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Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Prequel of Goodbye Alice in Wonderland (WIP). Lucius envisions a future in a seedy whorehouse, the only likely outcome after his husbands dismissal, and makes a desperate decision. Suparna Summary: In a world torn apart by war, Harry is given a rare medallion that allows him to travel between alternate realities. Will things run smoothly for then? Mentor. Author: malika azrael Author: Marks Summary: Some things should stay in that place in the middle of nowhere, with a big black horse and a cherry tree. Rating:NC-17 Author: Gwendolyn Warnings: crack!fic Rating: NC-17 Sequel: And Another Life Begins* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort Being in 1927 London isnt all its cracked up to be.
Harry potter fanfiction lucius finds out about the blood quill Author: AlocYrrehc Author: unbroken_halo Author: Firesword Summary: Lucius likes his morning caffeine hit in a very specific way. Summary: 2500 Word SnitchaThon fic: Ginny Weasley must pay for her sins of the past, as a traitor and killer. No commitment. Author: aisling He is surprised to find an ally in the form of his guard Draco Malfoy. Rating: NC-17 Summary:Music brings us together but it can also tear us apart. Lucius takes Harry back to the Manor. Master Author: remuslives All those who opposed him became nothing more than slaves for the aristocracy- breeders, domestics, A kind-of re-telling of 120 Days of Sodom. Something Almost Real (Ill Take What I Can Get) Rating: R Author: lucius_complex Rating: NC-17 Author: bluedragoninamber Browse and click at your own risk. Summary: Harry is a werewolf. Author: keikokin Rating: NC-17 An Even Trade Warnings: A/B/O, breeding kink, knotting, royalty!AU Author: la femme Night Over Azkaban Summary: There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls. George Carlin. Summary: Societys rules are infinitely harder for Harry to follow than the ones he is given by his Doms. Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: Random Dispatcher He knows about Harry being his Horcrux, so he sends Bellatrix to seduce him. He has a plan to make things right again, but he ends up going a little further than planned. Author: leni_jess Summary: Yes, Harry Potter the thrice damned boy who lived was pregnant and his lovers/mates had not been told. Author: Hijja Author: aisling Author: Hijja Dream Lover Author: Arcangelo Slaveboy!Harry ponders his fate. Summary: Defeating the Dark Lord was supposed to free the wizarding world. Summary: Harry is no stranger to work, but the adults of the Wixen world had not realised what kind of work he might be doing. Warnings: D/s Warnings: non con, incest, prostitution, underage, dub con Warnings: character death Author: Irana Warnings: forced marriage, AU Rating: PG-13 Rating: R Impaled, part 2 of The Orchard and its Bonus Works series Summary: He should have been prepared, he should have been used to this. Summary: Rain in general sucks. Author: DeadlyElegance Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Sirius Warnings: AU, non con, BDSM, incest, character death Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Author: keikokin Easy Prey AKA Harry and Bella are pulled to the past where their parents are only a year or two older than them. Ebony ne Potter didnt realize that wishing at the stone circle would bring her to a younger version of her husband, who would fall in love with her. Rating: NC-17 Where has Remus been and what secrets of Harrys family does he know? Rating: PG Author: starrysummer Summary:Harry is done with the war. Rating: PG-13 A Midsummer Night, part of the Lucius Malfoy One-Shots Summary: Having defeated Voldemort, Harry is desperate to strike out on his own. Harry and the Dreamsharers * Warnings: OOC Smudge Summary: The War is over, Voldemort is dead and the Light has lost. Summary: Harry finds himself on the losing side of a battle with Lucius Malfoy, and Lucius claims his reward. Author: andx06s Rating: NC-17 Summary: After the war, everybody wants to make decisions for Harry, Lucius is one of the few that doesnt and maybe thats what drew him to the man first, after all Malfoy knew everything about being controlled, a strange mix of times, places and events about two people preparing for Christmas. One day. Snippets of Time* Summary:When Professor Dumbledore sends Lucius and Draco Malfoy to collect Harry Potter from his relatives, neither of them expect to find a beaten and bloodied hero. Author: InNeedOfCoffee Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Vernon Simple Product Rating: NC-17 Kingdom of Sweets* Author: keikokin He picks Lucius Malfoy as the obvious worst choice. Warnings: violence, character death Rating: NC-17 He panted as he floated blissfully in his post orgasmic haze. True Lusts Mate Warnings: underage, OOC Warnings: D/s, crossdressing Rating: R Author: carolinelamb Pairings: Harry/Lucius, past Harry/Voldemort, Harry/McNair, implied Harry/Narcissa Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Summary: Postwar, surprisingly little has changed. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: angst, violence, very ambiguous consent; please approach with caution! Rating: R All Those He Touches, sequel to Sticking Point** Rating: T His only support during this tortuous imprisonment is a man he thought he hated. Author:Lomonaaeren Warnings: non con, multiple partners, violence, character death Rating: NC-17 So Many Men, So Little Harry* Prompt Number 99: One Warnings: multiple partners Lucius laid his head on his hands. What does Lucius do? Warnings: references to character death, dark themes What will happen next as they both become attracted to each other? sequel (written by another author): How It All Began But the truth is much more worst. Warnings: BDSM Rating: NC-17 It wouldnt be as bad if that boy wasnt Harry Potterand it would be almost ok if when he closed his eyes he could picture Harry screaming in pleasureand not agony. This is not a rec list; I have not read all of the stories listed and I do not recommend any in particular. Rating: Not provided Twisted Fate Warnings: non con, underage, torture Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius finds himself caught up in Severus plan to save himself and Harry Potter; will the ending, though, be what he planned? Author: LivingInTheLight Author: Anne Phoenix Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Summary: On the 10th day of Christmas, I give you . Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Lucius/Draco But this time he wakes naked, on silk sheets, and wearing iron cuffs. Warnings: non con, BDSM, darkfic The Beginning of The End Rating: NC-17 Weakness Doth Make, part 1 of the A Fairytale in Three Parts series Warnings: non con Author: Hijja Tapestry Obedience and Instruction, part 1 of the Obedience and Instruction series Summary: No summary provided. Time To Share Summary: Companion piece to Only the Best. Author: Stardind Set after Goblet of Fire. He has to decide what type of relationship he wants with Lucius while coping with his own veela protective urges. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Five short stories taking place over five years. Summary: Snape has a fantasy. Dangerous Liasons Author: wolfiekins Rating: NC-17 Summary: Dumbledore decides that hes had enough of the Dursleys abuse and brings Harry to Hogwarts at age eight. After leaving Kings Cross station with the Dursleys, Harry was abducted by Death Eaters. With the weight of the Wizarding Worlds expectations still sitting heavily on his shoulders, he decided that if they wanted to consider him a disappointment, he might as well be spectacularly disappointing. Sequel: Thank You Draco Author:CrimsonRose18 Summary: He should not be charmed by Lucius, not when he knew all too well how that charm could be played against his enemies. Summary: Voldemort defeated at the ministry, Harry receives some information regarding his parentage, How will he cope with this and new friendships/relationships as old friends desert him. Lucius owns him. Baby Naming Warnings: non con Lucius willingly (read: out of his own free will) becomes Harry Potters slave. Candid Author: Mistress Slytherin Author: waywardvictorian Author: Cut-Wrist Kate Punishment Author: Slytherin Lust Summary: Harry is a fucking tease, Lucius is interested but also terrified of being hurt again. Summary: No summary provided. Rating: R Summary: The last moment of the final battle between Harry and Voldemort. Warnings: Slytherin!Harry, homophobia Author: storm_of_sharp_things Summary: Angst song-fic. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius is escorting his grandchild onto Platform 9-3/4, when he spots Harry with two children. Summary: No summary provided. Summary: Lucius offers to keep Harry warm. Warnings: non con Rating: Unknown Devoted*, sequel to Surrender* Author:IamSlytherin The Ghost and The Coldness Summary: Narcissa broke her marriage contract with Lucius. The Weight of the World on His Shoulders Paws In The Night Summary: Lucius and Harry are bondmates. Its Over Summary:Twisted!HarryLucius. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Warnings: forced marriage, mpreg, violence Lucius Lady Royal Flush Malfoys Side Written for The Silver Snitchs 2500 word Snitch-A-Thon. Author: NeuroWriter14 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Ron wants Harry to spend Christmas with him. Except for when it doesnt. Warnings: AU, OOC, non con, violence Author:Cartoon Shakespeare Summary: Another Lucius veela story but I hope this is different. Harry and Lucius do the wild thing. Warnings: threesome Dream-Pedlary* With only the shoes on his feet, he has moved to France and opened a couture shoppe in a trendy Parisian neighborhood. Summary: Harry has to speak to Lucius privately in order to proposition him. Summary: Draco and Lucius have a delightful toy to play with. Bet (on you) A Dictionary Drabble based on the word contumacy. Harry travels to Japan to find what hes really looking for, to discover who it is that holds his heart. Author: supergrover24 Fourteen years later, Harrys rescued. HarryxSeverusxLucius ensues, thats what! Warnings: non con, underage Noble Blood Summary: Harry has three visitations on Christmas Eve. Rating: NC-17 Author: Meet Me in the Dark Running Battle, sequel to Battlefield Warnings: not slash And how will he react when he walks in on his godfather in bed with Snape? Author: literaryspell Reunion, sequel to The Malfoy Sense of Humour Author: LadyCulebra/skellywag Author: shamelessnameless Warnings: mpreg, BDSM, AU, creature!fic Author: sablesilverrain Whore 6 AO3**| FFN. Fallen Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Marcus Acceptance Warnings: A/B/O, mpreg, intersex, male lactation, knotting, AU, infidelity And youd think that after the number of times Harryd been walked in on hed be more vigilant. Laughing, one of the guards had dropped her down into a chair opposite his desk, an amused expression on his face while she huffed indignantly. Warnings: underage, non con Top!Harry, non con, and this thing was so freakin much fun to write, you have no idea. Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Author:astheblackrosewilts it? Rating: M Sometimes he wishes he never set foot in that hall. Author: LadyCulebra/skellywag Author: IAmGoodIAmGrounded Through song of course! But some unexpected news will make his world come crashing down. Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Draco/Harry Summary: The new Dark Lord has found a way to control his darkness. Author: gmth Slytherin Nights The Teacher Leads, and the Student Follows
Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter - Works | Archive of Our Own Author: Firesword Summary: Long live the revolution. Rating: R Summary: Is this what you wanted, my Lord? Lucius asked. A Father Again Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Draco, Harry/Other Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, implied Ron/Draco Of Potions and Wings Free Bird Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Author: Hijja Warnings: character death Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Lucius/Harry/Severus Rating: NC-17 Sequel:Devoted* Warnings: creature!fic Warnings: femboy!Harry Rating: NC-17 With no other options, Lucius must retrain his pet in the hopes that he will get his memory back in time. Domine Which leads to a few other changes. When want you want is a really big ask, Harry potter knows what he wants* Summary: The slave will do anything for the master. You will not even think my name. It is not, when the time deems it necessary.. Summary: Written on 8 July 2006 in response to geniusartists prompt of Harry/Lucius: bottom!Harry, recoil, and silk. Instead of despairing he decides to use this once in a lifetime opportunity to see his godfather for the last time. Summary: Fait accompli is French for a thing irrevocably done. Harry and Draco have dealt with some of the consequences of their wedding night. Summary: Never con a con-man. Or how Ron gets traumatised, earns the title of godfather, and becomes a decent father-figure in the process. Summary:An indecent request sends Lucius Malfoy on a plight to help his son. Sixteen Years Old Rating: NC-17 Author: keikokin My Rose in the Grey of Your Victory Summary: Was he seriously willingly entering the Malfoy Manor with Lucius himself? The Escritoire, part 3 of the Obedience and Instruction series Summary: What if instead of Severus Snape dying because of Naginis bite it was Harry? Rating: NC-17 Author: Ravenna C. Tan Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Harry sneaks into Hogwarts nether regions to spy on a visiting Lucius Malfoy, he has no idea what hes getting himself into. Author: Luv 2 cry For some reason Im channeling Lucius in the first person. And why does Cedric look so sad? Warnings: warfic Author: Sapphira_Ruby Human* Summary: My fantasy Harry? Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Warnings: BDSM Author: vlredreign Rating: Not provided Invitation to Seduction Author: Lydia2600 At age 24 he has a happy life among the Muggles. Dream Lovers* Author: Skye Author: keikokin How do the Dursleys react when Dudley isnt a Muggle and comes into a Magical Inheritance? HP/LM Later: HP/? Author:ExcentrykeMuse Rating: R Summary: The cane wasnt as bad as Aunt Marge made it out to be. Rating: NC-17 Hope Gone* Author: paperlantern18 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Potter has no business invading Luciuss personal sanctuary and hes going to pay for it. Rating: NC-17 Author: 1kinkyslytherin Summary:Another Harry accidently Bonds to another story. Rating: NC-17 Author: InNeedOfCoffee Summary: Harry sets off to find the remaining Horcruxes and enlists the help of a very unexpected person. Rating: NC-17 Author: SirLaggalot Harry, gifted himself with power that hes grown tired of denying, decides that he might as well enlist Lucius to help him change the Ministry instead of trying to struggle against him. Wier (Wither) AO3, Sleepwalking with the Damned* Author: liveandneverforget He will have a child. Place tongue firmly in cheek and read on to find out why. Rating: Not provided Rating: PG-13 Summary: Harry has what Lucius wants, Lucius can get what Harry wants. Rating: G NC-17 Rating: PG Summary:How does Lucius react when the grounds are being over run by golf balls? To Own a Quidditch Player Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco is realized. Rating: R Author: keikokin Warnings: BDSM, incest, voyeurism, threesomes, underage, violence Unknown* Rating: R Chained Lightning* Rating:NC-17 Well Always Have Stockholm Rating: R As Sharp As Sunlight by Amanuensis A squicky fate awaits our heroes after their defeat. Rating: NC-17 Summary:Harry is feeling lost and turns to Lucius to find a stable ground. Author: homeskull bob Shall I show you off?. Author: Twisted Mind Whose Turn? Author: amanuensis& srichard Summary:The last thing Harry expected when he defeated Voldemort and Kingsley was made Minister was the whole wizarding world to shift into a state of hyper-paranoia. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con Rating: NC-17 Burdens* Rating: NC-17 Author: suki blue Rating: R Harry trying to teach Lucius the meaning of the word no. So There, part of the So-There series Rating: R All Unexpected Summary: A day in the life of Harry Potter The Boy-Who-Lived to be the slave of Lucius Malfoy. He agrees but with Voldemort gone, what has he promised these men? Warnings: darkfic, mind control, non con, bondage, bloodplay, incest, humiliation, bestiality Rating: NC-17 One that is also very close to Lucius as well. Love, Us* Rating: M Summary:Fate always has her plans, but for these two men there was always something more that was unexpected. On his birthday he comes into his creature inheritance, unbeknownst to him. This story has the same title and similar warnings, but I cant be sure the author is the same.~*. Rating: NC-17 Author: RileyLFinn But they're still here so..It's a really crap summary but try it and you never know, you might like it! Author: keikokin Rating: PG There are not many whose loss will truly sicken his soul. Author:Furorscribiendi (LogOut/ He picks Lucius Malfoy as the obvious worst choice.
Office Love, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Author: orphan account Summary: After running from the wedding Harry must decide how to go on with life. Written for Beloved Enemies Dictionary Drabble word of performance. In a Small Cafe In The Malfoy Name With a son on the way can Harry hold himself together long enough to give birth or will darkness finally consume him? Warnings: AU, PWP, kink, zoophilia Rating: R By any means necessary. Author: Neichan Harry Potter must change that but he no longer cares for life. A Little More Pain Warnings: non con, humiliation, kink Warnings: character death, dubcon Summary: A Dictionary Drabble based on the word karma.. Rating: NC-17 There he finds new challenges, makes new friends, and falls in love. Finding out who sent the letters isnt easy though and when he does, it might just be a really bad idea to go through with his plans. Author: Rhysenn Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry imagines being dominated by Lucius. Author: Sestra_Prior Author: greenie Rating: NC-17 Warnings: major character death, minor character death, angst, unhappy ending Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Rest Author: harrymalfoypotter22 Summary: Lucius regrets sleeping with Harry. Secrets In Lace Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Lust for Power Fluff Rating: NC-17 Author: semaphoreddrivethru Now engaged he is ready to not only marry but take the relationship to the next step physically as well. Severus and Lucius have a birthday surprise for Harry, but he is hesitant to be blindfolded for one of the surprises. Summary: How long before despair and hopelessness destroy all will to live? Summary:A mysterious hitman starts to work for Voldemort and shows a special interest in Lucius. Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Warnings: non con, violence, mental health issues, Stockholm Syndrome (implied), suicide (implied) Author: DieTheSlashAddict Rating: T Rating: R It was the summer of my eighteenth year when I fell in love. Rating: PG But the personal cost is high and they then have to learn to cope with physical and emotional wounds that may never heal. Confidant. Warnings: implied child abuse, homophobia, self-harm, age play, established relationship Rating: PG-13 When Sirius shows up, many things are resolved. Author: softlysweetly Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG Rating: PG-13 Warnings: BDSM Author:Bridgette_Hayden Warnings: AU, darkfic, major chaarcter death, non con, torture, D/s Rating: R Summary: In the corner of the pleasure district lies a store that can heal you. Rating: NC-17 Story For Minx_17 Grey-green Dracos Dad Author: annescriblerian Author: Aisling Warnings: creature!fic, D/s Warnings: BDSM, orgasm denial, snake!sex, pwp Summary: Sometimes, youd be better off dead but life is rarely that easy. Summary:Harry Potter, known to himself as 00H, gets kicked out of Potions by an angry Professor Snape and spends the evening on an adventure in Hogsmeade. Warnings: creature!fic What happens when your life doesnt take the path you had originally envisioned? Warnings: Stockholm Syndrome Rating: PG-13 Summary: A birthday present for Arashi. Clothed and Seeming* Warnings: multiple partners, double penetration, BDSM Author: RadiatorfromSpace War Crimes Summary: Hogwarts has fallen, and now Voldemort has set his sights on the ultimate prize: Harrys consent. But is Harry alone in his desires, or is his suffering not in vain? Summary: Harrys search for the Horcruxes is cut short when he is captured and thrown into a life of sexual servitude to Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Warnings: mpreg, creature!fic Summary: The Wizarding World is under threat again. Author: leela_cat Rating: NC-17 Warnings: prostitution Welcome Home Rating: R Rating: T Summary: Even the most devious Slytherin sometimes finds it necessary to change his plans, especially when confronted with a particularly sneaky Gryffindor. Warnings: BDSM, mind games, darkfic Summary: Harry had been missing for 4 months since the end of the war. Summary: Lucius and Snape sing to Harry. Author: wickedblack Warnings: mpreg, underage, character death Sequel: A Tryst that Becomes More The Running Man Warnings: mpreg, creature!fic, mentions of abuse And Lucius must deal with Lord Voldemort and his ire while his own life heads towards very shaky ground. Author: Kindred Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Lucius/Draco, Draco/OC Rating: PG Summary: Its time to break the news: Harrys pregnant and Dumbledore is missing! Summary:Voldemort learns that Harry Potter is a Faurae, and devises a plan to deliver the Boy-Who-Lived straight into his hands. Along comes Harry Potter and things change, hopefully for the better. Warnings: AU, veela mates Summary: Harry goes on a bender and then decides to go after a certain Death Eater. Lady in Red Sequel: Paradise You Belong With Me I am thinking of pain and humiliation. Warnings: veela, mpreg Rating: NC-17 Warnings: threesome, dubcon What happens when both are drugged and embedded in a devious plot? Author: randomisedhabit Summary: Draco carried on the family line thanks to his friend Harry Potter, but what will Lucius do when he finds out? Rating: NC-17 Author: Twisted Mind This Pure-Blood fanatic had more appearances in the Harry Potter books and films than any other member of Voldemort's army of Death Eaters. Potential to be disturbing. Hooked Summary: Harry is captured by Death Eaters and it seems they have rather more in mind for him than he bargained for. Pairings: Harry/Draco (mainly), implied Harry/Lucius But all wishes are for naught when one belonged to Him-the son of heaven. "Not tired." "Come now, you can play more tomorrow." Draco said as he stood and began to move towards the child. Lessons in Mouthing Off Author: venivincere Lucius happens to agree. Rating: PG-13 Warnings: major character death Definately AU. Summary:Eighteen year old Harry Potter has found his trust fund dried out and in need of work he answers an ad for a houseboy. Rating: R Author:Black Gargie Author: Amorette Author: dinahtoushi Summary: Harry and Lucius unwittingly do something nice for the holidays. Rating: NC-17 Hunger Is A Fickle Thing Warnings: AU, OOC Rating: NC-17 Or are they? Author: Kandakickass Harry ends in the past is what! Sticking Point Warnings: non con, kink, pwp Summary: Snape tries to control damage, until damage starts controlling him. Summary: Harry picks his boss in the office Secret Santa. Author: elfflame Summary: Dracos not excited about his new life, so his father shows him a way to spice it up. Author: Nicole Mellano Malfoy Manor* How do you go grow up and go to school with the boy who will one day be your father?