You can find episode one, The Bible includes Mary Magdalene in a list of women who had evil spirits healed by Jesus. Mary Magdalene's True History: Real Reason for Controversy - Time [68][69][76] They went inside and saw a young man dressed in white, who told them that Jesus had risen from the dead and instructed them to tell the male disciples that he would meet them in Galilee. [68][69][78] Then they went and told the eleven remaining apostles, who dismissed their story as nonsense. "[219][220], The common identification of Mary Magdalene with other New Testament figures was omitted in the 1969 revision of the General Roman Calendar, with the comment regarding her liturgical celebration on July 22: "No change has been made in the title of today's memorial, but it concerns only Saint Mary Magdalene, to whom Christ appeared after his resurrection. When Nicodemus encounters her, we discover that the evil spirit that is possessing her is named Lilith. Do you believe Jesus knows you by name? One folk tradition concerning Mary Magdalene says that following the death and resurrection of Jesus, she used her position to gain an invitation to a banquet given by the Roman emperor Tiberius in Rome. [47] Matthew 27:61 lists Mary Magdalene and "the other Mary" as witnesses. [166], The "composite Magdalene" was never accepted by the Eastern Orthodox churches, who saw only Mary the disciple, and believed that after the Resurrection she lived as a companion to Mary the mother of Jesus, and not even in the West was it universally accepted. It's certainly not, Due to COVID restrictions, my youth group watched The Chosen online using Zoom. [224] Mary of Bethany's feast day and that of her brother Lazarus is now on July 29, the memorial of their sister Martha. [122] In addition to this Coptic translation, two brief third-century fragments of the gospel in the original Greek (P. Rylands 463 and P. Oxyrhynchus 3525) have also been discovered, which were published in 1938 and 1983 respectively.[121][119]. [13][14][15], Mary Magdalene's epithet Magdalene ( ; literally "the Magdalene") most likely means that she came from Magdala,[16][17][b] a village on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee that was primarily known in antiquity as a fishing town. When a blind man and one who sees are both together in darkness, they are no different from one another. [66], The earliest description of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances is a quotation of a pre-Pauline creed preserved by Paul the Apostle in 1 Corinthians 15:38, which was written roughly 20 years before any of the gospels. "[90][6], Casey challenges this argument, contending that the women at the tomb are not legal witnesses, but rather heroines in line with a long Jewish tradition. [103] The document takes the form of a long dialogue in which Jesus answers his followers' questions. [184] Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume gradually displaced Vzelay in popularity and acceptance. sfn error: no target: CITEREFStrongStrong2008 (, Johnston, 64; the accounts are the Life in the, Hufstader, 3240, and throughout the rest of the article, See Johnston, 111115 on the rise and fall of Vzelay as a cult centre. [16][19][20] Mary was, by far, the most common Jewish given name for girls and women during the first century,[16][c][21] so it was necessary for the authors of the gospels to call her Magdalene in order to distinguish her from the other women named Mary who followed Jesus. [145] A sermon attributed to Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170 235) refers to Mary of Bethany and her sister Martha seeking Jesus in the garden like Mary Magdalene in John 20, indicating a conflation between Mary of Bethany and Mary Magdalene. Thayer and Smith. [234][235][236] This portrayal is partially based on the Gnostic Gospel of Mary Magdalene. . [170][171] Gregory states that Mary Magdalene was buried in the city of Ephesus. [44], That women played such an active and important role in Jesus' ministry was not entirely radical or even unique;[39][41] inscriptions from a synagogue in Aphrodisias in Asia Minor from around the same time period reveal that many of the major donors to the synagogue were women. [171] Modestus, the Patriarch of Jerusalem from 630 until 634, describes a slightly different tradition that Mary Magdalene had come to Ephesus to live with the apostle John following the death of Mary the mother of Jesus. The twelve were with him, as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Herod's steward Chuza, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their resources. (for LOTR: Tom Bombadil. [11] The whole family returns to Marseille, where they meet Mary again in person. Come and See is a devotional journal designed specifically for studying Bible movies and shows like The Chosen. `Abdu'l-Bah said that Mary traveled to Rome and spoke before the emperor Tiberius, which is presumably why Pilate was later recalled to Rome for his cruel treatment of the Jews (a tradition also attested to in the Eastern Orthodox Church). She may be shown either as very extravagantly and fashionably dressed, unlike other female figures wearing contemporary styles of clothes, or alternatively as completely naked but covered by very long blonde or reddish-blonde hair. [168][206] In 1521, the theology faculty of the Sorbonne formally condemned the idea that the three women were separate people as heretical,[168][206] and debate died down, overtaken by the larger issues raised by Martin Luther. Thank you! "[59], Post-modernist John Dominic Crossan has argued that Jesus' body was probably eaten by wild dogs. [1][148][150] As early as the third century, the Church Father Tertullian (c. 160 225) references the touch of "the woman which was a sinner" in effort to prove that Jesus "was not a phantom, but really a solid body. It is not clear, if the text refers to Jesus' or his mother's sister, or whether the intention is to say something else. Your contributions mean so much. In her first few scenes, people refer to her as Lilith. [79][80], Mary Magdalene's role in the resurrection narrative is greatly increased in the account from the Gospel of John. Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. [234][237] It was also criticized by many Christians, who were offended by the film's use of extracanonical source material. She had coveted with earthly eyes, but now through penitence these are consumed with tears. She was the woman taken into adultery, whom Christ set free lest the Jews stone her, and she was with Him in three places, in the temple, at the well, and in the garden. [4][1] Elaborate medieval legends from Western Europe then emerged, which told exaggerated tales of Mary Magdalene's wealth and beauty, as well as of her alleged journey to southern Gaul (modern-day France). In 2016, Pope Francis raised the level of liturgical memory on July 22 from memorial to feast, and for her to be referred to as the "Apostle of the apostles". [186][189][190][191][192] At every canonical hour, the angels come and lift her up to hear their songs in Heaven. She turned the mass of her crimes to virtues, in order to serve God entirely in penance. The creators make changes in order to adapt the biblical stories to TV. In The Chosen, when we first meet Mary Magdalene, most of the characters refer to her as Lili. [10] She was never mentioned in any of the Pauline epistles or in any of the general epistles. [267] Because of Mary Magdalene's position as an apostle, though not one of those who became official witnesses to the resurrection, the Catholic Church honored her by reciting the Gloria on her feast day the only female saint so honored apart from Mary, the mother of Jesus. [28] In either case, Mary must have suffered from severe emotional or psychological trauma for an exorcism of this kind to have been perceived as necessary. [110] The text is badly fragmented, and speculated but unreliable additions are shown in brackets: And the companion of the [saviour was] Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is never called Lili or Lilith in the Bible. [86], In his book published in 2006, Ehrman states that "it appears virtually certain" that the stories of the empty tomb, regardless of whether or not they are accurate, can definitely be traced back to the historical Mary Magdalene,[87] saying that, in Jewish society, women were regarded as unreliable witnesses and were forbidden from giving testimony in court,[88] so early Christians would have had no motive to make up a story about a woman being the first to discover the empty tomb. [296], Her left hand relic is kept in the Simonopetra Monastery on Mount Athos. If you try it out, please let me know how it goes and if you have any feedback! See a Roman centurion fill Lilith/Mary s sight, a suggestion that the woman have. This passage is one of the few appearances of Mary Magdalene in the Gospels. For the most part, I just clarified who characters were (see my comment above) and occasionally I briefly explained a reference or allusion that was confusing to my youth. [68][69][78] In Luke's account, Jesus never appears to the women,[68][69][79] but instead makes his first appearance to Cleopas and an unnamed "disciple" on the road to Emmaus. [210] Zwingli demanded for the cult of Mary Magdalene to be abolished and all images of her to be destroyed. [67][68][69] The angel told them that Jesus had risen from the dead. Before he finished speaking, the egg in her hand turned a bright red and she continued proclaiming the Gospel to the entire imperial house. In The Chosen, when we first Mary Magdalene in Season 1 Episode 1, she has already been possessed by an evil spirit, Lilith, for some time. [1] She is mentioned by name twelve times in the canonical gospels, more than most of the apostles and more than any other woman in the gospels, other than Jesus' family. Why is Mary Magdalene Called Lilith in The Chosen? And we also just had fun chatting about random stuff, like how Quintus was totally fitting the stereotype of the evil bald guy. In The Chosen, we see a brief flashback during Season 1, Episode 1 that strongly implies that Mary was raped by a Roman soldier. [197] In 1449, King Ren d'Anjou gave to Angers Cathedral the amphora from Cana in which Jesus changed water to wine, acquiring it from the nuns of Marseilles, who told him that Mary Magdalene had brought it with her from Judea, relating to the legend where she was the jilted bride at the wedding after which John the Evangelist received his calling from Jesus. [68][69][79] Luke's narrative also removes the injunction for the women to tell the disciples to return to Galilee and instead has Jesus tell the disciples not to return to Galilee, but rather to stay in the precincts of Jerusalem. One of Jesus' most celebrated disciples, most of what is known about Mary Magdalene comes primarily from the New Testament Gospels. They are the first to find it empty. [10] The text is not attributed to her and its author is anonymous. In the New Testament she is mentioned among the women who accompanied Christ and ministered to Him (Luke, viii, 2-3), where it is also said that seven devils had . I offer my work for free and rely on the generous support of readers like you. [13][10][98] Sanders summarizes the scholarly consensus that: very, very little in the apocryphal gospels could conceivably go back to the time of Jesus. [233], The 2018 film Mary Magdalene, starring Rooney Mara as the eponymous character, sought to reverse the centuries-old portrayal of Mary Magdalene as a repentant prostitute, while also combating the conspiracy statements of her being Jesus' wife or sexual partner. Many Christians still memorize this passage to remind them of how God is always with us, even in the most difficult trials. [209] Because the cult of Mary Magdalene was inextricably associated with the Catholic teaching of the intercession of saints,[210] it came under particularly harsh criticism by Protestant leaders. [322] Ehrman says that, if Jesus had been married to Mary Magdalene, the authors of the gospels would definitely have mentioned it, since they mention all his other family members, including his mother Mary, his father Joseph, his four brothers, and his at least two sisters. It had not yet been added at the time of the Tridentine Calendar of 1569 and is no longer found in the present General Roman Calendar but, once added, it remained until the General Roman Calendar of 1960. [197] This portrayal of her inspired the sculptor Donatello (c. 1386 1466) to portray her as a gaunt and beaten ascetic in his wooden sculpture Penitent Magdalene (c. 1454) for the Florence Baptistery. [185][186] Miraculously, however, the boat washes ashore at Marseille in southern France. Disciples resemble their teachers. Almond, Philip C., 'Mary Magdalene: A Cultural History.' Jane Schaberg adds Geoffrey of Vendme (c. They are legendary and mythological. First Bible mention. Mary Magdalene is considered to be a saint by the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran denominations. Among Eastern Orthodox Christians this sharing is accompanied by the proclamation "Christ is risen!" [47] Mark 15:40 lists the names of these women as Mary Magdalene; Mary, mother of James; and Salome. What did these seven devils signify, if not all the vices? [67][68][69] Instead, the women ran away and told no one, because they were too afraid. However, some scholars believe the word would be better translated as demoness and see it is a reference to a Mesopotamian spiritual being. [179] The widespread artistic representations of Mary Magdalene in tears are the source of the modern English word maudlin,[240][241][242] meaning "sickeningly sentimental or emotional". Who Was Mary Magdalene in the Bible? - Bible Study Tools How does that truth encourage you? St. Mary Magdalene, also called Mary of Magdala, (flourished 1st century ce, Palestine; feast day July 22), one of Jesus' most celebrated disciples, famous, according to Mark 16:9-10 and John 20:14-17, for being the first person to see the resurrected Christ. (he calls her by her name), How does this connect to what happened in episode 1? [254] They have never celebrated her as a penitent. [254] Mary Magdalene's image did not become conflated with other women mentioned in Biblical texts until Pope Gregory the Great's sermon in the sixth century, and even then this only occurred in Western traditions. That is why he loved her more than us. [232] Lady Gaga's song "Judas" (2011) is sung from Mary's perspective, portraying her as a prostitute who is "beyond repentance". The second passage is the Scripture that Mary has written down: This passage that Mary's father taught her is from the Book of Isaiah. The same passage also states that seven demons had been driven out of her, a statement which is repeated in Mark 16. [225], Nonetheless, despite the Vatican's rejection of it, the view of Mary as a repentant prostitute only grew more prevalent in popular culture. However, Luke refers to Mary earlier in his account of . [260][261][262], According to Darrell Bock, the title of apostola apostolorum first appears in the 10th century,[152] but Katherine Ludwig Jansen says she found no reference to it earlier than the 12th, by which time it was already commonplace. Episode 8 Guide: The Woman at the Well, Eden, & Zohara, Christmas with The Chosen: The Messengers, The Chosen Season 2 Controversy (Jesus, the Bible, & the Process of Inspiration), Should Nicodemus Kneel? [16][37] The places where she and the other women are mentioned throughout the gospels indicate strongly that they were vital to Jesus' ministry[38][39][40][41] and that Mary Magdalene always appears first, whenever she is listed in the Synoptic Gospels as a member of a group of women, indicates that she was seen as the most important out of all of them. The Gospel of Thomas, usually dated to the late first or early second century, was among the ancient texts discovered in the Nag Hammadi library in 1945. Bible movies & shows like The Chosen provide us with fresh eyes to see the significance of the Bible and the beauty of the Gospel. woman was called Lilith. [68][69][78] They went inside and saw two young men dressed in white who told them that Jesus had risen from the dead. [10] The main surviving text comes from a Coptic translation preserved in a fifth-century manuscript (Berolinensis Gnosticus 8052,1) discovered in Cairo in 1896. Mary Magdalene - Wikipedia I hope you enjoy them! In Pope Gregory's interpretation, the seven demons expelled from Mary Magdalene by Jesus are transformed into the seven deadly sins of medieval Catholicism,[150][163] leading Mary "to be condemned not only for lust, but for pride and covetousness as well. Lilith's creation is recounted in The Tales of Ben Sira, an apocryphal work from the tenth century C.E. [55][75] Nonetheless, the details of the accounts differ drastically. [168][205] Various authors published a flurry of books and pamphlets in response, the vast majority of which opposed Lefvre d'taples. Dan Ben-Amos explains that although this is the first extant text that records the legend of Lilith, her story probably existed earlier: [Lilith's] story seems to hover at the edges of literacy with sporadic references. [304], Dan Brown's 2003 bestselling mystery thriller novel The Da Vinci Code popularized a number of erroneous ideas about Mary Magdalene,[305][306] including that she was a member of the tribe of Benjamin, that she was Jesus' wife, that she was pregnant at the crucifixion, and that she gave birth to Jesus' child, who became the founder of a bloodline which survives to this very day. His sister,[e] his mother and his companion were each a Mary. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Gospel of Mary - Wikipedia In the passage, who is it that says, "I have called you by name"? Who Was the Real Mary Magdalene? | HowStuffWorks [318], Ehrman states that the historical sources reveal absolutely nothing about Jesus' sexuality[319] and that there is no evidence whatsoever to support the idea that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married or that they had any kind of sexual or romantic relationship. She is also believed to have been the first witness to the resurrection of Jesus. [] Hence she came to be called "the apostle of the Apostles". Hopefully these questions will prove helpful as you watch episode 1 of The Chosen with your youth group. [68], According to Mark 16:18, the earliest account of the discovery of the empty tomb, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went to the tomb just after sunrise, a day and half after Jesus' burial and found that the stone had already been rolled away. It includes sections for you to take notes on each episode's plot, your favorite quotes, personal connections, questions, and, of course, Scripture references. "[101], The Pistis Sophia, possibly dating as early as the second century, is the best surviving of the Gnostic writings. Why do you think The Chosen depicted Mary as a prostitute? There are a few Bible passages that I thought were helpful to discuss the first episode of The Chosen. In particular, Mary is often shown naked in the legendary scene of her "Elevation", where she is sustained in the desert by angels who raise her up and feed her heavenly manna, as recounted in the Golden Legend. Mary Magdalene, Lilith, & the Redeemer (Exploring The Chosen with Youth), Elizabeth Tabish as Lilith/Mary Magdalene in The Chosen, Over the past year, we've been exploring how The Chosen adapts biblical characters like, You may want to warn students beforehand that this episode contains some demonic activity.