I think the students should pick! Ravi: I must leave too. Zuri:Jessie,this is a disaster! (points), (scene changes to screening room,time changes to day). I'll come up with something. It's funny sped up,too! It's too strong to be broken. (about to fall down), (All help Jessie get up and say "Whoa!" (scene changes to kitchen,cutting potatoes). But I would just make one small change. They have these giant leaf holders there called trees! Jessie:You know,Ravi,I could coach you in the fine art of mascot-ary. This is only option 4 out of 10. You may have charisma,but I was born to look goofy in public! Luke:He is real! (stands up)Luke,perhaps you will take comfort that some small part of you will finally receive an A! (points to eyebrows)I'll get destroyed at school! Michelle:In the meantime,let's get this party started! Taylor:I'd love to,but I have to get back home. No! Zuri:I was talking about the fro-yo. Jessie:Well,if that's the spinach,then what's in the spinach frittata? Apparently,I'm no longer one of her favorite things. Jessie: (walks into the kitchen) Nothing on the table, nothing on the stove, you might be taking this "light breakfast" concept a little far! Jessie:Isn't it nice having a family dinner? Emma:Oh,Jessie,I just thought of a way to make your script better! Emma:Hey,at least it involves sports. ), (audience cheers indifferently(totes lame)). Ravi:No,please! Ravi:I think I split something doing the splits. Hit it! Zuri:If I eat that,I'll be stationed over the toilet. (Atefeh gets up out of bed) Atefeh: *Yawns* Ahh, feels like it's gonna be a good day today. Zuri:Actually,it's a real bull. Bertram:I just got a confirmation! Jessie:That's for the comments on my script. Taylor:Mrs.Obama,thank you for bringing my mom home for my birthday. (Scene changes, to the living room with only Jessie and Bertram in it). Jessie: Help! Jessie:I wasn't coaching. Ravi:But the only other boy role is Tavi,the pathetic wretch whose only friend is a wizard! (Cab driver closes partition screen, Jessie looks offended). I'm going to, uh, get Mr. Kipling a snack (Ravi puts his headphones back on while Jessie goes to feed Mr. Kipling. (pulls mask,grunts)(stops pulling)Uh-oh! (stands up) Hey,did I ever tell you kids about the time I did a triple somersault at the big homecoming game? Jessie this.! Is not meth, this is dried come blocks. - Walter White (thinking) I was waving at an ex-boyfriend. Done with Jessie, done with being told what to do, done with. But thank you for staying up all night to help fix what Luke broke Jessie: Oh, guys, your lunches! Oh,Toby-. Coach Penny:The crowd is on fire! It's not working! And hypoallergenic. So! Luke:All right,all right,all right,cheer-ladies. N-n-n-no, no, no this is the part where you- you thank me for being honest with you and caring more about your kids than about my job, resulting in warm hugs all around Man: That only happens in the movies. (drags Luke to a chair). Jessie:OK,people,we only have 13 hours to get this movie in the can. Have you guys seen a sparkly,pink ball,with teeth marks? Free shipping for many products! Zuri: This is Jessie. She loves juicing stuff. Can't anything go right? Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . Jessie:Hey! Or it could just be from eating 10 helping of pasta fazool. Jessie we need to do a roblx Stream! - Walter White (New) TTS (Stands and moves to the other side of the couch)They missed my tenth birthday because of the fist Galactopus, and they will probably miss my wedding because of Galactopus 3! Jessie:Well,you need to enter a password! Jessie:Guys,knock it off! Jessie:(stammers)Now,now,don't overreact! Jessie: Wait, dont you wanna ask me anymore questions? Mimes? Emma:It was awkward enough for those of us who had to watch it in real life. I caught it right before it erupted! And you've all got six-fingered gloves coming your way. Zuri,try to keep up. Taylor:This was a game? Does he have an older bro? Luke:I borrowed Zuri's marker. Romancing the Crone 13. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Toy Story Jessie Pull-String Doll Hasbro 2001 Disney Pixar Pull String Works at the best online prices at eBay! (Cab driver pulls over to The Fairfield, and Jessie slams into the partition), (Jessie is kicked out of the cab and grunts, while Zuri and Tony watch). Now here is where I make it rain T-shirts! Jessie:Aw(hugs Taylor)good for you. Michelle:(laughs)Well,let me see what I can do. (Pulls Jessie away from the set), (Scene changes to the school where Emma's science fair is hosted.). Luke:Those are my deets,ladies! Right. (stops hugging) And I love you more than O-positive. Jessie:Or better yet,you can grab some food at the snack stand at the park,and take Zuri with you,so she can collect her leaves. Emma:They want to make you their flyer. Jessie: Aww, thank you sweetie, but I didnt come all the way from Fort Hood, in Texas, just to be a babysitter. Jessie:Well,that's just rude! Seriously, who wore this before me, Big Foot? So please don't tell the "Loneliest Snowman" story. Pretzels with hot mustard,turkey schnitzel,and sauerkraut balls. Now kiss me,you greasy haired mook! Morgan: Even if I never work for that studio again. Give me back my moon! Luke:Eh. Tony:Sorry,but re-living out relationship is making me feel kind of uncomfortable. Luke:I don't know what that word means,but you're so cute I might look it up later. If I do not turn it in,I will lose my perfect, 4.0 grade point average! (reads letter)My film got accepted! They both seem fine,and it's not like you're going to marry either of these guys! Luke:You destroyed my face! Morgan and Christina arrive late. Coach Penny:(blows whistle) These two mascot wanna-bees. Let's just skip to the kissing scene,we're running out of time! What are we going to do? Bertram:And I am tired of making food with "Fazool" in the name! Isn't this nice? If we pass by a kid looking for his lunch money,keep walking. You can-, (Mrs.Kipling gives Michelle Obama cake with her tail), Michelle:(eats the cake)Wow,this is actually pretty good! Mrs.Harris:Oh,well,Taylor just misses her mother more than usual lately,what with her tenth birthday coming up. previous scientific theory- is Emma Ross! Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year. Jessie: Are they both horrible jerks with dead end jobs,who make you pick up the check because they left their wallet in their girlfriend's car? You are what we in the plaster business call "mold gold". (Tries to take it from Luke) Luke: No way! (eats sample)(muffled)Happy now? (Opens the door, sees Mr. Kipling, screams, and closes the door.). At school,everyone judges you by how you look! What am I gonna do? Again! (about to kiss)(cringes). I should have seen that coming. I want a producer credit for that! Jessie:Zuri,I'm trying to shoot a love story! Zuri:Who needs to know geography in the Wild East? Get more losers out here! Jessie:Wow. Oh, you think this is funny! 4 Seasons Disney Channel Family, Comedy TVG Watchlist Where to Watch A Texas teenager moves to New York City and becomes a nanny for a couple with four children. When threatened,I'd roll over and play dead like the football team. 825 Topics 825 Posts Last post 05x24 - Jailbreak. 5,4,3-(misses button,sleeps), Bertram:Aaaaand,sent(moves finger to Send). Spoiler alert,the nanny did it! Austin: Not at all. Jessie:Now is the time to blow that whistle! Mrs.Harris:I'm not very good at knitting.(laughs). Now,get into position and no more biting! Only Luke is there), Luke: (knocking on Jessie's door)Hey, babe! (points to eyebrows). Jessie is an American comedy television series created by Pamela Eells O'Connell that aired on Disney Channel from September 30, 2011 to October 16, 2015. Here, I'll help you finish your project! That is cold. Tony:Jessie,I'm really sorry about quitting your movie,and for letting you down. FYI,you have way more worry-lines now than when you started working here. Zuri:I'm finished,no thanks to you! Jessie:Way ahead of you. Which by the way, smells worse than the inside of this costume. If you know Tom Selleck,you better not be holding out on me. I can't see! Christina: Oh, well we'll make it up to her! Jessie:On the bright side,he'll have friends! So is your mom stationed in New York now? (Mr. Kipling swipes at Jessie's ice cream and it drops to the floor in front of him). (To Christina) That extra broke my tentacle. I'm getting a crowbar. So I couldn't board the plane with four ounces of shampoo but he gets to carry on a velociraptor! This is high school! Kinda smells like this:(exhales deeply/shows her breath). Ravi:Oh,joy! And I thought I had an online shopping problem! (Zuri laughs.) I grabbed everything I saw that was green. Jessie: Why? Bertram:No way. (Emma walks in, holding a plate of food and her phone) From now on, we're all going to have dinner together Emma: Eww, no, I can't eat and look at Luke at the same time! Coach Penny:Hey! Emma,you're the School Spirit Coordinator! Jessie: Emma, wait! Am I getting warm? Emma: she said you'd be hearing from her lawyers? (waves hands). Jessie:(pats Bertram's shoulder)Thanks,Bertram. Luke: (runs in, apparently was spying) Mom! OFFICIAL Best List of Porn Tony: (helps Jessie stand) Whoa, you must be a really bad tipper! (Scene changes, to the Ross children and Jessie having dinner in the kitchen.). Ravi:Perhaps dressing up like a giant wasp and cheering for our sports team will be my ticket to popularity. And by the way,my birthday is next month. I can't believe I had to do my homework all by myself! I really appreciate it,but there's only an hour until the deadline. Ravi:It appears verbal dexterity may be my only chance to win this brotherly mascot donnybrook. Jessie: (To Emma) Hey! Tony runs over to Jessie.). Zuri Ross, that's it. Bertram:No! (behind her is a applause-o-meter. Tony:No,I'm talking to you,Jessie. Taylor,you grew up on a military base. Ravi: (walks down the stairs,drops art project) (gasps) I am not ready! Jessie:But you guys seemed so supportive! 11. Jessie:I know,that's why Bertram's taking you to the park! Jessie:But sometimes you find love in placed that you least expect it. The comet is revealed to be Utility Belt Buzz, who opens his jetpack and flies through the canyons. (Luke puts his head back to the top of the costume). Jessie:Excuse him and his ridiculous conspiracy theories. (Luke,Emma,Ravi and Zuri jump happily and laugh), Bertram:Hey! Watch episode clips and more from Disney Channel's Jessie, starring Debby Ryan. Bertram:But I worked so hard! Jessie: I cannot believe you kids actually went up in a helicopter! Stop frolicking on my fontina! disney jessie transcripts Ravi:You will not find a more committed mascot than me. . (about to kiss Tony hard), Tony:I'm sorry,Jessie,you'll just have to finish your movie without me. Jessie: (takes the flowers and puts them in a vase)we don't have a date. Emma: But I need it for my solar system! (Jessie opens the door) Ready for our date? (looks at phone). Once again, you are first on the Naughty Board. I better go get Tony a copy of the script. Emma:(carries bag)Uh,Jessie,we have a small issue. LOTM: Dark Crisis P29/Transcript | Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Jessie:Girls! Morgan: (changing the subject) who wants to see the cool toy that George Lucas gave me? Jessie:OK,I'm starting to see the cons of suggesting that! I have made a fortune trusting my instinctsthat, and slapping my name on everything from sunglasses to cat food. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Disney Pixar Toy Story 2002' Pull String Jessie Talking Doll 13" Hasbro Works at the best online prices at eBay! Sunny,fetch mommy a pen. Zuri:And when he eats that,he'll make you another one! Jessie: What?! the levels are totes lame,mostly lame,getting warm,hot,and blazing. It has an escalator! Jessie:OK,well,if you're OK with it,I'd love to have you play you. Zuri:Oprah? It is the best giant radioactive space octopus movie of all time! Come on. Kipling.). Austin: Well, now I'm a little nervous. Jessie:You know,I was my school's mascot! Or whatever you were before. Morgan: Cut! Bertram: I was going to sign it too but the penis so far away (Scene changes to in the lobby of the Fairfield. Zuri is on the steps.) (pushes Ravi). Emma:She bites harder than Mrs.Kipling! Toy Story Jessie Toys, Disney Pixar Kids Toy Story Toys & Hobbies, Pixar Jessie Toy Story Cartoon & TV Character Action Figures, Zuri:It is. Jessie: (to Zuri)well, if Milly can flop down stairs, she is welcome to eat with us. disney jessie transcripts What kind of werewolf are you? Give me back my moon! It's our thing. She complimented my latrines. They might look just a little out of place in between the portraits of Washington and Lincoln. When Mr. Kipling is alone, he gets scared. (Hip-hop music plays,Ravi goes on the stage), (Ravi dancing,Jessie coaches,Coach Penny paying attention), (Coach Penny realizes that Jessie is coaching). Jessie:How did you get expelled already? And I don't have the time to sit and audition tons of young,good looking guys! That would be cheating. Category:Transcripts | Austin & Ally Wiki | Fandom Emma:Actually,I'm going to say yes to Michael.