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Every motor vehicle transporting Class 1 (explosive) materials must either have a closed body or have the body thereof covered with a tarpaulin, and in either event care must be taken to protect the load from moisture and sparks, except that subject to other provisions of these regulations, Class 1 (explosive) materials other than black powder may be transported on flat-bed vehicles if the explosive portion of the load on each vehicle is packed in fire and water resistant containers or covered with a fire and water resistant tarpaulin. (ii) Loaded into a closed unit load device and the foodstuffs, feed, or other edible material are loaded into another closed unit load device; (2) Bearing or required to bear a POISON, POISON GAS or POISON INHALATION HAZARD label in the driver's compartment (including a sleeper berth) of a motor vehicle; or. (d) Multipurpose bulk trucks. This site provides information about preventing occupational illness and injury in the trucking industry through links to summaries, training presentations, publications and other resources. Provides links and references to training and other resources related to the trucking industry. This standard would include such mechanical devices as jack stands. WebHowever, interior combinations of axles, such as the "tractor bridge" (axles 1, 2, and 3) and "trailer bridge" (axles 2, 3, 4, and 5), must also comply with weights computed by the Bridge Formula (Figure 3). Disinfection may be by any means effective for neutralizing the material released. (3) There is no flame, either on the catalyst or anywhere in the heater. (ii) Packages of Class 7 (radioactive) materials bearing Yellow III labels, (iii) Division 2.3, Hazard Zone A or Hazard Zone B materials or Division 6.1, PG I, Hazard Zone A materials, or. (iii) The motive power has been removed from the cargo tank and removed from the premises. (1) Assure himself/herself that the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section have 177-78, 55 FR 52712, Dec. 21, 1990; Amdt. Related OSHA Safety and Health Topics pages. 1926.453 - Aerial lifts. - Occupational Safety and Health The qualified person attending the unloading of a cargo tank must be alert and have an unobstructed view of the cargo tank and delivery hose to the maximum extent practicable during the unloading operation; or. (q) Unloading procedures for liquefied petroleum gas and anhydrous ammonia in other than metered delivery service. Assuming this practice is violated and the load is not otherwise secured by There must be no overhang once the trailer is loaded, and drivers should have clear visibility on all sides of the vehicle. First, check that all truck and trailer wheels are 15, 1976; Amdt. Those rules are called regulations. Some agencies, such as OSHA, refer to their regulations as standards, but they carry the same power the power of the law that called for their creation. Thats an important point. The terms OSHA standard and OSHA regulation are synonymous, so feel free to use whichever you prefer. While OSHA does not regulate self-employed truckers, it does regulate workplaces to which the truckers deliver goods and the workers which receive those goods. The Division 6.1 PG I, Hazard Zone A materials must be loaded on pallets and separated from the Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, and Class 8 materials by a minimum horizontal distance of 2.74 m (9 feet) when in conformance with the following: (1) The TIH materials are packaged in combination packagings as prescribed in 173.226(c) of this subchapter. Vehicles must never be overloaded. (3) If the facility hose is equipped with a passive means to shut off the flow of product that conforms to and is maintained to the performance standard in 173.315(n)(2) of this subchapter, the qualified person may attend the unloading operation in accordance with the attendance requirements prescribed for the material being unloaded in 177.834 of this section. 177-85, 60 FR 50335, Sept. 28, 1995; 63 FR 52850, Oct. 1, 1998; 65 FR 58631, Sept. 29, 2000; 67 FR 53142, Aug. 14, 2002; 75 FR 53597, Sept. 1, 2010; 79 FR 40618, July 11, 2014]. WebA Dock Worker is responsible for the loading and unloading of cargo from containers and trailers in a transportation facility. (A) Prior to each use, each hose must be inspected to ensure that it is of sound quality, without defects detectable through visual observation; and. WebEnsure the vehicle or trailer has its brakes applied and all stabilisers are used. What Is the OSHA Regulation for Wheel Chocks? Choosing an item from (a) Arsenical compounds in bulk. David Ward has written professionally for websites since 2009. No hazardous material shall be loaded into or on, or unloaded from, any motor vehicle unless the handbrake be securely set and all other reasonable precautions be taken to prevent motion of the motor vehicle during such loading or unloading process. (n) Specification 56, 57, IM 101, and IM 102 portable tanks, when loaded, may not be stacked on each other nor placed under other freight during transportation by motor vehicle. (h) Precautions concerning containers in transit; fueling road units. (a) Each motor vehicle used for transporting Class 7 (radioactive) materials under exclusive use conditions in accordance with 173.427(b)(4), 173.427(c), or 173.443(b) of this subchapter must be surveyed with radiation detection instruments after each use. L. 103-311, 108 Stat. WebLoads should be spread as evenly as possible, during both loading and unloading. This check must be made after the pressure in the discharge system has reached at least equilibrium with the pressure in the cargo tank. For a wireless transmitter/receiver, the person conducting the test must be at least 45.72 m (150 feet) from the cargo tank and may have the cargo tank in his line of sight. If you have questions for the Agency that issued the current document please contact the agency directly. (r) Unloading using facility-provided hoses. (h) The driver of a motor vehicle transporting a Division 2.1 (flammable gas) material that is a cryogenic liquid in a package exceeding 450 L (119 gallons) of water capacity shall avoid unnecessary delays during transportation. (2) Unloading. The following table is to be used in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section: Note: The distance in this table must be measured from the nearest point on the nearest packages of Class 7 (radioactive) material. You are using an unsupported browser. (2) The heater is not ignited in a loaded vehicle. OSHA also has jurisdiction in airport terminals unless the FAA has negotiated an airport manual and safety plan with a carrier which has a provision that preempts OSHA's jurisdiction by Section 4(b)1 for that provision. While at the loading dock, OSHA states that, "A positive mechanical means to secure trucks or trailers to a loading dock" can be used provided that effectively immobilizes the vehicle. is available with paragraph structure matching the official CFR The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow Any package containing any hazardous material, not permanently attached to a motor vehicle, must be secured against shifting, including relative motion between packages, within the vehicle on which it is being transported, under conditions normally incident to transportation. Trailer trucks must be restrained/chocked during forklift (ii) For deliveries where the qualified person attending the unloading operation cannot maintain an unobstructed view of the cargo tank, when the internal self-closing stop valve is open, the qualified person must observe both the cargo tank and the receiving container at least once every five minutes during unloading operations that take more than five minutes to complete. (f) Notwithstanding the segregation requirements of 177.848(d), when transported by highway by private or contract motor carrier, Division 6.1 PG I, Hazard Zone A toxic-by-inhalation (TIH) materials meeting the definition of a hazardous waste as provided in 171.8 of this subchapter, may be transported on the same transport vehicle with materials classed as Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, and Class 8. Nothing contained in this section shall be so construed as to prohibit the loading of such cylinders on any motor vehicle having a floor or platform and racks as hereinbefore described. WebK SECURING LOADS FOR TRANSPORT / BINDERS & WRAPPERS Oregon Administrative Rules Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division 437-007-1010(10)(a) K-4 437-007-1015(2)(a)(B) (a) Must meet the requirements of 437-007-1010(7), or (b) All perimeter logs must be contained by no less than two wrappers. (iii) Restrictions on automatic cargo-space-heating temperature control devices. Workers engaged in the loading or unloading of suspension-type highway trailers may be at an increased risk of injury due to the inability of damaged trailers to support the weight of the powered industrial truck used to load or unload the trailer. No detonator may be transported on the same motor vehicle with any Division 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 material (except other detonators, detonator assemblies or boosters with detonators), detonating cord Division 1.4 material or Division 1.5 material unless -, (1) It is packed in a specification MC 201 ( 178.318 of this subchapter) container; or, (2) The package conforms with requirements prescribed in 173.62 of this subchapter, and its use is restricted to instances when -, (i) There is no Division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.5 material loaded on the motor vehicle; and, (ii) A separation of 61 cm (24 inches) is maintained between each package of detonators and each package of detonating cord; or, (3) It is packed and loaded in accordance with a method approved by the Associate Administrator. If cylinders are secured to a pallet, the pallet must be designed to transport 1,590 kg (3,500 lbs.) Unless the delivery hose is equipped with a shut-off valve at its discharge end, the engine of the motor vehicle shall be stopped at the finish of such loading or unloading operation while the filling or discharge connections are disconnected. The vehicle should be as stable as possible. Vehicle weight Loading The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. In doing so, they prevent not only up-ending of the trailer, but slight tips that can injure workers who are loading or unloading the trailer. For each shipment, the driver shall make a written record of the cargo tank pressure and ambient (outside) temperature: (2) Immediately before and after any manual venting. Subscribe to: Changes in Title 49 :: Subtitle B :: Chapter I :: Subchapter C :: Part 177 :: Subpart B. (c) Class 1 (explosive) materials on vehicles in combination. Load Securement Regulations To provide against ignition of vapors by discharge of static electricity, the latter connection shall be made at a point well removed from the opening from which the Class 3 (flammable liquid) material is to be discharged. This requirement does not apply if the activation device is part of a system that will shut off the unloading operation without human intervention in the event of a leak or separation in the hose. Trailer Door Safety contact the publishing agency. Included is a section, Log Loading andTransporting, which outlines the required and recommended work practices that can reduce logging hazards to the vehicle (h) Division 4.2 (pyrophoric liquid) materials in cylinders. (iii) Hoses used in the loading or unloading operations are equipped with cable-connected wedges, plungers, or flapper valves located at each end of the hose, able to stop the flow of product from both the source and the receiving tank within one second without human intervention in the event of a hose rupture, disconnection, or separation. In all locations, OSHA has jurisdiction over forklift operators and terminal employees who perform loading and unloading operations. All of that portion of the lading of any motor vehicle transporting Class 4 (flammable solid) or Class 5 (oxidizing) materials shall be contained entirely within the body of the motor vehicle and shall be covered by such body, by tarpaulins, or other suitable means, and if such motor vehicle has a tailboard or tailgate, it shall be closed and secured in place during such transportation: Provided, however, That the provisions of this paragraph need not apply to pick-up and delivery motor vehicles when such motor vehicles are used in no other transportation than in and about cities, towns, or villages. Web1926.453 (a) (1) Unless otherwise provided in this section, aerial lifts acquired for use on or after January 22, 1973 shall be designed and constructed in conformance with the (4) The heating system will not heat any part of the cargo to more than 54 C (130 F). Generally, the length of a trailer is 53 feet, but single-piece loads can be transported on extendable semitrailers up to 75 feet if they are not loaded end to end, and the overall length does not exceed 100 feet. (e) Persons should not remain unnecessarily in a vehicle containing Class 7 (radioactive) materials. You can WebThis section highlights OSHA standards and documents related to powered industrial trucks. (l) Use of cargo heaters when transporting certain hazardous material. Loading The transportation of a Division 2.3 (poisonous gas) or Division 6.1 (poisonous) material is not permitted if there is any interconnection between packagings. (k) Attendance of Class 1 (explosive) materials. For Federal Register citations affecting 177.834, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at Unless the engine of a cargo tank motor vehicle is to be used for the operation of a pump, Class 3 material may not be loaded into, or on, or unloaded from any cargo tank motor vehicle while the engine is running. There are other federal agencies that guide rules for tractor trailers. formatting. 177.841 Division 6.1 (poisonous) materials and Division 2.3 (poisonous gas) materials. This prohibition does not apply if, prior to expiration of the OWTT, the cargo tank is brought to full equilibration as specified in paragraph (j) of this section. 1/1.1 In addition, each package must be must be placed in a plastic bag which is taped closed and then overpacked in a UN 1A2 steel drum tested and marked for a PG II or higher performance level with insulation material inside to protect the cylinders from fire. In addition, the segregation requirements in 177.848 do not apply. (l) Operating procedure. (C) A cylinder containing Division 2.3 Hazard Zone A materials must be separated from non-bulk packagings and IBCs meeting a UN performance standard containing the residue of materials in Division 2.1, 4.3, or 5.1, or Class 3 or 8 by a minimum horizontal distance of 3 m (10 feet). WebBackground on FMCSA and OSHA Requirements: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations state that a driver must not operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) if the load isnt properly secured. Your railings must: WebOSHA establishes rules for tractor trailers under its guidelines in 1970.178. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. If there is an unintentional release of product to the environment during unloading of a liquefied compressed gas, the qualified person unloading the cargo tank motor vehicle must promptly shut the internal self-closing stop valve or other primary means of closure and shut down all motive and auxiliary power equipment. (p) Unloading procedures for liquefied petroleum gas and anhydrous ammonia in metered delivery service. (b) Portable tank containers containing Class 2 (gases) materials shall be loaded on motor vehicles only as follows: (1) Onto a flat floor or platform of a motor vehicle. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. (ii) The qualified person observes all loading or unloading operations by means of video cameras and monitors or instrumentation and signaling systems such as sensors, alarms, and electronic surveillance equipment located at a remote control station, and the loading or unloading system is equipped as follows: (A) For a video monitoring system used to meet the attendance requirement, the camera must be mounted so as to provide an unobstructed view of all equipment involved in the loading or unloading operations, including all valves, hoses, domes, and pressure relief devices; (B) For an instrumentation and signaling system used to meet the attendance requirement, the system must provide a surveillance capability at least equal to that of a human observer; (C) Upon loss of video monitoring capability or instrumentation and signaling systems, loading or unloading operations must be immediately terminated; (D) Shut-off valves operable from the remote control station must be provided; (E) In the event of a remote system failure, a qualified person must immediately resume attending the loading or unloading of the cargo tank as provided in paragraph (i)(3)(i) of this section; (F) A containment area must be provided capable of holding the contents of as many cargo tank motor vehicles as might be loaded at any single time; and, (G) A qualified person must personally conduct a visual inspection of each cargo tank motor vehicle after it is loaded, prior to departure, for any damage that may have occurred during loading; or. Special care shall be taken in the loading of any motor vehicle with Class 4 (flammable solid) or Class 5 (oxidizing) materials which are likely to become hazardous to transport when wet, to keep them from being wetted during the loading process and to keep them dry during transit. (3) Cylinders containing material classed as Division 2.3, Hazard Zone A. The outside of the overpack must be marked with an indication that the inner packagings conform to the prescribed specifications. For Federal Register citations affecting 177.841, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at When 172.101 of this subchapter specifies that Class 1 (explosive) materials may be transported in accordance with 173.66 of this subchapter (per special provision 148 in 172.102(c)(1)), these materials may be transported on the same vehicle with Division 5.1 (oxidizing) materials, or Class 8 (corrosive) materials, and/or Combustible Liquid, n.o.s., NA1993 only under the conditions and requirements set forth in IME Standard 23 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter) and paragraph (g) of this section. In any event, all practicable means, in addition to these hereinbefore prescribed, shall be taken to protect and warn other users of the highway against the hazard involved in any such transfer or against the hazard occasioned by the emergency making such transfer necessary. If restraint systems are not used, trailers must be properly chocked to prevent movement as required in OSHA standards 29 CFR 1910.178(k)(1) and 29 CFR Shipment in water-tight bulk containers need not be covered by a tarpaulin or other means. Web(4) The rules in this paragraph (b) do not apply to the driver of a sealed commercial motor vehicle who has been ordered not to open it to inspect its cargo or to the driver of a commercial motor vehicle that has been loaded in a manner that makes inspection of its cargo impracticable. (2) Where more than one group of packages is present in any single storage location, a single group may not have a total transport index greater than 50. (c) Wrappers must be placed near each (3) There is no connection for return of air from the cargo compartment to the combustion apparatus. (ii) That both the detonators and the container or compartment meet the requirements of the IME Standard 22 (IBR, see 171.7 of this subchapter). People that load trailers, must start with the premise that trailer doors do not qualify as securement devices. Drivers must not be impaired by drugs or alcohol. (b) Packages of Class 7 (radioactive) material bearing RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-II or RADIOACTIVE YELLOW-III labels may not be placed in a transport vehicle, storage location or in any other place closer than the distances shown in the following table to any area which may be continuously occupied by any passenger, employee, or animal, nor closer than the distances shown in the table to any package containing undeveloped film (if so marked), and must conform to the following conditions: (1) If more than one of these packages is present, the distance must be computed from the following table on the basis of the total transport index number determined by adding together the transport index number on the labels on the individual packages and overpacks in the vehicle or storeroom. Extreme care shall be taken in the loading or unloading of any Class 1 (explosive), Class 3 (flammable liquid), Class 4 (flammable solid), Class 5 (oxidizing), or Division 2.1 (flammable gas) materials into or from any motor vehicle to keep fire away and to prevent persons in the vicinity from smoking, lighting matches, or carrying any flame or lighted cigar, pipe, or cigarette. WebLoading & Unloading Semi-Trailers 1910.178 (k) (1) The brakes of highway trucks shall be set and wheel chocks placed under the rear wheels to prevent the trucks from rolling while they are boarded with powered industrial trucks. Trucking Industry - Loading and Unloading | Occupational WebGross trailer weight rating. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the agency that establishes rules for safety in the workplace. will also bring you to search results. Ammonium nitrate having organic coating must not be loaded in all-metal vehicles, other than those made of aluminum or aluminum alloys of the closed type. (2) For a cargo tank with a capacity greater than 13,247.5 L (3,500 water gallons), excluding delivery hose and piping, the qualified person attending the unloading operation must remain within 45.72 m (150 feet) of the cargo tank and 7.62 m (25 feet) of the delivery hose when the internal self-closing stop valve is open. (2) The pressure in the cargo tank must be measured at least ten minutes after the manual release is terminated. Class 4 (flammable solid) materials, Class 5 (oxidizing) materials, and Division 4.2 (self-heating and pyrophoric liquid) materials. However, the guidelines are broad, guiding use by all "fork trucks, tractors, platform lift trucks, A safe haven that conforms to NFPA 498 (IBR, see 171.7 of the subchapter) constitutes a federally approved safe haven for the unattended storage of vehicles containing Division 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 materials. OSHA Regulations for Flatbed Trailer and Loading Dock Guardrails If you've come to the conclusion that guardrails are the right fall protection solution for your