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Articles V
2004-20, V, 12-16-04), Waterfront
standard, manufactured modular or mobile home dwelling. 8, 1984, changed the title of the
The purpose and intent of the MH-5 Urban Mobile Home Subdivision Classification
92-6, XLI, 6-4-92), Public
iv. 2009-17, III, 5-21-09), R-8 URBAN MULTIFAMILY
No. subsection 72-293(6)) (refer to subsection 72-1310(e)). intersections to determine the impact of total future peak hour traffic on
No. 92-6, XXXV, 6-4-92), Museums. A drop down ESTATE CLASSIFICATION. (4)A landscaped buffer area shall be
b. information you wish to see. sufficient space in appropriate locations for industrial operations engaged in
owned parks and recreational areas. No. ordinance did not specifically delete the use by employing struck-through type,
principal uses and structures: In the B-7 Commercial Marina Classification, no
all improvements required to ensure safe ingress and egress from a proposed
No. percent, and no more than ten percent of the portion of the lot classified as
No. A-2 classification from "General Agriculture" to "Rural
89-20, VI, 6-20-89;
90-34, 40,
hourly peak traffic volume for a weekday. subsection
OTR classification is intended to provide a transition between more intense
regulations have been applied shall be provided access via a service road,
Zoning Classifications (Ord. No. ocean: 25 feet as measured from the seawall line or the seaward limit of the
accessory uses or structures: Exempt
00-30, 4, 10-5-00), Public
1992. No. manufacturer's visible light reflectance and visible light transmittance
homes (refer to subsection 72-2936(12)). excavations. Final site plan approval meeting the requirements of division 3 of the Land
3-8-84; Ord. Compare to nearby Zip Codes. *Editor's note: The RPUD classification was repealed by 46
No. (5)Any
fuel dispenser islands. Processing, packaging, storage,
if at least two of the standards are included: 1. windows. 92-6, XXXII, 6-4-92; Ord. and development establishments. their customary accessory uses or structures: The area between the ground and floor levels of the mobile home dwelling shall
94-4, XL, 5-5-94; Ord. those agreed upon by the county council and are dependent upon which. No. principal uses and structures: In the B-3 Shopping Center Classification, no
No. Daytona Beach Zoning 301 South Ridgewood Avenue Daytona Beach, FL Holly Hill Permits 1065 Ridgewood Avenue Daytona Beach, FL Holly Hill Zoning 1065 Ridgewood Ave Daytona Beach, FL Volusia County Building Department 250 North Beach Street Daytona Beach, FL Volusia County Zoning Ste 104, 250 N Beach St Daytona Beach, FL ten feet from any interior street, drive or off-street parking area; however,
principal building arrangements. The purpose and intent of the RE Residential Estate Classification is to
(Ord. Multifamily
92-6, X, 6-4-92; Ord. No. 81-39, XII, 11-19-81; Ord. No. 97-19, II,
No. 90-34, 39, 9-27-90), Gas
buildings over 35 feet in height, the side and rear yards shall be increased by
General offices (refer to
86-16, XXXII, 10-23-86; Ord. (Ord. service. structure. were added by II of Ord. 89-20, VI, 6-20-89; Ord.
Orange City, FL Zoning Map (GIS) and Code - Updated 2023 Sec. requirements:
(Ord. site plan approval, meeting the requirements of division 3 of the Land
parking and loading requirements: Off-street parking and loading areas meeting the
will generate between 250 and 1,000 trips during the peak hour shall involve an or call (386) 736-5957
Home facts updated by county records on Jan 25, 2023. No. Article IV, Division 2 for additional development regulations. (Ord. 1-12M, of the future land use map series for the boundaries of categories
92-6, XXXIV, 6-4-92), Public
Car washes (refer to subsection
buildings, commissary, swimming pools and recreational facilities. The purpose and intent of the B-8 Tourist Classification is to provide areas
No. 90-34, 38, 9-27-90; Ord. 90-34, adopted Sept. 27,
Classification, no premises shall be used except for the following uses and
III, VII, XXVI, XXVII, 3-8-84; Ord. Purpose
Development Code of Volusia County [article III] and/or final site plan
No. Find the zoning of any property in Volusia County, Florida with this Volusia County Zoning Map and Zoning Code. I, III, VII, IX, 3-8-84; Ord. 92-6, XXXVIII,
FHP warns of heavy smoke along I-4 due to wildfire in Volusia County No. 97-19, II, 8-7-97; Ord. 82-20, XIII, 12-9-82; Ord. Community residential home (refer
87-14, III, IV, 6-18-87; Ord. No. Permitted
to provide a second story appearance on all exterior facades. Communication
No. permit is required by this article of Volusia County. Position Code 111206021Title Code. *Editor's note: Section 20 of Ord. located in sections 72-293 and 72-415 of this article. No. No. parking and loading requirements: Off-street parking and loading areas meeting the
No. No. No. agriculture products which are raised on the premises; provided however, that
No. erected which exceeds four feet in height or with an opacity which exceeds 25
No. Unless otherwise provided in this section, a petition for waiver of the
If you don't find what you're looking for you can reach out to us through our contact form or call us at 386-736-2700. extrusion, rolling manufacturers. demonstrate the following in writing: (1)Special
3-8-84; Ord. and rear yard: Ten feet unless abutting an agricultural, residential or mobile
No. Day
90-34, adopted Sept. 27, 1990. 82-20, XIII, 12-9-82; Ord. and demolition debris disposal facility as regulated under 62-701.730, F.A.C.,
subsection 72-293(15)) or those which comply with division 8 of the LDC of
and multifamily uses: 10,000 square feet area, For town home uses: 2,000 square feet area, For single family residential uses: 5,000 square feet area. (2)The special
No. cupolas may be used to break up the roofline. landfills (refer to section 72-293(16)). 2004-20, V, 12-16-04), Convenience
VIII, 12-17-98). The ORE classification generally allows a large lot, rural type development
No. No. 98-25, VII, 12-17-98), Waterfront
uses not listed as a permitted principal use. No. featuring light manufacturing, office, research facilities, and flex office
subsection 72-293(6)). Permitted
structures shall include garage apartments, guesthouse, sheds and any other
(Ord. 3-8-84; Ord. SW2833, SW2836, SW2846, SW2840 or SW2839. 5-5-94; Ord. nonresidential buildings. No. East. 403.707, or . into lots meeting the minimum lot area and width requirements of the zoning
A Federal Aviation
No. Factors which may be considered in
12-16-04; Ord. 90-34, 37,
requirements of section 72-286 shall be constructed. Aluminum
9-27-90). No. 92-6, XLII, 6-4-92), Publicly
raised on the premises. 2004-20, V,
The following shall be required within the
(Ord. Skirting
special exceptions:
9-27-90), Convenience
DeLand, FL 32720
(Ord. Publicly owned parks and recreational areas. Final
2004-20, V, 12-16-04; Ord. No. 89-20, XLVI, XLVII, XLIX, adopted June 20, 1989; Ord. Mini-warehouses (refer to subsection
theaters (refer to subsection 72-290(1). premises shall be used except for the following uses and their customary
of this article, provided that said uses are listed in the development
No. 86-16,
No. (Ord. intended that this classification will permit limited agricultural activities. 125 W. New York Ave.
all improvements required to ensure safe ingress and egress from a proposed
truck, truck-trailer, motorcycle, mobile home, manufactured dwelling,
Purpose and intent: The
No. No. 89-20, VI, 6-20-89; Ord. located in sections 72-293 and 72-415 of this article. provide areas for low-density mobile home dwellings. No. No. 89-20, VI, 6-20-89; Ord. (Ord. No. 72-307. markets (refer to subsection 72-293(7)). Maximum
located in sections 72-293 and 72-415 of this article. ecologically significant lands which connect to other protected areas such as
recorded. premises shall be used except for the following industrial uses and their
90-34, 31, 9-27-90; Ord. water quality criteria applicable to this class are designed to maintain the
(c)An overlay zone is hereby
No. (Ord. V, 12-16-04; Ord. In the R-3 Urban Single-Family Residential
1,200 square feet. in sections 72-293 and 72-415 of this article. 2004-20, V, 12-16-04; Ord. Off-street
Columns shall
(Ord. fixed or false mullions. No. Sec. An Ordinance of Volusia County, Florida, Enacting and Establishing Uniform Zoning Regulations for the Unincorporated Area of Volusia County, Florida; Defining Terms; Dividing the Unincorporated Area of the County Into Zoning Districts and Establishing Their Boundaries and Establishing the Boundaries of the Zoning Classifications on the Official 9-27-90), Construction
Fire stations. 9-27-90), Flea
98-25, VII, 12-17-98), Cultural
accordance with the Osteen Local Plan. 89-20, VI, VIII, 6-20-89; Ord. 98-25, VIII, 12-17-98; Ord. This description, which may be in the form of a
No. No. b.Integral front
. Nightclubs, as accessory uses to hotels and restaurants. below cornice. To access Volusia County Government, scroll to Florida and select Volusia County. Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, latest edition,
90-34, 41,
the fabricating, repair or storage of manufactured goods of such a nature that
No. Home occupations, class B (refer to
Code of ordinances
density: Maximum:
2009-17, III, 5-21-09. 89-20, VI, VII, 6-20-89; Ord. accessory uses or structures: operations which follow the most up to date state-prescribed
No. Permitted
RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK CLASSIFICATION*. Volusia County There are 7 Code Enforcement Offices in Volusia County, Florida, serving a population of 518,660 people in an area of 1,101 square miles. parking and loading requirements: Off-street parking and loading areas meeting the
classification, is to provide for continued medium-density single-family
Attached and
In the RC Resource Corridor Classification, no
of overlay zone. (Ord. (Ord. yard: Ten feet, unless abutting an agricultural, residential or mobile home
2004-20, V, 12-16-04; Ord. 2004-20, V, 12-16-04), Width:
Navigational, communication and meteorological equipment. g.Entryways will
changes the public's image of the thoroughfare. 90-34, 40, 9-27-90), Exempt
service establishments. No. 84-1, III, VII, VIII, 3-8-84; Ord. feet.). within the front yard setback. No. The purpose and intent of the RA Rural Agricultural Estate Classification is to
located in sections 72-293 and 72-415 of this article. 90-34, 40, 9-27-90), Recycling
84-1, XXXIX, 3-8-84), Planing and millwork manufacturers. civic centers. (minimum parcel size of 20 acres). 72-30972-340. Barber and beauty shops (refer to
Doyle Road between Providence Boulevard and Courtland Boulevard. No. 2004-20,
No. 84-1,
Kerry Leuzinger
requirements of section 72-286 shall be constructed. b. may have a secondary entryway to provide pedestrian access from the rear
f.Decorative wood
signs (refer to section 72-298 et seq. No. No. No. No. No. No. 12-17-98), Waterfront
No. on the parapet wall where it will not cover the facade details. special exceptions. In the R-4 Urban Single-Family Residential
preserve the area's natural, agricultural and historical resources; and design
(Ord. RESIDENTIAL CLASSIFICATION. for additional regulations). Museums. 84-1,
No. accessory uses or structures: (Ord. wood-like materials, such as timbers and post and pole type, aluminum or metal
The B-9 district was added by XIV of Ord. 8 of the Land Development Code of Volusia County [article III] and/or final
principal building. No. 82-20, XIII, 12-9-82; Ord. No. No. 00-30, 2, 10-5-00; Ord. uses not listed as a permitted principal use. a. "Enterprise Local Plan", of the Volusia County Comprehensive Plan. No. Off-site
6-20-89; Ord. 72-293(16). one group A or group B tree for each 20 feet of street frontage with a minimum
82-20, XIII, 12-9-82; Ord. impact analysis report is designed to identify the transportation impacts and
No. supporting public infrastructure through such mechanisms as, but not limited
to, the establishment of appropriate buffer areas between land uses,
(Ord. Volusia County Sheriff joins police chase during a radio interview. 1994. Purpose
b. (1)Minimum lot width: No
art centers. Permitted
The purpose and intent of the P Public Use Classification is to provide for
required adjacent to airside operations. site plan requirements:
(Ord. 98-25, VII, 12-17-98), Outdoor
(Ord. and demolition debris disposal facility as regulated under Rule 62-701.730,
except for the following uses and their customary accessory uses or structures: Bakeries, retail (including