So even if a website may cost more than its competitors, as long as the website provides great bang for the buck, it will receive higher marks than others. IMLCARecruits School Athlete Profile for Malone Lohmann. No matter how challenging your courses might be, having a friend in place when you arrive will make everything a lot easier for you. This collaboration delivers a feature-rich, reliable, and secure experience for all users. For our review purposes though, we can easily give this feature a solid score. You can provide a link to a video. It is focused on Lacrosse only, so we couldnt justify including it in our top six list. With all the choices available, it might seem impossible to choose the one thats right for you. At the time of writing we were unable to find any options for Dynamic resumes though, so that may be an issue for some athletes and parents. Take control of the recruiting process on the IWLCAs official digital recruiting platform. It makes it easy to send multiple emails prior to an upcoming tournament or showcase. From our research we found that there are some offerings that are more common than others because they matter most to coaches and student-athletes. Themes Can recruiting websites really help me find happiness? While this does not fully make up for the college search features we want, this is a great addition. The tool featured in the image below is a sample clipped from the SportsRecruit website to show how it will help you with your college search. We love that the website provides a basic template with clear instructions on how to write great introduction emails. These services are extremely beneficial to student athletes and are easily worth the money, especially as it provides benefits for a members entire life. Thats why many people take the time to go to their local gyms or hire athletic trainers to help them reach their goals. Start your free account on IMLCARecruits: Create . Also, the staff was very good about answering the question we sent in within a day. CaptainU is another recruiting website that weve had our eye on as it boasts some exciting features that would be useful to athletes. Before, during, or after an event, college coaches have the most accurate and up-to-date data. What Does It Offer?ConnectLax has a Youtube video that goes into more detail, but it provides a comprehensive profile, College Matching, and Connectivity to Coaches. From the amazing recruiting tools and college matching surveys and the fact that the entire website is accessible for free makes it an amazing value. What Is It About?CollegeFitFinder provides tools that emphasize club play. We love that you are given enough of each service to justify membership and that it feels good to support the website with this tiny fee. Student-athletes rely on guidance from their club and high school coaches. For most student athletes, the realities of college life, especially at an individual school, is a huge mystery. Why Did We Disqualify It?American football players may enjoy what RecruitingBoard has to offer, but its focus is too narrow to make our list. Have you heard of the University Athlete site? With this acquisition, the companies will unite SportsRecruits' rapidly growing recruiting network and ConnectSports' powerful tools to streamline recruiting for all stakeholders. Why Did We Disqualify It?While students will benefit from being discovered by ZCruit, since the features are both only for American Football and primarily of use to coaches, it doesnt have a place in our top six list. We do appreciate transparency, but we wonder if this couldnt have been done in a more customer-friendly way. It may be an issue of the website requiring a completed profile for analysis, but that should be conveyed to the user in some manner. SportsRecruits puts you in control of the recruiting process. On-demand event film library with side-by-side rosters. FieldLevel is a website that provides similar services to many of the other websites on this list, with a few caveats that we were surprised to find. Some of these same websites will go a step above and put you in direct communication with current players on the individual teams. If you are still having trouble, please be sure to email us at [emailprotected], 41 Schermerhorn Street #1062, Brooklyn, NY 11201, You are using an incompatible browser. Build your free student-athlete profile, find schools that are a fit and connect with college coaches. If you are still having trouble, please be sure to email us at [emailprotected]. Access event film from top recruiting events, Connect with any college coach in one click, Unlimited video uploads + highlight reel builder. But lets look further and see if FieldLevel can make up for these initial impressions. We were disappointed to see this since providing options that are not really supported can be frustrating to interested players. What Is It About?ZCruit is a website that promotes the recruiting scene for American Football. They may not know the optimal ways to train their bodies or have the equipment to really push the most effect out of their training. As shown in the image below, they offer a variety of tools to make your videos stand out and far more effective than simply posting a copy of the video or providing a link. Views. However, if your student has this goal, there are definitely tips that will increase his or her chances. We recommend switching to Chrome, Firefox, and/or Safari for not only SportsRecruits, but for all websites. The website even boasts that its intent is to bring recruiting into the 21st century. To see the difference, lets take a look at two example resumes. By now you may realize how important we find clear and concise information to be. But reaching out to current players is where the magic happens. SIGN UP FOR Unlike the SportsRecruits site I described above, you cannot see when someone has viewed your profile. It is a very customer friendly way of letting your potential clients see what you have to offer so they can decide how much to invest in your services. Were bringing together two innovative companies with a passion for empowering student-athletes and leveraging technology to create more opportunities for student-athletes from all backgrounds, Meade said. Because as mentioned, the above pricing is based on an annual pay scale, so the platinum scale offer is nearly $900. But many families see the huge amount of work that it takes to get noticed by recruiting coaches as an impossibly high barrier. In addition to this, the lack of any ability to create a Dynamic resume means that what you do create remains on the website, since we did not notice a print out feature and will have trouble standing out against your competitors for college space. These websites include PrepHero, NCSA, beRecruited, CaptainU, CollegeFitFinder, Playced, ScoutForce. What Is It About?RecruitingBoard is a lot like ZCruit in its focus on American football, except that this one does a better job of inviting players to sign up and upload their data. Men's Lacrosse. Recruiting websites do the same thing. As of February 10, 2023, the ConnectLAX platform has been sunset. Start your student-athlete profile for free, maximize your exposure, and connect with college coaches. Still, BeRecruited provides a clean and clear space for adding your information, so we cant fault the website for providing the basics. Take Volleyball for example. When we came to the section on position for the initial profile, we came upon another problem. It provides a lot of great features for soccer-interested players. Now typically membership sites will list the features that are available to free users to compare them to what you could get when you bump up to higher tiers of service. As you can guess, we think that BeRecruited knocks this one out of the park and earns itself a perfect rating. But when we emailed customer support we got a response within a day, which is excellent customer service. Microsoft no longer supports most versions of Internet Explorer, since it released Microsoft Edge in 2015. It provides services for a variety of sports from Baseball to Wrestling and includes a surprising eSports section. Its unclear if this list was created from our initial choice of mens soccer, but it is still a problem that we cannot ignore. If colleges are following you youll know which ones, and you gain access to workshop classes. To keep with the review, however, we went ahead and proceeded assuming that we were an American football player. As you can see from the image below, some of these statistics are even found by taking tests or participating in games that the software has created. Lets dive right in and see what we like about this website. Your information, to include highlight videos, images, contact information, and your dominant hand is all easily visible and displayed. But then we saw the absolutely user friendly and brilliant Colleges section, pictured below. While we came in looking forward to NCSA great services and renowned NCSA University, the pricing page does not provide enough information. If you do not currently use any of these browsers, here are links to download Google Chrome and Firefox for free. Student-athletes rely on guidance from their club and high school coaches. Current and future customers and partners can expect significant benefits as a result of this acquisition.. Even when you consider the fact that it does report to offer great quality guides, and information about NCAA eligibility, the lack of transparency is simply too great an issue to ignore. At the least expensive, you get college matching assistance, profile creation tools, and basic guidance and email support. SportsRecruits shares our vision of building a bridge between what college coaches have come to expect and what club organizations can provide from a technology standpoint.. You might think that only parents and students use recruiting websites, but thats far from the truth. ConnectLAX has Joined SportsRecruits. Your resume, like the sample pictured below, starts with a picture that you choose, your school and position information, your personals, and an at the glance review of what you are as a player. What Is It About?ConnectLax is a website that focuses on helping Lacrosse Athletics students get paired up with interested College Athletics programs. If you would like to see what a resume would look like, we encourage you to click this link to see the complete version of the resume and profile image below as demonstrated on the Sports Recruits web page. The Information Displayed on your Profile. The website is geared towards recruiting coaches. Any website that makes your profile information easy to see and read, will receive higher marks than those that dont. Find out if college coaches in your sport are known to usethe University Athlete site. The cool part about this feature is that your completed profile will be automatically attached to your email, which includes the resume you created. It is the most used resource by college coaches to look up and evaluate student athletes. This information is presented cleanly and well with no bells and whistles to distract from the facts. Unlimited video uploads + highlight reel builder, Connect with any college coach in one click, Built-in access to film from all IMLCAevents. Transparency into every student-athlete's process, Tools to guide student-athletes' target lists. It offers players the chance to find recommendations from teammates and coaches. Ultimately, the site offers great college search tools, but only if you pay, which we can understand. Student-athletes shouldnt have to wonder if activity from college coaches is real. We believe that any student would easily benefit from using the website and will only find greater value by paying their small fee. Every CaptainU profile features your academics and athletics achievements, positions, and ratings. The IMLCA had been looking for ways to streamline the recruiting process for student-athletes and our membership base of college coaches and IMCLARecruits is the answer. Youll also be able to request endorsements from your current teammates as well as coaches, which helps demonstrate how much of a team player you are. This is a great option for students who want to add that extra level of flair and style to their resumes and help their information stand out against their competitors. Malone plays and graduates in 2022. Which is appropriate as this is your starting line on the race for recruiting success. College Recruiting Websites: Comparing NCSA, beRecruited, CaptainU & Others. The process to find these and market your athlete appropriately can be a confusing and overwhelming process. What Does It Offer: Well tell you some of the promises and guarantees that the website makes. If you are introduced to a school that interests you, you can send them a personalized email expressing your interest. The IWLCA continues to push for more access for womens lacrosse athletes and has been at the forefront of using technology to make their coaches lives easier. Some users do use the site to create their own resumes, but the black on white format makes it easy for the eyes to wander with information being lost upon the reader. We do this because we believe that investing in your future is never a bad idea, but we want you to be sure that what you invest in will be worth every cent you pay. All of those are options that will give you several matching colleges which makes the first feature even easier to recommend. 1:43 + We're thrilled to welcome ConnectSports to the SportsRecruits team! 41 Schermerhorn Street #1062, Brooklyn, NY 11201. The call out boxes featured on the profile page do help you in determining what information is needed or missing from your page, which we find to be absolutely invaluable in helping you create a profile and resume that works. Get tips on creating a recruiting video and create one. With every student-athlete on one platform, you'll be able to efficiently find, track, and evaluate prospective recruits. The Power of Communication: Never before has it been easier to reach out to your favorite schools, because coach information is usually available on school websites. College lacrosse Coaches can connect with Malone on IMLCARecruits with complete recruiting transparency for free. Beyond the basics you get access to matching and recommendations as well as profile activity rankings and points for Premium+ users. November 8, 2021 - SportsRecruits, the market-leading recruiting network for student-athletes, club organizations, and college coaches, announced the acquisition of ConnectSports, a leader in club organization evaluation, recruiting, and video technology. 161189 :: Sky Walkers 23 Blue vs Ultimate CC 23 Blue on Goucher College - Field 2 @ 11:00am. For the best experience, we recommend, Start your free student-athlete recruiting profile now. IMLCARecruits makes it easier than ever to stay on the same page as families and lend support when needed. It is traditional and professional, but the chances of it standing out at a glance are slim. Get started below! At the time of writing, we didnt see any options for creating or finding help in creating a more dynamic resume, which we feel is a shame. So this service works best for students who are in their first two years of High School Athletics. As shown in the image below, even something like assistance with finding the right colleges for you require membership. IMLCARecruits provides a prospective student-athlete all the tools he needs to find the right fit while making it easy for our membership base of college coaches to access the information and video they need to evaluate a prospective student-athlete. Kayla Wehberg, 2023. So we can easily give credit where due for providing help for these students. But for now, lets look at what membership to FieldLevel offers you. Of course athletic recruiting services are there to convince you to spend money on their service, but most also have a wealth of information that you can access without charge. Build your free student-athlete profile, find schools that are a fit and connect with college coaches. Websites that give you the choice between the two will be rated higher than those that only offer static resumes. We have some trepidation with how strongly CaptainU pushes its membership rates and services, especially considering the comparatively high pricing schedule compared to some of the other websites on this list. Recruiting profiles look cool, but they don't tell coaches what they really need to know. When you combine this with the post-production services that the site offers, its easy to see why any athlete would be willing to work with SportsRecruits as their website of choice. The easiest way to think about why Recruiting Websites can help is to compare them to gym equipment. So were sure that you want to spend your time at a university that has a culture that you can enjoy. Should You Use an Athletic Recruiting Service? Ready to get started? Tucker plays and graduates in 2021. Why Did We Disqualify It?While we love the integration of technology, we have to disqualify websites that cater to only one sport. SportsRecruits and ConnectSports join forces to create the leading recruiting network. While signing up for one of these services will make the costs clearer, this lack of transparency is a huge problem for parents who want to know what they are expected to pay. This is phenomenal as it pushes you to make the best use of your emailing time while preventing you from making any key errors. The companys network and tools are trusted by sports organizations such as the IWLCA, IMLCA, and Junior Volleyball Association. This collaboration delivers a feature-rich, reliable, and secure experience for all users. It would be better to just do a FREE profile on the sites that offer that and do the rest of the process on your own or with the help of a trusted advisor who knows your sport well. First, when you sign up, youll be offered a free recruiting tool, where youll be able to speak with a recruiting process expert to see if a personalized game plan would help increase your odds of success. There is simply no reason for this as it makes the decision on whether or not to spend money on FieldLevels services needlessly complex. With that in mind, our final rating for SportsRecruits is 7.8. For our review well be looking at the following items and their existence or ease of use will help determine our score. To do so, follow these steps: Log into your ConnectSports account Navigate to the "Provide Videos" section on the platform We recommend switching to Chrome, Firefox, and/or Safari for not only SportsRecruits, but for all websites. But as it is, we are confident that this is FieldLevel strongest page and offering. Copy Link. However, if you know what schools youre interested in, then these two tools are excellent and appropriate. At the time of writing, we were unable to discover when this website was founded. We want to make sure that you are on a more secure browser and that you have the best experience with SportsRecruits as possible. | Powered by WordPress, College Recruiting Websites: Comparing NCSA, beRecruited, CaptainU, Start communicating with your future college coach, College Recruiting Websites: Comparing NCSA, beRecruited, CaptainU, and PrepHero. But this is still enough to earn the website a strong score. We recommend switching to Chrome, Firefox, and/or Safari for not only IWLCARecruits, but for all websites. of college coaches are on SportsRecruits.No more tracking down contact information. Through the analysis below we compared the technology and approach taken by the various recruiting sites including this one. As you increase your rank from Champion to Elite to MVP, you gain more access to the website, with increasingly priority access to consultations as required. The site promises that your membership gives you access to every college coach. At the time of writing, we were unable to discover when CaptainU was founded. Discover thousands of student-athletes, watch event film on-demand, and discover your next recruit. Providing them with all the tools they need to be successful in the recruiting process. As you can see, after you put in your information on your preferences of distance, division, and your grade levels, it will make recommendations on schools that meet your criteria.