The snowplow damaged our yard while plowing snow, when can I expect this to be repaired? Leaf Pick-up for Districts 1 and 6 only is held twice each year as follows: The first three (3) days in May and October. All items must be curbside by 6 a.m. on your scheduled collection day. Leaf pick up is a courtesy of the Town of Clay. Please have Town-issued rollcarts curbside by 7:00am with handles facing the house. . The weather forecast calls for heavy snow and the potential for ice and high winds across the I-90 corridor from the Syracuse area and to the Mohawk. Please bag and tie all garbage and organic material. The Town will collect the items if un-broken. If containers are covered, mark them as BRUSH. Today, the Town of Clay is home to over 60,000 residents, making it the largest town in Onondaga County. Brush will need to be in rigid plastic or metal containers or biodegradable (no plastic, cardboard, metal/plastic 55g barrels, or wheelbarrows) lawn and leaf bags. With our close proximity to an international airport, our great neighborhoods, our quality of life, and welcoming business climate, Im confident that you will find Cicero a great place to live, work and raise a family. The MRF (Material Recovery Facility . If unsure whether your road is owned and maintained by the Town of Clay, please refer to County/State road listing, Dog Control will pick up dead dogs only and attempt to contact the owner (if possible). Who do I contact for malfunctioning or damaged traffic lights? Garbage and Recycling Pickup Days. Resident mailboxes are located in the Town's right of way. Containers with water will make the cans heavier and ultimately that water is deposited into the truck creating unnecessary fluid and weight (as mentioned above). As we extend this service as a courtesy, the highway department has no knowledge of pending deliveries of burlap bags, nor does the highway office staff know when the inventory is low or out. 4401 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041, Highway Building Departments. We're here to help you dispose of bulk or bulky items not suitable for your normal pickup service, whether it's one chair or a whole attic full of items. All residential households pay a $18.98 per month sanitation charge for curbside solid waste collection, including trash and recycling. The Town of Clay's refuse hauling needs are currently supplied by Butler Disposal Systems. When you schedule, they will give you a day they will collect. Garbage and recycling collection will alternate week to week. 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM. With these factors in mind, if leaves are bagged in biodegradable bags there is less chance of loose leaves being left at curbside. The site will be open the second Saturday of each month from April - November, 8am til noon. Sat., 7:30 AM-5:30 PM, Keystone Heights Environmental Convenience Center, 5505 CR 214, Keystone Heights, open Thurs. To look up your collection day and recycling schedule please view the Recycling Weeks by Address (PDF) and the 2023 Recycling Calendar . . If you would like the hauler to pick up materials not covered under collection rules, please call them. Residents may also place bags curbside. . Package brush in rigid plastic or metal containers or biodegradable bags (no plastic bags or containers w/ wheels/lids). Who do I contact regarding a street light that is not working? If you bring any material in plastic, please be prepared to take it with you. the trash can. ", Please call the Highway Department at (315) 652-3800 ext. ENV in collaboration, once again, with Honolulu Theatre for Youth hits the trail with Opala Remix educating 20 elementary schools. If you live on a County highway and have questions regarding roadwork or drainage, please call Onondaga County DOT at (315) 435-5452 . Trash and recyclables will be collected between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. It is not necessary to call to report this as the crews travel each and every street in the town and repair the damage. Full containers must not weigh more than 75 pounds. Customers can view, download, and print a service calendar specific to their address. Residential Curbside Services & Recycling, Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Extension Services and Educational Programs, Clay County Clerk of Court and Comptroller, Identifying Household Hazardous Chemicals. Full containers shall not weigh more than 50 pounds. between 8am-4pm. Bulk items must be scheduled for pickup. If you have any questions, please call the Highway Department at (315) 652-3800, prompt #3. Garbage Pickup Schedule. Nassau County Village Officials Association / (516) 437-1455. Place brush beside roadway before 6 AM on Monday of your pickup week. MLK Day 2022 Trash Pickup Schedule. Single Residential Level - $110 per year. We have many products and services available in Clay and the nearby area from regularly scheduled recycling and trash pickup to dumpster rentals and more. As the truck stops and starts for pick-ups, the water will spill out over the top of the truck resulting in a sludge-type mixture which ultimately spills on the roadway; this is unpleasant for everyone. Please leave a message if prompted. Wednesday: District 1, District 4, & District 6. twelve (12) clear bags of garbage. Double Residential Level - $220 per year. The Town of Clay recently received a grant from the New York State Department of State to prepare a plan to advance redevelopment of historic Three Rivers Point. There is no specific schedule for any area. All questions or complaints will be handled by Superior Waste Removal, Inc.s office. Sat., 7:30 AM-5:30 PM. Box 1366
Wondering if your garbage date has changed due to a holiday? Artificial trees will not be collected. The paper products binis for clean, dry paper products such as newspapers, books, junk mail, shredded paper, and flattened corrugated cardboard cut into 2 x 3 pieces. Residents can also get weekly reminders or service change alerts via text or email about collection and street sweeping with the option to customize the time and type of reminder they would like to receive.. To schedule rear door garbage service, contact Waste Management at 941-493-4100. (519) 376-2205 | 1-800-567-4739. We are a dependable, professional, full-service refuse company, providing a variety of recycling and waste removal programs for our residential, commercial and construction customers. All districts will be picked up each week on your scheduled day. Beginning, January 1, 2016 trash and recyclables will be picked up by Butler Disposal Systems under contract with the Town of Clay. Please call OCRRA at (315) 453-2866 or visit their website at for any of your questions regarding items you don't know how to dispose of or any questions you may have regarding recycling. If plastic bags are used, they must be placed in plastic or metal containers. Waste & Recycling. - Holiday Schedule: Trash collection will not run on the following holidays: - Memorial Day - July 4th . Holiday Garbage, Recycling Pickup Schedule in Clarkstown. Town Hall / Court If you would likeus to pick up your trash and recyclables at some other designated location, such as your garage door, please call us for this additional cost.We will also rent 64 and 95 gallon roll out carts for your use at an additional cost. Any item that contains Freon. 315-453-2866 The Town of Clay will not pick up small dead animals, including cats, squirrels, skunks, raccoons, etc. The Town of Clay does not own or maintain any traffic lights. Modern Disposal Services, Inc 4746 Model City Rd. Most questions or complaints can be handled directly with Superior Waste Removal at (315) 672-3174 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Humidifiers There is a dead animal in our street, can you have someone pick it up? In order to discard an old recycle bin, place a sign on the damaged bin that reads "TRASH, please take. Help All Star be more efficient - please only roll out your recycling cart when it's more than half-full! Containers of a variety sizes to help you with your waste removal and recycling needs. Container sizes for all applications in Onondaga and Oswego counties. Since 1959, Butler Disposal of Oswego, NY has provided residential, commercial and industrial trash removal and recycling solutions for Oswego and Onondaga counties. Information regarding the compost sites is available by calling OCRRA at (315) 453-2866 or visiting their website at Any of these items mistakenly left at the curb will not be picked up and, according to Town regulations, must be removed from the street side before 6 p.m. on collection, Most questions or complaints can be handled directly with. Wednesday, October 19, 2022 - Members from Onondaga County, the Town of Clay and others gathered on Wednesday to celebrate the groundbreaking of J.W. Service Request. The Town of Clay contracts with C & S Engineering, Mark Chambers for pump maintenance. 162 or email at Business and School Recycling. New Years; Memorial Day; 4th of July; Labor Day; Thanksgiving; Christmas; Contact Us. Rows in this dataset represent contiguous geographical areas (polygons . 124 as soon as possible. Are you looking for solutions for your business? Solid Waste Transfer Stations - Operation, Transport, and Disposal. Garbage and Recycling will continue to be picked up on Wednesdays except for the holiday weeks of Memorial Day and Labor Day, when it will be picked up on Thursdays. City Hall Info. Superior Waste is obligated to pick up normal household waste only. Infestations occur when a fly gets into a certain area and lays eggs. on Town roads only. 5) A closed container keeps flies out. Residents can expect their curbside recycling to be picked up on the same day their yard trash is picked up. The Town of Clay is proud to be an efficiently run, electorate-driven, and well-operated municipality. Sofa & Furniture Items. Also, if snow accumulates on the leaves they will not be visible for the crews. Holiday Sanitation Collection Schedule. To view your pickup schedule or service ETA, please select from the following options to verify your account. Please keep them separated. Public Hearing to Consider a Change in Zoning District at 6550 Lakeshore Road, Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing National Grid (Leigha Allen) Variance March 6, 2023, Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing Abdul Variance March 6, 2023, Planning Board Public Hearing Sneller Road Subdivision March 1, 2023, Announcement regarding short term rentals. Material must be bundled and tied and/or containerized and at the curb on Sunday night in a separate location from your household garbage. Community & Services. Dishwashers 595 9th Ave East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3. 162 or email Trash removal for the Town of Cicero is contracted to Superior Waste Removal, Inc. starting May 1, 2021. If the snow should fall before your leaves are picked up, we will continue the leaf pick-up as soon as possible. If you live on Route 31 or have questions regarding Route 481, please call New York State DOT at (315) 458-1910. Loose leaf collection routes are scheduled to follow the regular solid waste collection schedule as closely as possible. Large bulky items may also be placed at the curb for collection on your regular solid waste collection day. There will be no collection on the following holidays: New Years Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Pick-up is every week now! Who do I contact when my sanitary sewer is not operating properly? The Town of Clay offers a yard waste recycling center located on Oak Orchard Road, one mile east of the intersection of Henry Clay Blvd. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. Holidays that fall on a Monday do not affect the pick up schedule. The site will be open the second Saturday of each month from April - November, 8:00 a.m. - noon. Clay Connected; Garbage Recycling; . New construction residents must contact the Town Supervisors Office at 315-752-1180 ext. For over 60 years, Butler Disposal Systems has provided quality and efficient waste removal and recycling solutions. Next year (in May 2023) - you can download and print your schedule from the Town's website or visit any Town facility to pickup a printed schedule, however the best way to get the schedule will be through Whitby's Waste Buddy App! Code of Ordinances . The City will include the charge for these services on your utility bill. Permits, Licenses, and Service Requests. If unsure whether your road is owned and maintained by the Town of Clay, please refer to County/State road listing. Town of Clay residents may drop off (free of charge) yard waste such as leaves, grass clippings, shrubs, trees (including stumps), and concrete. Please place your bags or containers on the curb before 7:00 . Designated collection days are based on areas within the Town as displayed on the Trash Pickup Map (PDF). Syracuse Haulers Waste Removal, Inc. is an independent company, locally owned and operated for over 30 years. 4) A closed container keeps birds and other unwanted animals out as they are attracted to garbage and contribute to littering. Limit 2/household. Lawn mowers, snow blowers Brush collection will be starting on March 28, 2022. As a reminder: weekly brush pick up will be available through the second week of December, with the exception of Districts 1 and 6. View the All Star Garbage, Recycling and Yard Waste Schedule (PDF) to find your pick-up day. Grey Transit Route. New Year's Day (Observed) Monday. Container sizes for all applications in Onondaga and Oswego counties. Can I use extra bags? If leaves are too wet from the snow or rain the leaf vacuum cannot retrieve them. Their office hours are Monday-Friday 9am-4pm and may be reached at (315) 672-3174. 100 Elwood Davis Road Trash and refuse must be placed in covered rigid plastic or metal containers. Public Works. As Supervisor to the Town of Clay, I invite you to explore our website and the many opportunities available to its residents. Dog Control will pick up dead dogs only and attempt to contact the owner (if possible). One bundle of wood will be collected per household per week. We are proud to be a locally owned and operated business and would be proud to serve you. Click below to make an online payment or schedule a transaction by credit card or check! Pick up a bin at the township office. Selected Sunday Nights. The site will be open the second Saturday of each month from April - November, 8:00 a.m. - noon. Get a Free Recycling Sticker / Buy a Recycling Can. If you have any questions, please contact the Highway Department. Event Calendar. Please contact the Highway Department if you have any questions. Observed. The guideline is to invert a double plastic bag over the carcass and put it into the trash. More Details. All recyclable materials must be placed in blue bins. You may decide to purchase your own or you may rent from Superior Waste. Our proximity to major interstates, airports and railway systems is distinctive and one of the reasons why Money Magazine named the Town of Clay one of the 100 best places to live in the country. The Department of Sanitary Collection Services picks up nearly 1,000 tons of garbage each collection day. The time of day that your garbage is picked-up is not a set time. 2022 Yard Waste Guide (PDF) Town Hall / Court The containers bin is for plastic and glass bottles and jars, aluminum and steel cans, and cartons and juice boxes. Commissioner Daniel Pearl(516) 677-5848- Sanitation Collection(516) 677-5745- Recycling Bins(516) 755-1820- Old Bethpage Solid Waste Disposal The calendars are also available below. Download Our 2023 Waste Management Schedule! If needed, you can request bins now through the Clay Connected service request platform at or with the new Clay Connected app available for Android and Apple in the app store or by calling (904) 284-6374. Contact the Last Chance Recycling, Inc. at 315-445-1402 with questions, comments, or complaints. There will be no regular recycling pickup in the Town of Clarkstown on Thursday, December 25, 2014 and on Thursday, January 1, 2015. . Town Hall / Court. Yard Waste is collected by the Department of Recycling and Sustainable Materials Management during 20 specified weeks. Plastic bags. Dirt/Sod must be removed from plant roots. Please make yourself aware of the Town services for brush collection, recycling services, rubbish removal, and scrap metal disposal. We understand that purchasing these types of bags is an added expense therefore, the highway department has the opportunity to provide burlap bags to residents at no cost. As a reminder: the Clay Yard Waste Recycling is free and open the second Saturday, April - November from 8:00 a.m. - noon. If youre unsure if something can be dropped off, please call (315) 652-3800 and follow the prompts to the Highway Department. In Onondaga County, trash can either be picked up at the curb by a waste hauler, or you can bring it to our Rock Cut Road Drop-Off Site in Jamesville. View your weekly schedule . both loose and bagged leaves will be picked up by the Highway Department. Holiday. 4483 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041, 2022 All rights reserved Privacy Policy Terms of Service. Please contact the Town Supervisors office at 315-752-1180 ext. Contact National Grid at their customer service number: 1-800-642-4272. News. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Please see the schedule above for your reference. Please have your leaves out in time for our pick up so that the highway crews can continue with their scheduled work as planned. . For instance, if a holiday falls on a Monday and your trash pickup day is Tuesday, your trash will be picked up on Wednesday that particular week. If any of these holidays fall on a Saturday or Sunday, there is NO DELAY IN PICK-UP. If we are not able to assist or resolve the issue, contact the Town of Clay, Supervisor Damian M. Ulatowskis Office at (315) 652-3800 ext. Box 250 Apex, NC 27502 Phone: (919) 249-3400Utilities Phone: (919) 362-8676 Hours Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm Dear Town of Clay Resident: The Town's . Trash and recyclables will be collected between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on your designated pick up day. Collection Calendar, Reminders & Service Alerts. The collection pick-up will be delayed by one day for the remainder of the week. We are proud to be a locally owned and operated business and would be proud to serve you. Recyclable materials should be placed in the Blue Bins you have used in the past. This collection may be changed during holiday weeks. When are they collected? Recyclable Glass Drop-Off Program. Specific time of collection cannot be given due to traffic, garbage volume, weather, etc. He may be reached 24/7 by phone or text at (315) 263-6915 or by email at Next years Christmas trees will be picked up starting Tuesday, January 2, 2024 through Friday, January 19, 2024. Reminder: The Town of Clay offers a yard waste recycling center located on Oak Orchard Road, one mile east of the intersection of Henry Clay Blvd. The highway department crews do not ever intentionally drive by a resident's home that has leaves, but because of these reasons, they may be missed. Please place recycling bins outside by 6 a.m. Environmental Convenience Centers for Residential Waste Only: P.O. Please remember, should you have any of these items or any other service requests feel free to contact us for a quote. Remember, you must call 410-822-0513 or fill out the Bulk Pickup Request Form in advance to schedule . CLAY For as long as Clay Town Supervisor Damian Ulatowski has served on the town board, local leaders have had a vision for White Pine Commerce Park on Route 31. six (6) clear bags of garbage. Full containers may not weigh more than 75 lbs.