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Police said they would be investigating on behalf of the Coroner. Barr remains the only female driver to teams race at the big dance but the 25-year-old pioneer would love to see that change. The New Zealand Superstock Teams Championship is a 2-day event held annually at Central Energy Trust Arena in Palmerston North, New Zealand.
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. As Scott Dixon begins his 23rd season in IndyCar racing, the 42-year-old from Auckland, New Zealand has reached legendary status. He succumbed to the injuries six days later at 6pm, February 12. #woodfordglen Twelve teams from around New Zealand will contest the 2022 edition of teams champs, on Saturday and Sunday night, after the usual Waitangi weekend date was postponed due to Covid-19 restrictions. There are also 40 bonus . This page was created to help promote the " NZ Stockcar Teams " event. #motorsport 0.431K. Teams from around New Zealand make their way to Palmerston North to battle it out and have hopes of taking the silverware home. Barry's car continued to move slowly along the track for three quarters of a lap before a flag marshall stopped it. Rebecca Barr (34p) racing alongside her father Graeme (32) in a superstocks best pairs event. Rebecca Barr comes across as a pretty relaxed character but belt her into the 1430kg steel cage of a superstock, with a 500 horsepower V8 engine, and she soon turns ruthless. NZStocks2018. Midget Championships. Already registered? (New Zealand) 15 January 2022. by. TWS + PTS SuperStock Teams Nationals Finals + Auckland Modified Champs. A two-time winner of the Aotearoa Ladies Crown stockcar championship in Rotorua, Barr, who credits a good chunk of her success to proud parents Sallie and Graeme, has previously captained the all-female KB Cowgirls stockcar team. Any recent content can be found on the stockcarscene facebook page. 3,685 likes. Glen Eagles Darrell Wallace is smashed high into the fence by Rebels star blockman Alan McRobbie during teams champs. Peter Barry Stockcar Teams Final. MAD on New Zealand . They were trying to get the teams out of the way in case it rained. Running points are awarded for finishing the race in the same order as on the night; 100, 40, 25, 20, 10. The following Championship dates for the 2021/22 season have been approved. SEARCH. Enter your email address above then click the 'Forgot Password' button to send an email with a link to reset your password. A driver has died after crashing at the SuperStock Teams Champs in Palmerston North. Website by Bizweb NZ. Livestreaming of the event will be covered by The Pits Media NZ. Photography by Kenneth Fox Digital Imagery. Huntly International Speedway is a Smokefree, Vapefree facility. Menu. Your drivers will then earn points over the two nights of racing at the ENZED Superstock Teams Champs. New Zealand Super Saloon Champs - Dunedin - 18/19th February 2022. Salter Cartage New Zealand Stockcar Championship; Modified Dirt Cup 23; North Island Streetstock Championship; New Zealand Superstock Grand Prix . Advanced Search. Work is in place to establish some facilities at the track for Camper Vans and Camping in general, so stay tuned. Runs. Stock cars, stockcars results website New Zealand. P lease note: Draft 12 - 8/5/2022. SuperLeague Formula 2008 - Round 3 Zolder [04/05 October] National & International Single Seaters OTHER:If youre looking for a more in-depth behind the scenes look into the Championship, jump onto the Road to the NZ Superstocks with Ammz Facebook page and follow Sub Committee member Ammaron Broadhursts personal journey to the title, there will be live Q & As, updates and plenty more. More info about the 2022/2023 Pollock Cranes NZ Superstock Champs will be released as we edge closer, so keep an eye out on . On Sunday at 6.15 p.m., a police official confirmed that one person had died at Central Energy Trust Arena. . Explore official results of Stockcar Teams Invasion, Car event 15 January 2022. 2022-23 Season Calendar. Its huge, the biggest weekend on the speedway calendar, she said. 3rd December 2022 - 1st Jamie Duff 19c, 2nd Caleb Baughan 95c, 3rd Steve Duff Jnr 15c. Huntly International Speedway is a Smokefree, Vapefree facility. #woodfordglenspeedway The following Championship dates for the 2021/22 season have been approved. Feb 25, 2023. Waharoa Speedway Club Day & Girls Challenge. The current champion is Asher Rees, registered to Kihikihi Speedway, who won his first title at Paradise Valley Raceway, near Rotorua, in January 2021.. Graham Stretch was the inaugural champion, winning the title at Palmerston North International Speedway . Manawat Mustangs enforcer Rebecca Barr is ready to shake things up this weekend. Technology solutions For conferences and events. For Barr, who joined her father in the superstock ranks as a 17-year-old back in 2013 straight out of the development class of ministocks, the sport is like an addiction. Join The World's Best Iconic & Vintage Car Community . Teams of four go head to head in a full contact format thats about winning by eliminating the opposition as much as it is beating them, with dedicated runners and blockers. The top four finalists from the 2022/2023. Superstock Teams Champs 2022. 26th Nov Manawatu Superstock Champs & Stockcar Teams Invasion 26/11/2022 OnDemand. The grandstand sold out in one day for the 2021 event! Qualifying for 2022/2023 NZ Stockcar Teams Event. The SuperStock Teams Champs at Central Energy Trust Arena. NZ Stockcar Teams Champs, Qualifying & Finals. Already considered the greatest driver of his generation, Dixon is on a path to become perhaps the greatest IndyCar driver ever by the time he completes his career. There are also 40 bonus points for eliminating an opposition car. In 2018, the event gave the region a $5.2M economic boost, an estimated $1.5M up from 2017. But just to make it interesting, you have a limited amount of appearance money to assemble your team. He was not on the brakes and carried on around the track before coming to a stop.. - For racing updates check our Facebook page or call or info line 03 327 6117 Rebecca Barr knows the Mustangs team are up against it but wants to qualify for night two. - Please read all T's & C's on iTICKET website before pre-buying tickets May 6th. Superstocks teams racing consists of 2 teams facing off in each race progressing through qualifying night for a chance to be in the grand final. According to Stuff Co, the car had been seized by Speedway NZ, who would undertake an inquiry. grindingdisc. NZ Stockcar Teams Champs Gisborne 26 & 27-02-2016. Im not too sure what else I need to work on, Ive been trying pretty hard and havent quite managed to get there yet so well just have to keep trying and see what happens, she said of her Panthers aspirations. . Stockcars. With a total of 4 cars in the race for each team most teams use a 2:2 tactic with 2 cars attacking and going to the victory while 2 cars block the other team from taking out their attackers. Will your drivers perform on the night? Bruce Martin March 1, 2023. You are NOT permitted to make any images or footage available, including LIVE STREAMING to any other person by any means for any purpose whatsoever without permission from the WSSCC. EMAIL US PRESTIGE POOLS . A St John spokesperson said they were called to Pascal St near the Arena at 6.06pm and were on scene assisting police. Theres plenty of drivers who say it doesnt hurt but Im pretty sure they are full of it really, it definitely hurts. Kihikihi Speedway 2021-2022 Season First Practice. More info about the 2022/2023 Pollock Cranes NZ Superstock Champs will be released as we edge closer, so keep an eye out on our Facebook page or visit our website. The preparation for teams weekend started weeks ago with countless hours of maintenance, preparing spares and checking and double-checking every nut, bolt and component to make sure nothing goes wrong to let her team down. She has previously won Panthers selection at the Huntly teams meeting but never at the Palmerston North showcase, and it remains her end goal. New Zealand Stockcar ChampsNew Zealand Superstock ChampsWorld 240's ChampionshipNorth Island Stockcar ChampsNorth Island Superstock ChampsSouth Island Stockcar Champs (work in progress)South Island Superstock ChampsStockcar GPSuperstock GPManawatu Superstock ChampsStockcar Teams Champs. Event dates confirmed for Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 April 2022, following Februarys postponement. WorkSafe has been notified. Running points are awarded for finishing the race in the same order as on the night; 100, 40, 25, 20, 10. Drivers are entitled to push one another into the infield, up the wall or into one another in the fight for victory. Blocking points are awarded in each race by our panel of judges for the most effective blockers; 80, 40, 20. Teams Nationals 2021. . The HANS device is now a primary piece of safety equipment used by every driver when racing. Each team will race a minimum of two times. Log in with your email address and password below Forgot your password? For the second year running, Covid-19 has robbed the event of its international flavour with the Great Britain Lions team not competing. There have been two deaths at the Superstock Teams Racing championship. Contact Details. #mainlandstockcarteamschamps 2022/23 Stockcar Teams Champs Feb 24/25 @ Huntly. Haven't registered yet? Will you pick a few expensive stars and a couple of lesser lights, or will you pick a team of solid mid-tier racers? The Manawat Mustangs enforcer shattered the glass ceiling back in 2019 when she made history as the first female to be selected and race for a team at the ENZED SuperStock Teams Champs. The incident happened at the Superstock Teams Champs event being held this weekend. Website by Bizweb NZ, Rain Date-Pollock Cranes NZ Superstock Championship, Garage 16 NZ Modified Championship Qualifying, Garage 16 NZ Modified Championship Finals & Waikato Superstock Champs, Rain Date- Garage 16 NZ Modified Championship. The top eight qualifying teams will go . - Grades Racing: Super Saloons, Stockcar Teams, Saloons, & Youth Ministocks - - The Woodfordglen Speedway is a fantastic place to lap up the heat in Kaiapoi Streetstock Grand Prix - Woodford Glen - 7/8th January 2022. Venues & Events Palmerston North is a division of Palmerston North City Council. The meaning behind the name in particular the words Compass has the traditional coordinates of North, South, East and West, with the word Muster meaning the gathering or coming together of people. The traditional Scrutineering will take place as normal with live Music, Food Stalls, a Classic Stockcar Display and Expo stands and much more to help build the excitement before the Superstocks convoy to the track. Qualifying will be determined by a points system. Salter Cartage New Zealand Stockcar Championship; Modified Dirt Cup 23; North Island Streetstock Championship; . The coroner accepted fatalities were relatively rare in superstock racing, although the likelihood of injury was not. Vehicle Checking otherwise known as Scrutineering will have a slightly different approach at The 2022/2023 Pollock Cranes NZ Superstock Championship. Palmerston North Speedway Ltd. Championship. For all its brutality, teams racing is an incredibly tactical art, where attacking the right opposition car is critical. The learning curve for team and driver will be steep, but the grandson of Indy 500 legend . A witness, who declined to give their name, said the crash happened during the first race of the night. For those teams who do not qualify, there will be a second-tier teams event on night two. And the biggest hit around is teams champs at Palmerston Norths Robertson Prestige International Speedway where more than 30,000 passionate fans will be in attendance over two nights with many more from around the world tuning in via a Videohub pay-per-view live stream. Junior Member. The top four finalists from the 2022/2023. "He has driven into the rear of the other car, tried pushing it into the wall, but he's gone head on into the wall. In a groundbreaking moment for the sport back in 2019, Barr was awarded the Spike Richardson Memorial Trophy, an honour reserved for the most entertaining driver of the weekend, in her first appearance. Your team consists of 5 drivers, so use your appearance money wisely! This is the premier event on the national and international speedway calendars, where fans travel from far and wide to attend this unique event with the most thrilling atmosphere. Camera and video recording equipment are permitted at the race events only on the condition that all ownership and property rights in any images of the event are FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL AND PRIVATE USE ONLY. The witness said the race began at 5.45pm and it took the cars 22 minutes to complete six laps because there had been four big hits. Rebecca Barr will be a key team member for the Manawat Mustangs again in 2022. a former stock car driver who switched to open-wheel last year and immediately made an impact in USF2000 with Cape. 2021 ENZED SuperStock Teams Champs Finals. We can provide production, audio Visual, and live streaming for your events The driver was Stephen Penn, a member of the Manawat Mustangs. We are advising people to hold their tickets and the relevant information will be available in due course, he said. Promoter Bruce Robertson said there had been an incident and racing had been called off. GATES OPEN 5PM, RACING STARTS 7PM (Unless otherwise stated on the race calendar), NO GLASS IS TO BE BROUGHT INTO THE FACILITY FOR SAFETY REASONS. On 9 February 2009, Peter Barry, aged 44, was flown to Wellington Hospital in a critical condition with severe head injury. Porter Hire International Sprintcars plus Panthers vs Hawkeyes Teams Race. New Zealand - Waikaraka - 28/29th December 2022 - 1st Josh Walsh 35s, 2nd Scott Tennant 808a, 3rd Gary Lonergan 3NZ . Canterbury Gleneagles v Palmerston North Panthers, Palmerston North Panthers v Stratford Scrappers, Canterbury GlenEagles v Stratford Scrappers. It's your call. Address: 175 Neilson Street, Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand. The New Zealand Superstock Championship is an annually contested national championship for superstocks on a rotating track schedule. It was a seriously big hit but it doesnt usually happen like that.. [The driver] came down the straight hard, hit the other car, went sideways, flicked back and went head on straight into the wall. Now its just about smashing the opposition in the most brutal and entertaining form of speedway on the planet. Live streaming, on demand and DVD ordering of live speedway and other sport events in New Zealand. Home; Manawatu Superstock Champs + Stockcar Teams Invasion. Oct 03, 2021. Children (8-15 years): $10. Superstock Teams Champs 2022. Hoosier. Classes racing are only an indication and are subject to change, depending on competitor numbers. NZ Minisprint Champs + Superstock 248 Global Challenge 18/02/2023, NZ MInisprint Champs + Global 248s Superstock Challenge 18/02/2023 OnDemand, ENZED Superstock Teams 2023 - DVD Version - This product will be delivered in March, ENZED Superstock Teams 2023 - USB Version - This product will be delivered in March, Manawatu Saloon, TQs and Minisprint Champs Featuring Shane Van Gisbergen, Peter Richard Partridge - GoSlideways - Celebration of Life, International Midgets Rain Out 3rd Jan 23 On Demand, NZ Stockcars Finals 29th Dec 22 On Demand, NZ Stockcars Qualifying 28th Dec 22 OnDemand, Manawatu Sidecar + King of the Arena Super Saloon + Ramp Derby 26th Dec 22, Manawatu Super Saloon Champs & Superstock Teams Extravaganza 10/12/2022, 50 Years of the Tank Palmerston North On Demand, 50 Years of the Tank meeting plus bonus material from the Tank Legends night - DVD Version, 50 Years of the Tank meeting plus bonus material from the Tank Legends night - USB Version, 26th Nov Manawatu Superstock Champs & Stockcar Teams Invasion 26/11/2022 OnDemand, Fireworks Spectacular + Ramp Demolition Derby + KotA Superstock Pairs + Ray Tarrant Memorial Sidecar, Robin Pratt Stockcar Memorial 2022/2023 OnDemand, Manawatu Superstock, Stockcar & Minisprint Champs + 248 Global Challenge 28/05/2022, ENZED/Dewtec Superstock Teams Champs - Finals 24/04/2022, ENZED/Dewtec Superstock Teams Champs - Qualifying 23/04/2022, ENZED SUPERSTOCK TEAMS 2022 NIGHT 1 - ON DEMAND, Easter Superstock Dash For Cash + Midget All Stars Series 15/04/2022, 2021 Sunday TWS Nationals SuperStock Teams Champs, Feilding Auto Electrical Winter Race Series 2018 - Round 1, Feilding Auto Electrical Winter Race Series Round 2,3&4 Package, NZ Superstocks 2015/2016 Official Dual DVD, TEAMS WEEKEND SPECIAL - ENZED SUPERSTOCK TEAMS 2014, 12 December PN v Gisborne v Wanganui Superstock Teams + Stockcar Teams Invasion, 2021 ENZED SuperStock Teams Champs Finals, Superstock Team Champs Saturday Qualifying. NZ Super Saloon 2015/2016 Final. Think UFC mixed with motor racing. Steel bumper v steel bumper with only the concrete wall as a respite. Beware of which team your drivers are in - are they likely to still be racing on the second night, earning you more points? 2,187 talking about this. Blocking points are awarded in each race by our panel of judges for the most effective blockers; 80, 40, 20. WAIKARAKA SPEEDWAY . NZStocksH29300116. Four teams qualify through to the semifinals on Sunday night where the qualifying points system is scrapped and first car past the chequered flag takes the win for their team. Rebecca Barr will contest her fourth teams champs this Anzac weekend. The traditional Scrutineering will take place as normal with live Music, Food Stalls, a Classic Stockcar Display and Expo stands and much more to help build the excitement before the Superstocks convoy to the track. Stephen Penn takes a chequered flag for the Manawat Mustangs after their win over the Whanganui Warriors in December last year. Explore official results of Stockcar Teams Invasion, Car event 15 January 2022. the Enzed-Dewtec New Zealand Superstock Teams Champs was a victim . Superstock Team Champs Saturday Qualifying. Saloons . Manawatu Superstock Champs + Stockcar Teams Invasion. This is the premier event on the national and international speedway calendars, where fans travel from far and wide to attend this unique event with the most thrilling atmosphere. It would be nice to qualify for the second night, thats for sure,. The event attracts crowds of 14,000 people on each day of the event, as they are entertained by up to 14 teams, all fighting with full-contact allowed for the ultimate New Zealand speedway crown. A driver has died after crashing at the SuperStock Teams Champs in Palmerston North. #stockcar. Thursday, 28 July 2022 . Board to discuss the 2022 Superstock Teams Champs held at Palmerston North. Welcome to Fantasy Teams Champs, where you will find answers to those questions on a night of brutal racing. You are NOT permitted to make any images or footage available, including LIVE STREAMING to any other person by any means for any purpose whatsoever without permission from the WSSCC. Please check back regularly for any updates on classes racing. New Zealand Streetstocks Champs - Blenheim - 2/3rd January 2022. Stockcar Championships. Finals Super Saturday will see our primary sponsor Pollock Cranes as naming rights to the Finals Showdownof the Top 26 qualifiers, then 27 to 52 qualifiers will battle it out for Tier 2 honours in the Lightning Concrete Next 26 and then the Advance Joinery Tier 3 Honours for the 53 to 79th placed qualifiers. 2022 05:00 PM 4 . You have secured $3,000 appearance money to recruit your team, and each driver costs a certain amount of money. The Mustangs have been a transient team of late, with many changes from year to year, but Barr said having a couple of early-season teams races leading into this years event has helped the team gel. At 7pm the ground announcer told the large crowd racing could not continue, but did not provide further details. Race fans, the Huntly International Speedway in association with major sponsor Pollock Cranes are finally able to confirm, announce and launch the confirmed dates for 2022/2023 Pollock Cranes NZ Superstock Championship to take place on. Its a busy and at times a stressful weekend for all drivers but Barr said having her fathers experience and ability to repair her car to the highest standard makes her weekend much easier. Its just unbelievable.. When they had finished the crowd gave a standing ovation. Motoring - Events; When: 26/11/2022 - 26/11/2022: Link: . Camera and video recording equipment are permitted at the race events only on the condition that all ownership and property rights in any images of the event are FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL AND PRIVATE USE ONLY. New Zealand Sprintcar Champs - Ruapuna - 5/6th February 2022. Bruce Robertson 027 457 . Therefore it is the coming together of a Speedway society from all 4 corners of NZ to Huntly. Welcome to Stockcarscene. . READ MORE: * Crowds electric as Teams Champs carnage takes to the track * 'Thats crazy': Superstock teams racer Rebecca Barr on smashing glass ceilings and the opposition * Stratford speedway beats rain to finish meeting. . Barr has been fortunate enough to not have any major injuries in teams racing, where drivers play for keeps. 2021 Capital Pools New Zealand Stockcar Teams Champs from Max Motors Wellington SpeedwayFull coverage New Zealand Stockcar Teams Champs. The New Zealand Superstock Teams Championship is a 2-day event held annually at Central Energy Trust Arena in Palmerston North, New Zealand. If you could build your own dream team to compete at this years ENZED Superstock Teams Champs who would you pick?