But if so, he came as close to being one as any mere mortal ever has, or probably ever will. Max Stryker, Age 52. William Gerald Stryker, 105, went to his heavenly home September 15, 2022 in Sun City, AZ. [22], The Ultimate Marvel iteration is an Admiral named William Stryker Sr., the leader of the anti-mutant conspiracy within the U.S. Government, and also linked to the Legacy Virus's creation before presumably killing himself. He has re-assumed control of The Purifiers now combined with the Sapien League. . William Stryker was a sergeant in the army and may have been involved in the Weapon X Program, which resulted in Logan being given his Adamantium skeleton. William "Bill" Stryker Jr.is a American military officer and a high-ranking member of Weapon X. William Stryker, New Jersey (15 matches): Phone Number, Email, Address Stryker orders to gather the soldiers and meet him outside Cerebro while two others are trying to open the Control Room doors. Magneto, Mystique, and Pyro use the helicopter as an escape vehicle and leave Stryker to die. Status Some months after Trask's death, Stryker approaches James Logan and Victor Creed, after the mutant pair survived execution by firing squad. Stryker orders Zero to pursue him - eventually tracking him to a barn belonging to an elderly couple who had taken Wolverine in. Learning of Stryker's son and believing that he was too emotionally close to the situation, Stryker kills General Munson. With his new body, Stryker led an assault against Kitty Pryde's team of mutants before Pryde managed to damage Stryker's machine body enough to destroy him permanently.[27][28][29]. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results William STRYKER (1794 - Unknown) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. He was a 1979 graduate of Morenci High School. He brainwashed Kurt Wagner into assassinating President McKenna to justify an attack on the X-Mansion. After having a televised debate with Professor X, Reverend Stryker ordered his Purifiers to kidnap Xavier, Scott Summers, and Ororo Munroe and fake their deaths. Jean manages to keep them hidden by manipulating the mind of one of Stryker's men. While Sgt. Yuriko leaves the room, and Stryker tells Xavier that it's frustrating that nobody really knows how many mutants exist or how to find them except him. The Reverend William Stryker is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Magneto, wearing a helmet designed to shield against telepathic attacks, is able to reach Xavier while the X-Men are incapacitated by the psychic assault. Lessons of the past are useless in the coming life-and-death conflict, as new playersmutants possessing unprecedented, unearthly skills take center stage. Stryker unwillingly proceeds to do so. Abraham Quick Stryker. In 2009, William Stryker was ranked by IGNs as the 70th-greatest comic book villain of all time. He breaks into the apartment of Krakken, an engineer who built ovens to incinerate humans, and murders him but not his family. Stryker suffered a great tragedy when his family was killed when the "Ultimatum Wave" struck New York. Stryker was a graduate of Ben Davis High School, where he was on the state champion football team. As Stryker tells Logan he has a job for him, Logan tells Stryker he already has a job. Stryker angrily accuses Charles of lying and tells him that back when Jason returned from Xavier's school he resented his parents, blaming them for his condition, so he toyed with their minds, projecting visions and scenarios into their brains. Interpretado por Brian Cox, Stryker um . Stryker was found by the Weapon X team and the new Wolverine. Crazed and outraged, Stryker then makes a suicide attempt. This enticed Stryker to order Weapon XI's activation, despite the bonding process being incomplete. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Those people? Unfortunately, he says, Xavier is too powerful to be mind controlled, so he'll go straight to the source. William was married to Lillian Hartman Stryker for 75 years. In an attempt to escape alive, Stryker says that it's too late for anyone who's inside to make it out and offers him to come with him and get all the answers he wants he's a survivor, always has been. [6][7], Then he planned the assassination of Wallflower, ordering one of his snipers to shoot her in the head. His bigotry's extent becomes obvious when he attempts to kill Kitty Pryde in front of a television audience resulting in a NYPD officer shooting him. Receive a notification when services are updated. He asks him where Scott is. Xavier suddenly realizes that Stryker arranged the attack on the President, and Stryker congratulates him on figuring it out without reading his mind. She demanded he release her sister, who was also being held at the facility, only to be placated by him and told to wait. After the reveal that mutants were the creation of human experimentation, Stryker orchestrated a massive attack in Times Square and began rounding up mutants to force them to repent under punishment of death. In order to stop this scheme, the X-Men are forced to join forces with Magneto. [13] Following some further investigations, Old Man Logan's group and the Hulk raided the Weapon X Project's central command. Let others know about your loved one's death. Having studied mutants for years, he knew how to counteract with different threats opposed by individual mutants unique and varying powers such as building a plastic prison to contain Magneto, a device that prevents Professor X from taking control of anyone's mind and giving Lady Deathstrike an adamamtium skeleton and regenerative healing factor that was able to match and evenly duel with Wolverine, including adamantium nails similar to Logan's claws. How do we create a person's profile? CANDLE HAS BEEN LIT CANDLES HAVE BEEN LIT, We are reviewing your submission. Stryker orders Dr.Frost to activate Weapon XI. William passed away in October 1968, at age 81. Stryker answers "No, Charles, my son is dead, just like the rest of you", and leaves. William Stryker Gummere (/ m r /; 1852-1933) was chief justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey.Gummere was captain of the Princeton football team that met Rutgers in 1869 in the first intercollegiate football game played in America.. After graduating from Princeton in 1870 at the age of 18, Gummere studied law at his father's office in Trenton and was admitted to the bar in . He is depicted in the comic books as an insane, sadistic, and heartless fundamentalist televangelist who views mutants as a sin against nature and seeks to destroy them, forming a similar minded group in the form of the Purifiers. The X-Men: Dark Phoenix Ending Explained | Time William Stryker um vilo do Universo Marvel, inimigo dos X-Men. No services are scheduled at this time. He called for help and some of the men that were holding them prisoner came into the cell . History: For William Stryker, religion has always been central to his life. Wanting answers, Logan asks Stryker who he is, but Stryker tells him that he's nothing but a failed experiment, provoking Logan into digging his claws deeper into Stryker's arm. Wolverine runs off on his own to look for Stryker and comes across an adamantium smelting room. Stryker enters the code and steps inside, seeing his son and Xavier. After Stryker's death, Jason continues his father's work by joining the Purifiers. William L Stryker, Saint Paul, MN (55105) - Spokeo [5] With the Xavier Institute's student Icarus's help, he caused a bus to explode, killing about one quarter of the academy's de-powered students. Outside, Stryker orders the soldier to kill anyone who approaches, even if it's him. Once there, his ally kills his guards and rescues him, then it is revealed that the two are lovers, and he immediately begins a crusade against the X-Men, focusing on Wolverine, Cannonball, the X-Treme X-Men team and Shadowcat against whom he apparently keeps a grudge. William Stryker | X-Men Movies Wiki | Fandom Following the Mutant GI's escape from Saigon, Stryker later accompanies Trask to the Paris Peace Conference held between the U.S. and Vietnam military leaders. In the comics, Stryker was a religious fanatic who organized numerous hate crimes against mutants. Despite his apparent hatred for mutants, he frequently operates with military teams composed entirely of mutants. William Stryker, Jr. William Stryker (Earth-762) | Marvel Fanon | Fandom Xavier later finds out that a human named Colonel William Stryker (Brian Cox) secretly used his own son, who has mutant mind-control abilities, to brainwash Nightcrawler to commit the acts of . Things to do around Boston this weekend and beyond Xavier agrees. In order to improve the resistance and strength of the cyborgs, Weapon X's scientists convinced Stryker to set his sights on the Hulk. The Capture of the Block House at Toms River, New Jersey, March 24, 1782. by William S. Stryker First published in 2018 2 editions. All Obituaries | Edgar-Grisier Funeral Home | Wauseon OH funeral home ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Protected by his psi-shielded helmet, Magneto was able to distract the Professor enough for the X-Men to destroy the machine. In 1973, Major William Stryker served as a personal assistant and bodyguard of Bolivar Trask. Before doing so, Stryker asks Logan if he remembers Agent Zero, with Logan responds by asking Zero if he's still shooting first and asking questions later. During this time, Victor captured Emma Silverfox, the sister of Kayla Silverfox, for experimentation. Cyclops entered into a televised debate with Stryker about his actions and Stryker pulled a gun, attempting to kill Ariel. William miraculously survived, but could not come to grips with his grief. Just as Weapon XI is about to decapitate him, (at the command of Stryker), Victor shoves him away, and both of them fall into the reactor. 1822 to Trumble Co., OH. Before he can answer, though, a thick shield of ice separates them, Rogue and Bobby call Logan to come. As Logan and Kayla were preparing to leave the island, Stryker walked up behind them and shot Logan with adamantium bullets in the back. He was featured mostly in New X-Men as the main villain, but also appeared in other comics set during this time frame. They were intercepted by a group of X-Men with the help of a "weaponized ritual" weapon, he was able to take Magik out of the fight. As Victor is watching through the window from a nearby room, Wolverine was told that Victor and Stryker were subsequently working together to capture various mutants, culminating in tricking Wolverine into agreeing to have adamantium bonded to his skeleton by claiming that Victor had gone rogue and had killed the woman Wolverine loved. As Wolverine walks away, Stryker bellows after him that "One day! The Hulk did not want Old Man Logan, Sabretooth and Lady Deathstrike to kill him. Logan doesn't remember Stryker and asks him who he is. He next tried to kill Dust, though it was actually X-23. Baldwin-Fairchild Oaklawn Chapel & Oaklawn Cemetery, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. A mutant-hating bigot, he is a recurring enemy of the X-Men. He recently provided the voice of Death in Good Omens and the second season of his HBO series Succession will premiere on August 11. A former army general, William Stryker was overjoyed when his wife told him she was pregnant. Stryker further concluded that the only reason God would have allowed his son to be a mutant was to direct him to his true calling: ridding the world of mutants. While walking to the hallways, Stryker and Lady Deathstrike look at the water pressure meters, and the Colonel panics. While evacuating, Stryker was intercepted by Sabretooth, Logan and Lady Deathstrike, who attempted to kill him. Stryker's life was saved by the Hulk, as the young hero was unwilling to let any of his allies kill around him. The animosity between the Victor and James was made even worse when Stryker revealed that, contrary to his deal with Victor, he cannot merge adamantium to his skeleton because it would kill him as his healing factor is less powerful than Logan's, and isn't strong enough to allow him to survive the process. Send a note, share a story or upload a photo. William S. Stryker | Open Library Leave a sympathy message to the family . Phone & Email (1) All Addresses (1) Family (4) Social (68) Court (2) And More; Phone & Email (1) William Stryker Sircy 20, of Indianapolis, died August 20, 2005. Xavier, to his horror, immediately recognizes him as Jason Stryker, and asks William in shock how he could have done this to his son. Looking at Artie, Wolverine puts him down, dropped the dog tags Stryker fashioned for him years earlier and informs Stryker that he would "take his chances with him" and left him to die, by leaving him at the mercy of the collapsing dam. Stryker bombs the ice, but by then Logan and the kids are already heading to the garage and get into Cyclops's car. Research genealogy for Ernest Stryker of Pennsylvania, as well as other members of the Stryker family, on Ancestry. In the Control Room, a soldier tells Stryker that there's someone coming down the spillway. Bolivar Trask and William Stryker are dead in the original timeline but are alive in the revised timeline. Immediate Family: Son of Barker Gummer and Elizabeth Chambers Gummer. Despite his hatred, though, Stryker found the usefulness of using mutants, at least those who he could control such as Lady Deathstrike, Nightcrawler and Cyclops. The Unz Review - unz.com Stryker turned to the bottle and was ultimately honorably discharged, after his drinking caused him to lash out at his trainees. Stryker orders a soldier to shoot a camera, and he does. Mother Unavailable. X2 (4/5) Movie CLIP - Deathstrike's End (2003) HD - YouTube Sign up for service and obituary updates. Sept *0.William J. Knight seventy-eight years old, who was a member of the famous Andrew raiders* party, which stole a Confed erate locomotive In Georgia In the1 Civil war and made a historic dash; North several hundred mllea. This button displays the currently selected search type. Since Yang Tai faked his death. [4], Stryker returned following M-Day, deeming the sudden massive reduction in number of the mutant population a sign of God, saying "He made the first step and now we have to take the next", basically rallying for genocide on TV. William E. Streicher Obituary. As he is in mid-leap, Logan is shot in the head twice by Stryker with adamantium bullets, and falls to the ground, unconscious - damaging his brain, causing amnesia, and forcing Logan to lose much of his long-term memory. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Victor and Logan accept and join other mutants - Wade Wilson, Agent Zero, Chris Bradley, Fred Dukes, and John Wraith - on covert missions throughout the world. Stryker was forced to deliver the baby himself. Stryker tries to stop them escaping, to no avail. Mystique says that if he lets the four of them out, they can help. While his followers, including a secret paramilitary Purifiers group, commit hate crimes against mutants, Stryker arranges to have Professor Xavier kidnapped, brainwashed, and attached to a brainpower machine that will kill all living mutants. William Stryker - en-academic.com Xavier realizes that this has to do with Stryker's son, and tells Stryker that he wanted him to cure his son, but mutation is not a disease. Watch on. After the process was successful, Stryker ordered Logan's memory to be wiped to protect the location of the Alkali Lakefacility and so that his DNA could be used for an upcoming project. UNLOCK PROFILE. [19] That brief dispute between allies gave Stryker enough time to complete his escape. People . [22] He additionally strapped Stryker's torso with the intention to kill two birds with one stone. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Stryker was a soldier in the US military. Stryker is a Christian fundamentalist televangelist who sees himself on a mission from God to destroy the mutant race. In the wake of his death . After Zero failed in his mission, Wolverine took his receiver and announced his plans for killing the Colonel after killing Victor, as revenge to Stryker. "The Forever Story," last year's album from this Atlanta MC, tells stories marked by nimble wordplay and inventive flows, while its crate-dug beats give his storytelling a homespun frame. J.I.D. During the struggle, the Shroud killed him by phasing an arm through his abdomen. Stryker sent a group of his followers against several of the X-Men, and kidnapped Pryde. No services are scheduled at this time. Instead, he used his sacrifice to revive his son Graydon, whom he'd found earlier and promised to get home. [18] As Old Man Logan, Sabretooth, and Lady Deathstrike disputed with the Hulk, Stryker took the opportunity to get away as the group soon join the fight against Bobby Andrews's mutated H-Beta form. William "Bill" Stryker Jr. is a American military officer and a high-ranking member of Weapon X. William Stryker | X-Men Film Series Wiki | Fandom Bill was born in Defiance on November 13, 1952, the son of Lawrence and MaDonna (Schindler) Brenner, who survive. [12], After further investigating Weapon X, Hulk and the mutants located and raided their central command. He promptly leaves and abandons Victor and the group before walking into the night and leaving, while ignoring Victor's calling out to him. The first 600 Ukrainian troops completed the course last month and 1,600 more are in training. The deaths of Wallflower and Dust were Stryker's prime objectives, as he had been informed by Nimrod that both females would destroy his army. William Stryker was raised to believe in a world that served as a battleground for the God and the Devil. The character has appeared in the X-Men film series, portrayed by Brian Cox in X2 (2003), Danny Huston in X-Men Origins . He explains the psychic event that destroyed every nuke from the Alkali Lake all the way to Moscow. William Stryker Obituary - Sun City, AZ He attempted to lead a spiritual congregation of survivors at a special tent set up in Central Park, but was unable to successfully . After his tour, Sgt. Stryker escaped and began hallucinating visions of his deceased abusive father who egged on his hatred of mutants and religious fervor until he was ready to once again strike back against the mutants. Stryker: William J. Brenner, age 63, of Stryker, passed away unexpectedly on Friday morning, June 17, 2016 at Community Hospitals of Williams County, Bryan.Bill was an Attorney-At-Law in Stryker for many years. William Stryker (Earth-616) | Marvel Database | Fandom Jason Stryker is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. found in U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900. William Stryker | Wiki | Comics Portugus Amino Before he could fire, Stryker was shot down by a police officer. With Victor Creed's assistance, her murder was faked with hydrochlorothiazide for Stryker, so he could trick Logan into participating in his Weapon X project. Jean Grey, Scott Summers, and Nightcrawler are noticed by Strykers men, and Stryker tells his men to send a security team to take out the intruders. [10][11], During the "Weapons of Mutant Destruction" storyline, Stryker made his presence known (after being restored to life as a cyborg) and has formed the Weapon X Project's latest incarnation with some humans' help that he swayed to his side like Dr. Aliana Alba. Stryker and his wife decided to visit her parents, in Phoenix, Arizona, but a car crash left them in the . Stryker appeared in the X-Treme X-Men storyline (as he was assumed forgotten in-universe). Wanting to get answers, he tells them to go, he'll be fine, but Rogue says that they won't. In Memory Of William Dale Stryker . [13], Once Weapon X captured Lady Deathstrike and harvested genetic material for their cyborgs, they sent their robots after the remaining four targets. While his followers, including a secret paramilitary group called the Purifiers, committed hate crimes against mutants, Stryker arranged a spy to gather information about the X-Men from FBI agent, Fred Duncan. Lady Deathstrike makes way onto the airplane where Stryker was being transferred. Brian Michael Bendis(w),Brandon Peterson and Brent Anderson(p),Brandon Peterson and Brent Anderson(i),Israel Silva and James Campbell(col),VC's Cory Petit(let),Nick Lowe(ed). [2], Created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Brent Anderson, William Stryker first appeared in the 1982 graphic novel X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills. [3], Stryker sent a group of followers against several of the X-Men, and kidnapped Kitty Pryde. Sign up for service and obituary updates. He was born January 4, 1917 in Troy, OH. [8] They also disrupt Nightcrawler's teleportation with a sonic attack, leading to disorientation. Learn more about merges. Logan escapes the facility after overhearing Sryker's plans. Consider uploading your photo of William Stryker so that your pictures are included in William Stryker's genealogy, . The Reed controversy. Stryker wants more information and has Wade Wilson interrogate in his place because he speaks the language. How old was William H . William Stryker Death Record, Obituary Records Stryker also used the rare opportunity of having Magneto in his custody, being well aware of his connection with Charles Xavier, to interrogate him via the use of a mesmeric serum from Jason to discover more about their past together. The Dignity Memorial brand name is used to identify a network of licensed funeral, cremation and cemetery providers that include affiliates of Service Corporation International, 1929 Allen Parkway, Houston, Texas. How is it that there are two Strykers in the X-Men series, both who Who is the son of william stryker? . Death record, obituary, funeral notice and information about the deceased person. Burial. While the numerous waves of Nimrods started hunting mutants around the whole country, others had the command to build a giant Sentinel, where Stryker's mind was transferred. The car exploded, but Sgt. Send Flowers. [19], In the alternate timeline seen in the 2005 Age of Apocalypse storyline, William Stryker was raised by a preacher father who cared for him and other children from their town after most were slaughtered by mutants. His department had dealt with the incarceration of mutant subjects before, so they constructed a Plastic Prison to keep Magneto contained without an ounce of metal that could aid in his escape. [12] As part of the process to refine their cyborgs, Weapon X targeted several mutants with special abilities of their interest, namely Logan, Sabretooth, Warpath, Domino, and Lady Deathstrike. [13] In order to refine these Adamantium cyborgs, Stryker has the Weapon X Project target Old Man Logan, Sabretooth, Warpath, Domino and Lady Deathstrike because these mutants have special abilities within Weapon X's interest. [18] With the Hulk's blood sample still in their possession, Weapon X moved to the creation of mutant-Hulk hybrids. [16], Even though the cyborgs that attacked the Hulk managed to have a blood sample sent to their command center before being defeated and forced to self-destruct, their attack prompted Cho to investigate the situation and join forces with Weapon X's other targets. Col. William Stryker is in charge of the Weapon X program and he has tormented Wolverine for decades while he was played by three different actors. He then introduces Xavier to "mutant 143" a young sick-looking mute man on a wheelchair, with pipes connected to his brain as a mind-controlling agent. He's still alive and well, stop believing what you see on the Internet, " they said. X2: X-Men United: The Movie Prequel: WolverineX2: X-Men United: The Movie Prequel: Nightcrawler Though he has prioritized global and national security, Stryker has single-handedly caused social upheaval by implicating mutants in the assassination of the President of the United States in an attempt to turn them into public enemies so his attempted genocide on their species would be considered more acceptable. Marcy went into labor and Sgt. Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at www.sunlandmemorial.com for the Stryker family. Once there, she killed his guards and rescued him. Top record matches for William Scudder Stryker. Inside, Mystique reports to the others she's in and opens the spillway doors. His Purifiers, in conjunction with Cameron Hodge's Right footsoldiers, engage the X-Men and New Mutants. Through the countless experiments that torture her, Mystique's DNA was mapped, reverse engineered, replicated, and installed into the most recent Sentinels, wherein the nature of her powers are distilled and used to enable the Sentinels' capability to imitate and adapt any mutant powers to counter their abilities. William Dean Flock, 86, of Laramie, WY, passed away on Tuesday, Jan.24, at Ivinson Memorial Hospital in Laramie, WY. His newborn son was born a mutant. F. William Bill Stryker, 83, of Hagerstown, passed away Friday, Aug. 3, 2012, at his home. Stryker leaves the office, and Kelly calls after him in the hall. [21], While the mutants were fighting H-Alpha, Sabretooth stole the nuclear reactor which powered his team's ship and intended to use it on their enemy. Suddenly, they hear an alarm going off then water burst out of the dam. William Stryker, Jr. (Earth-1610) | Marvel Database | Fandom Carol Frost tried to convince Stryker that they won't work on Logan, due to the mutant's regenerative healing abilities. William Stryker Gummere (1852 - 1933) - Genealogy - geni family tree Kevin was born April 14, 1961 in Hudson, Michigan to Janice Booher and she survives. Stryker was also willing to kill his superiors if they went against his plans by murdering General Munson when he threatened to close the Weapon X Program. Mr. Knight was the engineer who guided the locomotive North until the Instead, she commanded him to drop the gun, walk until his feet bleed, and then to walk some more by saying "walk until your feet bleedthen keep walking." 1854 to Wright Co., IA. Stryker met a group of men who knew that the mutant Magneto was responsible for the Ultimatum Wave and encouraged his rapidly-growing hatred of all mutants. An officer emerges and states that Stryker is wanted for questioning about his connection with General Munson's murder, which Stryker was charged of.
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