Captain John E. Penns Company Patrick-Henry Volunteers left Penns Store July 1, 1861 for Lynchburg to go into camp for military instruction. DOC Roster of Patriot Soldiers at the Battles of Ninety Six (1775 & 1781) The Adjutant General's Office. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. Special report of the Source(s):, RevWarTalk Community Guidelines Privacy Terms Please contact us at the email or phone number on the left side of this page to schedule an appointment. The 33d, the "Ontario Regiment," was composed of "com-panies from the northwestern part of the state and was mustered into the U. S. service at Elmira, July 3, 1861, for two years, to date from May 22, 1861. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. The old 15th Regiment was renumbered as the 11th. Georgia Cavalry led by Major Benjamin Jolly with 20 men. We are a public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Confederate Units 1st Virginia Infantry Regiment Company A - Richmond Grays Company B - Richmond City Guard Company C - Montgomery Guard Company D - Old Dominion Guard Richard Taylor died in 1829 at the age of 84. 7th Virginia Roster List | Richardson Guards 11th - The old 11th Regiment was renumbered as the new 7th. Early life [ edit] He was the father of Zachary Taylor, the 12th president of the United States, and Joseph Pannell Taylor, who served as a general in the Union Army during the Civil War . We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Liverpool wanted a more practical relationship with the United States. [4]. This is only part of the roll but it is the best we can do now. Nelson's Regiment of Virginia State Cavalry led by Major John Nelson with 15 men, including Capt. He married Martha, daughter of Roger Thompson, of New Kent County, on 23 Feb 1699. 2021 Valley Forge Legacy Muster Roll Project. AMERICAN COLONIAL FORCES, 1750-1774. Back to Top Expand/collapse Scope and Content Virginia Regiment - Wikipedia B.Hubbard, John C.Hamley, HendersonHundy, H. H. KilledHimes, JamesHandy, Peter DesertedHandy, NatHale, Jerry L. Living, from FranklinHarriss, Gran DesertedHarriss, Samuel DesertedHarriss, NewmanHylton, Hardin Deserted, went to OhioHaden, CeatonHowell, CalebHowell, I. C.Harriss, Philip From Floyd CountyHughs, John J. DesertedHall, HardinHall, John H.Huff, John H.Ingram, R. L. DesertedJoyce, ThomasJones, David DesertedJones, William DesertedJefferson, Peyton G. DesertedJefferson, M. P. DesertedJefferson, Thomas T. DesertedLyon, William, Sr.Lyon, William, Jr.Lyon, Silas T.Lusk, Eli Deserted from Wyoming County, WVLusk, Floyd Deserted from Wyoming County, WVMartin, JoshuaMcAlexander, William H.McAlexander, PeterMiles, A. W. KilledMoss, RobertMcHine, E. A. The list is sorted alphabetically by last name. Historic Taylor Family Homes in Orange County, Virginia, 1722-Present. S. Dickerson Sergeant, living in Carroll CountyJohn Shelor Sergeant, died at Elmira, New YorkJohn Stopp Corporal, killed 1864Samuel Smith Corporal, killed at Fort DonelsonG. Benjamin Oliver Davis Sr. ~Celebrating Black History Month~ Born: July 1, 1877, Washington, D.C. Died: November 26, 1970, Chicago, IL Occupation: Military Personnel Benjamin O. Davis Sr. was the first African American to be named a general in the American military. The figure is mounted on a pedestal eight feet high which is lined with bronze plaques describing the history and service of the Regiment through seven wars. Excerpted from a transcribed copy of his will, done by William Kyle Anderson: I Francis Taylor of the County of Orange in Virginia knowing the uncertainty of life do now make and appoint this my last Will. J. Harbour, 2ndLieutenant, first year of war, did not reenlistC. 3/4/1907-9/18/1947, Grady, Edward B - State: Virginia - Regiment: 56 (Taylor's) Virginia Militia, DPLA's Statement on Potentially Harmful Content, National Archives and Records Administration, National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference, Indexes to the Carded Records of Soldiers Who Served in Volunteer Organizations During the War of 1812. Field officers at Valley Forge were Colonel Christian Febiger, [1] Lt. United States Plates: Pre Civil War- THE COMPANY OF MILITARY HISTORIANS Broke Dec. 24, 1813, and Sturgis elected to fill vacancy. Mailing Address General Taylor had with him about 2300 men, including the 2d Dragoons, three light batteries, a battalion of foot artillery, and the 3d, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th regiments of infantry. The conflict over the Ohio country led to raising of the first provincial regiment in Virginia. Physical Address The Virginia State Line | American Civil War Forum Assigned to August's Brigade, Department of the Peninsula. 'First Regiment' in The Fan",, "First Virginia Regiment statue torn down at Meadow Park in the Fan", "Oldest Active National Guard Unit Observes 283rd Anniversary", The Virginians Who Fought in the Revolutionary War - Virginia Places, Recreated Waggener's Company of the Virginia Regiment, French and Indian War reenactors,, Military units and formations established in 1754, Military units and formations of the French and Indian War, Military units and formations in Virginia, Military units and formations in West Virginia, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 1758: First Virginia Regiment, Colonel George Washington; Second Virginia Regiment, Colonel, When the Colony of Virginia ordered the creation of multiple regiments in 1775 with the outbreak of the. . May 17. "The Organization of Braddock's Army", This page was last edited on 24 January 2023, at 16:58. hb```"cN !b/ >*j AHE>> Patrick County, Virginia Muster Roll - New River Notes According to the Indiana Historical Bureau, Pvts. The troops did not even leave a milk cow for the family with small children and when they bought a new one it was taken too. 12th Virginia Infantry Regiment - Living in Carroll CountyYeatts, George W.Robertson, Jack, Roberson, Samuel F. Company K, 10thVirginia CavalryRoberson, Daniel A Company K, 10thVirginia CavalryBennett, Thomas Killed, 10thVirginia CavalryBennett, Venith T. Killed, Company K, 10thVirginia CavalryMcAlexander, Peter Company K, 10thVirginia CavalryWright, Jackson Orange ArtilleryWright, Wash Orange ArtilleryEmberson, Wade Orange ArtilleryAkers, Henry Died, Orange ArtilleryMartin, C. J. Orange ArtilleryThomas, Taswell Orange ArtilleryThomas R. T. Orange ArtilleryThomas, R. H. Orange ArtilleryRorrer, William A Orange ArtilleryShelton, Robert Orange ArtilleryWright, S. G. Died, Orange ArtilleryWood, Elijah Orange ArtilleryHelm, Adam Orange ArtilleryBennett, Bluford Died, Orange ArtilleryBurnett, JacobThomas, JacksonThomas, JamesHouchins, LeeRatliff, C. L.Roberson, AbramMartin, JohnHall, HenryVia, IsaacVia, Ruben Died 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryBoaz, Jefferson Died 32ndVirginia CavalryBurge, D. E.Joyce, William 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryBoaz, James 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryAllen, George 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryAdams, William 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryFry, Richard 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryYoung, C. H. 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryCobb, T. 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryMays, James 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalrySpencer, John 32ndBattalion Virginia CavalryCollins, Levi P. Company H, 23rdVirginia BattalionMoss, W. A. Mluster rolls of field and staff officers of 2d Virginia regiment for July and August, 1777. Richard Lee Taylor (April 3, 1744 - January 19, 1829) was an officer in the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War. "[8] Hampered by frequent desertions because of poor supplies, extremely low pay and hazardous duty, Virginia Regiment recruiters went to Pennsylvania and Maryland for men. Subsequent letters date from his service with the 11th Virginia Cavalry Regiment,Company F, (Bath Squadron). Beginning in June, 1792, following the constitutional convention that made Kentucky a state, Col. Taylor built his first brick home on acreage east of Louisville purchased from Isaac Shelby. Type above and press Enter to search. He issued a repeal of the Orders in Council, but the U.S. was unaware of this, as it took three weeks for the news to cross the Atlantic. John Watts. 2ND VIRGINIA REGIMENT - Valley Forge Muster Roll who was ill, barley escaped capture. Thomas Taylor Byrd became a major in a regiment raised by Lord Dunmore. By February 1776, the Culpeper Minutemen in the Tidewater region were discharged and sent home. We have new and used copies available, in 1 editions - starting at $20.62. Davis claimed he was born on July 1, 1877, but according to some sources, Contribute to chinapedia/wikipedia.en development by creating an account on GitHub. Richard Lee Taylor (April 3, 1744 January 19, 1829) was an officer in the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War. Their firearm of choice was the rifle instead of the musket, and the force was renowned for its expertise with the long rifle. View Source MEMORIAL PHOTOS 3 FLOWERS 21 PLANT TREES Married Elizabeth Anderson 7/20/1763 in 15th Virginia Infantry Regiment - The Civil War in the East If so, login to add it. Troop A, commanded by Capt. The Convention Guards unit was raised for guarding the British troops captured at Saratoga, New York during their detention in Virginia. He was taken prisoner at the Battle of Germantown, on October 4, 1777. HW1G?ciw|y !8dzTgw6,Z)KU|g?v+?}/v{OohMLbM7.{W?#}l*zgM=]=WO)|\3 NdR3X)VpO0rZE4Oe@8X6v/j_n[4.OV+TvU=@+\c']0 At the end of his service with the 8th VA Reg., he enlisted with the 9th Virginia Regiment serving as Private in Captain Berry and Captain Wood's companies, under Colonel George Matthews' command fighting in the Battle of Monmouth, NJ for 3 years. 1659, to nephew Francis Taylor, son of Reuben Taylor, 2/3 of 3,000 acres of land on Blackford Creek in Kentucky (Patent granted 17th of May), to brother William Taylor, my share/interest in lands/warrants for lands in partnership with James Taylor, Edmund Taylor, decd, myself, and this said William Taylor, to brothers Reuben Taylor and Benjamin Taylor, my part/interest in land devised to me by my late brother John Taylor, decd. T. Noel Second LieutenantB. [2] Colonels [ edit | edit source] 1776-1777 - Colonel William Woolford in command from 13 Feb 1776 to 21 Feb 1777 Company C, Montgomery Guard. [3] He then built a second brick house, known today as "Springfield" or the Zachary Taylor House. M. Cruise, 1stSergeant, transferred to Company H, 51stRegimentS. Johnston, Gent., Lieut in the campaigns of 1758, also in the campaign of 1759 . Virginia was initially reluctant to secede from the Union. [1][2] The Virginian provincial troops who participated in the Braddock Expedition of 1755 and suffered defeat at the Battle of the Monongahela were unregimented: at the behest of General Braddock, they had been organized into two companies of carpenters, six companies of rangers, and one troop of mounted rangers, about 450 men in all. 49 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[35 21]/Info 34 0 R/Length 75/Prev 113623/Root 36 0 R/Size 56/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream The remaining 350 men from the original ten companies of the Virginia Regiment had been allocated to the two regular regiments of the expedition. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. Thomas Shoemaker's land was the southwest corner of the intersection of present-day North Wales Rd. Donald Robertson and his wife Rachel Rogers of King and Queen County, Virginia, etc. All four kamikaze UAVs were destroyed by air defense forces and equipment," they said. List of Continental Army Units in 1777 to 1780 "James Taylor, of King and Queen County, born 1674, died 1729, was long a surveyor in extensive practice, and was a member of the House of Burgesses in 1702. F Company, 310th Infantry Regiment (United States) - Wikipedia Muster Roll Of Lieutenant Arthur Smith's Company, Fifty-ninth Regiment of Virginia Militia They did so in 1785. List of Local Designations for CSA Infantry, Cavalry, & Artillery Units from Virginia by Regiment and County : ca. G. Price, Sergeant first year of war, then promoted to Captain, Company H, 51stRgt of VA InfantryJohn E. Lackey, 5thSergeant, captured, died in prisonWilliam D. Via, 1stCorporalC. They had the prime offender arrested on 24 October 1777, and made him run the gauntlet after which the families in the neighborhood were no longer bothered. J. Adams Second SergeantHubbard Brown Third SergeantGreen Penn Fourth SergeantJ. He sold that house on Dec. 1, 1795 to George Rudy. [5][6], With the outbreak of the Cherokee War, the Assembly prolonged the Regiment's service, adding 300 men in three companies as frontier guards. 124-127.) v:Ma4oSR?w|7V7lsV7?m^^[Yz/?l})X7,15N&(I(9,|I>d>3)VJ]/qC[=An ^*kj|&|4r_Ek5lAG'z}80t=kf'z=%q;>tqy|1x|Bw:L^9n\t$CWBJ)qFq? AR 5bt;I.-%zNo!}vOJ4/zm*]k7'tM_v7OY[sC3JuT%s&M4~f~Mp( Company B, Richmond City Guard. Home - Virginia Revolutionary War Service Records - Research Guides Colonel Richard Parker, and Major Ralph Falkner. Spotsylvania Co. Court, June 15, 1780. . Transferred to Confederate service. Grady, Edward B - State: Virginia - Regiment: 56 (Taylor's) Virginia Company E, Richmond Light Infantry Blues. Het regiment telde 740 mannen in april 1862. Killed in battleSalmons, John DesertedTurner, John T.Turner, E. B.Thomas, PleasantThomas, W. H.Thomas, Charles T.Thomas, N. A. DesertedThomas, Lewis T.Thomas, Tazewell P.Thomas, Peter J.Turner, Creed O.Thomas, J. R. Died in serviceTurner, George T. DesertedTurner, Bruce L. Died in serviceVaughn, C. P.Vaughn, E. D. Promoted to SergeantVaughn, James P. Died in serviceVaughn, John J. He passed away on 1840 in Ashland City, Cheatham County, Tennessee, USA. State Militias led by Col. Andrew Pickens (SC) with the following units: Dedicated on 1 May 1930, to commemorate the regiment for fighting in seven American Wars, including the Civil War when they served in the Confederate Army. 1st Regiment of Continental Light Dragoons (VA) detachment with 10 men led by Capt. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. He was born in Virginia on September 10, 1743, and died in Columbia on November 16, 1833, where his body lies in the Taylor graveyard. He is buried in the family plot at Greenfield with his parents and grandparents.