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Colonel David Wright of Tennessee internationally recognized work, hangs in numerous collections, as well as in the Booth Western Art Museum in Cartersville, GA and the Tennessee State Museum in Nashville. ", Image Size: 24" x 20"; Type: Poster; Price: $ 35; Category: American Frontier | Posters, , punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both. The Kentucky Colonels. Membership: 502-266-6848. The first honorary commission of a Colonel as an "Aide-de-Camp" by a Kentucky Governor is still unknown exactly. , a band of Cherokees who were resisting colonial expansion in the Extralegal State of Franklin. Greatest Civil Honor in the United States of America, the. [28], In 2019, the unincorporated fraternal membership organization Kentucky Colonels International raised concerns and harsh criticism over the changes instituted by Governor Bevin, saying that the commission is a lifetime appointment as an honorary award and should not require colonels to donate annually to a particular organization in order to make nominations and retain their status or privileges. Trustees of the Kentucky Colonels thoroughly vet grant applications each spring and summer and in the early fall grants are awarded to worthy organizations from in Kentucky and beyond. The generosity of our members enables the Kentucky Colonels as a recognized 501 (c) (3) tax exempt nonprofit organization to reach out and care for our children, support those in need, and preserve our rich heritage. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Colonel Sanders Kentucky Roast Beef NEW Patch +Tie + Lapel Pin 1970 at the best online prices at eBay! Due to the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels making threatening legal demands against badge manufacturers it is difficult to have a Kentucky Colonel Badge manufactured by a US badge manufacturer. Learn more View the gallery Order merchandise. Other famous Kentucky Colonels include Muhammad Ali, Winston . Kentucky colonel is the highest title of honor bestowed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. @ekucolonels : Joan Tapias, Jake Welch, Ahmed Kadri, and Pedro Garcia-Palencia shattered the EKU and ASUN record in the men's DMR to win a gold medal at the ASUN Indoor Championships last weekend, posting a time of 9:43.73! Historically these duties extended to writing the laws of the state itself that was founded by colonels. This view was expanded by Zoe Anderson Norris with a series of twelve stories published in The Sun (New York) in 1905 describing scenes and incidents in a Kentucky Colonel's life in the South. Original Goodwill Ambassador Title of the Commonwealth. Semantic Legal Source and Origin of the First Kentucky Colonel is Col. Daniel Boone and the, in America, it is an allegorical fact. Ft. 102 E Jones St, Independence, MO 64050. The official practice of naming civilians as Kentucky colonels began in 1895 with Governor "Colonel" William O'Connell Bradley who himself was known as a Kentucky Colonel since his adolescence, so perhaps the practice of making colonels has much deeper roots? [citation needed], In 1890 Opie Read published a book called A Kentucky Colonel which evolved a new public perception of what a Kentucky colonel was, posing himself more as a refined, well-mannered southern gentleman, rather than a figure in the Kentucky militia. American progressive bluegrass band that had a short but legendary career during the folk revival of the late '50s and early '60s. In the 25 years that followed, colonels were the ultimate authority in the New America until they replaced themselves with their own designates, frequently themselves to take new positions in government making their titles an honorable state of recognition within society. For other uses, see. Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels BRASS Membership Card & Paper Card 1997 B2. Headquarters: 502-266-6114. These first colonels were the architects of early. Recommendations can be made directly on the, amended the traditional process for nominating Kentucky colonels on the, website, making it easier to recommend someone for the award. [citation needed] Originally title of "Colonel" was granted based on purchasing a colonelcy from a governor, earning it through service, being selected to head a militia to form a government or be recognized based on land ownership with a colonel title. . Soon thereafter, Kentucky colonels went to assist Colonel Sam Houston defend Texas in the Mexican War. Proud leaders who are gentle but strong in will and commitment. [20] The subsequent governors, however, have typically been much more liberal in issuing Kentucky colonel commissions. He is best known as a member of the bluegrass ensemble the Kentucky Colonels and the rock band the Byrds, as well as for being a pioneer of the musical genre of country rock during the late 1960s. The Kentucky Colonelcy (website) is a publication of a cooperative civil rights interest group made up of Kentucky colonels promoting and supporting colonels as goodwill ambassadors for the Commonwealth at home and abroad. How not to use the Title: Kentucky Colonel for fundraising. FEATURED ITEMS Great Seal Personalized Colonel Calling Card $25.00 Add to Cart Kentucky Colonels Brass Membership Card Add to Cart . 5 out of 5 stars (351) $ 24.99. That in itself must be newsworthy, or at least it should be if you are a. the honorable title. Headquarters: 502-266-6114 . Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Whitley County Colonels Kentucky Red Gray Black School Sports Team Digital Download Instant PNG File . intend to reestablish some of their rights and privileges in the next administration. The Kentucky Colonels is a philanthropic organization that is rich in history and. (c. 1876), note that the Coat of Arms uses the Motto of the Kentucky Colonel, "United We Stand Divided We Fall". Morrow added 243; Gov. [16] While this may be one of the reasons Governor Bradley made it an official honorific form of address for civilians, it is not close to the end of the history of Kentucky colonelcy. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels - Diplomat's 1992 Membership Card at the best online prices at eBay! While he was a colonel, Shelby assisted other colonels establish the State of Franklin before moving to his property in the Kentucke region. Col. Judge Richard Henderson of North Carolina befriended Boone, commission. It is a replica of the badge used by the Kentucky Colonel Model Initiation Club in 1917, which was made of silver. ". THE HONORABLE ORDER OF KENTUCKY COLONELS, INC. "The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, Inc. is irrevocably dedicated to and is organized and operated . If you are a Kentucky Colonel you can submit content through our Facebook Groups or by sending an email to our webmaster. 700 Capital Avenue, Suite 100, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 Main Line: (502) 564-2611 Main Fax: (502) 564-2517 Send an Email. Most of the laws established by these colonels and their colonists remain in common-law today and were included by other state constitutions. Find A Breeder. What jobs can only a Kentucky Colonel do? By the late 19th century, the title had become more of an honorary one assigning colonelcy duties to the ceremonial guard and recognizing civilians for their promotion of the prosperity of the state by commuting the Honorable title as an honorary colonel. [volume] (Salt Lake City [Utah]) 1870-1909, September 09, 1886, Image 6", "Looking Back: Kentucky Colonel Hotel, Broken Arrow", "Col. Matt Winn: The Man Who Saved the Kentucky Derby", Maker's Mark to restore alcohol content of whiskey, Kentucky Bourbon Trail Expands to Include Stop in Downtown Louisville, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kentucky_Colonel&oldid=1140886807. A Kentucky colonelcy can only be granted by the Governor and the Secretary of State based upon being nominated by another colonel, being recommended by a third party, or being individually recognized by the state's governor for a noteworthy act that commands the governor's attention (or the state). Most of Kentucky's counties today are named after the historic colonial and pioneer colonels that migrated there following Boone and Shelby. Proud leaders who are gentle but strong in will and commitment. In 1815, Captain Todd became Inspector-General of the Michigan Territory under General Duncan McArthur who decommissioned him with the retiring rank of colonel before returning to his home in Kentucky. When the Facebook Group Members complained about the reversion, the Office of the Secretary of State removed the webpage entirely as not to propagate the Myth of 1813 promoted previously. relative to the history of Todd being commissioned a Kentucky Colonel by Governor Isaac Shelby. Join Us in Celebrating the Original Recognition of the Founding of America's 1st Free Colonial Democracy by the Kentucky Colonel with the 250th Anniversary of the Traditional Office of the Kentucky Colonelcy from 1775-2025 at Boonesborough on the Kentucky River. We recommend that all living and active colonels, identify themselves prominently using their Honorific Titles complimented by an ID Card, nameplate and wallet mounted badge when travelling or at work, however to promote that position we had to develop a handbook which is available only to Kentucky colonels that are actively employed. dua to protect baby from evil eye. According to The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels, "Governor Isaac Shelby bestowed his future son-in-law Charles S. Todd the title of colonel in 1813 as his aide-de-camp after the War of 1812 during peacetime.However this account is debunked as pseudohistory, Col. Todd's . The recognition entitles the holder of the commission to enjoy the usufruct rights, privileges and, "Commissions for Kentucky colonels are given on occasion by the Governor and the, to individuals in recognition of noteworthy accomplishments, personal achievements, individual deeds and outstanding service in a person's community, state, or, The Governor of Kentucky bestows the "Honorable" title upon someone with a colonelcy commission through the issuance of, letters patent (Kentucky Colonel Certificate), . Ass o ciation as a user of our website(s) is Open-Source, that is free to all persons interested in learning about the customs, folklore . A phrase attributed to Founding Father John Dickinson in his pre-Revolutionary War song "The Liberty Song", first published on July 7, 1768. Kentucky colonels receive letters patent in their own name, recognize them honorably. Through our Good Works Program, Kentucky Colonels distributes members generous contributions as grants to deserving organizations throughout Kentucky. Col. Michael G. Adams, Secretary of State, about a former Secretary of State, Col. Charles Todd becoming the First Kentucky Colonel in 1813. [17], During this time Kentucky colonelcy gained considerable attention as a desirable honorific title that was even being awarded to women, until being harshly ridiculed and called a hollow title by Marsh Henry also known as Col. Henry Watterson, who had been a Kentucky Colonel for over 30 years already in 1920. Pre-Owned. We now encourage you to activat e your membership in the Kentucky Colonels by making a tax-deductible contribution to the Good Works Program. $30.00. Special Price $60.00 . We found colonels at the World's Fair and hundreds of places across the United States. Michael Adams (Kentucky politician) Tomilea Allison Eddie "Rochester" Anderson Edward P. Abraham Ansel Adams Harold Adamson Muhammad Ali Mario Andretti Ann-Margret Princess Anne Arthur Ashe Izzy Asper Fred Astaire John James Audubon Col. Eddie "Rochester" Anderson B Ren Balcer Red Barber Brett Bigham Billy ThunderKloud Dave Blass Agyenim Boateng Home Realizacje i porady Bez kategorii list of kentucky colonel recipients. * First Name: First Name: is required Middle Name or Initial: * Last Name: Last Name: is required Suffix: * Date of Birth: Date of Birth: is required Date of Birth: is invalid Invalid input Kentucky Colonel gives back to tornado victims, US Federal Court of the Western District of Kentucky, have been formed since the turn of the 20th century to promote activities, fraternity and social prosperity relative to Kentucky colonelcy. [11] Although it was a secret program several stories emerged between 1881-1903 later corroborated by Supreme Court Justice John Marshall Harlan's biographical works. You Can't Be Knighted in the U.S., But You Can Be Named a Kentucky Colonel, Col. Richard M. Johnson and the Rise of Western Democracy, Bluegrass and Bourbon: The Colonel of Kentucky Fiction, Colonels, Hillbillies and Fightin': Twentieth Century Kentucky in the National Imagination, The Kentucky Colonel: A Study in Semantics (Best Resource in 2020). Membership: 502-266-6848. Bowman by nature was already a Transylvania lieutenant colonel, he was present as a delegate nineteen months earlier in the creation of the Transylvania Colony with colonels; Daniel Boone, Richard Henderson and eleven other heads of colony ("colonels"), he participated in the Transylvania Convention on May 23, 1775, in Boonesborough. His activity with the. By the . The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels offered to pay $5,000 a year to keep the traditional certificates but the office of the Secretary of State decided to proceed due to the labor savings. is factually and historically correct, it is not folklore or fiction, if anyone else can be credited with the creation and origin of the pioneer government of Can-tuck-ee, Colonel Boone is right there as one of its 13 first colonels, delegates and colonist settlers drafting what has become known as the "Kentucke Magna Charta" (Transylvania Constitution) in 1775. Lion of the West, Was Col. Davy Crockett a Kentucky Colonel? Colonel G.W. We have scoured thousands of newspaper articles which are being cataloged and organized as content for our publication online and for our book, which may become an online publication that is serialized. In 1934, at a meeting of Kentucky Colonels a social organization of colonels was affected. Selected the First Governor by a unanimous vote of fellow colonels. Shelby was elected to represent Washington County in the Virginia House of Delegates in 1779. The commission is a legal act of the Office of the Governor and lifetime appointment as a. officer of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. KENTUCKY COLONELS943 SOUTH FIRST STREETLOUISVILLE, KY 40203. [1], Each governor decides the selection process and number of colonelcies that are issued. $55.00. Explore our website, help make improvements, if you are a Kentucky Colonel add your name to our public list, get a page on our website and more. Semantic Legal Source and Origin of the First Kentucky Colonel is Col. Daniel Boone and the establishment of democracy in America, it is an allegorical fact. These first colonels were the architects of early democratic society and the Kentucky lifestyle across America. [17], Those who have received a Kentucky colonelcy commission have often used the title, idea or the image of the concept of the idealistic Kentucky Colonel to promote art, business, events, music, places and recreational activities while simultaneously promoting the state's customs and traditions, resulting in the honor becoming a well-recognized trademark of Kentucky's culture. "Kentucky Colonel Commission," "Kentucky colonels" and/or "Kentucky colonelcy" as words or terms to describe [themselves], as an a honorary title, or for editorial, educational, informative, journalistic, literary , lawful or other non-commercial purposes. Kentucky Colonel, Honorable Title of Authority, . [citation needed] The organization also attempted to develop a new membership program for Kentucky colonels, citing the lack of members voting rights in the Honorable Order. The Office of the Governor is permitted implicitly in law to perform. In the finest sense, an epicure a patriot a man. A number of sports teams in Kentucky, have been known as the Kentucky Colonels including the. The Colonels offer grants, scholarships, and more in the form of charitable donations from its membership. [2] It was also found that Kentucky before it was a state, there were more than one-hundred colonels living in Kentucky as early as 1785 according to Virginia (Kentucky) land records, American Revolution colonels from everywhere were entitled to 6,667 acres or more in the Kentucky District through land bounties in the form of warrant deeds issued by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Kentucky Colonels are unwavering in devotion to faith, family, commonwealth, and country. Check with your companys HR Department to see if your contribution is eligible for a matching gift or contact Headquarters atinfo@kycolonels.orgto see if your company matches. [citation needed], While some early colonels served military roles in the state, colonel in Kentucky was a well-known civilian honorific title belonging to attorneys, judges, county commissioners, large land owners and sheriffs well into 1860. Carl Edwin Lindgren. Get the best deals for kentucky colonel badge at eBay.com. Colonels were originally a type of support role as members of the governor's staff. Details: Your name is permanently etched on the gleaming surface of this finest quality polished brass plate. Most of the laws established by these colonels and their colonists remain in common-law today and were included by other state constitutions. In Kentucky this is the authentic, real, story of the Colonel its creator. A Kentucky Colonel Commission (the paper certificate) is awarded in the name of the Commonwealth by the Governor to individuals with "Honorable" titular style recognition preceding the names . Colonel Sanders, the most famous of the honorary Kentucky Colonels. The first colonels from pioneer settlers like Colonel Daniel Boone could be any of those from 1776-1793 or perhaps until 1895 when the title officially became honorary, there were different types of colonels in early Kentucky: there were colonels that were the heads of colonies; there were colonels in charge of companies; a colonel could be the Col. Wright will be producing 100 solid silver badges in Mexico with a Kentucky Colonel who is a silversmith there to commemorate Boonesborough and the 250th anniversary of the Kentucky Colonel in 2025. All content prior to 1927 is part of the public domain, but please indicate the origin, source and date of your content especially if it is more recent. Will the Real Frontiersman Please Stand Up? [citation needed] Laffoon's helped connect the idea of the Kentucky Colonel to the state and the Kentucky Derby and helped bring prominence to the Kentucky Derby by inviting celebrities and heads of state. It is recognition of an individuals noteworthy accomplishments and outstanding service to our community, state, and nation. Historically these duties extended to writing the laws of the state itself that was founded by colonels. But sometimes it seems like everybody else is. Kentucky Colonel is the highest title of honor bestowed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and is the most well-known of a number of honorary colonelcies conferred by United States governors. Kentucky Colonel is the highest title of honor bestowed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, and is the most well-known of a number of honorary colonelcies conferred by United States governors. Afterward, Boone was commissioned a colonel to blaze what became known as the Wilderness Road, which went from Virginia through the Cumberland Gap and into central Kentucky. Pre-Owned. Currently serving as Secretary of State, the Hon. Availability: In stock. Shelby commissioned Adjutant General Col. John Adair as his first aide-de-camp and Colonel John J. Crittenden as his second aide in 1813 before departing north to the Battle of Thames. That in itself must be newsworthy, or at least it should be if you are a Real Kentucky Colonel that recognizes the honorable title. [26] John Carbone, a man from Philadelphia who later became a humorist in Kentucky, said that shortly after moving to the state in 1995, he struck up a casual conversation with a stranger while standing in line at a muffin shop, and was soon surprised to receive a Kentucky colonel certificate in the mail, as the man he had spoken with had been a member of the governor's staff and had submitted his name for the award. He received the award, given to 4,000 to 5,000 . [40][41] The historic distiller James B. Beam is referred to as "Colonel James B. Beam" for the marketing of the Jim Beam brand (the largest-selling brand of bourbon). [31] Beshear began allowing nominations to be submitted by anyone among the general public through a website form which requires that the person's qualifications are declared and well-elaborated prior to being considered for a Kentucky colonelcy. If you cannot write well, just ask someone to write something for you in the third-person, if it is interesting and newsworthy we will publish it to our news feed starting in February 2023. [4] Marrying the Governor's daughter garnered him enough influence to become the youngest Secretary of State several months later under the successive Kentucky Governor George Madison. Governor Ruby Laffoon, in office from 1931 to 1935, dramatically increased the number of colonels by issuing more than 10,000 commissions in 1933 and 1934; among his motives was officializing the Kentucky colonel to identify with the Commonwealth, taxing the title of colonel, and boosting his own political support. Every colonel's pilgrimage to the the site of the Divine Elm described by the first Kentuckians will be recorded. In a trying world darkened by hate and misunderstanding, he is a symbol of those virtues in which men find gallant faith and of the good men might distill from life. Given under my Hand & Seal, -Williamsburg this 21st day of December 1776, P. Henry, Jr.[citation needed], Bowman formed a company of 100 men and travelled from Williamsburg to Boonesborough and upon arrival bestowed the title of "Lieutenant Colonel" of Kentucky County to nearly any and all those who were already colonels in their own-right, and to many of his friends, stating that the territory is part of Commonwealth of Virginia and that Transylvanians were all part of Kentucky. [8], Governor Isaac Shelby was a most experienced statesman, head of colony, warranted land owner and equal rights advocate. The Kentucky Colonel may even be likely to have created the First Notary Offices. Free shipping for many products! But, there is much, much more behind those fancy certificates and The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels' membership cards that are displayed by deserving individuals world-wide. $30.00. The Governor made Transylvania Lt. Col. John Bowman into Commonwealth, of Kentucky County. Membership: 502-266-6848. On behalf of Governor Steven Beshear and Secretary of State Alison Grimes, the brethren were commissioned Kentucky Colonels on the evening of Tuesday . The Office of the Governor is permitted implicitly in law to perform a background check on nominees and nominators. In all the clash of a plangent world he holds firm to his ideal a gracious existence in that country of content "where slower clocks strike happier hours". the colonels had done their job and the title remained an honorable one used by the civil state. The book will discuss the emergence of the Kentucky Colonel as an honorary civilian award and why the state adopted the ideal as one of its trademarks, how . Shortly afterwards Kentucky County became the Kentucky District with three counties; before it became a state it already had Louisville, Frankfort and Lexington and nine counties by 1791 all subdivided by its Kentucky colonels. The Kentucky Militia had just returned from a highly successful "War of 1812" campaign that resulted in control . [17], At the beginning of the 20th century into early 1930s, Kentucky colonels began to come together to form sociopolitical, charitable, and fraternal organizations. [5], After a person receives a commission from the governor they automatically become an honorary lifetime member of the organization and, via donation to and participation in the HOKC's charitable efforts throughout the state they can be considered an active member.[2][33]. . If youre a commissioned Colonel, you are a Kentucky Colonel for life. Commissions as Kentucky Colonels are presented for contributions to the community, state or nation, and for special achievements of all kinds. richard simmons net worth 2020. muss park miami beach. The fact that all this plays out in Kentucky with "colonels" as the sovereign "heads of the colony" is not a coincidence with anything more than it taking place during the Revolutionary Period before the founding of the United States or the fact that Boone originally hunted in Can-tuck-ee since June 7th, 1769. However, participation. The work is located at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; partial gift of the William T. Kemper Foundation and of the Chapman Hanson Foundation. Interested in helping us write new articles? The documents seeking statehood incorporated both the Kentucky Magna Charta and the principles of Commonwealth Law. Kentucky Colonel (Professional Occupation), People often ask themselves why they would want to become a. , if all the benefits, privileges and responsibilities of common-law colonelcy have been surrendered to past histories and legacies? Lexington, KY 40508. The American Colonels Network, also called Honorary Colonels Network, and Colony of Colonial Colonels was developed in response to a civil complaint filed in federal court by the Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels which targeted Col. David J. Wright with his endeavor to further develop Kentucky Colonels International, which began in 1998 for Kentucky colonels to develop an affinity with the . In 1776 under the new patriot laws Shelby found a commission from the Virginia Committee of Safety appointing him captain of a company of, appointed Shelby to a position securing provisions for the army on the frontier. A Kentucky Colonel Commission (the certificate) is awarded in the name of the Commonwealth by the Governor of Kentucky to individuals with "Honorable" titular style recognition preceding the names of . Recently I received the honor of being selected as a Kentucky Colonel. 2023 Kentucky Colonels. Most of Kentucky's counties today are named after the historic colonial and pioneer colonels that migrated there following Boone and Shelby. Kentucky Colonel Print. In deed, the Kentucky Colonel Award or Title is the highest form of recognition bestowed to individuals by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! The first colonel to be born in the Commonwealth of Kentucky was Charles S. Todd in 1815 following his work as Inspector General. , Shelby a young impressionable surveyor learned the secret order of the colonel. Kentucky Colonels Shop. Colonels optional duties are. The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels also known as "Kentucky Colonels" or "HOKC" is a charitable, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization engaged in collective philanthropy for Kentuckians on the behalf of thousands of who have received a Kentucky Colonel commission from around the world. 2005 tampa bay buccaneers roster; cours blockchain ppt; fuddruckers hot dog buns; mardi gras 2022 mobile schedule; Steadfast to the case when it was revealed that the case was being dismissed with prejudice his office removed the Secretary of State's original ", which won its case through the dismissal of the civil complaint. MAKE A DONATION Your tax-deductible donations to the Kentucky Colonels help fund our Good Works Program. As of 2013, approximately 95 percent of all bourbon was produced in Kentucky, and the state had 4.9 million barrels of bourbon in the process of aging. If you cannot write well, just ask someone to write something for you in the third-person, if it is interesting and newsworthy we will publish it to our news feed starting in February 2023. responsibilities of promoting tourism, economic development, participation in community service, fostering the general prosperity of the Commonwealth and projecting Kentucky's image abroad on behalf of the State and the Governor. The goal is to give back for the betterment of . When the Facebook Group Members complained about the reversion, the Office of the Secretary of State removed the webpage entirely as not to propagate the, promoted previously. KENTUCKY COLONELS 943 SOUTH FIRST STREET LOUISVILLE, KY 40203. depicts Col. Daniel Boone and Kentucky Statesman Col. Isaac Shelby. Kentucky colonels are selected because they possess admirable characteristics, for recognizing the noteworthy achievements of thousands of great people and the most benevolent honorable deeds that support the best ideas and traditional customs forward in the Bluegrass State. society and the Kentucky lifestyle across America. This commission was independent of Governor Isaac Shelby during his second term as governor, who supported the War of 1812 with the Kentucky Volunteer Militia. Beshear had the nomination process frozen starting on December 10, 2019. To become a Kentucky Colonel, you must be recommended by an existing Colonel. * Total served includes people who benefit from more than one grantee organization. Kentucky Colonels Brass Membership Card. All Day (Saturday) Location. Shortly after his arrival in the region, North Carolina Governor Richard Caswell made him magistrate of newly formed Sullivan County and elevated him to the rank of colonel of the Sullivan County Regiment. In June 1792 the Commonwealth of Kentucky was admitted to the United States (Union) as the 15th state with Col. Isaac Shelby its Governor.