Had a respectable knowledge. Heres a short list of famous people in history who were born on Sep 8. CLAY COUNTY, Fla.: On September 9, Florida man had to face a charge of child abuse due to his wrongdoing. Previous Post. Friday babies are social animals, artistic, and obsessed with beauty and love. Dont wait a minute longer and jump in using the content links below. Florida Man September 8, 2020 - Florida Man Tried to Escape Cops with His Saggy Pants Check out Brandons personality and get smart about names today. Hey! You will be 17 years old when that day comes. The sheriff's office, FWC and medical examiner have been contacted for comment. The meme is often attributed to Florida, though it can also refer to other states. There have been 6,021 days from the day you were born up to today. Make sure to take a screenshot first. This shows that there were 551,959,827 babies born every month in 2006. Your score is -153. According to the ancient art of Chinese astrology (or Eastern zodiac), Dog is the mythical animal and Fire is the Eastern element of a person born on September 7, 2006. At 7:43 a.m. we recd a call in ref to an adult male body found in the water & near a gator. The 25-year old man ran up to them while they were golfing at a private community course and told them he had a gun, stealing their golf cart. You possess great compassion and seek to be of service to others. Lessons that your last past life brought to present: Magic is everywhere around you, in most usual, most ordinary incidents. Florida Man September 8, 2006 Headlines Florida Man is a meme that originated in 2013. Who knows, they might appreciate and thank you for it. What did the Florida man do on september 8? If a dog named Grizzlie - a Yorkshire Terrier breed, was born on the same date as you then it will be 84 dog years old today. We don't have much more info than that.but we do have video. Heres a birthday wish just for you! Yoshikazu Fujita, Japanese rugby union player, Cameron Dallas, American internet personality, amila Miijevi, Croatian-Bosnian handball player, Miles McBride, American basketball player, Gaten Matarazzo, American actor and singer, Leni Riefenstahl, German actress, director, producer, and screenwriter (b. Naval Wapons Station Computers, Disabling Network After Sept. 11; Indictment Also Filed in Virginia For Other Military Intrusions, Hialeah, Florida Owner and Operator of Multi-Million Dollar Music Piracy Operation Charged Criminally, Mount Kisco, New York Man Pleads Guilty to Stealing Trade Secrets (October 17, 2002), Orange County, California Businessman Indicted for Trafficking Counterfeit Compaq Computer Components, Florida Lawyer Charged in Offshore Sports Betting Case, Melvern, Ohio Man Sentenced for Defrauding Bidders on eBay, Former Engineer of White Plains, New York Software Company Receives Two Years in Prison for Theft of Trade Secret, Richmond, Kentucky Man Sentenced for Selling Fake Sports Memorabilia on eBay (September 20, 2002), Russian Computer Hacker Sentenced to Three Years in Prison, Akron, Ohio Man Indicted on Criminal Infringement of Copyrighted Computer Software and Trafficking in Counterfeit Labels, San Jose, California Man Indicted for Copyright Infringement by Producing and Selling Illegally Reproduced Software (September 17, 2002), Sacramento, California, Woman Convicted of Committing Check 'Kite' Through Unauthorized Computer Access, Los Angeles, California Woman Admits Bilking eBay Bidders, San Gabriel Valley, California Man Pleads to Illegally Accessing Former Employer's Computers, Defendant Sentenced in Three Fraud Prosecutions for Online Auction, Telemarketing, and Computer-Generated Counterfeit Check Scams, Former Vancouver, Washington, Resident Pleads Guilty to Theft of Trade Secrets from Microsoft Corporation, Fugitive Who Sold Counterfeit Baby Formula Convicted of Federal Criminal Charges (August 9, 2002), Former LA Ram Sentenced in eBay Internet Fraud Schemes, San Fernando Valley Residents Indicted in Scheme to Hack Into Software Firm Computer and Delete $2.6 Million Project, Fremont, California Man Pleads Guilty to Copyright Infringement by Selling Illegally Reproduced Microsoft Software, Fairfax, Virginia Man Sentenced 144 Months for Internet Auction Fraud (July 16, 2002), Longest Sentence for Satellite Television Piracy Affirmed by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, Fort Walton Beach, Florida Man Pleads Guilty to Selling Counterfeit Software Labels on Auction Web Sites, Internet Auction Scam Results in Guilty Plea, Member of "DrinkOrDie" Warez Group Sentenced to 41 Months (July 2, 2002), San Francisco Man Sentenced for Selling Fake Derek Jeter and Normar Garciaparra Baseball Bats on eBay, San Gabriel Valley Men Sentenced for Conspiring to Traffic in Counterfeit Microsoft Software, Former Research Fellows Charged with Theft of Trade Secrets from Harvard Medical School, Defendants Sentenced for Selling Prescription Drugs on Norfolk Men's Clinic Web Site, Defendant Ordered to Pay $10 Million Restitution to Microsoft for Pirating Software, Federal Indictments Returned in Las Vegas Against Software Pirates Nabbed in Operation Bandwidth, Owner of Internet Service Provider Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison for Credit Card Scam, Melvern, Ohio Man Indicted for eBay Auction Fraud, West Des Moines, Iowa Man Pleads Guilty to Stealing Trade Secret, Internet Doctor Sentenced to Over 4 Years in Prison, Two Kazakhstan Citizens Accused of Breaking Into Bloomberg L.P.'s Computer and Extortion are Extradited, San Gabriel Valley Woman Sentenced for Trafficking in Counterfeit Microsoft Computer Programs, Defendant Pleads Guilty in Three Fraud Prosecutions for Online Auction, Telemarketing, and Computer-Generated Counterfeit Check Scams, Twenty-Seven Month Sentence in Internet Fraud Scheme to Defraud Priceline.Com and Others; Unauthorized Computer Access Conspiracy, Former Chief Technology Officer Arrested for Computer and Voicemail System Intrusions; Transmitting Threats Via the Internet, Leader of Software Piracy Ring Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison, Reynoldsburg, Ohio Man Sentenced for Misuse of Law Enforcement Computer, Green Bay, Wisconsin Man Charged with Computer Intrusion, Software Piracy and Numerous Destructive Acts, Iowa Man Charged for Stealing Trade Secret from Employees Placement Firm, San Jose, California Man Pleads Guilty to Selling Explosives on eBay (May 2, 2002), Scientist Pleads Guilty to Providing False Statements Regarding Trade Secret Theft from Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Creator of Melissa Computer Virus Sentenced to 20 Months in Federal Prison (May 1, 2002), U.S. Charges Engineer with Computer Intrusion, Destruction of Database at Manhattan Apparel Company, Man Pleads Guilty to Unauthorized Access of Las Vegas Medical Imaging Computer System, Twenty-Seven Arrested on Charges Relating to Trafficking in Counterfeit Software, New Indictment Expands Charges Against Former Lucent Scientists Accused of Passing Trade Secrets to Chinese Company, Vacaville, California Man Pleads Guilty to Criminal Copyright Charges Involving More Than 4,500 Bootlegged Video Tapes, Computer Operator Sentenced or Breaking Into Ex-Employer's Database (March 27, 2002), Parma, Ohio Man Indicted for Unauthorized Access into Computer System of Alltel Communications, Inc.; Threatening E-Mails. These were the events that made history that coincide with your birthday. "He gave me a lot of great advice about how to carry yourself, things that hes learned from the years there. TIP: Click the image above if you want to save the high quality version for posting to social media like Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. You will be 17 years old when that day comes. Announces What is Believed the Largest Identity Theft Case In American History; Losses are in the Millions (November 25, 2002), Hacker Pleaded Guilty to Attacks on San Diego Auto Site, London, England Hacker Indicted Under Computer Fraud and Abuse Act For Accessing Military Computers, British National Charged with Hacking Into N.J. Meow-meow, stay away from me! Headlines. Discover all the fun facts about your birthday! Oak Park, California Computer Programmer Arrested for Extortion and Mail Fraud Scheme Targeting Google, Inc. Mission Viejo, California Teen Guilty in Internet Auction Fraud; Defendant Also Admits $400,000 Bank Fraud, Sewell, New Jersey Man Sentenced to 37 Months in Prison for Defrauding eBay Bidders and Cashing Checks from Stolen Mail, 'Cyberscammer' Sentenced to 30 Months for Using Deceptive Internet Names to Mislead Minors to X-Rated Sites, Former Employee of Viewsonic Sentenced to One Year for Hacking into Company's Computer, Destroying Data, Ohio Man Pleads Guilty to Copyright Infringement (February 20, 2004), Louisiana Man Arrested for Releasing 911 Worm to WebTV Users, Four Named in Federal Copyright Infringement Charges for Illegally Copying, Distributing Hollywood Movies (February 12, 2004), St. Paul, Minnesota Man Pleads Guilty and is Sentenced in First Federal U.S. Case Charging Criminal Copyright Infringement of Motion Pictures (February 10, 2004), Two California Men Indicted for Unlawfully Obtaining Credit Information, Attempted Credit Fraud, Leader of Oldest Game Piracy Group Gets 50-Month Prison Sentence (February 10, 2004), Former Employees of Dallas-based Car Parts Distributorship Charged with Repeatedly Intruding into Competitors Computer Database for Commercial Advantage and Illegally Trafficking in Computer Passwords. Jump Birthday Party. Please contact webmaster@usdoj.gov if you have any questions about the archive site. You have the soul of an artist. This is called the birthday paradox or birthday problem. Previous Post. Based on World Population Data, in 2006 there were 6,623,517,917 babies born into the world. The zodiac gemstone for Virgo is carnelian. It's going to be a fun time to celebrate with family and friends. Subscribe and get all 16 sample reports in one mega package. When you reach the age of 6 Rennie will be 40 dog years old. You spent 34.38% of your life sleeping! Your birthday is on December fifth, 2006. More info will be released later pic.twitter.com/R8cYwsAcLi, In June, investigators said the victim's family had not heard from him for about four days. Computer System Containing Student Applications, Distributor of Pirated Software Pleads Guilty to Criminal Copyright Infringement, Five Additional Defendants Charged with Violating Copyright Laws as Part of Operation Copycat: 20 Defendants Convicted Thus Far, including Three Site Operators; 32 Defendants Charged to Date in Ongoing Investigation, First Two Defendants Plead Guilty in Largest CD Manufacturing Piracy Scheme Uncovered in U.S. to Date, United States Secret Service's Operation Rolling Stone Nets Multiple Arrests, Telemarketing Firm Official Indicted in New Hampshire Phone Jamming Case, Former Federal Computer Security Specialist Pleads Guilty to Hacking Department of Education Computer, Justice Department Announces Four Pleas in Internet Music Piracy Crackdown, Cleveland, Ohio Man Sentenced to Prison for Bank Fraud and Conspiracy, Former Officer of Internet Company Sentenced in Case of Massive Data Theft from Acxiom Corporation, Grand Jury Returns Indictment Charging Student with Accessing Protected Computer at University of Utah, Utah Man Charged with Bringing Down Wireless Internet Services in Vernal Region, Former Antelope, California Man Pleaded Guilty to Fraudulently Obtaining Microsoft Software, California Man Indicted for Botnet Attack That Impacted Hospital, Florida Man Indicted for Causing Damage and Transmitting Threat to Former Employer's Computer System, 19 Indicted in $6.5 Million RISCISO Software Piracy Conspiracy, Azusa, California "Phisher" Arrested for Posing as America Online Billing Representative and Obtaining Personal Information from Subscribers, Bot Herder Pleads Guilty to Fraudulent Adware Installs and Selling Zombies to Hackers and Spammers, Dayton, Ohio, Man Pleads Guilty to Sexual Exploitation Crimes Involving Minors and Computer Intrusion, Three Charged with Pirating Video Games And Illegally Modifying Xbox Game Consoles, Operation Higher Education: Las Vegas Man Admits Role in Online Piracy Ring, L.A. County Man Pleads Guilty to Hacking into Hotel Business Kiosks and Stealing Credit Card Information, Ten Indicted for Pretexting in "Operation Dialing for Dollars": Defendants Would Adopt Various Identities to Get Confidential Tax, Medical and Employment Info, Ten Charged in $200 Million Smuggling Operation into the Port of Newark: Defendants Charged with Bypassing Border Security Measures at the Port of Newark by Paying More Than $500,000 in Bribes, St. Stephen Man Convicted of Sexual Assault, Fraud, Witness Tampering and Extortion Scheme, North Carolina Man Sentenced to 110 Years for Computer Hacking and Child Pornography, Brothers Who Operated Fraudlent Salvation Army Website After Katrina Sentenced to Prison, Former Customs Officer Sentenced in Conspiracy Case, Two Ohio Women Charged with Illegally Intercepting School Officials E-mails and Illegally Possessing User Names and Passwords, Pasadena Man Sentenced for Defrauding Renton On-line Gaming Company: Man Used Stolen Identities to Order and Resell Goods from Wizards of the Coast On-line Store, Smithfield, Pennsylvania, Resident Entered Guilty Plea to Trafficking in Copyrighted CDs, Justice Department Announces Seventh Guilty Plea in P2P Piracy Crackdown, U.S. Charges Six with Trafficking In Counterfeit Designer Clothing, Former Employee of Cia and Fbi Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy, Unauthorized Computer Access and Naturalization Fraud, Romanian Authorities Arrest 9 of 22 Defendants Charged in Organized Crime Group: 21 Simultaneous Searches Reveal Evidence of Massive "Phishing" and Fraud Scheme, "Swatter" Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy: Defendant Made False 911 Calls for Fun and Profit by Using "Spoof" Cards, Computer Security Consultant Charged with Infecting up to a Quarter Million Computers That Were Used to Wiretap, Engage in Identity Theft, Defraud Banks, Cumming Man Pleads Guilty to Selling Counterfeit Cisco Computer Components, Three Additional Defendants Arrested in Scheme to Hack into Fresno State Universitys Computer System to Make Unauthorized Grade Changes, Former Employee of The Imperial Group Pleads Guilty to Theft of Trade Secrets, Operation Bell Bottoms Targets Counterfeiting, Narcotics Operation in Los Angeles-area Clothing Stores, eBay Auction Scam Nets Sacremento Man 24 Months in Prison: Defendant Failed to Deliver Season Tickets to Sporting Events and Rolex Watches Worth More Than $93,324.52, Seattle Man Pleads Guilty in Connection with ID Theft Using Computer File Sharing Programs: First Conviction in the Country Involving Peer to Peer File Sharing Programs, Email Spammer Sentenced to over Two Years in Prison for Participating in Massive Aol Spam Scheme, Defendant Sentenced to One Year in Federal Prison As Part of Internet Piracy Crackdown, Two Defendants Indicted for Hacking into Fresno State University's Computer System to Make Unauthorized Grade Changes, Sacramento Woman Pleads Guilty to Hijacking Online Bank Account, Defendant Sentenced to 12 Months in Prison As Part of Internet Piracy Crackdown, Defendant Pleads Guilty in DVD Piracy Conspiracy in First Joint Investigation by U.S. and China, Four Defendants Sentenced in Scheme to Defraud Microsoft Corporation: "Operation Cyberstorm" Defendants Operated Scheme to Obtain over $29 Million Worth of Discounted Software under False Pretenses, Grand Jury Returns Indictment Charging Man in Scheme Targeting Fiance's Bank Account, Operator of "Botnet", a Network of Thousands of Virus-infected Computers, Sentenced to 12 Months in Federal Prison, Distributors Selling "Knock Off" Goods in Sacramento and Placer Counties Charged with Trademark Violations: Three Defendants Targeted for Selling Counterfeited Handbags, Wallets, and other Items for Profit, Nationwide Trafficker of Counterfeit Clothing Sentenced to 57 Months in Prison: Five of Seven Defendants Sentenced to Prison in Multi-State Enforcement Operation, David U. Haltinner Pleads Guilty for Selling Approximately 637,000 Stolen Credit Card Numbers, Ann Arbor Former Network Engineer Convicted of Hacking into Pentastar Aviation Network, Destroying Payroll and Personnel Records, Seattle Man Indicted for ID Theft Using Computer File Sharing Programs: First Case in the Country Involving Peer to Peer File Sharing Programs, Indictment and Arrest for Using Botnet to Launch DoS Attacks, "Operation Tarnished Badge" Defendant Charged with Satellite Piracy, "Operation Tarnished Badge" Results in Another Satellite Piracy Conviction, Norcross Man Pleads Guilty to Hacking Former Employer's Computer and Telecommunications System: Intrusion Shut Down Communications and Internet Services in Dallas, Las Vegas, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge, Two Bay Area Men Indicted On Charges Of Economic Espionage, Operation Phony Pharm: Six Charged As a Result of Investigation Targeting Internet Sale of Steroids, Human Growth Hormone, Ohio Man Sentenced for for Illegally Transmitting Electronic Funds from Various Banks to Ameritrade and E*Trade, Totaling Approximately $3,348,000.00, Doctor and Pharmacy Owner Plead Guilty in Internet Pharmacy Conspiracy, Former Department of Commerce Agent Indicted for Making a False Statement and Exceeding Authorized Access to a Government Database: Defendant Used Department of Homeland Security Database to Track a Woman and her Family, Former Systems Administrator Admits Planting "Logic Bomb" in Company Computers, Man Charged in Online Pharmacy That Sold Counterfeit Drugs, Three Men Sentenced For Copyright Infringement at "The Big EZ", Texas A&M Grad Convicted of Hacking into Alma Mater's Computer System, "Iceman," Founder of Online Credit Card Theft Ring, Indicted on Wire Fraud and Identity Theft Charges, Software Pirate Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison: Illinois Man Is 12th Conviction from Operation SafeHaven, Wilkes-Barre Man Charged with Copyright Infringement, Three Individuals Indicted for Conspiracy to Sell More Than $5 Million in Counterfeit Software, Guilty Plea Entered in Federal Copyright Infringement Case, Oxford, Georgia Man Sentenced for Trafficking Illicit Computer Software Labels: First Sentencing under New Federal Statute protecting Consumers from Illicit Certificates of Authenticity, Chicago-Area Man Sentenced to One Year and One Day in Prison for Criminal Copyright Infringement As Part of Operation Copycat: Movies Downloaded from Internet Warez Site Were Sold in Defendants Retail Outlets, Operation Higher Education: Maryland Man Involved in Online Piracy Ring Is Sentenced, Remaining Two Defendants Sentenced in Largest CD and DVD Manufacturing Piracy and Counterfeiting Scheme Prosecuted in the United States to Date: Three Defendants Used Expensive Replication Equipment and Fake FBI Anti-Piracy Labels As Part of a Massive Copyright and Trademark Infringement Scheme to Manufacture Pirated and Counterfeit Software and Music CDs and DVDs for Retail Distribution around the Country, Eighteen Charged with Racketeering in Internet Drug Distribution Network, Former Chinese National Convicted for Committing Economic Espionage to Benefit China Navy Research Center in Beijing and for Violating the Arms Export Control Act: First Conviction in the Country Involving Source Code under the Arms Export Control Act; and Second Conviction in the Country under the Economic Espionage Act of 1996, Ice Partners with Industry to Launch Largest Enforcement Action of Its Kind Targeting Importers and Distributors of Illegal Devices Used to Circumvent Anti-Piracy Technology in Top Gaming Consoles: 32 Search Warrants Executed in Nationwide Intellectual Property Rights Investigation, Third Conviction for Camcording Movies in a Theater and Third Conviction for Violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act As Part of Operation Copycat: Thirty-Sixth Copyright Conviction in Case, International Investigation Conducted Jointly by FBI and Law Enforcement Authorities in People's Republic of China Results in Multiple Arrests in China and Seizures of Counterfeit Microsoft and Symantec Software, Illinois Man Pleads Guilty to Posting '24' Television Show on Internet Prior to First Broadcast on Fox, Former Sandia National Laboratories Employee Pleads Guilty to Stalking and Other Crimes, Twenty-Nine Defendants in New York, New Jersey, and California Charged with Conspiracy to Smuggle over 950 Shipments of Merchandise into the United States: Defendants Include Merchandise Distributors, Freight Forwarders, Customs Brokers, Owners and Managers of Customs-Bonded Warehouses, and Managers of a Customs Exam Site, Two Convicted of Selling $6 Million Worth of Counterfeit Software on eBay, Extradited Software Piracy Ringleader Sentenced to 51 Months in Prison, "Phisher" Sentenced to Nearly Six Years in Prison After Nation's First Can-Spam Act Jury Trial Conviction, Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Commit Trade Secret Theft from Corning Incorporated, Valley Couple Charged with Criminal Copyright and Trademark Violations for Distributing Counterfeited Microsoft Software: Defendants Obtained Software and Distributed It Throughout the United States, Moorpark Man Sentenced to Five Years in Prison for Conducting a Multi-million Dollar International Cable Piracy Business, Former Computer Contractor Pleads Guilty to Hacking Daimler Chrysler Parts Distribution Wireless Network, Illinois Man Charged with Leaking Season Premier of Popular Television Show by Uploading to the Internet, Ex-Employee of the Coca Cola Company and Co-Defendant Sentenced for Stealing Trade Secrets: Joya Williams & Co-Conspirator Ibrahim Dimson Going to Federal Prison, Software Piracy Crackdown 'Operation Fastlink' Yields 50th Guilty Plea, North St. Paul Man Receives Federal Sentence for Copying Copyrighted Movies, Ohio Man Indicted for Illegally Transmitting Electronic Funds from Various Banks to Ameritrade and E*Trade, Totaling Approximately $3,348,000.00, Kc Man Pleads Guilty to Copyright Infringement on Counterfeit DVDs, CDs, Michigan Resident Sentenced for Selling More Than $1 Million Worth of Counterfeit Software on eBay, Justice Department Announces Guilty Plea in P2P Piracy Crackdown, Digital Currency Business E-Gold Indicted for Money Laundering and Illegal Money Transmitting, Four Men Convicted In Online Auction Piracy Initiative: Defendants Sold Counterfeit Software on eBay Worth More Than $19 Million, Sacramento Man Charged with Computer Fraud and Aggravated Identity Theft: Internet "Phishing" Scheme Used to Steal Thousands of Credit and Debit Card Numbers, Social Security Numbers, Extradited Software Piracy Ringleader Pleads Guilty, Justice Department Announces First Ever Conviction for Infringing Copyrights in Karaoke Sound Recordings, Operator of For-Profit Software Piracy Web Site Sentenced to 24 Months in Prison: Caused up to $2.5 Million in Losses to Software Industry, Two Defendents Plead Guilty in Internet Music Piracy Crackdown, Vermilion, Ohio Man Sentenced in Wire Fraud Case, Justice Department Announces Fifth Guilty Plea in P2P Piracy Crackdown, Four Defendants Sentenced in One of New England's Largest Counterfeit Goods Conspiracies, Former Navy Contractor Sentenced for Damaging Navy Computer System, Central Valley Couple Plead Guilty to Conspiracy and Criminal Copyright Violations for Distributing Counterfeited Movies and Music: Defendants Operated Massive Distribution Centers in Stockton and San Jose, Indiana Resident Sentenced to 27 Months for Selling More Than $700,000 Worth of Counterfeit Software on eBay, Hawaii Man Sentenced for Copyright Infringement of Game Software, St. Joseph Woman Sentenced for $312,000 Wire Fraud, Hackers from India Indicted for Online Brokerage Intrusion Scheme that Victimized Customers and Brokerage Firms, Eight Arrests in Multi-State Counterfeit Goods Trafficking Ring, Defendant Sentenced for Conspiring to Commit Computer Fraud and Identity Theft, Massachusetts Man Charged with Defrauding Cisco of Millions of Dollars Worth of Computer Networking Equipment: Using False Identities and Private Mailboxes in at Least 39 States, Suspect Allegedly Carried out the Fraud at Least 700 Times, Los Angeles-Area Man Charged with Uploading Academy Award 'Screener' onto Internet, Software Piracy Ringleader Extradited from Australia, Washington State Man Pleads Guilty to Charges of Transmitting Internet Virus, Two Former "Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals" Conspirators Plead Guilty in Scheme to Sell "Generic" Pills over the Internet: Two Defendants Will Cooperate in Government Investigation, Clovis and Fresno Residents Plead Guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Wire Fraud, Mail Fraud, and Copyright Infringement, Covington, Kentucky Man Indicted for Copyright Infringement, Grocery Market Owners Indicted for Producing and Selling Counterfeit DVDs, Three Internal Revenue Service Employees Indicted for Computer Fraud/Abuse, Duracell Employee Pleads Guilty to Stealing Trade Secrets, Man Pleads Guilty to Stealing Morgan Stanley Trade Secrets Relating to Hedge Funds, Former Antelope Man Sentenced to 20 Months in Prison for Fraudulently Obtaining Microsoft Software: Defendant Cracked Code Needed to Activate Software Causing More Than $500,000 in Losses, First Conviction in Hewlett Packard Pretexting Investigation, Former Qualcomm Employee Sentenced For Theft of Trade Secrets, First Indictment Filed Under Telephone "Pretexting" Statute, Defendants Sentenced for Role in Sale of $2.5 Million Worth of Counterfeit Software, Juneau Man Indicted by Federal Grand Jury on Copyright Charges, "Chinese Connection" Defendant Pleads Guilty in Ralsky Spam and Stock Fraud Conspiracy, Husband and Wife Plead Guilty to Large-scale Copyright Fraud with Large Forfeiture of Assets, West African Immigrants Convicted of Trafficking in Counterfeit Merchandise, Multi-million Dollar Home Equity Line of Credit, Identity Theft and Computer Intrusion Ring Busted, First Foreign National Extradicted for Importing and Distributing Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals Drugs in U. S. Sentenced to Prison, Laguna Beach Man Sentenced to Six Months in Prison, Fined $150,000 for Trafficking in Counterfeit Cisco Goods, Three Plead Guilty to Bank-Fraud Conspiracy, Trade Secret Charges Filed against Company Executives and South Korean Nationals, Former Massachusetts Inmate Arrested for Hacking Prison Computer to Access Prison Management Program, Former Intel Employee Indicted for Stealing More Than $1 Billion of Trade Secrets, Former IT Manager Sentenced to Prison for Hacking into Previous Employers Computer System and Causing Damage, Five Defendants Charged with Crimes Related to Major Internet-Based Counterfeit Movie Distribution Business, San Jose Woman Charged with Fraud in Connection with a Protected Computer, Hacker Charged with Providing Data Theft Tool in National Identity Theft Case, Nine Arrested on Charges of Trafficking In Counterfeited Merchandise: Searches and Seizures Made at Multiple locations in Northern California, New Jersey Man Charged with Attacking Church Of Scientology Websites in the Name of Anonymous, Second Guilty Plea Entered in Ralsky Spam Conspiracy, Seven Members of Romanian Organized Crime Group Indicted in International Wire Fraud Scheme, Vice President of Sales of Minnesota Computer Equipment Company Pleads Guilty to Scheme to Defraud Cisco of Computer Networking Equipment: Faris Fraudulently Conspired to Obtain over $400,000 in Equipment From Cisco Under the SMARTnet Service Contract Program, Former Connecticut State Trooper Pleads Guilty to Improperly Accessing a Government Computer, Morgan Hill Man Charged with Possession of Stolen Trade Secrets, Tennessee Man Indicted for Alleged Hack of Governor Sarah Palins E-Mail Account, Computer Hacker Sentenced to Two Years in Federal Prison, Romanian National Pleads Guilty to Possessing Unauthorized Credit Cards Numbers, Identity Theft, San Diego Man Arraigned on Intentionally Damaging Computers Charge after Accessing Former Employer's Network and Defacing Web Page, San Diego Area Teacher Arraigned on Computer Hacking Charges for Gaining Unauthorized Access to E-mail Accounts of School Employees and for Reading Their Email, "Operation Dirty Laundry" Nets Six for Trafficking in Counterfeit Merchandise, Two European Men Charged with Conspiring to Launch Cyberattacks against Websites of Two U.S. Companies, East Hartford Man Who Pirated Movies and Television Shows and Sold Them on Ebay is Sentenced to Prison, Former Bridgeport Tax Preparer Pleads Guilty to Filing False Claims for Tax Refunds and Computer Fraud, Man Charged with Intentionally Causing Damage to a Protected Computer and Four Counts of Extortion, Member of Music Piracy Group Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison, New London Store Owner Who Made and Sold Pirated Movies Is Sentenced, PSU-Harrisburg Student Sentenced after Making Threats on Myspace, Former Metaldyne Employees Plead Guilty to Conspiracy to Steal Confidential Business Information to Benefit Chinese Competitor, Washington State Woman Sentenced to 13 Months' Imprisonment for Role in Theft of Funds, Federal Jury Convicts Shreveport Stockbroker for Internet Threats, West Haven Man Involved in Email Phishing and Spamming Scheme Sentenced to Two Years in Prison, High-Ranking Web Site Administrator Sentenced in Peer-to-Peer Piracy Crackdown, Malaysia Resident Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Role in International Online Brokerage Scheme, Iowa Man Pleads Guilty to Mail Fraud, Trademark Counterfeit: Sold Fake Rolex Watches Online at Ebay, Flea Market Owner Guilty of Trafficking Counterfeit Cd Labels, Computer Tech Pleads Guilty to Identity Theft of Calpine Corporation Executive, New York Man Involved in Software Piracy Conspiracy Is Sentenced, Sacramento Man Sentenced for Using the Internet to Send Threatening Emails, Des Moines Man Indicted for Internet Threats of Violence and Identity Theft: Man Made Multiple Threats to Boeing Company and Anacortes Oil Refinery, Florence Man Sentenced for Trademark Infringement, Greenville Man Sentenced to Prison for Computer Hacking, Prison Terms Imposed In Access Device Fraud Case, Culver City Man Arrested on Federal Copyright Infringement Charges for Internet Posting of Songs from Unreleased Guns N Roses Album, Former Television News Anchor Pleads Guilty to Computer Crime, Man Pleads Guilty to Selling Counterfeit Designer Goods, Three Defendants Plead Guilty for Online Commercial Distribution of Pirated Software: Defendants Used Multiple Web Sites to Sell Counterfeit Software Worth $2.5 Million, Brazilian Man Charged in Conspiracy to Infect More Than 100,000 Computers Worldwide with Malicious Software, Two Individuals Plead Guilty to Trafficking in More Than Half a Million Tubes of Counterfeit Toothpaste, KC Man Pleads Guilty to Identity Theft, Credit Card Fraud, Florida Man Sentenced to Prison and Ordered to Pay $415,900 in Restitution for Selling Pirated Video Game Systems, Four Defendants, "Hi-tech Pharmaceuticals" Plead Guilty to Importing and Distributing "Knock-off" Prescription Drugs, Mastermind of Elaborate Internet "Phishing" Scheme Sentenced to Seven Years in Federal Prison, Maryland Man Pleads Guilty to Using a Recording Device to Illegally Record Motion Pictures in a District of Columbia Theater, Fact Sheet: Department of Justice Efforts to Combat Cyber Crimes, Retail Hacking Ring Charged for Stealing and Distributing Credit and Debit Card Numbers from Major U.S.