The appearance of the Lovers card as the future, especially in a reading associated with love and intimacy, is excellent news. As an outcome, the appearance of an upright Lovers card, especially in a love reading, denotes an impending decision to be made, perhaps between two partners. What disharmony there was during your relationship still remains, along with the barriers to communication. b. Initiation (hierophant) into a sacred and spiritual ritual or group. Gemini is an Air sign, which means that it can be gentle and caressing, while also being inconsistent and destructive. In reverse, the Lovers card refers to a crowded place that stresses you out. As an obstacle in a reading that is more to do with an individuals personality, The Lovers card points towards a lack of self-awareness or confidence to achieve ones goals. You would want to see many cups or even the Empress and Emperor combined with your reading. The Lovers card is generally considered a very positive card that signifies wellbeing and stability within relationships. c. The Fool is a person who can be anyone he wants. This card is very much about two people coming together and creating a strong sense of connection through common ground and respect. WebThe Ten of Cups and The Lovers compared. Be very careful in your decisions if you draw a Lovers card in reverse. With insights into his life. Like I mentioned earlier, both Adam and Eve are nude in the illustration. Lovers as an Outside or External Influence. The Lovers card has long been used to predict a forthcoming union or marriage between two people. Its obvious that The Lovers is the card of love and relationships. The lovers are about choice, not just about love. It calls for communication, willpower, and strength of character. The Lovers as feelings is a harmonious connection between two souls at the highest level. If you are doing a simple Yes/No reading to check if a person likes you, the answer is Yes. I really love the Himalayan salt Lamp and my Crystal Tree of Life. The Lovers can represent finding the balance within oneself. With the thunder in the background and the smell of peppermint, its like being whisked away to a far away place! There is no desire to be with a person, perhaps due to a lack of communication and harmony between the two. What Zodiac Sign is the Lovers Tarot Card? It might also indicate a decision that you might need to take in the coming days. In the future position, can indicate a marriage. It might also mean that there is no love or respect left in the relationship. In a reading, they can indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by choices and dont know which way to turn. The feelings between you and the person in question are not mutual. Reversed The Hermit: as Feelings: for Relationships The reversed Hermit is a potent sign of isolation in a love & feelings Tarot reading. The name Raphael literally means God has healed in Hebrew. Esthetician. The Lovers as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Upright & Reversed) By The Lovers is the card of love, relationships, passion, desire, and choices. Arguments or indifference have taken their toll and hanging out with each other feels awkward and not that pleasant. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the Lovers as feelings is a strong sign for the affirmative. Yes, he will. A complete acknowledgment of self cannot be possible if the three elements are at war or in a power struggle between each other. They do not think of you in a positive light, wanting to break away from the idea of a relationship with you. As it embodies a strong sense of love and partnership, it is very clear that the feelings associated with this card are positive. You may be reluctant to open your heart to the relationship for fear of getting hurt. The person views you as someone commendable, someone with whom they can form a long-lasting bond. Intimacy. One person may be more emotionally involved than the other, and this gap could lead to disappointment and insecurity later down the track. This can be the decision to get married and to share your life with someone for example. He has beautiful crimson wings and his purple tunic is symbolic of his wisdom. The Lovers card indicates that they feel comfortable to communicate and open up to you. This large imbalance and disunity can only lead to insecurity and disappointment down the road. It can also mean that you two are too busy to spend quality time together. Chemist. Whats done is done. Instead, the card shows a couple, generally agreed upon to be Adam and Eve, standing in the Garden of Eden, with a mountain in the background. If you are in doubt, the best thing to do is follow your intuition. This card is very much about two people coming together and creating a strong sense of connection through common ground and respect. In terms of self-development and self-reliance, the Lovers in an upright position could mean that as an individual, you need to figure out what you stand for in the situation. The angel Raphael is watching over them from the sky. Their heart is open with you, and they feel comfortable enough to be truly vulnerable. But you must start believing youre worthy of soft and genuine love. The Lovers in the advice position in a reading asks you to focus on the decision. But, when your heart is properly aligned with your intuition, then choose your heart first and then assess why you chose that with your head. To draw the Lovers as a person card is a good sign since it symbolizes someone in control and capable of making the right decisions. Proudly made in Austin, TX. Upright, The Lovers tarot card represents love, commitment, and noncommittal communication issues. The Lovers card is a card denoting choices as well as love and relationships. So if you feel something needs to change in your relationship, this combination could be a sign to take the first step towards improvement. Your ex knows how strong your connection was, and they miss it. It will be in the distant future. I am so glad youre here & I hope you find my website enlightening and informative. Thats why Ive created this article for you to explain the meaning of the Lovers tarot card with regards to feelings in both the upright and reversed position as well as discuss the meaning of some important tarot card combinations. Vekke Sind, Emperor Tarot Card Meaning 35 Interpretations! If you have been feeling misaligned lately, talk to your partner and get on the same page. There is minimal chance of any positive thought if the Lovers comes up in a reverse position. The diffuser holds more water than other diffusers and lasts longer. Its obvious that The Lovers is the card of love and relationships. For those embarking on new relationships, the Lovers is also a great sign. As tarot reader and founder of Witchy Wellness Leah Vanderveldt explains to mbg, the Lovers is a complex card. The Lovers is card number 6 (VI) in modern cartomantic tarot decks and the 7th major arcana trump card (The Fool, number 0, is the first card).Divination practices such as cartomancy can help us make decisions, offer guidance, and help us tune into our intuition when we are at a crossroads in our lives. You are not feeling the same level of closeness as you once did with your soul, and the feeling is likely to be mutual. You are learning to understand yourself, your own personal moral code and what you value in life. When this card shows up, we are usually giving our power away to something outside of ourselves. They are passionate about life in general, and you might consider them physically attractive. You may be reluctant to open your heart to the relationship for fear of getting hurt. The meaning of The Lovers Tarot card is passion. The decision to be taken might be made from your subconscious or higher self instead of your conscious mind. WebThe Lovers - As Feelings If you ask how someone feels for you, the Lovers can indicate that they are in love with you, or feel deep love for you. "Ruled by Gemini, it's a card about connection and the possibilities of deep intimacy. Irrespective of its upright or reversed position, the Lovers are about loving who you are and what you are doing, but also about deciding for yourself. A tarot card reading is beneficial in giving you some indication of what a person intends to do in a given situation. Psychologist. Being enlightened about what decisions to make. If you ask how someone feels for you, the Lovers can indicate that they are in love with you, or feel deep love for you. WebThe Lovers As Feelings When it comes to feelings, the Lovers tarot card generally implies positive ones such as love, harmony and overall happiness. The Lovers as feelings is a harmonious connection between two souls at the highest level. When you do a reading with this on your mind and get the Lovers card in an upright position, understand that it means the other person sees you as a valuable partner, worthy of a position in their life. They feel very attracted to you and feel passionately about you. That which is both emotionally and physically pleasurable will pop up as The Lovers. I remember the first time I ever saw the Lovers card in a reading. It may denote a restricted perspective, symbolized by Adam only looking at Eve and not noticing the Angel. They might also have problems communicating with you since there is a lack of transparency between you and them. It also has a timer so that I doesnt run dry. He sees only you as his partner. Gemini is the Queen of the Spin and verbal verbosity that clear the stage for full bodied emotions. The Lovers card is assigned the Hebrew word for Sword (zain), which is another way of saying discernment. If you are single, this combination can mean that you (or someone youre asking about) have put up a wall around your heart. The clarity that proper discrimination brings should clear up any misunderstanding, but coming to the right conclusion isnt as simple as always choosing our heart over our head. It depends on my mood. Your friend in question is someone you can trust and talk about anything you have in mind, knowing that you will be met with understanding. This card, in reverse, may point to decisions being made without having all the facts clear. There is an unequal distribution of power between the conscious, subconscious, and the Divine, due to which there is constant stress and anxiety in the persons life. love, infatuation, mutual attraction, sexuality, temptation, relationships, passion for someone or something, union, choices, partnerships of every kind, harmony, major life decisions, decisions between right and wrong, heart ruling over head. Because of the difficulty they face in choosing, they are unable to lay down a strong foundation in any relationship, romantic and otherwise. WebThe Hierophant who carries on cultural traditions and tries to create a unified, spiritual connection in his community. In an existing romantic relationship or a situation that might point to possible love, the Lovers card in an upright position is very positive. It seems to point to the angel. One that is governed by the stars, the moon and the laws of the spirit. One just seemed to pop up out of nowhere. If you look at the Lover card carefully, you see the symbolic depiction of the conscious, subconscious, and Divine in us all. They feel that your relationship is strained and there is a lot of baggage to work through. It can also mean that you two are too busy to spend quality time together. This may seem surreal or impossible for you to encounter. WebThe Lovers As Feelings. The Lovers is about falling in love, sexual attraction, taking a relationship to another level. In the Rider Waite deck introduced in 1910, the illustration on the card was different from the usual depictions of a couple being blessed by a noble person. For example, if the rest of the cards are positive, then it is likely that the Lovers in reverse is simply indicating a temporary challenge that should be able to easily be resolved. Sculptor. WebThe Lovers tarot card can mean: Upright: Love, union, and marriage. Upright The Lovers card as feelings portrays love, empathy, confidence, togetherness, and harmony between the pair. It may very well appear when you feel like you have found your ideal partner! The reversed position can mean that you have been putting off making a decision and it is time to take action. If its a romantic partner, then they may have met someone else and are torn between two people. Open the door to new opportunities & possibilities. They feel very attracted to you and feel passionately about you. Be careful of concealed knowledge or information that might affect your ability to make the correct decision. Hence, the Lovers in reverse would mean a decision that will not be benefiting anyone in the situation. The Lovers speaks of a soulmate relationship with a perfect union under heaven and earth. If you enjoyed this article and would like to browse some awesometarot decksthat havehelpful keywords and meanings featured on them to make your tarot readings flow with much more ease,this articlewill definitely give you some inspiration! They feel that they have consciously chosen you, and they feel proud of that decision. They have commitment issues and might be obsessed with irrelevant details of the situation. Generally speaking, the Lovers tarot card is always very positive when it comes to feelings or how someone feels about you. It speaks to the emotional changes that come with any relationship, particularly in its early stages. You complete a part of them, making it a union of knowledge and vitality. Apart from attraction and crucial choices, the card also refers to beauty, harmony, sensitivity, and social life in general. The angel Raphael blesses both the man and the woman as if in a spiritual marriage that is written in the heavens. In addition, this person wants to engage in a higher form of commitment. As Milton delicately wrote in his Paradise Lost, so hand in hand they passed, the loveliest pair that ever since in loves embraces met. They weigh the good and evil before arriving at a decision; they are connected to every aspect of their being- their conscious, subconscious, and the Divine.