What you think, you see, and you ultimately become. That means that you've missed 17 of them! Wayne Dyer, Its OK to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. The bottom line is: You are in control of your reactions to things and how you view things. Having said that, your attitude can determine how you react to all of the situations. Rest for 10 seconds. Positive affirmations, mantras, quotes all of . It can only produce more fear, pain, distrust, punishment, and misery. And dont forget that for now our testing supply is sorely limited; do your best not to tie up the critical resource of COVID-19 tests, and avoid being a hypochondriac. Taylor Swift, Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you dont. While You Can't Control How People Treat You, You Can Control How You React | by Spencer Sekulin | Mind Cafe | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Now, of course, we already knew this as we have received a barrage of emails telling us that fact with varying degrees of animosity. Alex Smith Control Me Simple React Survive Related Authors Ronnie Coleman , Kyrie Irving Stephen Curry , Jesse Owens Kevin Durant Simone Biles Info American - Athlete Born: May 7, 1984 Cite this Page: Citation Quotes to Explore Designed to help you cultivate strength, insight, and wisdom to live your best life. Rupi Kaur, You cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair. Jack Canfield, The two things in life you are in total control over are your attitude and your effort. We are . It takes tremendous self-control and self-discipline to control your thinking and to control your temper, especially when someone hurts you, and even more so when it's someone you cared about that hurt you. No carelessness in your actions. The first step toward change is awareness. The quotes will remind you to focus on the things that matter most. Dont shake hands with people, press buttons with knuckles or elbows, and avoid food that is uncooked. No amount of yelling at the TV will make it go away. You very well may need to learn particular skills in making some changes. The smartest thing you can control in life is your reaction to whats beyond your control. Paulais one of the worlds leading biz development coaches for lawyers, entrepreneurs & service providers; award-winning author & speaker. No matter how long it took, no matter how many storms they endured, the North Star kept them moving in the right direction. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. So, instead, practice being understanding and patient with yourselfmuch as you would be supportive of a child or good friend who is working to develop a new skill. In fact, happiness is something you get to choose, regardless of your circumstances. So do your part. Plus, you can put that energy into something you can control rather than wasting it on the things you cant. You can improve the world by focusing on and improving your contribution. Note that this cannot simply\n// be added to `.form-control` as it's not specific enough. Before using the site, please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. All through this ordeal, though, I firmly believe and draw strength from the quote found in that one womans email. Many of my clients have started or grown their businesses during challenging times. If you would like to get a quote on a new 2019 Honda Gold Wing Tour use our Build Your Own tool .2019 Honda Gold Wing Tour Automatic DCT $24,999 Miles 7,689 Pricing is BEFORE UVC, tax, title, lic & negotiable doc fee of up to $200.00 that can be added to the sale price. At the end of the day, the only thing you can control 100 percent of the time is your own attitude. The message: we are what we chose to be." Graham Brown Continuing the example of a problem with impatience, you might envision yourself responding calmly to a problem and then moving on to find your way to an effective solution. Remember that panic doesnt help. Sarah loves reading classic novels but also enjoys a good thriller. You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them . Votes: 1, It's almost as if we each have a vampire inside us. You cant fix everything, but you can always maintain your attitude. Recognize that sometimes, all you can control is your effort and your attitude. Others come as temptations, trials, and tribulations. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Correct the outline style in Safari.\n// 2. SZA, You either get bitter or you get better. Wherever he is, we want him to know he is gone but not forgotten. The closest to being in control we will ever be is in that moment that we realize we're not. Do not prioritize your convenience or entertainment over the potential spread of the virus. Sheryl Lee, Reaction is what changes your understanding of the world. Albert Ellis, You will never have a greater or lesser dominion than that over yourself the height of a mans success is gauged by his self-mastery; the depth of his failure by his self-abandonment And this law is the expression of eternal justice. We can pause, not act, breathe. Dont be stupid. Plus, your thoughts can change the course of the world if you focus on positive, productive things. Votes: 1, Natural disasters are terrifying - that loss of control, this feeling that something is just going to randomly end your life for absolutely no reason is terrifying. All you really have is now. Elon Musk, All I can control is myself and just keep having a positive attitude. Dont think youre the exception. I choose not to react." - Nicola Adams 3. Napoleon Hill. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. He was a man from whom we can learn something about what it means to be human and how to be our bestsometimes in spite of our inclinations. Avoid social events and public gatherings, work from home if possible. Your email address will not be published. By bringing negative consequences to your awareness, you will be more motivated to change your reaction to a desired response. Stoicism holds that the key to a good, happy life is the cultivation of an excellent mental state, which the Stoics identified with virtue and being rational. And if we can't control the country we were born in, the skin color on our bodies, and the dysfunctional family that we grew up in, what can we control? The mantra thing. Some people have it worse than others. Billy Cox, No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy unless you let him. We can't control other people and we can't control our environment (we can create it, just not completely control it). And many of the biggest companies in the world like Microsoft, Netflix and Airbnb were launched during an economic recession. If we can't control the viruses that attack our bodies, or the cancerous cells that attack our veins, what can we control? Dont waste your energy or disrupt your well-being with these negative thoughts. People are depressed for many reasons, one of which I think is how we have been taught to react to trauma, to stress. My mission from that day forward was to grow up and take control of my life. Leonardo da Vinci, Freedom is the only worthy goal in life. Remember what youre working toward. It can make you angry, depressed, and unhappy with your life. The first course of action was to cancel whatever emails had not been sent. Once we accept what we cannot change, we are no longer chained to them and can experience inner peace and freedom. I knew that, to honor Jimmy, I would never go back home. . All rights reserved. I bet that you will be surprised by how long that list becomes. When we forget this, it's easy to get lost in fear, negativity and a victim mindset - leaving us feeling powerless. Remember what you're working toward. Mickey Rivers, You cant control where you were born, the family you were born into, what you look like; you cant control any of those circumstances. Dont touch your face, and cough into a tissue or your elbow. "Anger is what makes a clear mind seem clouded." - Kazi Shams 4. Even in a difficult situation, there are opportunities all around us if were willing to look for them. Use kind words, and always think before you speak. Breathe out deeply and breathe in again, this naturally calms the nervous system. However how we react, what we think and what we choose to do is. The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Let go of the things you cant control so you can focus on happiness and peace. Click to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking. I know that its not always easy. But he observes that we don't need to accept such reflexive. It saps your energy and time, and the result remains the same. Some places we live offer more freedom than others. We can only control how we react and how we respond, and that complex but so simple idea helped me survive. Letting your emotions control you is easy. Darren L Johnson 4 Likes Sponsored Links You can't always control who walks into your life but you can control which window to throw them out. Do you feel inner peace, freedom, or a sense of serenity? In that space is our power to choose our response. You cant control how long youll need to engage in social distancing, but you can control if you spend that time productively. Here is some Wordly encouragement to get you through those tough situations. Collection of top 36 famous quotes about How We React. A life of reaction is a life of slavery, intellectually and spiritually. Suffering is optional. Meaning: unforeseen events will occur in life and we must avoid adding judgement because it fuels our suffering. Out of all the things you can try to change, your thoughts are the most important to focus on. When we forget this, its easy to get lost in fear, negativity and a victim mindset leaving us feeling powerless. Focus on your dreams and the tasks at hand, and always give your best effort. Dalai Lama One of the things you can control in life is how you communicate your ideas.
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