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His answer to the accusation basically puts it on how the viewers see the characters and interpret them, which is exactly what shows and movies do when they queer code these characters. Last modified on But I think that they're very good friends, and in a lot of ways, they are family, and I think that's where they are right now. He debuts in the first episode of the second season of 9-1-1 and is portrayed by regular cast member Ryan Guzman . FOX advertised #Tarlos as "hotter than a volcano" in a promotional video last week and showed some steamy scenes from the season alongside adorable everyday couple moments. 1,962, This story has been shared 1,498 times. Sure. And, knowing that Buck was pretty enthusiastic about the date, Eddie actually could kiss him. I am not saying the other queer characters dont matter on this show. Im sorry, are you KIDDING me?! Absolutelyhe is becoming older, and little by little, more cautiously wiser. so buck wakes up. Is 'Black Girl Missing' on Lifetime Based On a True Story? Want more fromTell-Tale TV? Heres what a 9-1-1 showrunner said about the potential for a budding romance. Trying to force the writers to give in to what you want is not the way to go, you mentioned once upon a time, Swan Queen shippers constantly harassed the writers and the actors. Well, according to PinkNews queerbaiting is defined as a term which refers to authors, writers, or showrunners (etc) attempting to attract an LGBT audience by hinting at same-sex relationships between characters, though theyre never actually consummated.. Listening to the call at dispatch, Eddie jumps in and orders the driver not to be moved. Unfortunately, returning doesnt come easy. I have always spoken openly about how amazing I think it is that you are invested in these two characters, and I totally support that. 911 Buck and Eddie story english, a 9-1-1 fanfic | FanFiction And rarely before the end because of the Moonlighting Curse. Hes running around begging everyone to keep digging, even going so far as to dig himself with his bare hands. Fans have had mixed feelings about Bucktaylor, so reactions to the development should be interesting. Shoppers say this new no-needle 'instant filler' is a game changer for lines and wrinkles, This 'curated ear design' brand is a go-to for fashion influencers - and we have a discount, 6 of our favourite bags from the luxe new accessories label to know. Sorry, I did not meant I was disagreeing, just that since I was not seeing the same thing it had a different impact on me. will buck and eddie kiss - healthlineusa.com Sure, it's nice to see a non-toxic, platonic relationship between two males but a little healthy romance wouldn't be a bad thing, either. She assures him hes a good paramedic, but she wants to be out there with her best friend. smile. After calling 9-1-1, the 118 and another crew are dispatched. now why did lightning strike twice. As they start to run out of road, Lucy replaces the dads foot on the gas pedal with a metal bar and gets him to safety. The heartwarming scene of Buck handing a baby to Eddie while on a fire rescue mission in the 8th episode of 9-1-1 generated memes like no other. Well, to be fair I just dont see the romantic signals you seems to see, so I dont feel bait and just enjoy the strong relationship between them. What the heck is that? Eddie assures him hell be fine once hes back. She nervously asks him to spit it out. Hen says, Damn it, under her breath. Buck capitivated me from the get go I am ashamed to admit I was totally team Buck/Abby. Or when Buck screamed for Eddie after a wait for it LIGHTNING BOLT struck and trapped him in an underground well?! Writing a bond like the two characters have doesn't seem easy. Buck really gets to be a part of his recovery. Most often, the characters that are queerbaited fall under the main character umbrella because it makes marketing them that much easier. Therefore, it is considered queer-baiting. Before Bobby heads out himself, Hen tries to talk to him about Monday. I am sorry if this made you feel like I was dismissing them as valid identifications. Eddie talks to Buck as if his actions have destroyed their family, which going off the bond the writers have built between Buck and Christopher, he has. COME ON. Her sudden move to take them beyond friendship is out of nowhere and feels as though its only a device to keep fans from pushing the Buck/Eddie agenda. She refers to him as Monday, because, Theres a new one of you every shift.. At night, Buck and Taylor eat dinner at Eddies place. Buck & Eddie - Bobby Knows (From the show 9-1-1) Erica Love 288K views 2 years ago Almost yours: 2 weeks, on us 100+ live channels are waiting for you with zero hidden fees Dismiss Try it free. Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz is a character on FOX's 9-1-1 who works as a firefighter at Station 118 of the Los Angeles Fire Department and is the father of Christopher Diaz. I am all for strong friendships, its how I go through this life. The most responsible thing Eddie and Buck have ever done is to embrace such a role, if only because Christopher needs a family now that hes still a child grieving his mother and coping with a global pandemic, not when its suited for the adults in his life. Words: 85,090. He re-enforced his position that Buck and Eddie have a Band of Brothers type of vibe. Why would he need to queerbait? In OUAT Regina had lost a great love, and then kind of rape this other guy she liked, Emma has multiple great romantic loves in the storie, all men. TikTok video from BUCK AND EDDIE FOREVER (@911_buck.eddie_forever): "#fyp #fyp hi! Will Lucy prove too much temptation for Buck? Also, as an aro-ace person I feel a little hurt that you dismiss their strong relationship as not making sense outside of a romantic one. The thing is that when Tk said something to Buck in the cross over saying I have a boyfriend and its pretty serious This puts more ambiguity on Bucks sexuality and it doesnt help the fact that Ronin, Tks actor, mentioned/hinted at this at the live Instagram interview they had with Oliver Stark. They kiss even though Buck is still with his girlfriend, Taylor. 's newsletter, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted hellomagazine.com's privacy policy, the cookies policy, and the website terms of use, and that you consent to hellomagazine.com using your data according to the established laws. Eddie shows up at Bobbys house the next day. Eddie, an army veteran turned firefighter, has had a traumatic year, after being shot by a sniper and then battling panic attacks which he blamed partly on the realization that he was not ready. I am a fan of Peter Krause and I will watch anything hes in he reeled me in, but I stayed for the characters. But I feel uneasy about RTing stuff, because I know it can sometimes come across as me confirming something is going to happen. Also I am pretty sure that that kind of baiting is very common with not queer characters. On a call at a Quinceaera party, where a man is found stuck in a roof, Hen expresses disdain for the paramedic filling in for Chimney. Mountain Lion Gives this Young Buck the "Kiss of Death" [VIDEO] The bittersweet spin on a tragic love story was that Buck filled the role Eddie & Christopher were ready to accept Shannon back as when she got killed on season 2. However, the biggest moment that really spells them out as being more than just friends comes in the final episodes of Season 4. Season 6 of 9-1-1 cant return fast enough. Soaps.com is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Foxs 9-1-1 Season 5 Episode 11 gave fans more Eddie Diaz and Evan Buck Buckley content. "No." Eddie stood in the doorway of the kitchen, just watching Buck and Christopher. Exclusive:9-1-1: Lone Star actor Ronen Rubinstein shares what he really thinks of TKs 'traumatic' storylines. Buck: you are right. Finally, Buck asks Taylor if she'll move in. Ryan Guzman. The show would really set a great example for other mainstream tv shows to give their fans what they want instead of going down the same old same old tv troop route they always do if it comes to LGTB people. However, I did want to clear up that I have been the resident reviewer for 9-1-1 since the show premiered. Stream It or Skip It: 'Black Girl Missing' on Lifetime Casts Garcelle Beauvais as a Mother Searching for Her Daughter, When Does 'Black Girl Missing' Premiere on Lifetime? He needed to touch base with her and use her to ground himself, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. There are longer, meaningful glances between the two characters and Eddie is more inclined to touch Bucks shoulders or arms regularly. elle & the six on Twitter: "RT @pauImescall: omg eddie's the In episode 14, there are a lot of discoveries made by Buck on how best to serve his friend and help him move forward, help him remember his importance to Buck and the people in his life and the LAFD. Christopher even starts to regard him as a reliable grown-up figure in his life. So, I have in fact watched the entire show. Act like it. Eddie assures him it wont happen again. FOX We're starting to see how Maddie's (. Will Buck go into a coma when Season 6 returns? 9-1-1 returned on Monday and fans saw the episode deal with Maddie Buckley and Howard 'Chim' Han's arrival back to Los Angeles, and Evan 'Buck' Buckley coming clean to his girlfriend about kissing a new colleague. Eddie enters and watches them having fun from afar. Buck & Eddie | 3x09 Kitchen Scene | 9-1-1 on FOX - YouTube He says it was a good catch on the secondary trigger, but he cant just jump on calls like that. Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1 On Fox Buddie fan video. With Eddie no longer part of the firehouse, one of the bigger questions going into the second half of the season is how his absence will affect his relationship with Buck. 911 Lone Star has a gay couple prominently featured. Thats not a good sign especially considering Eddie didnt strongly defend his romantic choice in response. All Rights Reserved. There are different kind of love and the strength of it is not related to the kind. Time seemed to slow down before Buck hit the ground, the impact painful and audible. Join Facebook to connect with Eddie Buck and others you may know. For one, Carla has called Eddie out for possibly only being with Ana because his son likes her. I cant even fathom them not being end game like the way they have been written outside of just blantant queerbaiting is 110% something more. Monday, as the new paramedic. Imagine we get Eddie to kiss the scar when Buck and Eddie have their first time together #Buddie #gayfirefightershow #911onFOX . WATCH: Eddie Diaz returns to therapy in9-1-1. Why cant it just be a slow burn? Share to Pinterest. Language: English. Buck is CLEARLY into women, and so is Eddie. Some shows take the baiting to extreme levels and string the audiences along for a decade (heres looking at you Supernatural). I had nothing to put here lol Omg so much people used my sound - Layla <3. I am all for a friendship continuing with them, but I feel like the show then needs to stop baiting fans with implications that these two could ever be more than friends. These shows saw declines in viewership as well as negative press due to their casual disregard for the feelings of their loyal fans. The healthiest thing for him is to be able to exist and prosper without her,and we got a taste of that in the first half of the season. They dont break eye contact until Eddie passes out and Buck reaches his arm out to Eddie as if trying to touch him. So, will the two 9-1-1 cast members ever get together in a romantic way? And funny sitenote even my friends (who i would describe as casual viewers, because they arent doing fandom things or follow the show on the internet) are rooting for Buck and Eddie. Evan "Buck" Buckley/Ravi Panikkar - Works | Archive of Our Own If people cant handle that leave me alone. She heads to talk to Bobby about him, as Buck rushes in, worried about Eddie. Co-showrunner Kristen Reidel addressed the idea with TVGuide. Heres how it works. I still am going to watch Season 5, but i hope we are going to get a clear sign in which direction the show is heading, because the LGTB fans deserve this instead of being played once again. After working out and getting Christopher off to school, Eddie breezily steps off the 9-1-1 call center elevator with a mug of coffee, dressed in official L.A.F.D. replied.. I think 9-1-1 has an amazing chance to showcase something like pansexuality because I am not even sure if they are Gay or Bi, but their connection is out of this world and its a story that needs to be told and has never been more of a slam dunk than it is with Buck and Eddie as well as the chemistry between Ryan and Oliver. Season 10 Episode 15 Review: Blood and Honor, Poker Face Season 1 Episode 9 Review: Escape from Shit Mountain, Tell-Tale TV is a Tomatometer-Approved Publication. Obviously, 9-1-1 fans are concerned for Bucks safety, but the dominating reactions to the clip are mostly focused on ANOTHER major storyline for the fandoms beloved ship: Buddie. The only time Buck and Eddie were ever remotely close to that was in Season 2. Edmundo Diaz | 9-1-1 Wiki | Fandom Buck and Christopher do seem to be Eddie's strongest bonds on 9-1-1, and actor Ryan Guzman confirmed in an interview with TVLine that Eddie's "big date" on Friday was Christopher's. Buck is the one who overhears that something's going on with Eddie, and Eddie is going to open up to him about the panic attacks a little bit. I also got bullied because i called the current love interests for Buck and Eddie bland and boring and a way for the show to play it save. this scene lives in my head rent free. WATCH: Eddie Diaz returns to therapy in 9-1-1 It led to a devastating breakdown that came following months of his own mental health faltering, and viewers saw Eddie's son Chirstopher call. But I think the struggle with the Buck and Eddie relationship is, we write a thing and we have an idea in our head of what the scene means and what those lines mean and an intention behind it, and then it goes out into the world, she noted. And check out CinemaBlend's 2022 TV schedule for more on what's coming to the small screen. Hi Mary, Thanks for an excellent, balanced, and thoughtful article. This story has been shared 21,998 times. Bobby tells her to give him a chance and departs. A steamy kiss between gay characters TK and Carlos was advertised in a promo video, but the kiss never made it to the final cut of the season two premiere. I like the article and I agree with what it is saying. Jennifer Love Hewitt' s character Maddie was also seen breaking down and finally asking for help as she suffers from postpartum depression, and Buck rekindled his romance with Taylor Kelly after. They literally have gold with Buck and Eddie and yet so far theyre going for silver? Back in episode 10, Eddie announced he planned to leave Station 118 for his sons mental health. Choosing to queerbait is detrimental because it continues to tell the world that heterosexual stories are more important and that we are fools for believing otherwise. Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) - Archive Of Our Own They kiss. 04 Mar 2023 17:50:43 As they say, the proof is in the pudding. Jennifer is such a joy, she is such a ball of energy and as a fan of the show and as a person who gets to work with her, she was a real loss from season five. All beings were born with colour vision, even the lowest of slaves to the throne but not Evan. Secondly, Bucks current relationship doesnt make any sense. Share to iMessage. Passionate writer. Share to Facebook. They intentionally blur the lines between friends and something more in order to keep their queer audiences hooked, hoping the characters will canonically become something more. Will Eddie get struck by lightning trying to rescue his boy? For the uninitiated, Buddie refers to Buck and Eddie, the two firefighters and adorable besties who fans are begging to see kiss. 9-1-1: Lone Star Apparently Edited Out a Gay Kiss & Fans Are Pissed. And I quote Ronin said There was a scene in the show that I hinted at your *laughs. then he jokes about Disney being outside his door. Music and creative commons attribution info are below. Its like they dont know how to react to this side of Buck, proving once and for all that Buck has gone out of his mind with grief and worry. 24 Celebrities With OnlyFans Accounts to Thirst Over, 21 Reasons Being a Bottom Is Tougher Than Being A Top, 21 All-Time Greatest Lesbian Sex Scenes in Movies, 9 Best Male Butt Moments From The White Lotus Season 2, Will Sharpe Got Naked on White Lotus & Gay Twitter Was Set on Fire, 22 Sexy Soccer Players at the 2022 World Cup & Where to Follow Them, 20 Sexy Pics of Alexander Lincoln To Celebrate His Coming Out, Robin Fierce Makes History With Drag Queen Story Hour At Yale, Lil Nas X Shows Bulge In New Thirst Trap That Has Fans Ravenous, Elliot Page Gets Steamy With Julia Garner And A$AP Rocky In New Gucci Ad, Watch Demi Lovato Defeat Ghostface In 'Still Alive' Music Video, Kali Uchis Drops Hypnotizing New Album 'Red Moon In Venus', Hayley Kiyoko Drops New Music Video Collab With Steve Aoki And Galantis, Here's What We Know About Kristen Stewart's Bisexual Bodybuilder Movie, Tan France On How Next In Fashion Tells Queer Stories & Opens Hearts, Yellowjackets Cast And Writers Tease What's In Store For Season 2, 20 Sexy Pics of Javier Calvo to Prepare For Drag Race Spain Season 3, Watch The Trailer For The Blackening, A Hilarious Queer Slasher Film, Drag Race's Mistress Calls Out Homophobic 'Old Ass Balding White Men', UPDATED:49 LGBTQ+ Movies We Cant Wait To See In 2023, The Drama Surrounding HBO's The Idol, Explained, Javicia Leslie Spills The Tea On Playing Red Death On The Flash, Aly & AJ Talk New Record 'With Love From' & Upcoming Tour, Miya Ocego Star Of Wreck On Her Hilarious & Killer New Series. In fact, during an interview about the season finale, Minear was asked about it being queerbaiting. With relationship drama surrounding Buck and job issues with Eddie in 9-1-1 Season 5 Episode 11, fans can expect to see plenty more of the best friends confiding in each other moving forward. 2 hot dudes whats better than that. Queer coding characters and not definitively defining their sexuality becomes an issue because it allows fans to ship, or place characters into a relationship, and hope for representation they desperately need. If the pseudo-family vibes arent enough, the chemistry between the actors really starts to heat up the more time passes as well. Thank you for your thought out response to my piece. !#911 #SHEINcares #buck #fyp, Eddie and Buck Endgame?? 'Yellowstone' Return Date Info, Savannah Guthrie Rushed Out Of 'Today' After Testing Positive For COVID-19 During Live Broadcast, Where Is Hoda Kotb? Lucy and Buck will 'move past' their previous mistakes. Buck & Eddie | Between - YouTube As for TK and Carlos, yes they are a defined front runner couple on Lone Star. Buck has become incredibly close to Eddie's son Chris He's not yet Chris's guardian because Eddie is still very much alive, but if things were to take a turn for the worse, he would have to. 9-1-1 would do well to either define these characters sexualities and officially pair them up or else pull them further apart. Ryan Murphy is openly gay. Since the introduction of Eddie Diaz in the second season, fans have wondered whether there's more to the relationship between him and Buck than meets the eye. 9-1-1 returns Monday, March 21 at 8 p.m. EST on Fox! Like I said before, its almost got a little bit of a life of its own, and I dont want to strangle that because I think theres something thats kind of alive about it, and in a way, I dont apologize for it either. 9-1-1: Lone Star Viewers Are Losing It After T.K.'s - CINEMABLEND Give it a rest already. #911 #911onfox #evanbuckly #eddiediaz #lovers #911season6 #buddieship #fy #fyp #tiktok, ok now kiss #evanbuckley #evanbuckleyedit #911edit #eddiediaz #eddiediazedit #buddie #buddieedit #buckandeddie #buckandeddieedit, ser q finalmente chegou o nosso momento ? buddie. Besides being mainstream popular TV programs, these shows all have queer coded characters that strung fans along for the duration of the series. There was a problem. I think these two developed a crazy strong relationship with one another. People may receive it in a way that we had not expected or that we had not planned on, and I'm not gonna tell people that they're watching the show wrong because people see what they see. He seems quite settled in the heterosexual arena. Months after its midseason finale, Foxs 9-1-1 is finally nearing its return, following that surprise cliffhanger that saw major character Eddie Diaz leave the 118. And the two have been there for each other through breakups, family drama, work stress, and frankly far too many near-death experiences. Finally, after discussions with both Buck and his son, Eddie decides he wants to return to the 118. I also dont understand why they seem so hesitant to let Buddie happen, i mean it is 2021. 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The characters of Buck and Eddie on 9-1-1 are falling into the issue of queerbaiting after three seasons.