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And then in Nov. 2020, u/taraiochi figured out the last piece of the puzzle. The company officials in Tokyo he was there to do business with? It is written in a language unknown and it has remained un-identified although it has been studied for a long time by philologists. The fraudster John Allen Kuchar Zegrus had managed to invent a country, its capital, its language and even created a fake passport. Hes from Taured. In July 1954, an unidentified European-looking man arrived at Tokyo airport. The district prosecutor was hampered by the fact that the true identity and nationality of the defendant was unknown, and this mystery was not cleared up at trial. The book is "The man from Taured." I didn't make the book, have any affiliation with it, or anything. When the accused was cross-examined he said that it was a state of 2 million population somewhere south of the Sahara. And to make matters worse, all of his personal documentsincluding his passport and drivers license issued by the mystery countryvanished from the airport's security room. [Zegruss] gallant gesture for the individualist, unfortunately, ended with the Japanese in Tokyo. An interrogator asks him if he means Andorra. Its now more or less a copypasta, with little variation between retellings. We have no information about him other than those newspaper articles. The passport was quite recent having been issued only 4 years earlier in May of 1950. The man even attempted to kill himself during his trial. United Kingdom country profile. When he was asked for his passport, he gave the official his passport. And as is often the case, the truth isn't quite as exciting as the legend. While sorting through some 280,000 artifacts excavated from land reserved for a highway construction project running from Cambridge to the village of Huntingdon in eastern England, archaeologists affiliated with the Museum of London Archaeology discovered a miniature comb that was incredibly ancient and also made from a most unusual material. The original story It's July 1954; a hot day. This more mundane story could have been embellished each time it was told, so much so that it eventually evolved into the great mystery that continues to fascinate today. While it is entirely possible that the story of the man from Taured was a figment of someones imagination which eventually became an urban legend , it has also been suggested that a similar incident did indeed occur. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of Whether the author of The Directory of Possibilities mangled a story he had heard long ago, or simply fabricated his own version for the sake of intrigue, it seems clear that the tale of John Allen Zegrus inspired the story of the man from Taured. In the 1970s, the Swiss-born Meier was taken on a few chronological joyrides by a race of extraterrestrials called the Plejaren. The Most Serene Principality of United Taured is a massive, cultured nation, ruled by Her Royal Highness Princess Margret with an even hand, and renowned for its ubiquitous missile silos, otherworldly petting zoo, and parental licensing program. However it is just a piece of science fiction. However, when officials took a look at his ID, they were baffled to see that he was from a country that doesn't exist called Taured. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. A summary of a Japanese radio broadcast from December 1961 suggested that Zegrus had not only been making use of a phony passport, but he had also been passing bad checks and claiming to be an agent of both the FBI and CIA: The Tokyo District Court 22 December [1961] sentenced John Allen K. Zegrus, a man without nationality, to one year imprisonment for having illegally entered Japan and passing phony checks. The defendant's wife, 30, entered the country with him and was repatriated to South Korea on her own passport. the "Mystery of the Man from Taured," involves both of these elements: The report of the man "from a parallel universe" who inexplicably showed up at a Tokyo airport in 1954 bearing a passport from the nonexistent country of "Taured" and then just as bafflingly disappeared from police custody is typically related in a number of mostly similar variant forms, such as the following account of the supposed mystery man from Taured: Its July 1954; a hot day. Who on earth was Zegrus (a name that sounds Martian), and why did he try to kill himself? Although his primary interest is in the ancient civilizations of the Near East, he is also interested in other geographical regions, as well as other time periods. Read More. From the northern tip of Scotland to the southern coast of England, it is about 600 miles (1,000 km). La locuzione Uniferesi Britanik deoi Taured tradotta con "The United Kingdom of Taured". Antonioli also linked to a 1960 speech by British M.P. In evidence, he describes himself as an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser and a naturalized Ethiopian. Airport security was lax at this time, but international travelers were still required to present their passport for a stamp by local officials. The UK is low lying in the east. UK memberikan penekanan penting kepada " Hubungan Istimewanya " bersama Amerika Syarikat. No, hes never heard of it. One hypothesis posits that the man from Taured is evidence of a parallel dimension, whereby there is another Earth like our own existing in an alternate reality. The Taured mystery as covered in Media The case of John Allen Kuchar Zegrus was widely covered widely in the mainstream media. Japan was beginning an intense period of modernization and economic expansion, and foreign businessmen from all over the globe regularly arrived at Haneda. C 2 bn u t chi nhng . Common classes of paranormal tales are accounts of persons who have mysteriously appeared (e.g., from the past, the future, other worlds, other dimensions) and those who have mysteriously vanished (to no one knows where). On that particular day, a man was said to have arrived at Haneda Airport, known also as Tokyo International Airport. As per the reports, Zegrus was born in the United States but he migrated to the United Kingdom. This man, according to the evidence, has travelled all over the world with a very impressive looking passport indeed. Following this line of logic, the hypothesis is that there is a parallel Earth, similar to our own, with the exception that the location known as Andorra here is known as Taured over there. Questa la nota dell'autore: "NOTE: This is based off of a book, but I'm adding enough original info for it to not be entirely from the story. Pha cnh st Nht Bn cng khng khng chc chn v vic khng c quc gia Taured no tng c cng nhn trong lch s. I havent been able to find a single earlier reference. When asked to point to the country on the map,. He firmly placed his finger on a real country at the border between France and Spain. Though small by modern standards, about 125 flights arrived and departed the airport each week, including a handful of international flights each day. Eat well in great britain with the perfect meal for every craving. Today, were going to explore the tale of the Man from Taured. Do you know if thats what they did in 1954 as well? As unusual as this account may seem in our modern security-conscious era -- that a man had been successful in moving about the world using a fabricated passport issued by a made-up country and bearing writing in a nonsensical language -- it was borne out by contemporaneous reporting, such as the following August 1960 newspaper article: Everyone who has run into officialdom to his cost and wondered at the ridiculous questions asked of tourists will have sympathy for a man sonorously named John Allen Kuchar Zegrus. A debate in the British House of Commons at the time showed that Zegrus described himself as an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser and a naturalised Ethiopian. In the case of Japan July 1954 the movie that's now a legacy Godzilla was released that same year by the Toho Company. The United Kingdom has 4 constituent countries, England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. A handful of western newspapers ran the story in 1960 and 61, stating that Zegrus may have worked for the CIA and FBI, but he was now considered a man without nationality. Las mejores ofertas para Man from Taured, Paperback by Alaspa, Bryan W., Brand New, Free P&P in the UK estn en eBay Compara precios y caractersticas de productos nuevos y usados Muchos artculos con envo gratis! To impress officials, he invented a nation, a capital, a people and a language. Officials confiscated all of the mans documentation and placed him in an airport hotel with two security guards at the door. Belief in malevolent spirits inhabiting the human body has persisted across cultures for millennia. On December 15, 2015, English-speaking guests in Bangkoks hotels were met with a strange sight. The first article about 'the man from Taured' was mentioned in Colin Wilson's book, 'The directory of possibilities.' In this book, Colin Wilson has written many such articles claiming the paranormal events. The topography of each country differs sli the major landforms in the united kingdom include mountain ranges, marshland, beache. Clearly, much of the mans story seemed plausible, but the official couldnt let someone into his country with a passport from somewhere he had never heard of. Or does it turn a decades-old tall-tale into a believable journey across the world? The story of the man from Taured begins quite specifically in many sources with a hot day in July 1954. In his universe, the country of Taured was founded over 1,000 years ago, and Andorra was just as fictional to him as Taured was to those Japanese officials. The passport looked genuine, except for the fact that there is no such country as Taured well, at least in our dimension. In the original Japanese article, it was ".". The nature of the text on the passport was also unclear, defying attempts of a linguistic specialist to identify the language it was written in. According to the conspiracy theorists, when he saw the name of the country was not there, the man became just as confused as the officers. Source: I wish we had more info on the attempt. The man grew frustrated. 5.0 out of 5 stars Definitely worth a read. According to the traveler, Taured was located between France and Spain, and had by then been in existence for 1,000 years. It's in Part 3, "Strange Creatures and Unusual Events," under "Appearing People." And in 1954 a passport check in Japan is alleged to have produced a man with papers issued by the nation of Taured. He immediately points his finger towards the Principality of Andorra, but becomes angry and confused. De acuerdo al misterioso viajero el pas inexistente est entre Francia y Espaa. On that particular day, a man was said to have arrived at Haneda Airport, known also as Tokyo International Airport. But, of course, they hadnt. What do you think? Last year, u/NatanaelAntonioli posted to r/japan about the story. Would you believe it exists? See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories. Friend may know the case of John Alan Zegrus, who is at present being prosecuted in Tokio. An original report of the story reveals that the man was in fact John Zegrus, a real person detained in 1960 in Japan for alleged document fabrication. The gallant gesture for the individualist, unfortunately, ended with the Japanese in Tokyo. But the more we ponder on Mr. Zegrus, the more we wish there were really a capital called Tamanrasset, in the delectable county of Tuared south of the Sahara, with a language like the one Zegrus invented. Turn out, it doesn't even exist. Friend may know the case of John Alan Zegrus, who is at present being prosecuted in Tokyo. Remember when one is a Child an are doing a lot of dreaming and sometimes during those dreams when children occasionally another other world comes alive through the dreams? Then they do some checking. A man arrives at Tokyo airport in Japan. The story ends with the man disappearing (forever) a day after arriving in Japan. This man has been round the world on this passport without hindrance, a passport which as far as we know is written in the invented language of an invented country. A user with the screen name of taraiochi located and posted some Japanese newspaper articles from 1960-61 about the mystery man from Taured, who had entered Japan from Taiwan along with his Korean wife using an obviously fake passport and was arrested after cashing forged checks to cover the cost of his stay there: The "Mystery Man" Who Tried to Smuggle Himself Into the Country, Attempted suicide immediately after sentencing, Fictitious nationality, fluent in 14 languages. In the summer of 1954, a handsome and well-dressed man arrives at Haneda Airport in Tokyo. Zegrus' case was used to argue that 'passports are not very good security checks', as this man had managed to travel around the world with this document without any problems. The man also stated that he had never had similar problems in all his previous business trips around the world. The company that he planned to meet with had never heard of this man from Taured or his company. The defendant, John Allen K. Ziegler [sic] (36), was sentenced by Judge Yamagishi to one year of imprisonment. All is well on this front, and Id like to announce that AnonyJoolz will have a piece examining the mystery in Issue 404 or 405 of the Fortean Times. Its probable, therefore, that Zegrus based the name and location of fictional Tuared on the Tuareg people and the city of Tamanrasset. Officials go back to the roomand the man has vanished. Safe to say that the man from Taured certainly wouldn't get away with his antics in the modern world. And disney rides. The company for which he claims to work has never heard of him. So while the country of "Tuarid" might be fictitious it is obviously based on a very real place and people who have traditionally eschewed ideas of nationality and place. While it can all sound like a bit of harmless fun, fake news during what has been dubbed the Age of Misinformation is potentially dangerous due to its ability to feed partisan hostility to the detriment of truth and historical facts. The story has sparked some interesting conspiracy theories over the years. John Zegrus. Eventually, the man was held by the officers, as they were suspicious that he might be some kind of criminal. The forged passport was of the highest quality and was written entirely in a made-up language. The passport shows him coming from a country called Taured, you see. That section of the story reads like a later addition to make the reader think the guy really did come from an alternate universe. So there you have it - case closed. Somehow it was picked up again by coincidence and told once more - now it has gained popularity as a real mystery. After all, Taured had been around for over 1,000 years! Zegrus, self-styled American who has professedly acted as an agent for the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency, entered this country in 1959 on a bogus passport. The hard-nosed, hard-working, humorless population of 3.271 billion Tauredians are either ruled by a . United Kingdom of Taured is a nation led by King Maxiwilliam VIII on the continent of Asia. Havana Syndrome: Why Do US Diplomats Keep Getting Sick? Weren't the United States neck deep involved with The Cold War testing Hydrogen Bombs? Read our methodology to see how the scores and rankings were calculated. Forever. But, could there possibly be a simpler explanation? But, to the surprise of officers, they couldn't find any country named Taured. But, to the surprise of officers, they couldn't find any country named Taured. By proceeding, you agree to our privacy policy . Zegrus claimed to be from a city called Tamanrasset, which is a real city in Algeria. (Tokyo KYODO English 22 December 1961 Evening--T). The story of the man from Taured details the man trying to convince the immigration officers that Taured does indeed exist. One example of this genre that has proved popular over the last few decades. They showed him prehistoric earth with dinosaurs, the surface of. The Chinese Room: Can Computers Be Conscious? The cover reportedly included the gibberish text: rch ubwall ochtra negussi habessi trwap turapa. When questioned by customs officers, he said this was his third time visiting Japan using this passport. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, Dizzying Inca Rope Bridges Were Grass-Made Marvels of Engineering, For Sale In Britain: A Small Ancient Man With A Colossal Penis. The passport shows him coming from a country called Taured, you see. And apparently he wasnt working for the CIAunless he was deep undercover or something. In 1954, a well-dressed Caucasian man arrives at Tokyo's Haneda Airport.