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. But Seattles school board members have too often mucked around in the details at every level of operations, with often disastrous results. All members of the SPS community are encouraged to complete the online survey, which will be open until February 15. Amazon pauses construction on 2nd headquarters in Virginia Prior to her time on the School Board, she was a volunteer and advocate for public schools and the arts and a scenic designer for theater. 4:30 p.m. Past Event: 6896, Drinking Water Quality and Access, and Repeal of Board Procedure 6896BP, Drinking Water Quality and Access Procedure, BEX V/BTA IV/BEX IV: Recommendation to Extend Contract Terms and Amend Contract Amounts for Furniture Procurement for 2022-2023, Bid numbers B01834 and B05866, BEX V: Resolution 2021/22-16: Approval of General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) Delivery Method and Award GC/CM Contract P5184 to Cornerstone General Contractors, Inc., for the Asa Mercer International Middle School Replacement project, BTA IV: Final Acceptance of Contract K5073 with BNBuilders, Inc., for the Webster School Modernization and Addition project, Minutes of the February 28, 2022 Board Special Meeting, March 10, 2022 Board Special Meeting, March 11, 2022 Board Special Meeting, and March 16, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, Approval of closure of three instructional program sites for Interagency Academy School, Approval of Additional OSPI Emergency School Waiver Application, Minutes of the March 1, 2022 Board Special Meeting, March 2, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, and March 4, 2022 Board Special Meeting, Approval of two Memoranda of Agreement (MOA) between the Seattle School District No. **This position is a Remote role located in the Northern California/Reno area**. The opinions expressed in reader comments are those of the author only and do not reflect the opinions of The Seattle Times. Hampson is appealing that decision. That wouldnt be allowed on school grounds per policy 4200. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors include: hiring and evaluating the Superintendent; establishing policies for governing the school district; adopting a balanced budget each year; having legal and fiduciary authority for the school district; adopting instructional materials; and, serving as community representatives to the district and on behalf of the district. 1969 Press Photo Dr. Robert A. Tidwell seeks reelection to Seattle School Board. Daniel Parsons - Legal Intern - Avalara | LinkedIn (posted: November 10, 2022). Board Meetings - Seattle Public Schools The neighborhoods include North Beach, Northgate, and Lake City. School Board CUBE Award - Seattle Public Schools Students who returned to in person learning at Broadview Thomson K-8, on Greenwood Ave. on Monday for the first time in over a year found a homeless encampment with over 40 tents waiting for them on the campus. (Updated Since Introduction), Approval of 2023-2024 School Year Calendar, Approval of courses with new content as defined by Superintendent Procedure 2026SP, Approval of the 2021 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement (hereinafter CBA or Agreement) between Seattle School District No. Summary: The Seattle School Board of Directors has selected Dr. Brent Jones to be the new superintendent of Seattle Public Schools. District 1 - Seattle Public Schools Wednesday's selection of Seattle Public . South Seattle is my home. After seven years in corporate banking, Chandra joined Craft3, a non-profit community development financial institution serving Oregon and Washington. Served on Corporate Advisory Board at the University of Arizona, School of Retail. Brault served as Vice President of the Board in 2014 and as President in 2015. Its only been 10 months; it seems like a long time, but weve come through some real heavy, heavy times and were still standing, our students are strong, our staff are strong.. Please be aware that written communications sent to Board Directors, including emails sent to this email address, are potentially subject to public disclosure, in whole or in part, pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, RCW 42.56. Meet the Council - Council | June 15. Approval of contracts for Private Schools Proportional Share Services (RFQ052259), the provision of equitable services to private school students eligible for special education. Seattle schools chief Denise Juneau likely won't have support for a contract renewal, School Board president says Dec. 7, 2020 at 6:55 pm Updated Dec. 8, 2020 at 2:21 pm By When parents and staff raised concerns about the Bitter Lake encampment on school district property near Broadview-Thomson K-8, Hampson took to Facebook to demand Seattle mayor, City Council and U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency IMMEDIATELY begin case management and outreach, with full collaboration from community and schools as a collective embrace of our neighbors.. Embattled Seattle School Board President Chandra Hampson deleted critical comments from her Facebook page. October 29, 2022 Dr. Nancy Lough en LinkedIn: Correct the Internet | Correct The 4:15 p.m. Past Event: (posted: January 20, 2023). A thoughtful and charismatic leader, Superintendent Jones has more than 20 years of . Approval of Perch Behavioral Health Contract Amendment for 2021-2022. We need to replicate what is working and discontinue failing practices. January 18, 2023 This morning, The Seattle Public Schools Board of Directors voted this morning to approve authorization to negotiate an employment contract with Interim SPS Superintendent Dr. Brent Jones for the permanent position of SPS superintendent. Amendment 1 to the Board Action Report titled Acceptance of the Board Ad Hoc Governance Committees Recommendations for Implementation of Student Outcomes Focused Governance. Minutes of the November 9, 2022 Regular Board Meeting and October 29, 2022 Board Retreat. (posted: September 23, 2022), Work Session 3:30 p.m. Past Event: Director Chandra N. Hampson (She/Her/Hers) Director Hampson represents District 3 in Northeast Seattle, including Sand Point, View Ridge and Bryant. My four years on the Seattle School Board | by Zachary Pullin | Medium To find out what personal data we collect and how we use it, please visit our Privacy Policy,, Seattle School Board President threatens volunteers with trespassing but demands homeless encampment remain on campus, one of two Seattle Public Schools that has reported encampments on the grounds, committee that tried to remove homeless encampments from parks in her own affluent neighborhood of Magnuson Park, falsely claimed that the encampment was not on school grounds, MAGA MAGA MAGA! More info. Our daughter Monica is a graduate of the University of Washington and was the beneficiary of a terrifically rigorous and creative education and mentoring at SPS Pathfinder K-8 School. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Beginning Educator Support Team (BEST) Grant Approval. Dear Seattle Prep Community, Following an extensive nationwide search, the Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert T. Jordan as the new president of Seattle Preparatory School, effective February 1, 2023. "I want to state very clearly this is not an ask for a sweep! B032248, Authorization to extend the contracts awarded under RFP 112041: USDA Commodity Foods Processing and Commercial Pricing for Seattle School District Culinary Services, OSPI Study and Survey Grant: Adoption of the Seattle Public Schools 2022 Study and Survey, BEX V: Resolution 2021/22-19 Racial Imbalance Analysis for Montlake Elementary School Modernization and Addition project, Repeal of Board Policy No. Arts and Humanities Research Computing (DARTH) provides consultation, instruction, project management, and software development for faculty engaged in digital humanities projects. Chandra believes in a learning environment in which every child feels . As election nears, Seattle School Board president loses support of teachers union . 2019 415. Postdoctoral Fellow- Computational Theorist in Washington , DC for John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence New Seattle school board president must lead by example. November 30, 2022 1400, Meeting Conduct, Order of Business & Quorum; 1410, Executive or Closed Sessions; and 1430, Audience Participation; and Board Procedure 1430BP, Audience Participation. Dead rats have been seen in the encampment tied to sticks. 68% of the management team is White. Dr. Nancy Lough on LinkedIn: Correct the Internet | Correct The U.S. New-Home Sales Rise by 7.2% Despite Weakness in the Broader Sector. Please be aware that written communications sent to Board Directors, including emails sent to all email addresses listed above, are potentially subject to public disclosure, in whole or in part, pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, RCW 42.56. Acceptance of the Board Ad Hoc Governance Committees Recommendations for Implementation of Student Outcomes Focused Governance. Position 8 - Teresa Mosqueda. "I am incredibly grateful to serve as President of the . The Department of Chemistry and Physics at Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN, is seeking to fill a one-year visiting assistant professor line in any sub-discipline of physics. October 26, 2022 Hersey should seize the opportunity to set a constructive and focused agenda, establish new expectations for his colleagues and lead by example. The search firm interviewed stakeholder, convened focus groups, and posted on the SPS website anonline surveyopen to all through February 15. The award considers four core areas of governance: School Board performance, academic . Seattle Public Schools Executives. I want that same vision of opportunity and prosperity for every child in District 7 and beyond. She was elected to a four-year term in the November 2019 general election. According to the group, most of the parents had no idea there was an encampment on school property where children would be returning to classes and the playground. 174 (Teamsters 174). Board of Directors and District Map. District 3 - Seattle Public Schools Seattle School Board President Zachary DeWolf said the board would vote on Juneau's contract Dec. 16. Read more about the interim superintendent. HIRING SALARY RANGE: $95,000 - $110,000 (Salary . Seattle School Board President threatens volunteers with trespassing (posted: January 27, 2023), Work Session: Building Relationships with Youth Continued (with Kings). She is the Seattle School Board president. "I have heard messages from my families that it is a major concern and some of the families do not want to have their students return because of the encampment.". She served as school board president for two terms and on the executive committee all four years of her first term, as well as VP, and chair of Audit and Finance Committee. Federal program designed to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, Prohibits discrimination based on race, color or national origin in any program, State and Federal Legislative Liaison (Alternate), John Stanford International Elementary School. Incivility, threats complicate justice in high-profile Seattle murder case, In broadening paths to graduation, dont devalue math and English, Fox News spins lies in the service of greed, Attempts to erase Black history have a formidable foe, Shortly after, Juneau announced she would not seek to extend her contract. 4:15 p.m. Board Retreat Wednesdays selection of Seattle Public Schools Board President Brandon Hersey should be a springboard to greater board transparency and meaningful engagement with parents and community. Though she refused to have the encampments on @SeaPubSchools properties removed in 2021, . The president, who is elected each year, presides at board meetings and the. Broad coalition of parents seek recall of six Seattle school board 206-252-0000, Distributing Information to Students and Schools, Northwest Coast Art by Andrea Wilbur-Sigo, Squaxin/Skokomish, February 28, 2023 Billy Frank Jr. Day Recognition; Executive Session: To review the performance of a public employee. March 2019, the Seattle School Board approved a strategic plan that sets the goals and vision of our district. The school district has also offered a cost-of-living adjustment. I do not believe in sweeps. Approval of the 2021-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Seattle School District No. . 2023 Summer Internship Program in Alexandria, VA for American The school board created several opportunities both leading up and during mid-winter break (February 21) for families to share their input on the superintendent search process. Kelly was Co-Chair of Seattle's 2020 Women on Boards chapter (now called 5050 Women on Boards.) August 3, 2021. New Bedford (Massachusett: Accushnet) is a city in Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States.It is located on the Acushnet River in what is known as the South Coast region. John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence As election nears, Seattle School Board president loses support of Business Systems Analyst in Charlotte, NC for University of North Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Denise Juneau will resign in June At the February 24, 2021 regular school board meeting, the interim superintendent contract for Dr. Brent Jones was approved. Chandra N. HampsonSchool Board July 12. 2445 3rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98134 Come join with your neighbors and others for rich and thoughtful conversation and brainstorming for creative solutions. Specifically, the recall petition itself reports that Seattle school board members have: Delayed reopening Seattle schools to full-time, in-person instruction . Here are further demographic highlights of the leadership team: The Seattle Public Schools executive team is 40% female and 60% male. 4:15 p.m. Past Event: 4:15 p.m. Upcoming: District 4 - Alex Pedersen. District 2 - Lisa Rivera Smith. The locked gate prevented access for parents and caregivers dropping off their children including at least one elderly grandparent trying to get his grandchild to school. That leadership profile is used in the recruitment process and will be presented to the School Board at the end of February. Building Excellence (BEX) V, School Construction Assistance Program (SCAP) & Distressed School Grant: Resolution 2022/23-3 New-in-Lieu Replacement option for the Alki Elementary School Addition and Renovation, John Rogers Elementary School Replacement, and Montlake Elementary School Addition and Modernization projects, BEX V, SCAP: Resolution 2022/23-6 Racial Imbalance Analysis for the Alki Elementary School Addition and Renovation project, BEX V: Resolution 2022/23-7 Racial Imbalance Analysis for John Rogers Elementary School Replacement project, BTA IV, BEX IV, and Distressed School Grant: Final Acceptance of Contract P5134 with CDK Construction Services, Inc., for the Magnolia Elementary School Phase 2 Addition project, BEX IV: Resolution 2022/23-1, Final Acceptance of Contract P5121 with Jody Miller Construction, Inc., for the Wing Luke Elementary School Replacement Project, Phase II, BEX V: Final Acceptance of Contract P5183 with Northwest Playground Equipment, Inc., for the Playground Installation at Schmitz Park Interim School Site project, Minutes of the June 22, 2022 Regular Board Meeting and June 29, 2022 Budget Public Hearing, Approval of the Student Outcomes Focused Governance Progress Monitoring Calendar, Approval of International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 302 Unit A Salary Schedules and Article 15, Effective February 1, 2022, Renewal of Washington Schools Risk Management Pool coverage for fiscal year 2022-2023, Resolution 2021/22-23, Fixing and Adopting the 2022-23 Budget, Approval of the 2022-2023 Student Rights & Responsibilities (SR&R), Acceptance of Seattle University grant funding for the 2022-2023 school year for the central and south Seattle school and neighborhood network, Approval of University of Washington Experimental Education Unit (EEU) Interagency Agreement to provide Special Education services to students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), ages 3-6, Review and Approval of 2022-23 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Plan Per Board Policy No. January 25, 2023 We need to work together as a board, staff, principals, teachers, parents and other jurisdictions: state, city, and other communities to meet each childs needs and potential, regardless of background, ethnicity, neuro- and physical diversity, and geographic location. Love this campaign! Upcoming: Please be aware that written communications sent to Board Directors, including emails sent to this email address, are potentially subject to public disclosure, in whole or in part, pursuant to the Washington Public Records Act, RCW 42.56. New Seattle School Board President Hersey - Blogger "Seattle School Board President Chandra Hampson and Director Zachary DeWolf tried to stop Mayor Jenny Durkan's office from sweeping encampments near Meany Middle . Approval of new Behavioral Institute Contract. 5410, Holidays, and Approval of the agreements with International Union of Operating Engineers Local 302, Teamsters Local 117, Teamsters Local 174, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers No. Before she was first elected to the District 6 seat in 2015, she worked on the Schools First campaign in support of district levies. The board and Dr. Jones will begin negotiating immediately. As Hersey, who represents District 7, said in an endorsement interview this summer, I think that its critical to know, as a board director, what role that you play and how to do that effectively. ", Hampson and DeWolf published a joint statement condemning any potential removal of encampments from school property or anywhere else in the city "We demand sweeps NEVER be performed on school grounds, adjacent or elsewhere in this City." Seattle School Board Votes To Offer Dr. Brent Jones Permanent Position November 16, 2022 Approval of School Board Director District Redistricting Plan, 20222023 Farm to School Purchasing Grant, Minutes of the September 28, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, Approval of the naming of the Records and Archives Center in honor of Eleanor Toews, Approval of revised Board Policy No. 1969 Press Photo Dr. Robert A. Tidwell seeks reelection to Seattle Approval of courses with new content as defined by Superintendent Procedure No. March 8, 2023 It is the belief of the Board of Directors and Superintendent that they are partners in the governance team of Seattle Public Schools. Posting comments is now limited to subscribers only. Director Harris represents District 6, which includes West Seattle and South Park. President Of America's Largest Teachers Union Says Seattle Teachers Approval of Families, Education, Preschool, and Promise (FEPP) Levy funding for Preschool Services for the 20232024 School Year. It codified the commitment to narrowing opportunity gaps, ensuring access and providing excellence in education for every student, especially boys of color. . Past Event: The new Seattle School Board elected Michael DeBell as its president at its first meeting Wednesday night. John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence The investigations Garland will likely be grilled on . The principal goal of and ASR is to develop long term relationships with Project Architects (PA's) and architectural firms that result in recurring opportunities to provide dormakaba specification writing services. March 8 @ 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm. Position 9 - Sara Nelson. The students in our district need curriculum that reflects their culture, identity and lived experiences. One of the ongoing responsibilities of the Board of Directors is to establish policies that guide the operation of the School District. Resolution 2022/23-10, Certification of Excess Levies and Calculation of General Fund Levy Rollback for 2023. School Board Special Meeting: Ad Hoc Community Engagement Meeting. Member Board of Visitors, Children's National Medical Center 2014-2016 As a member worked closely with hospital administration and development office, plan fundraising events, allocate funds for . With this board decision, the search for candidates overseen by consulting firm HYA Associates will pause while the board and Dr. Jones reach agreement on the new contract. General election date. I have learned that if our state continues to fail to fully fund education, we must go to Olympia and fight for it.Our community needs leaders with classroom experience who are willing to advocate for the students, families and educators of south Seattle. A thoughtful and charismatic leader, Superintendent Jones has more than 20 years of experience in education and government agencies including six years at Seattle Public Schools. She was elected to a four-year term in the November 2019 general election. March 7 @ 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Seattle School Board Passes Historic LGBTQ+ Resolution In addition, Ryan is a graduate of Leadership WSSDA (Washington . Committee and Liaison Assignments. The six officials parents are seeking to recall are Chandra Hampson, President, Brandon Hersey, Vice-President, Zachary DeWolf, Liza Rankin, Leslie Harris, and Lisa Rivera-Smith. BEX V: Final Acceptance of Contract P5183 with Northwest Playground Equipment, Inc., for the Playground Installation at Schmitz Park Interim School Site project. He was elected twice to the Seattle School Board serving from 2007 to 2015. Director Hampsons priorities as a board director are: strengthening the Internal Audit function and its connection to Risk Management, Black Student Safety, Participatory Budgeting, Student Outcomes Focused Governance, Equitable Funding Structures, Anti-Racism and Responding to Hate and Bias, Outdoor and Place-based Education, Sexual Health Education, and Tribal Nation consultation. She was elected to a four-year term in the November 2019 general election. Hamilton is a 1999 . See upcoming board meeting dates, find agendas and meeting materials. (posted: January 3, 2023), Election of Officers Election of the Board Officers: President, Vice President, and Member-at-Large. Beginning May 2022, Director Harris may hold office hours at the John Stanford Center by pre-arrangement on Wednesdays at 7 a.m. and requests attendees to be vaccinated and to wear a mask. in studio art from Stanford University in 1992. 5011, Sexual Harassment of Staff Prohibited, Minutes of the March 23, 2022 Board Special Meeting and April 6, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, Amendment to Board Policy No. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1975 Press Photo Dr. Jean Emmons & School Board President Arthur Anderson, III at the best online prices at eBay! 2021/22-24 Requesting a Waiver from the 180-Day School Year Requirement for Emergency School Closures and for Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences, Approval of Contracts RFP022242A and RFP022242B, Student Transportation Services for 2022-2025 and Succeeding Years, Minutes of the May 11, 2022 Board Special Meeting, June 1, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, and June 8, 2022 Board Special Meeting, Acceptance of Screening and Brief Intervention and Referral to Services (SBIRT) Grant, Authorization to extend the Commercial Food Products and Supplies Contracts B052181-1 and B05281-2, BEX V Final Acceptance of Contract P5175 with Dickson Company for the Kimball Elementary School Phase 1 project, Approval of Annual Highly Capable Program Plan for 2021-2022, Approval of Amendment to Community Care Services Contract, 2022-2023 City of Seattle Summer Food Service Program Project Services Agreement, Selection of School Board Student Members, Approval of the Amended 2021-22 Superintendent Evaluation Documents, Minutes of the May 18, 2022 Regular Board Meeting and May 26, 2022 Board Special Meeting, Approval of Amendment to Gersh Academy Services Contract, Minutes of the April 27, 2022 Board Special Meeting and May 4, 2022 Regular Board Meeting, Approval of Satterberg Foundation Elementary Feeder School Grant, Amend Yellow Wood Academy Contract for the 2021-22 School Year, Amendment of School Board Policy No. The Seattle school board has offered an additional $62 million for teachers which would be a 10-percent salary increase over the next two years. NEW YORK (AP) Amazon is pausing construction of its second headquarters in Virginia following the biggest round of layoffs in the . Seattle School Board Candidate Vivian Song - South Seattle Emerald Though the District 4 primary was decided by voters in that district which includes Ballard, Magnolia, and Northern Queen Anne the runoff is citywide, so South End . Prior to receiving her Masters in Business Administration from the University of Washington in 2000, Chandra was a nonprofit manager with community development, continuing education, and family foundation organizations. This year successful candidates will be paid a stipend of $4000 for the six-week program with all other expenses being the responsibility of the student. WATCH LIVE: Merrick Garland testifies before Senate Judiciary Committee Director Rankin represents the northernmost part of Seattle, between Golden Gardens to the west and Magnuson Park to the east. Past Event: The school board held an open comment session for families receiving special education services onFebruary 22. The office also oversees the Districts Ethics/Whistleblower Program. District 7 - Seattle Public Schools