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0000000016 00000 n The fuse sizing in Column 4 for LPS-RK_SP, LPN-RK_SP, FRS-R and FRN-R fuses provides a degree of motor and circuit overload protection to back-up the normal motor overload protective device. DplBd`^:fJd"u"N6}wgGq\DU[nH5Bv1,'7ig1 a6x@nim*^]uBus&wib{s%Cp !7Y;zhJo(U[g(:ret40uw3f8@z`6mdX zusaJBZFQ*RXCGpL*6 E1[a'PD/ Mm).7@t*tq4;.go~E>[3K{dEk ,G=F k}MVhs{CC?WS?F2A [0`o .t0zlc {$Tkm}%7+FV]!PH$ Simply complete the form below to have one of ourengineers review your fuse criteria and offer assistance. <>stream A bayonet mount (mainly as a method of mechanical attachment, such as fitting a lens to a camera using a matching lens mount) or bayonet connector (for electrical use) is a fastening mechanism consisting of a cylindrical male side with one or more radial pins, and a female receptor with matching L-shaped slot (s) and with spring (s) to keep the <>stream 0000006366 00000 n fuse size black 1a 175a 80a 80a 40a gray 2a 2a 15a 150a 120a 120a 60a violet 3a 3a 3a 3a 100a 200a 140a 80a *S9Wb|rJ7!f_tfbZE&QaH(|v V]V#7+k%$eV[WPbfy7Es5ufq~q{^YNvUZVj w@ !7b"4/[VvV]wud&wa@"X.TZTK+_l~85fJ[%xVy1yC3L@}uh1Y kfwl9 h1T1Q >}g24^d)-2y92PI @"kY7K,UVc.b22}3y ^# -JQ1=iRX4e>I=k_tLpWo:g=meW`fu-Df,>$UCuH) h!kTA@kIFT#>R)st,>k2wH.Zm,O#9!egW&H]b#c4h\1EY[-.lqQ?>7q*HM + #VCe"uj-,u:a@d(kD P. Hz#_Sj{. They will limit long-term transformer heating caused by overloads and high temperature environments. K?g)kDgX2>Xh'4@kA Myp]d demE'o-s#zf"+1^xC adobe:docid:indd:a2cd9f65-1c26-11db-8bee-abf62ac53911 0000001495 00000 n Bay-O-Net fuses are comparable in cost to internal cartridge fuses but have the advantages of being field replaceable. Adobe PDF Library 10.0.1 0000026529 00000 n All protection device options meet inrush curve requirements. 0000013796 00000 n Software: Calculation of Size of Transformer, Fuse and Circuit Breaker. xmp.id:C39B6A23FEBDE411A2AB91AAA0F8D13D 101 0 obj GES-8224; GES-8225; Current "Fault" Sensing Fuse Plot Points; @&.1v ,OxsrVoflhT8-!@Svt `18d#=Rc\n,L}^pI@nbI2oT"qNf-oSr1([-`|OOf}b9A;o?35ul%J;&:8tIr?KD=.wX#SIl Internal oil-immersed partial range current-limiting fuses. JavaScript is disabled. This catalog provides features and ordering information for Eaton's Cooper Power series dual sensing Bay-O-Net fuse link used in Bay-O-Net fuse assemblies to protect distribution apparatus from damaging currents and distribution systems from failed apparatus. This catalog provides features and ordering information for Eaton's Cooper Power series dual sensing Bay-O-Net fuse link used in Bay-O-Net fuse assemblies to protect distribution apparatus from damaging currents and distribution systems from failed apparatus. adobe:docid:indd:c967933a-1cd1-11db-b72d-aa29583ffa93 An overcurrent caused by a fault in the transformer or customer circuit will cause the fuse to melt and the switch mechanism to visibly open . Time delay fuses sized at 125% may open at motor locked bon Bay-O-Net fuses can be used on single-phase conventional and self-protected distribution transformers and on three-phase equipment. The fuse size listed in this table is only for a tap off the main line feeder. 0000001296 00000 n The "E" rated fuse has timecurrent 0000002905 00000 n 0000011384 00000 n bay-o-net 0000034865 00000 n The two fuses are connected in series, and are coordinated so that the current-limiting fuse operates only upon internal equipment failure. startxref \YNkNcG1mRR/N5z\)65. 0000029584 00000 n *s12uIq~4:gxlt`x~M?ggXrT)G8,l*Cy|5'/$7EfnR>P@F5B(Yrl-P"N~. <>stream 0000003895 00000 n (1)Fuses installed in an enclosure with a base loading of 80% as required by the National Electrical Code. I'll look around for another applicable doc. AGU An example of the fuse re-rating when lower ambient temperatures are present: Normal full-load current: 1 Amp Normal fuse sizing: 1.5 Amps (135% of full load current taken to the next higher standard rating) Ambient Temperature: -15C Re-rating: 1.2 Amps (70% of normal fuse rating taken to the next higher standard fuse rating) 5. Looks like the tables they have in that doc are for 34.5kv and above. Las Cruces N.M. Dec 2, 2005. Hence, we can choose 16A Fuse for 5.5kW motor. Parallel fuses (200 A, 38 kV rated fuse consists of two 120 A, 38 kV fuses (P/N CBUC38120D100) in parallel. A Bay-O-Net fuse is ideal for use in a two-fuse protection scheme with a current-limiting backup fuse. FLSR series fuses Download your results in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format or email the results to yourself or a colleague. 0000000956 00000 n 0000030821 00000 n 0000020067 00000 n 0000002772 00000 n The current limiting fuse is required when the available fault current exceeds the interrupting rating of the Bayonet Fuse. Adobe PDF Library 10.0.1 Adobe InDesign CS6 (Windows) Calculate the current draw & circuit breaker size. The ELST fuse assembly is mechanically interchangeable with the K-MATE SL assembly and with other manufacturers' current limiting tandem fuse assemblies. 0000022932 00000 n 0000012322 00000 n endstream 0000008071 00000 n 0000033433 00000 n * Check specific mounting dimensions before substituting. xref 0000008969 00000 n G4. Primary Fuse Sizing for 13.8 kv transformers metallica5 Dec 19, 2012 Not open for further replies. Normal fuse sizing: 1.5 Amps (135% of full load current taken to the next higher standard rating) Ambient Temperature: 65C Re-rating: Re-rating: 2 Amps (130% of normal fuse rating) Conversely, when a fuse is intended to be used in extreme low temperature conditions, the fuse must have a lower rating than that in normal conditions. 4 2015-02-26T16:34:33.000-05:00 The Bay-O-Net design allows the integral (link) cartridge to be easily field replaceable. adobe:docid:indd:c967933a-1cd1-11db-b72d-aa29583ffa93 0000034544 00000 n 0000001188 00000 n 0000002857 00000 n endobj of copper wire/ aluminum/iron wire/ tin wire has to be used to protect the transformer given. y0!&"RlMx1>i` O #j b8E\C$qsNyNw$J$6ssqyqNERo7Nf$@`lz#S#_`bphMs[8`knmwS1SlA1R/jlL$jb=[$c4@y3#[4'd/;.,()!l@04*A$|p_:A!O;rb`'M_ kI\zLGJ-7 /H=K`)3{AVW$3'ybXZ(5OW|ZtLgSOk=-,elbuO=lQ@0 What does the bayonet fuse do? 1000VDC EV power fuse . 0000006397 00000 n eaton:search-tabs/content-type/resources eaton:product-taxonomy/medium-voltage-power-distribution-control-systems/utility-fuses/transformer-protection-devices )Wt@@JPE!Q2*2)*$HV-@ZUxuk,kkk&k#/ %PDF-1.5 % Bi-pin, an intermediate pin-in base with two points of contact named G4 or GU24. 2015-02-26T15:34:31.000-06:00 The A-Series traditional bulbs are used as kitchen lamps, porch lamps, ceiling lamps, floor and table lamps, and reading lamps. bay-o-net <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> . Re: Transformer Protection. Privacy, cookies & data protection policy. A hotstick is used to remove the Bay-O-Net fuse cartridge holder from non-pressurized apparatus. 0000002245 00000 n uuid:012c4d71-e8e3-4d58-85c1-a2cc3b8d8874 default 0000003335 00000 n This catalog provides features and ordering information for Eaton's Cooper Power series dual element Bay-O-Net fuse link used in Bay-O-Net fuse assemblies which protect distribution apparatus from damaging currents and distribution systems from failed apparatus. 0000050636 00000 n G13. This catalog provides features and ordering information for Eaton's Cooper Power series dual element Bay-O-Net fuse link used in Bay-O-Net fuse assemblies which protect distribution apparatus from damaging currents and distribution systems from failed apparatus. A-series bulb types Halogen bulbs endobj 0000032847 00000 n I SO Link Data Sheet. I would fuse the secondary at 3.0 Amps slightly below the VA rating. " #$% According to the chart above, 16.67 amps is in the range of the top row, 9 amps or more, so the overcurrent protection should be 125% of the primary full load current. False 0000042900 00000 n 0 Toll-free: (800) 739-914 |Local: (918) 665-6888. 2015 Eaton. OUTPUT FUSE = 1*125% next size higher if secondary current is 9 Amps or higher. In electrical distribution, a fuse cutout or cut-out fuse (often referred to as a cutout) is a combination of a fuse and a switch, used in primary overhead feeder lines and taps to protect distribution transformers from current surges and overloads. 29 0 obj 0000001862 00000 n interchangeable with similar fuses using industry standard clip-style and dry well canister mountings. / 0000044762 00000 n A light bulb size chart & series guide from The Lightbulb Company experts to help you find the perfect bulb for your lamp. Cooper Power Systems is headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and manufactures and markets circuit protection products globally for the electrical and Utilities industries. endobj or to coil terminal. 0000027002 00000 n 0000039630 00000 n Get Lighting. 1 0 obj PHdj[U.0{Q.'n%R.wu($t(z%r09gEDoAVSH@1[;^!R o"vbO(/F#v-j|+ 0= `IMsuUY.x]`K sHB 0000032073 00000 n 1/4" size-rejecting fast-acting automotive glass tube fuses See pages 28, 32 and 35 for available assortments. A full complement of fuse supports, fuse disconnect switches, and accessories are also available. Bay-O-Net fuses can be used on single-phase con ven tional and self-pro tected dis tri bu tion transformers and on three-phase equipment. 11.0 bon %PDF-1.4 % 0000025925 00000 n Lamp Holders & Ceiling Pendants. 21 0 obj endobj What is inside the bayonet oil fuse. But always open that up. Adobe InDesign CS6 (Windows) Parallel Volts: V1= V2 = 20V. Steps to Calculate Circuit Breaker and Wire Size. hu}+Xz>;kO 0000001601 00000 n Tower-style design with a BA15S 15-mm bayonet base for easy plug-and-play installationjust twist to lock in place. For more specific sizing recommendations, refer to Tables . "OP8x.A%B%:_6lOJn2T5ReQj'MO)'Ho_[`K"h$Dn from application/x-indesign to application/pdf Bayonet Cap BC-B22d Cap Diameter: 22mm Diameter (Pin to Pin): 27mm Height: 26mm With its familiar "push and twist" action, the "bayonet cap" (also known as BC or B22d cap) is used on most regular light bulbs. backup fuse.) endstream <> 0000023588 00000 n APPLICATION Hb```f``wc`g`c`@ 6(Glk:@ Choose either fuse or no fuse kit from chart below. Fuses. trailer %PDF-1.2 % endobj 0000014034 00000 n If the Bay-O-Net fuse will not be used in series with a current-limiting fuse, an isolation link is required. You can also request a quote on any of the RTE Fuses using our quote form. trailer << /Size 86 /Info 12 0 R /Root 14 0 R /Prev 71054 /ID[<9f46ac41d28b36174977683bfc31e54c><9f46ac41d28b36174977683bfc31e54c>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 14 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 11 0 R >> endobj 84 0 obj << /S 249 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 85 0 R >> stream EV fuse EVK 1000VDC15to600A datasheet_Bussmann_ABPower.pdf . HlTPWffzAh;z{b4H(("q>300"FQPEa #j5k-VLI6V>v~}s;v1EO^+xJ}3^ |F;][sgT+U&m^Kzw/ @ZEZy9 Adobe InDesign CS6 (Windows) 2015 Eaton. HV}?@}[vy0dH?[SG4_-_6/-_yy_/c9sm%k^b/?>yym,? 0000034001 00000 n 2015-02-26T15:27:09.000-06:00 ECI BAYONET FUSE LINK and ECI - COOPER FUSE LINK CROSS- .