Again, please use the contact details above if you do not know who to get in touch with. There was a strong focus on recovery in all the care plans. The centre provides services for men and women with mental illness and also has specialist wards for men with Learning Disability and Autistic-Spectrum Disorders. He is a keen advocate for LGBT inclusion. Report published: For example, throughout the inspection we heard about the use of trauma informed care and about work to improve the sexual safety of people using services. We use cookies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic. We found an overwhelmingly positive culture across the trust. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Staff did not record the fact that they had read patients their rights in a timely manner after admission or detention under the Mental Health Act nor that risk assessments had been updated before section 17 leave was granted. There was good use of outcome measures to monitor if services were effective. Dr Baker sat on the Local Negotiating Committee representing doctors interests at Trust for several years, most notably increasing consultant presence at weekends whilst ensuring safeguards for doctors work-life balance. Service/Borough Directors | East London NHS Foundation Trust Home Information about ELFT Our Board Other Directors Service/Borough Directors Dr Philip Baker, Head of Forensic Services Dr Baker undertook medical training at Oxford University and University College London, qualifying in 2001. looked at a range of policies, procedures and other documents relating to the running of each service. The trust also had many examples of where it was working in boroughs and neighbourhoods to meet the needs of communities. Our staff and service users get to know each other very well. The team covers the whole of the Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust footprint. All teams exceeded this target. Above all it is based on the relational understanding we have. Good We recommend using one of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari. The East London Foundation Trust (ELFT) provides a wide range of community, inpatient and primary care services to children, young people, adults of working age, older adults and. A new alarm system had been introduced that incorporated an emergency call button to the police and global positioning system (GPS) tracking. We rated them as outstanding because: There were however areas for improvement: During our inspection of the two core services, the inspection teams: You can find further information about how we carry out our inspections on our website: The service was constantly innovative and actively participated in quality improvement projects. The consultants act as Responsible Clinicians within the Mental Health Act. Staff used the national early warning score and escalated concerns to medical staff when required. They understood the importance of being kind and respectful. Any other browser may experience partial or no support. At any given time we have as many as 20 active projects running in Forensic Services, receiving support from dedicated advisors, coaches and sponsors. Staff reported to us that they had confidence in their leadership, who they found responsive, and that members of the executive team were visible. Browser Support Quality improvement work had been used to reduce the number of patients acquiring a grade 2, 3 and 4 pressure ulcer whilst using the service. NW1 0PE, In Let us know you are interested by sending an email to this address, You can view our Family Welcome Pack here. Bespoke training had been provided and staff had access to trust MCA advisors. Individual teams had undertaken work to ensure that diverse needs were met. Our overall rating of services stayed the same. The CYP service worked in partnership with clients and the local community to improve services and health outcomes. Teams considered the review of incidents to be an opportunity for learning. Carers sometimes come to Care Programme Approach (CPA) meetings to contribute their views and hear about how things have been progressing. No rating/under appeal/rating suspended What we do, our story and key facts about the Trust. There was effective internal and external multidisciplinary team working. Arts Therapists use drama, music and art to help people explore their difficulties and express themselves. The primary aims of the FCS are to provide in-reach into secure in-patients to work towards discharge, to reduce length of stay in secure beds, reduce re-admission and provide an ongoing service in the community using interventions based on NHS Englands 12 components of Care, a biopsychosocial model. Staff took active steps to engage people who may have felt reluctant to use the service. Finding new evidence and innovative practices is central to providing the best care for our service users. He completed psychiatric training in North and East London, gaining Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2005 and has worked as a Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist since 2009 at the John Howard Centre, predominantly within female secure and community forensic services. We use the Relational Security Explorer to help us in this. We inspected East London Foundation Trust as part of our continual checks on the safety and quality of healthcare services. Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust by 2x. This leave is granted by the Consultant responsible for the patients care and follows careful risk assessment. Patients were offered a morning or afternoon appointment slot by the district nurses but would have preferred more information about the time of their appointment. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. Community Services Grade Band 6 Contract Permanent Hours Full time - 37.5 hours per week Job ref 363-CTH11607-C Employer East London NHS Foundation Trust Employer type NHS Site Beaumont House Town London Salary 40,448 - 47,965 per annum inc HCA Salary period Yearly Closing 15/03/2023 23:59. For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them. There was a focus on understanding the individual needs, preferences, and context of peoples lives. Patients and family members told us that they received good quality and compassionate care on the wards we visited and this was reflected in observations we carried out on the wards. Browser Support there are some services which we cant rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. East London NHS Foundation Trust This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect Overall: Outstanding Services have been transferred to this provider from another provider Latest inspection summary On this page Overall inspection Long stay or rehabilitation mental health wards for working age adults the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. There were good protocols in place for lone working. It was reported that call bells were responded to appropriately and night staff were also responsive. We no longer support Internet Explorer 11. the service is performing well and meeting our expectations. They were very mindful of peoples needs based on their religion, culture, disabilities and relationships. We found that the trust had addressed all the areas where improvements were recommended at the previous well led review. They provided practical and emotional support. Several staff told us about the frustrations they experienced in using trust IT systems. and there is an emphasis on building relationships with community services to work collaboratively to address the needs of the population. Patients received adequate assistance to eat and drink. Patients said staff listened to how they were feeling and supported them to understand their care. This included their mental and physical health care needs, relationships, education, social, cultural and religious needs. Staff also understood safeguarding procedures and reporting of incidents was embedded practice. To keep in touch and up to date with us, follow us on our socials. The Health & Justice Directorate is one of eleven directorates within the Trust providing clinical services. The service currently operates during working hours of Monday to Friday (9am-5pm). Teams were conscious of the trends amongst the young people they worked with and endeavoured to respond to these in a timely manner. This is an organisation that runs the health and social care services we inspect. Forensic Centre for Mental Health 12 Kenworthy Road . The Trust has over 5,000 employees serving more than 100 sites. There was evidence of appropriate treatment across community health services for adults that were delivered in line with national guidance and best practice.Staff had access to evidence-based advice, information and guidance. The peer support workers employed by the trust had doubled to around 80 people. There was strong leadership at both local team and service levels, which promoted a positive culture. We rated safe, effective and responsive as good. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. Referrals increase your chances of interviewing at East London NHS Foundation Trust by 2x. Inadequate We no longer support Internet Explorer 11. To access these, teams are required to complete a referral form, How to get referred View more Profession CBT Therapist / Other Grade Band 6 Contract Type Permanent Hours Full Time. All of the young people we spoke with felt that the food was of poor quality and there was lack of choice. Get notified about new Consultant jobs in London, England, United Kingdom. To access these, teams are required to complete a referral form. The trust had made a significant contribution through its delivery of the vaccination programme in North East London. 26 June 2018. Staff treated young people and their families as partners in their care. . Community therapy assessments had taken place and the multidisciplinary team was involved in preparations for discharge. IT-Anforderungsmanagerinnen / IT-Anforderungsmanager (m/w/d), Makati, National Capital Region, Philippines, Sr Process Engineer | Molding & Capital Tooling, Responsable d'Essais en Emission Acoustique (EA) - H/F - Sucy-en-Brie (94), Global Partner Marketing Leader - Energy Transition, VP Safety: Supercritical Thermal Power Plant, Part-Time Sales Associate - Walt Whitman Shops, Travel Nursing - MRI Tech - $2,937/week - $3,101/week, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, See who Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust has hired for this role, Newport News Shipbuilding, A Division of HII, ProArch Consulting Services Private Limited, MB BS or equivalent medical qualification. Sometimes our service users do not want their information shared with family members, which can be hard for families who want to help. 11 November 2015 Medical Recordscan be contacted on:020 8510 2159/58, Search for services, conditions & specialities, How To Become an ELFT Foundation Trust Member. . We chose these two core services as we knew there had been some challenges including serious incidents and we wanted to see how the trust had responded and if high quality care and treatment had been maintained. Prior to that, in 2008, he was employed by the London Borough of Hackney in various adult mental health social work and management roles all whilst on secondment to ELFT, starting as the first social worker in the City & Hackney Crisis Service. A rolling programme for decoration was required at the John Howard Centre and works were needed at Fountains Court to comply with same sex accommodation guidance. Published Care plans were holistic and person centred. There were opportunities for leadership training and career progression. Practice reflected current guidance and there was good access to a wide range of interventions. We provide a wide range of mental health, community health, primary care, wellbeing and inpatient services to young people, working age adults and older adults across the City of London, Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets, Bedfordshire and Luton. Some wards in Luton and Bedfordshire were large and above the recommended number of beds on an acute ward of 16. A team who work in partnership with the In-reach lead nurse to prevent unnecessary admission to hospital. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. the service is performing exceptionally well. There was good access to translation services. There were many facilities available including use of fitness equipment, a sensory room, art room and other multi purpose rooms. Groupwork programmes were run in other languages, for example, Bengali. Whilst risk was managed well, the risk assessment records were not always stored consistently. the service is performing well and meeting our expectations. Through partnership with social care, the voluntary sector and most critically co-production with those with lived experience, the experience of mental health care for thousands of adult service users and hundreds of staff within the ICS will be greatly enhanced. Although it depends on which part of the Mental Health Act the individual is detained under, for most of our service users the Consultant cannot grant Section 17 Leave without also first seeking the permission of the Ministry of Justice, who have to be reassured about the rationale and risk assessment. E9 5TD At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and, Adult Mental Health Services - City and Hackney Directorate, Adult Mental Health Services - Tower Hamlets Directorate, Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. Information about visiting our wards can be found here. The East London Community Forensic Service (ELCFS) is seeking a Senior Clinical/Counselling/Forensic Psychologist to join our multidisciplinary team. Staff worked hard to keep young people safe and to support them to improve their health, develop skills and progress towards discharge. Fully registered with the GMC with a licence to practise at the time of appointment. Staff morale was very good. Some staff were not aware of the term duty of candour although they were able to describe how they applied this in practice. Staff promoted the privacy and dignity of patients. People and teams were able to speak honestly and reflect on where improvements were needed and how this could be achieved. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and Wolfson House isour Low Secure Rehabilitation Unit for men based in north London. Patients had good access to physical healthcare including access to specialists when needed. to prevent illicit substances coming into the unit or in the management of our keys system. People working for and associated with the trust talked about how the approach was widely used. Staff worked to ensure that young people attended their appointments. This approach was being developed further to look at waiting lists for services especially as referrals were increasing. Visit the Career Advice Hub to see tips on interviewing and resume writing. Approved clinician status OR able to achieve within 3 months of appointment, Approved under S12 OR able to achieve with 3 months of appointment, In good standing with GMC with respect to warning and conditions on practice, Excellent clinical skills using bio-psycho- social perspective and wide medical knowledge, Excellent oral and written communication skills in English, Able to manage clinical complexity and uncertainty, Makes decisions based on evidence and experience including the contribution of others, Specialist Knowledge and experience of OPD services, Membership of committee / relevant regulatory body, Participated in continuous professional development, Participated in research or service evaluation. Now children in Newham can access a new NHS approved app for anxiety, A ground-breaking event for people with Complex Emotional Needs is coming to East London, Power Outage at Passmore Edwards Building in East Ham, The Future of Primary Care: in Conversation With Dr Sian Stanley, Develop your career by working in our Crisis Pathway services,,, Search for services, conditions & specialities, How To Become an ELFT Foundation Trust Member. Your job seeking activity is only visible to you. The East London Foundation Trust (ELFT) provides a wide range of community, inpatient and primary care services to children, young people, adults of working age, older adults and. East London Forensic Outreach Service 26 Shore Road, Hackney, London E9 7TA Phone 0208 510 4960 East London Forensic Outreach Service Who we are ELFOS offers two distinct services: A) time-limited forensic aftercare for appropriate service users from the areas covers by the service who are being discharged from forensic services. Our forensic services are for offenders with mental health conditions, who cannot be managed within the referring service. This made it difficult for staff to evaluate the progress patients were making in some areas. Care plans focused on patients self-defined needs and objectives. . We observed interactions between staff and patients that were consistently caring, respectful, responsive and included both practical and emotional support. East London NHS Foundation Trust, Latest inspection: However, some staff lacked confidence in using the Mental Capacity Act. A summary of this service appears in the Overall Summary. Our Specialist Community Forensic Teams work across the seven boroughs of North East London providing care to those who are moving on from secure inpatient services. Conseiller(re) aux affaires lectroniques, Treasury Management Technical Coordinator, Salesforce Lightning -Manager - Bangalore, Travel Nursing - Cath Lab RN - $3,997/week - $4,161/week, See who East London NHS Foundation Trust has hired for this role, Newport News Shipbuilding, A Division of HII. Staff were supervised regularly and appraisals were carried out annually. The services were well led. Our security is based on the physical environment and procedures that we have in place, e.g. There was an inconsistency in the completion of healthcare records. Find out more about the trust, what we do and how we do it. There were good levels of staffing in all the services. The trust was working towards the development of an anti-racist framework. Qualification or higher degree in medical education, clinical research or management. Our service users have come into contact with the criminal justice system and have been within the secure in-patient pathway, and we provide Care Co-ordination for these patients upon discharge. We carried out announced inspections of the forensic inpatient or secure wards and wards for older people with mental health problems core services during this inspection. Staffing was sufficient to meet the needs of patients on the wards. All service users are offered regular reviews with a Consultant Psychiatrist and have named Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPNs). There was clear evidence of supervision taking place each month and appraisals took place once a year. Click the link in the email we sent to to verify your email address and activate your job alert. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. They met each of these with sensitivity. The wards were safe. It is important to note that in certain recruitment situations such as high-volume, seasonal and high-peak times, the employer may wish to limit the overall numbers of interviews offered to both disabled people and non-disabled people. The strategy on a page was clear and accessible. Staff also had opportunities for career progression. Overall rating for this core service Good because: The treatment rooms where medication was stored were too hot. Patients were supported to self-medicate at 105 London Road. Inadequate NW1 3AX. Dean has spent most of his career working in mental health. Wards were clean and staff were trained in infection prevention and control. Our values are: We Care, We Respect, We are Inclusive - so we are looking for people who live and breathe these qualities when supporting service users and carers, and in their relationships with colleagues in the . Consulting, Information Technology, and Sales, Assistant Store Manager - Lee Premium Outlets, Coordinator of Recreation and Wellness Services, Travel Nursing - CVICU RN - $2,340/week - $2,503/week, IT-Koordinatorinnen / IT-Koordinatoren bzw. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. People participation had extended since the last inspection and we heard of many examples where co-production was taking place. Whilst achieving targets for assessments and diagnosis for memory clinics were being robustly tackled with action plans in place, there was still work to do to consistently provide a responsive service especially across the Bedfordshire teams. Everyone in the team participated in these meetings at which patients were reviewed, risks were assessed and patient visits were co-ordinated. There were specific pilots in other CAMHS teams for phobic children. Patients and relatives felt involved and included. There were really robust governance structures and systems in place for the review of performance and risk management information. Both wards had a staff member who was the designated carer lead. At the time of the inspection some service redesign was taking place as a result of decisions made externally to the trust and a few staff felt that the engagement and consultation linked to this could be improved. Whilst the trust had systems in place for identifying and reporting safeguarding risks, to safeguard people from abuse, staff were not always able to decide the threshold for making an alert. We don't rate every type of service. There was good understanding of the different cultural needs and backgrounds of clients. For example they were looking at developing a smartphone application . If this service has not had a CQC inspection since it registered with us, our judgement may be based on our assessment of declarations and evidence supplied by the service. The numbers of patients who did not attend were closely monitored. We offer support for service users as they leave the inpatient Forensic Directorate to reintegrate and re-establish lives in the community. These are the cookies that help certain non-essential functionalities on our website. She took up the role of Director of Psychological Therapies in 2014 and became Director of Therapies in 2018 to facilitate integration with the expanding Allied Health Professions (AHPs) in the Trust and widen the contribution of the therapies to meet the emerging demands of the population health agenda. These environments were in the process of being upgraded. For example, analytics tools to measure how you use the website so we can improve it based on user needs. The role of families and friends in supporting our service users is vital. Project Manager Ottimizzazione processi logistici - Milano. Get email updates for new Consultant jobs in London, England, United Kingdom. The teams worked well with GPs, the local authorities and other local services and groups. Medicines were stored safely and staff administered medicines as prescribed. We rate most services according to how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led they are, using four levels: Outstanding there are some services which we cant rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. We rated East London NHS Foundation trusts child and adolescent mental health wards as outstanding because: We gave an overall rating for the specialist community mental health services for children and young people of outstanding because: Administrative staff in Luton and Bedfordshire CAMHS experienced low morale. The service was well staffed and staff turnover was low. This button displays the currently selected search type. Our clinical teams are led by Consultant Psychiatrists supported by junior doctors. The ELCFS was commissioned following the successful pilot of the Specialist Community Forensic Team (SCFT) model in East London. In rating the trust, we took into account the current ratings of the mental health and community health services which were not inspected this time. NELFT NHS Foundation Trust in Boydton, VA Expand search. Telephone number 020 8510 2003 020 8510 2005 020 8510 2006 Medical Records can be contacted on: 020 8510 2159/58 Information for Visitors Staff supported patients with their physical health and innovative practice such as health pods in team bases were supporting this work. The trusts own recent deep dive had recognised this and identified actions to improve. reviewed records held by the CQC relating to each service, visited 12 wards across the London boroughs of Hackney, Newham and Tower Hamlets and in Luton and Bedfordshire. Our focus is on high quality treatment. This also helps in our drive to reduce inequalities, for example with a specific service-user led group for black service users. Has actively participated in clinical audit. There was good compliance with hygiene and infection control processes. The partnership between the team and FNP meant that staff were able to offer support to teenage mothers who may be experiencing postpartum depression or other mental health problem. He is a keen educator and also examines for the Royal College of Psychiatrists. We saw evidence of this in care planning and meetings which were in place to ensure that the patient voice was heard. An example of this were patient led audits which had led to improvements in food and how ward rounds were conducted. Your job seeking activity is only visible to you. Staff morale was positive and staff told us that they were involved in developing the service to improve outcomes for patients. There were some instances of ineffective communication by practitioners; particularly in situations where both practitioner and client did not speak English as a first language.