pt 2, Police Documents Reveal 30 Year Cover-Up of Child Sex Abuse, Tracking Down The Finders Cult with John Brisson. The Best Places to Watch Documentaries (Free and Paid) Then there is the phenomenon of information disappearing outright, including vanishing evidence and instances of records never having been kept, resulting in conflicting accounts of the existence of critical pieces of evidence. The Cult with CIA ties | The Finders. : banned4life VICE News Provides Cover For The Finders Cult, The Finders: Full US Customs Report Released, Full Unreleased Interview with Finders Spokesman Robert Terrell, Deep Dive: Second FBI Finders Document Dump, Deep Dive: The Finders FBI Files #3 (Full Version), The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Finders Cult Archive, EXCLUSIVE: 2021 Interview with Finders Cult Member Tobe Terrell. Q believes see in President Trump a champion and fighter against elite pedophilia. For example, one document written by a federal agent categorized the Finders as well organized child abuse scheme, and that [redacted] in conjunction with the State Department, and the FBIs Foreign Counterintelligence Section, conspired to cover up those abuses. Disney Plus typically releases new movies, shows, and episodes at 12am PT (3am ET and 8am BST). 2019 Emmy Nominees Action & Adventure Animation Anime Comedy Crime Documentary Drama. Finders Keepers is a story about a bitter rivalry between two men who are in some ways two sides of the same coin. The Finders Paperback - July 5, 2019 by Dr. Jeffery A. Martin (Author) 277 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $0.00 Read with Kindle Unlimited to also enjoy access to over 3 million more titles $9.99 to buy Audiobook $0.00 Free with your Audible trial Hardcover $29.95 11 Used from $10.48 13 New from $23.11 Paperback $225 USD 2 backers. Directed by Bryan Carberry Clay Tweel Eventually, the mothers of the children were reported to have been Finders members and the children were said to be transported by Houlihan and Ammerman with the full consent of their parents. Finding The Finders - Part 1 | Jamie Dlux | The_Void Understand the Times We are Currently Living Through, Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order, Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the Worlds Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order, transporting the children to a school for brilliant children in Mexico, hundreds of Finders investigation documents, Synagogue of Satan: Why Its Time to Leave the Corporate Christian Church, Spiritual Wisdom vs. Natural Knowledge Why There is so Much Deception Today, How to Determine if you are a Disciple of Jesus Christ or Not. With this done, here are our recommended next steps. U.S. Representative Charlie Rose (D-N.C.) even met with Clements to discuss the case. 10 Shocking Clues About The Finders - 2020 - Listverse Document:Finders Keepers - Wikispooks When a man purchases a grill, it also includes a mummified leg, which he insists on keeping despite the protests of the amputee it belongs to. The FBIs Vault publication includes records from the preliminary Tallahassee police department investigation, the MPD investigation, heavily redacted records from the U.S. Customs Service, documents from the Washington Metro Field Office (WMFO) of the FBI, and other agencies, as well as the correspondence and documentation of the 1993 inquiry, mostly from the WMFO to FBI Headquarters. Despite all of this reporting, on February 10, 1987, Police Chief Maurice T. Turner, Jr. of the MPD claimed that there was no evidence of ritual abuse or other occult activity in regards to the Finders organization. The reports also suggested that the groups membership included approximately 40 people. Telling the true story of the November 1983 armed robbery, it explains how 6,800 bars of gold were taken, worth 26 . ), used the Finders case to draw attention to the fact that the Customs Services Child Pornography and Protection Unit had seen its arrests fall by a fourth between the late 1980s and early 1990s. The McMartin preschool is then documented to have many tunnels underneath it and the children were able to accurately describe entrances and exits. That phone call would kick off the Finders scandal: a series of events and multiple investigations even more bizarre than the initial report. In 2019, Derrick Broze began investigating the elusive Finders Cult as part of his ongoing work on child trafficking networks. Classroom 3 contained no doorknob but solely a deadlock bolt. The mysterious Finders organization in Washington, D.C., has been the subject of unproven conspiracy theories for decades, often linked to similar theories involving shadowy government agencies. It will be available in the United Kingdom and Ireland from that date at 3pm EST/10pm UK time. In November 2019, the FBI declassified nearly 650 pages relating to a group known as The Finders. That March the State of Florida dropped all charges against the pair. The Finders eBook : Martin, Jeffery A : Kindle Store 24.5k members in the banned4life community. How to Watch 'Black Girl Missing' on Lifetime - The DOJs investigation resulted in a verdict of no evidence of CIA interference and no evidence of criminal activity on the part of the Finders, and it represented the official and legal end of the story. Stemming in part from their protests, as well as the prospect of CBSs 48 Hours producing a segment on the Finders story (which never aired), the Department of Justice announced it would investigate allegations of CIA interference in the 1987 investigation in late 1993. Based on the children being from the D.C. area, the FBI was called to help Tallahassee police assist in the case. The U.S. Customs Service is the agency with briefing materials on The Finders. The DOJs investigation resulted in a verdict of no evidence of CIA interference and no evidence of criminal activity on the part of the Finders, and it represented the official and legal end of the story. WASHINGTON Concerning the Finders cult the elusive Washington, D.C.-based outfit whose antics and ties we began examining in Part 1 of this series one set of documents in particular held the most explosive allegations made against the group and against the CIA for allegedly covering the story up. Watch Derrick Broze continues his investigation into the Finders cult. The Finders trail would ultimately lead to allegations of a cult involved in ritual abuse, an international child-trafficking ring, evidence of child abuse confirmed and later denied, and ties with the CIA, which was alleged to have interfered in the case. Katie Murphy Amphitheatre (FIT) - Saturday, October 15th at 6.30PM. When asked what the men taught them, the oldest said they are taught How to play games. They said they lived with their mothers, although were not allowed *inside* of the house. Yet, when one looks closely, the documents also corroborate significant aspects of Martinezs allegations and substantiate questions regarding the Finders links with intelligence. These and other corroborating details add credibility to Martinezs claims regarding having witnessed other documents that indicated international child trafficking, as well as his assertion that he was told that the case had been deemed a CIA internal matter.. As disturbing as all of this was (and is), the Finders may have been after more than just sexual thrills.[5]. It was at this point in the case that the police in Florida learn about the Finders.[1]. The crossword clue Title ship in a 1997 Spielberg movie. Los Angeles / Altadena, United States. The group claimed to be from Washington D.C. Investigators soon discovered The Finders had tentacles not only in different states and corporations, but internationally as well. Police found brochures, photos, books on mind control, indices, and computers. Among the evidence from the raids of the two D.C. properties, it is purported that photographs were found of men dressed in white robes holding a goat head, children engaging in blood letting of the goat and one even holding a goat fetus. The Finders were founded by a mysterious man with military connections nicknamed "The Game Caller" who believed in turning his life, and the lives of those around him, into a constant game or experiment. Staffing & Recruiting Company in Phoenix | The Finders You need to watch the best cult documentary on Netflix ASAP - Inverse There is the admission that Isabelle Pettie, the wife of Finders leader Marion Pettie, worked for the CIA during the Cold-War era (Pettie also admitted that his son worked for the CIA-linked, Iran Contra-era Air America), and that it was her visas to North Korea, North Vietnam, Russia and elsewhere that had been approved by the State Department. It was all just part of the Satanic Panic that seemed to be going around and although the group did not adhere to traditional societal male and female roles in raising children, nothing illegal was happening to warrant charges. Just months after Epsteins death, in October 2019, the FBI began releasing hundreds of Finders investigation documents to their Vault. The speed with which the public narrative about the Finders changed raised more than a few eyebrows.[2]. 'The Finders' Movie (2016) - Internet Archive More tantalizing was the fact that the FBI found that members of the group had traveled to North Korea, the USSR, and Vietnam.[4]. Regardless of the intent behind the documents inclusion, it serves to further associate the Finders with the so-called moral panic scandals of the era, which I would argue distracts from the issue of intelligence ties to the case. Police in Moscow, Idaho previously said that they believed a fixed-blade style knife was used in the crime and a probable cause affidavit used in the arrest of Kohberger said that a knife sheath . Starring John Wood Shannon Whisnant Mark Hamilton. One of the sane voices when it comes to examining the science behind modern-day vaccines, no pro-vaccine extremist doctors have everdared to debate her in public. Comment on this article at The Gold true crime story revealed in BBC One documentary In 1998, her firstborn son inspired her to launch the company from her bedroom floor with a FAX, a phone book, and a stack of index cards. But. The nude children were described as extremely dirty and had been living in the van with the two men from the Finders.