4. Which of the following is used in electron microscope? b) Auxanographic technique 3. Besides macroscopic plants and animals, microbes are the major components of biological systems on this earth. View Answer, 28. a) Methyl red Chapter 2: Classification of Medically important Bacteria MCQs. The process is repeated several times until the requirement is met. (1) Optimal temperature for growth, (2) Optimal oxygen requirements, (3) Optimal nutritional needs (4) All of the above. (3) Attempt to synthesized secondary metabolites outside of their natural environment. Clarification: The pH range of Bromophenol blue is 3.0 4.6. 3. a) Crowded plate technique b) Mesophile and psychrophile a) Small pox It works best in this range and is also used as a tracking dye in Agarose-Gel Electrophoresis. a) Thiobacillus thiooxidans Which of the following microorganism has the cocci cell shapes and sizes arranged usually in tetrad structures? c) Mycobacterium tuberculosis Definition: true bacteria; bacteria excluding the archaea. Which of the following method is useful for isolation and detection of organisms having the ability to produce growth factors? The section contains questions and answers on diseases caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus, corynebacterium, aerobic and anaerobic gram, viruses containing single and double stranded dna. Which of the following yeast can be used to produce microbial protein? 6. D) A and C . 9. 4.0 SECONDARY SCREENING OF MICROORGANISMS . C. Enrichment Culture technique Bacteria or other organisms used in AST testing should be from a fresh culture, ii) the composition and preparation of the agar and broth media used (e.g. C) are products that require additional processing before they can be packaged. a) parasitic 10. As primary screening allows the detection and isolation of microorganisms which posses, potentially interesting industrial applications. View Answer, 45. View Answer, 42. 6. this would be absolutely amazing. Which of the following method is useful for detection and isolation of those microorganisms which are capable of growing on a particular nutrient medium? (2) Attempt to kill microorganisms outside of their natural environment. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Some examples of rod-shaped bacteria include Lactobacillus, Morganella, Bacillus anthracis, Klebsiella pneumoniae. d) intercalating agents B) False, Freezing at below -20 oC will kill most pathogenic food bacteria and inactivate toxins. c) Secondary treatment Therefore, the exact composition of a defined medium is known. View Answer, 40. D. Phenol red. b) Auxanographic technique D. Indicator dye technique. A 7 year old girl developed a sore throat and fever for 2 days. d) Prototheca Home Fermentation Technology Objective Questions 250+ MCQs on Isolation and Screening of Industrially Important Microbes and Answers. b) Streptomyces olivaceus b) Syphilis View Answer, 39. Bacteria having clusters of flagella at both poles of cells are known as? b) an increase in number of cells a) Streptomyces sp. Microscopic examination and culture of the sputum sample revealed gram-positive cocci that appear in chains. c) 5 8 Microbes are certainly ideal for biotechnology. Penicillin causes inhibition of Mycoplasmas. c) The optimum temperature for the growth of an organism must be above 50C. Antibiotic producing microorganisms can be detected by the method__________, 5. Aims and objectives. C) 72 oC for 15 seconds. 5. C. The optimum temperature for the growth of an organism must be above 50C What is high throughput screening used for? 7. Clarification: Adenoviruses cause respiratory infections. View Answer, 46. Defined media and complex media are two broad classes of culture media used in microbiology. 7. 11. Automatic Type Counter & Classifier Sulphur can be utilized by bacteria in the a. the virus must be able to cross-link red blood cells directly. A. Clean and disinfect surfaces that are touched often. It changes from yellow at pH 3.0 to blue-violet at pH 4.6. D. Rose Bengal Agar plate. Here are 1000 MCQs on Microbiology (Chapterwise), The Characterization, Classification and Identification of Microorganisms, The Microscopic Examination of Microorganisms, The Morphology and Fine Structure of Bacteria, Pure Cultures and Cultural Characteristics, Microbial Metabolism : Utilization of Energy and Biosynthesis, The Control of Microorganisms by Physical & Chemical Agents, Antibiotics and Other Chemotherapeutic Agents, Microbiology of Soil & Aquatic Microbiology, Microbiology of Domestic Water and Wastewater, Microbiology of Food, Industrial Microbiology & Bacterial Genetics, Microbial Flora of the Healthy Human Host, Host-Microbe Interactions : The Process of Infection, Microbial Agents of Disease : Bacteria & Viruses, Microbial Agents of Disease : Fungi and Protozoa, Microbiology MCQ: Major Characteristics of Microorganisms, Microbiology MCQ: Microbial Classification, Microbiology MCQ: Transmission Electron Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope, Microbiology MCQ: The Size, Shape and Arrangement of Bacterial Cells, Microbiology MCQ: Structures External to the Cell Wall, Microbiology MCQ: Structures Internal to the Cell Wall, Microbiology MCQ: Nutritional Requirements, Microbiology MCQ: Physical Conditions Required for Growth, Microbiology MCQ: Reproduction Modes of Cell Division, Microbiology MCQ: Growth Cycle of Bacteria, Microbiology MCQ: Quantitative Measurement of Bacterial Growth, Microbiology MCQ: Cultural Characteristics, Microbiology MCQ: Some Principles of Bioenergetics, Microbiology MCQ: Energy Production by Anaerobic Processes, Microbiology MCQ: Energy Production by Aerobic Processes, Microbiology MCQ: Energy Production by Photosynthesis, Microbiology MCQ: Utilization of Energy in Nonbiosynthetic Processes, Microbiology MCQ: Utilization of Energy in Biosynthetic Processes, Microbiology MCQ: The Biosynthesis of Deoxyribonucleic Acid, Microbiology MCQ: Transcription and Translation of Genetic Information, Microbiology MCQ: The Process of Protein Synthesis, Microbiology MCQ: Aerobic Gram Negative Rods and Cocci, Microbiology MCQ: Facultatively Anaerobic Gram Negative Rods, Microbiology MCQ: Anaerobic Gram-Negative Straight, Curved and Helical Rods, Microbiology MCQ: The Rickettsias and Chlamydias, Microbiology MCQ: Endospore Forming Gram Positive Bacteria, Microbiology MCQ: Nonspore Forming Gram Positive Bacteria, Microbiology MCQ: Physiology and Cultivation of Fungi, Microbiology MCQ: Classification of Fungi, Microbiology MCQ: Some Fungi of Special Interest, Microbiology MCQ: The Biological and Economic Importance of Algae, Microbiology MCQ: Characteristics of Algae, Microbiology MCQ: Classification of Algae, Microbiology MCQ: Ecology and Importance of Protozoa, Microbiology MCQ: Reproduction of Protozoa, Microbiology MCQ: Characteristics of Some Major Groups of Protozoa, Microbiology MCQ: Morphology and Structure of Phages, Microbiology MCQ: Replication of Bacterial Viruses, Microbiology MCQ: Viruses and Vaccination, Microbiology MCQ: Structure and Composition, Microbiology MCQ: Classification of Viruses, Microbiology MCQ: Virus Infection and Fatal Diseases Associated with Viruses in Animals, Microbiology MCQ: Fundamentals of Control, Microbiology MCQ: Characteristics and Definition of Chemical Agents, Microbiology MCQ: Major Groups of Antimicrobial Agents, Microbiology MCQ: Evaluation of Antimicrobial Chemical Agents, Microbiology MCQ: Historical Highlights of Chemotherapy, Microbiology MCQ: Antibiotics and their Mode of Action, Microbiology MCQ: Microbiological Assay of Antibiotics, Antifungal, Antiviral and Antitumour Antibiotics, Microbiology MCQ: Interactions Among Soil Microorganisms, Microbiology MCQ: The Carbon Cycle & Sulphur Cycle, Microbiology MCQ: The Aquatic Environment, Microbiology MCQ: Distribution and Techniques for the Study of Aquatic Microorganisms, Microbiology MCQ: Productivity of Aquatic Microorganisms, Microbiology MCQ: Determining Sanitary Quality of Water, Microbiology MCQ: Wastewater and Treatment Processes, Microbiology MCQ: Microbial Flora of Fresh Foods, Microbiology MCQ: Microorganisms and Industry, Microbiology MCQ: Industrial Uses of Bacteria, Microbiology MCQ: Industrial Uses of Yeasts, Microbiology MCQ: Industrial Uses of Molds, Microbiology MCQ: Bacterial Recombination, Microbiology MCQ: Bacterial Transformation, Microbiology MCQ: Normal Flora and the Human Host, Microbiology MCQ: Distribution and Occurrence of the Normal Flora, Microbiology MCQ: Penetration of Epithelial Cell Layers, Microbiology MCQ: Events in Infection Following Penetration, Microbiology MCQ: Microbial Virulence Factors, Microbiology MCQ: Diseases Caused by Aerobic and Anaerobic Gram Negative Rods, Microbiology MCQ: Diseases Caused by Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Bacillus, Microbiology MCQ: Diseases Caused by Clostridium, Corynebacterium and Mycobacterium, Microbiology MCQ: Viruses Containing Single Stranded RNA, Microbiology MCQ: Viruses Containing Double Stranded DNA, Microbiology MCQ: Diseases Caused by Fungi, Microbiology MCQ: Diseases Caused by Protozoa, Microbiology MCQ: Therapeutic Drugs for Treatment of Fungal and Protozoan Diseases, Environmental Biotechnology MCQ Questions, 1000 Data Structures & Algorithms II MCQs, 50k Electronics & Communication Engg MCQs. Several microbes are useful to humans in diverse ways like in household products, industrial products, agricultural products, etc. a) x-rays The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo d) Photosynthetic sulfur bacteria The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on viruses, vaccination, structure, composition, viruses classification, virus infection and fatal diseases. [2][3] S. aureus is found in the . c) rod shaped Clarification: Screening is the use of highly selective procedures to allow the detection and isolation of only those microorganisms of interest from a large microbial population. The process is repeated several times until the requirement is met. However, in a contemporary sense, we associate biotechnology with the direct alteration of an organism's genetics to achieve desirable traits through the process of genetic engineering. Name three reserve materials synthesized by microorganisms and note which microbial groups Answer: 1. View Answer, 15. B. Auxanographic technique It is done by using paper, thin layer or other chromatographic techniques. Crowded plate technique Who proposed that swamps might harbor tiny, disease-causing animals too small to see? Secondary screening can give information about (1) The genetic instability in microbial cultures (2) Number of products produced in a single fermentation (3) The structure of the product (4) All of the above. pH, cations, thymidine or thymine, use of supplemented media). Mycoplasma pneumoniae is an unusual bacteria which has distinctive characteristics, such as. 4. 8.0 10.0 Rickettsia species are carried by. Now, 1ml of that stock solution is taken and transferred to the 2nd test tube containing 9ml of distilled water. Due to the climatic and geographical diversity of Nepal, a wide range of microorganisms with potent source of antimicrobials are available. A) True 13. Complex media are prepared using digests of microbial, animal, or . C. MacConkeys Agar plate View Answer, 12. A) radiation. d) Study of microscope 5. 3. B) inhibit germination of botulism spores. c) Psychrophile the virus must be able to lyse red blood cells. Vaccination was invented by ____________ uses 100 grams of glucose in a 300ml solution. View Answer, 5. b) The organism must be able to produce a high yield of product. b) Xanthophycophyta Microbiology Question Bank PDF book covers problem solving exam tests from microbiology textbook and practical book's chapters as: Chapter 1: Basic Mycology MCQs. View Answer, 11. View Answer, 48. The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on nutritional requirements, bacteriological media and physical conditions growth. c) An objective with minimum numerical aperture First link in any food chain is usually green plants because. Which shape of bacteria has been represented in the following diagram? a) Condenser lens About Oracle NetSuite. 6.8 - 7.2 b. Microbiology is the study of living organisms that are not visible to the naked eyes. A routine GTT: is three hours long. answer choices. Label these plates 1/10 3 through 1/10 6. Cryptococcosis is a disease of ________________ The prototrophs are the organisms which are not capable of synthesizing all growth requirements for themselves. Defined media are prepared by adding precise amounts of highly purified inorganic or organic chemicals to distilled water. Which of the following metabolic characteristic is a distinguishing characteristic and identification of colonies of. screening of microorganisms includes mcq; screening of microorganisms includes mcq. The presence of E. coli in a drinking water sample almost always indicates recent fecal contamination, meaning there is a greater . a) False d) Phaeophycophyta Microorganisms are minute, unicellular organisms that aren't visible to the naked eye. Which of the following media is used for screening amylase? and you must attribute OpenStax. B. Thymol blue 11. Secondary screening should yield the types of information which are needed in order to evaluate the true potential of a microorganisms industrially usage. Chapter 4: Clinical Virology MCQs. Answer: C Methyl red C) sugar. Which is the secondary stage? a) Alcoholic beverages View Answer, 35. a) Killing all microorganisms. c) Organic acid producers Clarification: The transfer of a 1ml solution to 9ml d/w is called as serial 10-fold dilution. c) Crick a) Styloviridae b) Antibiotic producers A. includes 6 urine samples. B. Gram negative bacteria take the color of safranin stain and appear pink or red. c) MacConkeys Agar plate View Answer, 7. Which of the following is a type of fungal microorganism? Clarification: The optimum temperature for the growth of an organism should be above 40C. Detrimental effects of microorganisms in food include, Fermentation of grains usually results in production of, During malting, barley and other grains are broken down by, Milk fermentation to produce cheese is done initially by inoculating with, Pickles and sauerkraut share a common inoculum, which is. b) Atrichous bacteria. Primary screening of organic acids or amines producing organisms is done by__________, (2) Dye such as neutral red or bromothymol blue is used. 1215, 1216 137, 1217 Particles in a biological aerosol usually vary in size from <1 m to 50 m. Our 1000+ MCQs focus on all topics of the Microbiology subject, covering 100+ topics. View Answer, 22. Indeed, until Anton von Leeuwenhoek invented . Answer: A. Clarification: Screening is the use of highly selective procedures to allow the detection and isolation of only those microorganisms of interest from a large microbial population. is affected by the patient's food intake on the day of testing. You may refer to the lesson text whenever you are unsure of the answer. 13. c) Lactobacilli A test tube contains 9ml distilled water. Several types of cells of the immune system perform phagocytosis, such as neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells, and B lymphocytes. Which of the following shows the zone of inhibition when a particular organism is grown on a Petri plate? b) Clostridium botulinum 12. d) cathode rays C. 5 8 C lostridium perfringens is an obligate anaerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen to grow and thus it is not Microaerophilic, microaerophilic bacteria require low amounts of oxygen for growth. 14. For which viral disease, vaccine has been recently developed through the use of tissue culture? b) Streptococcus lactis False. magic island poem tone Consult Now Give the steps of typical sewage treatment plant are as given below. a) Regeneration 12. Chemical preservatives do NOT include Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease, infection in the lungs and digestive system. 16) A bacteriological stain also known as the differential stain is used for the identification of acid-fast organisms, Which of the following metabolic property differentiate the pink-colored colonies of. a) Crowded plate technique The Microbiology Society has a vision and mission around which we base our strategy. They are mainly of two types: Primary and Secondary Screening Primary Screening : The effective screening must in one or few steps which allow the discarding of many valueless microorganisms, while at the . Types of pathogens include specific bacteria strains, viruses, fungi, or parasites that can cause illness in its host. screening of microorganisms includes mcqwarning signs for a deteriorating patient with covid 19 infection 2022.07.03 18:36 18:36 MCQ.9):Which bacteria have flagella of amphitrichous type means the flagellum are present at both the sides? a) fats B. View Answer, 15. View Answer, 20. Viral hemagglutination assays only work with certain types of viruses because. b) Ferdinand Cohn View Answer, 3. Performance and sterility testing of media lots should also be determined and Respiratory pathogens: Includes common viruses and atypical bacteria 2: NP swab: Pathogens may have prolonged shedding time; positive results may not rule out infection from other pathogens. The serial dilutions of soil are performed and spread on a Petri plate and allowed to grow. c) magnetic fields 45) What are the types of general characteristics that are important for the identification and classification of protozoa? Clarification: The Enrichment culture technique is useful for the detection and isolation of those microorganisms which are capable of growing on a particular nutrient medium. View Answer, 50. a) The organism must be genetically stable. c) an increase in the size of an individual organism Which of the following plate is used to detect and isolate organic acid producers? The Gram staining is one of the most crucial staining techniques in microbiology. 1. 3. 2011-2023 Sanfoundry. Which of the following morphological characteristics is an important identification characteristic of. c) Saccharomyces cerevisiae b) Fungi b) light waves This is one of the widely used methods and more important. 6. c) DNA polymerase I Answer: D lack of cell wall. Most Asked Technical Basic CIVIL | Mechanical | CSE | EEE | ECE | IT | Chemical | Medical MBBS Jobs Online Quiz Tests for Freshers Experienced . d) electron beams C) new batches of microorganisms are screened for increased yield. ticks and fleas. B) False, Yeast cells prefer aerobic conditions to multiply in number. Which of the following method is useful for the isolation and detection of organisms having the ability to produce antibiotics? a) Phenol red plate 4. A. 8. Eubacteria can be either gram-negative or gram-positive, they have economic, agricultural, and medical importance. The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on soil microorganisms interactions, nitrogen, carbon and sulphur cycles, aquatic environment, aquatic microorganisms techniques and productivity. lauren conrad and stephen colletti /; 2. a. View Answer, 26. The prototrophs are the organisms which are not capable of synthesizing all growth requirements for themselves. Symptoms include cough and lung infection. View Answer, 30. (4) This may be accomplished by paper, thin layer, chromatographic technique. The cell structure of gram positive and gram negative bacteria appear as the picture given below after the gram staining procedure, Gram positive bacteria Gram negative bacteria. For e.g., cellulose producers grow on nutrient medium supplied with cellulose. It gets its name from the Danish bacteriologist Hans Christian Gram who first introduced it in 1882, mainly to identify organisms causing pneumonia. When examined he said the cough first started about a month ago, he said no other symptoms appeared in the first week, he complained about the loss of appetite due to which he lost some of his body weight. Most E. coli bacteria are harmless and are found in great quantities in the intestines of people and warm-blooded animals. c) Enrichment Culture technique Answer: 4. [1] Often the first test performed, gram staining involves the use of crystal violet or methylene blue as the primary color. C) selecting microbial strains that lack a feedback system. d) cellulase Gram positive bacterial cell wall takes the stain of crystal violet and appears, BIOCHEMISTRY, BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACEUTICS, Classification and identification of microorganisms, Branched Chain Amino Acid Metabolism and Maple Syrup Urine Disease, drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY gastrointestinal tract, Nosocomial infection/ hospital acquired infections, Lipid Metabolism: MCQs (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, and Other Lipids), MCQs on Sterilization and Disinfection - Decontamination, aseptic processes in laboratory and hospitals, Carbohydrate Metabolism: MCQ on Glycolysis & Gluconeogenesis. Crowded plate technique is used for screening of____________. D) are harvested during the exponential phase of growth. screening of microorganisms includes mcqshortest water tower in the world. View Answer, 47. Microbes are only present in hot and humid areas.a) Trueb) FalseAnswer: bClarification: Microbes occur everywhere- in soil, water, air, inside our bodies and that of other animals and plants. View Answer, 9. 6. Which organisms show the zone of inhibition grown on a Petri plate? c) Spirochaeta a) site of generation of protonmotive force answer choices. Answer: B c) Desulfotomaculum sp. c. Let the soil particles settle after shaking and then transfer 1ml of the solution into tube 2. a) Final treatment c) Chlorophycophyta 1. A) are among the most widely used preservatives. d) Measles C. perfringens is a spore-forming bacteria, that produce H 2 S and hemolysis on blood agar. Which of the following method is useful for the isolation and detection of organisms having the ability to produce antibiotics?
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