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Fixes #1127 - the CTD in DBM_ToolBagScript when using a controller or the pause key isn't properly accessible by SKSE's Input.GetMappedKey() function. Dragonborn DLC's item IDs, how to type them in console Fixed model assigned for Picky's Journal (thanks again Deapri) - you can now pick it up correctly, also fixed a missing texture for Journal of the Hunt. -Archaeology and Dig site patches come to SE: The patches which added dig sites and airship stops to new lands mods have been integrated into the general patch for that mod, allowing the patch to not only provide display support but also give more dig sites and parking spots for the ship. Disabled some replica recipes when displays are enabled. Updated natural science display scripts to give the option to use items from storage. Reduced the volume of the Dwemer pipes in the East Exhibit Halls, Fixed position of Hrormir's staff in the Hall of Heroes, Removed enable parent from Alvaro's tools as a version can no longer be found in Elsweyr (Moonpaths), Added a modgroups file for use in xEdit (may contain errors). ), Fixed a problem with the vial holder armor mesh on female Elves. Coming off as entitled or accusatory is a fast pass to the exit. -Reduced number of load screen and increased accessibility: Hall of heroes and upper gallery have been merged as one cell, curator's office added to hall of heroes, hall of oddities, lost empires, daedric gallery and new (soon to be utilized on Odyssey) hall of legends combined into a single cell and safehouse and secret passageway combined into one. Added NoDisenchant keywords to a load of relics. Reuploaded Update as mesh for cheat chest wasn't packed correctly. If you cannot find reference to something in the credits please PM me and I'll confirm if it is something of mine and give permission when willing. (Kri), Fixed model for Stonehand's Gloves (SirJesto), Fixed female model for Ironhand gauntlets (SirJesto), Fixed Cyrus' Saber enchantment. - [BUGFIX] Removed displays for 3 items from "Artifacts of Skyrim" that don't actually appear in the game. If your paintings look off or are clipping, use console and select the painting and enter RECYCLEACTOR to refresh it. Ausfall 5 yr. ago. Which, he guessed, they were. - [BUGFIX] Edited some armor records that had invalid Biped entries or Race entries. Even collectible types that don't directly give a achievement are tied to challenges which then unlocks a collectible. Moved Ongar's Hammer to Beirand in Solitude and renamed it to "Horker Tusk Hammer" to avoid purchasing glitch in Warmaiden's. There are almost 1000 Collectible items in Hogwarts Legacy, but many register automatically from Main and Side Quests or just walking past fast travel points or encountering new enemy types. Shadows of one's past has been revised slightly to offer some more choice options and illusions of choice within the dialog options and no longer locks you in during the end scene, allowing you to make a choice on how it plays out. If your post has not been answered within a day or two, make sure you are looking back up to 3 pages on the comments since they can get buried on a busy day to make sure you didn't just miss the response or we didn't miss seeing it initially. Fixes #1274 - Book Covers Skyrim bounds forwarded. Log in to view your list of favourite games. You have not used console commands other than for troubleshooting issues and then have reverted to a previous save or have only used them when advised by the dev team. 08/02/18 - BadGremlin Replacer ESPs - Resaved in CK64. Your game MUST be new with your new load order; no pre-v5 save games. Fixed issue with windcaller pass pillar scene (after windcaller relics are found) doesn't fire. Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) is a mod created by icecreamasassin for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. (in honor of Australlia wild fire relief effort auction winner)(not added to quest), Fixed Wabbajack replica damage value (SirJesto), Adjusted weight and critical values for Tonal Staff (SirJesto), Explorer's Light Armor value and weight adjustment (SirJesto). Swapped the Zephr bow for a static model in the Hall of Heroes to prevent the item's "take" box overriding the activator. All other resources of information found on the Legacy Nexus page or the Discord community will reference this document. Fixed #1132 - Museum light mask object will no longer appear on the local map. Fixed treasury script not using the DBM_Treasury Items to detect valid items. For test on the test profile, do NOT have a save in-game that you use each time, ALWAYS start a new game. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Fixed #1298 - Argonians can now wear the Ring of the Wind properly. Story has been completely re-envisioned to be more canonically connected and lore friendly and connect better with future Odyssey story plans. Obtainable through Eriana or in limited quantity initially elsewhere, these new sets give a spiffy custom feel to your museum staff and explorer crew! Optional, if you want to have access to LotD sorting containers. Legacy of the Dragonborn V5 - Museum Buttons Puzzle (Ice's Stalhrim Spoon of Assassination Location) - YouTube 0:00 / 0:31 Legacy of the Dragonborn V5 - Museum Buttons Puzzle (Ice's. Repaired the navmesh for the load door into Englemann's Rest. soft requirement (highly recommended) - replacer with no dependancy available in misc section, only required for Legacy patches, to merge drink edits, technically not a hard requirement but yeah, Must have requirement, will not work without it, If you're using the Legacy of the Dragonborn compatible version, (Optional) Enhances Antique Statues for Legacy of the Dragonborn, Works with any mod that uses the daedric lord set. Not required for script to work, but this patch is required for Dynamic Things - Enhanced to work with LOTD properly. Dragonborn: The Legacy 27 Rescue Mission. (Jesto), Fixed Ghosthelm on mantle not able to be taken. Note that if your instruction is to clean a script or script instance that is not present in your save game, it means you have not triggered the conditions that would populate that entry in your save - you can safely ignore that particular item. You will need to seek permission from, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE Chinese Translation, Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE - Czech Translation, Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE PL (polish translation), Legacy of the Dragonborn - Turkish Translation, LotD - L'Heritage de l'Enfant de dragon SSE, Legacy of the Dragonborn - Chinese Localisation Based on WOK, Chinese Localisation of Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE By WOK Studios. Believe me, I know it gets frustrating when things don't work, but remember that hundreds of thousands of people have played this mod with relatively few issues, so most problems are either user error or conflict issues and we're MUCH more willing to help people who are sincere. Fixed a super minor clipping issue in Septimus Signus' Outpost, Fixed a script error on one of the skulls, Moved supported patch counts to first page of config MCM. Fixed a bug where the "Find Auryen" guidebook objective did not clear if the player found Auryen before the marker was removed. WARNING: NO NOT update to this version if the "Night at the museum" quest is currently active! Needed for the Legacy of Dragonborn, LOTD - JK's Blue Palace, and LOTD - JK's Bee and Barb - JK's Pawned Prawn - Riften Docks - Riften Extension patches. This may later conflict with an official patch provided by the Legacy Team that uses the same space. Legacy of the Dragonborn V5 - Museum Buttons Puzzle (Ice's - YouTube Aesliip's Ring (Legacy of the Dragonborn) Aesliip's Ring (More Interesting Loot) Aetherial Amulet (Aetherium Armor) Aetherial Amulet (Tools of Kagrenac) Aetherial Armor (Aetherium Armor) Aetherial Armor (Tools of Kagrenac) Aetherial Battleaxe Aetherial Bolt Launcher Aetherial Boots (Aetherium Armor) Aetherial Boots (Tools of Kagrenac) Fixed #1282 - Stopped twitchy fingered users getting duplicate items from MAASE questline. Artifacts - The Ice Blade of the Monarch - Skyrim Special Edition - [BUGFIX] Fixed a gap in a wall of the Hall of Secrets. -New museum delivery system: Activated through the MCM or in the curator's office, three groups of shipment crates can be enabled across the world which allow the player to ship items back to the museum office with ease. "Legacy of the Dragonborn" creates a sizeable addition to your Skyrim game by providing a fully featured museum in Solitude, and with the help of the curator Auryen Morellus, you can store, display and utilize your entire collection as you see fit, all the while being aided and guided by Auryen in between your adventures. Legacy of the Dragonborn Full Guide (required reading) - Nexus Mods Upon review and approval the author will be given official 3rd party addon endorsement along with a graphic to display on their page indicating such. - [BUGFIX] Changed the casting sound level of the Ring of Khajiit. A gold sink for Relic Hunters. The warrior, Thurgnarr Assi, was to play a part in the . Craftloot (Global) now supports Hearthfires Crafting Tables. Changed the Ongar's Kegbreaker migration message to only appear if you save is more than 5 game days old. Adjusted Dragonmail's abilities (fire immunity and 25dps flame cloak) and descriptions to match. Included new versions of scripts which were supposed to be in 5.0.31, Fixed erroneous perk point on the Amulet of Kings. Set Airship animated approach to OFF by default. Don't warn me again for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim View Page Cancel Your preferences are configured to warn you when images may be sensitive. added house door location keywords to the front doors of the museum (for proper locking control by Auryen's sleep package), Fixed missing Pale Pass and fort interior music, Updated Thane banner displays to trigger with TWR weapon delivery instead of relying on the "get out of jail free card" which is unreliable. Replaces the LOTD Wraithguard's left gauntlet with the one from the Dwemer Armor mod. Skyrim; Unique Items (Dragonborn Console ID Code's) 5.0.0 - 5.0.32 (May not work for v5.1.0+), Legacy of the Dragonborn - Czech Translation, Needed for the mod to work or have any point (and for resources), Hard requirement for the craftloot system, This requirement is for patch, not main file. I installed Legacy with a few dozen other mods and I found that the note textures were missing. Enter the name of the script or the form ID for the script instance needing to be cleaned into the top left box. You won't be able to craft a replica if you don't have this. Just deactivate/activate them (the whole mod, not just the plugin) on the test profile. Quest not completed - DBM_MuchAdoAboutSnowElves, Quest completed - dunNchuandZelQst (Lost Expedition), Global Value DBM_DisplayMax >= 300 (Display Count), Player has not moved into Location "Museum Exterior", Player has not moved into a Location that you can teleport to with the Curator's Guide, Quest not completed DBM_HauntedMuseumQuest, DBM_ExplorerGuildHouse (A Room with a View) is not at stage 15 or 20, DBM_MuseumHeist is not currently running or is completed, Global Value DBM_DisplayMax >= 400 (Display Count), DBM_HauntedMuseum is not currently running or is completed, Quest completed - DBM_ExplorerGuildHouse (A Room with a View), Quest completed - DBM_MuseumIndarysQuest (The Staff of Indarys), DBM_AirshipQuest is not currently running, Player is in the Tamriel worldspace (main Skyrim world), Quest completed - DBM_MuchAdoAboutSnowElves, Global Value DBM_DisplayCount >= 50 (Display Count), Quest not running DBM_RelicHunterQST (Solitude docks start). We DO NOT offer support for any load order that contains LoversLab/Sexlab content due to the proprietary nature of their setups which are very system intensive and cause more variables of conflict than we are willing to look into. (Dagon Display in the Daedric Hall), Fixed Hjalti sword display not accepting the correct item (replica), Fixed missing script on the safehouse receipts for enabling furniture, Fixed supply sorter shelf archaeology toggle, Fixed Shattered Legacy accidental early start, Gave Auryen an ebonny dagger to keep him away from the artifacts if you pick a fight in the gallery, Fixed #1044 - Only the replica vampire body parts will display. Run the Legacy Patch FOMOD through your mod manager, it will auto detect any activated supported mods and recommend patches to install. The armory continues to offer two additional side galleries full of Mannequins for player choice displays, but most designated displays utilize the new system instead, and offer increments to the display counts as a result. With this warning and disclaimer out of the way, here is a list of what Legacy V5 has to offer: -Completely scratch built museum: brand new interior and exterior design constructed over over 150 new custom architectural meshes. Safehouse bath navmesh adjusted to allowed followers to get in and out easier. Fixed issue where Denstagmer's ring is obtainable before the quest and requires all items to be found before turn in works. Fixed #980 a bug with "The Lords Mail" where the quest would not progress by reading the "Writ of Execution". Kyre Oldenson, -Erianna, Latoria, Avram, and Jelal have all been recast. -Actual boss fights for Legacy: the plot thickens during shattered Legacy as clues foreshadow events and people to come during Odyssey. This DLC expansion sized mod adds hundreds of new items, dozens of new quests and hundreds of extra hours of play. -Some mod support retired: Bruma, Open Cities, Elemental Dragons, Solitude Skyway and Ravengate support have been dropped due to stability, immersion, and/or compatibility reasons. Regenerate LOD(s) and retest. Removed the jewellery sort script from the haunted museum instance as this would cause undesired issues with your display count. Fixed a CTD when using the library benches with a controller. A nice lore-friendly replacer for the Ahzidal Armor set. No official support is offered for CC patches. MY PATCH IS UNOFFICIAL. First, try re-downloading again to see if it resolves the issue. Added a replica for Ice's Stalhrim Spoon of Assassination. (LAST TIME I'm messing with this.). xx 01e99e: Black Book: The Hidden Twilight Additionally, Auryen will reimburse you for the cost of the statue if you talk to him about it. I re-installed all of the texture mods and meshes and even the lighting mods but the problem was still there. If you do run it again to see the messages, do so on the test profile. (SirJesto), Fixes#1264 - Macnarian's Portrait now can not be auto-sorted. xx 033bd8: Black Book: Epistolary Acumen: A mysterious Black Book attributed to Hermaeus Mora. Fixed #1281 - Removed a random wild edit in a test cell. Feel free to state your question again if you feel like it was missed, but try to remember we're doing the best we can here. Fixes #1313 - DyndoLOD will no longer moan about irrelevant meshes. Dont forget to reinstall SKSE. Dragonborn: The Legacy Chapter 32: Dragonborn Legacy 31: Reunion and This is a utility app for the mod "Legacy of the Dragonborn" and it allows to keep track of items collected for the museum. Fixed Bloodsbane to drain 30 health on hit, but also reduces your max health by 40 points while equipped. Thanks for your understanding. 5E 20, 2 Last Seed. Corrected the names of the Magic Effects and Object Effects of Dukaan and Zahkriisos. Added more decor to greenhouse, added precipitation occlusion and removed distance glow, Revamped sands' torch appearance and effect, edited journal, Carried forward cell height data outside museum to prevent excessive dragon spawns, Changed excavation site exhausted message into notification instead of message box, Fixes #1317 - Banded Iron shield not displaying properly, Fixes #1308 - Added new keywords for seashells, Fixes #1307 - Removed draw knife in Karagas Tower, Fixes #1306 - Female ground model for Crusaders shield, Loremaster Skin brightness fixed. Adopted meshes and textures from Matty's Knight of the Nine and Insanity's Crusader weapons. Dawnfang/Duskfang now properly evolves and tracks kills and the hand of glory with spiffy new models and textures has a proper curse which requires a small quest to be fulfilled in order to break it before the hand outright kills you. Added additional storage features and display storage in kitchen and added an indoor bath to master bedroom. Condensed Dagger racks down to single more visible displays in the east and west armory (REMOVE ALL DAGGERS FROM DISPLAY BEFORE UPDATING), Revised Navmesh in safehouse to be more universal for various room addon mods (use Navcuts to block out impassible objects), Redecorated the east and west armory a bit, Conditioned Auryen's museum display reward greetings so he cannot initiate one during a museum display sort process, Converted all Ancient Tounges weapon replicas to be created at the dragonsoul forge, avoiding the need to travel back and forth to create each replica. Fixes #1276 - Enable parent issue with Excavation Supplies activator. Fixed map of tamriel enable parent (Xmas decorations), Fixed #1090 - Ancient Tongues weapons didn't modify shout value correctly (thanks Spheal). Notable issues posted here and links to the FAQ are your first line of support before asking for help. Clean the base script DBMDisplayScriptAnimal, Fixed incorrect required wolf pelt count on wolf display, Added Misc Chest to the menu of supply containers accessible by the stash spell and remote supply crates, Fixed Rakis reparture AI package and disabling function. You are done. For games in progress, jump the gap and fly the ship away from and back to Solitude to correct it. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. If the issue is still happening, continue on. Official DLCs is shorthand for the official expansions: Dawnguard, Dragonborn, and Hearthfires. - Added new handler to check for patched mods (DBM_QF_DBM_SMPatches_056257BF). Added crafting recipes for replicas of the Black Band and Bone Hawk ring (SirJesto). The MCM will report your current remaining slots. If you are up-to-date and still having the issue, continue on. If the problem is gone, continue on. (Clean kmvaultscript), Treasury now emits a mod event when the gold total is updated. Fixed issue with 9th snow elf chime being missing, Fixed New Spade Relic Activator not linked to the Display Static. If this applies to you, and if you do have to re-download the game, consider uninstalling Steam and reinstalling to a different location (preferably a different drive) before re-downloading the game. What should be typed in the console in order to get Dragonborn items to inventory, since I've already tried these codes: "player.additem xx01CD93", "player.additem 0001CD93" and "01CD93", but they all result the same message: "missing parameter Object ID." Please help if you know how to get Dragonborn DLC's items trough the console You are done. It's very possible someone has had this issue before (or maybe several people even!). Guildhouse workbench will now have the ability to grab building supplies remotely like the field station benches. Replaces the Ancient Daedric Armor with the awesome model made by 4thUnknown. Similarly bashed patch will refer to smashed and/or bashed patches. - [BUGFIX] Fixed The Ancient Shrouded Cowl for Argonians and Khajiit. Fixed female model of Crusader Armor being invisible. Reuploaded the texture packs to include revised cubemap textures. Legacy of the Dragonborn (Dragonborn Gallery) - The Elder Scrolls Mods Wiki The culmination of your efforts with Auryen, Shattered Legacy takes you all over Skyrim recovering relics of previous Dragonborn of history. -Completely rebuilt and redesigned Safehouse: Space added to accommodate both followers and children, sitting area and garden as well. Item ID Ahzidal's Descent: A short biography about the famed Nord enchanter and Dragon Priest, Ahzidal. UPDATING: Clean the following scripts before loading your game in progress with this update: dbm_byohguildhousescript, dbm_furniturebuyscript, and the instance of DBMDisplayScript xx084151 (instance ONLY). Legacy of the Dragonborn v5 Cheat cell : r/skyrimmods - reddit xx 016e2c: Black Book: Filament and Filigree: A mysterious Black Book attributed to Hermaeus Mora. As a result the airship will revert back to Solitude when updating to 5.5.0. Added a swanky new retexture of the Explorer's Guild charter, Fixed several papyrus errors related to updated scripts in 5.4.0, Fixed Oghma Infinium display to accept replica, Fixed display mesh for Naaslaarum and Voslaarum display, Fixed AI package on Penitus Oculatus messenger, made adjustments to factions and mood ratings on museum guards, made adjustments to faction settings on heist version of Auryen, Fixed some innocuous texture path truncation issues, adjusted Auryen Shattered Legacy dialog conditions to close a loophole in the lord's mail conversation. (SirJesto), Fixes#1269 - Sleeping NPC's no longer hover 3 feet above the hammocks in the Airship. It will now auto sort. @Xahtax fixed weird shine on SirJesto's cloak. If your problem is still happening, download Legacy again (large downloads like Legacy can occasionally corrupt). Removed the secondary Miraak mask display from the Daedric Hall and activator parented it to the main display to prevent the Miraak mask getting stuck in the display chest. Fixed an issue with dbm_schematicscript not firing a mod event. If that was the problem but now its fixed, retest with your full load order on first your test profile, then your regular profile. -New Mannequin free armory and custom displays: The main armory as well as various supported mods now offer a special static armor armature which will display full suits of respective armors instead of relying on the often fussy and buggy vanilla mannequins. Take a few minutes to think about how you write up your issue so it's easy for someone without the context of your entire game to understand. Steam Community :: Guide :: ALL COLLECTIBLES GUIDE | Hogwarts Legacy Fixes #1275 - Wrong version number for 5.5.6. - [BUGFIX] Fixed the armor stand and case for an item from "Artifacts of Skyrim" that was erroneously disabled. Basspainter, who has ported many Skyrim Xbox mods, is going to be curating it and maintaining the version, as well as converting patches moving forward. Shipment crates can be enabled for inns, player homes, and/or carriage locations. (Jesto), Fixed Staff store in Dwemer Museum (Markarth) is too close to the wall. Weapon sound consistency fixes (SirJesto) - Fixes #1209, Navmesh added inside Rains' Shelter (SirJesto) - Fixes #1208, The barred gate in Engelmann's Rest now opens inwards (SirJesto) - Fixes #1207, Explorer's Guild armor crafting recipes now create the item correctly (SirJesto) - Fixes #1206, Blades Museum Display will now enable after recruiting 3 followers to the Blades (SirJesto) - Fixes #1205, Added replica recipe for Agni's Bow (SirJesto) - Fixes #1204, Removed wild dust beam inside the Hall of Secrets (SirJesto) - Fixes #1203, Fixed a tiny gap in the Dragonborn Hall (SirJesto) - Fixes #1202. fixed warlock's ring magic effect description, Fixed museum shipment crate placement outside bee and barb, Fixed Auryen's "sit and talk" AI package of Shattered Legacy, Capped Archeology Skill at 100 (pending later growth in Odyssey), fixed transparency issue with Jyrik Gauldurson's staff, "Micmou's Spade" new archeology explorer tool added! Updated the plugin description to include the version for better visibility in LOOT. Feel free to post in the Discord support channels asking help from the community but the developers will offer no support since v5 has been out for over 2 years at the time of this writing. Fixed Madras combat line referring to Eggleman before he is even found, Fixed normal maps on gallery banner so other banner mods don't conflict with it, Updated hand of glory load screen graphic, Added updated mesh for Airship from Deapri, Fixed akaviri runeblade so it can't be disenchanted (just enchanted for visual effects), Fixed issue with Varicio's deck trade topics, Fixed Shattered Legacy issue where if you got the lord's mail after Wulfharth's boots it would hang up the quest.