In 09 our entire family spent 3 weeks in Spain, Italy and France and I was extremely worried about what I would be able to eat while there with so many diet restrictions. There is not listing as to to which studies are being quoted? rosehip extract/colorant (optional). Well, the rest of the jar is going into the compost pile to hopefully be broken down by the sun, earth and air. Primary lesions overlie Peyers patches and colonic lymphoid follicles where bacterial invasion through M-cells occurs. Pat, you are single handedly ruining peoples lives. I dont live in fear but Im not going to be a fool either. Polysorbate 80 (also known as Tween 80) is a food emulsifier, a surfactant in cosmetics, and an excipient used to stabilize aqueous medicine formulations. America seems to be the only country who profits off the slow, sickening, demise of its people. Still a science girl but it may cause more harm than you can see until its far along . They have all vegetables and fruits in them. When I mentioned this to my family, they told me I was crazy. Brainwashing, another handy term used by anti-intellectuals.The implication, that learning is harmful. It makes polysorbate a slightly weaker emulsifier than polysorbate 80. Its main function is to help other ingredients dissolve in a solvent in which they normally would not be able to dissolve, for example, oil in water. I was born with ADHD. A lot of people have not been Indoctrinated into a medical / chemistry education but they can see there is a problem en masse. When I went to get the Moderna Covid 19 vaccine they asked if I was allergic to Polysorbate. One cautionary tale. My fiance watched two documentaries called Hungry for Change, and, Food Matters, which are on Netflix and, Im sure, other places as well. Here's the highly scientific, smarty-pants answer to our question: Polysorbates are emulsifying agents. Ana. The injection sites swelled to 12cm and went half way around my arm. It could be made from simple hydro-carbons, alcohols, etc just because it can be made from corn (hydrocarbons, sugars, etc that are IN corn oils) doesnt mean you would be allergic to the corn version, but not the birch version sorbitol is sorbitol regardless of what its is made from. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thegoodhuman_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_14',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');Generally, the cosmetic grade Polysorbate 80 is more likely to contain these impurities. Any reaction? Need I go on? Dont discount science. Um I believe talc is titanium dioxide.. ? Not saying this will help taking away your decease of course but it might help and might help with possible other discomforts to. cause a problem to some people.BUT TO SAY IT WILL CAUSE NO PROBLEMS IS far reaching.for instance sodium nitrite by itself in foods may be fine..but the big problem is when eaten it mixes with hydrochloric acids in the stomach and PRODUCES nitrosamines .very carcinogenic .then take the potatofry it at high temperaturesand the compound acrylamide IS PRODUCEDvery, very carcinogenic..warningcooking at high temperatures can cause the production of very careful.. Polysorbate 80 (C64H124O26) is a common excipient and solubilizing agent used in the pharmaceutical industry. Your email address will not be published. Carrot & Stick is committed to creating plant-derived formulas that deliver extraordinary results without relying on toxic chemicals or standard preservatives. After a few days I started having body aches. I would never receive any med that has this substance, including vaccines. My brain hurts after read all the stupidity in these comments. Polysorbate 80 can also improve the ability to rinse off scrubs and cleansing oils, reducing the residue they leave behind. Comes to light they were bought off by BIG PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES for profit and NOT HEALTH. Some say use Aloe gel or juice (some say not to use period, others not to use unless it has alginate, vit c, sodium benzonate & postassium sorbate in it as otherwise itll go bad in a couple days) others say vodka or high grain alcohol or witch hazel & more others say none of those will work, then found those who say polysorbate 20 or 80 is the right thing & safe, but now see people saying its very NOT safe. I will read more articles on your blog. You eat the food it ruins your health, you go to the doctor, he makes money, he gives you drugs your health gets worse and the drug company makes money. Conventional medical curriculum glosses these issues and produces pill-pushers and health-food scoffers. Cheaper to eat this way as you are not buying non food items such as cold cereals, chips, gummy bears, fruit roll ups, lunchables, cold cuts . Agh! Not sure. I am so weary of people asking for sources because they are lazy. This is a commonly used emulsifier of essential oils and oil based fragrances and it is naturally derived from Lauric Acid (coconut oil). According to the Talcum Powder and Cancer page at site, talc is composed of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. If a person is able to cut through all the false data and find an ethical doctor they can get a set of comprehensive tests to find your individual deficiencies and get treated properly and effectively without stupid chemicals. It is derived from vegetable oils and doesnt use animal or animal byproducts in its production. People forget all the products the FDA has approved over the years that is later taken off the shelvesafter the damage is done and people have died or permanently injured. Small amounts of undigested polysorbate 80 in meals may promote bacterial translocation, explaining why Crohns disease is becoming more common. It is great to know that there are enlightened people around the world as 90 % of even educated people are part of the the herd, worse than a herd of cattle, which, at least, you can direct into the right direction. Almost in a few hours you will experience this. I wanted to avoid the color ring (bath bombs and solid bubble bars) in the bath tub but by using a nat subst to Poly 80. I found polysorbate 80 on a calcium/Vitamin D supplment. Currently testing 3 versions of 10% polysorbate 80 with capric/caprylic triglycerides, c12-15 alkyl benzoate, and octyldodecanol. While Poly 80 is used for heavier oils (carrier oils). After my Dr. researched the common component in all 3 of the vaccines, it was found Polysorbate was the common component and has recommended against the covid vaccines. Is it safe to use more polysorbate 80 than oils in bathbombs? Better still, maybe next time do a little independent research on what you are about to put into your body instead of impulse buying any old product that says heart health at Costco. In food: frozen desserts, shortenings, baking mixes and icings, canned veggies, yeast, cottage cheese, pickles, flavored mouth drops, shortening, margarine, dry mixes, peanut butter, ice cream, baked items, dairy products, dough conditionerif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegoodhuman_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In cosmetics: hair care products, skin fresheners, cosmetics bases, foundations, shampoos, permanent waves products, fragrance powders, bath products, face cleansers, infant shampoos, face creams, linen sprays, balms, ointments, pomades, hair sprays, sunblocks. Thats probably not a great ideayoull end up with a damp, clumpy final product that likely wont blend well and might spoil faster. They also have a fiber product thats way better.. Do some research . Unknown cause. Dont vaccinate your kids until you are completely informed about vaccines, from both sides; pro and con. If so. This article is one of the least informative pieces on danger Ive ever seen. I looked this ingredient up because my daughter just got her results from an IgG food sensitivity test that showed she was moderately sensitive to Polysorbate 80. This is not controlled by pharmaceutical companies and their conflicted advice. Clays also arent a great alternative to iron oxides in recipes where iron oxides are specifically for as they arent as pigmented as iron oxides, or as reliable from batch to batch and supplier to supplier. ugh. I have now been double vaccinated and I have ongoing investigations into my reactions to Polysorbate 80. I cant imagine an IV directly into your blood stream! The best rule that works for me is to use 1 part Polysorbate 80 to 2 parts of carrier oil or butter. Referring to radiation and chemo, its shown to make it worse. Thanks . Good Luck. The color did not disperse well and it stained my tub! I had measles as a child along with mumps, chicken pox and scarlet fever and at 65 I am strong without autoimmune diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes or allergies. I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in September 2018 and had 2 anaphylactic reactions one from my chemo and one from a vaccination I had to do 5 days after my chemo. Both my oldest daughters have finished nursing school and have earned their MSN and work in pediatrics taking care of children like yours and see the affects of the diseases from not being vaccinated. Some have diagnosed skin conditions like eczema while others no explanation. It isnt what you think. Its the only route to the truth.Dont look to ewg for information, they are slanted (follow the money). I finally figured out through research that it was the Polysorbate 80 in the cream that was causing my distress. apparent by now that most of those on this thread dont give a blankety-blank about chemistry or any science relating there unto.Its all about anecdotal evidence and scuttle butt from social media. Crohns disease is common in developed nations where the typical diet is low in fibre and high in processed food. Have you tried German for simplicity Vikki!? Thanks. Most anything man made will have some side effect that may potentially cause harm. These people are a bunch of loonie toons. At first I could still use makeup etc now its as if my skin rejects anything. Every single thing you are told about vaccines is a lie: polio in the first world is normally a mild and transient fever, what got FDR and all those kids was a pesticide then in use during the summer. food and drug are allowed to put toxic chemicals in our food and drugs. Mix well so that the mixture has a uniform consistency. Look it up. Polysorbate 20 as discussed earlier, Poly 20 does the same as Poly 80 but is weaker. Dont think Ill be cooking with or eating this stuff any more! If you are allergic to Polysorbate or have you have Chrones disease then obviously dont use it. Anaphylactic reactions are awful and not wished on anyone. Hi, can you let me know is I can use cetearyl alcohol instead of lethicin as emulsifier? If you have acid reflux, I am talking to you! Do I Polysorbate 80 has the ability to function as a solubilizer. It belongs to a class of compounds called polysorbates. If you have personally studied this subject and have the proper evidence supporting widespread issues (of either your conspiracy theories or the damage vaccines do) then speak up. I have been buying that brand for a long time. Your husband is a chemist; that means hes educated and in a better place to refute misinformation and quackery. Especially if like me, you grind your teeth in your sleep so hard, that you fracture them, and go through 2 to 3 night guards every year. The "20" indicates the type of fatty acid used as the base, which in this case is called monolaurate. This difference has little effect on the abilities when used as a food or cosmetics additive. Coco Glucoside 2. Thats right. Polysorbate 80 is a common ingredient in hair care products and is used to blend thicker, heavier oils. The devil will always be a liar. Oxides are also not water soluble, so they can only be used in concoctions that include oils. I personally prefer that. Is there anything I can put in the place of soy lecithin? Because your body has never seen undigested food it begins to attack its own immune system causing even more food Sensitivities not allergies along with other immune system diseases. Measles will never be eradicated permanently with vaccines. Anyway, I need to consider taking the Johnson and Johnson vaccine which I definitely think is the over all best one out there so fare in the USA. gut bacteria killers, digestive problems, anaphylaxis, are improvements on nature? What is particularly concerning about the Ti dioxide used in food and cosmetics nowadays is that it is micronized (very tiny particles) which allow it to get into places in the body it normally could not access if it were the natural bulk mineral. The latest craze is forced vaccinations for schoolchildren and over 60s (flu). Kristin and Susan, I, also, have a long list of allergies. Thank you for your comment. Your skin is a direct sign of what is going on inside your gut. Regardless, i went to see an allergy dr and requested to be tested, she refused to test me as my reaction was delayed from the vaccine and not immediate. I have been making homemade bath bombs for quite a wh, ile now. Working in a well-ventilated area, spritz the mixture lightly with the alcohol, while whisking to prevent a fizzing reaction. I make my own skin products and have difficulty getting clean ingredients..FDA have been on my tail for using Colloidal silver..they want it all their own way..and that would seem to eliminate the bulk of the world deceit! Since then i was prescribed a drug (cream) for a yeast infection that has both Peg and polysorbate. Your email address will not be published. & If they somehow do get sued, they settle out of court and pass a law that no one can ever sue them for that again. It's not listed on the CDC Ingredients of Vaccines Fact Sheet. no please not Mercola! Indeed the real concern isnt that Ti dioxide itself is toxic, its that it is a VERY effective catalyst for the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Texture: Viscous and a bit sticky. They can be mixed with water, but that concoction will dry out quickly, causing the colour to shift and drying the skin. FULL disclosure with no tricks added, Thanks. If you are doing a oil cleansing serum with 90% oil phase; add the same amount of polysorbate 80. Polysorbate 20. Just look into the history of vaccines and those who have profited from them. Mascara is a difficult recipe, and I am thrilled that the glycerine worked without having to add a more questionable ingredient. People are truly sheeple, believing that complete strangers have their best interests at hand. Polysorbate, a substance formulated by the reaction of sorbitan fatty acid ester (a nonionic surfactant) with ethylene oxide, is used in many foreign countries, including the U.S. and the EU, where it acts as an emulsifier, a solubilizer in many foods, including bread, cake mix, salad dressing, shortening oil and . All environmental causes. We need to do away with these groups that fail to meet their purpose. actually you found out too late regarding mercury/Thimerosal in vaccines. Polysorbate 80. undefined. If look outside of your little bubble and join the human race is your kind of kindly Id sure like to see what your unkind way of trying to get your point across is. It is in a coq10 product that I need for my heart. Thus, the only reviews, test results and ratings that I trust must come from independent testing that is completely unaffiliated with the manufacturers, distributors, and sellers of the product. . Choose a light Carrier Oil such as Peach Kernal Oil, Watermelon Seed Oil, or Macadamia Nut Oil to make the dispersal easier. Worth looking into. They are severely mislead. Emulsifiers improve the consistency of a product, which enables an even distribution of the benefits of the key ingredients. Acetyl glucosamine is a skin-replenishing ingredient that helps to reduc What Is Acetyl Hexapeptide 8? Hence, what would you then use to emulsify/solubize the VitE in water? I try to avoid everything with it including alcohol mixers or alcohol products that may have it because they are not required to list it. Polysorbate 60 15. This means that if you add Poly80, you need to add less of your other wetting ingredients (water, witch hazel, alcohol). You will have to do your own experiments. Polysorbate 80 has been known to cause some irritation and sensitization in some skin types. And lastly, Polysorbate 80 should not be added straight to your bath bomb mix. Therefore: "You should not get the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine if you: had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of this vaccine." "What the Pfizer people are saying is that if you have a history of a severe allergic reaction, you should either not take this vaccine, or if you do take it, take it in the context of a place where if . I would like to know what it is made from. We have to educate ourselves on what is going into our bodies. Poly80 has been on a market for a while and most experienced bath bomb makers are using it. Relatively low concentrations of two commonly used emulsifiers, namely carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate-80, induced low-grade inflammation and obesity/metabolic syndrome in wild-type hosts and promoted robust colitis in mice predisposed to this disorder.These results support the emerging concept that perturbed hostmicrobiota interactions resulting in low-grade inflammation can promote adiposity and its associated metabolic effects. Just learning how heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic , then DDT some was used in medicines and or spayed as pesticides then along came polio. Talk about hypochondria. Well done Carol!. Rosemary essential oils and in lotions etc are extremely beneficial for any woman pregnant or not. Or do you consider it safe enough for you and your family? Thxs Polysorbate 20 is derived from Oleic acid from Olive Oil and is connected to the sugar Sorbitol by a chemical process called ethoxylation, this results in the final product to become dispersible in water.. TLDR; chemicals are literally everywhere. Check it out.I chipped a cuspid, started brushing with Mg oil and in a month the chip was gone. Also, definitely way too trusting of our FDA approval system. Polysorbate 80 is produced by the ethoxylation of a molecule called sorbitan. Medical doctors were told starting in the 1950s that they could no longer refer to it as polio or risk losing their license to practice. You do not have to be celiac to get serious reactions from gluten- enough to avoid it for life. It was an ingredient in cream my daughter brought home. The fact that something is possible in situations that have been entirely designed around that something does not mean it is always going to work!). And it is a very fat bribe from Big Phama. Or are you not a Doctor or Scientist and probably not qualified in any sense to make such a claim of FACT? You sound as if you actually know chemistry. Caprylyl/Capryl Glucoside 6. This will make you extremely sick in many ways. You know that famous saying by good ol Honest Abe, You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.. It keeps oil and water from separating, and also has a pleasant scent. All of you went about your lives totally fine, using Polysorbate 80 in lotions/makeup, and eating it without any issue. Thank you. Also, remember and acknowledge that immunity and vaccination are TWO VERY DIFFERENT THINGS. polysorbate 80 is often used in formulations that contain both water and oil components. No human data found. May cause cancer based on animal test data. After discovering that one of the ingredients in this cream was Polysorbate 80, I did some research and became very suspicious with what I found.