In a time when more than half of Americans are dissatisfied with the state of our democracy, the most powerful way to demonstrate and have our voices heard is through the vote. He notes pervasive cynicism about corporate leaders and perceptions that the drive for profit comes at the expense of public good. In 1978, they were both fired from Handy Dans by a corporate raider who took over the chains parent company. The portfolio includes nearly $10 million in grants to 12 nonprofits that represent a diverse set of organizations with a strong presence in Georgia and the Southeast. And I think this should be addressed out of respect and out of listening.". You can do whatever you choose to do. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. His professional team Atlanta United FC brought professional soccer to Atlanta beginning in 2017. In Fall 2021, we launched our new Democracy program area with $10 million in grants designed to strengthen key democracy organizations to be resilient for the long haul of this work. In that way, I don't think my personality, probably, or my patience level probably is not the level it would have to be to sustain myself in this political atmosphere today. Blank retired from the company in 2001 as co-chairman. So it was good. He details the inception and rapid success of Atlanta United, and responding to the NFL protests that began in 2016. 10, Following proposed changes to Georgia voting laws in early 2021, Blank released a statement saying, We should be working to make voting easier, not harder for every eligible citizen, and that his businesses and family foundation will support efforts that advance voting access for the citizens of Georgia and across the nation. 11 Blank also participated in an online call with over 100 corporate executives to discuss taking action following changes to state voting laws including the possibility of delaying investments in states that pass allegedly restrictive voting laws. The NFL owners club is a remarkable collection of avaricious gargoyles. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr That should never be tolerated. But tell me what I can do to help? And they said, Well, you know, the reality is about 40% of our stadium is empty. Their siblings, their families, you know, may have gone to battle and wore a variety of uniforms for our country over many, many years. "Obviously, it's a tragic time in the history of the. It doesn't mean we agree on everything, we don't, but that's healthy," he said. You know, better than in the 40s and 50s, but not where we should be. Were usually very happy to talk, very happy to share our opinions and what have you I have enough humility to understand that the people were serving know better. I remember I called the commissioner then, who was Paul Tagliabue, and I say, Well, Paul, I have this idea. And I remember he told me, he said, You know, when [I went into] the prison system, they gave me three pair of underwear, three shirts, three pair slacks, three socks and one pair of shoes, and that was it. He said, That was all I was going to have, as opposed to the lifestyle he was leading before. In total, they anticipate hosting each year 40 to 50 big events and an additional 100 to 200 small events in the neighboring park that will be built where the Georgia Dome currently resides. A study by ESPN and FiveThirtyEight in October 2020 showed Blank is a bipartisan contributor to political campaignsbut contributed more to Democratic candidates from 2012 to 2020. I mean, it wasn't like, You're Republican or Democrat. What Would Trump Steal That is So Ultra Top Secret and Why? If you don't make good choices, you can end up being in really bad places. They all live life with purpose. We had the option of going to a variety of companies, doing a variety of things in a traditional sense of management leadership. No, I'm not. And I love him. How best to put it? Home Depot cofounders Arthur Blank and Bernie Marcus have long been on separate sides of the fence when it comes to politics. /SMask /None>> How do I do my part in it? When GALEO was established, Georgias Latino community was not well represented, nor was it a viable electoral force; today, there are over 385,000 registered Latino voters in the state. Since then, they have re-organized their focus areas more specifically into four groups: policy advocacy, organizing and civic engagement, impact litigation, and legal services. 7) I listen to what he says and sometimes I'll cringe. The documentary will premiere exclusively Nov. 23, 2020 at 8 p.m.on Georgia Public Broadcasting. Blank, speaking with Falcons reporters via phone from the Super Bowl, expressed confidence in the direction of the team following a 7-10 finish under second-year coach Arthur Smith. So we spent six months maybe talking to fans, or people that were not fans, but were, you know, living in the Atlanta area at that time, and we found out that there were four or five things we had to fix. In 1989, the company opened its 100th store. I mean, you know, all those things. << So, long story short, I think, is that we should recognize the past, understand the progress we have made. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. 5) The book lays out a set of values that guided him to turn around the struggling Atlanta Falcons NFL team, launch the Atlanta United FC soccer club and build the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta. I think when the president [Donald Trump] in the fall of 2017 commented during his speech in Alabama about I don't want to use the words, you know what they were but he termed the players that were kneeling, in my view, in a very derogatory way. The league has recently been running in-game PSAs pushing cancer and mental health awareness screenings, etc. Despite being widowed at a young age, his mother managed the familys mail-order pharmaceutical business and sold it to a large retail conglomerate. There was a six-year period in there, when things went a little south. 5 Other Blank family businesses include the nationwide PGA TOUR Superstore as well as a handful of ranches across the country. Falcons owner Arthur Blank is weighing in on Georgia's sweeping overhaul of election laws. The organization works directly with election officials to maintain accurate and complete voter lists and to secure their election technology infrastructure. Our frontline associates and all those businesses come next. But Still Not Even an Indictment. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Its more like cowardly, and meatheaded. Support more understanding and be better listeners trying to see how the other people, you know, try to stand in the footsteps of others. The next thing is making sure you exercise your political bully power and going to local elections and beating up the politicians you dont like., It is time to beat up prosecutors you dont like at the voting booth. 13 Diana is a left-of-center philanthropist based in Atlanta and anonymously contributed several high-profile donations in the area including a $4 million gift to the Atlantic Symphony Orchestra as well as a nearly $20 million gift to Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta. One of the robbers tied me up in the bathroom, the bathtub, and I said a few things to him, which, at 10 years old, I don't think my mother even knew I knew those words. Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank said Wednesday he is encouraged by the progress of quarterback Desmond Ridder and the potential of building around the rookie. I know you see my partner, Bernie, on Fox News very often. Hes a combination of father and brother to me. "I think one of the things that is wrong with America today that we can work on and become better at is that we need to become better listeners to each other and we need to be better about understanding where people are coming from," Blank said. . [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] Home Depot co-founders pictured in 1979, a year after the first store opened. The Blank foundation also emphasizes environmental sustainability and aims to support programs that foster this message in the Westside. 03/03/2023. Over the next two years (2021-2023), we will create an inclusive relationship with and among these grantees to share ideas, best practices, lessons and challenges. American professional sports owners have contributed nearly $47 million in federal elections since 2015, according to research by ESPN in partnership with FiveThirtyEight, including $10 million. The stadium boasts roughly 4,000 solar panels and will use 70 percent less energy. ", CNN -- Ted [Turner] did a great thing. He came out of the prison system as a changed person for the positive, not for the negative. He and an associate, Bernie Marcus, began experimenting with product discounts in one Handy Dan outlet and observed positive effects of decreasing costs as a percentage of sales and an increase in customer volume. And he had to mop the floors for weeks and months on end. 260 14th St. NW Soccer fans don't want to feel like they go into a stadium and they're a second-class citizen citizen. /SA true stream After stepping down as CEO of Home Depot in the early 2000s, Blank's interests centered on a variety of Atlanta-based sports franchises and the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, a private foundation that has awarded over $560 million. Blank who grew up in New York City said he believes the US is going through one of the most tumultuous times in its history. I've had conversations with a number of senators who made it very clear that some of their best friends, both politically and otherwise, are on the other side of the aisle. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? OMG, Democrats Are Criminally Bad At Marketing What They Accomplish. And to be sure, Atlanta is better than what we saw in the actions of a few last night. Soon after, Blank met his third wife Angela Macuga whom he married in 2016 and later announced their plans to divorce in 2019. But COVID vaccination, as a consequence of being made "political" by belligerent partisans, many of whom love football more than life itself, is terrifying territory for the NFL. So everything is designed to accommodate the soccer fans so they feel like this is their place as a result of that. I worked with him for over 40 years and we shared the same bathroom for over 30 years, which is more than any of our marriages lasted," said Blank, who's currently valued by Forbes at about $6.2 billion. Mercedes-Benz Stadium will also be home to Atlantas MLS team, Atlanta United FC. Hopefully we'll get back in the playoffs, but not as well as the first three years. How could Trump possibly have lost re-election? Our democracy is made stronger when we hear from all Americans on the issues of our day whether they be national or local. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB It's not trying influence, but trying to share philosophies of life and stories and thoughts about a certain set of values, which really transcend business, nonprofit, as well as the political arena. Continued:, Ive got a lot of love and respect for police officers., We dont want to see Targets burning. They said it would take an act of courage on your part to go out on the field and and to be recognized. And, you know, people stood up! Politicians, business owners and celebrities are speaking out to share their thoughts on Floyds death, the issues his killing have brought to the forefront and the protests that turned to chaos, specifically in Atlanta. I, like almost everyone else, had already started celebrating at halftime. Players and coaches appear giving quick testimonials. "He cares deeply about giving back and making a difference in people's lives. He would say, I don't need to be cut any slack, you know. Theres at least one more level to the Jon Gruden disaster that NFL fans should consider about the leagues remarkable influence. Download the FOX 5 Atlanta appfor breaking news and weather alerts. My suspicion is that while Dungy and Tirico and dozens if not hundreds of other NFL leaders may have been surprised by Grudens racist imagery, they arent as unfamiliar with his other boys club stupidity. (To his enormous credit, Leibovich burned up all the access his name and the Times brand afforded him to tell a story the average sports writer only dares hint at.) So there wasn't a word on the other end of the phone. Arthur Blank co-founded the Home Depot in the late 1970s after being fired from a regional hardware store chain in Southern California. America has long struggled to deliver a fair and equitable democracy to all of its citizens. Mercedes-Benz Stadium aims to be the first stadium to receive LEED Platinum certification. Virginia Prescott is theGracie Award-winning host of On Second Thought for Georgia Public Broadcasting. I've always believed that the circumstances around me might change, but these core values, which we discuss in the book, they're not mine, they really belong to all of us. Scott Jensens Dramatic Fall Shows Ads Still Matter. That Vote for Secretary of State? In 2014 it emerged that Bruce Levenson, who owned the NBAs Atlanta Hawks, had written an email that amongst other things theorized that the black crowd [at Philips Arena] scared away the whites, adding for good measure: I have even bitched that the kiss cam is too black. Levenson later that year sold his stake in the franchise, and the Hawks have worked hard to win back their black audience. Full statement from Arthur Blank:, Please, please stop this violence!! ATLANTA Protests over the death of George Floyd have been gaining national attention. And there are two [robbers] and they want to know, "Where's the money, where's the cash?" But, you know, I needed to change my view on what I could give back and how it could be connected to other people.. << They put my mother, my brother and I in the living room with one of them and the other was searching the house, looking for cash that wasn't there. Stop making people feel so fearful. His faith is very strong. February 4, 2021 4:12 pm ET. Thats great. I mean, everybody's standing for an hour-and-a-half and they just don't sit down. j"[p!d~oB?1].drwe
GM]/v2q3^u[\ /. Open, honest dialogue is needed on a much greater scale. Arthur Blank enjoys one of his favorite hobbies at Mountain Sky Guest Ranch, one of three guest ranches owned by Blank Family of Businesses. I want you guys to come up with real solutions. Brian and Arthur welcomed their daughter Blake into the world via Arthur's sister Aoife, who acted as a surrogate for the couple, back in September -- with Brian previously teasing the documentary before Blake's arrival. Blank is a strong supporter of the Democratic Party. Dueling Visions for Minnesota: Scandinavia or South Dakota? And so he's used that time since he got out of prison and giving back to community, speaking to young people. And he should know. They all understand it's, you know, you have an opportunity to be here on Earth and how do you want to leave it? Is the Jensen-Birk Campaign Minnesotas WOAT? Political Donations: Blank has largely donated to Democratic causes, most notably: $32,400 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in 2013; $28,500 to the Obama Victory Fund in '08; and. But the level where this Gruden idiocy touches the countrys perilous moment is where the NFL arguably one of the most popular and therefore influential organizations/corporations in the country could and should use Grudens buffoonish racism and sexism to make unambiguous statements to its fans, which is to say just about everyone in the country. And, you know, living in poverty, we had friends coming by all the time and what have you. The NFL could and should be a leader among other giant corporations in taking stark stands against belligerent stupidity like racism (which it is sort of good at in a lipservice/signage kind of way, considering 70% of its players are black) and sexism (where it has a long ways to go, despite promoting Breast Cancer Awareness Month with pink shoes), but also right now for wait for it COVID vaccinations. Founded in 2010 as the Asian American Legal Advocacy Center (AALAC), the organization became part of the Asian Americans Advancing Justice affiliation in 2014. With Labels, Listen to Affected Populations, Not Activists, As With Alcohol, Mitigation, Not Prohibition, Is the Answer, It Seems Democrats Are Blundering Badly (Again) with Their All-Abortion, All-the-Time Campaign. And next thing I know, he was sitting on his knees and with a gun to his head. Our family foundation seeks to preserve and strengthen our democracy, and weve chosen this as one of our new collective areas of giving. I still remember this as if it was yesterday. Together we will rise above this on the strength of what has always made Atlanta great its people, its leaders of past and present and its unique culture that is welcoming to all. So that's really what it was about. But, you know, I think the word civility is terribly important today in the political world in which we just don't see it the way we need to see it. So you take your time, you get the words out and people will listen to you. So I think that from those days in college where I raised my hand and I know my buddies around the class would think, Oh, boy, here goes another 5-minute answer, you know? A company where we already know from law suits the teams executives treated its cheerleaders like Vegas escorts and, yup, traded nudie pictures of them changing outfits. Were trying to do the exact opposite of that.. These are the kinds of people we need in leadership today, not thinking about red, blue, purple. And Blanks role in this project extends beyond the stadium. I suspect he had help. 1, Arthur Blank was born to Molly and Max Blank in Queens, New York. During the 2020 elections, Blank contributed $300,000 to the Biden Victory Fund, $35,000 to the Democratic National Convention, and tens of thousands of dollars to state Democratic Party committees. The couple filed for divorce in 2013. He just opened the door. In 1978, both he and future Home Depot co-founder Arthur Blank were fired during a corporate power struggle at Handy Dan. Founded in 2010 as the Asian American Legal Advocacy Center (AALAC), the organization became part of the Asian Americans Advancing Justice affiliation in 2014. Now, the last game we had in the Georgia Dome before we moved to Mercedes Benz Stadium in August of 2017, wewere honoring all of our ring of honor members and he was one of them. We sold out the entire stadium in two-and-a-half hours. But We Aint Seen Nuthin Yet. /CA 1.0 Stop feeding fear and anger every day. So I would just cut him some slack. Additionally in 2014, the Atlanta Braves announced that they were building a new stadium outside the city in the northern suburbs, and leaving Turner Field, which was originally the site of Centennial Olympic Stadium for the 1996 summer games. The views expressed here are the authors' alone, not necessarily the views of their clients, employers or families. If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click 'Reject all'. Learn about careers at Cox Media Group. Bernie has great values and Bernie cares deeply not only about our faith, but about giving back. The largest donor was Falcons owner Arthur Blank. The pair always strove to create a work environment that put people before politics, said Blank. The statement came about five days after Gov. So I would fight for that and surround myself with people who believe the same thing, because you have to have that brain power in every institution or corporation or nonprofit. He had a gun on his lap, sitting on his right thigh. The 79-year-old philanthropist has supported educational projects to promote civil rights and racial justice. This is not in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. /Length 7 0 R To anyone interested in a deeper dive into NFL culture I strongly recommend, Big Game by New York Times Magazine writer Mark Leibovich for an inside-the-suites sense of who says what to who when its more or less just them peer billionaires talking. One reporter asked Fontenot whether he thought the Falcons were getting Watson. Blank spent 19 years as the company's president before succeeding Marcus as CEO. And that's all part of his story of redemption and his story of being a changed person. 2023 FOX Television Stations, Georgia Secretary of State calls many election changes 'solid', study by ESPN and FiveThirtyEight in October 2020, too restrictive and targets minority voters, Cobb leader says moving MLB All-Star game in protest would hurt business, Democrats dispute police report in Georgia lawmakers arrest, Civil rights groups file new lawsuit over Georgia voting law, Photos show rescue of Woodstock man 'buried up to his neck' in collapsed trench, Frederick, MD tanker explosion leaves 1 dead; Shuts down part of US-15, Sheriff's office continues five-year-long search for missing Carrollton man, Georgia baby girl reported missing with man diagnosed with mental illness, police say, Jesse Wilson: Adoptive mother arrested in boy's death in Arizona, Clayton County twin sisters make history rising the ranks in Georgia UPS facility, Alex Murdaugh killed wife, son to buy time, prosecutor says, UGA football star Jalen Carter facing charges in fatal crash: What we know, Young Thug trial: Judge orders probe of leaked evidence, Families intensify search for two men missing for more than a week. Student Loan Forgiveness and The Ghost of John Kline, (Who?). During the 2020 elections, Blank contributed $300,000 to Biden Victory Fund, $35,000 to the Democratic National Convention, and tens of thousands of dollars to state Democratic Party committees. And whether, you know, be it Dr. King or, a great friend to America and a great leader, Congressman Lewis, [who] was a great personal friend of mine and served our country beautifully, would say peaceful nonviolent protest is how we that's how we make progress. Young you are. The Atlanta media thrashed Arthur Smith, Terry Fontenot, and Arthur Blank about their interest level sometime after the news broke. Big Game by New York Times Magazine writer Mark Leibovich, BLM Has Achieved Much More Than Its Critics. When he came out, he was on house arrest and I took a meal to him and his family from his favorite restaurant here in Atlanta. And somebody knocked on the door. The family foundation has already invested over $20 million into the surrounding community. 4, Blank purchased the NFLs Atlanta Falcons for more than $540 million shortly after stepping down as CEO of Home Depot. Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta United owner Arthur M. Blank released a statement Monday on the importance of fair elections and democracy: "Free and fair elections are vital to the health of our. Arthur Blank is worried that capitalism is getting a bad rap. One where guys like the Vikings Mark and Zygi Wilf and Arthur (Home Depot) Blank of the Atlanta Falcons come off as comparatively rational. He released a statement five days after Gov. The Falcons owner, Arthur Blank, the co-founder of Home Depot with a net worth of $3 billion, at first glance certainly fits the bill of your standard billionaire athletic team owner. Arthur is committed to changing the narrative around sports stadiums, said Frank Fernandez, the VP of Community Development at The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, to The Daily Beast. Arthur Blank is worried that capitalism is getting a bad rap. He and his brother, Michael, were raised in a one-bedroom apartment. So thats Gruden. On Thursday, Falcons owner Arthur Blank's foundation donated a five-year, $17 million grant to the National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta. Kimball previously served as the vice president of network support at Teach for All. In their sixth season of Major League Soccer, the Five Stripes bring some new faces onto the field this year. The Home Depot co-founder, Arthur Blank, candidly shares details of an impromptu meeting in an airport hangar when he was asked to step down, the company's short-term mistake of replacing him. Arthur Blank, owner of Atlanta Falcons and Atlanta United, co-founder of Home Depot . ", It is your duty not to burn your own house down for anger with an enemy We have to be better than this moment. The Athletic reported that Blank gave $2,800 to Biden, the Democratic nominee for president, on July 1. It's a beautiful thing. So, you know, soccer is on the ascent in the United States dramatically, which is a great thing. 9, Blank is a strong supporter of the Democratic Party. /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . And how do I put my shoulder to the wheel and lead by example and take the blessings of all the resources that our family. How do you help repair the world if we can use that expression? Dr. Sanjay Gupta speaks with businessman Arthur Blank about gun regulation and philanthropy. . Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The Falcons leadership knows how to play politics. It is making no promises that it will reveal everything it has found out about the Redskins and others who had contact with the team. We hold all the records. The rescue team said the man was buried up to his neck in soil. This must happen more than every four years, because theres no offseason for democracy.,,,,,,,,,,,, I listen to what he says and sometimes I'll cringe. Here, using's database, are the disclosed political donations* for majority NFL owners dating back to the 2008 election. (Photo by Jonathan Bachman/Getty Images). (And Im not forgetting Colin Kaepernicks protests against police violence, and how the league effectively blackballed him before paying him off to avoid a certain-to-be-nightmarish public trial.). Weve never won a Super Bowl, and this years loss in Super Bowl LI was especially hard to take. The public discourse on these and other issues is too divisive, too political. I mean, people were throwing tea off those boats because they were protesting, you know. Atlanta Falcons vNew Orleans Saints Owner Arthur Blank of the Atlanta Flacons reacts before a game against the New Orleans Saints at the Mercedes Benz Superdome on November 10, 2019 in New Orleans, Louisiana. When you burn down this city, youre burning down our community., If you want change in America, go and register to vote. Sadly, sometimes these young men and women get involved in that cycle and they never get out of it. I think back when I lived in a neighborhood, you know, a small neighborhood, when my mother and dad were alive, we all took care of each other.