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Each area will be supported by a dedicated neighbourhoodengagement and education officer who will work directly with the community to help keep the streets clean and encourage local people to organise and take part in social action projects. Council structure. Redbridge London Borough Council is the local authority for Redbridge in Greater London, England, and one of the capital's 32 borough councils. 5,709 Employees . Online forms linked to our Revenues & Benefit System will be unavailable from 10pm Fri 3 until 8am Mon 6 March, this is due to Year End Processing. Cons. For general feedback about our website, use box below. response at London Borough of Redbridge, 10^th floor (front), High Road, Your request for information has now been considered and unfortunately it The proposals, put forward at full council on Thursday, September 19, were approved despite objections from Redbridge Conservatives. London Borough of Redbridge, [1][Redbridge Borough Council request email] Hammersmith & Fulham Council Management Structure April 2018 Author: Save time, go online: [5] The Independent Chair of the RSCP reports to the Council's Chief Executive. and/or subject to the provisions of privacy legislation. responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email As a member of the Kingston Strategic Partnership as well as the Governing Body of Kingston CCG she uses her influence and leadership to develop and strengthen joint working to improve health and prosperity for people who live, work and study in the borough. Council tax 020 8708 5670 - open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. She then completed her training to be a solicitor (Legal Practice Course) at the London College of Law in 2006. Housing 020 8708 4002 - open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.45pm. WhatDoTheyKnow also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. They are usually members of a political party, though some may choose not to belong to any party and are called independents. Directorate Support Assistant Currently the only structure chart available is at a high level, and He has led a range of projects including the development of High House Production Park and the creation of a new town centre in Purfleet, the delivery of commercial and affordable housing and Redbridges work to revitalise Ilford town centre. Critical to Sarah's role is her leadership of the Councils overall Transformation programme. If you do not have access to t he internet, information can be sent to you if you contact 020 85 18 2400 and ask for Asset Management. View the Redbridge Council management structure chart (PDF 46KB). The Speaker. The management team takes responsibility for all of the council's activitiesunder the supportof the Council Members, making sure that services are delivered in accordance with policies and in the best interests of residents. Corporate Director of Change: Joe Garrod. He started his career as a teacher and has also led alternative education and creative learning provision in libraries, museums, art galleries and theatres. services through our wholly owned subsidiary We provide commercial Visible links Hoarding licence pricing. Directors and Service heads reporting to Executive Director of Environment and Communities. Since October 2021, Redbridge Council has funded 500,000 free school meals through the holidays to help make sure no child goes hungry and is partnering with local Tin in a Bin charity to support families who may not be able to access this support. Inspectors were impressed by the quality of the work delivered by his service and the learning culture which was developed over time, resulting in sustainable improvement and consistently good outcomes for children, young people and their families. 5. Director of Adults, Health and Communities: Beverley Tarka. Valentin Danciu. use, disclose, copy, print or disseminate the information contained within Telephone: 01708 432201. Get the best from this site. I graduated from New York University in 2020, where I completed my Master's of Art in Comparative Politics. arrange an internal review of your case. is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) including the names and job titles of every person that work within 4. Directors nominate a senior officer in their management team to represent them at management team meetings if they are not able to attend. Head of Service Community Health & Adult Social Care C & L Cluster London Borough of Redbridge London, England, United Kingdom . confidential information some or all of which may be legally privileged As of 6May2022[update], Redbridge Council comprises 55 Labour Party members, 5 Conservative Party members and three seats are vacant. For complaints or compliments, please go to Complaints or Compliments. Head of Looked After Children and Care Leavers. Corporate Director: Ann Sutcliffe, email address; Health, Adults and Community Redbridge Council has redoubled its commitment to tackling violence against women and girls by launching ThisHasToStop, a multi-year initiative to challenge sexist behaviour. Other. Iona has worked as a senior leader in Public Health in Kingston for the past 13 years, six with the NHS and nearly seven with Kingston Council, the last 3 years as Director of Public Health. Services on the ground are now joined up into neighbourhood teams covering the north, south, east and west of the borough. Jermaine Agyapong addressing or transmission error has misdirected this e-mail; you must not The management team works closely with the Cabinet cycle and meet fortnightly. Search for locations by name or enter a postcode to centre the map on a particular address. Senior leadership team. The Level 2 Diploma in Women's Hairdressing is a substantial vocational qualification for students seeking a career as an employed and/or self-employed . There have previously been a number of local authorities responsible for the Redbridge area. 22.00 for 1 month's extension ; Pricing for the first month is calculated as follows: 77.00 per linear metre with a minimum site cost of 462.00(equivalent to a 6 metre site) - Example: 6mtr site = 462.00, 7mtr site = 539.00, 8mtr site = 616.00. mySociety solely for the addressee. Finance and Investment. Redbridge is divided into 22 wards with 3 elected councillors for 19 wards and 2 councillors for 3 wards, making 63 councillors in total. Senior Management Structure Chief Executive Claire Symonds Corporate Director of RESOURCES Maria G Christofi Operational Director of Finance (Deputy S151 Officer) Ian Ambrose Operational Director of Assurance Pervinder Sandhu (Acting) Operational Director Revenues Benefits and Transactional Centre Capital Programmes and Maintenance. Meet the team. SLT is also responsible for the forward-looking . Jobs in the Trust are advertised both here and on the Vision website. Are you the owner of any commercial copyright on this page? 2. Business, Employment and Skills. Deputy Chief Executive Directorate. Lauren is the councils General Counsel. Antony Madden. Each member of the Council's Senior Leadership Team (SLT) has key areas of responsibility, but together are jointly responsible (under the Chief Executive) for turning the strategic direction of the Council - set by its elected councillors - into operational policy. It is one of London's most emerging Boroughs, located in the north-east of the capital with a growing, diverse and . There are4 Members of Parliament representing constituencies within Redbridge, each MP serves in the House of Commons, representing his or her constituency. sender, except where the sender specifically states these to be the views Previously, I worked at Population Europe (MPIDR) as a Project Coordinator focusing on social media and email marketing, event planning, and supporting demographers across Europe. Essex, telephone 0208 708 2331, e-mail [3][Redbridge Borough Council request email] who will Ian was previously the Managing Director of Achieving for Children, where he was responsible for leading the company commissioned to deliver childrens services in Kingston, Richmond and Windsor and Maidenhead. 44 York Street. this e-mail. Raj Mistry is our Executive Director of Environment and City Management. We use cookies to improve your user experience. Telephone: 020 8891 7609. Email: For complaints or compliments, please go to Complaints or Compliments. Download In May 2018, Sutton Children's Services underwent a service transformation which focused on increasing our early help offer to families, introducing locality teams and implementing our new model of restorative practice. Freedom of Information Act 2000, Thank you for your request for information that was received on25 January Redbridge Safeguarding Children Partnership (RSCP) is made up of the main Partnership meeting and two Sub-Groups. The Leader of the Council is Councillor Georgia Gould. Pinakin Patel, Strategic Head of Performance and Transformation. As head of the paid service, the Chief Executive isto give reasonable instructions to any member of staff, senior or junior, within the framework of policies agreed by the Cabinet and the council, and subject to the law and best practice. Vision Redbridge Culture & Leisure Ltd is one of the UK's largest culture and leisure trusts with a turnover of 21m . The Leader is the Chair of the Cabinet, a group of elected councillors who make most of the decisions about what we do. He holds a Masters Degree in Developing Professional Practice (incorporating change management) and is a Masters level qualified Executive Coach and Mentor. The team is made up of the Chief Executive and four corporate directors who lead the departments: Resources, Strategy, People and Place. 2023concerningIR - organisational structure charts, We are dealing with yourrequestunder theFreedom of Information Act You can also feedback about the entire site. Corporate Director of People and Organisational Development and Business Support: Ben Browne. contact the Information Officer within 20 working days of the date of this The team meets the full Cabinet on a regular basis, and meets the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council fortnightly. A full-time experienced administrator with experience of clerking school admission appeals is required to perform the role of independent clerk to Secondary. Newham CYPS Commissioner (Brighter Futures), Regeneration project: Canning Town and Custom House, Chief Officer Pay Policy Statement 2022/23. Director of Placemaking and Housing: David Joyce. Run by Volunteers and powered by Alaveteli. Ian is the joint Director of Childrens Services for the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames and the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. use, disclose, copy, print or disseminate the information contained within She sees innovation and the principles of human centred design as key enablers for improving peoples lives, and enabling us to work more effectively and efficiently with citizens. the case and advise you of your rights to request an internal review and Module 1 - The Coaching Manager (01/02/2012) . The top management does not recognise the staff efforts but the team spirit among the staff was great. He has well over 30 years experience in the public, voluntary and private sectors. She has a wealth of senior executive level experience, having previously held the Chief Executive position at Newham Council and before that she was the Strategic Director for Resources in Brent Council and Chief Operating Officer in Waltham Forest. Donate and support our work. [2] After alternating between Conservative administration and no overall control from its creation, the council has been run by the Labour Party since 2014. [6], The Redbridge Mayor is elected by the Council annually. WhatDoTheyKnow also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information.