Other. These rates will be in effect from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. a. Describe the coordination goals, processes, and results: McKinney-Vento state coordinators for homeless education and other agencies providing services for children experiencing homelessness and, to the extent practicable, local McKinney-Vento liaisons. Describe: [ ] e.No, but the state/territory is in the in the development phase of supporting accreditation. This description should identify the practices which must be implemented by child care programs. How are the funds tracked and method of oversight. [ ] iii. Reasonably allows a family to continue accessing child care services without unnecessary disruption: 4. Describe the quality information: [ ] v. License-exempt non-CCDF providers. ii. The State Advisory Council (SAC) on Early Childhood Education and Care (pursuant to 642B(b)(I)(A)(i) of the Head Start Act) (658E(c)(2)(R); 98.15(b)(1)) or similar coordinating body pursuant to 98.14(a)(1)(vii). Telephone Billing Agreement. Provide the website link to where the Plan, any Plan amendments, and/or waivers are available. Run system reports that flag errors (include types). Describe how base payment rates are adequate and enable providers to meet health, safety, quality, and staffing requirements under CCDF, and how they were established based on the most recent MRS or ACF pre-approved alternative methodology and the Narrow Cost Analysis, as reported in 4.2.1 and 4.2.5.. If yes, please identify the methodology(ies) used below to assess child care prices and/or costs. The definition of "serious injury" used by the Lead Agency for this requirement. v.Does the Lead Agency provide respite care to custodial parents of children in protective services? [ ] i. Child Care Application Form. Identify the CCDF-eligible family child care providers who are exempt from licensing requirements. i. [ ] vii. And Pritzker announced his administration is extending the Strengthen and Grow Child Care Grant program through June 2023. W-9 Form. Note: A Plan amendment is required if the website address where the Plan is posted is changed. If the sliding-fee scale is not statewide (i.e., county-administered states): ii. Describe the coordination goals, processes, and results: State/territory agency responsible for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and other relevant nutrition programs. Provide a brief description of the standard(s). Note: An FBI Rap Back program only covers the FBI Fingerprint component of the background check. Lead Agency accepts applications at local community-based locations, [ ] ii. a. Complete the table below to indicate how the identified populations are prioritized or targeted. ii. The CCAP phone appointments are available for parents and care and education providers. * Use the chart below to determine the most appropriate babysitting rate by hourly wage by location. Provide the citation(s) for this policy or procedure. Families who are receiving or needing to receive protective services on a case-by-case basis, as determined by the Lead Agency for purposes of CCDF eligibility. Fax 287-6308. b. List the entity(ies) in your state/territory that are responsible for conducting inspections of license-exempt CCDF providers: To certify, describe how the Lead Agency ensures that licensing inspectors (or qualified monitors designated by the Lead Agency) are qualified to inspect child care facilities and providers. Child Care Subsidy Information for Providers - Maine DHHS Reimbursement Process - Illinois Child Care Bureau Lead Agency or Joint Interagency Official Contact Information: b. CCDF Co-Administrator Contact Information (if applicable): Description of the Role of the Co-Administrator: Day to day management of the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). Daycare Prices Near You, a State-by-State Guide | Procare Contact us using the link Below. [ ] Donated to a separate entity(ies) designated to receive private donated funds? The name of the agency that conducts the investigation; include multiple names if multiple agencies are involved in different background check components, How the Lead Agency is informed of the results of each background check component. For example, if using a survey, describe how the Lead Agency will ensure a representative sample and promote an adequate response rate. In addition, the Lead Agency must offer a range of notification options to accommodate families. d.The Lead Agency ensures that providers are paid in accordance with a written payment agreement or an authorization for services that includes, at a minimum, information regarding provider payment policies, including rates, schedules, any fees charged to providers, including fees related to COVID 19, and the dispute-resolution process. Describe the activities and the results of these activities: c.Check and describe any activities that the Lead Agency will use to investigate and recover improper payments due to unintentional program violations. Describe your state/territory's policies and practices for pre-licensure inspections of licensed family child care providers for compliance with health, safety, and fire standards. Specifically, provide the minimum number of years reports are posted and the policy for removing reports (98.33(a)(4)(iv)). Describe how the Lead Agency defines timely posting of monitoring reports. The coefficient of variation (CV) for this estimate is between 30 and 50 percent. [ ] vi. Include in the description how each activity assists in the identification and prevention of agency errors. [ ] License-exempt family child care (FCC) CCDF providers. Support for improving business practices, such as management training, paid sick leave, and shared services. Lead Agencies must also include a description of how a family or child care provider can use these resources and services to obtain developmental screenings for children who receive subsidies and who might be at risk of cognitive or other developmental delays, which can include social, emotional, physical, or linguistic delays (658E(c)(2)(E)(ii)). These centers can serve as resources to child care providers to improve the quality of early childhood services for infants and toddlers from low- income families and to improve eligible child care providers' capacity to offer high-quality, age-appropriate care to infants and toddlers from low-income families. Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. a. Provide the citation(s) for the training requirement(s), including citations for both licensed and license-exempt providers. Describe how the state/territory's framework for training and professional development addresses the following required elements: State/territory professional standards and competencies. iii. Lunch/supper $2.63. FY 23 Enrollment Form. Extended office hours (evenings and/or weekends), [ ] vii. Families earning more than $190,015 and under $354,305 will have a subsidy cap of $10,655 per year, per child. applicable licensing and regulatory requirements, health and safety standards, training and professional development standards, and appropriate child to staff ratio, groups size limits, and caregiver qualification requirements (98.45 (f)(ii)(A)). Military departments will increase the community provider fee assistance rate cap from $1,500 per child, per month to $1,700 per child, per month to ensure child care subsidies for military . Provide the citation(s) for this training requirement, including citations for both licensed and license-exempt providers. Describe: Introduction and How to Approach Plan Development, 1 Define Leadership and Coordination with Relevant Systems and Funding Sources, 1.3 Consultation in the Development of the CCDF Plan, 1.4 Coordination with Partners to Expand Accessibility and Continuity of Care, 1.5 Optional Use of Combined Funds, CCDF Matching, and Maintenance-of-Effort Funds, 1.7 Coordination with Child Care Resource and Referral Systems, 1.8 Disaster Preparedness and Response Plan, 2 Promote Family Engagement Through Outreach and Consumer Education, 2.1 Outreach to Families with Limited English Proficiency and Persons with Disabilities, 2.4 Additional Consumer and Provider Education, 2.5 Procedures for Providing Information on Developmental Screenings, 3 Provide Stable Child Care Financial Assistance to Families, 3.3 Increasing Access for Vulnerable Children and Families, 4 Ensure Equal Access to Child Care for Low-Income Children, 4.1 Maximize Parental Choice and Implement Supply Building Mechanisms, 4.2 Assess Market Rates and Analyze the Cost of Child Care, 4.4 Implement Generally Accepted Payment Practices and Ensure Timeliness of Payments, 5 Establish Standards and Monitoring Processes to Ensure the Health and Safety of Child Care Settings, 5.2 Standards for Ratios, Group Size and Qualifications for CCDF Providers, 5.3 Health and Safety Standards and Training for CCDF Providers, 5.4 Monitoring and Enforcement Policies and Practices for CCDF Providers, 6 Recruit and Retain a Qualified and Effective Child Care Workforce, 6.2 Training and Professional Development Requirements, 6.3 Supporting Training and Professional Development of the Child Care Workforce with CCDF Quality Funds, 6.4 Early Learning and Developmental Guidelines, 7.1 Quality Activities Needs Assessment for Child Care Services, 7.3 Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) or Another System of Quality Improvement, 7.4 Improving the Supply and Quality of Child Care Programs and Services for Infants and Toddlers, 7.6 Facilitating Compliance with State Standards, 7.7 Evaluating and Assessing the Quality and Effectiveness of Child Care Programs and Services, 7.10 Other Quality Improvement Activities, 8 Ensure Grantee Program Integrity and Accountability, 8.1 Internal Controls and Accountability Measures to Help Ensure Program Integrity, Appendix A: MRS, Alternative Methodology and Narrow Cost Analysis Waiver Request Form, https://www.census.gov/data/tables/2012/econ/gus/2012-governments.html, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/occ/policy-guidance/ccdf-acf-pi-2009-01, https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=105776, https://course.inccra.org/mod/resource/view.php?id=13644, https://courses.inccrra.org/mod/resource/view.php?id=13644, https://dcfsonlinereporting.dcfs.illinois.gov/, https://www2.illinois.gov/dcfs/aboutus/pages/com_communications_foia.aspx, https://sunshine.dcfs.illinois.gov/Content/Licensing/Daycare/MonitoringReports.aspx, https://sunshine.dcfs.illinois.gov/Content/Licensing/BecomeLicensed.aspx, https://www2.illinois.gov/dcfs/aboutus/notices/documents/rules_377.pdf, http://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=87064, https://sunshine.dcfs.illinois.gov/Content/Reports/MonitoringProcess.aspx, http://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=47400, http://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=10592, https://sunshine.dcfs.illinois.gov/Content/Licensing/BackgroundCheckProcess.aspx, http://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=10153, https://sunshine.dcfs.illinois.gov/Content/Licensing/Daycare/ProviderLookup.aspx, https://sunshine.dcfs.illinois.gov/Content/Licensing/InvestigationActions.aspx, https://www.illinoiscaresforkids.org/provider-search/, https://sunshine.dcfs.illinois.gov/Content/Licensing/Daycare/AnnualReports.aspx, https://www.illinoiscaresforkids.org/toddler-en/early-care-and-education/ccr-r-agencies, https://illinoiscaresforkids.com/preschool-en/child-development/milestones-by-year, https://illinoiscaresforkids.com/preschool-en/healthy-preschoolers/healthy-eating-tips, https://illinoiscaresforkids.com/families-en/family-engagement, http://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=30355, https://www.childfind-idea-il.us/About.aspx, https://illinoisearlylearning.org/tipsheets/dev-screening/, https://www.illinois.gov/hfs/MedicalProviders/MaternalandChildHealth/Pages/Early-Intervention-Care-Coordination-Provider-Toolkit-.aspx, http://www.dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/life-stages-populations/newborn-screening, http://ilga.gov/commission/jcar/admincode/089/089004070D01000R.html, http://ilga.gov/commission/jcar/admincode/089/089004070D01300R.html, http://ilga.gov/commission/jcar/admincode/089/089004060000090R.html, http://ilga.gov/commission/jcar/admincode/089/089004080000350R.html, http://www.excelerateillinoisproviders.com/docman/resources/13-overview-of-charts/file, https://www.dhs.state.il.us/onenetlibrary/27897/documents/Forms/IL444-3455.pdf, https://www.dhs.state.il.us/OneNetLibrary/27894/documents/DHSChildCare/ConsumerStatement.pdf, https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ocs/resource/liheap-im-2020-02-state-median-income-estimates-for-optional-use-fy2020-and-mandatory-use-fy2021?utm_medium=rss, www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=118832, https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=19540, https://www.ilgateways.com/financial-opportunities/restoration-grants, https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=117317, https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=136091, https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=38525, https://www2.illinois.gov/dcfs/aboutus/notices/documents/rules_407.pdf, https://www2.illinois.gov/dcfs/aboutus/notices/documents/rules_406.pdf, https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=85480, https://www.dhs.state.il.us/OneNetLibrary/27894/documents/DHSChildCare/HSLECCCOct2018MonTool.pdf, https://www.dhs.state.il.us/OneNetLibrary/27894/documents/DHSChildCare/HSLEFCCOct%202018MonTool.pdf, www.ilgateways.com/docman-docs/itn-trainers/itn-trainer-public/1075-itn-training-descriptions/file, https://www.inccrra.org/images/datareports/Illinois_Early_Childhood_Education_Workforce_2020_Report.pdf, https://www.excelerateillinoisproviders.com/resources/resources-by-standard-for-licensed-family-child-care, Define CCDF Leadership and Coordination with Relevant Systems and Funding Sources, Promote Family Engagement Through Outreach and Consumer Education, Provide Stable Child Care Financial Assistance to Families, Ensure Equal Access to Child Care for Low-Income Children, Establish Standards and Monitoring Processes to Ensure the Health and Safety of Child Care Settings, Recruit and Retain a Qualified and Effective Child Care Workforce, Ensure Grantee Program Integrity and Accountability.