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1453 was founded in 1990. Following Millss presentation, Ritualistic Committee Chairman Kenneth Rice closed out the session by recognizing the winner of the first-ever national Eleven OClock Toast Contest and the winners of the national Ritualistic Contest, including outstanding officers from the preliminary rounds as well as the top four winners of the national Ritualistic Contest finals. Cryan says with the pandemic, some meetings will be online. Moody thanked the Elks for visiting her state and for the great work they do in Florida and across the country. MARCH 2023 STATED MEETING & ELECTION/INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS, June 2022 Stated Meeting and Anson Jones Lecture, MARCH 2022 ANNUAL MEETING and Installation Lubbock, DECEMBER 2021 STATED MEETING & Anson Jones Lecture SAN MARCOS, September 2021 Stated Meeting San Angelo, September 2020 Stated Meeting Fort Worth. Junior Grand WardenRW ELQUEMEDO O. ALLEYNE. 127 at Round Rock Lodge in Round Rock, Texas. Wednesdays session was delayed by Hurricane Elsa, which passed through the Gulf of Mexico just west of Tampa on Tuesday night. Posted by. Lead. Grand Lodge of Texas 2021 Installation of Grand Officers Livestream. Honor and Resources Pledged. 29, Section 2. . Every new lodge must be warranted or chartered by a Grand Lodge, but is subject to its direction only in enforcing the published constitution of the jurisdiction. Follow me on Twitter @TSpoonFeed. Loyal Knight Clem Brown, Phoenix, AZ; Est. Part 2 - The Lodge of Sorrow. To give attendees a chance to learn about national programs in the absence of the exhibit hall, an expanded program of seminars was offered. The restaurant has graciously agreed to split the check for each guest. THEREFORE BE IT KNOWN: The order of events will be as follows: This Proclamation must be read in its entirety in every Lodge/Chapter meeting until the date of January 11, 2021. More details to follow. City officials are considering a new lake on Waco Creek as part of a park planned next to the former Floyd Casey Stadium site. Worldwide, membership in the fraternity encompasses millions of men who believe and support the same fundamental principles. For those interested in acquiring the original data from the source, heres where our data comes from: Enter a nonprofit's name, a keyword, or city, Following Attorney General Moodys remarks, PGER McPherson returned to the podium to present a $10,000 donation from the Elks National Foundation to Camp Idlewild of Florida, which is a new camp for children with autism-spectrum disorders. The funds proved to be extremely valuable during the pandemic, allowing Pacific Historic Parks, the organization that supervises the memorials, to create several virtual presentations that enabled people to explore the memorial even though they were unable to travel there in person. With declining enrollment in recent years, budget constraints ar, Engie North America on Wednesday dedicated the Sun Valley Solar and Battery Storage Project, a $350 million energy complex unlike anything in . More details to follow as soon as they become available. Dispensation, Charters, Etc . 28. McPherson then yielded the podium to PGER Michael F. Smith, who welcomed Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody to the stage. Out of the fifteen proposed changes to the statutes of the Order, delegates approved nine and rejected six. Funds Administered by Grand Lodge and, Board of Directors. We even have a temporary morgue truck that is still in use," Craine said. Those that did proceed at the Waco Convention Center were limited to 300 people because of the governors emergency orders limiting locations to half of capacity. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. "The virus is widespread right now. To close his speech and round out the session, he encouraged the assembled Elks to join him in a Minnesota Elks tradition, which involved a rousing chant of Its great to be an Elk.. . San Angelo Lodge No. 27, Present Charter (1900) and Enabling Act .. 19, Charter of 1845 . 21, Charter of 1846 . 22, Charter of 1879 . 22, Section 1. Officers; 2021 Installation of Officers; 2021 Installation of Officers. The March 2021 TLR Meeting will be held in Round Rock, TX on March 20, 2021. Installation of Officers. Senior Warden Matthew Tucker. Secretary and Treasurer Workshop..9:00am-12:00pm, Lunch.12:00pm-1:30pm, Winter Session Joint Meeting: (Everyone).4:00pm-7:00pm. No-host dinner will be on Friday night, December 3, at a local restaurant (details to be announced). A vote will be held @ the December Stated meeting. 10. . Election, Term of Office, Etc .. 30, Section 1. Steward. by Web Master | Jan 4, 2021 | Uncategorized. The parade featured flags representing emergency responders as well as the flags of all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and overseas possessions. 148 meets in the Fort Worth Masonic Temple located at 1100 Henderson Street, Fort Worth, TX. . Section 4. All departments under the Sunset Grand Lodge Jurisdiction will be required to also utilize a cashless system. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The top male MVS Scholarship winner was Jacob Lockman, who was sponsored by the Mount Adams (White Salmon), Washington, Lodge. Worshipful Master Billy Hamilton promises great fellowship, but due to COVID-19 restrictions meals may not be permitted in the building. Most Worshipful G. Clay Smith Right Worshipful Raborn Lovelace Reader, Jr. The Friday evening no-host dinner will be at Cafe Homestead, located at 608 Dry Creek Road, Waco, TX 76705. Rising Star Lodge #650 is located in Garland, TX and is a member of District 11 under the authority of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas and Jurisdiction. BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, that all Secretaries and Treasurers of subordinate Lodges/Chapters, along with the Secretaries and Treasurers of all Higher Degree Departments must attend the Secretary and Treasurer mandatory workshop. A copy of all documents should be added to your records by your secretaries.BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, that all Worshipful Masters, Worthy Matrons, and Heads of Higher House must present their completed yearly calendar for coordination with the Grand Bodies Calendar. College Station March 18, 2023More details to follow as soon as they become available. Carla Pendergraft, director of marketing for the Waco Convention Center and Visitors Bureau, said many conventions set for Waco this year were canceled because of the pandemic. Anson Jones LectureBlack-tie dinner on Saturday evening, June 18, at 6:00 PM in the Isabelle Room of Texas. This more than a centuries tradition was not about to be stopped because of a pandemic. Grand Master May Grant Dispensations for New, Lodges. BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, that all attendees of the Winter Session shall dress in Lodge or Chapter shirts and collars if applicable. More details to follow. Please contact the hotel directly for reservations. At the Grand Lodge level, Mills served as district deputy for the Idaho South District from 2008 to 2010, was a regional Hoop Shoot director from 2010 to 2016, and served on the Board of Grand Trustees from 2016 to 2020. AF&AM TX - PM, PHP, TIM, PC, Grotto, AMD, KM. Read the IRS instructions for 990 forms. Close. A donation of $12.00 for lunch is requested, and an additional donation for breakfast would be appreciated. Our cases are so high," Craine said. Make check payable to Grand Lodge of Texas Mail to: The Grand Lodge of Texas, Officer Leadership Training, P.O. She also congratulated the Elks National Veterans Service Commission on its seventy-fifth anniversary. 23, Section 1. She said her office has worked with the Grand Lodge of Texas for years and provides them with local contacts, coupon books and visitors guides to enhance their stay in Waco. Members of Lodges/Chapters Under Dispensation will pay $125 per member. 1260 will be co-hosting the event. Dallas TBAMore details to follow as soon as they become available. (a) If a Member is a Grand Lodge Officer, Past Grand Master, Past Deputy Grand Master, Past Grand Warden, or a Past Worshipful Master, and he is also a Master, Warden or Proxy of a Lodge duly attending an Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Texas, and he is voting pursuant to the provisions of Article VII, Section 1 (c), he may cast up . The Grand Exalted Rulers report was followed by the report of the chairman of the Elks National Convention Commission, PGER Michael F. Smith, of the Plant City, Florida, Lodge. But we visited with the governors office and we are following all the governors orders on social distancing, masking, hand sanitizing, signage and all other protocols expected for an event like this. Right Worshipful H. Bart Henderson If you have used our data or site in your research or reporting, add credit and a link to Nonprofit Explorer in your story or publication and let us know. While the results of the voting were being tabulated, Activities Committee Chairman Wayne Cotterly announced the results of the Community Project Contest. A donation of $12.00 for lunch is requested, and an additional donation for breakfast would be appreciated. A TOTAL OF 6,672 Elks and guests from all fifty states as well as overseas territories gathered in Tampa, Florida, from July 4 to 7 for the 156th Grand Lodge Session and celebrated the opportunity to meet each other in person for the first time in two years following the cancellation of the scheduled session in 2020. It is a Constitutional Mandate that your Lodge/Chapter be represented. We look forward to seeing you in Lubbock! Grand Exalted Ruler Elect T. Keith Mills next took the podium and spoke about his program for the coming year. Please join us for the March stated meeting of Texas Lodge of Research. Carol Brown, Phoenix, AZ; Chaplain Joseph Brown, Phoenix, AZ; Candidate Bonnie Days, Reno, NV; Coach Diane Bodwell, Phoenix, AZ; Assistant Coach William Darr, Phoenix, AZ. However, the most recent membership news was considerably brighter. He never set foot in Waco before attending Baylor, and never returned. Communications. The final day began on a somber note with the observance of the Elks Memorial Service, which was led by Past Grand Exalted Ruler Robert L. Duitsman. The event typically brings in 3,000 people . Dr. Ric Berman, Past Master and Long-Serving Secretary of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. To close the parade, the Louisville, Kentucky, Lodge honor guard and the members of the Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee escorted the worlds greatest symbol of freedom, the flag of the United States of America, to the front of the stage and paused as the assembled Elks recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Reservationis for Friday, December 16 at 6:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you in San Marcos! Scott Surplus, Treasurer, Lewis Bell, District 9A Communications Officer, Brad Bell, Jr. Past Master & Tiler, Bill Strohmeyer, Past Master, Michael Morgan , Jr. Steward. It is everywhere. Read the API documentation . .. 30, Section 1. Knight Terri Maloy, Grand Island, NE; Est. Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. The host hotel is the Embassy Suites, 1001 E. McCarty Lane, San Marcos, TX 78666, (512) 392-6450. The Worthy Grand Patron and I have been honored 2021 Winter Session TO: The Grand Officers, Worshipful Masters, Worthy Matrons, Heads of Affiliate Houses working under a charter or dispensation from the M.W. He transferred to the Caldwell Lodge in 1994 and proceeded through the principal chairs in that lodge to become exalted ruler in 20012002, after which he served as lodge trustee for five years. Grillo opened by congratulating Elks across the country for their unwavering resilience and their adaptation to the COVID-19 pandemic before turning the presentation over to Elks National Foundation staff members and other presenters. The school was among the first 20 or so Texas charter schools formed in 1996. The legislative session that followed this report commenced under the guidance of Grand Lodge Committee on Judiciary Chairman Thomas Zisa. Hinkle announced that the 20212022 contest theme will be What Does It Mean to Love Your Country? Next, he congratulated the winners of the three Fraternal Committee media contests and the eighteen winners of the All-American Lodge contest, including the six first-place winners. 202107 PASSED: To allow the Grand Exalted Ruler to grant full membership in the Grand Lodge to past exalted rulers, otherwise qualified, who are prevented from attending a Grand Lodge Convention by reason of the convention having been canceled or in the event a convention fails for lack of a quorum. .. 24, Section 1. 148, located at 1100 Henderson Street, Fort Worth, TX. Among the forms this assistance took were providing tablet computers to allow state veterans home residents to interact virtually with their families; giving protective equipment to VA staff, veterans, and caregivers; and delivering food baskets to local veterans. But it made an impression, the elementary school music teacher leaving . Following this presentation, PGER McPherson introduced Grand Lodge Fraternal Committee Chairman Robert Hinkle, who oversaw the parade of flags. Freemasonry is a fraternity. He also holds the rank of Past Junior Grand Deacon of the United Grand Lodge of England. TO: The Grand Officers, Worshipful Masters, Worthy Matrons, Heads of Affiliate Houses working under a charter or dispensation from the M.W. Reservationis for Friday, September 16 at 7:00 pm, and they have agreed to accommodate us with split checks. On Saturday, June 12, 2021, the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas and Jurisdiction virtually held its 2021 Revitalization Program led by Honorable Wilbert M. Curtis, Grand Master. 26, Section 1. BE IT THEREFORE KNOWN, that all Grand Lodge/Chapter officers along with the Worshipful Masters, Worthy Matrons of all lodges/chapter and all Heads of Higher House are to assemble with the Grand Body at our Annual Winter Session on Saturday January 16th, 2021. Stated Meeting Study Night Fundraisers Officers 2021 Installation of Officers Search Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. Worshipful Master Jeremy Smith. officers at Grand Chapter on August 14th, 2021 the current Grand Officers and Deputies will continue to serve and perform the duties of the office they have held since August 2019. We are men from the community who have joined together to improve themselves. The September TLR Meeting will be held in Fort Worth, TX on September 19th. Presiding Officers. We accomplish this through the principles and lessons of the fraternity. Please email your completed rosters to the respective Grand Secretaries for your respective body. The speaker this year is Worshipful Brother David Clarke, CVO, who is the District Grand Superintendent of the District Grand Chapter of Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean under the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. top of page. This week's "grand annual communication" at the Grand Lodge of Texas on Columbus Avenue will be set up for online participation, a first for the event. The restaurant is located at 4546 Belt Line Road, Addison, TX 75001. See the list , The data powering this website is available programmatically, via an API. Reservations are required, please send email to reserve to WM Christian Moore at [emailprotected] Seating will begin at 6:30 PM,dinner at 7:00 PM. . All Stated Meeting Study Night Fundraisers Officers . Kansas City, Missouri We look forward to seeing you in San Angelo! Every organization that has been recognized as tax exempt by the IRS has to file Form 990 every year, unless they make less than $200,000 in revenue and have less than $500,000 in assets, in which case they have to file form 990-EZ. Andersons Old Charges of a Freemason. .. 24, Section 2. A Masonic lodge, often termed a private lodge or constituent lodge, is the basic organisational unit of Freemasonry.It is also commonly used as a term for a building in which such a unit meets. He noted that the dependable, regular Fidelity Club donations helped the Elks National Foundation continue to support the charitable needs of communities across the country throughout the pandemic. All Winter Session Membership Dues should be collected by the Lodge/Chapter Secretary. 25, Section 6. Its goals are to advance the moral and social interests of its membership; to foster good citizenship, honest industry, and upright living; to cultivate the exercise of charity in its best and broadest sense; to assist the widows and orphans of its deceased members; to stimulate friendship, harmony, and brotherly love; and generally to promote, in its own way, the happiness of mankind. Lead. Rooms are $99.00. The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) is a fraternal organization consisting of sworn law enforcement officers in the United States. Masons pledge to follow COVID-19 protocols during three-day Waco meeting with 1,000 members. You can cancel at any time. Registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. Sunset Grand Lodge of Texas, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and by the authority vested in the office of the Grand Master and in accordance with The Constitution of The Most Worshipful Sunset Grand Lodge of Texas. There was, however, other business to attend to first. Many events have been canceled this year because of COVID-19 and we considered canceling this year, Masonic Grand Master Paul Underwood said. Texas Masonic History Ask A Freemason Becoming a Mason Sign up to get ProPublicas biggest stories delivered straight to your inbox. Held in Waco the past 100 years, thousands of Masons will gather to discuss issues from the past year. In a letter to members statewide, Underwood assured members that ritual portions of the grand communication will not be shown to those participating remotely. We will add information about hotel reservations and the no-host dinner as they become available. Get directions Home What is Freemasonry? Finally, PGER Grillo returned to the stage to close the ENF presentation by urging Elks across the country to join the ENF Fidelity Club, which is a group of loyal Elks who make monthly donations to the foundation. Our Lodge officers 2020-2021 As pictured: Top Row: Scott Surplus, Treasurer, Lewis Bell, District 9A Communications Officer, Brad Bell, Jr. Past Master & Tiler, Bill Strohmeyer, Past Master, Michael Morgan , Jr. WHEREAS, the Constitution of the M.W. More details to be added in the coming weeks regarding hotel and meals. . The hotel has offered King Rooms at $139 USD per night, with a block of rooms reserved for us. About 1,000 Masons from across Texas are expected to participate in an annual event this week at the Grand Lodge of Texas. It is a fraternity of good men, linked together by honorable and indissoluble bonds, striving to accomplish these noble purposes, eschewing all interests in factional politics and sectarian religion and free from the dictation of both. M. March 31, 2005. The ornate auditorium at the Grand Lodge of Texas at 715 Columbus Ave. has a 3,500-person capacity, Underwood said. When the dust settled and the shoot-off free throws and other tiebreakers were considered, the boys Getty Powell Award winner was Caden Thompson, who was sponsored by the Claremore, Oklahoma, Lodge and competed in the Boys 1213 Division. Guard Taylor Ruiz*, Phoenix, AZ; Esq. It is more than widespread. 2021-2022 Officers Ray Owens Worshipful Master Bill Craigmyle Senior Warden Richard Gutierrez Junior Warden Billy Ward Secretary Charles Curry Treasurer 1 HOME LODGE OFFICERS CALENDAR PAY DUES Donations About Us Cornerstone Leveling Grand Lodge of Texas Links What is Freemasonry? We are one of the many masonic lodges associated with the Grand Lodge of Texas. Section 1. Once the flags were placed in the positions of honor that they would hold throughout the session, PGER McPherson introduced PGER Michael T. Luhr, who spoke about the Elks Pearl Harbor Campaign. Kelly Craine with the Waco-McLennan County Public Health District says since the meetings are taking place on private property, they did not have to get a city permit for the three-day event. ER William Borchert, Greenville, SC; Est. Only about 500 members are expected to attend the opening session, with the remaining members coming to town for Fridays full-day session. Held in Waco the past 100 years, thousands of. No-host dinner will be on Friday night, March 18, at a local restaurant (details to be announced). Nonprofit Explorer has organizations claiming tax exemption in each of the 27 subsections of the 501(c) section of the tax code, and which have filed a Form 990, Form 990EZ or Form 990PF. Turning to the question of membership, he remarked that there had been an understandable drop in membership of about forty thousand people in 20202021. Nonprofit Explorer includes summary data for nonprofit tax returns and full Form 990 documents, in both PDF and digital formats. . Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way. The delegates used their time in Tampa to review the important work the Order did over two of the most challenging and unpredictable years in living memory, work that included charitable activities aimed at helping others and efforts to increase membership and improve the health of the Order. We also link to copies of audits nonprofit organizations that spent $750,000 or more in Federal grant money in a single fiscal year since 2016. . 1 year ago. The organization has 64,120 members. The official work of the Grand Lodge Session began during Mondays business session. Dear Brethren of Texas Lodge no.46 F&AM of California, A resolution was proposed at the November Stated meeting on 11-12-2022 to increase Texas Lodge no.46 Dues and Degree Fees. . Because of that, for the first time, Masonic officials will plug in much of the gathering so those who chose not to attend can participate via teleconference, Underwood said. Copyright 2021 Pro Publica Inc. Staff writer at the Waco Tribune-Herald covering courts and criminal justice. This represented an increase of five dollars in the annual insurance assessment, which Miller indicated was needed because of several expensive liability judgments against the Order. FINAL SCORES OF WINNING RITUALISTIC TEAMS, 1stKenton, OH (97.1112); 2ndPhoenix, AZ (96.5571); 3rdGreenville, SC (96.4582); 4thGrand Island, NE (96.3469), 1stDiane Bodwell, Phoenix, AZ; 2ndRobert Walker, Burien, WA; 3rdJohn Hines, Kenton, OH; 4thTracey Austin, Tallahassee, FL. .. 28, Section 1. Please join us for the September stated meeting of Texas Lodge of Research. The meeting will be hosted by Dallas Lodge No. Quick links. The regional finals and Hoop Shoot National Finals for the 20192020 season were held virtually in 2021 and involved each athlete competing in his or her own region under the supervision of local Hoop Shoot volunteers. Failure to Elect or Install Grand Officers. 1st Installed State Officers of the Grand Lodge of Texas; Installed State Officers and Elected Boards . 202106 PASSED: To allow a lodge to provide for the waiver of dues and fees of any applicant who is a current or former Elks scholarship recipient with a goal of encouraging membership. Our room rate is available for those who may want to stay an additional night to attend. You have permission to edit this article. . in machine-readable format. Morgan also noted that Elks volunteers were quick to return to in-person volunteering as soon as it was safe to do so. . Fort Worth June 17, 2023More details to follow as soon as they become available. The hospitality room will be in the Addison Room of the hotel. . 75 witnesses. Transactions of theTexas Lodge of Research, Captain Peter F. Tumlinson: Texian Ranger and Mason. Electronic payment options are available, please email the Secretary for details. The meeting will be at the San Marcos Masonic Center on 3024 TX-123, San Marcos, Texas 78666. . It is a very nice chophouse, and there is a second-floor, open-air balcony adjacent to the Isabelle Room. Worthy Grand Patron, O.E.S. The meeting will be hosted by Robert Burns Lodge No. Walter Griffin Cypress Lodge #1423 12103 Old Huffmeister Rd, Cypress, TX 77429 Stated Meeting: Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday. . /articles/2021-grand-lodge-convention-highlights. Reservation link and details to follow as soon as they become available. Next up were the reports of the National Memorial and Publications Commission and the Veterans Memorial Restoration Trust and the preliminary reports of the Board of Grand Trustees and the Committee on Judiciary. By accepting our use of cookies, your data will be aggregated with all other user data. Lubbock March 19, 2022Annual meeting and installation for 2022 officers. Please subscribe to keep reading. Sunset Grand Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Texas, to affix hereto, this 23rd day of November 2020 A.D., 6020 A.L. REGISTRATION FORM AND FEES MUST BE RECEIVED AT GRAND LODGE BY DATE INDICATED TO BE ABLE TO ATTEND! Lockman will attend Harvey Mudd College to study computer science with a focus on rehabilitation robotics. The meeting will be at the Lubbock Scottish Rite Bodies at 1101 70th Street, Lubbock, TX 79412. : GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS IN THE NAME OF THE GAOTU Don Krupens, Senior Deacon, Jim Hill, Chaplain, Jason Porter, Senior Warden, E. David Aldape, Worshipful Master, Cedric Cascio, Junior Warden, Jim Miller, Secretary, Brett McMillin, Junior Deacon, Buck Lafon, Sr.