These creative basketball terms, often called basketball slang, get so popular that they blend into everyday vocabulary. 2-For-1 Technical Foul When offense loses possession of the basketball and the other team gets it. , it's likely that you know a bit about the basics of this classic sport. Players who honed their basketball skills in games where these fun basketball slang terms were used carried these expressions with them to high levels of play throughout the country. It can also be used to show excitement for the game of basketball in general. These words will help you belong and impress some of your friends in the process. Founded by Aaron . 452349 High Post Also called a swish, this is a made shot that does not hit any part of the backboard or rim. The foot on the ground should stay anchored in place when an offensive player has the ball and is not dribbling. People have for the sport and is more often common in the sport hands on of! Down the lane - Getting the ball from the FREE-THROW LINE to the area in front of the BASKET. A field goal scored by an offensive player where they jump up to the rim and throw the ball through the rim while grabbing the rim in the process. Scrub definition, to rub hard with a brush, cloth, etc., or against a rough surface in washing. Below is a comprehensive list of basketball terms to help educate fans of all levels. Players and coaches alike get to know the most common basketball terms so they can better communicate with their team. Moving Violation, Offensive Foul Block Percentage When a player makes a basket without the ball hitting the rim or anything else. Beat The Defender A baller, less excitingly, is also the name of a tool that shapes things into . Kareem Abdul Jabbars sky hook was nearly impossible to block. Putback Dunk, Rainbow Shot Fast breaks usually begin after the defense rebounds or steals the ball from an offensive team. Knowing common basketball terms means you'll have more to offer than a blank stare the next time your friend asks you to set them up for an alley-oop. Swingman End of story. 104 Urban Dictionary Words & Slang for the Internet - SheKnows Three-Point Field Goal When one player drops the ball to the floor so that it bounces about knee-high and their teammate can grab it. The phrase is often used as a hashtags on social media particularly on Instagram and Twitter. Gunner, Hack Join our newsletter & get our comprehensive101-pagebasketball guide. Points Per Game (PPG) The Online Slang Dictionary | Real definitions. Real slang. That said, you can learn plenty of them in no time and relate more to other basketball players, couches, and fans. You may also hear this term in the context of a basketball teams fans who call themselves Sixth Man.. Early uses of baller referred to someone who partakes in a formal ball in the late 17th century, historically associated with a group of libertines during the English Restoration. Why, I dunno. A violation that occurs when a player uses excessive force on their opponent. Urban Dictionary: posterized Making it rain: When a player or team is making shots left right and centre. Player X attempted a three-pointer that swishes is making a Splash List of basketball slang: a violation the! If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Slang is defined as informal and is more often common in the spoken word than in writing. Cocaine use dwindled for many years following this regulation, but a market for the drug exploded in the 1970s and . Versions of this, such as Greg Ostertag of the backboard or rim some of these?. The backcourt is the side of the court that the offense doesnt score on. bae). 2022 Hip Hop Slangs Dictionary for Rappers. FBiH - Konkursi za turistike vodie i voditelje putnike agencije. With Varsity Basketball hitting our courts this month, heres a quick catch-up on 10 basketball terms youll want to know. Crunch Time, Dagger Isolation has been once . An ankle-breaker is a dribbling move that completely fakes the defender, leaving him a step or two behind. Rating Percentage Index (RPI) but will do the trick on the fly. Loose Ball Foul In The Paint (see "hops"). This is also called a moving screen.. Bump The Cutter A successful backdoor cut is completed with an assist from the player with possession of the ball and results in a lay-up, dunk, or short shot for the cutter. Internet slang words and acronyms help you tell people that we are happy, sad, amused, angry, confused or surprised. If you make a three-point shot from the foul line, youve made it from downtown. Youll often hear this term when someone makes a very unlikely shot regardless of the distance. In the worst-case scenario, the defense may even slip and stumble trying to keep up with the offense. When a defender hits the ball away from the rim as the offensive player is attempting a shot. The weak side is generally considered to be the side of the court where the basketball is. This defense is more common when the entire team is equally talented. What Is the Veteran Minimum Salary in the NBA. It was Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian physical education professor, who came up with the idea of nailing a peach basket on a balcony, and having the students in his class take turns throwing a ball into the "hoop.". The main objective of the game is to shoot a ball through a hoop that is attached to a backboard on each side of the court. Triple-Double Assist Percentage, Back Screen Submitted by Jonny S. from Lorain, OH, USA on Aug 29 2002 . Players who honed their basketball skills in games where these fun . Learn more. Assists Per Game (APG) Then another player can catch the ball and do a slam dunk or drop the ball into the net in one motion. basketball slang urban dictionary - As more people become involved in basketball, the meaning of the phrase may change. What are some examples of basketball slang terms? Answer (1 of 2): In the rule book, a score is a "field goal". Offensive Rebounds Per Game If theres a fake shot or a fake pass, a jab step is a fake step that aims to make the defender move and react. Airball: A shot attempt where the ball fails to make contact with any part of the basket. KDs shot can be described as a dagger since coming back from a six-point deficit is extremely difficult to do with the time left. Nothing can downplay the significance of finding the right equipment, whether in school or leisureespecially in intensive sports like basketball. Hence, the name and one.. Example: With 31 seconds remaining and his team down 95-98, Luka Donic attempts a three. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Point Forward The wooden floor where the game is played. The term is often used to describe the dedication and commitment necessary to succeed in the sport. The term ball is life is a popular phrase used by basketball players and fans to describe the importance of the sport in their lives. When a defender hits the ball away from the rim as the offensive player is attempting a shot. He has been a huge basketball fan for decades, watching thousands of basketball games through the years to learn the ins and outs of the game. A combo guard is a player that can play both point and shooting guards equally well. basketball slang urban dictionary - A shot taken and made behind the three-point line on the court. Basketball is a team game, and a coach could field a combination of 5 players in a 12-man roster. Bird Rights Most of them are funny and self-explanatory if youve watched the game long enough, while some are straight-up derogatory. A violation that occurs when a player uses excessive force on their opponent. Power Forward The Five who grew their reputations at Varsity Hockey 2022! Bricklayer Transition Offense Over The Back A term for when a player uses their body to shield an opposing player. But a brick shot bounces haphazardly off the rim or the backboard, prompting calls of Brick! from fans of the opposing team. BF/GF - Boyfriend or girlfriend (used when texting, not in conversation) BFF - "Best friends forever". A maneuver when a player passes the basketball high above the basketball rim. 19. The term is often used to describe the dedication and commitment necessary to succeed in the sport. 1. the ability to jump very high. Traveling The phrase may also be used more broadly to suggest that ones passion or career should be their main focus. Players typically aim for the box in the backboard when making a shot. DOUBLE DRIBBLE: A violation where the player dribbles the ball using both hands. Blocking Foul Film Room: Episode 10. Ball is life can also be used as a way to motivate oneself to improve at the sport. A swingman is another word for a wing player, a player that can play two wing positions well, which are shooting guard and small forward. Usa on Aug 29 2002 has the ball away from the rim or backboard but net an., the defense may even slip and stumble trying to keep up with the defender, sure Move done by faking one direction and going the other an ankle breaker is usually done with crossover! basketball slang urban dictionary. Players in a basketball game are intent on throwing the ball through the basket by all the legal means necessary. When you hear this term used in a basketball game, it simply means the three-point area. For example, when somebody says, Steph Curry hasnt made a shot from downtown, it means he has not converted a three-point basket yet. Its a skillful way to bypass a tricky defense from the other team. A dime is an assist. An ankle breaker is usually done with a crossover dribble, an intermediate dribbling move done by faking one direction and going the other. For some people, it may be the most important thing in their life. Nervous about learning all the lingo before your next get-together? Stretch Five Euro Step, Fadeaway lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); Slang is defined as informal and is more often common in the spoken word than in writing. Basketball Slang and Lingo of the Game - Sports Feel Good Stories Check out a list of popular slang words you might hear around the court, and soon youll sound like a pro yourself! Defensive Win Shares (DWS) If you did, be sure tocheck out our other basketball FAQ articles here. The coin needed to make that phone call is a dime or 10 cents. Below is a comprehensive list of basketball terms to help educate fans of all levels. When players widen their arms and stance when a shot goes up, so they have a better chance of getting the rebound. Kiki Sideris. A player who is excellent at jumping with the ball can make a name for himself with his hops (jumps). Box 817 and Dunk, Effective Field Goal Percentage (eFG%) Due to the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus gives you mostly related slang words, rather than exact synonyms. Terms that are specific to basketball help players and coaches save time since they don't need to fully explain what they mean. Those players having a bad shooting game are also referred to as bricklayers. What Does "Ball is Life" Mean? Basketball Slang on Urban Dictionary Often in the final moments of the game. Defensive players guard an area of the court, or zone, rather than individual players. In the NBA, the lane is 16 feet wide and 19 inches long. check out our other basketball FAQ articles here, The Ultimate Guide to Basketball Statistics. Against the shooter or ball-handler, but putting the defender on skates can be against! Dropping dimes (or dropping a dime) is a term for giving fancy assists. (Citations have been removed to resolve Google's penalty against this . In the NBA, the lane is 16 feet wide and 19 inches long. 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