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Lewisham Council and Brexit Rights of residents from the EU Translated information Businesses, voluntary sector and charities Windrush advice for Lewisham residents . Are you an EU national who did not apply for settled status by 30 June 2021? For more information contact the sensitive applications team, on telephone 0300 106 1452 or email sensitive@dbs.gov.uk. Councillor John Muldoon. Thames Water to build major pipeline from Woolwich to Lewisham You have rejected additional cookies. 3. Email: Sophie.Davis@lewisham.gov.uk. Repairs Contact Centre This phase included the major infrastructure improvements to the roads and rivers, which include the removal of the Lewisham Northern Roundabout and the implementation of a new highways system.These will in effect create the rest of the Lewisham Gateway site. No additional payments are made to them for these additional duties. Strategic Procurement and Commercial Services, Insight, Transformation and Programme Management Office. Email. Councillor Sophie Davis. Mental health and wellbeing support for children and families. Lewisham Council - Adult education If you are claiming housing benefit, you must tell us about any change in your circumstance that may affect your housing benefit entitlement. Find out what learners and Ofsted have said about our adult education courses. Drop-in events run by the family information service. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Use recorded delivery or deliver it by hand and get a receipt - it is an important legal document. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships, Landlords: tell us about a change in tenancy, Find and comment on planning applications, Special educational needs and disabilities, Financial support for pupils and students, Our plans to expand two specialist schools, Employment, training, support and careers, Waste, recycling and the climate emergency, What can and can't go in your rubbish bin, Reuse and Recycling Centre in Landmann Way, Protecting your benefit payments from your bank, Easier travel for Blue Badge holders in Low Traffic Neighbourhood, How our new parking policy have effected parking permit prices, Rolt Street Deptford Park pedestrianised street, Parking permits for controlled parking zones, Crossovers (dropped kerbs and white lines), Business support for entrepreneurs with BIPC Lewisham, Resident guide to action on the climate crisis, Pollution information for developers and businesses, Moving from children's to adult social care, Support for children and families during the Covid-19 outbreak, Giving notice to marry or form a civil partnership, Guidance for the Clergy and authorised persons, Search burial and cremation records online, The Mayor of Lewisham Business Awards 2022, Offer an apprenticeship within your company, Building control frequently asked questions, Building control frequently asked questions (commercial properties), Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood, Transport options for older people, people with a disability and people with SEN, Closing a road for a play street or street party event, Improving the school gate area at school drop off and pick up time (school streets), Our traffic reduction programme (healthy neighbourhoods), Children and Young People Select Committee, Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Our Healthier South East London, Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - SLaM Mental Health of Older Adults, Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - SLaM Places of Safety, Overview and Scrutiny Education Business Panel, Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee, Our commitment to responding to complaints, Complaints and feedback: you said, we did, Young citizens' panel: a voice for young people, Open overview and scrutiny investigations. Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee - Thursday 2 March 2023, 7 If you can, please try to avoid ringing us at these times. It is hoped that the scheme will act as a catalyst to encourage further development within the borough. Contact and information - Newham Council The council is unusual in that its executive function is controlled by a directly elected mayor of Lewisham, currently Damien Egan. Outpatient Appointments. Director of Families, Quality and Commissioning. The homes will be approximately 25m sq. Lewisham | On premise | Up to 31,500 + Benefits Permanent | Full-time | SB/SE/10946/1 . Yemisi.Anifowose@lewisham.gov.uk. Send us a message if theres a problem with our website. Lewisham Homes contact numbers Lewisham Council - Moving to Lewisham . "[4] In August 2015, it was reported by the News Shopper that between April 2011 and April 2014, Lewisham Council had disclosed the public's sensitive data sixty-four times. school clothing grants. If you spot anything you think we may have got wrong, please email directory@londoncouncils.gov.uk to let us know. Home Ownership Services - Lewisham Homes Find out more Praise for Lewisham Legends. Emergency Planning and Business Continuity, Email:Sherene.Russell-Alexander@lewisham.gov.uk, Email:Angela.Scattergood@lewisham.gov.uk. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Lewisham is divided into 19 wards, each electing two or three councillors. ft of offices, leisure facilities, including a gym and multiplex cinema, over 1000 homes, including 892 apartments (106 of these will be at affordable rent levels) and 119 co-living units, Confluence Place, a new park where the Ravensbourne and Quaggy rivers meet. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Check if you are eligible for a council tax discount or reduction. 06/05/2010 - 05/05/2022; 06/05/2022 - Appointments to . Plans can be viewed here. Cabinet Member for Housing Management and Homelessness. Were a proud community made up of different cultures, ideologies and experiences that define us. London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom Property and Protection Officer (This post is currently restricted to internal employees and agency workers of Lewisham Council only) London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom Committee Officer London, United Kingdom, United Kingdom 4 new jobs Children's Social Care Family Practitioner Lewisham Borough Council is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share in this commitment.. London Borough of Lewisham - London Councils Lewisham Council has issued a statement on school closures ahead of tomorrow's planned teacher strikes in London and the south east of England. You can browse our courses by subject area, or search for a class by day, time and location. 1.1 Lewisham Council was awarded Council of Sanctuary status in May 2021, the first time a Council was awarded this status. Use this form to tell us about a change in your main address. Director of Communications and Engagement, Director of People and Organisational Development. Looks like lewishamhomesearch.org.uk is safe and legit. Information on childcare options in Lewisham. 2. Please send completed applications to Adeana Roberts - a.roberts@watergate.lewisham.sch.uk Closing date: Sunday 19h March 2023 - 12.00 Midnight. Report. The directorate also supports cultural and arts organisations and works closely with communities to promote learning, engagement and civic action. Salaries posted anonymously by Bristol City Council employees in Wantage, England. The pipeline will also accommodate new homes across a far wider area. London Borough of Lewisham Contact Town Hall Catford London SE6 4RU Tel: 020 8314 6000 http://www.lewisham.gov.uk Profile Population 312,865 Households 132,584 Inland Area 3,515 hectares. chris.barnham@lewisham.gov.uk. Direct Debit Payments. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. In January, we asked you to nominate your Lewisham Legends - the people in our community now . For further details of the plans for Building A and the adjacent area, view planning application ref: DC/13/82493/X. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see our. My services . Lewisham Council - Personal licence Contact. Lewisham Council Jobs in Lewisham - 2021 | Indeed.com Complaints and compliments - Lewisham Homes Meetings calendar; Meetings by committee; [6] In February 2016, Lewisham Council announced that it would be raising Council Tax by 3.99 percent in order to help meet the 15 million pounds of savings that is required each year. The mayor of Lewisham is a directly elected mayor responsible for the executive function of Lewisham London Borough Council in London England. Contact & Outreach Worker (x8) Lewisham Council 3.8. Lewisham News. . Council meetings. James Callaghan (politician) lived in Blackheath. Catford Lewisham Jobs Careers - Jobs - Lewisham Council Jobs The current local authority was first elected in 1964, a year before formally coming into its powers and prior to the creation of the London Borough of Lewisham on 1 April 1965. Australia. Find out about course fees and see if you are eligible for a discount. Rushey Green. It added that school closures will depend on staffing numbers due to . The Home Ownership Services team can help you with issues related to your leasehold property. It is a London borough council, one of 32 in the United Kingdom capital of London. Housing Partnerships and Service Improvement. Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Housing Development and Planning. It sets council tax and as a billing authority also collects precepts for Greater London Authority functions and business rates. This involved the redevelopment of land close to the stations. Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) from 8:30am to 5pm, Wellbeing and Resilience for Multicultural Communities grants, Architectural Excellence and Design Review Panel, State government and utility works and projects. Lewisham Council - Business rates housing benefit. Following the May 2018 election, Lewisham London Borough Council comprises 54 Labour Party councillors. Good parking provision is crucial, and we believe that effective parking enforcement benefits everyone.