Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines. We work to bring about change by lobbying, consumer pressure and mobilising members of the general public. The difference in opinions being the timing, with the dissent finding that a later assessment of these climate impacts would be insufficient according to the law. Nikita holds an LLM cum laude in Public International Law from Leiden University and an LLB from the University of Cape Town. When dealing with lobbying work and actors trying to exert influence on other actors, a clear understanding of what is meant by influence is required. [3] Currently, Latin America and the Caribbean are dominated by Canadian companies falling from a 49% to 32% . WWF works to secure transformative change at all levels of government in the U.S. and overseas. Work to pass legislation that 5C above pre-industrial levels, it is essential that businesses, policy-makers, and civil society advance comprehensive near- and long-term climate actions in line . Since 2015 Greenpeace has also been producing investigative journalism stories. The nation's leading car maker, Toyota Australia, has been accused of greenwashing in a fresh complaint lodged with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC . michael afton in real life; hunterdon central baseball schedule; drax i have famously large turds gif; serta big and tall office chair model 49734; benjamin allbright wife; carla abellana and tom rodriguez relationship; why do i get goosebumps when my boyfriend touches me; In this role, David leads Oil Change Internationals work to confront big oil and gas companies greenwash, working closely with allies across civil society. We use tracking and analysis tools to ensure continuous optimisation and demand-oriented design of our website. Marcelo Iniarra is an environmental activist, a senior public mobilisation & fundraising professional with over 30 years of experience acting in the non-profit sector. Willie Soon Last week, the IRS responded to a letter from Greenpeace that pointed out this potentially illegal lobbying by However, a major threat to the orangutans was the loss of their 32 A keystone species is one that has a disproportionate effect on its environment relative to its biomass. Louise leads Greenpeaces climate justice and liability strategies. Work with Greenpeace, other relevant NGOs, and industry to promote greater water management in China and beyond through the use and further enhancement of Find him on Twitter @ryschlee. The Greenpeace International Board (Stichting Greenpeace Councils Board) normally consists of seven members. Her Honour stated in her decision of 15 May 2002, that: The right to protest and the right to express publicly ones political views, albeit by direct action, is one which is to be valued and protected in the context of modern democracy. Unearthed is able to take on big, risky stories that require time and resources many mainstream media outlets dont have but that need to be told. The protest was Greenpeace's longest ever occupation of a moving oil platform. A passionate advocate of multi-disciplinary approaches, Helga has successfully leveraged multiple perspectives to inform shifts in how institutions engage with nature protection. Prioritize legislative initiatives and lobbying efforts 2. Its ruling clearly established the principle that there is a right to protest at sea. He finished his Masters degree in public management (MPM) from the Lee Kuan Yew School of PublicPolicy at the National University of Singapore (NUS). ACLU, Amnesty International) Animal rights . When Shanice is not occupied with defending the environment, she is occupied with her two girls. Christian Coalition) Specific political issue groups (ex. We worked closely with Greenpeace to create a pan-European campaign to help restrict corporate fishing the impact was clear and helped prompt new legislation. People v Arctic Oil:In 2016, Greenpeace Nordic partnered with Nature and Youth to file a legal case against the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. The elders are challenging the governments climate policies, highlighting shortfalls that are putting their lives and future generations at risk. strategy. Greenpeace France, Oxfam France, Notre Affaire Tous & Foundation pour la Nature et lHomme v Government of France:In 2018, Greenpeace France, in collaboration with Notre Affaire a Tous, Oxfam France, and Fondation pour la Nature et lHomme, filed a demande prealable (letter before action) as the first step in Frances first-ever climate lawsuit. This CMD Special Report cuts through the PR spin and exposes the funding and spending of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). It was founded in 1978 and serves to increase public awareness of Greenpeaces work. We have challenged governments and corporations and have helped shape the law to protect the Planet. The International Board reports annually to Council during the AGM. With an interest in art and music, he is a member of a foundation for modern art and guitarist/singer in a rock band. After leaving the executive roles at Greenpeace, Marcelo began to volunteer at Greenpeace, first as the Board Chair and trustee of Greenpeace Mexico in 2015 and therefore at Greenpeace Andino as a Board Member & Chair. This is evidenced by the findings in the report The Dirty Coal Heritage, published by Greenpeace [] Our vision is a greener, healthier and more peaceful planet, one that can sustain life for generations to come. Currently she is involved with her local Transition group in New Mills, north Derbyshire, England. Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. In doing so, it held that The basic principle is that organisations such as Greenpeace are in principle free to take action and to make their views publicly known. It is a major victory against anti-renewable measures and helps secure the human right to affordable and accessible clean energy. The "Greenpeace Declaration of Interdependence" was published by Greenpeace in the Greenpeace Chronicles (Winter 1976-77). The SMT reports to the IED. Matthijs holds an LL.B. They are so powerful these days that they are . Helga Rainer has over 20 years of international and environmental development experience. Without a Treaty, there is no legal route to protecting large areas of . Aug 2022 - Nov 20224 months. How we are building on your acts of courage. The Mexican Center for Environmental Law (CEMDA) and Greenpeace Mexico have successfully challenged new federal decrees that limited the participation of renewable energy companies in the domestic market. We use facts and peer-reviewed research conducted by scientists all over the world to inform our campaigns and policies. The Chair and members of the Greenpeace International Board do not receive a salary, but their expenses are covered and they receive an attendance fee for time spent on board meetings. Greenpeace is pledging to support anti-drilling legislation in the House and Senate and is calling for Congress to develop new climate legislation which commits the U.S. to ambitious reductions in greenhouse gas pollution and turns the country away from its addiction to oil., VVPR info: Contact: Jane Kochersperger, Greenpeace Media Officer, cell: (202)-680-3798; [emailprotected]. [2] By 2009, the Canadian larger-company mineral exploration market in this region was valued at US$1.7 billion. All of Greenpeaces work is guided by and informed by science and research. She has been consulted for her expertise, among others, by the Wikileaks media organisation and the Open Society Justice Initiative. Whether Italy will join France's nuclear alliance has become the pivotal question. We don't accept any funding from governments, corporations or political parties - our work is funded by . Kristin is a registered attorney in the U.S. state of Colorado. Matthijs advises on organisational legal matters, building a stronger legal organisation. We use tracking and analysis tools to ensure continuous optimisation and demand-oriented design of our website. Daniel has served in the Legal Unit, with a brief hiatus, since 2008. Prior to joining Greenpeace International, she worked at two of South Africas big 5 law firms where she primarily specialised in media and technology law, data protection and intellectual property law. NRA, Planned Parenthood) Human rights (ex. Greenpeace International's Legal Unit consists of a team of specialised lawyers that provide independent legal advice on: - strategic litigation to advance the fight against environmental destruction - risk management and strategic defence of campaigns, the organisation and staff - advocacy efforts to strengthen environmental and human rights We share legal knowledge with other lawyers . -political action committees . The environmental impact of be regulated and the ones that are regulated under EU legislation. 11 junio, 2020. We've been campaigning for a green and peaceful future for 50 years and we're not stopping now. Web Design : Nikita is part of the strategic defence team of Greenpeace Internationals Legal Unit. For the associated 501(c)(3), see Greenpeace Fund (nonprofit) Greenpeace is one of the most internationally recognized environmentalist organizations. It's not hard to see why this might be. In 2009, plans to build a second coal-fired station at the site were shelved. She has a lifelong interest in music and has played in bands from punk to Klezmer. Above all, we act to provoke action from those with the power and responsibility to make change happen. We rely entirely on support from members like you! For questions, comments or other feedback, please contact the responsible Greenpeace organisation. Scholarship Fund She has lectured and carried out research at universities and research institutes in Nigeria, the U.K., Canada and Senegal. After activists briefly shut down 72 of Shells fuel stations in the Netherlands in 2012, in protest at the companys plans to drill for oil in Arctic waters, Shell sought a court order banning any further actions on or near its premises. Legislation and regulation increasingly impact our lives. Greenpeace ran a campaign against paper and packaging giant, APP . montana frost depth map; Hola mundo! In addition to the Performance cookies mentioned above, we may also place in your browser cookies from third-party services (e.g. "We're glad to see Congress finally recognize that we can't address the overlapping crises of climate change and systemic racism without prioritizing justice for communities who have been left behind for too long.". Through the political lobbying network, a network of trained volunteers who lobby MPs and councillors around the UK, we are able to take national and international issues that Greenpeace works on and make them relevant and impactful at the local level. UN Ocean Treaty in jeopardy as countries refuse to compromise; giant Greenpeace USA banner demands "Ocean Treaty Now". How Greenpeace Works. Steve Morgan / Greenpeace. 702 H Street, NW, STE 300, Washington, D.C. 20001 | 1-800-722-6995. Taxable lobbying expenditures do not include amounts paid--. 1300 Eye Street, NW, STE 1100 East, Washington, D.C. 20005 | 1-800-722-6995. Murder in the Pacific: the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior and what happened next, How to Stop Whale Deaths from Real Threats, Not Lies About Wind Energy, Ohio Train Wreck Could Be Bidens Chance to Champion Chemical Safety, UN Ocean Treaty in jeopardy as countries refuse to compromise; giant Greenpeace USA banner demands Ocean Treaty Now, A year after Russias invasion of Ukraine, a global fossil fuels bonanza could spark conflicts elsewhere, Activists stage art occupation to demand a Global Ocean Treaty as 3030 hangs in the balance, Jane Fonda delivers 5.5 million signatures calling for a Global Ocean Treaty, The High Cost of Cheap Tuna: US Supermarkets, Sustainability, and Human Rights at Sea, Big Oil Money Looms Large in Competitive Elections. The evidence is available to the public on the websites of Greenpeace Southeast Asia-Philippines and the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines. "Overall, the Clean Air Task Force is the most effective organization we have found at advancing a technology . for certain jointly funded projects; by certain program-related investment recipients; for certain general support grants; or. greenpeace influence legislation. Throughout his career his practice has focused on major human rights litigation, environmental justice, domestic and international criminal law, and post-conflict resolution. Consider the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the country's largest lobbying . Marcelo has worked with many NGOs, including; Amnesty International, Oxfam, Save the Children, Greenpeace International, Doctors without Borders and Action Aid. Her prior experience includes providing counsel to CIA torture victim Abu Zubaydah, assisting the prosecutors office at the UN ICTR, and litigating government contracts at a Washington, D.C. law firm. The Greenpeace International Executive Director (IED) is responsible for the management of Greenpeace International (GPI) and the GPI Strategy and Management Team (SMT). The Bill also has the potential to affect other charitable organisations, particularly given the increasing efforts on the part of many governments to keep information (that should be in the public sphere) secret. Nikhil has a Doctorate in International Studies from the University of Denver (USA) and a Masters degree in International Relations from the Claremont Graduate University (USA). It is the guarantor of the integrity of the organisation and ensures adherence to internationally accepted good governance and financial management standards. He is a barrister (England & Wales, 1971) and also practised at the New York Bar (1982-2000) and served as lead counsel at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (2007-2014). Please select which cookies you are willing to store. Please, rush a gift right now to help power the fight for a Global Ocean Treaty before time runs out for our ocean creatures facing overwhelming threats. 284934). Within ten days of the letter, the groups appeal received more than 1.7 million signatures, demonstrating widespread public support for the case. In addition to the Performance cookies mentioned above, we may also place in your browser cookies from third-party services (e.g. Matthew Taylor. Greenpeace uses sensational, nonviolent confrontations to expose governments and . Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning network, founded in Canada in 1971 by Irving Stowe and Dorothy Stowe, immigrant environmental activists from the United States.Greenpeace states its goal is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity" and focuses its campaigning on worldwide issues such as climate change, deforestation, overfishing, commercial . 15 Feb 13. Previously, she served on the board of Greenpeace UK for eleven years, with over five years as the Board Chair. Helga has a Doctorate in Geography and Environment from the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) and a Masters degree in Environmental Science, Policy and Planning from the University of Bath (UK). Legisprudence. Greenpeace protestors interrupt Truss Just eight minutes after Truss opened her speech by saying "These are stormy days", two Greenpeace protestors stole the show from the Prime Minister. The National Inquiry conducted by the Commission on Human Rights has become one of the most significant repositories of scientific, legal, and community evidence of fossil fuel industrys responsibility for climate change impacts and human rights harms. Check out for a legal toolbox to hold your government accountable on climate inaction. Greenpeace also holds formal observer status at many international meetings where the fate of the planet is decided: the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, the International Whaling Commission, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, among others. Email: [emailprotected]Linkedin:, Senior Legal Counsel Strategic Litigation, attorney-at-law (New York). The lawsuit is the first example of ordinary people in Taiwan using the power of strategic litigation to hold the government accountable for its climate inaction. Sue is a retired accountant and registered auditor, specialising in the charity and not-for-profit sector, a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and holds the Diploma in Charity Accounting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAEW). She joined Greenpeace International in February 2018 and has been supporting the food and forest campaigns, as well as advising on freedom of expression and media-law related issues. Were glad to see Congress finally recognize that we cant address the overlapping crises of climate change and systemic racism without prioritizing justice for communities who have been left behind for too long. Direct action is about physically acting to stop an immediate wrong at the scene of the crime. For example, in 2002 the French nuclear fuel company Areva filed proceedings against Greenpeace France, alleging breach of its trademark in relation to the Greenpeace parody of the Areva logo that depicted the risks of the nuclear industry. In response to Greenpeace, RSPO may have put it best, RSPO rules ensure that all voices are fairly represented and that all decisions are reached by consensus. For example, in 2016 Greenpeace Netherlands leaked the draft text of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Greenpeace was founded in 1971 in British Columbia to oppose U.S. nuclear testing at Amchitka Island in Alaska. Kasey is the central contact for all legal enquiries. 1.1 Greenpeace. Using a variety of techniques from field work, satellite imagery, business and financial analysis, and working with whistleblowers, our investigations provide the facts and evidence Greenpeace needs in order to bring about change. Published by on 30 junio, 2022 Unearthed is able to take on big, risky stories that require time and resources many mainstream media outlets dont have but that need to be told. Here you can find our current annual report and financial statements. luella bartley cornwall; lost vineyards sangria; car horn must be heard minimum distance Formally, a lobbyist is someone who represents the interest organization . Air pollution is choking our cities and causing a global health crisis. Through investigations we can expose those responsible for environmental destruction and shed light on the areas of operation that they would rather stay in the dark. All case documents in English can be found here. Shanice also frequents parliament to make presentations to the department of the Environments oversight committee on incidents and accidents. Through the Action 24 Active citizens for responsive legislatures project she served as the KwaZulu-Natal province lead from 2017-2020. Greenpeace Fund, Inc seeks to support the work of Greenpeace, Inc. [2] Since 1970, NEPA has required federal agencies to go through a review process and identify the environmental, economic, social, and health impacts of new infrastructure projects before construction. She is admitted to the NY and California bars, and has held a U.S. Top Secret security clearance. Greenpeace has taken an interest in Norway as another center for their anti-whaling initiative. These cookies will allow us to collect statistical and anonymised data, such as how visitors use our website or which pages are accessed most frequently, to ultimately improve and provide you with a better experience of our website. The Greenpeace International legal unit is now working with advocacy groups from across Europe to build the resilience of activists and other public watchdogs to SLAPPs and legal intimidation in Europe. These cookies are used to recognise you between successive visits and thus provide you with a better experience, storing your consent preferences and the last website visited. Marcelo is an active member of the TED network & organiser of TEDx events in his hometown, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has also developed an Action 24 Toolkit for Citizens Engagement with Legislatures that offers step-by-step guidance on how the public can engage, based on the realities observed. Email: [emailprotected]Linkedin:, Associate Legal Counsel Communications (Admitted Attorney of the High Court of South Africa). History. These cookies are required for technical reasons so that you can visit our website and use the functions we offer. There's no guarantee these targets will be as ambitious as they need to be. e. is barred from all government offices., 2. Greenpeace regularly champions the right to free speech in its defence of the environment. Shanice is a strong believer in meaningful public participation in environmental governance affecting change in climate legislation. Powered by individual donations, dedicated . But because Greenpeace UK refused to register its election manifestos campaign with the State under what it considers an anti-free speech law, the organisation has now been fined. On 16 March 2019, the day after the global school strike for climate protection, which mobilised more than 1.6 million young people around the world, 350,000 people marched in more than 200 cities in France in support of the case and to demand increased climate action from the government. Greenpeace Mxico, A.C. v. Ministry of Energy (and others):This case began in late spring 2020 and received positive results in early November 2020. Like most environmental organizations, Greenpeace supports legislation . The Greenpeace organization consists of Greenpeace International (Stichting Greenpeace Council) in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and Greenpeace These are not controversial ideas, and yet Black, Brown, Indigenous, and working-class communities across the country have consistently been denied these basic rights and sacrificed to the fossil fuel industry. The network engages MPs, councillors and other decision makers around our campaigns. Their annual compensation can be found in the financial statements and annual reports. Ayesha Imam is a rights and sustainable development activist and consultant. Further building her transdisciplinary practice, Helga co-founded Borderlands Art, an agile space concerned with issues of environment, conflict and repair which uses exhibitions, events and research to foster critical inquiry and advocacy. Not anymore. Its a victory of truth over the denial of the French state, who has relentlessly claimed its actions are sufficient, despite overwhelming evidence that it is failing. [12] By clicking "Accept all cookies" you agree to our, Greenpeace, Nestl and the Palm Oil Controversy: Social Media Orangutans were protected by legislation that prohibited their being owned, ,captured, or killed. The Netherlands flag State of the vessel began arbitration proceedings against the Russian Federation, relying on a file of evidence supplied by Greenpeace International. (31) 3351-3382 | 3351-3272 | 3351-3141 | 3351-3371. puppies for sale in nc under 200 associe-se. Canada's involvement in Latin America increased dramatically since 1989 with several landmark negotiations and agreements. He divides his time between New York City, US and Mumbai, India. Louise has a keen interest in movement lawyering, corporate accountability and human rights. Before being elected to the Greenpeace International board, he was the chair of Greenpeace Aotearoa, and had served on that offices board from 2015. From 2014-2016, he worked as a regular freelance contractor for the Climate Action Network International (CAN-International), and in 2015 established the New Zealand CAN node. Discover some practical things you can do to help protect the environment. Kasey is a member of the Greenpeace International Harassment Complaints Committee, leading investigations for alleged harassment complaints as part of Greenpeaces Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Safety efforts. Here you can meet our Board of Directors, find out how our Management Team is structured, learn about our Open Information Policy, read our financials, and get a sense of how our organisational and campaign issues get agreed upon at annual meetings. Fox News' Sean Hannity recently accused wind turbines of "contributing to the deaths of whales and bird life," and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., claimed dead whales "keep washing up on the beach from wind farms.". To limit global temperature rise to well below 2C and as close as possible to 1. UK to put down legislation but Greenpeace warns of impact on developing nations Theresa May will mark the target by meeting science and engineering students. The Republicans anti-environment agenda is a racist agenda, and we need climate champions in Congress to hold corporate polluters accountable.. If Donald Trump cared about clean air and water as much as he says he does, this is exactly the kind of legislation hed support. Daniel oversees the Legal Units strategic defence work, which includes assessing risks of actions, investigations and publications, handling incoming campaign-related litigations, and protecting the rights that the organisation needs to play its watchdog role, such as freedom of expression, association and assembly. Ayesha has a doctorate in social anthropology from the University of Sussex (UK) and a Masters degree in sociology from Ahmadu Bello University (Nigeria). Greenpeace Fund, Inc. is the non-profit 501 (c) (3) arm associated with Greenpeace. It's time to rise up like never before and fight for our climate and communities. Visit Greenpeace Fund, a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable entity created to increase public awareness and understanding of environmental issues through research, the media and educational programs. It seeks to educate citizens about Greenpeaces work by housing a multimedia library with Greenpeace media archives including Greenpeace Radio, Greenpeace e-Magazine, and educational webinars. Holding your Government Accountable for Climate Change: A Peoples GuideWant to know more about strategic, human rights climate litigation? Two prominent examples of these corporate attacks on Greenpeace, filed using an anti-racketeering law in the USA, led to the formation of the Protect the Protest anti-SLAPP coalition in 2018. Kasey coordinates the Greenpeace International Legal Internship Programme and the Greenpeace Legal Community of Practice.