger defense lawyers want gag order kept in Idaho killings case, Montgomery GOP snubs Gale, endorses DiBello, Ferry for county commissioner, Royersford man charged with kidnapping, killing co-worker in 2021 [Updated], Lansdale residents sound off against continued trash talk, 'Country Bride,' Sumney Tavern buildings could be demolished soon, Abington woman charged with killing, dismembering parents was a teacher [Update], Female firefighters beginning to climb ladders to advancement, Missing Pa. woman found 31 years later living in Puerto Rico, Lawrence, Gale authorize Montgomery County contract package totaling $1.75M, North Wales remembers late firefighter Jason Connelly, As Adderall shortage continues, DEA plans to limit some telemedicine prescriptions, House where JonBenet Ramsey was found dead listed for sale for almost $7M, Columbia University permanently drops SAT, ACT admissions requirement, The Waterbed Doctor: California retailer lays claim to retro bed with nearly 40 years of service, sales, Felonious Florida podcast: Missing teenage girl leads to several cases of child sex trafficking, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Solicitor: Salzmann Hughes, P.C. ELECTION 2021: Two seek GOP nod in New Hanover supervisors race Phone 610-264-1069. Resident Ben Lanyon said after a 2019 public meeting, Since I moved to this township, I have not spoken with a single person who thinks its a good idea to build 700-plus new houses here.. Being a police officer for 14 years in the township, I have the ability to not only listen but respond to what is being told to me. Administrative Assistant - Josephine (Pina) Romano This is the official page of New Hanover Township, Montgomery County, PA. He has taught numerous courses as an adjunct professor in contracts, business, constitutional law and mediation. Males had a median income of $51,420 versus $33,578 for females. 1606 Events. However, the current housing boom, even with expected interest rate increases for 2022, makes the project financially attractive and the developers are pressing ahead. It will also meet all local requirements and standards as guided by the townships codes and ordinances., He added, The original application provides the township with $3.6 million dollars in new revenue and creates approximately 550 jobs. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. New Hanover Township, PAStaff Portal Login. Township Tax Collector - Vicky Roth. County of Montgomery Sheriff's Office, 1069 Municipal Road - Walnutport, PA 18088 |. Board of Supervisors | West Hanover Township, PA In the township the population was spread out, with 27.5% under the age of 18, 5.3% from 18 to 24, 31.5% from 25 to 44, 24.9% from 45 to 64, and 10.8% who were 65 years of age or older. Collegeville, PA 19426 p: 610-547-5532 e: . According to a recent NBC News report, Pennsylvania residents feel abandoned after the East Palestine, I hosted six Democrats and one Republican running for Philadelphia mayor on Talk Radio 1210, MILLER: Journos Covering for Fettermans Health Condition, BREAKING: Zabel Steps Down from Committees, Will Not Resign, Delco Inks Dam Agreement With Media and Broomalls Lake Country, PA House Dems Knew About Zabel but Did Nothing, GOP, GIORDANO: Next Mayors Race Is An Inflection Point for Philly. The Township Solicitors Association has several membership options available: Individual Membership - $260 per year. New Hanover has a hot-summer humid continental climate (Dfa) and is in hardiness zones 6b and 7a. E. NEW BUSINESS: ROGER MECKES, CHAIRMAN 1) RATIFY TO APPOINT BIA AS ALTERNATE SEO FOR LUKE EGGERT Luke Eggert, PFT SEO from Hanover Engineering is requesting the appointment of BIA to assist with his property located in PFT. Township Manager & Zoning Officer - Melissa A. Wehr Its numbered routes are 73 east-to-west and 663 north-to-south, which join briefly in Layfield. Building Code Official - Cindy Witman, Base Engineering Charles D. Garner Jr. - Wolf, Baldwin & Associates, P.C. Another complicating factor is that in the years since the projects initial proposal, stricter ordinances were passed. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Township Solicitors Association - PSATS Main And on September 20, Common Pleas Judge Wendy G. Rothstein declared a New Hanover Township zoning ordinance amendment invalid. I have been attending board meetings for the past seven or eight years, and learned of the opening there., He wrote that my law enforcement background and other experiences give me the ability to deal with issues and problems in a level-headed and professional manner, and to work within a group of diverse individuals to continue to make New Hanover a great community in which to live., Maskrey wrote that the most important issue facing New Hanover is economic growth and development..
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