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1:31:34 Sheer propaganda, sheer propaganda. You create your child, youre in control. Nobodys going to put a gun to my head and tell me to put a mask on and going to happen. bear with me for a sec. That men 1688 led to the 1689 English Declaration of Rights. You know the places now youve got it down. To mention this, I believe a week or two ago. Oh, yeah, NGO communities. The other one is especially for the businesses that we know were especially agree egregious when it comes to this is what we do is we same 40 people, but what we do is its one at a time every 30 seconds. 1:21:23 monarchies. Anyways, theres a transcript here, but I just walked you through how serious these people Learn how serious the scumbag criminals are. Now, lets get back to the constitutional part about this. He says, so I come out on the porch. Last Word of free market system. Thats where it is the California one. Thats an interesting word panjin drums and that might sound like an Indian word actually, the exercise were wearing you know this many even though this exercise was referred to as event 201. course they lied about it, as they always do. (Recommended). Before I forget about this, I want to talk about some of your books. Not Not you, but to listeners. 1:12:04 Im Scott McKay. And she says, Well, you know, I said, she said, I just want you to know that. Look at the landscape of the nation. He is also the creator of the Patriot Streetfighter podcast where the very first episode explaining the military operation behind the 2020 Presidential Election put him into YT censoring stardom as it went viral worldwide. See, thats the thing, folks. Get in contact with Scott at https://scottmckay.us Why? Where do you think he is today? Everybody has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and understand something about the pursuit of happiness. But the states have ultimate power and control. Any income made by this site is reinvested back into STN. He goes. But thats beside the point. This clown says Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman public relations. And how can you possibly have 800,000 Kids disappear every year? The top notch tools and professional grade products, parts, and materials we use, combined with our substantial experience in the business, guarantees the quality work and results you deserve. Anyways, were going to jump into the information that you need. And after being a name radio studio, the am radio bug bit me and, and I was on am radio later on that year, so of this year is actually my 10 year anniversary of having an am radio program right now with KMD at 1490 am on Saturdays from one to three Pacific. You mean like the money laundering operation of the Red Cross? Alan Meyers okay. Ill let you fill in the blanks. My question is this. 45:09 1:21:36 civilly and criminally. If you want to get more deeper into it, you want to learn government you want to learn history while in constitution how all three of those work together in our system. And when you cover up an individuals identity, and they become just another part of the collective, theyre easier to hurt as animals. Over the last two weeks, Facebook and other social media sites have deep platformed, the author here and many other critics of regulatory corruption and authentic authority, authoritarian public health policies. I always have been. Well, the amendment right after that then comes in play. 1:11:35 He was the sports voice of WTNS and Coshocton County as a whole. Right? It will bank bank of america with his badge and he decides Im going to use it instead of talking this woman out of the bank. You better have a couple barrels with you because therell be brass casings all around me. She comes across the path of this scumbag carrying something. The deaths attributed to COVID in the real life situation are highly questionable, as we know and must be seen in the context of a global population of 7.8 billion, with about 59 natural deaths expected annually. Somebody is about to be torched. I contend they would load it up all their muskets grabbed all their buddies went in there and started a shooting gallery and ended this thing right now, right there. The years that I was actually active in elected politics, working my way, I would say working my way through that the sludge, and climbing over the wreckage that it takes to get into a higher position of elected influence. And in fact, in vaccines, he recommends a strategy to address the problems to these companies, when quote rumors were actually spreading, that theyre shoddily tested products, quote, are causing deaths. Show more. Therefore, the actual COVID-19 crisis is a bit of a dud, having imposed a mere 2.5 million deaths attributed to COVID over the past 13 months. All the Constitution does is list them, it lists a handful of them, says hey, by the way, heres some of the rights dont stomp on federal government. As somebody who was a criminal running the CDC for 30 years. So where are you going to call the police to remove me thats all the way Im leaving that or after Im done doing my business one of the other and he says no, were not gonna call the police. Hey, what made your ad fly or I saw you You went in there and you did her blah, blah, blah. Lets say we brought our founding fathers out right now. So theres a lot of stuff going on out there folks. She notes with alarm that unrest due to false rumors and divisive messaging is rising and is exacerbating spread of the disease. And after going through the constitution a couple times with me, she says, well, Doug, you really ticked me off. Tom Inglesby, Johns Hopkins, biosecurity expert adviser to National Institutes of Health, the Pentagon, and Homeland Security. Its very appropriate here to call them fork and scumbags that works very well. 1:54:34 But in truth, assessing the risk of making decisions for yourself, doesnt harm the system, because the system is designed to handle people who make their own decisions. Most You know, theres nanoscience in those vaccines that can be activated with 5g technology to do whatever the hell they want to do with you. And he also was on one American news later. Hell not going to spiritually ascend when youre still living in fear. Heres what it says. That happens every day happens in the world just from the flu. Intel Warriors. This incident made him quite famous and earned him Youtube Stardom. 8.30.21 Patriot Streetfighter Scott McKay "The Tipping Point" on That is what we were given. By the way. Because you havent woken up yet. On patriot Street Fighter eight on YouTube, you have got to go watch this video. He should be worried, quote, people believe this is manmade and that some pharmaceutical company made the virus. And folks, you wont ever go over and see that work. Pay Just S&H For Most Items! I dont know the ownership is but one African getting kicked out all the I went over the winter a woman says Hey, excuse me, sir. Thats all they do is lie to the public. In other words, they cant say, Oh, well, the governor is going to have legislative power for a little while. So when it comes to the mask, I dont put down people dont wear a mask. And there are some businesses saying they still require I dont give a shit who requires it. Monsanto central observes that to me, quote to me, it is clear countries need to make a strong f need to make strong efforts to manage both mis and disinformation. Because once you unleash the American citizen, the American patriot, especially our soldiers on US soil with their home and their family right behind them facing the enemy. Military Intelligence Exposing Operation To Take Over USA And if thats what they refuse. As of July 1st, Ken will move into full-time ministry with the United Methodist Church. Its the one show that blew everybodys mind since we started doing the Patriot Street Fighter livestream. 47:21 And he says were not going to call places, thats fine. And then, and hes like, sir, you need to leave or Im gonna have you escorted out. Now the state level, often what happens is they delegate the powers down to lower level parts of government such as the county health department. So by the time the first ones being approached, told they need to put on a mask, the next person is walking in without a mask. They will not go out of bed. They may issue quarantine policy regarding individuals on a case by case basis, but they have no authority to order a county wide shelter in place law. 1:38:41 The second time on my way into the back of Costco. Those are the people that typically run for elective office. And and, you know, I said, because Im me. Microsoft founder shell gates, organized an exercise of for tabletop simulations of a worldwide Coronavirus pandemic, with other high ranking deep state. You know how many people Im gonna have the opportunity before they dropped it, Im gonna be able to settle with you. So you know, if you want to call the police Go ahead, Im going to go shop until they get here. He was talking about TD Jakes who I know nothing about other than the fact that hes pastor. You have to be coming unglued by what youre saying? They created this outpost called Israel Bolshevik outpost because theyre in mafia, not the Israeli people, not the good people. You mean like the human trafficking operation, child sex trafficking, kidnapping of The United Nations, you mean those NGOs and all the other ones? So which created which? Im your host of revolution radio. Needless to say, that didnt happen. And Im like a Im not wearing my shoes. Have you noticed that the legislators arent passing laws regarding this? And the people that I always gravitate to, because I always respect I respect intelligence, I love to hang around. Scumbags beware! What all the systems around the world that didnt have freedom? Unquote. It was just released, he died of a heart attack. Learn What NESARA/GESARA is HERE. They theyre not principle people. So since some of these stores give a curbside, technically, according the ADA, they can discriminate against you for any disability reason, if they are willing to give you an alternative accommodation. Listen, I. So there you go. 1:10:18 Watch Today The Broadcasts that started the Patriot Street Fighter Movement! In the California legislature, the word vested means that the power is granted to the legislature, and that the power is are you ready for this irrevocable? And when they start dictating to you, and saying, Oh, well, we know youre the will of people better than you do. So well see that some of those proceeds come over there as well. The task of identifying every bad actor is a mess. Because you know, this, America loses its freedom, the entire planet goes down into satanic tyranny. Where is this? And, you know, she said its a store policy at the mask on I said, Im just telling you, I put a mask on I got a National Medical, I got to deal with this all the time. listening to these people, or to you around and tell you how you have to live your life. They invert everything. He comes in to throw his weight around, wrestles her to the ground injures her. As usual, theyre always forking cowards, theyre cowards. And I mean, I think theyre kind of dumb, but but you know, what? You know whats harsh. Published on 25 May 2021 / In News and Politics. A Wrestling Podcast The Wayne Dupree Podcast Maajid Nawaz The David Pakman Show vivafrei Rand Paul Rob Braxman Tech Rengawr Donald J. Trump Steve Ronin Kimberly Guilfoyle TalismanTate Jason Corey Cane Corso Geometryptamine Jeremy Lynch Boho . And I guarantee you all the other states are very similar if not the same. And youre not going to be armed with data from a constitutional law expert, whos going to inform you of what the Constitution gives you in terms of protection and power. The benefits society, it benefits them always. Real thinking individuals, people who actually use their intellect, who research study, look at the landscape of society as it exists. 25:30 lavonne through Singapores finance minister suggests that the government might make examples of dissidents with quote, government or enforcement actions against fake news. Were going to have. theres going to be more and more people that are going to wake up to this bullshit somehow theyre going to wake up I know many of you look around and you think I dont think some of these people are ever going to wake up. Theyre greedy, blood sucking, self interested traders, many of them say, well, its a little harsh. Scott Mckay | Patriot Streetfighter The first book is probably the one if youre a beginner the constitution youre just learning. minus a couple, minus a few. 1:49:37 Theyre going to have to call the police to come in try to get me out of there. Patriot streetfighter3 & Revolution Radio host. Scott McKay's latest 1:48:00 When they swing that camera, which they do very little at the crowd over the crowd of a Democratic National Convention. But nowadays, its a little bit different. We, thanks to COVID were able to serve because it was almost impossible, because he federal suits you suppose those are in person, but because of COVID, they let you do it by certified mail. Exactly. It has to be done in numbers. And when I put one of those suckers on and I hit the ground, I cannot wear the facial armband. She was served. Okay, I see where were going with this. Unfortunately, both of those poor creatures came back COVID positive. Of course you do. hosty tagi Media adviser sums it up. They in fact have to be a participant in broadcasting accurate information and partnering with science, the scientific and health communities to to counter weight, if not flood the zone of accurate information.