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Sims 4 Maxis Match Toddler Furniture CC (All Free) Magic Mirror on the wall, whos the fairest of them all? Too cute! Well, you need this princess high chair! Aside from being ginormous and Maxis-match, this set also uses one of the most fun and popular designs for a kids room: animals. If you want your toddlers to play outside often, youll want them to wear toddler rain boots. More specifically, it introduces 46 new items with more swatches, variations, lengths, etc. Honestly, this hair looks like it would belong on someone named Matilda or Heidi, and I mean that as a compliment. Your email address will not be published. Freezer Bunnies are one of those bizarre yet classic parts of The Sims. This is one of my favourite comfy PJ outfits weve ever gotten for any age group, so Im so excited that this creator decided to bring it in for toddlers. All of the items in this CC set are functional too so theres no drawback there, either. They start with a nice white t-shirt that in some swatches has a fun patterned shirt underneath. Both are available in 22 colors: 18 standard EA colors and 4 extra yellow-ish blond options. These sims 4 toddler cc shoes are amazing with a beautiful Nike logo and can be worn with comfy clothes or a sims everyday outfit. Not only is this CC fully functional, but its even animated so you can watch your little ones crawl into bed every night. I love that the hair is tucked behind the ear and the look is so precious. Dresses dont just need to be a singular item, sweaters can be worn under dresses too! Afro Hairstyle (Toddler) Jan 30, 2023 by OranosTR Featured Artist loading . The Sims Resource - Custom Content - CC - Sims 4 - Maxis Match - Male Child Everyday - Page 6. With how toddlers function in The Sims 4 this is an absolute necessity if you don't want your home covered in paint. Distressed pants are a really great look for your toddlers that makes them look a little less precious and these are a great option. Theyve got great wash detailing and a beautiful look for your sim. This baseball cap has different colours and designs on the front and can be worn with any type of casual outfit for a fun day in the sun. Jackets can be a serious fashion statement and these ones are just so cute. Its from a whole set of jungle themed furniture even including a hippo potty chair! This bun hair style really just makes me think my sim is going to ballet class and theres something really adorable about that for me. The cross back bow swimsuit is a great option if you love busy patterns and your toddlers arent afraid to show them off. Jan 14, 2023 - Explore mxmtoon's board "Sims 4 children maxis match cc" on Pinterest. Sims 4 | MAXIS MATCH TODDLERS & KIDS CC HAUL - YouTube The ears come in gold, silver, metallic and rose gold so you can pick your favourites. N E W V I D E O Sims 4 | MAXIS MATCH TODDLERS & KIDS CC HAUL | over 200 items + CC LINKS! The Sims 4 logo is a trademark of Electronic Arts, Inc and we have no ownership over that content. The suit outfit starts with a cute pair or shorts and a t-shirt with a fun vest over top and a bow tie to match. This summer set is so perfect because you can get so many goodies at one time. If you have a princess in your household you definitely need to add the princess chariot bed to your game. And thankfully, WildlyMinatureSandwich has got us covered. The stars are so fun and these earrings come in gold, silver and rose gold so you can choose your favourite metal. There is even a large bow on the back of the suit for even more fun! Theyre cute, come in all sorts of denim shades including white and can be paired with literally anything. This recolour is awesome because it gives you the bed with different wood tones as well as more fun and adorable blankets. With this gameplay mod youll be able to see their relationship go negative when this happens and youll need to slowly build it back. Here youll find adorable toddler furniture, toys and even custom potty chairs. Each of the swatches here features the various versions of Freezer Bunnies, including: All of a Sims life stages are rather ambiguous. Well thankfully theyre here now and even if they giggle at the word pea, theyll look nice and posh in their brand new pea coat. Its got braids, its got bangs, and its got several random wispy strands that stand out & give the hair life. For those of you with Seasons, your toddlers can wear two different wellies, also known as rain boots. I mean, yeah; to each their own, personal preference, all that good stuff. This has a cute collar with a pattern like plaid and covers it in a gorgeous crewneck with simlish writing on the front. This sims 4 toddler cc jacket is so gorgeous and the sims wearing it are cooler than Ill ever be. Tragic. Overalls are one of those looks that I wish I could pull off, but all toddlers are able to pull them off with ease. There are polka dot options, stripe options, flower options and even more wild options that have rainbows and unicorns covering them. It starts with a nice v-neck shirt underneath which comes in different colours that match nicely with the paired cardigan. I cant find even one with long pants, a suit jacket and a regular tie. This outfit was made specifically with autumn in mind, when the days are growing shorter and colder, but its not quite time to stay stuck in the house yet. Sims 4: Maxis Match Child Hairstyles Purity Hair We're starting off this list with Purity Hair, one of the many beautiful works of Simlotus. Its such a cute look and can look so fancy and fun! There arent many pieces of custom content that blow my socks off, but this functional toddler swing definitely makes that list. (, Sims 4 Maxis Match Toddler Furniture CC (All Free), Best Sims 4 Maxis Match Toddler Hair CC (Boys + Girls), Sims 4 Maxis Match Child & Toddler Shoes CC, Best Sims 4 Toddler Eyelashes CC (Maxis Match + Alpha), Sims 4 CC: Maxis Match Toddler Costumes For Halloween, Best Sims 4 Toddler Clothes CC: The Ultimate Compilation, Best Sims 4 Maxis Match Clothes CC: The Ultimate Collection. One part I really like are the straps with tiny little bows on top of your sims shoulders, its just so precious and looks great dressed up with custom earrings or worn with running shoes as a more basic look. Its one of those Pinterest-worthy hairstyles that look like they took hours to complete. Shoes can really affect your sims outfit, they can really make it or break it depending on the look. These come in all sorts of bright and fun colours and look awesome! Toddlers can look nice and still be ready to play at the same time. In this CC, the edges and baby hairs work with many of the TS4 base game hairstyles. These sims 4 toddler cc shoes are a great option for making your sims so much cuter. My favorite item is the alphabet learning poster, with variations in Simlish and in English. Show more The Sims 4 2014 Browse game. It has all of the essentials steeped in a soft, sleepy aesthetic, making it the perfect place for a toddler. You can even have them wear this as a sleep dress if you want. These boots have gorgeous details and fun laces for you to really fall in love with. There are over 50 different Maxis Match packs for The Sims 4 available for download. The top half of this just looks like a basic hooded sweater shirt but there is a slight peplum on the bottom in the same colour as the body. The Sims Resource - Custom Content - CC - Sims 4 - Female Child Swimwear - Page 1 I accept We use cookies to improve your experience, measure your visits, and show you personalized advertising. These Liam jeans are a great option for a baggier pair of pants for your sims. The best part of using EA items is that theyre guaranteed to be Maxis-match. Playful bob with fun waves or a tiny half-bun? I dont want suits that look silly with shorts and bowtie. I mean, theyre basically just flaps of fabric. Then you have a fun floating accessory with either a halo or a pair of horns. The apple design is cute, but itd be even cuter to see your toddlers peek into it to grab a toy. The first two, and arguably most important, items on the list are the toddler bed and the matching bassinet. These are so cute as a formal earring or can be worn as an everyday earring choice in the most adorable way. This comes in fun colours with polka dots and other patterns to keep it interesting for sure! Hairlines and babyhair from Blewis50 Sims 4 Edges This CC set is amazing as it includes Babyhairs for children. This hat has two small ears on the top of the head and goes down into two straps to give the illusion that your toddler could tie it around their chin. Truly a gigantic post with 67 downloads (TONS of cc!) This dress is so beautiful with a tight sleeveless top that goes into a looser fit skirt which is so cute. Name a cuter combination Ill wait. This floral wrap skirt for toddlers is just so darn cute. It means you have more customization options and who doesnt want those? Have you ever wished your toddlers looked like they were going to hit on someone at a bar? These toddler PJs are so much fun and really creative use of animals for your toddlers. This is a cute look with a nice crewneck sweater and a cute skirt. This adorable version has tiny bows instead of buttons or clasps on the straps, puff sleeves, and Peter Pan collar. If youre big on making lots of sim babies (looking at you, 100 baby challenge), then this pack will save you from downloading a bunch of different CC. Every toddler needs a good pair of flip flops to wear with their bathing suit or with a comfortable hot weather look. Madlen Aneska Boots Its a giant CC set, with 30 new items, including functional ones (all of the beds and the bookshelf) and a metric ton of swatches. These shirts are basic t-shirts with fun dog decals on the front to have your toddlers show off their favourite animals. Adding personal touches to The Sims 4 is easy with this essential maxis match custom content. It also has all of the mainstays that your childs room needs to feel like home, from a toybox to a desk and chair. 86 Of The Best Sims 4 kids cc! The Ultimate List - Modding Magic Dressing toddlers up like theyre much older is genuinely so much fun. But jean shorts seem like something that should never go out of style, especially for kiddos. This is another one of naevys-simss toddler hair dumps, only it contains six distinct hairstyles for Female Toddlers. Its a fun everyday look for your little ones! Each bed in this set is actually made up of two separate items: a bedframe and a mattress. The patterns on these are so fun too! It almost feels like your toddlers stole their moms t-shirt and decided it was their dress now. Thats a sure sign of a toddler who dressed themself, and wasnt totally with it when they did. Fun content on everything pop culture. Bike shorts are such a trendy clothing option and can be great for making really comfortable outfits for your toddlers. Video games, movies, TV shows, cartoons, anime, toys, comics, and so much more. -thanks for watching! Its like theyre already adults, hard at work. Maybe this will be what pushes me to try making CC myself. Each are adorable and can be worn in different situations. The top of the toilet stays white regardless of the swatch so it can really fit in many rooms! This Valentine jumper is so precious and is available to be worn by all of your sim toddlers. These Alex overalls really take the word cute to the next level. Youre going to see naevys-simss name pop up multiple times throughout this list. You can have rainbows, whales, dinosaurs and even rain clouds on these jackets and they always look so cute. But I really like how bangs can frame a toddlers tiny face. Its not just the preview photo making me squeal (although the creator did a good job with the Toddler creation and pose, not gonna lie). Wearing a headband is a good way to make your sims custom hairstyle look even cuter than ever before. This hair is so fun with gorgeous curls and a fun bow on the top of the head. Video games, movies, TV shows, cartoons, anime, toys, comics, and so much more. Simmers have made tons of truly precious items to fill in the gaps, from furniture to fun poses and theres a lot to try out. Its always fun to imagine a toddler being a fully grown hard working sim and these toddler work boots make it seem like your young sims have been working a full-time job for years. Melinda hair 10. The sleeves have a bit of a baggy, oversized effect. Wild-pixels Sana hair looks big, elegant, and beautiful on the Toddler frame. This tee not only goes clear down to your tots knees, but its a little lopsided up top too. The high chair lock mod is a really great one because it makes it so that your toddlers are stuck inside of the high chair and random sims wont come and remove them whenever they feel like it. There are so many cute gems on the watch face too making it so darn cute. The outfit is fun with a fancy suit and an unbuttoned shirt underneath and it just makes me very happy. Sims 4 Maxis Match CC Folder | Kids 150+ Items - YouTube This Jordyn hooded dress is so cute with an oversized hoodie that goes past your sims mid-thigh for a cute look. Learning the potty skill is very important for your toddlers to do if you want them to stop needing their diaper changed or making a mess when they attempt to use their potty. Strangerville in and of itself is a wild ride. If youre looking for a more fun formal outfit for your toddlers this Oliver suspender outfit is perfect. These 15 swatches feature a variety of designs for both boys and girls, including some trippy geometric patterns as well as cute critters. The dress goes out into a bright red skirt that matches the bow with a small ruffle at the bottom, so cute! The Kai Toddler Room is a really fun option for a room to add to your sims homes, this has the cutest decor items and has so many fun colours without being too overwhelming! These buns are so cute and have so much detail in the texture and the baby hairs which is greatly appreciated. Your toddlers bed is the most important piece of furniture in their bedroom. It even makes up for all of the stress and chaos that toddlers often cause. It looks like it suits Independent, Silly, and Wild tots. Toddlers having their nails painted is really precious and these Hello Kitty themed finger nail accessories are really great for toddlers to make them look extra cute. Theyve got fun puffy legs, a cute collar and fun faces on the chest to show off the expression on the ghosts. This suit is fun with a ruffle on both the top and bottom of the suit and tiny bows on the straps. Its fun to have the hanging belt too to really add an extra look to the outfit. Add the cute side fringe the hairs got going on and youve got a neat, tasteful package for a cute toddler design (if not a wee bit too vanilla). You dont even have to wait for the game to make your toddlers sick you can actually toggle these on yourself. This Brigitte outfit is so cute and starts with a beautiful skirt, a white t-shirt and a beautiful matching jacket. It can be tempting to dress them in fancy stuff all of the time. FandomSpot is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by any brands or trademarks on this site unless explicitly stated. This hair is a definite alpha CC hair and not a maxis match hair, but its still so cute. Theres just something so visually appealing for me about loose to medium waves on smaller frames. The balls have 0 texture and dimensions and just make me mad. It is a darned good bed, even though its simplistic. This in the clouds set is so fun and interesting and a must-have in your game! Hopefully you found something you like, and if not, itll keep getting updates in the future. Sometimes the simplest earrings are the best for your little sim and these are perfect as a first pair of earrings. The patterns on them have things like chickens, bunnies and even a dinosaur option which is for sure my favourite. Considering this is a Maxis Match hair CC pack, I do think its a good move to offer lighter hair colors. Pants are a necessary evil in life, but arent my favourite thing to wear. There isnt a more loving age group than toddlers so it just makes sense to put hearts in a toddlers ears. It starts with a simple graphic t-shirt that is really cute with a bear on the front, and this shirt is tucked into a simple pair of cuffed jeans. I mean, seriously; is it possible to go wrong with a straight, blunt-cut, shoulder-length bob? And this CC goes even further than the wellies, since these swatches include one sandal and one sneaker. So in other words, you can easily avoid your tot looking like a hot mess. Whichever one the hairs are, I think this is an easy grab-and-go pack for Simmers looking for a few new extra hairstyles for Toddlers. The set includes 4 mirrors and 4 wardrobes with little animal ears on top. There is nothing more annoying than not having enough space to have the regular dollhouses if you have a smaller home but these small, functional dollhouses are amazing because they can be placed in small areas and let you have them in the smallest rooms! With the kiddie pools give movement skill mod youll be able to have your toddlers gaining their movement skill and getting better at walking around. Shoes dont just need to be boring and great for outdoor looks, these panda loafers are the best choice because they look like a panda! There are two halves to The Sims 4 Community. If you love to suffer in The Sims 4 you should download toddler sickness because it will let your toddlers get actually sick with annoying symptoms of colds, flu or stomachaches. One of the cutest things a toddler can wear is a little skirt with an adorable little top and these sims 4 toddler cc skirts are some of the best in the game. Those of you in areas where it doesnt get cold wont get it, but to put it in neutral terms, Willow Creek and Brindleton Bay Sims have to consider these things! They have neutral and fun colours and tons of beautiful knit detail on the base of the sweater so theyd look great all alone. Sims 4 Maxis Match Toddler Clothes CC (All Free) Newest Posts. These socks are cute and short and would look very good with a fancy pair of shoes. The more toddler activities set gives you a bunch of fun toy options for your toddlers to play with. kids cc finds // los sims 4 contenido personalizado haulmaxis match These feather earrings really just remind me of Kesha and that makes me smile. It comes in so many fun colours including yellows, pinks, purples and even red. It was casual, it was natural, and it was representative. 2. It starts with fun puffy sleeves, has a Minnie decal in the middle of the chest, a cute bow going toward the back and a fun scalloped skirt covered in red polka dots. Go for it! Since we got toddlers years after The Sims 4 was released there is a lot left to be desired with the items and clothing that we have for toddlers. Not every piece of custom content needs to be wild colours and patterns! This voodoo doll costume is so cute with small cuts, a messed up heart and an adorable bow to tie it all together. These are a simple shape with a tight ankle pant and a tight wrist shirt that come in all sorts of patterns. A simple tank top is a great item to have in your mods folder because it can go with so many different pairs of pants or skirts for your toddlers and look great as summer looks for your sims. Dresses dont always have to be super feminine and covered in flowers, hoodies can be dresses too! 50+ Sims 4 Toddler CC Pieces [2023 List] - We Want Mods Wearing a vest over a long sleeve shirt is honestly perfect for toddlers on those crisp fall mornings when you know its going to get warmer later and you wont need the vest. Maxis Match (MM) Mods & CC for The Sims 4 Listed MAXIS MATCH TODDLER CC COLLECTION + LINKS (no | Sims CC Sending a huge thank you to the creator for keeping that detail in. Its always fun to bring IRL brands into the digital world and these Nike sweaters are a great choice for this. Its a great look! 200+ Pieces of Sims 4 Toddler CC You Need to Download It is so beautiful and really adds some quirk to your favourite room. The kiddie pools that are included are one of my favorite objects, so Im familiar with all of the swimsuit options currently available. angie A classic beret is one of the most popular hats in the world and for good reason. The Melissa shoes are a fun pair of toddler shoes because they are so precious to wear with a dress or skirt. The IKEA Toddler Stuff set is a really great minimalist design with big colours for your toddlers bedroom. But since were talking about toddlers, its best to keep things as age-appropriate as possible. Its a great way to have more realistic hairstyles int he game without going too close to alpha custom content. It can be especially difficult for toddlers. The straps match perfectly with the outer lining on both the top and bottom to bring it all together. There are adorable little crowns and so much sass when these little ones start acting like they own the whole house and are the ruler. The patterns include options like butterflies, polka dots and flowers and all of them look so cute on your characters. This dress could be dressed up with custom accessories to make it wedding appropriate or it could be dressed down with some slippers and messy hairstyle for a more casual look. These jeans are pretty simple with ripped jeans on the knees but the main star of these pants is the belt buckle which is so cute. For me, every sim family ends up like that! This Maxine sweater dress is gorgeous because it takes the traditional shape and style of a hoodie and makes it longer for your toddlers. The Mara outfit is a great option for your mods folder because who doesnt want fun patterned pants? Maxis Match Baby Crib CC For The Sims 4 (All Free) Yes, I said before that using the same clothes over and over again isnt fun, but these are an exception. This CC ticks both of those boxes (pun not intended), but it also happens to be super creative. All the other inspirations and meshes for this set are listed in the download notes. Your sims are going to need jackets for winter weather and lighter jackets for the fall to make sure they stay warm. How To Install Sims 4 kids cc. The look is completed with a nice flannel that is nicely tied around your sims waist which really finishes off the look. This kids room CC set gives me Monsters Inc. vibes. These sims 4 cc toddler beds are such great options are will definitely make your sims happy! A Special Variety of Child Maxis Match Hairs SNOOTYSIMS This post may contain affiliate links. There is so much clutter on this too for a really lived-in look! 2023 FandomSpot Honestly, inclusivity is important in a game like The Sims. 2023 FandomSpot Not only are they durable, perfect for horsing around outside, but literally everything goes with denim. Both looks are so cute! Miyu hair 3. Theyre very vibrant and summer-y, with patterns like ice cream cones, cherries, and fruit. Create the perfect room for your little ones. It feels like something youd want to wear with a formal outfit in the game too! But they have one! They have such a unique style and honestly remind me of stained glass which is fun. This pearl necklace is such a fun object to have in your game to have your toddlers wear. This suit has a one piece swim suit with a tied shirt over top which is perfect! There isnt just snow white, theres also a dory dress, and other popular Disney characters. They can really dress up their look and have it be so cute. There are even pockets! Rompers are similar to overalls with the way they are versatile and practical. It starts off with a spaghetti strap swim one-piece that is very simple and covered in very small hearts. I definitely wouldnt want to put a fragile human baby into a piece of furniture they could fall out of so easily! So youll have a ton of solid colors to use as well as some lovely pastel swatches with stripes, dots, and geometric shapes. These long sleeve shirts come with two options: solid colors or printed. All five hairstyles could be considered as long hair, seeing as their tips end well below the tots shoulder blades. The sleeves even add up with that and sit at uneven lengths. This website is not affiliated with EA or The Sims 4 in any way and is just here to help you learn how to play the game. This is such a stylized piece that it just makes me smile. The Freja Nursery is an amazing option that features gorgeous lines and details for your toddlers room with extremely modern and fun furniture. Do your sims want to dress exactly like the creepy ghosts that keep breaking their toilets? The Sims. These skirts are some of my favourites because the patterns on them are so much fun and you can really find something to match with all of your favourite shirts. silver_songbird Posts: 305 Member. The toddlers will bounce really adorably and get their movement skill while on it. They can replace your boring high chair, add to your room with a replacement ball pit or just give you an entirely new bedroom. Well, I would! Downloading sims 4 toddler cc sweaters is the key to getting the absolute cutest clothes you can find including sweaters with adorable animals, striped sweaters and cute cardigans for all the kids. !-please like, subscribe and leave a comment.-comment if anything is wrong with the links or cc and I'll respond asap.PS. Its definitely ideal for your toddler to be able to go on their own after the diaper phase, but it can be a nightmare to find a functional toilet that is actually made for your sim toddler. The couch in this set looks like a cloud and would be so comfy, and the hanging chair is so fun with the cushions being in the shape of an adorable flower. Disney has a hold on toddlers like no other company and this Minnie Mouse costume is so cute. Who wouldnt want their sim to look like a strawberry? They need a decent bed to sleep in so they can not be a horrible annoyance all day long. The different overalls have different designs like flowers on the legs, patches, and even different washes. This bathing suit is a pretty simple concept with a one shoulder swim suit but the middle of it is a fun mesh detail keeping the two pieces together. Well for this CC, Hypergnomesimblr converted the base game adult skirt down to kids sizes. These sims 4 toddler cc swimsuits are the best options for both two piece bathing suits and gorgeous one piece suits that bring smiles to your face! It starts with a pretty simple base of a one-piece swimsuit but there are adorable ruffles on each of the arms for a cute look. The Sims 4 Kids Bedroom Custom Content Pack out this - Sims Community Ive never had a circus visit my town, so the only experience I ever had with them was through TV shows, movies, and video games. Sims 4 children maxis match cc - Pinterest And while toddlers generally arent and shouldnt be sophisticated, it can be nice to make them look classy right before they start throwing food or smearing paint. Next up on our list of sims 4 toddler cc is these gorgeous Deeliteful PJs. However, there are fun fuzzy animals on the front and some of them are even wearing their own custom glasses! It doesnt have any swatches, but that isnt much of a loss since its a basic woven basket. For some reason there are a bunch of random toys in the game that your toddlers arent able to talk to or have any real interaction with but with this talking stuffed animals mod your sims can now gain the communication skill with all of them. Theres face framing pieces but the hair still shows off your sims ears to show off earrings if you want! As much as I tried to include a lot of different Sims CC creators, naevys-sims just has a real talent for creating & converting Maxis Match toddler hair. The whiskers are definitely the cutest part! I cant help but notice that there are a lot of horses, robots, and kitties here very valid choices, since those are all lovable by children of all ages. Plus its a great way to save space! These St. Patricks Day skirts are gorgeous and come in so many fun patterns and different shades of green. This hair starts with some gorgeous straight across bangs and two fun buns on the top of the head. The patterns are fun too to add a bit of extra flair. ( Learn more ). Keep skimming through the items. This post may contain affiliate links. Look no further than this little bear hat which is a great piece of sims 4 toddler cc. Im obsessed and have been for a couple of years now. This is just so funny because what toddler wants to pee onto a rhino? I just cant with those bear overalls, theyre too cute for their own good. The Toddler Creativity Pack is founded on that idea. Oakiyos Kinder, Bobbie, and Stacey hairs are now available for smaller Toddler-sized frames. One of the easiest ways to make sims look extremely put together is to just throw on a dress and some nice accessories and call it a day. Its a single colour dress with a simple long sleeve shape that looks awesome as an everyday look for your toddlers. It really does look like a little pat of ice cream right on the top of her head.