By 4Site Advantage | June 13th, 2017 | Categories: Emerson House Portland, News | 0 Comments Oregon Health & Science University is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life for all Oregonians through excellence, innovation and leadership in health care, education and research. To develop physician leaders who heal through high-quality care, compassion, community engagement and discovery. The OHSU Division of Hospital Medicine (DHM) is comprised of academic and clinical hospitalists at both OHSU and Hillsboro Medical Center (HMC) and serves as the largest acute care/inpatient service at both sites. Her favorite place in Oregon thus far is Yachats, a little town on the coast where she and her partner vacationed several years back. Soniya Pimparkar was born in Sydney, Australia, but spent the majority of her childhood in London, England. Dr. Allyson Adams (she/her) was born on the west slope of Colorado and spent her school years on the front range. Interestingly enough, I started off as a bone marrow transplant nurse, and I got to see up close what happens to cancer patients. Outside of work, Dr. Scheurich and her partner like to go hiking with their two Golden Retrievers and watch movies. Primary care clinician and/or interim, same day or urgent care 7 half days/week at OHSU Primary Care Clinic, Beaverton, OR Participate in clinical based teaching of residents and medical students We hope this will not deter you from seeing who we are and what we believe in. Dr. Eric only speaks when he has something to say; he prefers to listen to others and hear about their lives. She enjoyed various clinical rotations both inside and outside Japan with diverse populations and engaged in research, medical education, and community services. To all of her patients, past, present, and future, she says, "Thank you for being you!". Many of our residents go on to complete fellowships and gravitate . She also spent time exploring her passion for Social Justice through educational opportunities, peer-lead discussions and volunteering. She has long been interested in the intersection of healthcare and human rights. Dr. White grew up in rural western China but spent her formative years in Singapore and then Boston. Prepare Leaders, Revolutionize healthcare. Outside of work, Dr. Parilla enjoys spending time with her husband and dog, gardening, overwatering her houseplants, and exploring the Portland food scene. He also hopes to use his background in public health to strengthen the role primary care can play for all patient populations, and especially those who have been historically marginalized. She practices full-spectrum family medicine with particular interest in maternity care, preventative care, end-of-life care, and chronic disease management. OHSU Health - Hillsboro Medical Center (HMC) Family Medicine Residency is a new three-year community based program at Hillsboro Medical Center (formerly Tuality Healthcare) in Hillsboro, Oregon. Dr. Scheurich loves cooking, and dreaming up new recipes based on the contents of the fridge is her favorite procrastination tool. The lawsuit could have broad implications as the first challenge in the nation to raise the question of whether such residency requirements are constitutional, according to legal . He enjoys running and has finished the Portland Marathon twice. This provides more access for patients to see residents during continuity clinics. We believe in providing a strong foundation in Internal Medicine on which you can continue to build your future career path. in global health. Erika is thrilled to join the OHSU Department of Family Medicine where she hopes to build on her interests in maternal healthcare, reproductive justice and humanism in medicine. This position is under the supervision of the Chair, with OHSU's Department of Emergency Medicine. On more restful days, you can find him listening to Motown and rooting for Detroit and University of Michigan sports teams. Dr. Mussard comes to the PNW from the Appalachian Mountains of East Tennessee. He draws deep satisfaction from forming long-term and supportive relationships with his patients. * Service responsibilities include participation in committees and councils of OHSU; outreach and public service programs and professional societies with the knowledge and consent of the Chair. She attended University of Portland for her undergraduate degree in biology and completed her medical degree at OHSU. He enjoyed growing up in the northwoods, spending every last minute hunting, fishing, snowboarding, and golfing. Outside of work, Mako enjoys running, traveling, and exploring nature and new places. Medical student and OHSU residency match results. Dakota, his wife Emily, and of course their "Covid-dog" Ollie are excited for the move to Oregon. This can be found on the last page of the after-visit summary you received at the end of your appointment. Her academic interests include anti-racist medical curricula and disability medicine. COURTESY OF OREGON HEALTH & SCIENCE UNIVERSITY by Lynne Terry | The Lund Report Premium March 29, 2021 The OHSU Department of Neurological Surgery is proud and delighted to introduce the incoming Neurosurgery Residency Class of 2027. She also enjoys a cup of coffee, the crossword, and a neighborhood walk. His studies continued as he relocated to Portland to attend OHSU for medical school near his eldest brother and daughterless mother. Megans interests in family medicine are wide ranging from preventative medicine, reproductive health and obstetrics, addiction medicine, gender-affirming care, and geriatrics. Some of Nick's additional interests in medicine, fostered over the course of his time in medical school working with Richmond's underserved populations, include addiction medicine, immigrant healthcare, mental health, and preventative care. Follow us on Instagramfor an inside look at resident life! Dr. Conway is originally from outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (not to be confused with Milwaukie, Oregon), and he brings his love of their local sports teams with him (for better or worse). As a new resident of Oregon, she appreciates any recommendations for local food, dog-friendly hikes, weekend getaways, and pacific northwest plants that will be hard to kill as she learns how to garden. "Asked me questions that were directly related to my life story - it felt like they took the time to review all the information in my file and were interested in what I had to say." Email: I am a pediatric physical therapist, at Oregon Health and Science University, and I am a training coordinator for the LEND program at OHSU, which stands for leadership, education, and neuro developmental and related disabilities. That class will spend its first year at OHSU, then two years in Jefferson County. She is excited that her first move out of Colorado is to Portland. Our partnership with Go Baby Go Oregon offers modified ride-on cars, switch-adapted toys and board books.. A team approach: Specialists can help your child fully take part . Dr. Scheurich chose Family Medicine because she wants the skills to care for anyone in her community that needs help. As an osteopathic physician, Brooke strives to address the intersection between the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of her patients in her work, and has received additional training in osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT), a hands-on technique that supports the bodys innate tendency to heal. Meet Our Residents. The saying surviving is important, but thriving is elegant resonates deeply with us. McLean, who grew up in Portland and graduated from OHSU, is currently the chief resident of emergency medicine at St. John's Riverside Hospital in Yonkers, New York. Dr. Eliza Slater was born into a circus community in San Francisco to a juggler-clown-educator-activist mother and a live-off-the-land carpenter father. Current Emergency Medicine Residents | OHSU Home Emergency Medicine Education Residency Current Residents Current Emergency Medicine Residents Class of 2023 Adrian Cois, M.B.B.S Undergraduate: BAS, University of Queensland, St. Lucia Medical School: MB, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, AU * Educational responsibilities include participation in the instructional program for medical and graduate students, residents and fellows of the Department as assigned by the Chair. Founded by the legendary Dr. Fran Storrs, the clinic serves as a vital statewide and regional referral source, seeing patients from all over Oregon, and neighboring states. In medical school at the University of Colorado, she worked on the steering committee at a student-run pediatric clinic for single parent, low-income families and did research for the Ob/Gyn department. He hopes to develop similarly strong relationships with his patients in Portland. in Neuroscience and minored in Healthcare Management. They enjoy traveling and all things outdoors. Over the summer after her first year, she spent a month in Uganda volunteering at a clinic and teaching health literacy classes. She is excited to provide full-spectrum care at the OHSU Primary Care Clinic and thankful for all current and future patients for choosing to share their journeys with her. Dr. Parilla is a family medicine physician originally from south Jersey who is happy to call the beautiful PNW her new home! In medical school he was proud to volunteer as a manager and teacher as his school free clinic, research mental health integration into primary care in Jordan, and learn about the process of political engagement interning in Sacramento, CA. About 44 percent are entering primary care and 28 percent are continuing their training in Oregon, including 34 students (22 . When she's not working, Dr. Finch loves to travel, read, do crossword puzzles, brew beer, and spend quality time with her husband, Shashin, and their Mini Bernedoodle, Denali. in anthropology and a M.A. Vice Chair of Education Dr. Anna Persmark (she/her) hails mostly from Eugene, OR, but has roots in the southern United States and southern Sweden. He loved the idea of building long-lasting relations with his patients and being able to use these relationships to actually practice preventative medicine. She loves the long-lasting relationships with patients, the emphasis on preventative medicine and the holistic views of health and wellbeing. 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. In her spare time, she hikes, runs, cycles, and cooks a variety of ethnic cuisine. The OHSU Clinical Associate's practice will be based at Legacy health, and have privileges and limited clinical effort expected at the OHSU Hospital. He is also super passionate about advancing primary care to be the backbone and leaders of our ever evolving health care system, advocating for our patients each and every day. Residents are provided with a residency training schedule that provide an overview of each clinical rotation, the duration of each rotation, learning objectives, evaluation points, and reading materials. Caregiver Corner: Every gift counts. Omars medical school extracurricular activites translated to his clinical interests of pediatric/adolescent medicine, global health, and immigrant and refugee care. In 1974, the campus became an independent, self-governed institution called . During her time at Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, she volunteered with underserved communities through health outreach and the student-run free clinic. We truly look forward to the opportunity to meet you and to help you discover how you can become a part of our residency family. She chose family medicine because she enjoys getting to know her patients and what is important to them over the course of their lives. Dakota was born in Duluth, MN and raised in the small town of Embarrass, termed "the coldest place in MN" with a recorded temperature of -60 degrees fahrenheit. The national advocacy organization Compassion & Choices and an OHSU. A native Arizonian, she graduated from Arizona State University with a B.A. Since OHSU is a teaching facility, teaching medical students and residents in the clinical setting as well as through assigned lectures to be given during the course of the year is required. Afterwards attended UC San Diego for medical school. The Oregon Health & Science University Neurosurgery Residency Training Program utilizes the inpatient and outpatient facilities and operative suites of the University Hospital (UHS), Doernbecher Children's Hospital (DCH), and the Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC). will not need to be onboarded and can skip Steps 2 and 3. The Department of Medicine faculty are strongly committed to resident education, excellence in clinical care and clinical and basic science research. By mail to: Health Information Management. In between, she learned about family medicine and found that it would allow her to provide care to individuals, families, and a community and be with them at each stage of their life through long-term, trusting relationships with her patients. Omar attended the University of Michigan where he graduated with a Neuroscience major. During this time, Megan loved working with students and their families in the community, but felt her work there was incomplete and discovered a desire to serve these communities not through teaching but through medicine. So my name is Bethany Sloan. Dr. Kathryn Holt grew up in a small town in the foothills of Colorado, where she attended the University of Colorado and double-majored in Molecular Biology and Neuroscience. As a family physician, Dr. HilaryTitus is thrilled to be able to care for individuals and families throughout each stage of life. After graduation, he moved to Chicago and taught for three years at a charter school in the Belmont Cragin neighborhood. . Tag: medical residents . The OHSU Brain Institute is dedicated to understanding, healing, and protecting the brain through cutting-edge research . While Brooke will always carry her Chicagoland roots with her, she truly feels at home in Portland in a way she has not felt anywhere else. When he is not at work, Dr. Sarvi enjoys spending quality time with his wife, who is also a family physician. The clinic cares for 13,000 patients, 70% commercial, 20% Medicare, 10% Medicaid. Before medical school, she worked with a family physician in Richmond, VA as a medical scribe, and fell in love with the unique space the clinic provided to get to know patients and families over the course of a lifetime. Outside of medicine, Dr. Sands runs, plays basketball, paints, and loves her golden retrievers. When hes able to get away from the hustle and bustle of work he loves to travel. *Bonus Disclaimer: current RN employees at OHSU, Adventist Medical Center in Portland or Hillsboro Medical Center are not eligible for the hiring bonus.Getting to Work:Commuting to OHSU is a unique experience and planning ahead for your first visit is highly recommended. Interns, residents or fellows: Graduate Medical Education, OHSU, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd., L579, Portland OR, 97239, 503-494-8652 . Inspired by his personal journey as a patient with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia and family health challenges, Joebert developed his passion for medicine as field to practice social justice. She was drawn to family medicine because she values building lifelong relationships with patients and having the opportunity to care for them within the context of their families and communities. She is new to the Pacific Northwest, but is already enjoying the natural beauty that this region has to offer. Dr. Persmarks clinical and academic interests include sexual and reproductive health, LGBTQ+ care, community organizing, and health equity. Residents interested in clinical research can concurrently apply to participate in the OHSU Human Investigators Program, which provides comprehensive training in clinical research study design, statistical analysis, grant writing, and manuscript writing and presentation. Dr. Sarvi is a family medicine physician who cares for people during all stages of life, from newborns to elderly patients. Another is Jacob Smith, B.S., a 26-year-old descendant of the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla (Walla Walla) who grew up in Hillsboro.Smith was a member of the first Wy'east cohort, and is now a third-year OHSU medical student who is preparing to apply for dermatology residency programs. Her special interests now include lifestyle and preventative medicine, nutrition, food insecurity, and accessibility. His time spent as an emergency department medical scribe at Adventist Medical Center also gave him exposure to an ever-growing need for primary care. To provide a diverse and individualized training environment that encourages evidence-based medicine, rigorous inquiry, team-based interdisciplinary collaboration and resident wellness to ultimately provide exceptional patient care. Nick was influenced by his own family physician, who cared for him and both his parents with warmth and kindness for over two decades. When you feel connected to your community, you are able to provide superior care, learn with enthusiasm, and become successful in your role as a physician, teacher, leader, advocate, mentor, and friend. She feels lucky to have the privilege of working with the OHSU Department of Family Medicines phenomenal team of compassionate faculty and resident providers. The duties of this position are in support of the missions, goals and . The principal responsibility is to build a practice in interventional endoscopy within the Portland metro region. She is always open to travel recommendations in the area! Function/Duties of Position The primary care track places additional emphasis inambulatory care, behavioral medicine and geriatrics; and experiences in related areas such as gynecology, dermatology and medical orthopedics. In my free time I enjoy reading both fiction and non-fiction, singing, and trying my very best to learn to play the piano! During medical school she also received extra training in public health in the hopes of making the system work better for more people. At OHSU, Megan observed the unique role of the family physician not only for individual patients, but for communities as a whole. Dr. Slater attended the University of Washington School of Medicine, where she engaged in a longitudinal rural training track within the Alaska Native clinic in Juneau, AK, and was involved in anti-racism and intersectional anti-oppression work. She is particularly grateful for and humbled by her brilliant and compassionate co-residents, faculty, and mentors as well as her parents, Carol and Phil, who continue to offer their unwavering support. After studying Mandarin in college, she spent time on the Tibetan Plateau, partnering with community members to explore what health care has historically and could potentially look like within a nomadic society. Dr. Emamian provides primary care to patients of all ages. fax: 503 494-5636 After graduation, she completed an AmeriCorps service year in Chicago as a resource specialist for an agency that helps individuals with financial and/or housing insecurity gain employment. Outside of medicine, Dr. De Mello loves traveling, enjoying the outdoors, and trying new restaurants with her husband who is also a family medicine doctor. Within his future clinical practice, he hopes to also incorporate MAT therapy and ultrasound. His special interests include addiction medicine, chronic disease management, and family planning. I have always been a Pacific Northwesterner at heart: a lover of the rain and resulting greenery, an avid outdoor adventurer, a vocal supporter of the Thorns, Timbers, and Blazers, and a curiosity in the many stories of the places in and people of Oregon and Washington. OHSU is an equal opportunity affirmative action institution. We will continue to share who we are through our website, social media sites (Twitter and Instagram), and multiple in-house created videos. She sees patients of all ages for preventive care visits as well as for the treatment of a wide variety of acute and chronic illnesses. Current OHSU faculty, staff, and residents/fellows. While we acknowledge there is some loss in face to face connection with our community and with you to us, we strongly believe that what we gain in terms of equity and impact on climate change supersedes the decision to be face to face. He believes that health care should be a universal human right and plans to focus his practice on caring for low-income and marginalized communities. OHSU has received a $750,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the Health Resources & Service Administration's Rural Residency Planning and Development Program. OHSU ranks 10th in the nation for in-state retention of physicians who complete their residencies at OHSU. There, he was involved in initiatives to improve health access to refugee communities in Phoenix. Leah Haykin grew up in northeast Portland, and after a brief hiatus, is thrilled to return to Oregon to continue her training. He wants to be a helpful, honest guide and supportive presence in the lives of his patients. OHSU ranks sixth in the nation for excellence in primary care education, second in family medicine and fourth in rural medicine, according to U.S. News & World Report. She is passionate about health equity, preventative medicine, womens health, and the social determinants of health. In order for us to be the healers we are supposed to be, we must meet and understand patients where they are and join them in the journey of finding their best health. The Three Sisters program is unique because it offers three "continuity sites" in a rural area: Mosaic Medical . After college, she worked for two years as a medical assistant in dermatology and completed her 200-hour yoga teacher training. She went to college at the University of Colorado Boulder where she studied Spanish and Portuguese as well as Molecular Biology. In medical school she had opportunities to care for people in resource limited settings in Central America and Asia. Dr. George went into medicine to ensure that people can feel their best. She was uniquely suited to Family Medicine and appreciates the variety, as well as the familiarity, that comes with caring for people throughout the span of their lives. Please try one of the following: . In college he was a swing dancer, choreographer, and teacher which hes carried into a general love of dancing. Being new to the Pacific Northwest, she really appreciates recommendations for local hikes and tasty food spots. Dr. Titus grew up in the Portland Metro Area and is grateful to be able to provide care to her community here. In their free time they are slowly working towards their goal of visiting all 58 national parks. When outside of the hospital or clinic, Kathryn can be found exploring the beautiful outdoor activities that Oregon has to offer with her partner, trying new restaurants, or curling up with a good book. She moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan for medical school where she fell in love with family medicine and its longitudinal patient-physician relationships. She chose family medicine due to the immense privilege that comes with treating patients of all ages through all stages of their lives and feels strongly that medical care is a collaborative partnership between physician and patient. With a passion for preventative medicine and integrative health, she derives great satisfaction from partnering with her patients to achieve their goals. Residents stay at their site during their entire 4-year residency. She is excited to explore her new home of Portland and all of the amazing nature that surrounds it. Beginning in high school, she accompanied her mother on many medical service trips to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, which put her on the path to medicine. Experience OHSU GME, the wonders of Oregon, and be part of something bigger. Additionally, he is eager to learn more about the community at large, explore the PNW, and grow into a thoughtful family physician and teacher while working alongside the compassionate and talented folks at OHSU. For many years before medical school Dr. Scheurich was an emergency room social worker; she loved the opportunity to support patients on what often felt like the worst day of their life. OHSU's 23 residency programs that take part in the match also posted a 100% match rate, with 191 out of 191 slots filled, including the new transitional year program that prepares physicians for entry into specialties such as radiology, anesthesiology, ophthalmology, dermatology, radiation oncology, and others. View all residency and fellowship programs Learn more about applying to residency and fellowship programs at OHSU Administrative Fellowship Dr. Sienna Nelson loves family medicine because of its emphasis on addressing people's social context as it relates to their physical health. OHSU's residency and fellowship programs emphasize academic excellence throughout the training experience, offering a learning environment that balances the personal and professional needs of our house staff. Finally, and even more importantly, we are a program that cares deeply about the life experiences of our patients and understands that the social determinants of health impact every aspect of their lives. She is excited to be back in Oregon. She believes in the potential of primary care to respond proactively to patients health needs, preventing more severe health outcomes in the future. She decided to pursue a career in family medicine because she believes that fostering long-term, trusting relationships can improve patient health outcomes. The Mission of the DHM is to serve, connect and educate, in order to heal, comfort and empower . Dr. Nicholas DeFelice (he/him/his) grew up in Shaker Heights, Ohio and majored in biology at Case Western Reserve University. The following year she worked as an Emergency Department Scribe back in Washington, always having medicine as her ultimate goal. Mako was born and raised in a small rural coastal town in Japan. In her time away from work, Dr. Pavlat enjoys spending time outside backpacking, paddle boarding, and roaming farmers markets. He enjoys getting to do life with patients and their families helping them achieve their goals. Dr. Slater is honored to be joining the OHSU Family Medicine family and is inspired by the potential (and need) for the integration of activism and social justice that family medicine holds. Outside of work, Dr. Titus and her partner enjoy hiking all over the beautiful Pacific Northwest, taking mini road trips, and roasting sheet pan dinners. Dr. Shimanek's goal as a resident physician is to listen well and provide evidence-based, equitable care to all of her patients. He specializes in the field of family medicine, caring for patients of every age, gender, and walk of life. She is excited to settle down with her fianc and make Portland their new home! She is especially interested in preventive medicine, women's health, nutrition, and chronic disease management. Megan chose family medicine because the specialty allows her to create long lasting relationships with patients from all walks of life, engage in community needs, and help advocate for her patients on a daily basis.