The Fourth Judicial District Attorney's Office serves the citizens of Ouachita and Morehouse parishes. "As an experienced judge, you know that judges are duty-bound to attempt to apply the law faithfully and impartially, regardless of whether a party is particularly sympathetic or unsympathetic, and that any judge, including you, would have been required to reach the same conclusion as Judge Stephens in the Johnston case," the letter reads"Moreover, you also know that a defendant'scriminal record is admissible in a criminal trial only under certain limited circumstances and knew that Mr. Johnston's criminal history did not and could not play any role in the Second Circuit's, The Commission said the campaign using this example in that light "thus undermines foundational principles of our legal system, has the distinct potential to distort the public's perception regarding the proper role of judges, and erodes the independence of the judiciary and the public's confidence in it.". This site does NOT provide legal advice about your specific case. We are honored to serve the people of El Paso and Teller Counties.". Michael began his career as a prosecutor as an intern in the Johnson County Kansas District Attorneys Office, the Kansas Attorney Generals Office, and the Douglas County KS District Attorneys Office. The Commission noted that these and other statements made were likely protected speech but "appear to be disparaging in several respects and contain significant omissions. At the same time, he knows that violent and career offenders demand our full attention and has worked hard to protect public safety. View hours and other information. He joined the 4th Judicial District Attorneys Office in 2011 and has served the Pikes Peak region in several capacities. Fourth Judicial District Indigent Defender Board (318) 322-6643 Juvenile District Attorney(318) 327-3415 MOREHOUSE PARISH DISTRICT ATTORNEY OFFICE 100 East Madison Avenue, Bastrop, LA 71220 Phone (318) 281-4907 View MapExpand Other Important Contacts Morehouse Parish Sheriff (318) 281-4141 Morehouse Parish Clerk of Court(318) 281-3343 February 24, 2022 March 10, 2022 Free Press Breaking News, Community News. Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action. The Fourth Judicial District Court is one of Louisianas 43 judicial districts and has original jurisdiction of all civil and criminal matters in Ouachita and Morehouse Parishes. Welcome to the Fifth Judicial District Court. Assistant District Attorney. Law Firm Info ; People The Judiciary Commission of Louisiana admonished 4th Judicial District Court Judge Sharon Marchman, noting she committed ethical misconduct and violated eight cannons of the Code of Judicial Conduct. Determine the seriousness of complaints/issues which could range from late bar fees to more serious issues requiring disciplinary action. That duty applied to all practicing attorneys at that time. 5Fax: 318-327-5438Map: Google Map, Green Oaks Detention Center4820 South Grand StreetMonroe, LA 71201Director: Lamar AndersonTel: 318-329-4041Fax: 318-329-4044Website: Green Oaks Detention CenterMap: Google Map, Juvenile Detention Alternative Center4824 South Grand StreetMonroe, LA 71201Tel: 318-327-3415Fax: 318-327-5437Website: Juvenile Detention Alternative CenterMap: Google Map, Juvenile Division of the District Attorneys Office4824 South Grand StreetMonroe, LA 71201Assistant District Attorney: John SandersTel: 318-327-3415 Ext. from Nicholls State University in 1970 . By researching lawyer discipline you can: At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. At the same time, he knows that violent and career offenders demand our full attention and has worked hard to protect public safety. Update Now Law Firm Info People Attorneys Hon. City Attorney releases statement re: Petition filed in 4th Judicial District Court Thursday, February 13, 2020 - 10:30am "The City of Monroe firmly believes in an open and transparent government. Please complete a short surveyto help improve services, If your hearing is scheduled via WebEx, you may click on the Virtual Courtroom ICON for division specific information. Stephens'father was the court-appointed attorney in the case. On Thursday night, February 24th, at the Monroe Civic Center, twenty-three local girls will be saluted at an empowerment event. ", "Although the Commission understood that you felt the need to correct what you interpreted to be a misleading statement by Judge Stephens, stating that a vote for you supported President Trump and the Republican party went beyond simply responding to Judge Stephens," the letter reads. It is always recommended that you seek professional representation if possible. The ad could have affected a potential jury pool for the defendant's remanded new trial or affected the cases before its conclusion, the Commission stated. The criminal history of the defendant was not part of the appellate court panel's decision. 223 South Grand Your Profile? Together with the collaborative community based need concept The Diversion Program will provide youth offenders competent programming in the areas of participatory sports, mentoring and tutoring, socialization and cultural enrichment, career guidance, nonviolent conflict resolution skills classes, family activities and counseling and education. 400 St. John St. Monroe, LA 71201 . DISTRICT ATTORNEY OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT STATE OF LOUISIANA A Component Unit of the Morehouse and Ouachita Parish Police Juries FINANCIAL REPORT . He was named as the 4th JD's Homicide Prosecutor of the Year in both 2015 and 2017. All rights reserved. State of Louisiana District Court, 4th Judicial District - Monroe, LA 301 South Grand Street, Suite 104 Monroe, LA 71201 Visit Website (318) 327-1444 Contact Us Updated: 11/11/2013 Your Profile? Contact us. Ouachita Parish NAACP to host candidate forum for Louisiana 2nd Circuit Court of Appeal, NELA Veterans Home reports 9 COVID-19 positives, including 1 death. 1800 Hudson Lane, Suite 300, Monroe, LA 71201 Phone: (318) 388-4400 (Phone) ISLN: 905472742 Admitted: 1974, Louisiana, U.S. District Court, Eastern, Western and Middle Districts of Louisiana Biography: Bob was born in New Orleans (1948). Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. MASK ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL COURT APPEARANCES, 300 St John StreetMonroe, Louisiana 71201Judges Office: 318-361-2250District Attorney: 318-388-4720Clerk of Court: 318-327-1444, 100 East Madison Bastrop, Louisiana 71220, Judges Office: 318-281-0863District Attorney: 318-281-4907Clerk of Court: 318-281-3343. With the reopening, the following policies will be adopted in Ouachita and Morehouse parishes. Directions/Map. When viewing a listing, consider the state advertising restrictions to which lawyers and law firms must adhere, as well as our Legal Directory disclaimer. 1) Please call to schedule an appointment to meet with a member of the DAs office. "Judicial campaigns, however, are unlike campaigns for other elective office and therefore must be conducted in accordance with the ethical rules that apply to judges and judicial candidates, which 'attempt to reconcile the perceived need for an elected judiciary with the general desire for a judiciary of unquestioned integrity, independenceand impartiality. Judiciary Commission to hold hearing on 4th JDC Judge Marchman, cites unethical conduct, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select. It is always recommended that you seek professional representation if possible. 2) For traffic matters in Monroe, please enter on the St. John side of the building. 2 Fax: 318-327-5438 Map: Google Map . Other statements made in ads and the "Front Porch" video repeatedly tied Stephens to U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders. You may use the following information to find parking. James H. Boddie Jr. (Judge) Hon. Stephens filed a complaint about Marchman's "Right Experience" ad in October 2018, saying it painted him as soft on crime because his law firmrepresented murderer Sonny James Caston. This site does NOT provide legal advice about your specific case. We also provide an up-to-date calendar for your usage. Bob Hilton Courthouse Annex . [] It is always a good idea to research your lawyer prior to hiring. Box 1652 Monroe, LA 71210-1652, Irena Wade / Bobbie Walk President Mr. Justin N Myers 1881 Hudson Cir Monroe, LA 71201 . . Your Profile? 304Monroe, LA 71201, Quite Kidd-Benford(318) 361-2292, ext. How many cases like mine have you handled? MONROE, LOUISIANA 71201-5139 SAM DONALD , JR. A (Retired) BRUCE W. BETTS, A (1950-2001) MAILING ADDRESS: P.O BOX 4088 The ad attacked Stephens for his law firm being "paid" to represent Caston, who was convicted of murdering a deputy. "[T]he Commission ultimately decided to close this matter with a public admonishment to you for these violations rather than making a recommendation for discipline to the Louisiana Supreme Court," the letter read. Box 1652 Monroe, LA 71210 - 1652 (225) 343-0171. By researching lawyer discipline you can: At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. The event "Better . Sanders, however, is registered as no party. He was named as the 4th JDs Homicide Prosecutor of the Year in both 2015 and 2017. The Judiciary Commission of Louisiana admonished 4th Judicial District Court Judge Sharon Marchman, noting she committed ethical misconduct and violated eight cannons of the Code of Judicial . Referrals for drug testing and rehabilitative treatment shall be provided. ( KTVE/KARD) On December 7, 2022, reports confirmed that the Fourth Judicial District Court officials are close to taking legal action against the Ouachita Parish Police. There is also a court administrator for the Fourth Judicial District. "Accordingly, the ad may rightfully cause defendants facing criminal charges who appear before you and their attorneys to question whether you are capable of acting in a fair and impartial manner or whether you have prejudged them based on their criminal histories and/or the accusations made against them," the Commission wrote. MONROE, La. Michael was sworn in as the elected District Attorney of Colorados Fourth Judicial District on January 12, 2021. In the "Front Porch" ad, Marchman continued to link the two and said a vote for Stephens would support his and Sanders' "liberal agenda.". It is always recommended that you seek professional representation if possible. Phone: (318) 387-6453, Address: , Monroe, LA 71211. ", In her responses to the investigation, Marchman said she was trying to refute Stephens referring to himself as a "Trump Independent. 4TH JDC NEWS AND INFORMATION MASK ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL COURT APPEARANCES Ouachita Parish Courthouse 300 St John Street Monroe, Louisiana 71201 Judges Office: 318-361-2250 District Attorney: 318-388-4720 Clerk of Court: 318-327-1444 Morehouse Parish Courthouse This website only provides legal information to self-represented litigants. 1) Please call to schedule an appointment to meet with a member of the DA's office. Get contact information at The information on this website is provided as a courtesy by the Louisiana State Bar Association and the 4th Judicial District Court, Parishes of . There is also a court administrator for the Fourth Judicial District. If you are unsure of your court date, check with your attorney or call the DAs office. The Fifth Judicial District Court of Louisiana website includes many helpful features, including a realtime news system to keep visitors informed and up-to-date about the Fifth Judicial District Court. 301 South Grand Street, Suite 104 Monroe, LA 71201. Recently, the City has received numerous requests for public records related to the internal, investigatory files ouachita parish sheriff's office. When viewing a listing, consider the state advertising restrictions to which lawyers and law firms must adhere, as well as our Legal Directory disclaimer. 719-452-5000. 04th Judicial District Bar Association. The Adolescent Diversion Program offers service that will address the basic needs of at risk children for example, personal one-on-one relationship with a caring adult, referral service to positive social recreational programs that will offer positive reinforcement for human growth. There are eleven elected judges (Division A through Division K) in the Fourth Judicial District. He was able to put his own military experience to use to ensure that the 4th JDs VTC was focusing its resources on the right cases and defendants that needed and deserved a second chance. To find an attorney and additional resources in your area, please click here. How often do you settle cases out of court? 4th Judicial District Bar Assn - Lawyers Bar Associations for Monroe, LA. For certain issues, forms are available that you can fill out on your computer and then file with the Clerk of Court. It may be useful for you to consult with these resources to get more information about what it means to represent yourself in court. Stephens is registered with the Louisiana Independent Party. 3) The DAs office is accepting payment for tickets approved for the diversion program. Ensure the attorney is currently licensed to practice in your state. 318-327-3453 The Fourth Judicial District Attorney's Adolescent Diversion Program operates an Alcohol , Tobacco, and Other Drugs Program at 400 St. John, Monroe, LA . The Commission explained that Marchman violated ethics rules by "inappropriately casting aspersions on Judge Stephens' and his father's fulfillment of fundamental and appropriate functions in our legal system.". How often do you settle cases out of court? This website only provides legal information to self-represented litigants. Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. He graduated with a B.S. The News-Star is seeking comment from Marchman. State of Louisiana District Attorney 4th Judicial District, a Monroe, Louisiana (LA) Law Firm - . This service in no way constitutes legal representation and is brought to you as a courtesy through the combined efforts of the 4th Judicial District Court and the Louisiana State Bar Association. Some lawyers publish comparative information regarding the services that they provide which may be subject to specific comparative communications restrictions. Teller County Courthouse. There are many resources available for self-represented litigants online. 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURTOuachita & Morehouse ParishesLouisiana, Interpreter/Language Services Servicios de intrprete/lingsticos Cc Dch v Thng Dch/Ngn ng. "The Commission is sensitive to judges' First Amendment rights to communicate with voters and present themselves and their views during a campaign for elective office," the letter said. Attorney Disciplinary Procedures; Lawyer Fee Dispute Resolution; Indigent Defense Funding; . You can support President Trump and the Republican Party by voting for me, or you can support Bernie Sanders, Jimbo Stephens, and their liberal agenda. 304 Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 361-2292, ext. The DA's office works to ensure. Fourth Judicial District Court Hon. Every state has a disciplinary organization that monitors attorneys, their licenses, and consumer complaints. He was Honorably Discharged in 1998, after which he earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Northern Colorado and his law degree from the University of Kansas. 2Fax: 318-327-5438Map: Google Map, OJJ (Office of Juvenile Justice)1907 Washington STreetMonroe, LA 71201Tel: 318-362-5262Fax: 318-362-5209Website: Office of Juvenile JusticeMap: Google Map, Juvenile Drug Court4824 South Grand StreetMonroe, LA 71201CaseManager: Kathryn BagleyTel: 318-327-3415 Ext. State of Louisiana District Attorney 4th Judicial District. FOURTH JUDICIAL COURT PROBATION (318) 361-2292 STATE PROBATION AND PAROLE (318) 362-3171 INDIGENT DEFENDER OFFICE (318) 322-6643 OUACHITA PARISH OFFICE (318) 388-4720 400 St. John Street Monroe, LA 71201 MOREHOUSE PARISH OFFICE (318) 281-4907 100 E. Madison Street Bastrop, LA 71220 DISTRICT ATTORNEY JUVENILE OFFICE (318) 327-3415 2 talking about this. If you need to represent yourself, this website can assist you by outlining relevant laws, procedures, and resources. DWI Case Manager. Update Now. Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. 4th district attorney. The information on this website is provided as a courtesy by the, 4th Judicial District Court, Parishes of Ouachita and Morehouse. The Commission said there would be no further action taken in the case. 1111. During the 2018 campaign, the Louisiana Judicial Campaign Oversight Committee determined that Marchman publicly lied about Stephens three times. Find out how to download The News-Star app for your phone. Gain an understanding of his or her historical disciplinary record, if any. Michael is a Colorado native and a US Navy veteran. Tag: 4th Judicial Assistant District Attorney Danielle Linkford. Monroe, LA 71201 Phone: (318) 855-6496 Fax: (318) 855-6497 WELCOME to the 4th Judicial District Court Online Self-Help Center This website only provides legal information to self-represented litigants. "By informing the public regarding a way in which they could support President Trump, who by then had made clear his intent to run for reelection, the Commission found that you violated Canon 7A(2)'s prohibition against publicly endorsing another candidate for public office.". Most rewarding for Michael has been serving as the line Deputy District Attorney managing the Veterans Trauma Court docket. Updated: 10/21/2002. All other tickets should be paid through the Ouachita Parish or Morehouse Parish Sheriffs Office. The operating hours are from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, open on all school breaks (may be closed on state holidays). Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. 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