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poop, When used, you have a 50% chance to double all items, consumables and chests in the current room, If the effect fails, all pickups and items are deleted and Crooked Penny spawns 1 coin, If there are no consumables currently on the floor, Crooked Penny spawns 1 coin, This item works with items which can be purchased such as shop items, allowing you to spawn a free version if the effect triggers, If used in a shop and the effect fails, a Restock box can be used to restore the shop items. Re-rolled items pick from the current room's item pool, Isaac starts with this item after it is unlocked, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating the Isaac boss with Blue Baby, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, dice pip, starting, pink, red, cube, Bombs now do 185 damage (up from 100) and have a larger blast radius, Has a chance to drop from the Super Wrath miniboss fight, REPENTANCE - Mr. Mega bombs buffed from 110 to 185 each, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by destroying 10 tinted rocks, Item Pool: Item Room, Bomb Beggar, Super Wrath Miniboss, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, dungeon room, blood challenge room, arena pool, slackaholicus, grey, gray, face, Cuts Isaac's head from his body for the current room, allowing him to fly and leaving the decapitated body to run around attacking enemies for 5.5 damage per tick, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, scissors, cutters, snip, scissors, silver, grey, gray, All damage taken is reduced to half a heart, Damaged reduction is reduced from every source in the game except Devil Deals and health down pills, Does not prevent death (i.e. grey, gray, feet bobby bomb, When used, deals damage to Isaac in exchange for +1.2 damage up which lasts for the current room, The first use per room takes 1 full heart, then 0.5 hearts per use after that. UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Mother in the Corpse II as Eve, When used, this item does a shout-type attack, with its effect increasing in damage and size the more charges you have, Larynx can be used with any number of charges. It works great. Health down effects still only remove 1 heart, Eve - Whore of Babylon and Dead Bird effects are always active, Samson - Bloody Lust can gain 4 more damage boosts, for a new max total of +14 Damage, Azazel - His beam becomes much wider, no effect on damage. It gives you 2 seconds to pick it up again to re-heal, before it disappears, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium as Tainted Magdalene, Whenever you deal damage to an enemy, has a chance to give the effect of one of Tainted ??? you can wish list it on steam here > more info dropping on Halloween! pink, purple, Spawns a familiar leech on the ground that hunts down enemies and heals you for half a heart each time it eats one, The Leech deals 1.5 contact damage per tick, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, grey, gray, worm, A bag that follows Isaac and drops a random heart, coin, bomb or key every 5-6 rooms (alternating, 5 rooms then 6, then repeats), Can drop any kind of heart, coin, bomb or key, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Dark Room with Eden, Item Pool: Item Room, Beggar, Secret Room, * normal beggar pool, normal judgement pool, coin beggar pool, coin judgement pool, secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, mysterious sack, multiple sacks, bag, pouch, purple, question mark, A large familiar black fly that bounces around the room, exploding on contact with enemies dealing 70 damage, Does not explode if it hits Isaac, however if it explodes on an enemy while Isaac is in range, he will take damage, Respawns after 10 seconds or by moving to another room, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, heart, smile, A green brain that launches in the direction you are firing your tears and will explode on contact with enemies, dealing damage and poisoning anything in the blast radius, Bob's Brain deals 100 damage and applies a poison damage over time effect, which deals double your tear damage per tick, Will hurt Isaac if he is in the blast radius. The first and second familiars spawn after 15 hits, then 30 hits for the third and fourth, Cambion Conception cannot grant more than 4 familiars in total, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating ??? 1 = poop, 2 = penny, 3 = bomb, 4 = key, 5 = red heart, 6 = pill, 7 = card, 8 = soul heart, 9 = gold heart, 10 = gold key, 11 = gold bomb, At the full 12 charges, a completely random effect will happen. The beams of light now trail behind Isaac when charging with it (damage formula of the beams is damage * 4 + 10). One of the following messages may show: "Some doors require a blessing. This video will show you how to find out what item descriptions are in binding of isaac! 2 keys = 16.6% chance. Where can I find ID's of items, entities, bosses and etc. * item room, treasure room, item room pool, green, cry, plant, Tears now shoot three at a time (Triple Shot). Binding of Isaac Afterbirth Cheat Sheet wiki. Chests now have a 50/50 chance to either pay out with extra consumables or nothing/an enemy, UNLOCK: Unlock this trinket by beating Challenge #26 (I Rule), Tears have a stronger knockback effect while this trinket is held. when entering the item room, Gives +1 Soul Heart when starting each new floor after picking this up, Currently this effect doesn't work in Greed Mode - It will show 2 items but the item rooms will have different items in them, Gives +0.4 Tears Up for each room completed without taking damage, up to a maximum of +2.0 Tears Up, When you take damage, the tears bonus is reset, Picking this item up counts and gives you a temporary +0.4 Tears Up as well, Allows you to double-tap the shoot button to create a holy shield for 1 second that pushes enemies back and deals 10 damage to them if they touch it, The shield also reflects enemy shots and beams back at them for some extra damage, Can only be activated every 3 seconds (Shown by a white glow and a ticking noise), UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Hush as Bethany, At the beginning of each new floor, this item will stab Isaac and reduce your red health down as much as it can without killing you. The chance for a Red Room to unlock increases as you pick up more Crystal Keys. See the dedicated Devil room page for more details, Reveals the entire map and shows the icons for every room which has one, This is completely useless if you currently have both the Treasure Map and The Compass, Doubles your current red hearts up to full health, * , the lost item pool, playing, card, white, red, When used, turns all pickups, chests and non-boss enemies in the room into Bombs, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by getting a 3 win streak, When used, turns all pickups, chests and non-boss enemies in the room into Coins, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Lamb in under 20 minutes, When used, turns all pickups, chests and non-boss enemies in the room into Keys, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating The Lamb without taking hearts, coins and bombs, When used, turns all pickups, chests and non-boss enemies in the room into Hearts, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating any floor after Basement I with only half a heart of health (works as The Lost), Teleports you to the Devil Deal Room on the current floor, When used, instantly kills you and spawns 10 pickup on the floor, Each of the 10 things spawned can be any type of consumable or sometimes a pedestal item (up to a maximum of 3 pedestal items), Any pedestal item created by Suicide King will be related to the room where it was used, meaning that using it in the Angel room will spawn Angel room items, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by beating Challenge #7 (Suicide King), UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Mega Satan as Tainted Magdalene, A card which can be thrown as a projectile directly infront of Isaac, instantly killing anything it hits, including most bosses, If thrown at a multi-phase boss with multiple forms such Satan, Mega Satan or Hush it will only kill that particular phase of the boss, If thrown at a multi-phase boss that works from a single health bar such as Isaac, ??? Lunch = +0.5 tears, +1.5 range. the lost item pool, white, black, Each time you take damage, you gain a damage up which lasts for the rest of the floor and turn a darker red colour each time, After taking 6 hits Bloody Lust doesn't give you any further damage increases, Damage given for each hit increases as follows: +0.5, +0.7, +0.9, +1.1, +1.3, +1.5, REPENTANCE - The damage increments have changed slightly, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Isaac boss with Samson, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, the lost item pool, starting, red, blood, drop, Upon use, reveals the map and drops either a soul heart or a random card/rune (50% chance for each), It reveals the location of the secret room, however it doesn't reveal the Super secret room, Has a chance to drop from playing a fortune machine. pedestal items, Picking up all dropped items leaves you with the same health and consumables you had before, This allows you to manipulate your consumables in lots of different ways, for example by rerolling them with the D6/D20, re-arrange your Bone heart containers and more, If you have the Tarot Cloth item, this card will also drop all your passive items on the floor as pedestals, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Lost, Gives you a blue aura that repels enemy projectiles, causing them to slowly curve away from Isaac and avoid hitting him, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Judas, Causes Mom's Foot to keep stomping down randomly for 60 seconds where Isaac is standing, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Lilith, Gives 2 HP Up and +1.5 Tears Up for 60 seconds, UNLOCK: Unlock this card by defeating Ultra Greedier mode as Tainted Eve, Teleports you to an extra boss room, that drops a Boss room item as normal. The item order is based on the original The Binding of Isaac up to item 129 ( A Lump of Coal ), and its expansion, Wrath of the Lamb, up to item 195 ( Box ). ID: 191 . Also the hit detection has been improved - Technology fires in a straight line, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, silver, gray, grey, red, machine, Tears Down significantly (Tear delay * 2.1 + 3), Synergizes well with a lot of tear effects - e.g. Contents 1 Effects 2 Notes 3 Synergies 4 In-game Footage 5 Trivia Effects Upon pickup and from then onwards, locks attributes to their best values reached. * , the lost item pool, head, bone, grey, gray, Gives Isaac a higher chance to find pills, Gives Isaac a higher chance to find Tarot cards after clearing a room or from chests, After clearing a room, you have a chance to heal for half a red heart, *, the lost item pool, silver, metal, grey, gray, isaacs fork, When taking damage, Isaac has a chance to deal damage to the entire room in a Necronomicon style effect, The chance to damage enemies is affected by your luck stat and at +50 or more Luck it will activate 50% of the time, * , the lost item pool, pink, purple, paper, red, Everytime you pick up a penny, you have a 25% chance to spawn a red heart on the floor, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating the Chest with Samson, * , the lost item pool, red, coin, cent, money, Everytime you pick up a coin, you have a 25% chance to spawn a bomb on the floor, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by beating Challenge #13 (Beans! Unlocked from the 'U broke it!' 4 keys = 50% chance. The chance for this effect to activate depends on your Luck stat. Damage scales with total heart containers. poison effect for Pestilence, Added as part of the Afterbirth+ Booster Pack #3. When used, it retrieves the Forgotten skull, causing it to shoot back into your arms, Tainted Bethany - Spawns four random item wisps of high quality with significantly higher HP than normal, Tainted Jacob - Dark Esau splits into 2. This mechanic is very useful on Greed and Greedier modes, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium in The Void floor with Keeper, *, orange, brown, yellow, gold, coin, cent, Upon use this item hurts Isaac without actually taking health away, allowing you to activate any items which trigger when taking damage without losing health, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Delirium on The Void floor with Eve, When used, this item permanently removes one of your red heart containers and gives you a flat +0.2 Damage Up, the Anemic effect (+1.5 Range Up + red creep trail) and a Cube of Meat, The Anemic effect will only last for the current room, but the Cube of Meat and Damage Up are both permanent, Only works for red hearts and has no effect when used if you only have soul/black hearts, Has no recharge time and can be used as often as you like, It is possible to generate multiple meatboys by stacking more than 4 Cubes of Meat, When used, this item gives you the effect of a random item for the rest of the room, Using this item multiple times in the same room will replace the previous item's effect with a new one, Certain items can be activated with this item which have unexpected effects and many items will do nothing, Items do not grant consumable drops which would normally occur when that item is picked up, Most flight-granting items have cosmetic effects only, and will not allow you to fly, Items that usually give HP up will not give extra health when gained from Metronome, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by defeating Greedier Mode with Eden, This dice allows you to press the Drop key to cycle between all possible dice effects and pick one to use, Charge time scales based on the chosen dice, updating every time you use it, Possible dice include: D1, D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, D100. ?, Satan and The Lamb as Tainted Magdalene, The first time you pick this trinket up, the heart container will be filled. Clots returning back to Eve deal 3x damage as they suck back in, The type of heart consumed to create a clot will give it different abilities: Soul Hearts = More health, Black Hearts = Dark Matter effect, Eternal Hearts = Sacred Heart effect, Gold Hearts = Midas Touch effect, Bone Hearts = Compound Fracture effect, Rotten Hearts = Less health, Tainted Eve starts with this item, but can be used by any character after unlocking it and finding it in the item room, UNLOCK: This item comes along with Tainted Eve. paper, roll, white, All of Isaac's bombs now having a homing effect when placed on the floor, * boss rush pool, boss rush room, item room, treasure room, item room pool, bomb beggar, dead, 23 days ago. It will attempt to hide behind you when shooting. rocks), Item Pool: Item Room, Devil Room, Greed Mode Devil Room, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, luigi board, weeja board, paper, grown, Automatically gives you 1 bar of charge after using your spacebar item, Fully recharges your current spacebar item when picked up, Any items which are normally a 1 room recharge are now timed instead, * shop room pool, shop item pool, battery, black, brown, When Isaac takes damage, the dead bird will spawn and attack nearby enemies in the current room for 2 damage per tick, * item room, treasure room, item room pool, the lost item pool, starting, grey, gray, Tears are replaced with the ability to charge and fire a powerful laser that travels in a straight line across the room, dealing a lot of damage (tear damage hits for 9 ticks per laser) to any enemies it comes into contact with, Does not directly affect your Damage stat but hits enemies 9 times per charge, Synergizes very well with a lot of items including Tammy's Head, Tiny Planet, Inner Eye (Triple Shot), Mutant Spider (Quad Shot) and many others, If you somehow manage to get a second Brimstone, the laser becomes massive and deals double damage, * devil pool, devil room pool, devil deal, infinity, red, black, Has a chance to drop while playing any Blood Donation machine, UNLOCK: Unlock this item by playing the Blood Donation machine 30 times, Item Pool: None (Blood Donation machine only), Gives you a high rate of fire in exchange for a damage down, * secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, Thin Odd Mushroom, brown, purple, grey, gray, REPENTANCE - Odd Mushroom (thick) is now a larger damage increase (equal to that of Steven/Pentagram), but now also a larger speed downgrade (from -0.1 to -0.2), * secret room pool, item room, treasure room, item room pool, purple, pink, brown, thick odd mushroom thick, When you only have half a red heart remaining or less, you enter a curse state which adds +1.5 damage and +0.3 speed, When playing as Eve, this item activates with one FULL heart remaining or less AND also removes her 0.75 damage multiplier, raising it up to 1.0, The effect is permanently active for characters with no red hearts (e.g. achievement (collect 50 items in a single run), X-Lax - Spawns a pool of slippery brown creep beneath Isaac, Experimental Pill - Increases one random stat and decreases another random stat.