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Lake-Lehman Jr./Sr. << /Linearized 1 /L 977655 /H [ 1309 819 ] /O 402 /E 237563 /N 83 /T 974995 >> This post was contributed by a community member. For children residing in the LaBrae School District who will be 5 years old (Kindergarten) by August 1, 2023, please call the Bascom office at 330-898-3041 to register. Click HERE to purchase tickets. Trumbull High School honor roll for third quarter Trumbull High School honor roll for third quarter [ 2500 more words. The following students from Trumbull were named to the Honor Roll: The views expressed in this post are the author's own. Athletic Department Schedule for Wednesday, March 1st, V Boys Swimming and Diving FCIAC Swim Trial Boys May 6, 2016. Away - Bridgeport Central-Barry McLeod Court Those earning the distinction for the Honor Roll are: Sixth grade Kendall Armstrong, Peyton Bolyard, Kayla Ferguson, Gracelyn Gooding, Ian Harris, Hayden Hutzell, Aaron Lanham, Summer Lewis-Smith, Kelsey Martin, Aniya Mitchell, [] We cannot do this work without your input and thus we want to hear from you! Congratulations to our 3rd Quarter Honor Roll Students! 6:00 p.m. Congratulations to the wrestling team which won theLL State Championship for the first time in school history. *p .05 in z-tests for difference between group proportions. << /Dests 471 0 R /Pages 391 0 R /Type /Catalog >> This has been communicated with students and families at the end of the last school year and during the summer.This new expectation does not mean that students will be on their device during every class every day. Grade 12 Divjot Arora, Michael Bernaud, Yonatan Brodie, Jaire Chappell, Avery Collins, Meghan Farrell, Elianna Gerb, Lisa Giannini, Jennifer Gomes, Harleigh Kaczegowicz, Matthew Kapell, Alison Kuznitz, Brittany Kuznitz, Justin Lynch, Meghan Malloy, Jillian McGrew, Julia Provenzano, Anna Ribbens, Jacob Robbins, Emily Sarnecky, Emma Thornton, Amy Virasak, Addison Vitols, Margaret Wingo, Michael Zabin, Daniel Zeigher. << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 1116 /Length 737 >> 23.) ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( @k" ` 6U!7Tst15SuAQVaqr%&234Rd$c"#'EFbeBCD 3 2QRq134Aa!#B"b ? Away - Fairfield Warde HS-Large Gym Angie Texiera won the Girls State Championship this Saturday. The team was lead by Megan Garrity and Sheri Oberhand, each scoring 15 points. Congratulations to the wrestling team which won the LL State Championship for the first time in school history. Students will use technology as a tool in decision making. 0. Notre Dame High School of West Haven President Mr. Robert Curis and Vice President for Student Success, Mr. Joseph A. Ramirez, recently announced the honor roll for the Second Quarter of the 2020 . All 14 wrestlers earned valuable points. Tickets are $10/adults, $5 students and seniors. Comments. Away - Jonathan Law, Athletic Department Schedule for Friday, February 24th. Next Board of Education Regular Meeting: March 9, 202 at 6:30pm, Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) Survey. 8:30 p.m. Best of luck to the following teams and athletes, as they compete in games, New England Championships, State Opens, and FCIAC Finals! Guilford County Schools, High School, A Honor Roll, second quarter Jaydon Young's lessons of sacrifice mix with two-hour transfer, Virginia Tech and 2023 tournament Is computer science necessary . V Boys Ice Hockey v. Staples Seniors experiencing financial hardships should contact their school counselor about our need-based yearbook scholarship program. According to state test scores, 68% of students are at least proficient in math and 80% in reading. Also, Haley Mocker, Dante Montanaro, Jack Moore, John Moriarty, Ryan Mutz, Maxwell Neary, Maya Obeid, Isabella Oleschuk, Emalee Ormond, Michael Pagliaro, Nikaash Pasnoori, Sunny Patel, Sabrina Paz, Alexa Pellenberg, Connor Perry, Reed Pfeffer, Sophia Picarazzi, Andrew Piccirillo, Sarah Polzello, Catherine Primavera, Klaudia Ptaszek, Amber Purciello, Ryan Pyrch, Emily Ramsey, Hayley Ratick, Isabella Richardson, Michael Rivnak, Deirdre Ronnow, Kathleen Rubin, Jacob Rubinstein, Daniel Russo, Bridget Ryan, Alexander Rydelek, Vincent Sabatino, Matthew Scalzo, Robert Schlatter, Cassidy Scofield, Victoria Scott, Stephanie Shanahan, Gabriella Sigona, Benjamin Skyer, Caroline Slack, Amy Smith, Christopher Soltis, Dana Sorge, Jared Stickle, Angie Suquilanda, Amanda Teixeira, Devanshi Thakkar, Megan Thaler, Jonathan Tinker-Lamothe, Dominick Tran, Alexander Twomey, Jacob Uber, Andrea Veilleux, Kristina Vetter, Julia Vitali, Vanessa Vizcarrondo, Jennifer Vojt, Saiamulya Vykunta, Justin Waldek, Spencer Whiteway, Octavia Williams, Micalah Wright, Erika Yao, Alexandra Zannino, Kaila Zarrelli, Korina Zelaya, Daniel Zhang, Lauren Zielinski, Thomas Zimmerman, Gabriella Zweig. Grade 12 Sarah Alwan, Sabrina Amorando, Courtney Arison, Richella Aurelien, Leanne Austin, Jasmine Bachard, Mary Balducci, Zaheer Bangi, Brittany Beaudry, Cole Bocchino, Taylor Boehn, Dominic Bova, Maytal Bowman, Matilda Brady, Lance Bragg, Stephen Briganti, Bianca Britto, Robert Buonaiuto, Meaghan Burns, Brendan Butler, Anthony Caldarone, Cross Cannone, Julia Carmolingo, Matthew Cavalier, Alyssa Centopani, Rebecca Cerone, Molly Chapman, Natalie Charpentier, Lauren Chase, Gabrielle Christy, Lily Clarke, Kelsey Cornelio, Caroline Crosley, Jake Crowe, Devin Cuevas, Emily Cullen, Daniela Dacosta, Stephen DAmato, Elizabeth Davidson, Rocco DeFelice, Leylane Delarmelina, Juliana Dellamarggio, Lawrence DeLuca, Eleni Demestihas, Raman Dhingra, Stevi Dineley, Gabrielle DiPasquale, Olivia Doolittle, Alexandra Ebersold, Kalisse Eldridge, Bridget Fearon, Justin Ferreira, Haley Flavell, Ricardo Flores, Carrie Foito, Melissa Galich, Kristen Galuardi, Carlos Garrido, Liam Garrity. 400 0 obj Sports teams can honor their seniors and local businesses can also support our yearbook program with a business advertisement. Please join us live in-person or on *Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data. 5:30 p.m./2:45 PM; 1 Bus, V Boys Basketball v. Danbury V Boys Basketball v. Fairfield Warde Doniphan-Trumbull Junior-Senior High School honor roll Jun 9, 2018 Jun 9, 2018 Updated Jun 24, 2019; 0; Facebook; Twitter; WhatsApp; SMS; Email; Register for a user account. Calendar; News; Summer; Parent Resources; Home - Wilton High School-Wilton Field House Home - Trumbull High School-THS Main Gym K-12 Voluntary Student Accident Insurance Information For information about the use and availability of the Hillcrest pool, gyms, and outdoor playing fields contact the Trumbull Recreation Department at (203) 452-5060. License this article VCE Most Viewed in National Trumbull Residents Earn Honors at Notre Dame High School. Congratulations!! Honor Roll schools with higher performance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) are recognized with a special STEM designation. Home - Shelton - Sports Center of CT-Lower Rink This is the first Wrestling championship in Trumbull High history!! He attended Brea Olinda High School graduating in 1964. Click here to sign up for CIAC updates. Want to post on Patch? The Trumbull Wrestling team continued to have success this weekend the the State Open Championships. Important Message on Computing Device Expectations for 2022-23: Starting this school year, all Trumbull High School students are expected to bring a computing device to school every day. The Honor Roll is the only school recognition program in the state using exclusively student achievement outcomes as the criteria and the only award given in collaboration with business leaders. For more information, including our Loaner Device Program and our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Program, please click here. *Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data. SEVENTH GRADE Principal's. Doniphan-Trumbull Junior-Senior High School honor roll. Please subscribe to keep reading. Away - Bridgeport Central-Barry McLeod Court Trumbull High students prove Constitutional mettle; Trumbull students use basketball to support nurses; Gingerbread battle raises $15K for Make-A-Wish CT; Trumbull office building sells for $1.9M; . xc```b``e`a``ab0 dy dR =?X207D-a*zMFH0wL{[/nYT`e)|Hfm`t!M`32Blv~8Ud1p/ 2D-Ak$:^=h %!C kA GKu}DJvGg;mymnz1waV^!s[]+"xhSMi2y"i*Y|\aR%KHhe:G>\]b>PY6}60](DFL 7q2 .`|C%PqTPb?GeT)p"U`an V Girls Basketball v. Southington Our Core Values and Beliefs Statement: The Trumbull High School Community, which engages in an environment conducive to learning, believes that all students will read and write effectively, therefore communicating in an articulate and coherent manner. Trumbull Area Pets Up For Adoption: Dogs, Cats & More. The mission of the Brea Olinda Unified School District, in partnership with home and community, is to provide all students a quality education that prepares and inspires them to strive for high goals, become responsible, contributing citizens, and continue learning all their lives. Student Network Internet Use Policy 6141.321, Student Use and Possession of Smoking Products, Tobacco Products, Drugs and Alcohol Policy 5131.6, Link to 12/6/22 Parent/Guardian Presentation. O`K#20 Tickets for Tonight's Boys Basketball FCIAC Semi-finals, Boys Basketball Wins Over Warde in OT, on to Semis, Boys Basketball Wins, Heads to FCIAC Playoffs. *Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data. All students will participate in activities that address problem-solving through critical thinking. These figures show to the percentage of students from various socioeconomic backgrounds who met or exceeded the standard. Also, Julia Jager, Nicole Jayakar, Alysha Jhaveri, Lizeth Jimenez, Kristin Johnson, Nicholas Johnson, Margaret Jordan, Leila Kabbani, Emma Karpowich, Julie Keckler, Uruj Khan, Elizabeth Kramer, Thomas Krois, Alyssa Kryzanski, Meagan Kubicko, Anirudh Kurup, Laura LaMastra, Garrett Lapham, Jennifer Levine, Ryan Levy, John Ligouri, Evan Lindsey, Kyra Lippert, Jessica Llanos, Jennifer Lopez, Rebecca Lubbert, Brady-Ayn Lynch, Margaret Lyons, Nicolle Majette, Shaye Manton, Erica Mariani, Natalie Marini, Ashley Matera, Thomas McCarthy, Grace McLean, Jonathan McLeod, Jillian McStravick, Andrew Menjivar, Joshua Merkin, Katie Merkle, Romaan Miller, Charles Miller, Lauren Miolene, Colleen Mocker, Alexander Moran, Tara Morrison, Mary Mottolese, Ashley Murat, Evelyn Musto, Ishan Negi, Nicholas Nestro, Alec Neubauer, Michael Nevins, Theodore Nguyen, Alexa Nicoli, Allison Nielsen, Brett Nutter, Amber Osborne, Sophia Otero, Ryan Paganelli, Kristen Pagliaro, Eric Palinkas, Meghan Passeri, Carlos Perez, Alyssa Pietrunti, Olivia Pineau, Arianna Polanco. endobj The agenda will be published 72 hours before this meeting begins. VCE results 2019: Student honour roll National Victoria VCE This was published 3 years ago VCE 2019: Student honour roll December 18, 2019 12.15am Normal text size Larger text size Very large text size Find out how many 40+ scores your school attained and in which subjects. Congratulations to our Trumbull Wrestling team for winning the Class LL State Championship! Please see the details in the provided link. 398 0 obj Away - Greenwich High School-Pool 2019 - 2020 4th Quarter High Honor Roll 4th Quarter Honor Roll 3rd Quarter High Honor Roll 3rd Quarter Honor Roll 2nd Quarter High Honor Roll Grade 12 Alyssa Antonelli, Timothy Bean, William Bender, Elizabeth Bolton, Yonatan Brodie, Jamie Capece, Victoria Carter, Jaire Chappell, Jessica Chuhta, Emily Clark, Avery Collins, Keri Crossley, Andrea Cuadrado, Thaddeus Cullina, Madeline Davids, Mason DeMelo, Haley DeWeese, Nicholas DiFabio, Rory Dougall, Eric Eisdorfer, Danielle Epstein, Dante Esposito, Philip Fattibene, Mary Fedorko, Lucas Ferreira, Nina Ferreri, Megan Folchick, Caroline Forster, Haley Fuimara, Jessica Ganim, Divya Ganugapati, Reena George, Nathan Gibson, Erin Gillespie, Kaly Gonski, Nicholas Grew, Erin Harlor, Spencer Harris. 2023 yearbooks are now available for preorder. Grade 9 Samantha Almonacid, Daniela Alvarez, Morgan Carrano, Emma Crawford, Victoria DiPietro, Thomas Dzurenda, Bridget Essing, Abram Goda, Gabriela Gomes, Margalit Hausman, Allison Hazen, Julie Hyland, Manya Kidambi, Julia Louw, Stefano Mancini, Sarah Margolnick, Miriam Marino, Bertu Okten, Michelle Pavloff, Erika Pettway, Vishal Ramesh, Kaila Rowe, Ashwin Sambasivam, Meghasri Shankar, Shannon Siebold, Audrey Szymanski, Amy Tran, Diane Zou. Away - Glastonbury High School-Gym %# , #&')*)-0-(0%()( C Parents must have an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account to complete payment for the Chromebook Loaner Program. The Lady Eagles defeated Southington on Monday night to advance to the 2nd round in the State Playoffs. Honor Roll is a growing resource for all schools to learn about best practices that increase student achievement. Producing and Acting for TV with Scott Bryce & Laurence A. Caso, Be Our Guest At Toastmasters & Become A Better Public Speaker. 401 0 obj Posted Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 11:34 am ET. Athletic Department Schedule for Monday, February 27th. Wrestling Wins State Championship . Preorder your copy by visiting (school code 14201). Capture Your Accomplishment with Graduation Portraiture! stream Mr. Douglas Klopp, principal of the Lake-Lehman Jr./Sr. Visit the same site and upload your design. Presidential Honor Roll(A weighted grade point average of 95 or higher with no individual mark under an 90. *Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data. Emma Rial was 4thin the State Girls State Tournament. Make us proud! Julie Miller. gm@Arpm Aer+he@G+8! J HCbd (b~,kx@``d\X,ZN0,`*c^4]B]3 WXl#B;v05`eJ8 mX Away - Floyd Little Athletic Center Trumbull High School -72 Strobel Road, Trumbull, Connecticut 06611 (203) 452-4531 Marc Guarino, Principal Agriscience - Biotechnology - 36 Daniels Farm Road Trumbull, CT 06611 (203) 452-4200 Dr. Linda Paslov - Director Alternate School - 4630 Madison Ave Trumbull Ct. 06611 (203) 452-4501 Deborah McGrath - Director HONOR ROLL Identifying High Performance in California and Texas. Like a notebook and pen, we are expecting each student to have a computing device with them at all times. *Please note, the 2019-2020 Honor Roll reflects 2018-2019 school year data. Just 36 campuses earned the distinction based on a comprehensive application process and detailed narratives to support our continuous improvement. Grade 10 Yasmin Achour, Walaa Achour, Caroline Adams, Hayley Adams, Michael Agoglia, Bruno Aguillon, Franchesca Almonte, Mohammad Alshaikh, Jason Atilho, Nicholas Attah-Agyeman, Olivia Ballaro, Victoria Batchelor, Jessica Becchetti, Jacob Beilinson, Jacob Benigno, Fatjon Berisha, Michayla Bielicki, Laura Bielicki, Martin Birnbach, Melanie Bodington, Emily Bonaventura, Olivia Borski, Kara Bowen, Taylor Brown, Olivia Bucci, Colin Burke, Callie Capstick, Suzana Casasnovas, Srijani Challagundla, Alyssa Charlton, Etienne Chollet, Kayla Clancy, Alexandra Coarse, Julia Coe, Michael Collins, Simone Connor, Abigail Conroy, Brian Coppola, Paul Costa, Briana Costantini, Harrison Crosley, Amelia Crosley, Rebecca Crosley, Amanda Cusumano, Katherine DAmato, Thang Dao, Jeffrey Delgado, Peter DeLoma, Claire DeLuca, Amanda DeLucia, Raymond Delvecchio, Brian Denicola, Megan Diamond, David DiFabio, Jake Dudal, Grace Eaton, Ezgi Erken, Jenna Feretti, Jack Ferreira, Rose Ferris, Madison Filep, Samantha Fitzpatrick, Anna Francisco, Kei-Lin Gatling, Briana Giacobbe, Mikayla Giblin. Come out and cheer on your Trumbull Eagles Boys Basketball team as they take on Danbury tonight in the FCIAC semifinals! TRUMBULL, CT St. Joseph High School in Trumbull released the third quarter President's and Principal's Honor Roll student list. Grade 11 Ryan Akhundzadeh, Ali Alsamet, Jorge Alvarez, Nicholas Amendola, Nicole Anderson, Megan Anderson, Anthony Angotta, Shanna Arneth, Srishti Banerjee, Jasmin Bautista, Pennie Bellios, Trevor Bellows, Daniel Belousov, Michael Belousov, Taylor Berlin, Mia Boehn, Alyssa Breunig, Caitlyn Briganti, Bailey Brooks, Matthew Buckwald, David Caisse, Jennifer Canapetti, Jiana Caraballo, Anna Cerulli, Don Cervone, Maria Chappa, Stephanie Chow, Emily Ciancimino, Jennifer Clemente, Alexander Coenraads, Micayla Costa, Lauren Coty, Kelsey Cunningham, Rushabh Damania, Alyssa Dean, Marceline DeAngelis, Katherine Denicola, Molly Denstedt, Joslyn DePina, Vincent Dias, Brenna Doherty, James Donahue, Melissa Doran, Peter Douglass, Connor Dunleavy, Daniel Duong. Also, Rama Gbyli, Brian Gibbs, Hayley Giblin, Kaila Gil, Kristijonas Girulis, Marisa Gnandt, Gregory Goldman, Andres Gomez, Patrick Hallstrom, Megan Hannigan, Zaineb Haroon, Thiara Harrison, Adam Hatzopoulos, Madeline Hay, Glenn Hellthaler, Damaris Hernandez, Miranda Heyman, Ian Hickey, Jennifer Hoffman, Nicholas Horan, James Hovanec, Paulina Howard, Jacob Howes, Jason Imri, Natalie Intemann, Daniel Isaac, Briana Jackson-Slade, Bryan Jagoe, Michael Johnson, Zachary Karpowich, Jason Keane, Jack Kelly, Charlotte Kendall, Cameron Kimball, Peyton King, Matthew Klas, Trevor Knight, Kamil Kwiecien, Lukas Kyc, Timothy Ladyko, Christina Lane, Cathleen Le, Amanda Lee, Mitchell Leonard, Kaelei Lewis, Baily Lionetti, Kes Lippert, Michael Liskov, Nicholas Lozinak, Catherine Magut, Prithvi Mahesh, Aileen Maloney, Ryan Martins, Sara Massaro, Kelliann McCabe, Edward McElroy, Danielle McGillicuddy, Zaria McIntosh, Bryan McKeon, Justin Mejia, Alexander Migacz, Sarah Miller, Mariglen Mjeshtri. If you do not have an account, please contact your House Counseling Office. MOUNTAIN TOP The following students have been named to the honor roll at Crestwood High School for the second marking period of the 2018-2019 academic year. Grade 9 Lindsay Adams, Meghan Ahearn, Catherine Allen, Natalie Almonacid, Katelyn Ariano, Ethan Bachand, Cameron Bachlechner, Clarita Bedoya, MiKiahya Black, Owen Borders, Maxwell Bowen, Sophia Bragg, Peter Brunone, Catherine Buroker, Morgan Carrano, Kassandra Castaldi, Brooklyn Cenatiempo, Liliana Chipman, Sarah Cirillo, Hannah Cohen, Vittorio Colicci, Kristen Craddock, Emma Crawford, Meghan Crowley, Nicholas DAgosto, Lucas Davis, Jonathan DeMelo, Joshua Diamond, Victoria DiPietro, Viraj Dongaonkar, Grace Donovan, Bridget Essing, Courtney Fairfield, Kayleigh Fleming, Lalith Gannavaram, Kavya Ganugapati, Meghan Geraghty, Sarah Giaquinto, Julia Gold, Gabriela Gomes, Natalie Gonzalez, Camryn Gruner, Melanie Haight, Ryan Harrison, Margalit Hausman, Allison Hazen, Kya Hunter, Sheryl John, Abigail Johnson, Jack Jones, Emily Jorge, Christine Jorquera. In collaboration with Educational Results Partnership (ERP), the Institute for Productivity in Education presents the Texas Honor Roll. The Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a tool for local educational agencies to set goals, plan actions, and leverage resources to meet those goals to improve student outcomes. 5:30 p.m./2:15 p.m. bus, Athletic Department Schedule for Thursday, March 2nd. Arkansas: Mena High School. All students will participate in activities that address problem-solving through critical thinking. Tickets are $10/adults, $5 for students and seniors. Tickets are available on and will be sold for cash at the door. Grade 9 Kylie Adams, Rushil Ahuja, Archana Ajay, Unique Akinloye, Anas Albezreh, Alexander Ashear-Freed, Matthew Auger, Courtney Babson, Emilee Bach, Irene Bal, Morgan Beck, David Belardo, Benjamin Bello, Victoria Benedicto, Jack Berte, Mohit Bhushan, Rithvik Bomma, Michael Bothos, Brandon Bottino, Gabrielle Bova, Noelle Brideau, Rebecca Brideau, Sarah Brindisi, Mary Angela Britto, Parker Brown, Taylor Brown, Robert Buhrendorf, Emma Butler, Jessica Cairns, Christopher Calabrese, Ian Calandro-Bitjeman, Nicole Cannone, Ashley Capece, Moriah Caraballo, Jacob Carroccia, Alexa Caruso, Caroline Chase, Riley Chase, James Chiappetta, Kyle Cody, Tyler Coenraads, Andrew Colford, Maria-Ekaterini Coniku, Alexandra Conlan, Amber Costa, Ryan Coty, Amy Csire, Kiera Cullen, Brianne Daly, William DeFusco, Angelika Demestihas, Brooke DeRienzo, Sara Devitto, Erin Doris, Taylor Downs, Jack Duda, Sarah Dzurenda, Valerie Eigenrauch, Jason Eisdorfer, Julia Esposito, Nicholas Esposito, Carla Faura, Caroline Fernandes, Benjamin Fero, Victoria Ferrer, Matthew Ferri, Hudson Fetzer, Michael Fiori, Connor Flaherty, Robert Foley, John Forster, Nikolas Fritea, Jack Fritz, Michelle Gabriele, Sarah Garcia, Jessica Gibbs, Sarah Gossman, Peter Grant, Renee Grubler, Joseph Guedes, Caesar Haddad, Owen Hallock, Ashley Haydostian, Michael Hazen, Andrew Hesse, William Hnatuk, Michael Hoben, Christie Hurteau, Olivia Iacono, Lianne Iassogna, Stephen Ioli, Allison Jack. 2022-23 AP Exam Registration & Payment Information, The deadline for dedications has been extended to, 2023 yearbooks are now available for preorder. First honors indicate an average of 90 or better; Second honors indicate an average of 85-89.999. Athletic Department Schedule for Tuesday, February 21st. A students smartphone is not an acceptable computing device. These figures show to the percentage of students from various socioeconomic backgrounds who met the advanced standard. << /Type /XRef /Length 94 /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Columns 5 /Predictor 12 >> /W [ 1 3 1 ] /Index [ 398 100 ] /Info 418 0 R /Root 400 0 R /Size 498 /Prev 974996 /ID [<4c219a53d496b6825b9f1b7288d64077><4c219a53d496b6825b9f1b7288d64077>] >> Retired Army Col. Paris Davis, an Ohio native, who is set to receive the Medal of Honor for his service in the Vietnam War, speaks Thursday during an interview with the Associated Press at a hotel . St. Joseph High School. The Lady Eagles will now play Glastonbury on Friday, at Glastonbury at 6:30pm. Home - Shelton - Sports Center of CT-Upper Rink GREENE COUNTY Area high school wrestlers with season records above .500 this season, with weight class, name, school, wins and losses (in parentheses), and pins: (As of Wednesday, Jan. Compare Trumbull High School to Other Schools (203) 452-4555 72 STROBEL RD