I find it even easier than the Alternating Long Tail Cast On. Subscribe to the I Like Knitting Gold Club for unlimited access to their entire pattern archive, featuring hundreds of exclusive patterns. Required fields are marked *. and continue downward bringing the needle over the thumb strand. The working yarn should be wrapped around your index finger/hand, the tail around your thumb. A note regarding knitting in the round: this cast on is always worked flat to begin with, and can be joined to be worked in the round at the very end. Do you know of any more that I havent covered here? "url": "httsp://www.primecp.com/wp-content/themes/prime/images/logo.png" Your email address will not be published. Ordinary cast-ons are not reversible and dont look amazing on Garter stitch. Remember, the relationship between your stitches is governed in part by the length of yarn between your stitches. Do you want to buy one of my patterns? But its true that it looks much better on ribbing. Those are projects where you need a little bit of give in your cast on. Place a slipknot on the left-hand needle. Oops! Grab some scrap yarn and appropriate needles. Knit stitches tend to twist on the first row with this method. If you need an even number of stitches, remove the slipknot once you get to it at the end of the first row. To see the longer version see Tillybuddy's YouTube channel. We are experiencing a problem with the video player on our online classes. If you need a quick refresher, check out our full tutorial for tying a simple slip knot here. When I knit a sweater i always cast in the traditional way and then 1/1 but there is never a lot of elasticity at the border 1/1 . The Italian cast-on is well suited for 1x1 rib stitches and looks best when knitted with a relatively small needle size compared to your yarn weight. Repeat rounds 1 and 2 until top of hand (from thumb gusset) measures 3.25. Repeat Steps 1-2 ending with a slipped purl stitch before moving on to the second set up row. Are you looking for a super neat and stretchy cast-on for your ribbings? It was taught to knitting author Cap Seases friend by a waitress in a Beijing restaurant, hence the great name. Close up of Jennys Stretchy Slip Knot Cast On. Leave a short tail (6). This is your next knit stitch in your cast on. Close up of Tillibuddy's Very Stretchy Cast On Another very different kind of cast on. As with the alternating long-tail cast-on, the knit version of the alternating cable cast-on is the regular cable cast-on youve learned, and the purl version is the opposite movement. There are a couple of extra steps to this method to help give it more stretch than its simpler counterpart. In this case, we recommend leaving a yarn tail that is roughly three times the width of your finished cast on dimensions plus about 6 extra for weaving in at the end. If the working yarn is behind two stitches, this means that your last cast on was purl-wise. These are affiliate links, which means if you choose to buy something through those links, Ill receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This is a knitted -on type cast-on using 2 needles to form stitches on the left needle and is demonstrated in the 'english style' of knitting. Very Stretchy Cast-on for Double and Single Ribbing by Tillybuddy Tillybuddy 4.01K subscribers Subscribe 2.3K 294K views 12 years ago Demonstration of a stretchy cast-on which I invented (? LET'S START KNITTING Tubular Cast On The tubular cast on creates a super stretchy edge in just a few simple steps. Lastly, you pull the yarn tightly so that the hole in the middle closes. It looks very nice. "name": "6 Stretchy Cast On Methods", Home Im confused about joining this in the round you say to knit the first row flat and then join together on the second round. For a knit cast on, keep the working yarn in the back. You now have one foundation row and two set up rows on the needles. And for all your other very cool instructional videos. And don't forget to check out my Etsy shop with all my knitting patterns. Hello, I just tried this for a cuff, and I love it. thank you! 2. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Anfangsmasche + 2 aufgestrickte + 2 aufgestrickte + ). Pro tip light coloured or plain nails on the demonstrator will make it easier for the viewer to focus. pull the index finger strand downward, behind the thumb strand. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The key to success for this cast-on is to keep all the slipknot stitches very close together, and pull each stitch tightly to secure it. The slipknot does not count as a cast-on stitch and will be removed later. Category: Techniques / Subcategory: Cast On. KnitFreedom is my preferred source to improve my skills. The second is to choose a type of cast on that is designed for extra stretchiness. Use the cast-ons in this section to add stitches in the middle of ribbed projects or any project where you need a very elastic edge. on 7 Beautiful & Stretchy Cast Ons You Need to Know, Knitting Fundamentals: 4 Basic Cast Ons You Need to Know, 6 Quick & Easy Stretchy Bind Offs You Need to Know, How to Make Gauge Swatches Work for You, Part 1: The Basics. It is apparently good for projects using cotton or linen yarns. However, it's difficult to keep your tension even with this super-quick cast on, so it's really recommended for short lengths, such as thumbholes or buttonholes. How to Knit a STRETCHY CAST ON (aka. Last week, I covered what to do when the stitches themselves are too tight in your cast on. I generally watch videos on mute so don't pay attention to whether there is audio or not. Can this rib cast on work for that? Its silent so you can watch it anywhere. Im a beginner knitter and have never done that before. They have a large library of knitting technique videos. }, . Happy crafting. for the last couple hours (its 2am here but I cant stop casting on!) How to knit for beginnersThe best interchangeable knitting needlesHow to knit socksHow to knit a hat for beginnersHow to knit easy fingerless gloves. That means you need to come up with some way to increase the amount of yarn available between each stitch. 6. If you thought the long-tail cast on method was confusing, you won't enjoy the old norwegian cast on. These are all the same technique, however you might find some subtle differences between tutorials. Turn your needle so that its in your left hand, ready to work two set-up rows. Get out the way you came and tighten up. There are two primary ways to fix a knitting cast on that has no stretch. Enter your email address and we will send your password. Bring the right needle down, over the thumb strand. Thanks, DROPS just what I was looking for! The yarn should have a similar gauge to your project yarn and a smooth texture to avoid stray fuzzies when you remove it. Youll alternate between a knit cast on and a purl cast on. Its super simple to knit and will create a particularly well-balanced and almost invisible edge when you pair it with a 11 rib stitch. The tubular cast on is an invisible cast on that's great for hems cufs and ribbin g edges, where you want to have a little bit of elasticity. The result will be a fabric that shows the individual ribs much better. Follow this repeat for Row 1 to set up 22 rib: *k1, swap 2, k1, p2; repeat from * to end of row. This is the best cast on for sweater bottoms and tight ribbing out of this list, so use it if you know you're going to need a lot of extra stretch. "@type": "Article", These cast on methods will generally involve adding an additional loop of yarn somewhere in the process or creating stretch by wrapping the yarn around itself somehow. Dont yank your working yarn when you slip the new stitch onto your left needle. Learn to follow a dog sweater pattern without worrying about seaming. These stretchy cast-ons can be used at the beginning of a project to make a stretchy edge for ribbing. In addition, it results in a rim that is both consistent and beautiful. Ill have a video tutorial for you, too. This cast on is amazing with a smooth yarn on any ribbed edge, but does not work well for nubby or boucle yarns. "author": "Kristina Kittelson, Editor, AllFreeKnitting.com", These stretchy cast-ons can be used at the beginning of a project to make a stretchy edge for ribbing. For an in-depth guide to this great cast-on, including shortcuts, crochet and continental versions, and matching bind-off, see the {REAL} Chinese Waitress Cast-On Masterclass. The edge it creates is decorative and not invisible as the Italian Cast On. This cast on is not the same as the Italian tubular cast on. Anonymous, Bless you dear lady for the wonderfully helpful videos you have posted! Cast off all stitches with a stretchy cast-off method of your choosing and continue to Thumb. You'll find all the patterns you'll need with the Stretchy Cast-On Archives! I thought this cast on was a bit fiddly to do first and it took me a bit longer to get into a nice rhythm with it. Stretchy cast ons all vary in use and stretchiness, so we'll explore all of your options below, in order of least stretchy to most stretchy. When your project is finished, use your tail to seam up the small gap at the join. Youll find patterns where you can use this technique by clicking on the pictures below. Bring the needle around the yarn connected to your thumb coming from above & behind. Heres a free video on the Twisted German Cast-On so you can start any stretchy ribbed project perfectly and with confidence. Inserting your index finger and thumb to create a diamond-shaped opening. This tutorial will show you how to work a tubular cast on for 11 ribbing. Thats ok! Bring the yarn up and over the left-hand needle, then around the back of the right-hand needle in a figure-8 motion. Heading to follow you on Instagram. And since you are only using the working end of your yarn and not the tail, you can even cast on stitches within a row using this method. Then please share it on Pinterest! And the results obviously speak for themselves. Start the German Twisted cast on purlwise with a slip knot around your knitting needles leaving a tail that is around 3-4 times as long as your project will be wide. Read NextHow Many Stitches to Cast On for a Hat, There comes a time in your knitting journey when you begin to find that read more. Repeat steps 6-10 until you have cast on one less than the number of stitches required for your project, not counting the slipknot. Go back up to your needle size you used to reach gauge and continue working your ribbing as normal. Top Set up for the 22 rib is trickier. "publisher": { The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Why? Stretched Jennys Stretchy Slip Knot Cast On. Twist the right needle down and to the left, away from you, and then bring it back up to cross under the left needle. Itll look like a purl. Please let me know how you get on with this and if you have seen a similar type of cast-on anywhere else. The one-by-one rib stitch is a simple 2-row repeat that alternates knit and purl stitches for a super-stretchy and reversible fabric. Perfect for edges on socks, mittens, hats or whenever you want very stretchy cast on. The tutorial shows you how to work a tubular cast on designed to work best with 11 ribbing or brioche projects. I could get into a good rhythm quickly. Ive been practicing this alternating cable cast-on method (acco?) 1x1 Rib Stitch. The first is to adjust the placement of your stitches as you put them on the needle. Its stretchiness is slightly better than the knit cast on method's. I LOVE your ebook. Instructions. Tillybuddys Cast-On (invented by Tillybuddy on Ravelry) is a very sturdy and stretchy short-tail cast-on that can be used for 11 or 22 rib. You have completed the cast-on. I went through your photo+text instructions without a single problem. However, youve worked enough rows that youll be good to go as-is without these additional rows. Place the slip knot onto your right needle. I'll explain both options. I had never heard of it before but it is included in a reference book I dont own (yet): Cast On, Bind Off: 211 Ways to Begin and End Your Knitting. "logo": { I am using the Schachenmayr Catania Grande in this tutorial, Any type of needle. weggegeven. The 5 Knitting Styles (And How to Knit Them), Condo Knitting: Knitting with Two Different Size Needles, How Many Stitches to Cast On for a Blanket, 13 Circular Knitting Patterns for Practice. 10 Rows a Day has a fantastic tutorial showing you how to work a. Once youve reached the number of cast ons you need, your cast on row will look something like this: If you forget whether youve just cast on knit-wise or purl-wise, just look to the working yarn. Jeny's stretchy slipknot cast-on method comprises multiple slipknots. This video compares the Chinese Waitress Cast-On and the Long-Tail Cast-On on Garter stitch so you can see why the Chinese Waitress Cast-On should be your go-to cast-on for Garter stitch. They all look great with ribbing and many of them have an almost invisible edge that blends perfectly with the stitches. yahoo_login_obj.init(); }); In this case, you have to grab the yarn connected to your index thumb (step 4) coming from below. To read the applicable privacy policy, please. It is not blazingly fast, but it's faster than most of the other stretchy bind-offs out there. But if you can afford it, consider becoming a patron to help me put out more content for everyone. You need words to go with your videos. The Alternating Long-Tail Cast-On is an easy cast-on for any combination of knit and purl stitches. Bring the needle under the thumb strand moving upward toward the index finger. This video shows how to twist the needle so you can continue casting on without having to remove it and un-twist each stitch with your fingers. Im also curious if there is a matching bind off please This is a beautiful cast on. var sct = document.createElement("script"), This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Pro tip: use your right index finger to hold the slip knot in place while you work. The alternating cable cast on is also quite stretchy, making it nicely suited for ribbing. (Works best on 1x1 rib, okay on 2x2 rib, not recommended for 3x3 or larger ribs.) Are you referring to the cast on row or the gymnastics row as row 1? Tubular cast-on tutorial: 11 rib Step 1: Cast on with waste yarn Select a waste yarn in a contrasting color to your project yarn (so it will be easy to see). "url": "https://irepo.primecp.com/2019/02/401154/Stretchy-Cast-On-Main_ExtraLarge1000_ID-3090526.png?v=3090526", If ever you find yourself unsure of which cast on method to use for a stretchy edge, the long-tail cast on should be your go-to. Please let me know in the comments below. Hi Liz! So here is a list of stretchy cast ons you can use to avoid those problems. 2. The 1x1 rib stitch involves knitting one stitch and then purling one, while the 2x2 rib stitch is created by knitting two then purling two, and so on. and which is good for double and single ribbing, great for top down socks, glove and hat cuffs and any item needing a very stretchy cast-on. You can, of course, also use the Italian cast-on for projects knit in the round either on double-pointed needles or using circular needles and the magic loop technique. The first option if you dont want to change up your cast on method? Slip the stitch that is on the right-hand needle to the left-hand needle. dhtml_v2.linkSource.partner = "ORGANIC"; Acquire tons of intermediate skills while keeping a canine pal of any size snuggly warm. I will always identify affiliate links for you. Grandmas Cast-On is a stretchy long-tail cast-on that is easy, durable, and makes great edges for mittens, sleeves, and sweater collars. If Im honest, while Ive tried a lot of other cast on methods, the long tail is still my favorite, and I am a creature of habit. It should look a bit like a "slingshot". Yes, its not bad at all! I've never seen someone knit with the yarn in their left hand. Many of my sock, mitt, and hat patterns start with exactly that kind of ribbing, so this is an excellent choice for those projects! Required fields are marked *. Keyword Index Moet je de laatste steel altijd laten vallen ? This is a great cast on if you plan to work a 11 rib after your cast on. Tip: use your right index finger to pin the previous stitch in place on the right needle while you work these steps. The wrap cast on method is great for when you want to create an edge that doesn't immediately look like the cast on edge due to its subtle, space-saving design. Close up of the Double Start Cast On please excuse the cat hair that managed to steal into the picture. Single rib is a stretchy piece of knitting often used for cuffs and hems. Uses: The long-tail cast-on also counts as a row of knitting, which is nice. Ill explain both options. Nearly all of these are beginner-friendly, so whether you're knitting sweaters or leg warmers, we have for you a perfect cast on method. It really makes a beautiful edge. In case you prefer learning from a . Well, then the Italian cast-on method might just be what you are looking for. However, This pattern is for a cuff to cuff shrug, and I realize, I will be binding off for the second cuff. Your cast on should look sturdy, polished, and be stretchy enough for ribbing. isSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol; End after completing a foundation row purl stitch. Your email address will not be published. The left needle should go in from front-to-back. Susan. Well show you how to do all three rows here, if youre ready, lets get started! You are my go-to person for any knitting issue, or for inspiration. Stretchy Bind Off Step-by-Step. You must read the pattern to be able to follow. Casting on more stitches in the middle of a project can feel strange if youve never done it before. 7. Suddenly, they're just telling you to "use a stretchy cast on" for your hat, sweater, or socksand you're left to your own defenses to figure out exactly what they mean by that. ", When you join in the yarn for working in the round, this stitch will be your first knit stitch in your 11 rib. It looks really pretty on any kind of ribbing (Ive tried K1, P1) and is very stretchy. The first, is a simple set up row followed by four rows of double stockinette stitch. Do not tug too tightly. Usually, use in socks, hat, high raise neckline with ribbing. Thats because, as the knitter puts a new stitch on the needle, the knitter doesnt place it directly next to the existing stitch.
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