"Ravenclaw house has an illustrious history. They can use their cleverness to take advantage of others with their schemes. The most beloved Ravenclaw among Harry Potter fans. On top of that, Ravenclaws also do it to other people. Sometimes they think that only a fellow Ravenclaw can understand their ambition for academic success. Illustration by Jim Kay Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. While Hufflepuff prefect Gabriel Truman noted that they were so proud of the success of famous members, such as Laverne de Montmorency, that they claimed any intelligent wizard as a member of Ravenclaw House, such as Bridget Wenlock, who was, in fact, a Hufflepuff. In short: People who get really into whatever they're into. It's not unusual to find twenty people standing outside the common room door, all trying to work out the answer to the day's question together. The door to our common room lies at the top of a tall, winding staircase. Garrick Ollivander, famously known as the best wandmaker in the wizarding world, showed signs of talent in young adulthood at making wands. Harry Potter believed that they tended to side with Gryffindor in its rivalry with Slytherin, as did Hufflepuff house. WebAwesome, but Impractical: Unlike in the other three houses, the door of the Ravenclaw common room doesn't demand official passwords, but answers on the fly to randomly generated philosophical questions.Naturally, this makes one's chance to enter heavily dependant on luck and personal factors, to the point that, according to Luna, students According to J.K. Rowling, Hufflepuff corresponds to the element of earth. Students in Ravenclaw are noted for their individuality and acceptance of people and things that others would consider weird, as well as their outstanding intelligence. As such, Ravenclaws tend to have a wide and surprising range of interests. Like curses and spells that belonged to the Dark Arts. What made Ravenclaws better than any other Hogwarts House. In fact, thats 1 of the best attitudes of a Ravenclaw. This is another one of the positive Ravenclaw traits that manifests in many ways. Because they acted like know-it-alls because of their brains. Is that it? For instance, we have to mention Luna Lovegood again. But can you remember when she saw Harry Potter distressed? People often underestimate him, because he's really tiny (we think he's part elf, but weve never been rude enough to ask) and he's got a squeaky voice, but he's the best and most knowledgeable Charms master alive in the world today. They also preferred competing against each other. She's naturally witty, as are many of the Ravenclaws, like Professor Flitwick, Luna Lovegood, and even Lockhart. You can be creative rather than academic and be a Ravenclaw. Plus, a study says that being creative makes you happier too. Here are the best and worst Ravenclaw traits. This can make for some entertaining scenes in the movies, as well as some interesting clashes of character. According to Slytherin prefect Gemma Farley, Ravenclaws were so competitive when it came to academic success that they were known to backstab each other, and likely other students, in order to get top marks. This can make them come across as cool and a bit uncaring. From the time he was born, people thought he would not amount to anything because of this. [23] On the other hand, a particularly poorly-phrased riddle might bemuse a particular student, blocking them from entering and forcing them to sleep outside. Readers are immersed in the wizarding life inside of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, where pupils start their journey by being sorted into one of four houses: Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Thus, many Ravenclaws tended to be academically motivated and talented students. However, Ravenclaws being secretive does get in the way sometimes. On top of that, can you remember Cho Chang and her best friend Marietta? Ravenclaw Tower Since it all boils back down to expanding their knowledge. And only a Ravenclaw could ever juggle so much work but still have a thirst for knowledge. ), Whether your medium is pen and paper, oil paints, sculpture, or complex nanorobotics, you think differently and use that talent to making beautiful, complex, and/or revolutionary things. And can you guess who pieced the clues together? Of course, youd think everyone would be like Luna Lovegood, right? However, despite her intelligence, her values weren't necessarily always aligned with Ravenclaw's. Those who belong to Ravenclaw house are thought to be the brainiest students at Hogwarts. When it comes to playing volleyball, his wisdom for the game Some of these eventually also ended up being not only accepted but even celebrated, in spite of being initially subjected to scorn for their various oddities. Wit[4][5][6]Learning[4][5][6]Wisdom[4]Acceptance[7]Intelligence[8]Creativity[8] And her arrogance really showed earlier in the story. The four Harry Potter Hogwarts houses each have unique traits that befit their houses here are the best and worst Ravenclaw traits. These students aren't often concerned about the day-to-day details and can be a bit forgetful because of it. And thats why Id love to have a Ravenclaw best friend. Especially if you were talking about something boring. Looking to improve your overall well-being and mental health? One of the best Ravenclaw traits is that many of them also have a good deal of wisdom. Following Harrys survival, she allowed the widespread celebrations among the wizarding community, running into trouble with the International Confederation of Wizards for breaching the International Statute of Secrecy. But this also means they never go out of their way to take risks. It pairs well with their pride and competitiveness. Maybe you're just competitive with yourself, striving for perfect grades or quarterly reports that go above and beyond at work. While Ravenclaws can be really intelligent when it comes to things like books and facts, they arent inflexible about learning and the application of knowledge. In Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that we love, there are four houses that the students will get sorted into in their first year. Hufflepuffs are associated with trustworthiness, loyalty, and a strong work ethic. Ravenclaw was the owner of a beautiful diadem that bestowed wisdom on the wearer, but it was lost in her lifetime. Five Admirable Ravenclaw Traits. Garrick Ollivander, a well-known wand seller, Ravenclaws tended to be curious about the world and paid attention to the world around them. Too bad the author doesnt seem to follow up on comments. Ravenclaws and cancers are independent and self-reliant but also loyal to the ones they love. They often have a unique sense of humor because of their ability to Its founder was the medieval witch Helga Hufflepuff. Wizarding World is the new official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. Popular Minister for Magic and predecessor of Cornelius Fudge, Bagnold was in office when Voldemort tried and failed to kill Harry Potter as a child. Even if it was a type of magic that other Hogwarts houses would steer clear of. And they could easily make it seem like youre in the wrong. They are very competitive academically, and they are also diligent and Without having to double-check an encyclopedia. But dont mistake them for sticking to their books 100% of the time. In fact, there are a lot of excellent qualities the Sorting Hat looks for in potential Slytherins and Merlin himself even belonged to this misunderstood house! But too much pride blinds them from the truth. Ravenclaw House appeared to have little rivalry with the other houses, except in Quidditch. Youre bound to get a good sense of the worlds functions as well. What does that even entail? Like being theatrical or speaking in dim tones about prophecies. In high school, you probably hung out in the art or band room or in the theater a lot. After all, it was she who said, "Things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. But you know what? @kay, I was surprised that Aries wasn't mentioned as a regular Ravenclaw. They believed that Harry had, in fact, cheated his way into being a champion and that the true Hogwarts champion was Cedric. Since Ravenclaws are by nature inquisitive and analytical, seeking to understand something from as many angles as possible, it makes a lot of sense that they would be nerdy. Most of the greatest wizarding inventors and innovators were in our house, including Perpetua Fancourt, the inventor of the lunascope, Laverne de Montmorency, a great pioneer of love potions, and Ignatia Wildsmith, the inventor of Floo powder. Marietta Edgecombe was a Ravenclaw who slyly went behind the backs of the members of Dumbledores Army and told Dolores Umbridge what they were doing. This kind of hyper-focused obliviousness is definitely a Ravenclaw trait. Their love of knowledge also makes them more likely to be aware of the etymology of spellcasting, and able to create new spells or adapt them almost intuitively. One of the best Ravenclaw traits is how quick they are on their feet. And a lot of people are guilty of judging a book by its cover. Ravenclaws are known for their knowledge and smarts, but intuition is also one of the great Ravenclaw traits. Relative to Gryffindor, Slytherin, or even Hufflepuff, not much is known about Ravenclaw, the Hogwarts house known for producing some of the brightest, quirkiest, and most innovative wizards and witches the world has ever known. Eagle[3] As I read every Harry Potter book, I was hoping to get more information about Ravenclaw and the people who are in it and maybe even a list of helpful signs you're a Ravenclaw, because from what little I could gather, it seemed like it was obviously the best house. They can also be quirky and possess unusual intellectual interests. Ollivander was no different, as he was rarely keen to divulge wandlore during The Deathly Hallows. Ravenclaws are often known for being quite eccentric and most of the great wizarding inventors and innovators have come from this house. Getting information out of Moaning Myrtle was always an ordeal throughout the Harry Potterstory. The ghost of Ravenclaw tower is called the Grey Lady a beautiful but haughty young woman with waist-length hair, decked in a cloak. For example, we know that Ravenclaw house wanted the smartest wizards. But what does being a Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin really say about you? And even discover the magical powers of the number 7. We can imagine youre the kind of person who is always one step ahead, has a dark sense of humour, thinks reputation is important, takes pride in their appearance and doesnt let anyone see their soft side. She has a curious outlook on life and lives life to the fullest. But instead focused on Hermiones jinx that spelled out SNEAK on Mariettas face. Ghost According to J.K. Rowling, Ravenclaw corresponds to the element of air. Super sexy. But Ravenclaws take it too far and hurt other peoples feelings. What use is speaking in subtlety if it doesnt get the point across? Even Luna got the short end of the stick. Another example would be Professor Filius Flitwick, a half-goblin who might have faced scorn for his short stature earlier in life but went on to become a renowned Duelling Champion, and subsequently one of the finest and most knowledgable Charms Masters in the entirety of the wizarding world during his employment at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. [19], Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw House prized learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect in its members. Most fans think of Ravenclaws as the academic type. And if were talking about the bluntest Hogwarts house. Rowena Ravenclaw housed the wizarding worlds greatest inventors, artists, and innovators. Geminis, Libras, Cancers, and Ravenclaws are all open-minded and creative intellectuals. Because Ravenclaws are all about intellect and learning, one of the worst Ravenclaw traits is that they tend to be a bit more distant and have their heads in the clouds. This independence is the more positive side of their tendency to be aloof. "As for the Hufflepuffs, well, nobody could say theyre not nice people. Here are five Ravenclaw characteristics that those who wear the blue and silver eagle should be proud of: Wit One of the core Ravenclaw characteristics is wit. Unlike the other houses, who all have concealed entrances to their common rooms, we don't need one. Introduced in The Sorcerer's Stone, the four Hogwarts houses were founded by Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin, and named based on the founder's surname. Then Harry started dating Cho Chang, seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and it was like, "Yes! Luna Lovegood This can also connect to the tendency to be a bit stuck-up, or at least, perceived as such. This house crest boasts Ravenclaws signature colours of blue and bronze. WIZARDING WORLD Publishing and Theatrical Stage Rights J.K. Rowling. Later on, we find out that he handcrafts every wand and remembers each one that he sells. They tend to stick to themselves and be a bit distant from some of the dramas and issues that the rest of the school tends to have. They are driven by their logic and so can simply read situations or infer things through experiences and circumstances. People fawn over your ability to innovate and see things in unique, fascinating new ways. He knew his way around the Memory Charm. But most Harry Potter fans tend to forget her line of work. If I had a criticism, Id say Gryffindors tend to be show-offs. They are the ones you go to when you need some good advice from a friend or a great tutor. They are considered the metaphorical nerds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They adapt well to any situation and are both highly intelligent. Hufflepuff traits are especially guilty of this, Harry Potter: The 10 Richest Ravenclaw Characters, Ravenclaws are all about intellect and learning, Harry Potter: 9 Ravenclaw Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Their Personality, Harry Potter: 5 Things That Prove Ravenclaw Is The Best House (& 5 That Prove Its The Worst), Luna Lovegood says some downright outlandish things, The Best Harry Potter Students In Ravenclaw Ranked By Their Grades, Chris Pratt Joins Luigi Actor To Troll Super Mario Bros. Movie Voice Critics, Warner Bros Just Destroyed The Rings Of Power, The New Mad Max Might Break A Decades Old Series Rule. As you already know, intelligence is the key trait of Ravenclaw House. Libras and Ravenclaws are very creative and have a thirst for knowledge and learning. So even if they can think outside the box to learn new stuff. It had graceful arched windows, and the walls were hung with blue and bronze silks. Slytherin house has an unfortunate reputation. I think that Ravenclaw is more about being careful and wise, unlike Gryffindor which is the aggressive and thoughtless house. Its just 1 of the worst traits Ravenclaws tend to have. Looking for Pottermore? How the Ravenclaw House members treated outsiders. We're all on Goodreads. IntelligenceWitWisdomCreativityOriginalityIndividualityAcceptanceSharpness, The Sorting Hat, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Ravenclaws are the most open minded but not tolerant, hufflepuffs are most tolerant but not open minded. If not always in the way we expect.". [7][9] It is unknown when he became head of house, but it is known that he was teaching Charms in 1971. Ravenclaw won the sixth house cup with 32,377,299 points, becoming the only House to win the House Cup consecutively. Moaning Myrtle may not be the happiest ghost character in the series, but she certainly adds some comic relief to the scenes she appears in. And when they find someone not as smart as them. That's all I need to take out my little blue and bronze pennant and hope, nay, know I will be sorted into Ravenclaw when my time comes. Because of this, they tend to stay out of trouble and do their own thing. A yearly award given to the most outstanding Hogwarts House. Lets just say you neednt worry too much about them when it comes to competition at exam time. Well, it was a Horcrux. Because that positivity ties back into your self-confidence. And I dont need to explain why intelligence is such a good trait. Professor Lockhart is the best - or rather, worst - example of these bad Ravenclaw traits. Rowena Ravenclaw is considered to be one of the greatest Looking to maximize your performance at work? However, Luna and Cho listened to what he had to say, thought it through rationally, and eventually believed him. Ravenclaw came third for the first house cup with 71,815,917 house points. But on the bright side, somebody helped him. Gryffindors havent got our intellectual curiosity, whereas weve got no problem if you want to spend your days and nights cracking eggs in a corner of the common room and writing down your predictions according to the way the yolks fall. But arent Ravenclaws all about knowledge? It creates a rivalry where students from other houses dont interact much. Because a few giggles could be all you need to get rid of stress. (Fie on anyone who claims that's a bad thing. Students enter through a door with an bronze eagle-shaped knocker. Doesn't that mean you're dead. Its hard to identify Ravenclaws as a collective because they are all more likely to be individual and inward-focused. Why on Earth would you want to not think? They have a wide variety of interests, and they have a knack for being very good at them. Your brains are just sort of universally acknowledged among your friends. Why Ravenclaws werent as kind as you remember. Rowena Ravenclaw According to Slytherin prefect Gemma Farley, Ravenclaws are so competitive when it comes to academic success that they are known to back stab each other, and likely other students, in order to get top marks. Oh yes, our house ghost is the Grey Lady. WebHufflepuff House is one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was founded by Helga Hufflepuff. Air members. The badger is the symbol of this house, the colours are yellow and black, the Head of House is Professor Pomona Sprout and the common room can be found near the kitchens in Hogwarts. She doesn't think before speaking, just voices her thoughts and feelings, but this can be quite funny - at Harry's expense. Ravenclaws label these wizards and witches as inferior. Each house boasts their own traditions, values, and characteristics, modelled after one of the four founders of the school. Looking to get the most our of your relationships with others? [Source], Ravenclaw was one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. [24] Filius Flitwick was in the same situation at the time of his Sorting, but in his case the Hat decided on Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor. No, and Professor Flitwick still became a champion at magical dueling. Ravenclaw came fourth for the second house cup with 45,455,773 points. Youve probably heard someone say that learning isnt just within the 4 corners of the school. And its 1 of their best traits. For example, Ravenclaws are proud of Bridget Wenlock. For example, we can look to Professor Sybill Patricia Trelawney. Related: Harry Potter: 5 Things That Prove Ravenclaw Is The Best House (& 5 That Prove Its The Worst), Intelligence can mean a lot of different things, but surface-level intelligence can sometimes only go so far. While it is true that a They mistakenly ask a Ravenclaw, who 'sniffs' at them for even suggesting they are in the same house. What Traits Describe a Ravenclaw? There was also Minister Lorcan McLaird, who was a quite brilliant wizard, but preferred to communicate by puffing smoke out of the end of his wand. House Ghost: The Grey Lady Instead of being afraid of these creatures, and the fact that only she could see them, she merely reacted to them with wonder and awe. Then dont be too worried if you face tough battles alone. Slytherin. Like calling her Loony Lovegood instead of her real name. For example, lets take a look at Hermione Granger. Ravenclaws have all the above traits, but can differ in how extroverted they are. One had to climb a tight spiral staircase to get there. Luna Lovegood[11]Sybill Trelawney[12]Marcus Belby[13]Cho ChangMyrtle WarrenPadma PatilTerry BootMichael CornerRoger DaviesAnthony GoldsteinMarietta EdgecombeRobert HilliardUric the OddballGilderoy Lockhart[14]Penelope ClearwaterLisa TurpinMorag MacDougalMandy BrocklehurstNanette DesfordMaria GlossopHelena RavenclawFilius FlitwickMillicent BagnoldQuirinus Quirrell[15]Garrick Ollivander[16]Sue LiS. she was almost placed into Ravenclaw instead, What are the Harry Potter Characters MBTI Types (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). Well, it could be true in the pursuit of knowledge. Ravenclaws are the Hogwarts intellectuals, the dreamers. House motto, etched on Rowena Ravenclaws diadem. And everybody deserves to be proud of their accomplishments. WebWorking hard is part of being a Ravenclaw. One of the worst Ravenclaw traits is that members of the house can be very secretive. However, he never let it hinder his success and went on to be the Charms Master at Hogwarts. Ravenclaw values intelligence, knowledge, and wit. Element Ravenclaw came third for the seventh and eighth house cups with 49,775,819 and 23,712,525 points. They are warm and friendly, and they are the ones that other people go to for good advice. Since competition can have a positive effect on social motivation. And if you need someone who can blend good reasoning with a hilarious comeback. Luna is a good example of this, and its a shame that other characters who are in Ravenclaw arent explored more. Theyre also much less tolerant than we are of people who are different; in fact, theyve been known to make jokes about Ravenclaws who have developed an interest in levitation, or the possible magical uses of troll bogies, or ovomancy, which (as you probably know) is a method of divination using eggs. In a tight situation, they are likely to be the first to think their way out of it. Interestingly, despite their intelligence, one of the worst Ravenclaw traits is that Ravenclaws can sometimes be oblivious like Lockhart and Luna. Ravenclaw is one of the four houses you can join in Hogwarts Legacy. Sure, Ill give credit where credits due. Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore. Perhaps you marathon watch David Attenborough documentaries or have a blog about Game of Thrones fashion. So given all their time studying and learning. As stereotypes go, they sometimes get mistreated because of how they look (Moaning Myrtle) or how they act (Luna Lovegood). In Lockhart's case, he's so self-obsessed that he doesn't even notice anything else going on around him, like the fact that Hogwarts is in danger and Harry can hear snakes in detention. He was part Goblin and Goblins were not treated very well in the wizarding world. And they think every smart wizard is Ravenclaw. Ravenclaws are characterized by their brilliance, creativity, wit, and originality. Im Dr. Darcie Dixon, welcome to Behavioural Sassonomics, the site where I explore the oddities and absurdities of human behaviour! Luna Lovegood). TM & WBEI. And their knack of being witty is unrivaled by any other Hogwarts house. The entrance to the dormitories behind the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw.