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I tried to let him know people cared and that he was a great person and i don't even remember what I all said. If you dont have the means for personal counseling, there are free support groups out there. we were not fighting . Thank you for that. You see her slowly slump forward and notice little things, like her hair blowing in the air condition. Its been 7 years and both people I dated after were openly threatened that I still had feelings for the man that left this earth. They need you. They of course are older, but they loved him with all their hearts, as I did. I cant accept any of what he did or why, how much pain he must of been suffering but never showed. A means no. It was like the one person you connect with and you just cant explain it. My ex boyfriend killed himself July 29, 2019. We are warriors. He was a flawed human being, far from perfect, but He was an amazing person/son/brother/husband/father in his own way. He loved both of his children dearly. He took his life in front of both my parents. There were times when I knew she was really distressed because she would call or text me frequently to describe the way she was feeling. My husband is ill with MS and I have been looking after him for 18 years. Please know that intrusive thoughts after a loss are completely normal and okay. Life will never be the same but we must go on and find reasons to live life and find happiness, even if that happiness is just for a moment. Nobody wants to hear that descriptive phrase. He was such a good person and my best friend. In grief, feelings of guilt, blame, regret, and rejection can be logical, but they can also defy all logic and reason. At 5:15 pm there was a knock at the door and it was 2 local police officers. But she never left her boyfriend and eventually I moved away and the last time I saw her or spoke to her was 25 years ago. He only has to get thru one more year of high school. So now I carry their blame too. I would ask my doctor if he or another doctor he knows, could tell me the answer to that. We all cant imagine life without her. And it literally feels like a broken heart. Thank you for reading. I believe that hed have taken his own life much sooner if it hadnt have been for me. Not my baby! you cant deny that. YES there is a stigma to suicide . And he went through with it. My own heart is very broken from the same tragic loss of our own beloved, 43 year old son who took his life 2 years ago, in June. I found him and struggle daily. He was a beloved 8th grade math teacher and leaves behind a wife and 5 five-year-old son, who was his whole world. Sometimes I think I am moving forward a little and then I slip back. And if they dont want you around they dont deserve you. My mom hadnt been able to see my dad. My brother and only sibling died by suicide on 2-19-19. Once we got home we decided to ride around the neighborhood and smoke a cigarette and drink a beer. I was 21 at the time and I was the one who found him. I m not understanding it at all and feel I should have known the depression that must have been there. They told us they could see he had suffered at least 12 stroked since being put on the ventilator. It was just after 3 p.m. on Jan. 7, and friends had alerted Dylan's parents that he . Then for some reason, he hung himself to death. I was getting my gym shoes. I have reached out to a counselor I know I need help. I am married and my husband is supportive but our relationship was already on the edge before my brothers suicide. I know this much is true! I am sorry for our collective losses..worst pain Ive ever felt. The pain has been so bad that at times it takes my breath away. i am devastated. She hid her true feelings very well from her family. You may feel angry with the person, with the world, with God, with yourself. She could easily brush off her tears and get back in the game. He had dropped out of medical school about half a year earlier and we assumed he needed some time alone. I am now the only one living with my 86 yr old father and that is a huge issue with my brother and I as well as my father and his mind and faculties! He didnt commit a crime he was mentally out of it. He is the reason for the type of music I like, the movies and video games i like. A man kills himself every two hours. I feel like no matter how many of my friends and family members surround me with their love and healing, nobody truly understands how Im feeling. seems like we need to chat I have a few questions for you. I tried everything i knew. They have a vacation house next to ours. I let her down,I failed her,now I am alone and looking for a way to go. Its been about a year and a half since it happened. Im doing all the right things to no avail. My daughter questions whether she is still a mother. Since then Ive had 6 therapist and been on over 10 different meds. I already couldnt interpret my brother properly, after all this time. this 2nd doctor just followed their protocols and threw anxiety and depression meds at him. I wish everyone on this grief journey well and have found this a good article to read. Perhaps it would be helpful to seek out the support of a therapist trained in grief, which you can find here: When youre ready, please look into finding a therapist that you connect with (it took me meeting 6 therapists until I met one that I felt comfortable speaking to) its a scary processbut its worth it in the end. His story keeps changing. He tried some things with little reward. I want to be the man I once was but it just seems like the only way is to step up for them, but always be miserable and always lose to her. My son had suffered from bipolar psychosis since age 17 1/2 when he was diagnosed. Im shattered. This past March I woke up at 5 in the morning to find my wonderful wife of forty years dead in bed next to me. Holidays and such have no meaning this year. I moved back in with my parents, unable to live alone. I was 22 years old. I met with a life coach today (Im from Terrigal in Australia) and he told me that I will never get over this, so dont listen to advice when people say you will be ok with it or to be strong. This doesnt mean that the person grieving the loss wouldnt trade their relief to have their loved one back for just one moment, or that they dont also feel intense pain and sadness. My sister didnt want me around when I was at my lowest because it made her feel uncomfortable and it hurt but I got better without her and now she has regrets but Im not a monster so I forgave her. Kathleen December 8, 2019 at 5:22 am Reply, Hey Sarah. in fact, you may find it very comforting as well. We Lost my oldest brother to suicide 7/11/16. My 16 year old daughter took her life on 12/28/2020. I can only imagine how much pain his family is going through and it breaks my heart thinking how short his life was. Not ready to face any reality beyond the anonymity of the Internet just yet, and you have all been wonderful. He was my best friend. You may feel angry with the person, with the world, with God, with yourself. I have not been able to sleep or eat since. All the best to you. My name is Robert and on March 6th 2018 at 5:58 I recieved a call on facetime from the woman I have been in love with for over 15 years, and I say have because I still am, and she said I called just to say good bye. I didnt ignore them on accident. How can you go sleep happy one night and the next morning your whole world has fallen apart. My husband I new in the physical forms short time. I understand the guilt, regret ALL OF IT. Cassie had been suffering for a long time with depression and I knew that. We used to be 4 now we are 3 left its the worst thought, i wish nobody would understand how hard such a simple thing hurts. We would communicate off and on throughout 15 years of knowing each other. Considering the stuff you mentioned about him. The article and responses are a great comfort to me. I guess I will never know, and I have no brain tissue of his to test. Every day is saddening and the pain if overwhelming. My brother killed himself this summer and i think i'm in the weirdest part of coping. He somehow convinced me that I should want to help him with his chores or eat the food he didnt like for dinner so he could be excused. It was way more than that. Why would he just go about his life as if everything was fine and just suddenly end it? My daughter was 30 also and left behind my 8 yr old grandson too. A friend once told me they thought suicide was the most selfish act a person could do. They are with us in spirit everyday and I am sure are trying to guide us. Its never a call you want to receive. I am sorry. This is so normal I recommend you check out this article: Im glad you can take a step back and recognize that his death was not your fault. It is absolutely never too late to seek therapy it can be such a huge support. This event in my life has made me very closed off. When I think about how he must have been feeling, the enormity of it becomes overwhelming and I cant handle it. My father jumped to his death in front of horrified onlookers nearly 20 years ago. My brother took his life with a gun. I can only imagine the pain youre experiencing. Becca September 20, 2019 at 1:48 am Reply, Hey Claudia, I wanted to respond to your post because my little brother died by suicide on 8/25/19. But i never would have thought it, he was always a happy person. I have fought for her to help her for years but as you know.. mentally ill people are very difficult to deal with on any level. This is a nightmare. I sometimes feel my heart has literally broken. albert blaney February 21, 2019 at 12:19 pm Reply, my dad has cancer and i am only 16 turning 17 next month and my sisters and mom tell me i dont care about my dad haveing caner and i have been through, Rita Jenness April 9, 2019 at 12:30 pm Reply. Dont stop. I remember once, sitting with him at his desk, solving an issue at work and he turned to me and said It was really lucky that we had run into each other that day(when I was looking for a job), you are really doing a great job. He always made sure people knew their worth and as this being my first job out of college, it meant a lot to me to hear him say that. I called to her saying Lindsey please come in the house,You will get pneumonia.Now she came back in the kitchen and she said Im going to hang myself, In my anger with my face still stinging as Im sure hers was I said Go Ahead.NEVER NEVER NEVER even remotely thinking it was real. and the Dallas Cowboys QB says he's still having a hard time coping with it all. My heart goes out to you. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, individualgrief is uniqueto the person experiencing it and their relationship with the person who died, Shattered assumptions about the world, oneself, and others. My father shot himself May of this year. He developed diabetes from my understanding, Neuropathy in his hands and feet. He left a note saying the horrors of his job as a fire fighter haunted him and he couldnt deal. Weve traveled with them and have become very close friends. In her new book, Amy Chesler recalls the night brother Jesse plunged a knife into their mother's shoulder, leaving her dead in the kitchen. For a really long time I argued with everyone that it had been murder, because of the events leading up to his death. By the grace of God I am still here fighting the fight against suicide and our then so youg baby is now halfway through college as she graduated early and onto her dream of being a special effects make up designer. It isnt about telling children. Its as if he did not exist ! It was such a shock. Be your idea of a good person (thoughtful, kind, empathetic, etc.). He was never a depressed person. I lost my lovely brother on May the 7th 2017 to hanging. Know that someone else out there knows how you feel. He had other mental issues with a traumatic Brain Injury. i love him so much. I know my life is changed and I do wonder when I will find my zest for life again. My mom didnt want to let go. My church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, provides opportunities for me to help others who are grateful for my help, like bringing a meal to someone who is sick. So many times I could feel his pain and he pulled himself out of heroin use at age 17. Please. I cant help but think how did this happen to MY family? In fact if I hadnt been looking for the most painless way to commit suicide Id have never found you at all. But his despair was strong as was his wish to die. What youre feelingthe helplessness, emptiness, so normal and valid. FallenAngel January 10, 2021 at 1:39 am Reply. Or, at least can. I always knew there was something wrong with my brother; he was older than me, Im the youngest. I wish there was more we could do to help from all the way across the Internet I do believe the National Alliance on Mental Illness has support groups as well as the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. She couldnt answer any of my questions. This is your experience, not theirs. About 5 minutes later, my dad walked into the room pointed a small caliber pistol point blank at my mothers head and pulled the trigger. Im 34 now, and just had a dream he killed someone else in front of me. She tried contacting him through social media sites like Facebook and Instagram but found all of his accounts had been deleted. ( I know that sounds bad but let me explain). Alot is hazy after this because you must understand when you see the love of your life, your soulmate, your person place a pistol to the side of her head and look right in your eyes and say Im sorry. Watching my mom beg him to fight and wake up. I have 8 grandkids who love me and my 3 kids and I cant imagine hurting them and them feeling like I feel. The reason I havent taken my life is because of three close people whom i respect and dont wish to hurt. It has been almost 2 years since my younger brothers suicide. I cant believe so many love onces are feeling the same pain as me ,my husband hanged him self on the 13/12/2018 it been a really bad year for as I was in hospital three times had a hysterectomy,my son had a burst appendix in hospital 8days he nearly died ,Andy my beautiful husband was attempting many times to take his life ,he was ill with addiction and suffered with mental health he had on going court cases for drink ,drug and driving ,I myself couldnt cope so I can understand that Andy couldnt cope with addiction and mental break down we both also lost two good friends to cancer ,I allways been strong for Andy but was tried and lost my strength if I was strong my husband would be here today I miss him so much and i am finding hard to believe he took his life and that I unable to see ,feel and touch him no more why does it hurt so much he had he problems but was the most kind loving person I knew . I am married to an old school Swiss and from what Ive seen, they dont believe in mental illness. Kayla, Im truly so sorry for your loss. My beloved 16 year old grandson took his life on Nov. 15, 2018. No matter what we did. My best friend and someone I loved more than words can describe left me for good this summer. We were going to grow old together. I had 2 friends hang themselves, the later I found and had 2 cut down. Our rule between us was dont worry the other one. He really was my best friend. Scared to death of doctors. i can not believe this is real, i keep telling myself this is a nightmare that i need to wake up from we had so many plans that are gone he has 2 daugthers and he 2 my 2 under his wing as his own, why couldnt he at least think about them and ask for help? He felt as if everything that ever mattered was slipping away from him and his mental disease convinced him it was. That broke Lindseys heart and ours too.She just was not able to be independent of us.Back in those days I really thought that I was a good mother. If that seems scary, reach out yourself. My 33-yr old son killed himself on November 14, 2018. Thats my perspective. (1983). I eventually was able to say Hes dead, and everyone around me just stared. And even the few times I would think of him, I didnt act. He even told the cops what happened. Just as you did with your supervisor. I understand the word killed himself is hard for some to say but I see it like this for me. This is especially true on certain posts where we know that people are hoping to connect with others who have had similar experiences or who can relate. Your sister wasnt thinking rationally for if she was she would have considered the heartbreak she would be causing those that loved her. Nichole October 6, 2018 at 9:57 am Reply. My parents are a wreck. I ran to my mothers busted in, all the while watching the phone and listening as hard as I could for any sound, a moan or any movement because there was no way she was gone! Thank you so much for your article, and the comments below have helped me feel less lonely by a remarkable number. I know this now, but it doesnt make it better. The police are investigating to find out if it was in fact a suicide or if there was fowplay. I told her it was Dad, and that was when my little sister walked in. I was with her 18 years being ever mindful of how she struggled. Visit or e-mail or use for international telephone numbers. I just dont know how to get back to me, the old me..Im stuck in my grief, a complete sad rut. I will never stop missing him, longing for him. If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect. She was a heavy heroin user but had decided to get clean. he was an atheist. But I was still quietly disappointed that he seemed unenthusiastic toward me. I got busy with my own family and hustles, only to receive a call that he had taken some pestscide poison. Still cant get my head round it. He talked shit about suicide growing up so I never thought he would ever kill himself. He would do anything for us. In that circle of support, there is no shame, only relief and support. Especially when I could tell some only showed interest in there own curiosity rather then out of care for my well being. I am sad. He never warned me when this happened. I hope the police find him. So many strange thoughts. Even though Im a stranger to the victim and her family, my initial reaction to the news was to think of all the ways it mightve been my fault or how I hadnt prevented it. They are available 24 hours a day, every day. As you describe seeing you father and the experience youre having of fear and difficulty with the hard memories, it sounds like in addition to your grief of losing him that you are still struggling with the trauma of the circumstances of his death. Take Care! Fortunately I am becoming stronger and aware of my depression. She was very smart and had aspirations of becoming a teacher or nurse. She had been agoraphobic for a year. The day my friends and I found out about the 2nd girl, we were having a picnic at the memorial for the first girl because it had been exactly one year. I research life after death every night and it some how soothes me. My name is Chris Coleman. I knew her well and knew all wed endured throughout our childhood (all the family secrets). I had a brother who hung herself few years ago. God bless all of you! As Im writing this its hard to see threw the tears. You were with me and I wish that you were still standing by my side, Gabe, I love you. Leesa Becker January 22, 2019 at 6:41 am Reply. He used cannabis heavily and I suspect other things too. My first childhood(highschool) love hung himself. Your comment made me cry. The first few days after her death I was a wreck I hate crying and I probably cried for 48 hours straight it was mentally and physically exhausting. I read somewhere that children of parents who commit suicide are 50/50 in following in their footsteps. What? Is all I could think to say. IsabelleS January 13, 2021 at 12:28 pm Reply. I cant know your pain, but I cant tell you that I searched randomly on Google, found your entry and felt compelled to type this out. Many others struggle with the complex feelings of grieving someone who was abusive or who they didnt like, experiencing relief while also the finality of a harmful relationship. Then over the last 2years his loss of marriage his relationship with his children and loss of business. Richard Whitfield January 19, 2019 at 12:08 am Reply. People always say with time it gets easier but for me it has gotten harder and harder each day. I feel so lonely. Being former law enforcement, I immediately knew she would not be coming home.