First-year students in sciences and languages enter with those majors declared in order to facilitate the four-year arc that those majors generally entail. The Provost may consult the Academic Policy Committee as needed. Interested in our degree-granting programs instead? Students are allowed to pursue two programs in addition to their major such as two minors, one minor and one certificate, or two certificates. Office of the Registrar, [emailprotected], 502.863.8024. Students who consider majoring or minoring in Art should meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Art to discuss requirements, plan their program, and determine a faculty advisor.Art majors are assigned a faculty advisor in the department, and the Director of Undergraduate Studies advises Art minors. There are several minors in the College that require an application. Welcome to Undergraduate Physics at Georgetown! African American Studies' fundamental investment in theory and practice also supports Georgetown's ongoing process of imagining the future of the university. The purpose of the university is inquiry: situated . Majors & Programs | Undergraduate Admissions | Lehigh University As a result, STIA majors in the Class of 2022 forward who decide to concurrently pursue a minor in Georgetown College in either biology, chemistry, physics or computer science can count the STIA science fundamentals requirement listed above as a co-requirement to the major so that they can be applied toward the completion of the minor. Students may complete any combination of three programs such as: The following minors are available at GU-Q: To declare the minor, review the requirements, ensure that you can complete the requirements for the minor in time for graduation, then complete the Arabic Minor Declaration Form, or the Minor Declaration Form for all other minors. Using theory and real-world case studies, youll think strategically about organizational performance and gain insight into key policy issues affecting business leaders. This course is highly recommended for first-year students and sophomores interested in pursuing the JUPS major or minor. Registrar and Academic Success. By studying the intellectual, historical, cultural, economic, political, religious, literary, scientific, and social ideas, institutions, movements and practices of African Americans, the program provides the tools to theorize solutions to social issues rooted in longstanding and persistent racial divides. By continuing to use this website, you consent to our use of these cookies. Courses cannot count for both the major and minor. Minors are optional and not required in the School of Foreign Service. The chair will also determine what courses are needed at the College to validate the minor, generally including at least three semester hours within the minor. The A.B. Master's in Sports Industry Management | Georgetown SCS Discover | College of Arts & Sciences | Georgetown University The Georgetown University Core Curriculum is the common experience across the University. Georgetown University is now hiring a Assistant Director of Student Development and Leadership Programs - McDonough School of Business - Georgetown University in Washington, DC. Phone: 502-863-8000 Georgetown College students may earn a certificate in a regional study, which are offered through the School of Foreign Service. The nine majors are: Business and Global Affairs International Political Economy Safety: 502-863-8111 Students may double-count up to 6 credits (typically 2 classes) from the SFS-specific core requirements other than the Freshman Proseminar towards any minor. Student transcripts will list the name of the major, any double major or minor, and the grade on . Minors may be declared at the same time you are declaring your major. . International Economics (IECO) - Georgetown University in Qatar Requirements for the degree include a total of 31 credit hours as follows: Academic Requirements for the Major (31 credit hours; 11 courses including TPST-410). Please see the minor specificwebsites for more details on how to apply. Majors - SFS - School of Foreign Service - Georgetown University Students in Georgetown College may major, major with a minor, double major, double major with a minor, or major in one field with two minors. The Georgetown University Ophthalmic Medical Personnel Training Program (OMPTP) is designed to prepare students for a career assisting ophthalmologists (medical eye doctors and surgeons), and to enhance the knowledge and skills of those already employed in the field of ophthalmic medical assisting. For transfer credit within a minor (e.g. At least 18 additional elective credit hours within TPST including: At least 1 out of 3 Core Methods Courses: Play Analysis (TPST-130), Improvisation for Social Change (TPST-125), Adaptation and Performance of Literature (TPST-200), At Least 1 of the following: Cross-Cultural Performance Studies (TPST-105), World Theater History (TPST-240), At least 1 Credit Hour of TPST 100Production Practicum. For a Bachelor of Science degree, a department may require no fewer than 30 hours nor more than 42 hours (or no more than 51 hours including allied courses) for a department major (exclusive of accounting). This website uses cookies to optimize your experience as a user. Those who are admitted to the Ph.D. program without an earned masters degree in a related field will complete one Major concentration and two Minor concentrations. with a serious dedication to teaching and collaboration with students. The study of art develops visual and critical abilities, and trains students to relate direct observation to historical, political, social, and environmental contexts. With more than 100 majors, minors and programs across four colleges, Lehigh offers students a broad selection of academic options. Upcoming Major Declaration Sessions September 28th, 9:00am - 11:00am October 28th, 10:00am - 12:00pm November 18th, 12:00pm - 2:00pm December 7th, 10:00am - 12:00pm Overview A degree in Government equips students with theoretical and practical knowledge concerning many different dimensions of politics, including: Domestic political institutions and processes in the United States and . Contact the program for requirements and application information. It capitalizes on the strengths of both universities to provide students with an enhanced understanding of the role of mass communication in political, diplomatic, and policy-making processes, as . There can be no double counting of courses between or among programs (major and minor, minor and certificate, minor and minor, or certificate and certificate), except in cases of 21 credit (7-course) certificates or minors that explicitly allow for double counting. A student may apply no more than 48 semester hours from one department toward a Bachelor of Arts degree. Anthropology. Georgetown University Assistant Director of Student Development and The Certificate in African Studies is designed to facilitate a fuller understanding of the continent, beyond narrow disciplinary lenses and various crisis narratives. The African Studies Certificate is open to undergraduate students in all schools of Georgetown University, regardless of major. The Georgetown University Center for Research and Fellowships provides guidance and support to students and alumni pursuing a broad range of merit . the pursuit of two majors (double major) the pursuit of one major and one minor. 20057-1107, Bachelors in Health Care Management & Policy, Masters in Health Systems Administration, Skip in-page jump links and go directly to main content, Learn more about the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention minor, HSCO113- Anatomy & Physiology I (4 credits with lab): May 23 to July 1, 2022, HSCO114- Anatomy & Physiology II (4 credits with lab): July 5 to Aug. 12, 2022. The Liberal Arts minor requires all hours to be unique to the minor no overlap between the Liberal Arts minor and a major is allowed. Majors & Minors - Colorado College At Lehigh, you'll get the benefits of the learning opportunities of a larger research university with the personal attention of a small, private college. Georgetown University Department of Performing Arts, 108 Davis Performing Arts Center, Box 571063, Washington Spanish | 2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin | Georgetown University The Advanced Biomedical Sciences (ABS) certificate program, in partnership with George Mason University, is offered through our GeorgeSquared Program. Most minors do not require department approval or signature. The B.S. Core Curriculum Georgetown University, with its commitment to the Jesuit tradition, believes that modern men and women should reflect upon their relationship to the world, their fellow humans, and God. The minor in Spanish requires 18 credits: Six credits of Advanced Spanish, either from option (1) or (2) Completion of the multidisciplinary core curriculum in the first two years of study prepares students for entry into one of four majors offered: International Economics (IECO), International Politics (IPOL), Culture & Politics (CULP) and International History (IHST). Undergraduate Physics and Biological Physics at Georgetown Business and Marketing, Math and Science, Political and Legal Systems, Career Areas: Spend three weeks living and learning in the heart of Washington, D.C., and engaging with classmates from more than 30 countries. identification of the faculty advisor responsible for overseeing the major and coordinating the comprehensive examination. Majors & Minors. Our American Conversational English program provides you with expert instruction in grammar, conversation, and listening skills. ECON 387: Money and Banking. Department of Economics | Georgetown University Georgetown College Bachelor's (Major) Bachelor's (Minor) Full-time In-person View More Applied Economics Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Master's Full-time In-person View More Applied Intelligence School of Continuing Studies Master's Full-time In-person Online Part-time View More Applied Ophthalmic Personnel Training School of Medicine SFS students who choose to minor in Government are strongly encouraged to take GOVT coursesrooted in Political Science subfields and topics that SFS major courses do not cover. In general, a student may count no more than three courses from outside Georgetown towards the minor and generally only one study abroad course. Freshman Seminar. The comprehensive examination will be given under the direction of the chair of the department; it may be oral, written, and/or part of a capstone course, as the faculty of the department may require. Curriculum Overview | Dikran Izmirlian Program - Georgetown University For example, students who have declared a CULP major who are also pursuing a Media and Politics certificate may only double-count two courses for both CULP and the certificate. Department of African American Studies | Georgetown University Students are required to declare a major once 60 credit hours have been earned. All majors/minors in the same department require the approval of the Department Chair. Women's and Gender Studies - 2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin Many science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) majors top PayScale's list of the highest-paying jobs that require a bachelor's degree. DC Understand the connections between culture, society and politics in international affairs. Students who take ECON 003 will double-count it with the Minor and additionally double-count one course among ECON 242/243/244. The Certificate in Media and Politics (CMAP) is offered jointly by Georgetown University in Qatar (GU-Q) and Northwestern University in Qatar (NU-Q). a concentration of at least 12 hours in one discipline, at least six hours at or above the 300-level, at least 15 hours that the student does not count toward the major or another minor (exclusive of allied requirements). For Area Majors, a proposal for an area major must include: For Area Minors, a proposal for an area minor must include: An interdisciplinary major or minor follows the same guidelines as an area major or minor. Each of the eight BSFS majors and the joint SFS-MSB Bachelor of Science in Business and Global Affairs (BSBGA) is designed around 24-36 credits of required and elective classes. The minor requirement ensures that students pursue some advanced study in more than one discipline. Some majors have additional pre- or co-requisites. Classics | The College of Arts & Sciences Similarly, Ph.D. students who are admitted with advanced standing will complete one Major concentration and one Minor concentration towards the degree. Washington, D.C. 20057 Program on Justice and Peace | Georgetown University Students may declare a major/minor at any time. To change a major or add a second major, email theDirector of Undergraduate Studies (new window)in themajordepartment to request to declare themajorand receive a faculty advisor assignment. Human Behavior, Education, History and Literature, Career Areas: There are rare cases in which a student has received permission to pursue an independent major that does not fall under the jurisdiction of one of the eight major field committees. Students may complete any combination of three programs such as: One major and two minors One major, one minor, and one certificate One major and two certificates GU-Q students may not double major Available Minors The following minors are available at GU-Q: Africana Stu dies Arabic Indian Ocean Studies Other minors Interdisciplinary Majors and Minors < University of Toledo Accessibility at Georgetown 2023 Georgetown University School of . Any other science courses taken as part of the major cannot be applied to a minor. The Program has rapidly attracted significant national attention for its distinctive curriculum, which integrates the political and international character of Georgetown, a commitment to social justice, and high-quality, cutting-edge production seasons, including world premieres. Majors & Minors | Art, Art History & Visual Studies - Duke University Professors Vivaldo Andrade dos Santos (Brazilian Literature and Cultural Studies), Michael Ferreira (Portuguese Linguistics), and Patricia Vieira [] Discover the structure of the international system and how state and non-state actors compete and cooperate with one another. Others may seek permission to take the minor by contacting the Director of Cognitive Science. In addition to coursework in each of the fundamental areas of Chemistry/Biochemistry, our majors have abundant opportunities to participate in undergraduate research. Major, Minors, and Certificates. Art can articulate and interpret ideas about ourselves, communities, histories, beliefs, politics, and environments in ways that are exceptionally direct. As with a joint concentration, students must formally apply to complete a secondary field by the stated deadline. Master of Arts in German and European Studies, Master of Arts in Global, International, and Comparative History, Master of Arts in Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies, Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics, Master of Science in Global Infectious Disease. Sociology & Anthropology Department. No more than 6-credit hours of the Performance Lab TPST 190-199 sequence can be used toward fulfillment of the major. Students can earn up to two minors and certificates. Program Julius J. Shapiro Our faculty come from several departments throughout the Main Campus, the Medical Center, and the Law Center. Majors and Minors - Department of Performing Arts For most minors, the declaration process is simple. The major combines work in the natural sciences with international affairs courses dealing with the environment, energy . . In the Certificate in Artificial Intelligence Management, youll have the opportunity to engage with leaders in technology and business strategy while exploring how applications of AI can be leveraged for competitive advantage. For transfer credit within a minor (e.g. Join our mailing list to receive information on Global Medieval Studies programs and events. These courses are seminars, with enrollment capped at 20, and are open only to upper level students. Note about Credit and Enrollment for Participation in TPST Home Season: Students participating as cast members or in another sustained way throughout the rehearsal process (dramaturg, stage manager, designer, assistant director etc.) Majors and Minors. Georgetown University now offers two online courses that are often required for various health disciplines. *These minors are by application only. College Majors vs. Minors | BestColleges The liberal arts degree in American Musical Culture integrates the Universitys strengths in film/media, public policy, politics and social justice within the cultural sphere and is designed for students interested in pursuing careers and/or graduate study in arts management, entertainment law, media studies, music business, music journalism or musicology/ethnomusicology. This list will be updated as curricula evolve and new programs develop. CC's breadth of educational options distinguishes us from many other schools. There can be no double counting of courses between or among the programs. Her family has long supported the arts at Georgetown, and endows these awards in Misty's name. This distinctive degree program engages with theater and performance as it intersects with social justice, cultural politics, criticism, American and world cultures, arts management, education, and more. A corollary major cannot count as a students major area for the purposes of satisfying requirements for a degree. View Online Course Information HSCO113- Anatomy & Physiology I (4 credits with lab): May 23 to July 1, 2022 Topics span many niches, including Music, Chemistry, Economics, Government, Computer Science, and others. On-Campus Visits. To change a minor or add a second minor, complete and submit anAcademic Program Changes Formto be reviewed by your Advising Dean or Academic Counselor in the College Deans Office. M.A. Take the time to explore what might be right for you. More than 50 minors are currently available to School of Foreign Service students on topics including languages, sciences, preforming arts, and many more. At least four courses must be taken on the Georgetown campus or in the Georgetown University programs in Quito, Ecuador, or Barcelona, Spain. However, the majority of students use some of those elective credits to take classes needed to develop second language proficiency. Students should consult the curricular dean responsible for their major for details on thisprocess of major substitution. The faculty chair of the appropriate field committee must endorse the modifications. Students with appropriate undergraduate course work maycount graduate level courses toward the undergraduate degree. Biochemistry Majors | Department of Chemistry | Georgetown University Undergraduate Programs - Drexel University Interdisciplinary Majors and Minors. Theater & Performance Studies - Department of Performing Arts If you are interested in this option, please speak with your advising dean. should enroll for the course assigned to that production. Degrees, Majors, and Minors | Georgetown College Home Degrees, Majors, and Minors Degrees, Majors, and Minors Download as PDF Degrees Awarded Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Master of Arts in Education Major and Minor Requirements Students may declare a major/minor at any time. As an introductory course, it requires permission for seniors. Requirements | Department of Art and Art History | Georgetown University Each course (Performance Lab TPST 190-199) offers options for zero-three credits, which will be decided upon by Davis Center Artistic Director and faculty based upon audition; course numbers will rotate each semester. We believe in empowering students to pursue their passions, engage their interests and center in on their true calling and the results speak . Degrees and Courses | Department of Biology | Georgetown University Academic Policies | College of Arts & Sciences | Georgetown University GU-Q students are eligible to pursue some of the minors offered by the College of Arts and Sciences on main campus. For details on the application process and deadlines, please visit that minors program page: Cognitive ScienceThe minor in Cognitive Science normally requires that you have a major or minor in one of the participating disciplines: Biology, Computer Science, Linguistics, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics and Psychology. More information about Misty can be found on our page Dailey Awards (1993 present). The Public Health minor is open to students in Georgetown College, the McDonough School of Business, the School of Foreign Service, the School of Nursing, and the School of Health. Such hours may count towards a major/minor and the Foundations and Core. Cross-School Undergraduate Programs and Opportunities, The Washington Consortium of Universities, Degree Requirements and Academic Policies, Majors, Certificates/Minors and Accelerated Degree programs, Accelerated Bachelors/Masters Degree Programs, Science, Technology, and International Affairs, Bachelor of Science in Business and Global Affairs, Certificate in Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Studies, Certificate in Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies, Certificate in International Business Diplomacy, Certificate in Journalism and Digital Media, ISD (Institute for the Study of Diplomacy) Fellows in Diplomacy, Russian Literature and Culture (in Translation), Master of Arts in Communication, Culture, and Technology. The TPST Program offers studio/seminar courses in acting, directing, playwriting, design, technical theatre, and stage management, as well as coursework and production opportunities that emphasize adaptation and performance; devising and developing new work; cross-cultural performance and world theatre history; performance and politics; community-based performance; arts management; ensemble techniques; musical and cabaret performance; interdisciplinary learning about culture, race, gender, and identity; and a variety of special topics that offer diverse opportunities for undergraduate research. The courses are four credits each with lab, and are offered fully online with synchronous and asynchronous content. You can also follow [] This material is covered in a range of elective courses focusing on more specialized areas of economics. A major in Theater & Performance Studies consists of courses that combine critical and creative inquiry and is designed for students interested in not only developing skills intheater and performance but in an interdisciplinary exploration of how these art forms matter in the world. The Global Health minor is for students at the School of Health, School of Nursing, College of Arts and Sciences, and McDonough School of Business. Discover a curriculum as unique as you are. Our program prepares you to navigate todays complex intelligence landscape. Requirements for the Minor. Data Analytics Programs. The School of Foreign Service and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences sponsor several accelerated bachelors/masters programs for those qualified students who plan to continue their professional education in international affairs at the graduate level and desire to complete the two degrees in approximately five years.