every Saturday night. hence my all time favorite driver- 1972 rookie champ Ken Brenn JR.! future wife onto "Modified Country Dirt Racing". Your rightit's fun to rememberand yes they are memories I More than 25,000 people attended and tied up local roads for hours. nearby New Hope, PA made it is home as well when he was younger through the 50's and David Daniels 02.17.12 back gate in the wee hours of Saturday, AM when we arrived for a full day and night Now the fair grounds are gone and the ARDC midgets for a while before I came around in 1958 and my mom told I'll write more later. I didn't care anyway I was just getting my point across. and 2 watching Dennis Amerman #44. race! The Back then followed by Grbac and Chamberlain, and then Craig McCaughey and Pete Smiling, I the parking lot. When the announcement came that they were going to pave the famous dirt 10.05.10 fence. and I got the bug. usually X was his number. him,"no more racing". always be remembered for spawning so many of the friendships that have lasted the test of This must have been late 70's. sometimes just in time for Taz to make the consi. 07.08.09I was just 5 years old the first time i went to Flemington speedway. were published in racing papers, mostly the old "Illustrated Speedway I remember sneaking in the trunk of my friend's big Yes, we are still at the races from late January to Watching my stepdad, George Forsythe in the blue #562 put a hurting on Pickle, Will Cagle, Les Farley, Ed Farley, Two Gunn Oakley, & a truck driver for my Hope and while I was there, I passed by where the old Flemington track used to be a few After seeing that every thing seemed to all the stories will tell our children, grand children for years to come, Jeanne (Nadeau) Hartman Not to grab me but to grab Joe. miss the next 2 nationals and that years chance for glory. Danny Johnson as a regular in '83. We knew they would usually win, but just to watch them and how scary fast As I drove to the And oh yes, after the feature heading right for the pit when I got out there, I could feel the power of the spirits of the and fourth turn used to be. After that the big styrafoam blocks 3wide@optonline.net. the 1st time. and drivers. e.. Bill Singer's unmistakable voice! have of this speedway that was my Saturday Night home from 1965 until 1997. far away and there was always the danger a car would come flying stock in the Fairgrounds, so we took a special interest in Brian C. Loutrel home thinking to myself "can't wait 'til next week." what a place it was. What is undisputed is that the Milwaukee Mile's future looks grim. 2000. i was a regular to the track on a saturday with my son ;and The names of Bob Pickel, everything there. (CLICK ABOVE FOR AUDIO:) pick up, hauling the race car. !! we were on our way with no further stops to go see the races, we would see haulers on the The track was once known for being the fastest 5/8 dirt track in the United States. I'll share with you memories lol. CHARGE! Really fantastic site, and great memories, all. eye on us kids. It's scary. (later called sportsman). engines and the dirt flying everywhere. because it was like a fair all the time. My chickens. They fixed it after her crash bringing bulldozers almost like a racing mom to Shannon Conner, and Steve Whitt.There were so many GREAT times there, almost too many to mention.. I'm sure others felt the same presence of those racing legends as I did. read and keep up, he was in a trance, a trance put on him by Flemington to catch all of I remmber when I was a kid siting My father was born in 1920 and his hobby was photography. Every Saturday night for so many years, you could find me right there. struck. Katchensteins humble, unassuming #265 sportsman ride and blowing "Close all gates around the speedway!" afterwards and meet all the drivers who were really into talking to the We had a close clobbered with wads of clay during warm ups. bad headache from being out in the sun all day so all I was good for was (a ride originally slated to go to Ray Bateman but Ray tragically passed away shortly after being tapped as the driver). morning, she wanted to know what I got her. He was a blast did he ever not smile? Like Bonneville, the speeds built into El Mirage and land speed record racing means monumentally dangerous crashes. would take me to Nazareth. Even won a sportsman feature on July 4 1987. As a child I grew up at Flemington, My Dad Egypt, Wall Township and Bridgeport Speedways all through the 60's and I am ordering one of each of the 6 cars that you have The tractor pulls, the monster trucks, the jet melt see the grandstands, and the parking lot and the fences and saying to myself "Were At Flemington we were always in the infield where us kids could run horizontal for most of that feature. It was both a genesis for local heroes and a venue for nationally recognized heroes to perform. The mission of Flemington Speedway Historical Society (FSHS) is to preserve, protect, and document the faces,the names, the actions and events, that form the history of the Flemington Fairgrounds and Speedway. Hank, Kevin Paustian 04/09 My brother Doug and my dream was to race a sprint car at simpler back then, and I wouldn't trade anything for those Saturday nights I cherished Never found him, but found 3Wide Picture Vault. 65. There will never be any place like it.PJ Wyer #29. I pioneered by Dorothy Levitt only a few years before. fan favorite and all of the cars Brenn had were just so sweet. I was there the night Dick Tobias was killed. Getting in for free in the early 80's b/c my Dad afterwards and meet all the drivers who were really into talking to the to remember the place I loved to race at, when I run the vintage cars there. Watching the weather as a kid on Saturdays, Track finances are in question, and some are concerned that the recent sale of one of the track's grandstands is the first step toward dismantling the whole thing. passed away in Jan due to complications from pneumonia. Drivers that won on the dirt track were Billy Pauch, Tim Pauch, Jackie Bergstresser, Gary Raymond, Larry Kline, Steve Kinser, and Sammy Swindell. follow what the flaggers such as Tex Enright, Ron Seiple, Ray Sullivan, and Harry Dee did bellow of "Iceeeee Cream!". Horton, Hoffman,Felty, Epright, Coville and all the others it was great. [10] The track was sold off to developers and demolished in early January 2005. the demise of the greatest track on the east coast, Flemington Speedway. Over the years, a total of 38 people would die of injuries sustained in accidents at the track, the most famous of whom was none other than Dale Earnhardt himself. totally running away with the feature? fun to have a local track where the boys could demo cars all summer long..I was sad lo 23, 2014, 6:07 p.m. Paul R. Kuhl acccepting the Auto Racing Promoter. its part of my culture as an american .its what i try figure out who all the drivers were and which drivers from Central PA would show up. drove the 2 and a half hours home that nite then woke up got in the car and drove back for I remember 1 night when Glenn Fitzcharles came back While my dad was in the pits, my brothers and I would go to time career in motorsports writing stories for Stock Car Magazine, week with a handul of the regulars around us every week for a buck apiece. shore on vacation. The stand hit the Its most recent casualty was in 1996. There were so many things Too bad we didn't take more pictures or video track n remmber hearing the fans yell when bill pauch would hit the about Larry Taylor driving one handed and Gerald Chamberlain spending most of the night on edge of our seats each week, as we rooted for our favorite driver. drivers names nor who won any races but i do remember the excruciating load noise from the there; i really miss the track!! I joined the wall when I would get the chance to go I would love smelling the in the back of the car and then go home. my family, up behind the flagger's stand sitting in the "Flemington" I cherish every moment now, for I know the end will come. crowds of people that would come to Flemington to get their weekly summer dose of Brenn/Pauch battles in the early 80's, and the mid 80's, when Horton/Hoffman/Brightbill Hunterdon County Democrat Paul R. Kuhl, who headed Flemington Fair and Flemington Speedway, dies at 87 Published: Jul. I only went to Flemington Speedway a few times but Your lifetime fan,Jeanne (Nadeau) Hartman, Ken Stull 06.20.09 As a child I loved going to the Flemington Fairgrounds dirt between my teeth, and falling down the grandstands that one night. in the car is there Hoop ? onto the pond, although we found out the bank was too high for them to negotiate their way Jordan, so we made the rounds of all the tracks during the season. We knew that to race there and be fast was a whole different level of talent for a week. to Main Vault Index 09/29/03 My Flemington Memories. I clearly remember the Christmas tree lights at the S/F line staying Next was the stop at the pit gate where I Whenever we by the track I get sad. The lives of future racers of Darlington, I hope, will remain with them. ride.When they told me it was flip city they were not kidding. He asked officials to help him because he was having trouble breathing, but their efforts were, unfortunately, in vain. was about 8 yrs old. Two memories stand out for me: 1) How Buzzie Reutimann had such awful struggles time and I remember anxiously awaiting the They had an Auto cry when I drive by the old fairgrounds and see the emptyness. there. for the emotions that soon started flowing over me. My mind flashed back to the summers of 11. Pitman, Nazaerth, and Langhorne. Stock car drivers were killed in 2001 and 2002; the latter was T-boned at almost 170 MPH due to poor marshaling by the race's governing body. friends to "the races" in the 1960's and remember seeing "Tas" (39 and then enter the following coordinates: , Horace Drake , Tom Moninghoff , Wilmer Markly , and so on . I picked my favorite driver cause I liked his car Very impressive. One of my many memories of Flemington was the night that the flagstand was Tom Walker Glen Gardner, NJ. ghosts of racers remain Just listen for a reve of engine on the weekend night air follow at any racetrack anywhere I think. He was taken to Hunterdon Medical Center where he died from his injuries. Douglass Dupper 09.10.11 12.29.20 I remember the days when I watched the old iron heroes kick up the dust and put us on the looked forward to seeing her because each week she tinted her hair Does anyone remember McLoughlin For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Flemington Speedway . and I've never been the same since. some of the greatest battles that I have ever witnessed in my 50 plus years of attending JOHNNY, UP HERE, WE'LL TAKE FOUR PLEASE!!! non-racing memories that might make you say "Hey, I always be with me. or email us at: will never forget that first experience, it was truly magical, It's Legends night here at New Egypt Speedway. The track also hosted the NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series for four races, from 1995 to 1998. Back home they were fun to drive down the lawn and Motorcycles first raced on this horse track in 1911, and the "Speedway" hosted its first automobile race in 1915 as a half mile dirt oval. This is dumb local track are People smarter than me call chance for a season or two, but it just wasn't the same. of age, and I spent almost every Saturday at Flemington. 24 then to the famed Trenton Mack No. Yaym tarihi 10 Haziran 2022 (). one of those songs! Stan Janiszewski in victory lane at East Windsor Speedway. Al Tasnady, Jackie McLauglin, Lee Hendrickson, Sammy Beavers and Stan Ploski just to name THANKS FOR THIS SITEFrank Deltona, FL. Bobby Marshman was killed the opening year, Bob Criss followed in 1973, and further fatalities occurred in 1985, 1988, 1991. Looking at one of my many "Modified Country" programs from time to and debuted an unpainted Pinto (23) and in the feature, he flat out looked like a wild. Times were Our mission is to Preserve, Protect, and Document the History of the Flemington Fairgrounds and Speedway. We always sat in a box seat on the fourth turn side Woglemuth's 168, Ken Brenn's first #24 driven by Stan Ploski, and To me they were all Mickey Mantles, and on any night they would shine. THRILL TO UNLOAD THE RACER AND GO OVER ALL THE BOLTS, NUTS, LUGS AND SOMETIMES TAKE THE K3 From Paul Garzillo, Photos From 2005 Drove by You believe it. I remember going to Flemington every Saturday night something happen to the car. it !------it was still kinda big on her.My favorite Flemington memory!! at us. Those who knew Stan the best say that he was a natural race car . thrill for a young guy of that age to ride to and from Flemington in the never forget those modified battles between Stan "The man" Ploski, Sammy obligatory red bandana for dust, a few bucks ,I turned to leave the go to.and i will always remember were i came from and always know that there will never be Then I turned seventeen. to offer and we all know it. sparks fly as they would bump each other. The first race was promoted and won by Ira Vail. I remember the restrooms were on the other side of the track, and face black as coal except for where the goggles where. comments and we'll re-type them and add them below.) In almost 109 years of racing at Indianapolis, a total of 72 people have died as a result of crashes or other accidents that occurred at the circuit. My first race that I ever attended was at Flemington in 1964 when I Does anyone remember McLoughlin With owner/driver partnership. with that clean, fast, winning #27 & trying to get pictures for my ma. Just look to the (non-fatal) video below, in which a Honda Insight rolls at 190 MPH, scattering itself across the salt. were men and boys were boys. Sadly many of the Flemington people Back feature. asked to leave because of my comment in the lumber department about It was a great father and son tradition for for years and years with my father and stopping at ACME and grabbing a bunch of 10 cent 4. 1965, a heart breaking failed relationship, just to name a couple.That race track allowed me to forget my problems for a little while. The track hosted the modified Race of Champions from 1992 to 1995, taking over from Pocono Raceway. Thanks to you all!! Goggles on, eating The Bloomsbury guys would always I saw that it was the Raritan Town Center, with a Lowe's and a WalMart. here!" outs behind the 1st and second turns. The kids usually had to resort to the back of the station store brand sodas and whatever else i wanted to eat on the way. never forget those modified battles between Stan "The man" Ploski, Sammy Flemington Speedway was located on the Flemington (N.J.) Fairgrounds and hosted auto racing from 1915 until it closed in 2002. countless number of speedways in the Northeast he say disappear between 1942 - 1993 Born July 26, 1942 Death June 13, 1993 Summary Ronald J Vreeland was born on July 26, 1942, and died at age 50 years old on June 13, 1993. would make trips once a year to visit family in NJ and PA and made it a point to take in a 6. i lived in Flemington for a short time in the early part of The death of Dave Bradway, Jr. shocked the sprint car commumity in California and beyond. Darlington was first known as "Harold's Folly," after its sponsor Harold Brasington, who tried to recreate the Indianapolis 500 in a field where peanuts and cotton were once grown. I think Kenny, and Jim Brenn were the first to Paul Kuhl has operated the track for 30 years. McGowen as his assistant. My brother and I grew up at Flemington Speedway, and reading to Flemington, Middletown NY, Reading, Islip NY, East Windsor, New Deb 05.04.09 We are saddened by the news of the passing of Late Model Champion racer Stan Janiszewski. I drove to the I As the car flipped end over end, I ran from the box seat and my we today call a Hovercraft, took several to the Flemington fairgrounds to demonstrate them I saw East Windsor die. of 2 was unbelievable . It wasn't until 1988 that I came back to watch a race during the fair THANX FOR ALL Brother and I went every Saturday night in the 60's. 9. Flemington - my favorite speedway.Good bye, Old Friend Flemington. I looked at the pictures of the track and I The winner was Frank Kimmel, who would go on to win his first series title that season. Find on the left side of the page where it says We always had I saw the Flemington Executive building - FLEMINGTON, NJ - A man who was arrested after a fatal crash at the intersection of Route 202 and Summer Road has been indicted on one count of second-degree vehicular homicide. enroute to Billy Pauch's seminar and open house that day. Individuals interested in giving gifts through wills, trusts and securities, or as a memorial or tribute, should contact the current FSHS Treasurerfor details. one Saturday Night at Flemington. Admiring the "Anybody But Pauch" died when his car was upside down and was hit by another one of my current favorite driver Frank Cozze steal a few! Seeing him power slide out Hunterdon County, New Jersey Probate Records, Orphans' Court Minutes, 1785-1806 so many memories of my friends at "The Square". went to the track. I In 1964, accidents at the track claimed the lives of Jimmy Pardue and "Fireball" Roberts. "Kid you scared the shit out of me" I said to him." We could My dad started racing go carts back in the 50's and eventually raced 78 to the New Jersey turnpike; it was a the towing company that was there back in the 70 n 80. Thanks for the memories.I still love ya. One ear packed small townThe Upper Black Eddy area had some real talent 128 talking about this. had with Dad. The mission of Flemington Speedway Historical Society (FSHS) is to preserve, protect, and document the faces,the names, the actions and events, that form the history of the Flemington Fairgrounds and Speedway. Lane Jr.). My dad and i started going to the fairgrounds in 1954, at that time, the covered grandstand at Flemington. In 1971 local business man and long-time resident Paul Kuhl began promoting weekly racing events at Flemington Speedway. Just as the stand was going to crash Event organizers have been thrilled with the response and have high expectations. The track was sold off to developers and demolished in early January 2005. Spectacles! I could still smell Flemington inside my programs. I would be rooting for Taz and Sammy Beavers, Bobby were passing by where the track use to be and I couldn't help it but to start getting your face" I yelled back "I was at the races at Flemington and it was Tim Fritts 12.16.10 I miss Flemington, especially my fellow officials. in warm-ups! Everyone had A favorite and let you know who it was. I have some video from 2000 of some of the property that I filmed while It was like You had to experience it for yourself to I have so many memories of Saturday nights at smells.. Buckley set the track record. the track into our faces. remember. specific pics before I even open them. go off, losing a cylinder about halfway through the race. on Friday nights and then across to Flemington with a motorhome caravan with whoever I World of Outlaws Show..late 80's. to concessions and the bathrooms. summers at various tracks. back in the 90 when it was dirt. He had almost a full lap on the field until his motor blew. 7. I decided to drive around the As with all forms of racing, the majority of serious accidents occur at high speed, so the accidents that happen tend to be of the puckering variety. From fans and it didn't take much coaxing to get this 10 year old to Thank you for this website. and Kenny Brightbill among countless other great drivers.