Discover short videos related to wendigo cultural appropriation on TikTok. I can write whatever fiction I want, and draw whatever I want. In my blind quest to represent everyone, all I did was reinforce the problem. They are afflicted with neither lunacy, hypochondria, nor frenzy; but have a combination of all these species of disease, which affects their imaginations and causes them a more than canine hunger. Basically, the word wendigo can also function as a symbol for gluttony and the image of excess. identity. Not only is it not offensive, I LOVE seeing references to wendigos in popular culture! Certainly Navajo "skin walkers" are one of the more common Native American legends that non-native writers reference (the only other example I can think of that comes close is the Algonquin Wendigo), but like I said, it would be presumptuous of me to guess at Rowling's research style. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The name comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Far from just being a monster in an escapist horror flick, Forbes and LaDuke demonstrate that the wendigo can help us grasp the horrors of our real world so we can be here now and, ultimately, work toward solutions. Mistgod Edited Oct 11, 2020 Hobbyist Traditional Artist Apparently, wendigos are sacred creatures from several indigenous cultures. For more information, please see our The deaths of tens of millions of Jews, Slavs, etc., at the hands of the Nazis, the deaths of tens of millions of blacks in slavery days, the deaths of up to 30 million or more Indians in the 1500s, the terribly short life spans of Mexican Indian farm workers in the US, and of Native Americans generally today, the high death rates in the early industrial centers among factory workers, and so on, all clearly attest to the fact that the wealthy and exploitative literally consume the lives of those that they exploit. [42] In an early short story by Thomas Pynchon, "Mortality and Mercy in Vienna" (first published in 1959), the plot centers around a character developing Wendigo syndrome and going on a killing spree. Don't tell lies to those Indians." Aye, I love wendigos. I am so offended! (1961). By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Posted by One day they came to an Indian village and the Windigo sent the boy to the Indian village to get some things for him to eat. After thinking about it more, I think I get it about the wendigos. "Cultural appropriation refers to the use of objects or elements of a non-dominant culture in a way that reinforces stereotypes or contributes to oppression and doesn't respect their original meaning or give credit to their source. wendigos originate from spiritual beliefs held by Algonquian Indigenous peoples, whom are from the north eastern part of north america. It's fine for colonized Indians to incorporate European fitness . As long as theyre not shoving their porn in your face let them be as Paul McCartney sung. People were not really using Google until the 2000s and that kind of info might have not been available in the 90s. It shouldn't be bad thing if you don't mock culture, make sure to have all information you can ( read books from culture or ask someone who grew up with said culture if they are willing to teach you) but then again they aren't from your culture and unlike creatures like vampires they are a bit more closed i don't know is it good to use them. He said to the boy "Hurry up. The people who get offended over it, on behalf of someone else, are pathetically absurd. Humans could also turn into wendigos by being in contact with them for too long. In an as-yet unpublished urban fantasy novel of mine, I basically did the same thing; I made a supporting character an Acheri, completely bungling any semblance of folkloric accuracy in my attempt to come up with a "cool" and "unorthodox" monster. "Why is indigenous culture suddenly more sacred than any other culture?". Writer, musician, activist, single father from Chicago. To fully understand its consequences, though, we need to make sure we have a working definition of culture itself. Part of HuffPost Entertainment. In addition, for many Indigenous peoples and local communities, making traditional clothes is a source of income; as such, cultural appropriation can . (Anything that isnt outright vandalism isnt likely to harm the statue at all, but I wouldnt dare do anything disrespectful around it. Key elements of culture include: language art,. The heroes of books I read, movies I watched, and games I played almost exclusively looked like me when I was growing up, people I could easily identify with. And that's exactly the problem. 5. For other uses, see, Graham, John Russell; John Coates; Barbara Swartzentruber; Brian Ouellette; ", harvcoltxt error: no target: CITEREFSchwarz1969 (, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, descriptive template for the Indian savage, corporate voracity, exploitation, and power, "Windigo: The Flesh-Eating Monster of Native American Legend", International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, "Windigo, the Ice Cannibal (Wendigo, Wiindigoo, Windgo, Windego)", "Relations des Jsuites contenant ce qui s'est pass de plus remarquable dans les missions des Pres de la Compagnie de Jsus dans la Nouvelle-France", "The Jesuit Relations: Travels and Expectations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 16101791", "Love, and Death in Stephen King's 'Pet Sematary', "The In Character Interview with Nathan Niigan Noodin Adler", "Nathan Niigan Noodin Adler on writing an Indigenous horror story", "ANTLERS: GUILLERMO DEL TORO E SCOTT COOPER SVELANO IL SIGNIFICATO DEL WENDIGO", "Supernatural - Season 1, Episode 2: Wendigo", "Fallout 76 Creatures: Bethesda Tells Tales of the Wendigo", "The Wiitiko Psychosis in the Context of Ojibwa Personality and Culture", Seeing Wetiko: on Capitalism, Mind Viruses, and Antidotes for a World in Transition,, Legendary creatures of the indigenous peoples of North America, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Articles with text in Algonquian languages, Articles containing Proto-Algonquian-language text, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2022, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Articles with failed verification from August 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Teicher, Morton I. The legend of the wendigo has long been associated with real-life problems like insatiable greed, selfishness, and violence. Blackwood's work has influenced many of the subsequent portrayals in mainstream horror fiction,[42][43] such as August Derleth's "The Thing that Walked on the Wind" and "Ithaqua" (1933 and 1941),[41] which in turn inspired the character in Stephen King's novel Pet Sematary,[42] where it is a personification of evil, an ugly grinning creature with yellow-grey eyes, ears replaced by ram's horns, white vapor coming from its nostrils, and a pointed, decaying yellow tongue. There's nothing wrong with drawing the popular concept of a wendigo monster, or drawing any monster with antlers, and calling it a wendigo. (the proceeding statement may contain some levels of sarcasm.). Mexicans: Cultural Appropriation PragerU 3.01M subscribers Subscribe 85K Share 2.2M views 4 years ago What is cultural appropriation? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I have not always done so, and it appears that in this case, J.K. Rowling did not either. I wouldn't be offended if someone dressed as a stereotypical Scottish person whatever that looks like lol. You're absolutively spot on! I'm all for respecting other people's cultures, but straight up trying to tell people they can't respectfully depict a fictional creature because it's ,,stealing" or ,,evoking the creature" or something is just way too overboard. Wendigos specifically represent the very real threat of starvation and what moral depths a person will sink to to avoid starving to death in the hard, cold de Continue Reading More answers below KEY OOY As a creator, I believe it is my responsibility, the responsibility of any creator, if using characters that belong to a culture other than mine and exploring themes from that culture, to be accurate. The wendigo -- a creature from Native American myth -- carries powerful symbolism and is presumably sufficiently mysterious to keep enough audience members guessing at its motives and abilities. Political correctness started out as one thing, a good thing. Native Americans, Our headquarters are located at: 89 South Street, Suite 401, Boston, MA 02111. Check it out here: really just made this video to express how I am currently feeling about the wendigo doll situation and the questions I have about it. The Witherell House and the Cult of Weird, Movie Review: BIRDS OF PREY (And the Fantabulous Inclusion of Victor Zsasz and a Hyena). The Wendigo was gaunt to the point of emaciation; its desiccated skin pulled tautly over its bones. and our That borrowing and exchanging of cultural elements is what makes America the melting pot of the world. I won't pretend I know everything about NA culture, but I believe that headresses and that kind of finery is only used on special occasions and was not how ordinary NAs dressed all the time. "[36] Out of equilibrium and estranged by their communities, individuals thought to be afflicted by the wendigo spirit unravel and destroy the ecological balance around them. On the other hand, "The Wendigo" is one of the first representations of the windigo by a No they ain't. An uncontrollable craving for consuming human flesh, even if a plenty of other food is available. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. My intentions were pure, as were Rowling's, I imagine. In my blind quest to represent everyone, all I did was reinforce the problem. His first novel, THE CONFESSIONS OF SAINT CHRISTOPHER: WEREWOLF, is available for purchase at For Indigenous peoples in Canada, cultural appropriation is rooted in colonization and ongoing oppression. By Derrick Clifton. BLACKPINK. If an idea has merit, it doesn't need protecting. My tongue and my brain do not speak the right language. 1. I wouldn't be offended if someone dressed up as a stereotypical native american even though my great grandma was half blackfoot native american. A specimen of folk story collected in the early 20th century by Lottie Chicogquaw Marsden, an ethnographer of the Chippewas of Rama First Nation, in which a wendigo also exhibits tool use, an ability to survive partial dismemberment, and autocannibalism, reads:[19]. The use of the creature in horror stories . Ten years later, "cultural appropriation" is no longer an obscure academic term . By the mid-1990s, it had gained a solid place in academic discourse, particularly in the field of sociology. [26][27] During the winter of 1878, Swift Runner and his family were starving, and his eldest son died. It springs from the well of the collective human unconscious, the communal soul. Wendigo Cannibalism in Native American Folklore. It has no place in the world of Folklore and monsters. The Windigo also has the power to turn humans into cannibals who suffer the same . Thank god I am not from USA, where this seems to be an issue. He was eating the juice (marrow) from the inside of the bones of his legs that were cut off. First, he gives definitions of the key concepts of "appropriation" and "arts," and delimits his investigation as one concerned with "cultural" appropriation. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. That taste of human flesh, which out of that rose the wendigo.. It too is cannibalistic; however, it is characterized as enlightened with ancestral insights. My basic rule is simple: be respectful. One example is Ojibwe activist Winona LaDuke who has called for a decisive shift away from what she has termed Wendigo Economics for the sake of the health of the natural world. Magazine with fellow environmental thought leaders, LaDuke said: Theres this conflict between the cannibals and Mother Earth, and its going on everywhere. [clarification needed] The ceremony, known as wiindigookaanzhimowin, was performed during times of famine, and involved wearing masks and dancing backward around a drum. The Wendigo, also known as the Hollowed, was a type of Creature of Grimm that was proposed to appear in the animated webseries RWBY. But its none of your concern what turns someone on! I can't say for sure how much research Rowling did when writing her series, but others have pointed out that it doesn't seem like much. Maybe I'm just not a math person. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Cultural appropriation takes place when members of a majority group adopt cultural elements of a minority group in an exploitative, disrespectful, or stereotypical way. [30], Fascination with Wendigo psychosis among Western ethnographers, psychologists, and anthropologists led to a hotly debated controversy in the 1980s over the historicity of this phenomenon. It's a term for what happens to people who for one reason or another turn to eating other people. MORTUI VELOCES SUNT! And they are worth considering including in ones classroom teaching. The Wendigo is by far one of the most mysterious and feared monsters in not only in the Algonquian folklore which it is attributed to, but also other . Mythologynote my use of the capital M to convey that it is far more than just some made-up stories; it is stories containing deeper spiritual truthsbelongs to all of humanity. (Not to put too fine a point on it, but you should totally go buy my novella. We enjoy liberties today that aren't even a freckle on the face of human history, and yet some individuals would go so far as to throw them all away because something offends them. Native Americans shouldn't be a "niche," and neither should women, LGBT people, or people of color. Character can be mean, evil or complete asshole but you still should be respectful while writing said character. But if they actually did, I would pick another monster from the giant Pandemonium one has at one's choice. Maybe ask a person of Chinese heritage. Just as the vampire and werewolf do not belong exclusively to people of European descent and the Mummy doesnt belong to Egyptians. This ailment attacked our deputies; and, as death is the sole remedy among those simple people for checking such acts of murder, they were slain in order to stay the course of their madness. Climbing the totem pole. Facing History and Ourselves invites educators to explore our case study Stolen Lives: The Indigenous Peoples of Canada and the Indian Residential Schools, particularly our reading "Culture, Stereotypes, and Identity" which features reflection questions surrounding some of the stereotypical media representations that we touch upon at the beginning of this essay. Now why cant that be said to prudes lurking here. But Native Americans shouldn't be a "niche," and neither should women, LGBT people, or people of color. Some of this critique was rightly directed at literal cultural theft . Draw/write what you want, I say. [12] Although descriptions can vary somewhat, common to all these cultures is the view that the wendigo is a malevolent, cannibalistic, supernatural being. MORTUI VELOCES SUNT! Archived post. The wendigo is seen as the embodiment of gluttony, greed, and excess: never satisfied after killing and consuming one person, they are constantly searching for new victims.
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